Minimum wage hike unlikely in aid bill - Stripes Lite


Minimum wage hike unlikely in aid bill
              Associated Press                    chamber without Republican support, a              al COVID-19 aid bill.
   WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden               step toward final approval next month. Vice           Following Senate approval, the House
laid out his case Friday for moving fast to       President Kamala Harris cast the tiebreak-         passed the measure 219-209 on Friday af-
pass $1.9 trillion in coronavirus relief, but     ing vote in the Senate, her first.                 ternoon, also without a Republican vote.
even as he opened the door to proceeding             Biden’s speech solidified a marked shift        The coronavirus aid package can now work
without Republicans, he conceded that a           in tone and strategy for a president who en-       its way through congressional committees
key element of his plan — hiking the mini-        tered the White House pledging bipartisan-         with the goal of finalizing additional relief
mum wage to $15 per hour — was unlikely to        ship and met on Monday with 10 Republican          by mid-March, when extra unemployment
become law.                                       senators pushing a slimmed-down $618 bil-          assistance and other pandemic aid expires.
   The stakes for the country and economy         lion alternative. Biden concluded in his Fri-      It’s an aggressive timeline that will test the
were amplified Friday morning by the re-          day speech that aid at that level would only       ability of the new administration and Con-
lease of the government’s jobs report for Ja-     prolong the economic pain.                         gress to deliver.
nuary, which showed that hiring had stalled          Still, the president acknowledged Friday           “We have been focused like a laser on get-
to a pace that could hinder a return to full      that one of his most ambitious proposals,          ting this done,” House Speaker Nancy Pelo-
employment for several years. Some                raising the minimum wage, would likely be          si said after leading Democrats in the House
406,000 people left the labor force last          left out of the final bill.                        met with Biden on Friday. “We hope to be
month as deaths from the pandemic have               “I put it in, but I don’t think it’s going to   able to put vaccines in people’s arms, mon-
surged.                                           survive,” Biden said in an interview with          ey in people’s pockets, children safely in
   “A lot of folks are losing hope,” Biden said   “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Don-             schools and workers in their jobs. That’s
in a speech at the White House. “I believe        nell, adding he would push to raise it in a        what we are doing now.”
the American people are looking right now         standalone bill. “No one should work 40               The push for stimulus comes amid new
to their government for help, to do our job, to   hours a week and live below the poverty            signs of a weakening U.S. economy. Em-
not let them down. So I’m going to act. I’m       wage. And if you’re making less than $15 an        ployers added just 49,000 jobs in January,
going to act fast. I’d like to be doing it with   hour, you’re living below the poverty wage.”       after cutting 227,000 jobs in December, the
the support of Republicans ... they’re just          Senate Democrats applauded after Har-           Labor Department said Friday. Restau-
not willing to go as far as I think we have to    ris announced the chamber’s 51-50 vote on          rants, retailers, manufacturers and even
go.”                                              the budget measure at around 5:30 a.m. The         the health care sector shed workers last
   The jobs report landed shortly after Sen-      action came after a grueling all-night ses-        month, meaning that private employers ac-
ate Democrats cast a decisive vote to mus-        sion, where senators voted on amendments           counted for a meager gain of 6,000 jobs last
cle the COVID relief plan through the             that could define the contours of the eventu-      month.

Navy identifies 2 sailors who died from virus last week
        BY CAITLIN M. KENNEY                      someone who tested positive for the corona-           His military awards include the Enlisted
              Stars and Stripes                   virus, according to the statement. Myers           Submarine Warfare Specialist pin, the Navy
   WASHINGTON — A submarine informa-              was admitted to the hospital on Naval Air          and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and
tion systems technician from Washington           Station Jacksonville on Saturday and then          the pistol marksman ribbon.
state was the second sailor to die from the       transferred to the University of Florida hos-         The other sailor who died last week was
coronavirus last week, the Navy announced         pital on Sunday where he tested positive for       Chief Petty Officer Herbert Rojas, who
Friday.                                           the virus.                                         served as a quartermaster. Rojas died Tues-
   Petty Officer Second Class Cody Andrew-          Other sailors who might have had contact         day at his off-base residence due to compli-
Godfredson Myers, 26, died Thursday in the        with Myers have been notified and they are         cations associated with the virus, according
intensive care unit at the University of Flor-    taking precautions, according to the Navy.         to a statement Friday from Recruit Training
ida Hospital in Jacksonville, according to a      Chaplains, mental health specialists, and          Command Great Lakes, Ill.
statement Friday from Submarine Forces.           counselors are supporting his fellow crew-            Rojas tested positive as a result of the
   Myers was assigned to the USS Tennes-          members at Kings Bay.                              command’s sentinel surveillance testing
see, a ballistic-missile submarine located at       Myers enlisted in the Navy in December           program that is done for all staff members,
Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Ga. He            2016 and has been assigned to the USS Ten-         Lt. Cmdr. Phillip Chitty, a spokesman for
had been placed on restriction of movement        nessee since 2018, according to details of his     Naval Service Training Command, wrote
Jan. 18 after he came into close contact with     service record.                                    Friday in an email.
PAGE 2      • STRIPES LITE •                  Saturday, February 6, 2021

Lawmakers push to curb rape in ranks
                   CQ-Roll Call                           ed by the military’s lack of progress in deal-             Senate Armed Services chairman, would
   WASHINGTON — Lawmakers, frustrat-                      ing with sexual offenses and is considering                reverse his 2013 vote against Gillibrand’s
ed by the Defense Department’s inability to               supporting Gillibrand’s proposal.                          proposal. West Virginia Democratic Sen.
curb rape in the ranks, are moving closer to                 “I’m beginning to be more open to it,”                  Joe Manchin III also voted against Gilli-
possibly making a momentous change in                     Tillis said. “A lot of time’s passed, and a lot            brand eight years ago.
the military justice system.                              of things haven’t changed.”                                   The House might be a more hospitable
   Members of the Senate Armed Services                      Similarly, another committee Republi-                   venue than the more narrowly divided Sen-
Committee are increasingly receptive to a                 can who was not in the Senate in 2014, Dan                 ate for an attempt to change how sexual
long-standing proposal by New York Dem-                   Sullivan of Alaska, said he has been speak-                crimes are prosecuted in the ranks.
ocrat Kirsten Gillibrand, chairwoman of                   ing with Gillibrand about her proposal.                       But that is not a foregone conclusion, and
the Armed Services Personnel Subcommit-                      “I think it’s in play,” said Sullivan, a for-           the chamber has yet to weigh in on the
tee, to move responsibility for prosecuting               mer active-duty Marine who still serves as                 question.
sexual assault, and perhaps other major                   a reservist.                                                  “It’s time to move those cases from the
crimes, from military commanders to inde-                    Some influential Senate Republicans will                chain of command to give survivors the
pendent prosecutors.                                      continue to oppose Gillibrand’s proposal.                  trust and confidence in the system to come
   Several committee members have hinted                  James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, the most se-                  forward,” Speier told CQ Roll Call in a
that they would back Gillibrand, in some                  nior Republican on the Senate panel, told                  statement.
cases reversing earlier positions. And, in so             CQ Roll Call it is more important to prevent                  Speier secured a provision last year in
doing, they rebuffed abiding Pentagon re-                 sex crimes than to prosecute them.                         the House’s fiscal 2021 defense authoriza-
sistance to the proposal.                                    “There’s more we can and must do on                     tion bill that would set up a temporary pilot
   Momentum may be gathering, mean-                       this serious issue, but taking military lead-              program to have a chief prosecutor at the
while, behind a similar House proposal by                 ers out of the equation is not the answer —                service academies handle sex crimes.
Jackie Speier, the California Democrat                    finding better ways to prevent it from hap-                   The provision never made it into the final
who chairs the comparable Armed Servic-                   pening in the first place is,” he said via                 bill, amid opposition from key senators and
es personnel panel.                                       email.                                                     Pentagon officials, congressional observers
   Nearly half the House co-sponsored her                                                                            said.
bill in the last Congress.                                Democrats reconsidering
   Gillibrand has long argued that major                    With Biden backing the Gillibrand-                       Rising assault, retaliation
crimes such as murder and rape should be                  Speier idea, Democrats are likely to largely                  Since the Senate votes of 2013 and 2014,
prosecuted independent of military brass.                 fall in line behind it.                                    the problem of sexual assault in the mil-
Speier’s legislation, by comparison, is tar-                Some Democratic senators who voted                       itary has gotten worse, by many measures.
geted at sex crimes.                                      against Gillibrand’s proposal in 2013 and                  Last year saw a record number of assaults
   President Joe Biden, unlike his two im-                2014 hinted this week that they may change                 reported and the lowest conviction rate yet,
mediate predecessors, unequivocally sup-                  their minds.                                               Gillibrand said during Austin’s Jan. 19 Sen-
ports such a change, so Defense Secretary                   When the Senate Armed Services Com-                      ate confirmation hearing.
Lloyd J. Austin III may soon implement it.                mittee voted in 2013 to oppose Gillibrand’s                   Protect Our Defenders, a group dedicat-
   Biden “is further along on the solution                proposal, a key “swing bloc” of senators did               ed to combating the problem, calls it “an
than many of our military leaders,” Gilli-                so reluctantly and said they would prefer to               epidemic of rape.”
brand told CQ Roll Call in a statement.                   give the Pentagon a chance to fix its rape                    “There are an estimated 20,500 military
                                                          problem, Virginia Democratic Sen. Tim                      men and women sexually assaulted in a
GOP movement                                              Kaine said at a committee hearing Tues-                    year, yet barely 100 offenders are convict-
  Even more important than Biden’s back-                  day.                                                       ed,” Don Christensen, the group’s presi-
ing is the mounting support in Congress for                 But today, Kaine said, “virtually all” of                dent, said in an email.
enshrining the change in law — a potential-               those key senators are disappointed with                      What’s more, 64% of those who reported
ly historic milestone.                                    the unremitting reports of sexual assaults                 a sex crime perceived some form of retal-
  In 2014, when Gillibrand’s proposal came                in the military, and those lawmakers are                   iation, a recent Defense Department sur-
up for a Senate floor vote, three-quarters of             ready to consider “a different path” — an                  vey showed.
Senate Republicans voted against it. Some                 apparent allusion to Gillibrand’s proposal.                   Inhofe, on the other hand, said the rising
of them are no longer in office.                            Maine Independent Angus King, who                        reports show victims have growing confi-
  But now many Republicans, including                     was also among the Armed Services sen-                     dence in the system and are more willing to
key Senate Armed Services members, are                    ators who voted against Gillibrand’s pro-                  come forward.
beginning to file into Gillibrand’s camp.                 posal in 2013, said at the same hearing: “I’m                 In any event, concern about the problem
  One Republican Senate Armed Services                    also in the camp of being receptive to a                   has grown too, Christensen and others said,
member, Thom Tillis of North Carolina,                    more significant change.”                                  due partly to growing awareness of it and
who was not in the Senate in 2014, said in a                One key unanswered question is whether                   partly to the #MeToo movement against
brief interview this week that he is dismay-              Rhode Island Democrat Jack Reed, the                       sexual crimes.

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Saturday, February 6, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •        PAGE 3

Explosives go missing during training
        BY CAITLIN M. KENNEY                       volved in the Integrated Training Exercise           ABC10 News reported the exercise
              Stars and Stripes                    2-21 at Twentynine Palms.                         could be extended until the explosives are
  WASHINGTON — Military investiga-                   C4 is a powerful, pliable explosive that is     found.
tors said Friday that they are searching for       suitable for cutting and breaching. It usu-          1st Lt. Dan Linfante, a spokesman for the
several pounds of explosives that went             ally comes in thin, 1¼-pound blocks or is         2nd Marine Division, declined to say
missing during a training exercise at the          packed in white plastic containers.               whether the Marines would have to stay
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center                The Naval Criminal Investigative Ser-           longer at Twentynine Palms, citing oper-
Twentynine Palms in California.                    vice is leading the investigation, spokes-        ational security concerns of discussing fu-
  About 10 pounds of C4 plastic explosive          man Jeff Houston said Friday.                     ture troop movement.
disappeared two weeks ago during a train-            A monetary reward is also being offered            Twentynine Palms and other units in
ing exercise, according to a report Thurs-         for information that helps find the explo-        California and Hawaii did not immediately
day by ABC10 News in San Diego. The TV             sives, ABC10 News reported.                       respond to inquiries.
station also reported the explosives might           Houston and a spokesman from the                   The base, located about 150 miles from
have been stolen.                                  North Carolina-based 2nd Marine Division          Los Angeles, is the Marine Corps’ premier
  About 3,500 Marines and sailors from             declined to provide further details while         training facility and the largest Marine
the 2nd Marine Division from Camp Le-              the investigation is ongoing.                     base in the world at 932 square miles. More
jeune, N.C., the 1st Marine Division from            A base advisory issued last month said          than 11,000 Marines and sailors are sta-
Camp Pendleton, Calif., and other units            the training exercise was slated to begin on      tioned at the combat center, according to
from Hawaii and North Carolina are in-             Jan. 15 and run through Feb. 18.                  the base website.

Unemployment aid fraud Biden says ‘erratic’ Trump
revealed within tax forms shouldn’t get intel updates
        Associated Press                 Bernie Irwin, 86, said her                  Associated Press             have questioned the wisdom of
   SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Un-           daughter-in-law and a friend al-         WASHINGTON — President             allowing Trump to continue to
employment agencies across            so received the tax forms. So did      Joe Biden said Friday that Do-       be briefed.
the U.S. became lucrative tar-        Republican Gov. Mike DeWine,           nald Trump’s “erratic behavior”         Susan Gordon, who served as
gets for criminals when they          his wife, Fran, and Republican         should prevent him from receiv-      the principal deputy director of
were bombarded with claims            Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, even              ing classified intelligence brief-   national intelligence during the
last year as millions lost jobs due   though none of them had                ings, a courtesy that historically   Trump administration from
to coronavirus shutdowns.             claimed unemployment bene-             has been granted to outgoing         2017 to 2019, in a Washington
   Now, simple tax forms being        fits.                                  presidents.                          Post op-ed last month urged Bi-
sent to people who never collect-        Nearly 26 million people re-          Asked in an interview with         den to cut off Trump.
ed unemployment benefits are          quested unemployment aid in            CBS News what he feared if              “His post-White House ‘secu-
revealing that their identity was     the initial months after states        Trump continued to receive the       rity profile,’ as the professionals
likely stolen months ago and          began ordering shutdowns. The          briefings, Biden said he did not     like to call it, is daunting,” Gor-
used to claim bogus benefits          unprecedented surge strained           want to “speculate out loud” but     don wrote days after a pro-
that have totaled billions of dol-    unemployment offices that are          made clear he did not want           Trump mob laid siege to the
lars nationwide.                      governed by federal rules but          Trump to continue getting them.      U.S. Capitol as lawmakers
   Unemployment benefits are          administered in patchwork                “I just think that there is no     sought to certify his defeat in
taxable, so government agen-          fashion by state governments,          need for him to have the intelli-    last November’s election. “Any
cies send a 1099-G form to peo-       with many relying on 1960s-era         gence briefings,” Biden said.        former president is by defini-
ple who received them so they         software to process applications       “What value is giving him an in-     tion a target and presents some
can report the income on their        and issue payments.                    telligence briefing? What im-        risks. But a former president
tax returns. States are mailing          The federal government, as          pact does he have at all, other      Trump, even before the events
1099-Gs in huge numbers this          part of its $2 trillion relief pack-   than the fact he might slip and      of last week, might be unusually
year after processing and pay-        age approved in March, signifi-        say something?”                      vulnerable to bad actors with ill
ing a record number of claims.        cantly expanded jobless aid,             White House press secretary        intent.”
   In Ohio, Bernie Irwin was          making it a richer target for          Jen Psaki said earlier this week        Whether to give a past presi-
shocked two weeks ago when            fraud. By November, the U.S.           that the issue of granting Trump     dent intelligence briefings is
she opened the mail and found a       Department of Labor’s Office of        intelligence     briefings    was    solely the current officeholder’s
1099-G form saying her hus-           Inspector General estimated            “something that is under re-         prerogative. Biden voiced his
band had claimed $17,292 in un-       states had paid as much as $36         view.”                               opposition to giving Trump ac-
employment benefits last year.        billion in improper benefits,            Some Democratic lawmak-            cess to briefings as the former
The only problem: Jim Irwin,          with a significant portion of that     ers, and even some former            president’s second impeach-
83, hadn’t worked in 13 years.        blamed on fraud.                       Trump administration officials,      ment trial is set to begin soon.
PAGE 4   • STRIPES LITE •            Saturday, February 6, 2021

Court: Calif. can’t ban church indoors
        Associated Press             sible exposures at the school,                                          neapolis.
   WASHINGTON — The Su-              Terrebonne Parish Superin-          Tennessee
preme Court is telling Califor-      tendent of Schools Philip Mar-         NASHVILLE — As Tennes-           West Virginia
nia that it can’t bar indoor         tin told The Courier.               see slowly begins to loosen re-       CHARLESTON — West Vir-
church services because of the          With a Mardi Gras break          strictions on who may receive       ginia’s coronavirus czar said
coronavirus pandemic, but it         scheduled Feb. 15-19, students      the COVID-19 vaccine, Nash-         Friday that vaccinations are al-
can keep for now a ban on sing-      are scheduled to return to cam-     ville on Friday had the strictest   ready reducing COVID-19
ing and chanting indoors.            pus Feb. 22.                        eligibility to receive the doses    deaths and hospitalizations in
   The high court issued orders                                          in the entire state.                the state.
late Friday in two cases where       Iowa                                   Earlier this week, Tennes-         Less than two months into the
churches had sued over corona-          DES MOINES — Gov. Kim            see’s Department of Health an-      vaccination drive, Dr. Clay
virus-related restrictions in the    Reynolds announced Friday           nounced people age 70 and ol-       Marsh, a high-ranking West
state. The high court said that      that she would end most restric-    der may start receiving the dos-    Virginia University health offi-
for now, California can’t ban in-    tions aimed at slowing the          es. While local counties had the    cial, said there is a 40 to 45% re-
door worship as it had in almost     spread of the coronavirus in Io-    authority to set different in-      duction in deaths linked to CO-
all of the state because virus       wa.                                 structions, most areas quickly      VID-19 from December to Ja-
cases are high.                         Reynolds issued a proclama-      expanded to include the new el-     nuary and hospitalizations are
   The justices said the state can   tion that removes a mask re-        igible age group.                   down more than 50%.
cap indoor services at 25% of a      quirement for those spending           However, Davidson County           “Which we do believe is di-
building’s capacity. The justic-     15 minutes or more in an indoor     — which encompasses Nash-           rectly related to the aggressive
es also declined to stop Califor-    area within 6 feet of people not    ville — has held off. As of Fri-    vaccination that we’ve done,”
nia from enforcing a ban put in      in their household. She also        day, the metro area was official-   Marsh said at the governor’s
place last summer on indoor          ended mask requirements for         ly the only county limiting vac-    coronavirus news conference.
singing and chanting. Califor-       those in state buildings and        cine distribution to front-line       About 11.5% of the state’s
nia had put the restrictions in      some businesses, such as bar-       workers and those 75 and older.     population has received at least
place because the virus is more      ber shops.                                                              one vaccine dose, while nearly
easily transmitted indoors and          The governor’s new order al-     Minnesota                           5% are fully vaccinated.
singing releases tiny droplets       so ends limits on the number of        MINNEAPOLIS — Minneso-
that can carry the disease.          customers in a business or a re-    ta’s food shelves saw a big jump    Virginia
   The justices were acting on       quirement that they stay social-    in need in 2020 amid the coro-         RICHMOND— Virginia Gov.
emergency requests to halt the       ly distant.                         navirus pandemic and the re-        Ralph Northam said Friday that
restrictions from South Bay                                              sulting economic instability, ac-   all schools in the state should
United Pentecostal Church in         Texas                               cording to an annual report re-     make in-person instruction
Chula Vista and Pasadena-              AUSTIN — Texas again re-          leased Friday.                      available at least as an option
based Harvest Rock Church            ported more than 400 new CO-           Hunger Solutions Minnesota,      next month, noting the corona-
and Harvest International Min-       VID-19 deaths Friday as the         which collects data from 350        virus pandemic’s steep toll on
istry, which has more than 160       state is on the brink of surpass-   food shelves across the state,      children and families.
churches across the state.           ing 3 million administered dos-     said they saw a record 3.8 mil-        Northam said during a news
   Chief Justice John Roberts        es of vaccine.                      lion visits in 2020, up 7% from     conference that all K-12 school
wrote that “federal courts owe         The number of hospitalized        the year before, led by a 31%       divisions should make the op-
significant deference to politi-     virus patients fell to fewer than   jump in visits by older people.     tion available by March 15. He
cally accountable officials”         10,300 as more beds continue           Those numbers represent          also encouraged schools to offer
when it comes to public health       opening after a bleak few weeks     both the “great need” state-        summer classes for kids who
restrictions, but he said defer-     following the Christmas holi-       wide, and the “great work” by       want to take them. The gover-
ence “has its limits.”               days. More than 38,000 people       programs to adapt how they          nor did not say the guidance
                                     in Texas have died from CO-         provide services and to take ad-    was mandatory, but his office
Louisiana                            VID-19, the third-highest in the    vantage of state and federal CO-    later said Northam expects all
  HOUMA — The coronavirus            nation.                             VID-19 relief funding, said Col-    districts in the state to be on
outbreak has sent a Louisiana          Texas continues to have           leen Moriarity, the group’s ex-     board with the March 15 dead-
school back to online-only           among the most new cases per        ecutive director. Hunger Solu-      line.
learning, forcing it to forfeit      capita, with one in every 216       tions distributed $21 million of       “My fellow pediatricians say
playoff games for both the boys’     people diagnosed with the virus     that aid money to food pro-         they’re seeing an increase in
and girls’ soccer teams.             between Jan. 28 and Feb. 4, ac-     grams across the state.             behavioral problems, mental
  The state health department        cording to John Hopkins Uni-           The Minneapolis-St. Paul ar-     health issues and even increas-
recommended closing in-per-          versity.                            ea saw the greatest increase in     es in substance abuse among
son classes at H .L. Bourgeois         Roughly 7.5% of Texas resi-       need for food. Visits were up       their young patients,” said
High School based both on the        dents have received at least one    17% overall and 39% among ol-       Northam, who is a pediatric
number of COVID-19 cases and         dose of the vaccine, and about      der residents in Hennepin           neurologist and the nation’s on-
contact tracing that found pos-      2% are fully vaccinated.            County, which includes Min-         ly governor who is a doctor.
Saturday, February 6, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •      PAGE 5


Robber takes chicken,                                                    male moose had become com-             Podokesaurus holyokensis
waffles from restaurant              Police charge man who               fortable around people and sub-      received more than 60% of the
                                                                         sequently posed a public safety      roughy 35,000 votes cast in a so-
                                     used child as shield                risk, Anchorage Daily News re-       cial media campaign started by
CA          PASADENA — A
            man who was re-
fused service at a Southern Cali-    MO            KANSAS
                                                   —A man accused
                                                                 CITY    ported.
                                                                            The video posted on Face-
                                                                                                              state Rep. Jack Lewis, besting
                                                                                                              the other choice, Anchisaurus
fornia restaurant because he         of using a relative as a human      book by Angel Bunch of Palmer        polyselus. The winner was an-
was not wearing a mask came          shield after he fired at officers   was sent to Matanuska-Susitna        nounced during a live virtual
back with a gun and robbed the       inside a Kansas City home was       authorities, Alaska State Troop-     event hosted by Boston’s Mu-
eatery of chicken and w affles.      charged, prosecutors said.          ers spokesman Austin McDa-           seum of Science.
  The robbery occurred at the          Willie Wren, 37, of Kansas        niel said.                             Lewis, a Framingham Demo-
Roscoe’s House of Chicken and        City, was charged with first-de-       There were no reports of nui-     crat, was inspired to select a
Waffles location in Pasadena,        gree assault, two counts of         sance moose in the area, but         state dinosaur by one of his chil-
police Lt. Marcia Taglioretti        armed criminal action, unlaw-       troopers decided to kill the ani-    dren’s Cub Scouts dens, which
told Southern California News        ful use of a weapon and unlaw-      mal and donate the meat to           was studying fossils. He said his
Group. No one was hurt and the       ful possession of a weapon, the     charity to avoid a potential safe-   goal was to teach children about
man got away.                        Jackson County Prosecutor’s         ty risk, McDaniel said. Bunch        the legislative process and spur
  After being turned away, the       office said.                        received a misdemeanor cita-         interest in paleontology.
man showed up with a gun in the        Officers responded after wit-     tion for negligently feeding           Fossils of both dinosaurs
kitchen at the back of the restau-   nesses reported a man dragging      game.                                were discovered in Massachu-
rant as security cameras re-         a screaming child in the street,                                         setts.
corded the scene.                    police said in a news release.      Chucky doll featured in
  Manager Angela Prieto said         Arriving officers entered a
                                                                         errant Amber Alerts                  Bowling alley fights
the man did not take any cash.       house after hearing a child
                                                                                                              draw mayor’s scrutiny
31 counties approve
                                     screaming inside. The officers
                                     encountered a man, 37, holding
                                     a gun in an upstairs bedroom,
                                                                         TX          SAN ANTONIO —
                                                                                       The Texas Depart-
                                                                         ment of Public Safety apol-          GA           MACON — A Macon
                                                                                                                           bowling alley was
ballots in Spanish                   police said.                        ogized after mistakenly issuing      warned to follow local nuisance

          As part of a lawsuit
settlement, 31 Florida counties
                                       Police said that after a brief
                                     exchange, an officer fired a stun
                                     gun at the man, who then fired
                                                                         an Amber Alert that said the
                                                                         killer doll featured in the 1988
                                                                         horror film “Child’s Play” was a
                                                                                                              laws and state COVID-19 dis-
                                                                                                              tancing rules after videos of
                                                                                                              fights at the alley were publi-
have agreed to provide Spanish-      at the officers. One officer was    suspect in the kidnapping of his     cized on social media.
language elections ballots and       injured when he was pushed          son, Glen Ray, 5, who was fea-          Macon-Bibb Mayor Lester
other materials in Spanish.          down the stairs as police re-       tured in “Seed of Chucky.”           Miller sent the bowling alley a
   U.S. District Judge Mark          treated.                              The emergency alert de-            letter , saying officials have “re-
Walker approved the settle-            When officers tried to engage     scribed Chucky as a 3-foot, 1-       ceived a number of reports”
ment between the county elec-        the man again, police said, he      inch-tall doll wearing “blue         that on weekends teens and mi-
tion supervisors and Latino ad-      was holding the screaming girl      denim overalls with multi-col-       nors have been dropped off “to
vocacy groups who complained         in front of him. Officers over-     ored striped long sleeve shirt       play or loiter without adult su-
the counties were in violation of    powered the man and rescued         wielding a huge kitchen knife.”      pervision for hours at a time.”
the Voting Rights Act.               the girl, 6, who was not injured.     The alert was mistakenly sent         Miller also said the bowling
   Under the terms of the settle-                                        out three times to Amber Alert       alley appears to be disobeying
ment, the counties must have         Officials kill moose after          subscribers. The agency said it      state COVID-19 requirements
Spanish-language ballots, have                                           was a test malfunction.              to limit the number of bowling
Spanish-language polling place
                                     seeing feeding video                                                     lanes that can be used and to
                                                                         Citizens vote on official
materials, provide vote-by-mail
ballot request forms in Spanish,
have a hotline to help Spanish
                                     AK        ANCHORAGE
                                     Troopers have killed a moose
                                                                         state dinosaur
                                                                                                              sanitize each lane after use.
                                                                                                                 Pin Strikes Director of Oper-
                                                                                                              ations Kimberly Appler said
speakers and provide a Span-
ish-language translation of the
elections supervisor’s website.
                                     after a woman posted a video on
                                     social media showing herself
                                     feeding and petting the animal.
                                                                         MA           BOSTON — The
                                                                                      people of Massa-
                                                                         chusetts have spoken and se-
                                                                                                              Pin Stikes is trying to enforce
                                                                                                              rules, but said customers cross
                                                                                                                         over into closed lanes.
                                       Troopers said the juvenile        lected an official state dinosaur.            — The Associated Press
PAGE 6   • STRIPES LITE •             Saturday, February 6, 2021

Storylines abound in historic Super Bowl
              Associated Press                   es, Kansas City's Andy Reid and Tampa              school and college,” Clark notes, “and I’m
   Someone will make history Sunday in a         Bay's Bruce Arians, both offensive master-         not saying they were bad, but I’m not saying
Super Bowl so filled with storylines it would    minds as comfortable with today's high-            their intentions were to bring out the best in
fill a season of TV programming.                 scoring, creative NFL attacks as all those         players. I can say that for sure with coach
   Tom Brady, already the true Game of           kid coaches who are all the rage.                  Spags. His intentions are not negative or
Thrones king, going for a seventh ring. Pa-         “There’s nobody that would ever say a           anything like that. His intentions are solely
trick Mahomes, the apparent heir to the          bad thing about B.A., he’s just so endearing       to have the best defense on that field.”
quarterbacking summit, seeking a second          to everybody and I think everyone wants to            All of this at the end of a season played
in a row with Kansas City — something no         win for him,” Brady says of Arians, the kind       during a pandemic, yet not delayed, with no
team has done since Brady led New En-            of praise the quarterback rarely used about        games canceled, and each of the Super
gland to the double in the 2003 and ’04 sea-     his previous head coach.                           Bowl participants experiencing relatively
sons.                                               “He’s got almost like a father-figure kind      few COVID-19 setbacks.
   Brady, 43 is in his 10th NFL title game,      of role in the building and it’s because ev-          “I think with the pandemic and the sacri-
but with a new outfit, the Buccaneers —          eryone loves him so much,” Chiefs unani-           fices they have all made for each other, they
who happen to call Tampa home. Yes, Tam-         mous All-Pro tight end Travis Kelce says of        go to work and go home,” Arians says.
pa, Fla., where the Super Bowl is being          Reid. “He’s got an unbelievable way of get-        “They don’t get to sit and eat together, don’t
played this year. Pirates of the Caribbean       ting the best out of everybody that is relat-      get to have conversations, it is amazing to
make port: No host team has ever played in       ing to all different aspects and all different     me how close they are. It is the commit-
the big one in its home stadium.                 forms of life.”                                    ment they made to each other to beat the
   “There’s a lot that comes along with the         Don't forget the defenses, which could          virus.”
Super Bowl,” says Rob Gronkowski, the            easily be ignored with all the dynamism on            The NFL and Florida health officials
three-time champion tight end who came           both offenses. Tampa has probably the best         have approved about 22,000 fans and all
out of retirement to reunite with Brady.         set of linebackers in the NFL with Shaq            will be required to wear masks. Raymond
"There’s a lot that comes along with this        Barrett, Lavonte David and Devin White,            James Stadium normally has a capacity of
week. I’ve been there before. I’ve experi-       studs up front in Ndamukong Suh and Ja-            75,000 fans.
enced it all before. But just having it at       son Pierre-Paul, and an ever-improving                Playing before real people rather than
home, cutting out the travel, knowing            secondary.                                         just cardboard cutouts — oh, there will be
where you can stay, where your friends can          KC has All-Pro safety Tyrann Mathieu,           plenty of those, too, with proceeds donated
stay, where your family can stay, it just        linemen Frank Clark and Chris Jones —              to local charities — has been rare in the
makes it a lot easier to have it at your home    and a coordinator, Steve Spagnuolo, who            NFL all season. But both the Chiefs and
stadium, big time.”                              doesn't back off.                                  Buccaneers were among the few teams to
   Add in two sixty-something head coach-           “I’ve played for a lot of coaches in high       have fans on hand for some games.

Somehow, NFL pulled off this pandemic season
        Associated Press             cols.                                together to ensure health and          try, one of the best of labor and
   TAMPA, Fla. — Playing a con-         It paid off.                      safety were paramount. That            management working together
tact sport in the middle of a pan-      “There’s so many people that      meant the Denver Broncos had           to do something we couldn’t do
demic seemed unthinkable to          had to work together to get this     to play a game with a practice         alone,” Smith said.
everyone except the NFL when         done,” NFL Commissioner Rog-         squad wide receiver as their              There were nervous moments
the novel coronavirus shut down      er Goodell said Thursday.            quarterback. The Cleveland             along the way as several teams
the country in March.                “There were doubters. Obvious-       Browns had a playoff game with         experienced breakouts. The
   The improbable became             ly, there were people that didn’t    coach Kevin Stefanski at home          league had to impose intensive
achievable thanks to collabora-      believe we could do it. Obvious-     on his couch.                          protocol measures to prevent di-
tion and sacrifice.                  ly, we had a lot of unknowns. But       “We have worked together to         saster and keep things going.
   Super Bowl 55 takes place         we believed that staying on          find solutions and work past our          “It started in Tennessee
Sunday right on schedule. That       schedule and working toward          differences,” Goodell said.            where we weren’t sure how to
was the plan all along. The          trying to get to 256 games done --   “We’ve had our dustups in the          control this, what was causing
league played 256 games in the       as we sort of say shorthand,         past. But this season it really        this,” Goodell said. “Those were
regular season without any can-      avoid the asterisk. I think we       took all of us to get through this.”   some anxious days, there’s no
cellations and made it through       were able to do that, but we’ve         NFL Players Association Ex-         question about it. But we be-
the playoffs to get here.            still got a few days left here, so   ecutive Director DeMaurice             lieved in our medical experts.
   The NFL spent more than $75       we’re focused on making sure         Smith even joined Goodell on           We believed in the protocols. We
million on testing alone, played     we finish out strong.”               stage toward the end of his news       were able to get that under con-
games on all seven days of the          Fresh off contentious negotia-    conference in a seemingly cele-        trol, and we learned a lot from
week, shuffled the schedule nu-      tions for a new collective bar-      bratory moment.                        that, that we then applied and
merous times, and constantly         gaining agreement, the league           “This year has been, I think        changed, and I think that helped
revised health and safety proto-     and the players’ union worked        across businesses in the coun-         us.”
Saturday, February 6, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •    PAGE 7

                                                                      Jazz continue winning
Bruins strike fast,                                                   ways, beat Hornets
surprise Flyers                                                               Associated Press
                                                                         CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Bojan
                                                                      Bogdanovic scored 31 points,
                                                                                                         and 11 rebounds for the Clip-
                                                                                                         pers, but missed all five of his
                                                                                                         three-point attempts.The team
       Associated Press            in Lightning franchise histo-      Donovan Mitchell had 30 and        was 14-for-32 from long range.
  PHILADELPHIA — Sean              ry.                                the Jazz beat the Hornets 138-        Pelicans 114, Pacers 113:
Kuraly and Brad Marchand              Tampa Bay extended its          121 for their 14th victory in 15   Brandon Ingram scored 30
scored 27 seconds apart in the     point streak against Detroit to    games.                             points to lead the Pelicans to the
third period to lead the Boston    19 games (18-0-1) and has won         Rudy Gobert added 12 points     road win.
Bruins to a 2-1 victory over       16 consecutive regular-season      and 15 rebounds for the Jazz,         Lonzo Ball added 20 points
the Philadelphia Flyers on         home games against the Red         who overcame an early 12-point     and nine rebounds as New Or-
Friday night.                      Wings.                             deficit by outscoring the Horn-    leans won for the fourth time in
  Tuukka Rask made 23 saves           Vladislav       Namestnikov     ets 39-22 in the second quarter.   six games.Zion Williamson had
for the Bruins, who have won       scored for Detroit, which is          Utah shot 26-for-50 from        18 points, and Steven Adams
seven of eight overall and all     winless in eight games (0-         three-point range, with Mitchell   finished with 12 points and 12
four matchups against the          6-2). Thomas Greiss finished       chipping in with five threes.      rebounds.
Flyers this season.                with 29 saves.                        LaMelo Ball had 34 points          Bucks 123, Cavaliers 105:
  James      van      Riemsdyk        Golden Knights 5, Kings 2:      and eight assists for the Horn-    Giannis Antetokounmpo scored
scored for Philadelphia.           Nic Hague and William Karls-       ets. It was the first 30-point     33 points, and Milwaukee won
  Kuraly netted the game-          son each had a goal and two        game by a Hornets rookie since     the opener of a six-game road
winner with a wrist shot from      assists as host Vegas returned     Walter Herrmann in 2007.           trip that began with travel de-
above the left circle that beat    to action after being sidelined       Raptors 123, Nets 117: With     lays.
Brian Elliott on the glove side,   due to COVID protocols and         Kevin Durant forced out of the        Antetokounmpo picked up
went off the post and in with      beat Los Angeles.                  game in the third quarter be-      two early fouls and started slow-
7:32 remaining.                       Vegas was playing for the       cause of the NBA’s health and      ly. But the reigning NBA MVP
  Boston has more third-peri-      first time since Jan. 26.          safety protocols, Toronto beat     found his groove in the second
od goals (19) than all other pe-      Mark Stone and Jonathan         host Brooklyn behind 33 points     half, scoring 22 points and mus-
riods and overtime combined        Marchessault also scored for       from Pascal Siakam.                cling his way inside for easy
(15).                              Vegas with goals 62 seconds           Durant’s first game against     baskets.
  The teams next will meet on      apart. Cody Glass also scored      the Raptors since rupturing his       Suns 109, Pistons 92: Devin
Feb. 21 as part of the NHL’s       for Vegas, while Marc-Andre        Achilles tendon in the 2019 NBA    Booker scored 23 points, Chris
outdoor series at Lake Tahoe.      Fleury improved to 4-0-0 after     Finals was a frustrating one for   Paul added 20 points and nine
  Panthers 2, Predators 1:         making 27 saves.                   him and a confusing night for      assists, and host Phoenix rolled
Carter Verhaeghe had the go-          Austin Wagner scored his        everyone. The superstar for-       to the win.
ahead goal and an assist, and      first goal of the season for the   ward wasn’t available to start        Paul — who came to the des-
Aleksander      Barkov      also   Kings, while Dustin Brown          the game — entering as a re-       ert in a trade with Oklahoma
scored as host Florida defeat-     scored his fourth. Goaltenders     serve for the first time in his    City during the offseason — is
ed Nashville.                      Jonathan Quick and Calvin          867-game NBA career — then         averaging more than 22 points
  Chris Drieger turned back        Peterson combined to make          was told he had to depart in the   over the past seven games, and
24 shots for Florida, which        32 saves. Quick allowed Ve-        third quarter.                     the Suns have won four of them.
improved to 6-0-2.                 gas’ first four goals.                NBA spokesman Tim Frank            Heat 122, Wizards 95: Ken-
  Colton Sissons had the lone         Sharks 5, Ducks 4 (SO):         said in a statement that Durant    drick Nunn had 25 points and
goal for the Predators, who        Kevin Labanc and Ryan Do-          had tested negative three times    eight rebounds, and host Miami
split the two-game series.         nato scored shootout goals on      in the last 24 hours, including    shut down Washington's Bra-
Pekka Rinne had 34 saves for       similar moves and visiting         two negative PCR tests Friday.     dley Beal in the win.
Nashville.                         San Jose snapped a two-game        He said someone whom Durant           Beal — the NBA’s scoring
  Lightning 3, Red Wings 1:        losing streak with a win over      interacted with in the afternoon   leader, averaging 34.8 points
Barclay Goodrow scored a           Anaheim.                           had an inconclusive test result    entering Friday — had seven
pair of goals and host Tampa          Brent Burns and Evander         return shortly before the game.    points on 1-for-14 shooting.
Bay remained undefeated on         Kane each had a goal and an        Durant was initially held out         Magic 123, Bulls 119: Nikola
home ice with a victory over       assist in regulation. Matt Nie-    while that result was reviewed.    Vucevic scored a career-best 43
Detroit.                           to and Logan Couture also             Celtics 119, Clippers 115:      points and grabbed 19 re-
  Pat Maroon also scored for       scored for the Sharks, and         Jayson Tatum led a three-point     bounds, helping host Orlando
the Lightning, who improved        Martin Jones made 33 saves.        shooting spree and scored 34       stop a four-game losing streak.
to 5-0 at Amalie Arena. An-           Max Comtois had two goals,      points, helping visiting Boston       Timberwolves 106, Thunder
drei Vasilevskiy finished with     Troy Terry had a goal and an       hold off Los Angeles, which        103: D’Angelo Russell made a
27 saves.                          assist, and Adam Henrique al-      didn't have Paul George in the     three-pointer with 3.7 seconds
  Goodrow’s second goal of         so scored for Anaheim. John        lineup.                            remaining to lift Minnesota to
the game was the 6,000th goal      Gibson stopped 26 shots.              Kawhi Leonard had 28 points     the road win.
PAGE 8   • STRIPES LITE •             Saturday, February 6, 2021

Serena, Nadal eye records at Aussie Open
        Associated Press               ful of days before the scheduled        Williams, a seven-time cham-      it’s going to demand a lot of pa-
   Easy as it is to assemble a         beginning of the year’s first        pion in Melbourne, said that the     tience and a lot of flexibility and
list of significant Australian         Grand Slam tennis tournament         Achilles tendon issue that ham-      who is going to really adjust and
Open story lines — from Ra-            on Monday (Sunday EST): A            pered her last year in a loss at     adapt the best,” said Chris Ev-
fael Nadal’s bid for a men’s-re-       full day of competition at the       the U.S. Open and forced her to      ert, whose 18 major champion-
cord 21st Grand Slam singles           half-dozen tuneups in Mel-           withdraw from the French             ships include the 1982 and 1984
trophy to Serena Williams’ try         bourne was postponed because         Open might have prevented her        Australian Opens.
for her 24th, from Novak Djo-          of a positive test for a worker at   from competing at all in Austra-        “Players are so used to rou-
kovic’s attempt to win a third         a hotel that housed 160 players      lia if not for that extra bit of     tines. They like to be in control.
consecutive title at Melbourne         in January.                          rest.                                They’re not in control,” said Ev-
Park to Sofia Kenin’s defense             The draw for the Australian          Most participants were limit-     ert, now an ESPN analyst. “It’s
of her first major champion-           Open was pushed back a day,          ed to leaving their hotels for       not easy.”
ship, and so on — nothing              too.                                 five hours of training per day.         Because of that one positive
hangs over the upcoming two               Before the 24-hour break was      More than 70 players were            COVID-19 test, more than 500
weeks quite like questions in-         announced, Australian player         banned from leaving their            people associated with the Aus-
volving the coronavirus.               Nick Kyrgios captured a com-         rooms at all during that period      tralian Open and its warmup
   There is, after all, still a pan-   mon sentiment, tweeting: “Am I       because they potentially were        tournaments were told to iso-
demic in progress.                     playing tomorrow?”                   exposed to the virus during the      late until they tested negative.
   “During the tough months of            “It was a bit of uncertainty,”    chartered flights that carried          One day later, action re-
quarantine in Spain,” said Na-         he said later. “I had no idea        them from various spots in the       sumed.
dal, who equaled Roger Feder-          what was going on.”                  globe to Melbourne.                     Australian Open tournament
er at 20 majors, three ahead of           Those sorts of doubts could          “Everyone experienced dif-        director Craig Tiley chalked it
Djokovic, by winning the               linger at a major tournament         ferent challenges when it came       up as “just one of those addi-
French Open in October,                that already was pushed back         to that period,” three-time ma-      tional challenges” and stated
“(there) have been too many            three weeks from its original        jor semifinalist Johanna Konta       unequivocally: “We are starting
problems to think about tennis,        start date to allow for all of the   said. “Some had it a lot more        on Monday.”
no?”                                   entrants and their entourages        difficult than others, that’s for       The plan is to let in 30,000
   And no matter how much bet-         to quarantine upon arrival on        sure.”                               spectators per day, about 50%
ter Australia has contained its        the continent.                          The mental and physical tolls     of the usual crowds — and a big
COVID-19 outbreak than coun-              “From a tennis point of view,     of that kind of lockdown cer-        departure from the last Grand
tries such as the United States,       you cannot prepare 100%,” 2019       tainly would be liable to affect     Slam tournament of 2020, the
a reminder of the precarious           U.S. Open runner-up Daniil           anyone, athlete or otherwise.        French Open, which had about
nature of a large, international       Medvedev said. “You try to do           “The players are just getting     1,000 fans per day, and the U.S.
sports event came just a hand-         what you can.”                       thrown off-guard a lot. I think      Open, which did not allow any.

Bauer joins Dodgers, signs three-year contract
        Associated Press               ports.                               vehicle had run out of gas and       MLS, players reach
  LOS ANGELES — Trevor                   Bauer, who turned 30 last          called for help on the entrance
Bauer is coming home to pitch          month, was born in North Holly-      ramp to the highway, and anoth-      agreement on new CBA
for the World Series champion          wood, went to high school in         er vehicle parked nearby to as-        Major League Soccer and its
Los Angeles Dodgers.                   Santa Clarita and played base-       sist them. Reid’s pickup truck       players struck an agreement
  The reigning NL Cy Young             ball at UCLA.                        struck the left front of the first   Friday night on a reworked col-
Award winner announced his                                                  car before hitting the rear of the
decision on Friday in a two-min-
                                       Chiefs assistant in                  second car.
                                                                                                                 lective bargaining agreement
                                                                                                                 that will run through the 2027
ute video posted to his Twitter        crash that injures kids                 Two children in the second        season.
account. Bauer narrated the              KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kan-            car, ages 5 and 4, were taken to       The league had invoked a
piece, which ended with him            sas City Chiefs assistant coach      the hospital. Their status was       force majeure clause in Decem-
saying, "This season is about          Britt Reid, the son of head coach    not immediately available.
                                                                                                                 ber to reopen negotiations over
making sure history remem-             Andy Reid, was involved in a            Local     television    station
                                                                                                                 the current CBA, citing ongoing
bers us as we wish to be remem-        multi-vehicle crash late Thurs-      KSHB reported that Reid told
                                                                                                                 uncertainty because of the CO-
bered. This season is about add-       day that injured two young chil-     an officer on the scene he had
                                                                                                                 VID-19 crisis.
ing to our legacy. And I can’t         dren near the team’s training        “two or three drinks,” accord-
wait, Dodger fans.”                    complex adjacent to Arrowhead        ing to a search warrant filed just     The agreement reached Fri-
  The Dodgers made it worth            Stadium.                             before midnight. Reid then           day night gives the players their
his while: His contract is for           According to Kansas City,          complained of stomach pain           full salaries this season and ex-
$102 million over three years,         Mo., police, the crash occurred      and also was taken to the hospi-     tends the current CBA for two
according to multiple media re-        about 9 p.m. on Interstate 435. A    tal.                                 seasons.
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