White House considers Syria deployment - Stripes Lite

Page created by Loretta Horton
SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2021

White House considers Syria deployment
              Los Angeles Times                   ficials see as key to preventing a resurgence         “I don’t think it’s worth it,” Ford said of
   KHSHAM, Syria — At a makeshift mili-           of the Islamic State and a rush to reclaim the     the American deployment. ISIS “is largely
tary outpost abutting a natural gas field in      area’s oil fields by Syrian President Bashar       contained and not in a position to threaten
eastern Syria, the signs of the country’s vio-    Assad and his Russian and Iranian allies.          the U.S. homeland or even to send fighters
lent upheaval are everywhere. Bombed-out             But White House officials have said they        to Europe.”
concrete buildings lie in ruins. The pipes        are reviewing the troop presence in Syria —           The U.S. partnership with the SDF has
that once carried liquefied natural gas are       an announcement that has raised concerns           helped cement its control over eastern Sy-
shredded and twisted.                             that Biden could reconsider the deployment         ria, creating an alternative to Assad’s rule
   A tattered U.S. flag strung between 40-        as part of a larger scaling back of U.S. troops    and maybe a bargaining chip if efforts to re-
foot-tall gas processing towers flies high        in the Middle East and a planned shift of          ach a political settlement of the civil war
over the base, a visible symbol that Amer-        Pentagon focus to Asia.                            move forward.
ican troops are here — and not planning on           What Biden is going to do “is the one ques-        But keeping troops in eastern Syria also
leaving soon.                                     tion I got from everybody,” Gen. Kenneth           helps the Pentagon control the Iraq-Syria
   “We’ve got the flagpole planted,” said Ar-     “Frank” McKenzie Jr., the top U.S. com-            border, containing Iran’s growing influence
my Lt. Alan Favalora, a Louisiana National        mander in the Middle East, said in an inter-       in the region.
Guard soldier at Conoco, the name the base        view after visiting eastern Syria on Friday.          “We believe they still aspire to hold
acquired from the long-departed U.S. oil          “I think the new administration is going to        ground” in Syria and Iraq, said McKenzie.
and gas firm that once operated the wells.        look at this, and then we’re going to get guid-    “But it’s hard for them to gather, because
“We want them to know we are committed            ance.”                                             when they do, we get them.”
to this region.”                                     Robert Ford, who was an ambassador to              With the Biden administration only be-
   How committed President Joe Biden will         Syria during the Obama administration,             ginning to consider options in Syria, U.S.
be to keeping troops in Syria is uncertain,       called the U.S. strategy “deeply flawed” and       military commanders are careful not to rule
however.                                          said Biden should withdraw the remaining           out further withdrawals. But they warn that
   The Biden administration does not ap-          troops who have helped the Syrian Demo-            a pullout, along with cutbacks in air support,
pear to be in any rush to pull out the 900 U.S.   cratic Forces — a Kurdish-led militia —            intelligence and other assistance to the
troops who remain in the country, a rela-         carve out a semiautonomous enclave in the          SDF, would create a security vacuum that
tively small force that some White House of-      country’s northeast.                               ISIS could exploit.

Blinken, Austin head to Asia in first trip abroad
              Associated Press                    livan, will then meet with senior Chinese of-      essential,” Biden told his fellow members of
   WASHINGTON — Threats from China                ficials in Anchorage, Alaska,                      the so-called Quad. “The United States is
and North Korea will loom large over the Bi-         Their first official overseas visits are in-    committed to working with you, our part-
den administration’s first Cabinet-level trip     tended to restore what Biden hopes will be a       ners and all of our allies in the region to
abroad, part of a larger effort to bolster U.S.   calming and even-keeled approach to ties           achieve stability.”
influence and calm concerns about Amer-           with Tokyo and Seoul after four years of              As the administration plots its strategy,
ica’s role in Asia.                               transactional and often temperamental re-          the official said it would continue to consult
   A senior administration said Saturday          lations under the previous president, Do-          with the Japanese and South Koreans, as
that U.S. officials have tried to reach out to    nald Trump.                                        well as with the Chinese, and had also reac-
North Korea through multiple channels                In his first months in office, Biden has al-    hed out to numerous former U.S. officials
since last month, but have yet to receive a       ready signaled his desire to return the Asia-      involved in North Korea policy, including
response, making consultations with the re-       Pacific — or Indo-Pacific, as has become           from the Trump presidency.
clusive country’s neighbors, Japan, South         more common in officialese — to the top of            Biden’s meeting with the Quad came less
Korea and China, all the more critical.           the U.S. foreign policy agenda. In keeping         than a week after U.S. and South Korean ne-
   Secretary of State Antony Blinken and          with his broader “America is back” diplo-          gotiators overcame years of contentious
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin are head-          matic theme, Biden has pledged to keep sta-        discussions under Trump to reach a tenta-
ing to Japan and South Korea for four days        bility in the region at the core of his interna-   tive deal on paying for the American troop
of talks starting Monday as the administra-       tional initiatives.                                presence in South Korea. That agreement,
tion seeks to shore up partnerships with the         On Friday, Biden participated in a virtual      along with a similar one for Japan, will be
two key regional treaty allies. Blinken and       summit with the leaders of India, Japan and        front and center in Blinken and Austin’s
Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sul-      Australia. “A free and open Indo-Pacific is        meetings.
PAGE 2     • STRIPES LITE •                  Sunday, March 14, 2021

Germany spent fraction                                                                                               US, Japan pull
                                                                                                                     off a massive
of allies to host troops                                  lion to maintain tens of thousands of U.S. ser-
                                                                                                                     personnel drop
                                                                                                                                    BYSETH ROBSON
             BY JOHN VANDIVER                                                                                                         Stars and Stripes
                 Stars and Stripes                        vice members there.                                          YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — “The big-
   STUTTGART, Germany — Germany                              The U.S. military functions as a major eco-             gest US-Japan airborne operation in histo-
spent $118 million last year on hosting for-              nomic engine in parts of Germany, particu-                 ry” involved hundreds of Japanese soldiers
eign forces, a fraction of what other major al-           larly in rural areas and small cities. In the ar-          parachuting from Air Force transport
lies spend on cost-sharing and far less than              ea around Ramstein Air Base alone, the mil-                planes in the shadow of Mount Fuji, accord-
the billions the U.S. military pumps into Ger-            itary injected $1.2 billion into the economy in            ing to the 374th Airlift Wing.
many's economy.                                           2019, according to U.S. Air Forces in Europe                 Photos of Tuesday’s training, dubbed Air-
   About $53 million was spent on “follow-                data.                                                      borne 21, show paratroopers from the Japan
on” administrative costs such as land acqui-                 The U.S. Army in Bavaria contributes                    Ground Self-Defense Force’s 1st Airborne
sition, the German press agency dpa report-               nearly $1 billion annually to local economies,             Brigade jumping from a C-130J Super Her-
ed. That was $10 million more than last year,             Bavarian government figures show.                          cules assigned to Yokota’s 36th Airlift
but the increase was connected to British,                   Similarly, tens of millions of dollars flow             Squadron. They landed at Combined Arms
Dutch and Canadian forces in Germany, dpa                 into the economies of Stuttgart and Wiesba-
                                                                                                                     Training Center Camp Fuji.
reported.                                                 den, where there are major military facili-
                                                                                                                       The Air Force was fortunate to be able to
   Military construction project spending fell            ties, German officials have said.
                                                                                                                     support Airborne 21, an event led by the
from $66 million in 2019 to $59 million last                 Still, some left-wing German politicians
                                                                                                                     JGSDF, wing spokeswoman Capt. Caitlin
year, the report said, citing government data             have repeatedly criticized the costs associat-
                                                                                                                     Mott wrote in an email Friday to Stars and
provided to federal parliament member Se-                 ed with the basing of U.S. forces in Germany.
                                                             “It is high time to stop this massive waste             Stripes.
vim Dagdelen.
   The majority of spending was related to                of taxpayers’ money … it’s time for the U.S.                 “It involved the largest personnel drop
the U.S. military, which at about 32,000                  soldiers to go home,” Dagdelen, a member of                during a ground scheme of maneuver,” she
troops maintains a much larger presence                   The Left party, said in a statement.                       said, echoing a wing Facebook post saying
than other allied missions in Germany. But                   The mismatch in military investment be-                 the training included “approximately 600
Berlin’s contribution is still far less than oth-         tween the U.S. and Germany has long been                   JGSDF paratroopers, 12 C-130J aircraft and
er key U.S. allies when it comes to paying for            an area of contention for presidential admin-              130 containment delivery system bundles.”
bases.                                                    istrations and was a focal point for former                  During Airborne 21, Yokota’s aircraft
   On Wednesday, South Korea agreed to in-                President Donald Trump, which proposed a                   dropped the Japanese supply bundles with-
crease the sum it pays to support about                   significant drawdown of U.S. forces. The Bi-               out malfunctions, Mott said.
28,500 U.S. troops on the peninsula by 13.9%,             den administration has put a temporary halt                  The supplies were dropped to multiple lo-
bringing expenditures to $1.03 billion this               to that plan while it reviews America’s over-              cations, in theory supporting individual fir-
year. Japan this year will contribute $1.9 bil-           seas military posture.                                     ing positions, she said.

Airman honored for rescuing woman from icy water
             BY CHAD GARLAND                              ceive the Medal of Honor, recognizes “cour-                wreck, preventing the patient in the back
                 Stars and Stripes                        age, fortitude and determination to protect                from getting out through that window.
  An airman who waded into freezing                       or defend life, limb or property,” the state                 The crew tried to break the windows in
swamp water in North Dakota to rescue a                   said in 2019.                                              the back with a fire extinguisher, but failed.
91-year-old woman from a flooding ambu-                     Fontaine was driving on U.S. Highway 83                    Using a jack from Fontaine’s vehicle, the
lance was honored this month for his hero-                on Thanksgiving night 2019, coming down-                   rescuers were able to break a window. A
ism.                                                      hill on an icy stretch of four-lane highway,               passerby named Woody Valdez-Perez pro-
  Tech. Sgt. Ryan Fontaine of the 219th Se-               when he noticed flashing lights and two ve-                vided a tow-rope before Fontaine and am-
curity Forces Squadron at Minot Air Force                 hicles parked on the shoulder. He stopped                  bulance crew member Hasan Abdul-Jab-
Base received the North Dakota National                   and saw an ambulance half-submerged in a                   bar made their way to the sinking vehicle.
Guard’s Woodrow W. Keeble Award at a                      frozen slough, the 119th Wing said in a state-               Abdul-Jabbar looped the rope around
ceremony in Fargo on March 6.                             ment the following month.                                  Paulson, who her daughter said was “stand-
  The award, named for one of the most                      The three-member ambulance crew had                      ing in water with ice chunks up to her arm-
highly decorated soldiers in North Dakota                 escaped by breaking a side cab window with                 pits,” and then he eased her out as Fontaine
history and the first full-blooded Sioux to re-           an ice scraper, but the cab was twisted in the             and Valdez-Perez pulled her to safety.

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Sunday, March 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •          PAGE 3

Virus conspiracy theories a pain for nurses
               Associated Press                   companies have tried to push back against          whatever,” Younan said. “But when you
  Los Angeles emergency room nurse                the falsehoods, but much of the job of cor-        know what you’re doing is wrong, and I’m
Sandra Younan spent the last year juggling        recting misinformation has fallen to the           asking you repeatedly to please wear your
long hours as she watched many patients           world’s front-line medical workers.                mask to protect me, and you’re still not do-
struggle with the coronavirus and some die.         In Germany, a video clip showing a nurse         ing it, it’s like you have no regard for any-
  Then there were the patients who                using an empty syringe while practicing            body but yourself. And that’s why this virus
claimed the virus was fake or coughed in          vaccinations traveled widely online as pur-        is spreading. It just makes you lose hope.”
her face, ignoring mask rules. One man            ported evidence that COVID-19 is fake.                ER nurse L’Erin Ogle has heard a litany
stormed out of the hospital after a positive      Doctors in Afghanistan reported patients           of false claims about the virus while work-
COVID-19 test, refusing to believe it was         telling them COVID-19 was created by the           ing at a hospital in the suburbs of Kansas
accurate.                                         United States and China to reduce the              City, Mo. They include: The virus isn’t any
  “You have patients that are literally dy-       world population. In Bolivia, medical work-        worse than the flu. It’s caused by 5G wire-
ing, and then you have patients that are de-      ers had to care for five people who ingested       less towers. Masks won’t help and may
nying the disease,” she said. “You try to         a toxic bleaching agent falsely touted as a        hurt. Or, the most painful to her: The virus
educate and you try to educate, but then          COVID-19 cure.                                     isn’t real, and doctors and nurses are en-
you just hit a wall.”                               Younan, 27, says her friends used to de-         gaged in a vast global conspiracy to hide the
  Bogus claims about the virus, masks and         scribe her as the “chillest person ever,” but      truth.
vaccines have exploded since COVID-19             now she deals with crushing anxiety.                  “It just feels so defeating, and it makes
was declared a global pandemic a year ago.          “My life is being a nurse, so I don’t care if    you question: Why am I doing this?” said
Journalists, public health officials and tech     you’re really sick, you throw up on me,            Ogle, 40.

FEMA tapped to assist Arizona state Republican
with migrant surge    criticized for voting comments
                                                                                 The Washington Post             ing,” he told CNN last week.
        Bloomberg News                and Border Patrol officers en-         Amid a contentious hearing             “Not everybody wants to vote,
  WASHINGTON — The Biden              countered more than 100,000          over proposed restrictions on         and if somebody is uninterested
administration tapped the Fed-        migrants attempting to enter         Arizona’s vote-by-mail system,        in voting, that probably means
eral Emergency Management             the U.S., an almost threefold in-    a Republican state lawmaker           that they’re totally uninformed
Agency to help respond to a           crease from a year earlier.          argued that voters who hadn’t         on the issues,” Kavanagh said to
surge of unaccompanied chil-             The White House has come          participated in recent elections      the news outlet.
dren crossing the U.S.-Mexico         under fire as hundreds of immi-      should no longer automatically           His comments have drawn
border, with the agency work-         grant children are detained in       have absentee ballots mailed to       the ire of voting rights experts
ing to expand available lodging       rudimentary Border Patrol fa-        them. The reasoning, said state       and critics who accused the Re-
for migrants.                         cilities beyond the three-day        Rep. John Kavanagh, is that Re-       publican of using rhetoric
  Undocumented       migration        limit dictated by a 1997 court       publicans care more about al-         “straight out of Jim Crow,” as
has increased significantly           settlement.                          leged voter fraud than Demo-          author Ari Berman said, at a
since President Joe Biden —              In addition to the FEMA as-       crats — and that “everybody           time when GOP-controlled leg-
who campaigned on a pledge of         sistance ordered Saturday, the       shouldn’t be voting.”                 islatures are advocating stricter
offering more assistance to           administration in recent days          “Democrats value as many            voting measures across the
those seeking refugee status in       announced its plans to increase      people as possible voting, and        United States.
the U.S. — took office, over-         the number of HHS facilities         they’re willing to risk fraud. Re-       In an interview Friday, Kava-
whelming facilities at the bor-       where children can be trans-         publicans are more concerned          nagh said his words were taken
der already under strain be-          ferred, and boost the number of      about fraud, so we don’t mind         out of context and defended the
cause of the coronavirus pan-         children that can be housed in       putting security measures in          measure to stop sending some
demic.                                existing facilities, despite coro-   that won’t let everybody vote —       voters mail-in ballots as a mat-
  In February, U.S. Customs           navirus predictions.                 but everybody shouldn’t be vot-       ter of election security.

Many states spring forward for daylight saving time
        Associated Press                No time change is observed in        Standard time returns Nov. 7.       not to switch back and forth to
  WASHINGTON —The an-                 Hawaii, most of Arizona, Puerto        A poll in 2019 by The Associ-       mark daylight saving time. But
nual shift to daylight saving time    Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands,       ated Press-NORC Center for            there was no agreement on
rolled in at 2 a.m. local time Sun-   American Samoa, Guam and the         Public Affairs Research found         which time clocks ought to fol-
day in most of the United States.     Northern Marianas.                   that 7 in 10 Americans preferred      low.
PAGE 4    • STRIPES LITE •             Sunday, March 14, 2021

Texas reports drop in daily virus cases
        Associated Press             a result of the state hitting a 2     vaccine.                             ment that the outbreak was
  AUSTIN — The number of             million equity metric aimed at                                             “principally driven by students
newly confirmed or suspected         getting more vaccines to low-in-      Nevada                               attending recruitment parties
coronavirus cases in Texas rose      come communities.                        RENO — Health officials           for selective living groups.”
by 4,638 on Saturday, down                                                 have confirmed the first north-      Duke said it would provide a pol-
from a one-day increase of 6,078     Illinois                              ern Nevada case of a COVID-19        icy update on Thursday.
reported Friday, according to           CHICAGO — The Chicago              variant that originated in the
the state health department.         River was dyed a bright shade of      United Kingdom, and they are         New Mexico
  The department reported a to-      green Saturday after Mayor Lo-        trying to determine if the infec-       ALBUQUERQUE — With the
tal of more than 2.7 million cases   ri Lightfoot reversed an earlier      tion linked to a large gathering     slowing of the coronavirus out-
since the pandemic began and         decision not to tint the waterway     in Washoe County may have            break, Albuquerque Public
45,474 deaths due to COVID-19,       for second year because of the        spread to others.                    Schools will resume in-person
the illness caused by the virus.     coronavirus pandemic.                    At least eight cases related to   learning for five days a week on
  The state’s death toll is the         Crews on boats began dump-         the variant have already been        April 5, though students can
third highest in the country,        ing green dye into the riverfront     confirmed in southern Nevada.        continue remote learning for the
trailing California’s and New        about 7 a.m. after Lightfoot au-      The first was in the Las Vegas       rest of the school year.
York’s, according to data from       thorized the dyeing ahead of St.      area in late January.                   New Mexico’s largest school
Johns Hopkins University.            Patrick’s Day, delighting pedes-         The new case confirmed in         district announced its startup
  The seven-day rolling averag-      trians with the vivid scene.          Washoe County, which includes        date Friday after the state Pub-
es of both new cases and deaths         Chicago residents Lori Jones       Reno and Sparks, involves a          lic Education Department earli-
in Texas have declined during        and Mike Smith surveyed the           woman in her 30s whose infec-        er in the week said all schools
the past two weeks, according to     green waters, saying they were        tion is linked to a gathering of     were expected to reopen class-
the Johns Hopkins data. The av-      glad the tradition that dates to      more than 60 people from mul-        rooms after spring break.
erage number of new cases            1962 was resumed this year.           tiple states, county health dis-        The district’s Board of Educa-
dropped from 7,964 daily on             The event was not publicized       trict officer Kevin Dick an-         tion was briefed on the reopen-
Feb. 25 to 4,648 on March 11         in advance “in order to mini-         nounced late Friday.                 ing plan, but did not vote on it.
while the average number of          mize crowds and avoid congre-            Seventeen additional CO-             Mask-wearing will be re-
deaths fell from 220.6 to 168.9      gating,” the spokesman said.          VID-19 cases have been linked        quired and social distancing will
per day during the same time            “Furthermore, the Riverwalk        to the same event, although not      be expected, interim Superin-
period.                              will be closed on Saturday and        all of the people who have tested    tendent Scott Elder said.
                                     Chicagoans looking to see the         positive are from Washoe Coun-
California                           River during the day are urged        ty and it’s not yet known wheth-     Washington
   LOS ANGELES — Coronavi-           to ‘keep it moving’ and celebrate     er they are infected with the var-      SEATTLE — Seattle’s new
rus hospitalizations in Califor-     safely and responsibly.”              iant, Dick said.                     COVID-19 vaccination site aims
nia’s most populous county have                                                                                 to administer as many as 22,000
slipped below 1,000 for the first    Indiana                               North Carolina                       shots per day if supply allows,
time in nearly four months, offi-       INDIANAPOLIS — More                   DURHAM — Duke Universi-           but it’s starting more modestly.
cials reported Saturday, as case     than 800,000 Indiana residents        ty issued a quarantine order for        King County Executive Dow
rates also remain low and much       have now been fully vaccinated        all of its undergraduates effec-     Constantine, Seattle Mayor Jen-
of the state prepares for some       against COVID-19, state health        tive Saturday night due to a cor-    ny Durkan and Swedish Health
restrictions to be lifted in the     officials said Saturday.              onavirus outbreak caused by          Services CEO Guy Hudson wel-
coming days.                            A total of 1,256,381 first doses   students who attended recruit-       comed the first patients as the
   The number of patients with       of vaccine have been adminis-         ment parties, the school said.       site opened Saturday at the Lu-
COVID-19 in Los Angeles Coun-        tered across Indiana, and                The university said in a state-   men Field Event Center.
ty hospitals hit 979, the lowest     816,080 individuals — or about        ment that all undergraduate stu-        Durkan said the site will ini-
since Nov. 23, the county health     12% of Indiana’s population —         dents will be forced to stay-in-     tially vaccinate around 5,000
department said.                     have been fully vaccinated, the       place until at least March 21.       people per week, but could
   There are 3,250 people hospi-     Indiana Department of Health          Suspension or dismissal from         eventually handle 150,000 per
talized statewide, a drop of more    said.                                 the school are among potential       week, or about 22,000 per day, if
than 85% since peaking around           Those fully vaccinated in-         punishments for “flagrant or re-     enough doses are available.
22,000 in early January, the         clude individuals who have re-        peat violators.”                     That would make it one of the
state Department of Public           ceived a second dose of the Pfiz-        Over the past week, the school    country’s largest mass vaccina-
Health reported Saturday.            er or Moderna vaccines or the         has reported more than 180 posi-     tion sites.
   State officials announced Fri-    single dose Johnson & Johnson         tive coronavirus cases among            The site was being staffed by
day that 13 counties would be el-    vaccine, the state agency said.       students.                            an army of volunteers, including
igible to open restaurants, mo-         Hoosiers age 50 and older,            There are an additional 200       doctors, nurses and dentists.
vie theaters, gyms and mu-           along with health care workers,       students who may have been ex-          Live remote translation was
seums at limited capacity Sun-       long-term care residents and          posed and have been ordered to       available for more than 20 lan-
day.                                 first responders are currently        quarantine.                          guages via portable video mon-
   The easing of restrictions are    eligible to receive a COVID-19           The school said in the state-     itors.
Sunday, March 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •        PAGE 5

102-year-old joins                   got too big to keep.                 belle crouched down and              consin Public Radio he’s been
                                       A Kansas Department of             lunged toward the Heart of Afri-     making calls to the artists about
great-grandson’s PE class            Transportation worker recently       ca keeper, who works around gi-      bringing the statue to his city.
                                     discovered the carcass in the        raffes and other hoofstock,” the
AZ         AJO — Video of a 102-
           year-old woman in
southern Arizona working out
                                     Ninnescah River in Sumner
                                     County as he worked along the
                                                                          zoo said.
                                                                            Officials suspect the scent of
                                                                                                               Bill outlawing intentional
                                     river bank, Kansas City televi-      the other animals on the zoo-
                                                                                                               balloon releases OK’d
with her 6-year-old great-
grandson in his virtual PE class
has gained hundreds of thou-
                                     sion station WDAF reported.
                                       Alligators are cold-blooded
                                     animals that can’t survive the
                                                                          keeper triggered the cheetah’s
                                                                          natural instinct to attack, but
                                                                          they are still investigating.
                                                                                                               DE          DOVER — The Dela-
                                                                                                                           ware Senate has ap-
                                                                                                               proved an anti-pollution bill
sands of views on social media.
  Julia Fulkerson started work-      harsh winters of the Midwest                                              outlawing the intentional re-
ing out with her great-grandson      and Plains states out in the wild.   Biz owner: Billboard with            lease of balloons into the envi-
Brody Contreras when they                                                                                      ronment.
                                                                          shirtless man refused
were reunited after a year apart     Stolen ‘Homeless Jesus’                                                      The measure passed the Sen-
because of the coronavirus pan-
demic, KPHO-TV reported.
                                     statue found smashed                 UT          PROVO — The own-
                                                                                      er of a Utah health
                                                                                                               ate on a 19-1 vote and now goes
                                                                                                               to the House.

Men charged with                     MO           ST. LOUIS — A
                                     “Homeless Jesus” statue stolen
                                                                          and beauty business said a bill-
                                                                          board company has refused to
                                                                          display their advertising featur-
                                                                                                                  Supporters of the bill said the
                                                                                                               balloons, often used in celebra-
                                                                                                               tions ranging from birthday
taking sea turtle eggs               from in front of a closed down-      ing a man in an unbuttoned           parties to funerals, contribute to

FL        WEST
          BEACH — Two Flor-

ida men were sentenced to fed-
                                     town St. Louis homeless shelter
                                     was found, but it was cut into
                                                                             The company Super Seed
                                                                          said they were told the images
                                                                                                               litter and pose a danger to ma-
                                                                                                               rine animals and other wildlife.

eral prison for stealing 93 pro-        The St. Louis Post-Dispatch       were inappropriate for the large     Flapping flag causing a
tected sea turtle eggs.              reported that the bronze statue      digital billboard at a mall in
   Carl Lawrence Cobb, 65, re-       of Jesus sleeping on a bench was     Orem, the Daily Herald news-
                                                                                                               stir at condominiums
ceived nine months in West
Palm Beach federal court, ac-
cording to court records. Bruce
                                     stolen from the New Life Evan-
                                     gelistic Center. The Rev. Larry
                                     Rice said that surveillance vid-
                                                                          paper reported.
                                                                             Owner Cesar Valentino Val-
                                                                          diza, who posed for the pro-
                                                                                                               ND           FARGO — A rip-
                                                                                                                            pling American flag
                                                                                                               is causing a stir in Fargo where
Wayne Bivins, 65, received sev-      eo showed a man selling the          posed billboard pictures, said       a condominium owner is at odds
en months. Both pleaded guilty       statue to somebody in a scra-        the refusal to accept the adver-     with his condo association.
to violating the Endangered          pyard parking lot.                   tising is sexist, since there are       Andrew Almer said he’s
Species Act, a federal law de-                                            photos from lingerie company         proudly flown his flag from his
signed, in part, to protect imper-   Zoo investigates after               Victoria’s Secret at University      condo balcony for the last two
iled species.                                                             Place Mall.                          years.
   Officers with the Florida Fish
                                     cheetah attacks worker                                                       About two months ago, Almer
                                                                          Mayor wants giant
and Wildlife Conservation Com-
mission reported seeing the
poaching and stopped Cobb’s
                                     OH           POWELL — Au-
                                                  thorities were inves-
                                     tigating after a cheetah attacked
                                                                          Robocop statue for city
                                                                                                               said he started getting letters
                                                                                                               from the president of the Plum
                                                                                                               Tree Square condo association.
truck.                               a worker at the Columbus Zoo
                                     and Aquarium.                        WI         STEVENS POINT —
                                                                                     A central Wisconsin
                                                                                                               Almer said he was told he need-
                                                                                                               ed to take his flag down because
State worker finds                      The incident happened when        city is making a play for a giant    it’s too noisy flapping in the
                                     two animal program staff mem-        Robocop statue after a Detroit       wind, KVLY-TV reported.
alligator carcass in river           bers were walking the har-           museum rejected it.                     Associations can restrict

           The carcass of an
American alligator was recent-
                                     nassed 4-year-old cheetah, Isa-
                                     belle, when a worker from the
                                     Heart of Africa region ap-
                                                                             The mayor of Stevens Point
                                                                          wants to place the 11-foot statue
                                                                          in front of the city’s police sta-
                                                                                                               owners from flying the flag if it’s
                                                                                                               in the best interest of the associ-
ly found in a south-central Kan-     proached, the zoo said.              tion or in a park to honor actor        Almer said the flag will fly,
sas river, and wildlife officials       “At this time, Isabelle’s care    Peter Weller, a Stevens Point        despite what could be a hefty
speculate the animal was likely      team had her sit and she was         native who portrayed the titular     penalty.
being kept as a pet before being     calm and purring. When the           cyborg in 1987’s “Robocop.”
released into the wild when it       keeper approached them, Isa-            Mayor Mike Wiza told Wis-           — From The Associated Press
PAGE 6    • STRIPES LITE •             Sunday, March 14, 2021

Georgetown wins Big East tournament
              Associated Press                   Then they started the second half with a            Hoyas fans, the few dozen that were in the
  NEW YORK — Patrick Ewing climbed               16-3 spurt. Chudier Bile knocked down a          mostly empty building because of CO-
the ladder — only a few steps needed for the     three-pointer — holding the follow through       VID-19 restrictions, chanted “This Is, Our
7-footer — clipped the last string and held      for a beat — with 14:58 left that made it 52-    House!” as the team prepared to accept the
the net high.                                    21.                                              championship trophy.
  Georgetown is the Big East champion               Ewing called it a huge step for a program        “Just to see how happy he is, it makes me
again, with the greatest Hoya of them all        that’s struggled to recapture old glory, and     happy,” Blair said about Ewing. “I’m just so
leading the way.                                 began this season picked to finish last in the   happy for him.”
  Ewing is taking his team back to the           Big East.                                           Ewing and Thompson combined for three
NCAA Tournament for the first time since            “A lot of people discredited. Talked bad      Big East Tournament championships, three
2015 after the eighth-seeded Hoyas com-          about us. We believed in ourselves. We           Final Four appearances and a national title
pleted a surprising run to a Big East crown      worked hard. We fought hard,” he said.           in 1984 during their time together at Geor-
Saturday night with a stunning 73-48 rout of        Ewing wondered aloud earlier this week        getown.
No. 17 Creighton.                                if they had forgotten him at MSG. He com-           Ewing aspired to be a head coach like
  On the 49th anniversary of the day Geor-       plained that security asked to see his cre-      his mentor. He spent 15 years as an assist-
getown hired John Thompson, the late Hall        dentials as he was moving around the build-      ant in the NBA, never getting a shot to be
of Fame coach who transformed the pro-           ing where he starred for the New York            head coach — until his alma mater came
gram into a national power and one of the        Knicks and his No. 33 jersey hangs from the      calling.
most iconic brands in college basketball, the    rafters.                                            “I’m here where a lot of people didn’t
Hoyas won their record eighth Big East              Ewing said this championship was “right       think I had the ability to (be),” Ewing said.
Tournament title and first since 2007.           up there” with his greatest moments at The       “And I’m proving everyone wrong.”
  Was it fate? Destiny? Maybe Big John,          Garden.                                             The 58-year-old Ewing is in his fourth
who died in August at age 78, smiling down          “Different chapter of my life,” he said.      season with the Hoyas, and up until this
on now-Coach Ewing and his Hoyas?                   Bile matched a season high with 19 points     week there hasn’t been much to get excited
  “I think so,” Ewing said.                      and Jahvon Blair had 18 for Georgetown.          about. The only postseason tournament ap-
  Georgetown won with a dominant per-            After missing 12 of their first 14 shots, the    pearance was a one-game stay in the 2019
formance inside Madison Square Garden,           Hoyas finished shooting 46.6% from the           NIT. At the start of this tournament, Ew-
reminiscent of Ewing’s playing days at the       floor.                                           ing’s record was 58-58 as head coach.
school.                                             Marcus Zegarowski scored 17 points to            Now he is the first person in Big East his-
  The Hoyas (13-12) closed the first half on     lead the Bluejays, who are 0-3 in Big East       tory to be the most outstanding player on a
a 23-2 run that put them up 18 at the break      title games since joining the conference for     Big East Tournament champion and coach
against second-seeded Creighton (20-8).          the 2013-14 season.                              a team to a Big East Tournament title.

Unlikely champs: Beavers, Yellow Jackets earn bids
        Associated Press            nament berth to end an 11-year       33 years with a flurry of three-     Utah State 57: Matt Mitchell
   Jose Alvarado couldn’t con-      drought.                             pointers and withstood a late        scored 14 points to lead to the the
tain his emotions as the horn          “A lot of emotions: joy, happi-   push by Colorado (22-8) to be-       Aztecs to the Mountain West
sounded, collapsing in disbelief    ness, everything,” said Michael      come the first Pac-10/12 team to     Tournament championship.
as his Georgia Tech teammates       Devoe, the tournament MVP. “I        win the conference title after be-      San Diego State, which also
mobbed each other near mid-         mean, this goes down in history      ing picked to finish last.           won the regular-season cham-
court.                              for us.”                                No. 13 Texas 91, No. 12 Ok­       pionship, had lost six of its previ-
   He quickly ran to the celebra-      Devoe scored 20 points for        lahoma State 86: Matt Coleman        ous seven title game appearanc-
tion that included coach Josh       fourth-seeded Georgia Tech           scored a career-high 30 points       es, including the past two to the
Pastner — still sporting that       (17-8), which shot 52% after half-   and Jericho Simms added a ca-        Aggies.
can’t-miss-it clear face shield.    time and repeatedly capitalized      reer-best 21, leading the Long-         Ohio 84, Buffalo 69: Last
   “Coach, you’re a champion,       on mistakes by the Seminoles to      horns to the Big 12 Tournament       March, the Bobcats were on the
man!” Alvarado yelled as he         win their first ACC Tournament       title.                               floor warming up for their quar-
joined him for a postgame TV in-    crown since 1993 and fourth             Kai Jones and Andrew Jones        terfinal opener when they were
terview amid fallen-from-the-       overall.                             added 13 points apiece for third-    told the tournament was can-
rafters balloons and confetti.         Oregon State 70, No. 23 Col­      seeded Texas (19-7).                 celed. Nothing stopped them
   The Yellow Jackets have their    orado 68: Maurice Calloo gave           The title was the first for the   this year.
first Atlantic Coast Conference     Oregon State an unexpected lift      Longhorns in seven frustrating          Jason Preston scored 22
Tournament title in nearly three    with 15 points and the Beavers       appearances in the Big 12 cham-      points and Ohio dominated from
decades after beating No. 15        won their first conference tour-     pionship game, and their first       the start to win its first Mid-
Florida State 80-75 in Saturday     nament title, holding off the Buf-   conference tournament trophy         American Conference Tourna-
night’s championship game.          faloes in the Pac-12 title game.     since winning the old Southwest      ment championship since 2012,
Just as importantly, they’ve se-       Oregon State (17-12) opened       Conference title in 1995.            denying the Bulls a record third
cured an automatic NCAA Tour-       its first conference title game in      No. 19 San Diego State 68,        straight title.
Sunday, March 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 7

Middleweight great Hagler dies at 66
               Associated Press                      “If they cut my bald head open, they will      the fight earlier in the round.
                                                  find one big boxing glove,’’ Hagler once            Arum said Hagler simply willed himself
   Marvelous Marvin Hagler stopped Tho-           said.“That’s all I am. I live it.”                to victory over Hearns, whose big right
mas Hearns in a fight that lasted less than          Hagler was unmistakable in the ring,           hand was feared in the division but couldn’t
eight minutes yet was so epic that it still       fighting out of a southpaw stance with his        keep Hagler at bay.
lives in boxing lore. Two years later he was      bald head glistening in the lights. He was re-      ``That was an unbelievable fight,’’ Arum
so disgusted after losing a decision to Sugar     lentless and he was vicious, stopping oppo-       said. ``Probably the greatest fight ever.’’
Ray Leonard — stolen, he claimed, by the          nent after opponent during an eight year            Hagler would fight only two more times,
judges — that he never fought again.              run that began with a disputed draw against       stopping John Mugabi a year later and then
   One of the great middleweights in boxing       Vito Antuofermo in 1979 that he later             meeting Leonard, who was coming off a
history, Hagler died Saturday at the age of       avenged.                                          three-year layoff from a detached retina, in
66. His wife, Kay, announced his death on            He fought with a proverbial chip on his        his final fight in 1987. Hagler was favored
the Facebook page for Hagler’s fans.              shoulder, convinced that boxing fans and          going into the fight and many thought he
   “I am sorry to make a very sad announce-       promoters alike didn’t give him his proper        would destroy Leonard — but Leonard had
ment,” she wrote. “Today unfortunately my         due. He was so upset that he wasn’t intro-        other plans.
beloved husband Marvelous Marvin passed           duced before a 1982 fight by his nickname of        While Hagler pursued him around the
away unexpectedly at his home here in New         Marvelous that he went to court to legally        ring, Leonard fought backing up, flicking
Hampshire. Our family requests that you           change his name.                                  out his left jab and throwing combinations
respect our privacy during this difficult            “He was certainly one of the greatest          that didn’t hurt Hagler but won Leonard
time.”                                            middleweights ever but one of the greatest        points on the ringside scorecards. Still,
   Hagler fought on boxing’s biggest stages       people that I’ve ever been around and pro-        when the bell rang at the end of the 12th
against its biggest names, as he, Leonard,        moted,’‘ promoter Bob Arum said. ``He was         round, many thought Hagler had pulled out
Hearns and Roberto Duran dominated the            a real man, loyal and just fantastic person.’‘    the fight — only to lose a controversial split
middleweight classes during a golden time            Hagler would go on to stop Hearns in the       decision.
for boxing in the 1980s. Quiet with a brood-      third round, crumpling him to the canvas            Hagler, who was paid $19 million, left the
ing public persona, Hagler fought 67 times        with a barrage of punches even as blood           ring in disgust and never fought again. He
in 14 years as a pro out of Brockton, Mass.,      poured out of a large gash on Hagler’s fore-      moved to Italy to act, and never really
finishing 62-3-2 with 52 knockouts.               head that nearly caused the referee to stop       looked back.

Nobody comes for free in NFL free agency
        Associated Press              ry cap has plummeted by $16         Flores says. “That’s not always       Leonard Williams (New York
                                      million due to lost revenues dur-   11 stars. It’s almost never that      Giants).
  The term in use these days is       ing the COVID-19-impacted           way.                                     Dallas locked up quarterback
“legal tampering.” Doesn’t            2020 season, lots of money will        “So we’ve scoured free agen-       Dak Prescott with a four-year
seem sensible, and some might         be going to the most-prized         cy, the draft, and I think we have    deal, and J.J. Watt, released this
call it the “cheating period” in-     players.                            a pretty good feel for the types of   offseason by Houston, signed
stead.                                   That likely will include Tam-    guys we are looking for from a        with Arizona. Those were the
  Regardless, on Monday, two          pa Bay pass rusher Shaq Bar-        skillset standpoint, but also         biggest names potentially avail-
days before the NFL’s 2021            rett; Green Bay All-Pro center      from a locker room standpoint         able. Snead’s Rams didn’t use
business year begins, the 32          Corey Linsley and standout run-     as people as well. ... That’s an      the tag, which could mean los-
teams and agents for the players      ning back Aaron Jones; Detroit      important factor that can’t be        ing solid safety John Johnson,
will be making deals. Lots of         wide receiver Kenny Golladay;       overlooked. All of those things       revitalized linebacker Leonard
deals, even if they aren’t official   San Francisco tackle Trent Wil-     play a role.”                         Floyd or center Austin Blythe.
until Wednesday.                      liams; and Chargers tight end          Nine players have been given          Thus far, the Super Bowl
  “I hate calling it the legal tam-   Hunter Henry. No superstars         franchise tags: receivers Chris       champion Buccaneers have
pering period because that just       about to break the bank, but        Godwin (Tampa Bay) and Allen          played the free agency game
seems like that’s a debacle of the    plenty of proven talent to help     Robinson (Chicago); offensive         best this month. It helps when
English language,” Rams gen-          teams improve before turning        linemen Taylor Moton (Caroli-         your high-priced quarterback is
eral manager Les Snead says.          attention to next month’s draft.    na), Cam Robinson (Jackson-           willing to redo his deal to open
“Legal tampering, and tamper-            Of course, free agency always    ville) and All-Pro Brandon            up spending room, something
ing is illegal? But we’ll have to     is a buyer-beware situation.        Scherff (Washington); safeties        Tom Brady did. Another star,
adjust based on that because             “Yeah, we want talented play-    Marcus Maye (New York Jets),          Panthers running back Chris-
there’s no guarantee that you         ers; but we want a good cohesive    Marcus Williams (New Or-              tian McCaffrey, followed Bra-
can re-sign (players).”               unit and guys who fit well to-      leans) and Justin Simmons             dy’s lead in reworking his con-
  Even at a time when the sala-       gether,” Dolphins coach Brian       (Denver); and defensive tackle        tract.
PAGE 8    • STRIPES LITE •              Sunday, March 14, 2021

Harden helps Nets roll past Pistons
              Associated Press                     in these games,” Wright said.                      Bucks. They have won eight of nine.
                                                      The second of three regular-season                 Pacers 122, Suns 111: Malcolm Brog-
   NEW YORK — James Harden scored 12               matchups between the Eastern Conference            den scored 25 points and Domantas Sabonis
of his 24 points in the fourth quarter and had     teams was Brooklyn’s chance to get even for        had a triple-double with 22 points, 13 re-
his ninth triple-double with the Nets to help      its 122-111 loss in Detroit on Feb. 9. That loss   bounds and 10 assists to lead Indiana to a
Brooklyn beat the Detroit Pistons 100-95 on        was part of a stretch in which the Nets drop-      win at Phoenix.
Saturday night.                                    ped three of four.                                    Knicks 119, Thunder 97: RJ Barrett
   Harden also added 10 rebounds and 10 as-           Thirteen games later, Brooklyn has jelled       scored a career-high 32 points, and Julius
sists in his 55th triple-double as Brooklyn        into a legitimate championship contender           Randle had a triple-double to lead New
improved to 26-13 with its 12th win in its last    while the Pistons have myriad weaknesses,          York to a win at Oklahoma City.
16 games.                                          such as three-point shooting.                         Hornets 114, Raptors 104: LaMelo Ball
   “I play the game the right way,” Harden            After Wayne Ellington knocked down a            had 23 points and nine rebounds and host
said, “and hopefully good things happen for        three about 2 ½ minutes into the game, De-         Charlotte beat short-handed Toronto in the
me.”                                               troit missed 19 straight three-point attempts      Hornets’ first game of the season with the
   Kyrie Irving added 18 points and Landry         until Wright’s straightaway attempt from           general public allowed to attend.
Shamet had 15 off the bench. DeAndre Jor-          26 feet out 4:42 into the third quarter ended         Mavericks 116, Nuggets 103: Luka
dan chipped in with 14 and Joe Harris con-         the drought.                                       Doncic had 21 points and 12 assists, and
tributed 10 points.                                   “We have to make shots,” Wright said.           Kristaps Porzingis scored 25 points in Dal-
   Whereas the Nets rolling, the Pistons are       “We got good looks so that’s a good thing.         las’ victory at Denver.
stuck in neutral.                                  We just have to knock them down.”                     Trail Blazers 125, Timberwolves 121:
   “We want to win these types of games,”             Bucks 125, Wizards 119: Giannis Ante-           Carmelo Anthony scored 26 points and Da-
said Delon Wright, who finished with 13. Je-       tokounmpo had 33 points, 11 assists and 11         mian Lillard added 25 points and 10 assists
rami Grant scored 22 points as Detroit fell to     rebounds for his sixth triple-double of the        in Portland’s victory at Minnesota.
10-28. Saddiq Bey chipped in with 13. Mason        season in Milwaukee’s victory at short-               Hawks 121, Kings 106: Trae Young
Plumlee added 11 and Rodney McGruder               handed Washington.                                 scored 17 of 28 points in the third quarter,
had 10.                                               Jrue Holiday added 10 of his 18 points          Clint Capela had 18 of his 24 points in the
   “It’s a good thing that we’re staying close     during the fourth quarter for the third-place      first half and host Atlanta beat Sacramento.

Lightning win, raise championship banner for fans
        Associated Press             ed to a three-goal lead.               made 27 saves, leading host Co-          Kevin Labanc and Dylan
   TAMPA, Fla. — Playing in             Rangers 4, Bruins 0: Chris          lumbus to the victory. The win-       Gambrell also scored for the
front of their home fans for the     Kreider scored his team-lead-          less streak matches the fourth-       Sharks. Their win streak in-
first time this season, the Tam-     ing 14th goal, Artemi Panarin          worst in team history.                cludes victories on consecutive
pa Bay Lightning raised their        had an assist in his first game          Max Domi added a goal and           nights during which they have
2020 Stanley Cup banner and          back since leaving the team, and       an assist as the Blue Jackets         outscored the Ducks 9-1.
beat the Nashville Predators 6-3     visiting New York halted a             snapped a three-game losing              Flames 3, Canadiens 1: Sean
on Saturday night.                   three-game losing streak.              streak. Fleury made his 15th          Monahan scored twice, Jacob
   Tyler Johnson and Blake Co-          Panarin left Feb. 22 after a        start in Vegas’ last 16 games.        Markstrom made 24 saves and
leman each had a goal and an as-     Russian tabloid printed allega-          Jets 5, Maple Leafs 2: Adam         host Calgary beat Montreal to
sist for the Lightning. Alex Kil-    tions from a former coach that         Lowry broke a tie at 7:39 of the      sweep the two-game series.
lorn, Brayden Point, Mathieu         he attacked a woman in Latvia          third period, leading visiting           Darryl Sutter coached his
Joseph and Anthony Cirelli also      almost a decade ago, which he          Winnipeg to the win.                  second game for the Flames af-
scored. Erik Cernak and Ondrej       denies. His return clearly pro-          Lowry added an assist, and          ter returning to the team when
Palat had two assists apiece.        vided a lift for the Rangers.          Mark Scheifele and Mason Ap-          Geoff Ward was fired on March
   Andrei Vasilevskiy stopped           Panthers 4, Blackhawks 2:           pleton also each had a goal and       4.
28 shots to earn his NHL-lead-       Aleksander Barkov had two              an assist to help the Jets take the      The Canadiens are 3-3-3
ing 17th win.                        goals and an assist, and host          three-game series 2-1.                since Dominique Ducharme
   Erik Haula, Alexandre Carri-      Florida earned its third straight        Sharks 3, Ducks 1: Evander          took over for the fired Claude
er and Yakov Trenin scored for       win.                                   Kane scored for the third             Julien.
the Predators, who fell to 1-5-1        Carter Verhaeghe had a goal         straight game, Martin Jones              Monahan scored his 200th
in their past seven games. Pek-      and an assist for the Panthers.        stopped 26 shots and visiting         and 201st goals. Mikael Back-
ka Rinne made 21 saves.              The winless streak matches the         San Jose won its third straight       lund also scored for Calgary.
   With a maximum crowd of           fourth-worst in team history.          for the first time this season.       The Flames improved to 13-
3,800 in attendance, Tampa Bay          Blue Jackets 4, Stars 3 (OT):         Anaheim, which is in last           12-3,   winning     consecutive
hoisted its 2020 championship        Zach Werenski scored 4:55 into         place in the West Division, has       games for the first time in a
banner to the rafters and jump-      overtime and Elvis Merzlikins          dropped three straight.               month.
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