Minnesota's Anti Muslim Propaganda Mill - Exposing the Financers, Producers, and Distributors of Hate in Minnesota - ISAIAH

Minnesota's Anti Muslim Propaganda Mill - Exposing the Financers, Producers, and Distributors of Hate in Minnesota - ISAIAH
Propaganda Mill
                  Exposing the
                  and Distributors
                  of Hate in Minnesota.
Minnesota's Anti Muslim Propaganda Mill - Exposing the Financers, Producers, and Distributors of Hate in Minnesota - ISAIAH
Minnesota's Exposing

    Anti­Muslim Producers,
                and Distributors
Propaganda Mill of Hate in Minnesota.
written by Logan Carroll for

Endorsed by

                               State Council
Minnesota's Anti Muslim Propaganda Mill - Exposing the Financers, Producers, and Distributors of Hate in Minnesota - ISAIAH
table of
                                                INTRODUCTION 4

                                                THE NETWORK 6

                                           THE PROPAGANDA 11

                                                  THE AGENDA 18
                     FLY OUT OF MSP, BUT WHY?"

                                                  CONCLUSION 25

key findings
•Most anti­Muslim propaganda in Minnesota is created by a close­knit
 network of donors and activists as a long­term strategy of enacting
 conservative policies that extend far beyond questions of immigration
 and race relations.
•Vice Presidents of both General Mills and Comcast sit on the board of
 directors of a group producing radical anti­Muslim, anti­Somali and anti­
 black propaganda, along with owners and executives from a handful of
 mid­sized Minnesota businesses and half a dozen major law firms.
•The lazy and unethical Fox 9 KMSP­TV story "Millions of dollars in
 suitcases fly out of MSP, but why?" is modeled on propaganda, based
 on uncorroborated allegations by an unreliable source and is being
 used to advance a partisan agenda.
•The agenda of the network is closely aligned with mainstream
 conservative policy goals, but some members advocate for radical and
 regressive social policy.
Minnesota's Anti Muslim Propaganda Mill - Exposing the Financers, Producers, and Distributors of Hate in Minnesota - ISAIAH
  Minnesota's Anti-Muslim Propaganda         race, religion and ethnicity. The tactic is
Mill is a special report by CAIR             simple - to stoke distrust, cynicism and
Minnesota and ISAIAH that unmasks the        fear among neighbors so as to inflame
financers, producers, and distributors of     distrust in communal efforts, public
anti-Muslim propaganda in Minnesota          programs      and     government-by-the-
today. It identifies the members of this      people. The ultimate goal is to
network, analyzes their messaging, and       discourage even basic collective action
documents their stated political agenda.     or government regulation, to bolster
The final section of this report is a case    their wealth and power. The first
study tracing the development and            section of this report sketches a road
distribution of a single piece of anti-      map of the blogs, think tanks,
Muslim propaganda, and how it has been       individuals and institutions most
used to advance a partisan political         closely connected to the propaganda
agenda.                                      network built around two Minnesota
                                             nonprofits: the Freedom Club and the
  All Minnesotans, whether black or          Center of the American Experiment.
white, Christian or Muslim, city or
rural, want to be able to care for their       Scapegoating is the bluntest weapon
families, live in healthy communities,       in the arsenal of propaganda (perhaps
and see their hopes and dreams               from overuse.) In Minnesota today,
crystalize into a pearl they can hold:       Muslims, especially Somalis, are the
safety, security, and happiness for them     most common villains of this political
and their families. Minnesota has            theater, but the propaganda is not based
enough to go around — every                  on the details of their religion or their
Minnesotan can realize their aspirations.    identity. Rather, “radical islamic
Unfortunately, a close-knit network of
wealthy donors and activists foster a
politics of division and fear as a long-
term strategy to enact a host of policies,
some of them truly regressive.

  This relatively small network of
wealthy     and     corporate   political
operatives have deployed a paranoid
style of propaganda in Minnesota. This
propaganda is intentional in its design
and effective in its tactic of using dog
whistle     politics    and     divisive,                                       John Hinderaker
conspiratorial and apocalyptic rhetoric      President and CEO, Center of the American Experiment
to isolate communities along lines of                                   Director, Freedom Club
terrorism” is just the latest face to be several key aspects of this agenda in          5
painted on the well-worn effigy of detail, although the agenda itself is the
“invading parasitic subversives.” In the product of compromise and not every
past, freemasons, Jews, Catholics, policy is universally supported within
Italians and many more have served as the network.
models for the sneering caricature.1
Invariably, the subject of propaganda          The Center for American Progress
becomes an apocalyptic threat to has conducted extensive research into
“traditional” values. The second section the national network that produces
analyses the building blocks of                     most anti-Muslim talking

conspiratorial propaganda; in                       points in the United States.
theory and with contemporary             Text­      This network does not
examples from the Minnesota books in                produce individual stories or
propaganda network outlined America                 give marching orders to
in the first section.                                regional networks such as the
                                   must be          one operating in Minnesota.
  The network is a sophisticated approved Rather, they develop talking
operation to mold public                            points      which     lower-level
opinion. The propaganda they
                                   by   Islamist    operators localize and reshare
produce is a tactic in the long-   groups."         like urban legends. One of
term strategy of enacting an Anonymous              these talking points, “Somalis
array of conservative policies Deplorable           fund terrorism with welfare,”
that     extend    far   beyond      Housewives  of traces its origin to the “welfare
questions of immigration and         the Midwest    queen” catchphrase used to
race relations. Mostly, this                        turn public support against
agenda is aligned with the mainstream social safety nets in the 1980s and 90s.
conservative policy agenda, including The final section of this report will
union busting, deregulation and cuts to deconstruct the latest and clearest
social service programs. Beyond that, it example of this urban legend and trace
ranges from highly localized and its development and distribution, from
wonkish (changes in how public its conception in a 2012 Danish
pension costs are calculated) to newspaper, through its inception as the
medieval (enforcement of a “marriage Fox 9 KMSP-TV story “Millions of
norm” by punishing single parents, teen dollars in suitcases fly out of MSP, but
parents and unmarried couples who why?”, and ultimately to its use in a
cohabitate.) The third section examines 2018 Minnesota gubernatorial debate.
          Since 2011, the Center for American      was a Muslim,3 and once said that
        Progress (CAP) has conducted research      “racism in this country that is the real
        into the origins of anti-Muslim            problem is black racism” and “certainly
        propaganda in the United States.Their      not white people.” 4
        work revealed that “a small, tightly
        networked group of misinformation            In     2018,    Horowitz      generated
        experts guid[es] an effort that reaches     controversy by using inflammatory and
        millions of Americans through effective     false statements to criticize a project to
        advocates,    media     partners,   and    document historical lynchings of
        grassroots organizing. This spreading of   African Americans. John Hinderaker
        hate and misinformation primarily starts   defended Horowitz on his blog, Power
        with six key people and their              Line. Hinderaker is the president and
        organizations, which are sustained by      CEO of Minnesota-based conservative
        funding from a clutch of key               think tank Center of the American
        foundations.” 2                            Experiment and a director of Freedom
                                                   Club,       another      Minnesota-based
             One of these six key individuals is   nonprofit. In 2017, Freedom Club had
        David     Horowitz,    whose     David     hosted Horowitz as the featured speaker
        Horowitz Freedom Center has been           at their Spring Dinner.5
        declared a hate group by the Southern
        Poverty Law Center. As late as 2014,         Just as the national network mapped
        Horowitz insisted that Barack Obama        by CAP comprises a relatively small
                                                   number of individuals driving the
                                                   creation and distribution of anti-Muslim
                                                   propaganda in the United States, Center
                                                   of the American Experiment (“the
                                                   Center”) and Freedom Club drive most
                                                   anti-Muslim propaganda in Minnesota.

                                                     Between them, the two organizations
                                                   control or have close ties to four
                                                   different online media outlets that
                                                   regularly publish anti-Muslim content,
                                                   not counting the Center’s branded
                                                   publications that include a quarterly
                                                   magazine and an online blog. At least
Ronald Eibensteiner                                two of the anti-Muslim urban legends
Chair, Minnesota Republican Party, 1999­2005       developed by these sites have been given
Director, Center of the American Experiment
                                                     buys, door knocking, and donations to
    As usual when such                               candidates.10 They describe the impact of
questions are asked in polls,                        these efforts on their website:
the lack of support for free                            “In 2010 the Freedom Club led the
                                                        way in putting the Minnesota
speech rights is discouraging.                          legislature in Republican control for
Only 15% of respondents agree                           the first time in state history. Even
                                                        though Minnesota has not voted for
that ‘People should be allowed                          a Republican Presidential candidate
to use Nazi slogans or                                  since Richard Nixon, the Freedom
                                                        Club has been able to help maintain
symbols.’"                                              a Republican presence for the last 20
                                                        years. Freedom Club was behind the
John Hinderaker                                         2014 rural Minnesota wins for
President and CEO                                       Minnesota House and the historic
Center of the American Experiment                       State Senate Republican takeover in
       credibility by Fox 9 as evening news
                                                       Notable members of their board of
       segments, which are then shared and re-
                                                     directors11 include Richard Morgan, a
       shared by these blogs and others across
                                                     partner at corporate law firm Bowman
       the world.
                                                     and Burke who is also on the board of
         This propaganda is funded by a small        the Center;12 John Hinderaker, the
       segment of political insiders and             president and CEO of the Center; and
       members of the state’s donor class. It is     Robert Cummins, who is the president
       overseen by organizations whose boards        and CEO of Primera Technology. Their
       of directors include executives of two        executive director is Alex Kharam.
       Fortune 500 companies. The propaganda
                                                       Cummins founded and is the primary
       is used to demand legislative hearings,6 it
                                                     funder for Freedom Club.13 He has
       becomes fodder for campaign ads,7 and
                                                     donated millions to conservative causes
       shows up in debates as talking points.8
                                                     in recent years, but one of his most
                                                     recent donations was to a group called
       Freedom Club                                  Minnesotans for Bold Reform, which
         The Freedom Club is an exclusive            produced a series of pro-Jeff Johnson
       organization founded by Republican            ads. According to campaign finance
       super-donor Robert Cummins. Their             documents, the group has raised
       events (such as the one where Horowitz        $269,000 with $200,000 of that coming
       spoke) are closed to non-members, and         from Cummins and his wife.14
       membership starts at $3000. According           Alex Kharam is the full-time executive
       to their website, their membership            director of Freedom Club,15 the manager
       consists of “CEO’s, business owners,          of conservative political consulting firm
       attorneys, accountants, entrepreneurs,        The Greenbrier Group,16 and president
       bankers, civic leaders and more.” 9           of the right-wing blog Alpha News since
         They organize spending on behalf of         its founding in 2015.17 When Alpha
       conservative candidates and causes: ad        News began, Kharam was also an
General Mills and Brad                          This inclination for secrecy and            8
                    Anderson                         anonymity is shared by another right-wing
                                                     blog, Deplorable Housewives of the Midwest,
  Center of the American Experiment is not           which uses a “.news” top level domain.
the first time an executive of General Mills
has been connected to anti-Muslim                      Like Alpha News, the domain was
propaganda in 2018. Former Best Buy CEO              registered anonymously, and some
Brad Anderson resigned from their board of           articles are published anonymously under
directors early in the year after the public         the username “deplorablehousewife.” No
learned of his donation to a group that              information is given about the people
produced anti-Muslim propaganda to support           who finance or run the site. Some
Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential            contributors are named, including
race.                                                frequent Alpha News writers John
                                                     Gillmore and Andrea Mayer-Bruestle.
  The group, Secure America Now, presents
itself as a moderate non-partisan group, that          Business filings list three registered
simply wants to "bring critical security issues      agents: Mayer-Bruestle, Donna Azarian,
to the forefront of American debate."                and Susan Richardson.21 Like Mayer-
However, the content they produce is a               Bruestle,22 Azarian23 is a writer at
playlist of typical extreme right-wing               Alpha News. Richardson publishes
propaganda. It repeats debunked conspiricy           articles on the site and is a director of
theories about Benghazi, the Muslim                  Minnesota Voters Alliance, a right-wing
Brotherhood, and Barack Obama.                       group that advocates for restrictions on
                                                     voting.24 Richardson also served with
  One of their videos, "The Islamic State of         Robert Cummins on Ted Cruz’s
France," repeats an idea common in anti-             Minnesota Leadership Team during
Muslim propaganda. This same idea is alluded         Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign.25
to in one John Hinderaker's Power Line
posts, "Will We Always Have Paris?"                  Center of the American
       employee of Civis Communication, a
                                                       The Center describes itself as a think
       conservative political strategy firm
                                                     tank. It was founded in 1990 by Mitch
       owned by Cummins. Cole Mathisen was
                                                     Perlstein, a former staffer in the
       also     an     employee     of      Civis
                                                     Department of Education under the
       Communication and of Cummin’s
                                                     Ronald         Reagan     administration.
       Primera Technology when he began
                                                     Perlstein said in an interview with
       producing videos for Alpha News.18 The
                                                     Thinking Minnesota — the Center’s
       site    regularly    publishes    articles
                                                     quarterly magazine — that he tried to
       anonymously, and it was once caught
                                                     avoid controversial issues such as
       redacting Kharam’s byline.19 It has at
                                                     abortion, but also that he was
       least once required a contributor to sign
                                                     interested in “questions of education,
       a     non-disclosure   agreement       that
                                                     families, culture, and the like right from
       prevented her speaking about the site.20
                                                     the start.” 26
are all right­wing blogs propaganda mills?
  Though clearly connected to the network, Intellectual Takeout distinguishes itself
from the other media outlets connected to the Center and the Freedom Club in
some important ways.
 First, while they host much anti-Muslim content, they also host a small amount
advocating tolerance. For example, one recent article is titled “5 Things Muslims
and Christians Can Agree On.” Though an occasional overture toward tolerance
does not mitigate the dangers of publishing anti-Muslim propaganda, none of the
other blogs makes even a token gesture of respect.
 The second way that the blog distinguishes itself is in the absence of coverage of
the Fox 9 “Somali daycare” story.
  Intellectual Takeout hosts some dangerous content, but it exhibits a degree of
independence lacking from the propaganda mills detailed in this report.

                                                    Their board of directors28 is large and
                                                  comprised of high level executives from
                                                  global finance firms, corporate law
                                                  firms, and Fortune 500 companies.
                                                  There are employees of seven law firms
                                                  (all of which focus on business law and
                                                  several of which focus on management-
                                                  side labor law,) seven financial firms
                                                  (investments include debt,29 banks,30
                                                  medical equities, and more,) two
                                                  Fortune 500 companies (General Mills
                                                  and Comcast,) and eight mid-sized
                                                  Minnesota businesses (including an
                                                  international manufacturing firm,31 an
                                                  industrial dairy,32 and a business
                                                  software      developer.33)      Notable
                                                  members of their leadership include:
Brent Robbins                                      • Ronald Eibensteiner, the chairman of
VP and Deputy General Counsel, General Mills         the board for the Center, he was also
                                                     the Minnesota Republican State
Director, Center of the American Experiment          Chairman from 1999-2005. 34

                                                   • Brent Robbins, a director of the
        The Center frequently hosts celebrities     Center and a vice-president and deputy
      from the political mainstream at their        general counsel at General Mills. 35
      annual dinner. Margaret Thatcher, Colin
                                                   • John Gibbs, a director of the Center
      Powell, and Mikhail Gorbachev have all         and the vice-president of state
      keynoted the event.27                          government affairs at Comcast. 36
• Rob Parish, a director of the Center
          and secretary of the Hendry Family
          Foundation,      which     has    given

          thousands of dollars to the Center, to
          the David Horowitz Freedom Center,              Saint Cloud has been disfigured
          to right wing blog Intellectual Takeout,
          and to several organizations pushing       and in many ways ruined by refugee
          for the privatization of schools
          including Better Ed.37                     rese lement. The beneficiaries of
         • Richard Morgan, on the boards of
                                                     these programs have li le to offer
          both Freedom Club and Center of the        the community, are welfare
          American Experiment.
                                                     dependent and proudly seek not
         • John Hinderaker, the President and
          CEO. He serves on the board of             to integrate into America but to
          Freedom Club, and is a co-founder of       replicate the cultural conditions of
          and contributor to the right-wing blog
          Power Line.                                their failed, backward cultures. In
         Hinderaker took over as president of        the teeth of this, local residents
       the Center after founder Mitch                are told by the Regressive Le
       Perlstein stepped down at the end of          that it is they who have to change,
       2015. Hinderaker is a 41-year veteran         not the newly arrived… This means
       and former partner of Faegre Baker
       Daniels (the largest law firm in               you can’t object when your
       Minnesota; formerly Faegre and                children are bullied by feral
       Benson.38) Hinderaker was chosen, in          Somali youth."
       part, because of his work at Power Line,                                          John Gilmore
       which received national attention in                                        Writer, Alpha News
       2004 for playing a role in debunking a                           Writer, Deplorable Housewives
       CBS story based on forged documents
       about George W. Bush’s National
       Guard service.
                                                     The organization is closely linked with
         Intellectual Takeout is another right       the blog; an old staff page for
       wing blog with ties to the Center. Its        Intellectual Takeout identifies the
       founder, Devin Foley, was formerly the        organization as “Intellectual Takeout/
       director of development at the Center.39      Better Ed.” 40 Between 2014 and 2016,
                                                     Better Ed and Intellectual Takeout
        Foley also founded Better Ed, a non-         together received $80,000 from the
       profit advocating for school privatization.    Hendry Family Foundation.41

mapping the network
  A detailed interactive map of the network is available online:

  “Propaganda” is a pejorative term, but
it is accurate for the work produced by
this network. In 2017, Alex Kharam,
executive director of Freedom Club and
president of Alpha News, contributed an
article to Intellectual Takeout where he
wrote: “While theologians typically
deal in the realm of truth, political
consultants like myself typically deal in
the realm of power.” He tried to
undercut the cynicism of that statement                                         John Gilmore
in the rest of the article, but advocated                                 Writer, Alpha News
for a kind of non-violent political                            Writer, Deplorable Housewives
guerilla warfare.42
                                             one Power Line post, Hinderaker
  The members of this media network
                                             bemoans the results of a Holocaust
routinely describe themselves as
                                             awareness poll: “As usual when such
mainstream. Hinderaker described
                                             questions are asked in polls, the lack of
himself and other Power Line writers as
                                             support for free speech rights is
“vigorous advocates” but mainstream,
                                             discouraging. Only 15% of respondents
moderate, and respectful;43 Freedom
                                             agree that ‘People should be allowed to
Club says it is “the premier non-profit
                                             use Nazi slogans or symbols.’” (Note
organization making a difference in
                                             that the survey did not ask if the
Minnesota;" 44 Center of the American
                                             government should ban the use of Nazi
Experiment says it is founded on “time-
                                             symbols, just whether their use “should
tested American virtues;” 45 Deplorable
                                             be allowed.”)48
Housewives' tagline is “serving up a slice
of truth;” 46 and Alpha News describes         Shocking as some may find this, it is
their news as “fueled by citizens and        not on its own propaganda. Propaganda
their interests.” 47                         is a campaign, a coordinated effort to
                                             sharpen a particular narrative into the
  However, the work produced by these
                                             keen edge of a wider agenda. There are
sites, funded by some of the wealthiest
                                             five common components of this kind
men and women in Minnesota and
                                             of propaganda: dualism, apocalypticism,
lended credibility by association with
                                             conspiracism,       anti-elitism,   and
executives     from    Fortune     500
companies, belies their moderation. In
                                            democrats and The
  Sometimes called “manichaeism” or            "Countering
“manichean dualism,” this is the belief
that the world is divided into absolutes.
                                               Violent Extremism"
The forces of goodness and light defend        Program
holy righteousness from the forces of
darkness, comprised of brutal ignorant
evil    geniuses.    There     are    no      This report is limited in scope to the role
compromises or non-combatants:              that a particular network plays in stoking
                                            anti-Muslim sentiment, but this is only one
   One fact that shines through is that
   Dr. Virji, like many Muslims,
                                            face of the problem.
   resolutely refuses to admit that
   Islam has a problem. Terrorism?            On her official senate.gov website,
   Extremism? Backward countries?           Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar
   Barbaric customs? Nothing to see         trumpets her advocacy of the Countering
   here! Islam is just like Christianity,
   we all have our bad apples.
                                            Violent Extremism program (CVE.) CVE is
           — John Hinderaker,               based on the bigotted notion that religion
           Power Line50                     and nationality determine how likely a
                                            person is to commit violence. CVE spreads
   Somali or Islamic, it is a distinction   the idea that entire Muslim communities are
   without a difference to women
   living in a free society. Within the     responsable for the actions of individuals.
   Somali culture or under the
   totalitarian regime of Islam, women        Beyond stoking anti-Muslim sentiment
   do not enjoy equality or individual      among the public, CVE is also used by law
   freedom. This fact is not debatable.     enforcement to target Muslim communities.
           — AJ Kern,
                                            The FBI, one of the main agencies involved
           Deplorable Housewives51
                                            with CVE, has concluded that engagement
   Saint Cloud has been disfigured and       with radicalism is not a clear predictor of
   in many ways ruined by refugee           violence. However, they have used CVE as
   resettlement. The beneficiaries of
   these programs have little to offer       a pretense to increase surveillance,
   the community, are welfare               informants, and other targeting of Muslim
   dependent and proudly seek not to        communities not connected to any
   integrate into America but to
   replicate the cultural conditions of     suspected wrongdoing.
   their failed, backward cultures. In
   the teeth of this, local residents are     CVE was the project of a Democratic
   told by the Regressive Left that it is   president, and Klobuchar is one of its
   they who have to change, not the         fiercest advocates in Minnesota. The subject
   newly arrived… This means you
   can’t object when your children are      of this report is a group of Republicans, but
   bullied by feral Somali youth.           that should not be interpreted to mean that
           — John Gilmore,                  CAIR MN holds all Republicans guilty or
           Alpha News52                     all Democrats blameless for anti-Muslim
                                            sentiment in Minnesota.
They [refugees] also bring cultural      reach out to Muslim communities are
   and law enforcement challenges: The      also demonized and targeted:
   practice of polygamy and female
   genital mutilation, low workforce           Many women will not feel
   participation     by     men,   and         comfortable attending the RLC
   inexperience with the requirements          convention [Republican Liberty
   of citizenship and voting.                  Caucus convention held in the Dar
           — Kim Crockett,                     Al Farooq community center] and
           Thinking Minnesota53                will not ignore the fact that the
                                               RPM       [Republican    Party  of
                                               Minnesota]      has    embraced  a
  While Islam and Somali people are
                                               community that does not recognize
frequently the foci of demonization,           ‘individual liberty’ and certainly
they are not the worst offenders; there         not the ‘equality’ of women.
is no bad/worse/worst, there is only                   — AJ Kern,
superlative evil. The words “liberal,”                 Deplorable Housewives56
“progressive,” and “Democrat” are used
interchangeably and are joined with the       Apocalypticism
forces of darkness. As the Countering
Violent       Extremism        program        In the narrative written by right wing
demonstrates, Democrats are equally         propagandists, the forces of good and
capable of spreading anti-Muslim            evil are not in static balance but locked
sentiment, but in the world of right-       in war and hurtling toward a climactic
wing propaganda, they are part of the       showdown. The stakes could not be
grand conspiracy:                           higher. In the extreme, life on earth itself
                                            is threatened (see sidebar page 15.) At the
   Minneapolis policeman and Somali
   diversity hire Mohamed Noor shot         least, the forces of evil want to destroy
   and killed Justine Damond last           the American Way of Life:
   year… in court proceedings last
   week we learned astounding facts            It’s as big a mistake to believe that
   about the depravity of those who            Islam is a religion of peace as it is to
   insist on “diversity” regardless of         believe that diversity is our
   the price.                                  strength. Countering those two
                                               poisonous and delusional narratives
           — John Gilmore,                     is the central challenge of our age.
           Alpha News54                        The ongoing battles take place
                                               along many fronts.
   The Democrat Party is no longer
                                                       — John Gilmore,
   the party of peace, love and
   tolerance. It is the party of death,                Deplorable Housewives57
   destruction,           derangement,
   vindictiveness, vitriol, perversion,        Speaking at the Conservative
   bullying, revenge, intolerance, spite,      Political    Action       Conference
   hypocrisy and dishonesty.                   (CPAC) in 2011, [former director of
                                               the CIA James] Woolsey defined
          — Anonymous                          Sharia as a “theocratic dictatorship
          (deplorablehousewife,)               extremely opposed to democracy”
          Deplorable Housewives55              and a movement to “eliminate and
                                               destroy western civilization.”
  Not all Republicans are responsible                  — Anonymous (Lil D,)
for spreading anti-Muslim sentiment,                   Deplorable Housewives58
but members of the right wing who
in which he described “a class of
                                                       political elites in America that could be
                                                       undermining American democracy.”
                                                       These were not business owners or
                                                       entrepreneurs; their class was not
                                                       economically defined, that is, it wasn’t
                                                       wealthy people. Rather, it was
                                                       “lawyers, media, government officials,
                                                       and academics.”

                                                         It might seem odd that Eibensteiner —
                                                       a millionaire financier and former chair
                                                       of the Minnesota Republican party
                                                       who has donated more than $170,000 to
AJ Kern                                                politicians across the country61 —
Contributor, Deplorable Housewives                     would accuse journalists and teachers of
                                                       political elitism.
          The Turks made a fearsome
          example of Khatun’s family and the             When the word elite is used in this
          1.5 million other Armenians who
          would not convert to Islam… The              kind of propaganda, it is better
          more I read about Sharia, the more           understood to mean undeserving elite.
          I fear it. The more I fear it, the           It is a core conservative belief that the
          more I see it implemented into our           free market acts as a just system of
          American fabric. And then I think
                                                       reward and discipline (though different
          of Khatun and her family.
                                                       strains of conservatism may apply
                 — Anonymous (Lil D,)
                 Deplorable Housewives59               caveats to that statement.) Wealthy
                                                       elites, by definition, deserve their
          They       (the    Muslim        Students    status. Relatively poor “elites” such as
          Association) are a threat to every           teachers, journalists, and civil servants
          campus and every community in
          which they exist. They are a part of         have not proven their worth in the free
          the Muslim Brotherhood’s network             market but instead sponge off the
          whose stated mission is to wage              producers of wealth:
          civilization     jihad       until     our
          Constitutional Republic is destroyed            I thought they [three news articles]
          and an Islamic state is established here.       were a stark example of how
                   — Alpha News, quoting John             malignant America’s self-appointed
                                                          “elites” are, even though, as we
                   Guandolo, author of Raising
                                                          never tire of pointing out, they are
                   A Jihadi Generation:                   anything but elite. In fact, they are
                   Understanding the Muslim               below average. Which is why most
                   Brotherhood Movement in                Americans rightly don’t think
                   America60                              much of them.
                                                                  — John Hinderaker,
       Anti­elitism                                               Power Line62

        In the Summer 2017 issue of                      Allegations of elitism of this kind
       Thinking Minnesota, Ron Eibensteiner            frequently pair with dualism and
       wrote a column titled “The New Elite”           apocalypticism, and almost always pair
with accusations of conspiracy with an         Islamophobia
invading force of parasites:
                                               The term "Islamophobia" borrows its form
   Devaluing          human        beings,
   specifically white people, seems           from "homophobia," a word coined to
   popular now days among the elites         counter-pathologize those who consider
   and the educated. The best educated       homosexuality a mental illness.
   in the West often lack wisdom and
   they have become morally confused           While Islamophobia is real, this report
   which has given rise to evil              attempts to explain, in part, how rational
   ideologies.        Education       and
   intelligence alone without wisdom
                                             people turn to acts of violence and extremism.
   will be the downfall of American          We reserve the use of "Islamophobia" for anti-
   culture and the end of human              Muslim works so feverish that they have
   civilization if this trend continues.     detached completely from reality.
           — Susan Richardson,
           Deplorable Housewives63             Take, for example, this almost Lovecraftian
                                             passage by the Danish conspiricist Nicolai
   We’ve seen in abundance what has          Sennels, translated from Danish:
   happened to Europe when elites
   open the borders of their countries           Should our civilization collapse under
   without regard to the quality of the          Islamic aggression - helped by our own
   people admitted.                              political correctness, cowardice, laziness -
          — John Gilmore,                        the only known place of intelligent life in
          Deplorable Housewives64                this universe will be a dark and broken
                                                 planet driving through space, populated by
   And that’s the problem: regressive            billions of mostly inbred people who live
   cultural elites insist the wholesale          in total misery, made slaves of freedom-
   importation of Muslims into secular           hating, death-loving, brutally mind-
   western society is essentially the            numbing sharia. What tragedy could be
   same as an American expat in Paris.           worse than that?
           — John Gilmore,
           Alpha News65                        This   passage      is   rightfully        called
                                             "Islamophobic," as is Sennels.

Conspiracism                                   Each of the preceding three aspects of
                                             right wing propaganda expresses itself
  Scholarship that studies conspiratorial    as a project to document a vast
propaganda begins with the assumption        conspiracy. In the past, there have been
that adherents are no more crazy or          conspiracies of freemasons more loyal
stupid    than     other      demographic    to their lodges than to the United
segments. To accuse them of stupidity or     States, Jesuits disguised as travelling
to pathologize them en masse is bigotry.     vagabonds      looking      for     weak
In his seminal essay, "The Paranoid Style    communities      to      subvert,    and
in     American      Politics,"   Richard    communist agents infiltrating all levels
Hofstadter commented that “It is the use     of government. Today, it is “Islamists,”
of paranoid modes of expression by           aligned with teachers, journalists, and
more or less normal people that makes        politicians    who     are    alternately
the phenomenon significant.”                  described as naively believing in the
                                             power of diversity or else cynically
profiting off votes acquired through         Textbooks in America must be
“population replacement.” Whether          approved by Islamic groups.
malevolent or naive, tolerating Islam            — Anonymous (Lil D,)
yields the same result:                          Deplorable Housewives69

   The Democratic Party is now the         It has long been reported that the
   party of open borders and               Obama administration had ties
   population replacement. They’re         with Islamic leaders. A 2015 article
   nakedly honest about their goals        by Breitbart reported that in
   and people refuse to see this threat    February 2015, fourteen Muslim
   at their, and our country’s, peril.     “leaders” met with Obama in the
           — John Gilmore,                 White House.
           Deplorable Housewives66                — Andrea Mayer-Bruestle,
                                                  Deplorable Housewives70
   Written      by      The      Muslim
   Brotherhood       in    1991,    The    [Ilhan] Omar has publicly identified
   “Explanatory          Memorandum”       Ahmed Hirsi as her cultural
   explains in the document that it was    husband and father of her children.
   created as a strategy to destroy        However, Omar is currently
   America      through      our    own    married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
   leadership.      The      document’s    Elmi’s name follows the Somali
   “mission statement” clearly states      custom of being named after his
   that     it   plans    to     conduct   father, which is the same name as
   “Civilization Jihad” by co-opting       her father.
   the leadership of the United States             — Christine Bauman,
   into believing a counterfactual                 Alpha News71
   understanding about Islam and the
   nature of the Muslim Brotherhood,
   forcing our leaders to enforce the
   Muslim Brotherhood narrative on
   their subordinates.
           — Anonymous
           (Alpha News Staff,)
           Alpha News67

  The world described in this anti-
Muslim propaganda is a cyclopean
machine of wheels within wheels. The
larger plot to destroy western
civilization is advanced through a
project of smaller conspiracies:
   Not a single story about who
   [Linda] Sarsour is, what she has said
   and what she has done has appeared
   in any Twin Cities media outlet.
   This is by design because to cover
   Sarsour would lead to [Ilhan]
   Omar’s association with her…
                                                                             Alex Kharam
                                                       Executive Director, Freedom Club
          — John Gilmore,
          Deplorable Housewives68
                                                                  President, Alpha News
Authoritarianism                              This insinuation is sometimes acheived
                                                     by juxtaposing legitimate religious
         Each of these blogs is branded
                                                     considerations with invented demands:
       libertarian,     so      displays     of
       authoritarianism are accessorized with            Sharia law is the very basis for
       hedge language and cloaked in                     every demand that Muslims make
                                                         on society today. Whether it be
       insinuation. Perhaps the starkest
                                                         special treatment in hospitals,
       example of authoritarian posturing                books being vetted, women wearing
       came from Hinderaker when he                      headscarves, the ownership of their
       equated freedom of speech with                    bride, four male witnesses to
       acceptance of naziism. A softer way of            provide a testimony against a rape.
       calling for authoritarianism is to                       — Alpha News,
                                                                quoting Republican
       insinuate that Islam is not a legitimate
                                                                gubernatorial candidate
       religion, and therefore Muslims should                   Christopher Chamberlin74
       not be afforded basic religious freedom:
           American employers and schools              A final example is an 11-part series on
           are met with demands for time and         Power Line arguing in favor of racial
           space for Islamic prayer and the          profiling. The first part declares that
           American banking system now has           “racial disparities reflect underlying
           Sharia compliant financing.
                                                     behavioral disparities,” and “blacks are
                  — Anonymous (Lil D,)
                                                     disproportionately subject to arrest,
                  Deplorable Housewives72
                                                     conviction,      incarceration,      and
           Are the growing number of mosques         sentencing     because      they      are
           in    America,    such     as    the      disproportionately perpetrators of the
           Bloomington mosque, a breeding            corresponding criminal behavior.” 75
           ground for a new wave of terrorism?
                  — AJ Kern,
                  Deplorable Housewives73

 The Anti­Muslim Speaking Circuit
  There are some connections depth interview by John Gilmore              The rhetoric espoused by the
between the blog network and the published by Alpha News.               speakers follows the same pattern
"anti-Muslim speakers circuit," as                                      as the writers of anti-Muslim
the Star Tribune labelled it.        John Guandolo has spoken in        propaganda, though they can be
                                    both rural Minnesota and the Twin   even more naked in their
  The Tribune identified several Cities. Guandolo's book Raising A       sentiment. Guandolo told a crown
individuals active on the circuit, Jihadi Generation was quoted at      in Warroad, MN, that Muslims
including AJ Kern, Clare Lopez, length by an anonymous Alpha            had taken over the state, and used
and Jeffrey Baumann. Kern, who News contributor.                         military imagery to urge them to
has    written    for    Deplorable                                     fight back:
Housewives, is frequently cited in Gilmore has praised the work of
news reports about the circuit. Raheel Raza. Raza has been                 "I'm telling you. Marines,
Baumann participates in debates in connected by the Southern               we fight for hills. We take
the Alpha News comment section. Poverty Law Center to multiple             them back. It's time to put
Lopez was the subject of an in- hate groups.                               freedom back on the
                                                                           offensive where it belongs."
  In a 2015 interview with MinnPost,         Their agenda is mostly in line with
the outgoing president of the Freedom      that of mainstream conservatism. For
Club gently mocked the paranoia that       example, United States conservatives
frequently informed writing about the      have sought to weaken unions for
club: “There’s no secret handshake.”       decades, and in recent years have had
Their main area of focus is “economic      success at the state level. In
freedom,” he said. “I don’t think it’s     Minnesota, the Center marshalls
much of a secret plan; it is what          several anti-union campaigns.
members of our club are passionate
about having a voice on — less               They are also the force behind
government involvement and less            MNPCA, a hazy organization that
taxes.”76      There is something          claims to represent personal care
underhanded in the way Freedom Club        assistants (PCAs), but which takes great
hides their involvement with Alpha         lengths to hide its backers. Their
News, but they are transparent about       address is a PO Box, their phone a
their agenda. As is the Center:            VOIP number from Skype or Google
                                           Voice, and their website was registered
   “It not only researches and             through a proxy.78 There are no names
   produces papers on Minnesota’s          given for agents or officers of the group
   economy, education, health care,
   the family, employee freedom and        on the website. However, they work
   state and local governance. It also     with Douglas Seaton,79 senior counsel
   crafts and proposes creative            at a law firm that “exclusively advises
   solutions that emphasize free
   enterprise, limited government,
   personal     responsibility
   government accountability.” 77

  More details of their agenda are

apparent in the projects, publications,
                                           “    They [refugees] also bring
                                           cultural and law enforcement
                                           challenges: The practice of
and endorsements of the Freedom Club       polygamy and female genital
and the Center. For example, Freedom       mutilation, low workforce
Club     runs     a    project    called   participation by men, and
“MakeMNRed” that organizes voters to
support     conservative     candidates.
                                           inexperience with the
(MNGOP        party    chair    Jennifer   requirements of citizenship and
Carnahan writes on the party website:      voting."
“We invite you to learn more about our                                       Kim Crocke
values and join our movement to Make                                       Vice President,
Minnesota Red.”)                                Senior Policy Fellow, and General Counsel,
                                                       Center of the American Experiment
and represents employers in labor and
employment matters,” according to its
website.80 The firm, Seaton, Peters &
Revnew, is represented on the Center’s
board of directors.81 The Center co-
host MNPCA press conferences.82 State
Senator Michelle Benson attended the
Center’s fall briefing several months
before     introducing        the PCA
decertification bill currently being
debated in the legislature.83

  The     nexus     of    anti-Muslim
propaganda and anti-union activism
within the network is clear. The
producers    include    owners    and
managers of some of the biggest
businesses in the state - who would
gain the most from decreased union
strength. And union busting has long
been seen as a way of weakening the                                            Mitch Perlstein
                                                   Founder, Senior Policy Fellow, and Director,
funding base of the Democratic party.
                                                         Center of the American Experiment
  After the Supreme Court decision
                                              2013/2014 than in the previous cycle.
Janus v. AFSCME, conservative groups
                                              However, he made the maximum
around    the    country   began   a
                                              contribution    to    Jeff  Johnson’s
coordinated campaign to encourage
                                              gubernatorial campaign. 88
teachers to opt-out of the teachers
union.84 In Minnesota, this campaign            The Center regularly makes policy
has been undertaken by the Center             recommendations. In 2014, they
through their project “Educated               published a comprehensive policy
Teachers MN.” 85                              blueprint for Minnesota. Many policies
                                              are wonkish: disincentivizing cycling
  The     Freedom       Club     is    also
                                              and public transportation in favor of
fundamentally anti-union. In 2011, they
                                              car use;89 matching public employee
undertook extensive polling to measure
                                              contributions to retirement plans rather
how receptive Minnesotans were to
                                              than investing a defined amount;90
right-to-work legislation.86 In 2012,
                                              creating an internet-based database to
Cummins threatened to cut off all
                                              provide more detailed and objective
financing of the state Republican party
                                              economic and demographic analysis for
over their failure to pass a right-to-work
                                              Minnesota policymakers and businesses.91
bill.87 He followed through on his
promise. He had given $430,000 to the           Other proposals would result in a
party in the 2011/2012 cycle, and             radically smaller government and
nothing in 2013/2014. He also donated         substantially fewer public services:
to 40 percent fewer candidates in             abolishing corporate taxes and lowering
blatantly authoritarian. And that the       20

                                                    network would stoke fever-dreams of
      One fact that shines                          Islam impinging on public life while
through is that Dr. Virji, like                     working to legislate a regressive kind of
many Muslims, resolutely                            Christian morality. But this opinion
                                                    does not come from a fringe of the
refuses to admit that Islam has                     group, nor is it outdated. The report
a problem. Terrorism?                               was published in January, 2018, and
Extremism? Backward                                 begins with a glowing introduction by
                                                    the Center’s founder.
countries? Barbaric customs?
Nothing to see here! Islam is                         “Family fragmentation” is a common
                                                    theme within the network, especially as
just like Christianity, we all                      an explanation for racial disparities.
have our bad apples."                               Power Line, in the 2015 series arguing
John Hinderaker                                     in favor of racial profiling, says that
President and CEO,                                  racial disparities arise because of
Center of the American Experiment                   “behavioral disparities” which arise in
                                                    part because “in Africa itself nuclear
       the tax rate on top earners;92 replacing     family ties were weak.” 96
       MinnesotaCare with a premium
       subsidy program;93 and abolishing the          This is just a small sampling of the
       Met Council.94                               causes that Freedom Club and the
                                                    Center have advocated. Cummins was
         One report published by the Center is      the main financial sponsor of the 2012
       titled “Restoring a Marriage Norm.” The      marriage amendment. He donated
       report tries to solve the problems of        extensively to the authors of both the
       increasing divorce rates, unmarried          Senate and House versions on
       cohabitation, and out of marriage            Minnesota’s 2012 voter ID amendment.
       pregnancies. It jokes that perhaps the       The Center’s magazine has had cover
       solution to the problem is for higher        stories that argued against green energy,
       income Americans with college educations     alleged a conspiracy of indoctrinating
       — among whom, we are told, marriage is       school children to be tolerant of
       alive and well — to tell everyone else to    transgender people, and opposed racial
       “shape up.” Those most in need of            equity in schools.
       intervention, according to the report, are
       poor people and African Americans. It          Both the Freedom Club and the
       advocates social stigmatization or legal     Center were early supporters of
       punishment of single parents, those who      Republican gubernatorial candidate Jeff
       live together before marriage, and           Johnson. Robert Cummins, his wife,
       divorcees, demanding that “violators must    and fellow Freedom Club member
       pay a price.” 95                             Phillip Lindau together contributed
                                                    $225,000 to a group called Minnesotans
         It is incongruous that the Center —        for Bold Reform that produced two pro-
       which purports to be dedicated to            Johnson ads during the primary, and
       libertarian principles — would be so         conducted market research to learn
what would motivate people to vote for
Johnson. And Hinderaker wrote on
Power Line:
   Johnson’s campaign was based
   largely on work done by my activist
   policy organization, Center of the
   American Experiment. Jeff spent
   two hours with me before he
   launched his campaign, doing a
   deep dive into state policy issues.
   He adopted our themes and
   repeated, over and over, our data. 97

  Johnson has made many statements
lifted directly from the Center’s
publications. At the beginning of 2017,
the    Center     wrote    that   local
communities are burdened by the
refugee resettlement program and that:
   There is perhaps no clearer example
   of this than Minnesota which not
   only receives the highest number of
   refugees but also receives a high
   number of ‘secondary migrants’                                           Jeff Johnson
   who move to Minnesota after brief                  Republican Gubernatorial Candidate
   stays in other states. 98

  In July 2018, Jeff Johnson penned an        Other aspects of Johnson’s platform
editorial for Alpha News attacking the     lifted directly from the Center include
refugee resettlement program:              dismantling the Met Council,100 turning
                                           MinnesotaCare into a subsidy program,101
   In 2016, Minnesota accepted 3059        and cutting taxes and government
   refugees from other countries. We
   also, however, became home to           programs.102 While Johnson uses more
   many “secondary” refugees – those       traditionally populist rhetoric when
   who are originally placed in other      describing his tax plan, the end result
   states but then move to Minnesota.      would disproportionately benefit the
   In the two-year period ending in
                                           wealthiest individuals and corporations,
   2015, Minnesota became home to
   more secondary refugees than all        such as those on the boards of the
   other states combined. 99               Freedom Club and the Center.
"Millions of dollars in suitcases                          22
                                        fly out of MSP, but why?"

                            case study
  The Center of American Progress has       juxtaposes unrelated factoids to imply a
concluded that most anti-Muslim             sinister conspiracy:
propaganda in the United States              1) Factual stories or statistics about crime
originates with a small group of               committed by people of Somali heritage.
individuals and organizations. In this
                                             2) Factual stories or statistics about
section, we will trace the development of      Somali people receiving welfare.
one anti-Muslim story from its
                                             3) An assertion that at least some welfare
conception in a 2012 Danish news article       money falls into the hands of terrorists.
to its inception as Fox 9 KMSP-TV’s            The claim is so cloaked in hedge
wildly unethical "Millions of dollars in       language that it is both unprovable and
                                               irrefutable. Hawala, Al Qaeda, and Al
suitcases fly out of MSP, but why?"             Shabaab are frequently named.
After following the story through the
networks,      both       national   and      In 2012, Danish newspaper Jyllands-
Minnesotan, we will look at some of the     Posten published a story “Police:
ways this story has been used to advance    Danish millions fund terror.” Within
the agenda of the Minnesota network as      days, portions of the article were
outlined in the previous section.           translated into English and molded into
                                            propaganda by notorious European
  On May 13th, 2018, Fox 9 ran a            islamophobe Nicolai Sennels (see
segment on their nightly news that          sidebar on page 15.) Sennels’ post was
purported to exposee massive welfare        hosted on Jihad Watch, a member of the
fraud. The report claimed to be “based      propaganda network identified by CAP.
on public records and nearly a dozen        In this post, we see the outline of the
government sources who have direct          Fox 9 story:
knowledge of what is happening.”
However, only four sources were named          Only 43.3 percent of male Somali
                                               immigrants and 33 percent of
and only one, a retired Washington state
                                               female Somali immigrants in
police officer named Glenn Kerns,                Denmark have a job. It is therefore
affirmed the story’s key assertion.              fair to guess that social benefits
                                               from the Danish states finance
  The Fox 9 story closely follows a            terror against Denmark. On May
template laid down by right-wing               27, two Somali immigrants were
propagandists as early as 2012. The            arrested for planning terror against
                                               Denmark. 103
template is a variation on the “welfare
queen” story. It spreads like an urban
                                              Note that while two of the above
legend — the basic structure stays the
                                            statements may be factually correct, they
same but details are localized — and
                                            are non-sequiturs welded together with a
2013, to 5,950. At the same time,
                                                      food     assistance    participation
                                                      increased 98 percent, to 17,300
                                                      adults and children, which does not
                                                      include U.S.-born Somalis.” 106

                                                     The similarity in language is not
                                                   coincidental, but a requisite part of the
                                                   story. Technically factual but unrelated
                                                   statistics buttress airy implications of
                                                   sinister forces. This story doesn’t
                                                   mention crime, but stories of crime
                                                   committed by people of Somali
                                                   heritage are endemic on Alpha News.
                                                   Less than two weeks after the above
                                                   post was published, the site ran an
                                                   article titled "More Somali daycare
                                                   fraud in Minnesota, could abuse have
Kim Crocke                                         been prevented?"107
Vice President, Senior Policy Fellow
  and General Counsel,                               It is well known that the Fox 9 story
Center of the American Experiment                  was a rewrite of "Suitcases full of cash
                                                   leaving Sea-Tac Airport," a 2016 story by
        baseless assertion written in such
                                                   Seattle television news station King 5.
        equivocal language that it cannot be
                                                   Both stories are lazy, unethical, and base
        refuted. The story was picked up a week
                                                   their most salacious allegations on the
        later by right wing blog Money Jihad,
                                                   uncorroborated word of Glenn Kerns.
        which linked to the Jihad Watch post.104
        This was, in turn, linked to by Terror       At the top, the King 5 story admits there
        Finance Blog in a 2014 post arguing that   is nothing illegal or even unusual about
        hawala funds Al Shabaab. 105               cash being shipped via airport. Then,
                                                   buried deep in the story, is a statement
          In 2015, Alpha News published an
                                                   from a source within the U.S. Attorney’s
        article about hawala being used to send
                                                   Office in Seattle. The source said they
        money to Somalia. In it, the
                                                   looked into Kerns’ allegations of Somali
        anonymous contributor alleged that:
                                                   welfare fraud and terrorism financing and
           Without a secure and stable             that there was no case. They
           government there is absolutely no       recommended steps to potentially develop
           way to ensure the money doesn’t
           end up in the wrong hands. If the       a case, but Kerns did not follow up.
           Congress members get their way,
           then it’s fair for Minnesota              A simple internet search of Kerns
           taxpayers to question whether their     turns up a blog post by Jeff Siddiqui, a
           money, via welfare cash assistance      Muslim-American       activist     who
           programs, is being sent overseas.       describes an encounter he had with
           According to the Star Tribune, new
           Somali refugees in Minnesota using      Kerns in 2010. Siddiqui writes that the
           the “family cash assistance program     then-detective “launched into how
           jumped 34 percent from 2008 to          Somalis by nature are criminals and
terrorists and cannot be trusted and                   In this iteration, the hedge language is
        how he could never tell whether a                    replaced by a source-of-a-source:
        family had five children or twelve and
                                                                 “‘We had sources that told us, 'It’s
        they were all scamming.”108 Neither                      welfare fraud, it’s all about the
        Siddiqui nor Chris Ingalls, who                          daycare,'” said Kerns.
        reported the King 5 story, responded to
        multiple requests for comment.                         Since its release, the Fox 9 story has
                                                             been the focus of five stories on Alpha
          Despite the complete lack of substance,            News, six on Power Line (including a
        the King 5 story lent credibility to right           three-part series,) and two on Deplorable
        wing propaganda. It was shared around                Housewives. It has been mentioned in
        the world on right wing blogs as far                 many more stories on all three sites.
        away as New Zealand.109
                                                               In 2016, Fox 9 retracted another story
          In 2018, the King 5 story was                      that first appeared on Power Line. It
        repurposed, localized with old stories of            repeated a feverish conspiracy theory
        crimes committed by Minnesotans of                   about Ilhan Omar falsely attributed to a
        Somali heritage, and breathlessly                    U.S. attorney.111
        presented as “the worst scandal in
        Minnesota history,” as John Hinderaker                 The story has also been used to
        wrote. He concluded with a call to                   directly support political causes. It was
        “totally revamp both our immigration                 used by Robert Cummins and
        policies and our welfare system.”110                 Minnesotans for Bold Reform in their
                                                             early pro-Jeff Johnson ads.112 Johnson
          The Fox 9 story reproduced the                     has adopted it himself, tweeting about
        template of the urban legend: technically            it several times and using it as a talking
        factual stories of Somali people receiving           point in a debate with Tim Walz.113
        welfare are juxtaposed with technically
        factual stories of crime committed by                  Though Minnesota is facing a deeply
        Somali people, connected only by an                  underfunded healthcare system, some
        assertion insulated from factual rebuttal.           legislators are using the Fox 9 story to
                                                             argue, along with the Center, for still
                                                             deeper cuts.114
Obliterate nuance
  The stories about hawala financing     while hawala is increasingly being used   simple steps that regulators can take
terrorism provide a clear example of    to fund terrorism, the problem is not     to prevent money laundering, but
how propaganda shapes opinion by        in the system itself but the result of    these are similar to traditional
obliterating nuance.                    crack-downs on traditional western        western financial institutions. For
                                        financial institutions, a lack of          example, by watching for unusually
  A professional association for people regulatory oversight, and a general       high turnovers of funds.
involved in preventing financial lack of understanding of the system.
crimes, ACAMS, released the report                                                  Hawala poses unique challenges for
"A guidance to understand hawala and      In the United States, hawalas are       those working to prevent financial
to establish the nexus with Terrorist classified      as     money      services   crimes, including the funding of
financing" in March 2018. The report businesses and regulated as such.             criminal organizations. However, it is
stressed that those who operate Hawalas maintain detailed records                 hardly the shadowy, conspiratorial
hawalas are running a legitimate when properly regulated as they are              system propagandists describe.
business. Further, it observed that in the United States. There are
  Those who consume anti-Muslim             observances. The article said residents
propaganda are not crazy, stupid, or        “fear for their personal safety” when
bigoted. They make rational decisions       using the park near Dar al Farooq and
about the world in which they live.         that the center is responsible for
Like most of us, they live in the world     speeding cars that cause “fear and
created by the media they consume. To       concern for the children and other
the extent that they consume right          residents     in     the     residential
wing propaganda, that media is the          neighborhood.”   117

product of a coordinated propaganda
campaign. In the world created by this        At the end of 2016, the Center for
propaganda,      preemptive     violence    Security Policy — another major
towards Muslims is not only defensible      producer of anti-Muslim propaganda in
and necessary, it is rational.              the United States according to CAP —
                                            published a book called Mosques in
  On April 8, 2016, the Investigative       America. The introduction says:
Project on Terrorism published a blog
                                               “Mosques in America is a how-to
post: "Islamic University of Minnesota         manual for patriotic Americans
a Hotbed of Extremism." The Project is         who are ready to counter the
a main producer of anti-Muslim                 leading      edge      of      Islamic
content in the United States according         supremacism: its infrastructure-
                                               building through the construction
to CAP. In the post, they state that           of Sharia-promoting mosques that
“Dar al-Farooq Islamic Center and Al-          serve to alienate and radicalize.” 118
Farooq Youth & Family Center have
produced at least five young members                The book includes several case
who left to fight for ISIS.” 115             studies to demonstrate the threat. “Case
                                            One” is the Dar Al Farooq Islamic
  On May 21, 2016, Scott Johnson
posted a blog for Power Line where he
wrote “In an April 3 recording of             On August 5, 2017, Dar Al Farooq
Abdurahman and Farah at Dar Al-             was the target of right wing terrorists
Farooq Mosque in south Minneapolis,         who broke a window and threw a
Farah mocked the deaths of American         firebomb into the imam’s office. When
soldiers fighting in the Middle East.” 116   they were arrested several months later,
                                            according to the affidavit, they said they
  On July 26, 2016, Andrea Mayer-
                                            wanted to “scare [Muslims] out of the
Bruestle penned an article for Alpha
                                            country ... because they push their
News about Dar Al Farooq. The article
                                            beliefs on everyone else.”
accused the community center of
violating their land use ordinance by        The media focused on the crime, the
hosting normal Islamic religious            anti-Muslim   statements   of    the
You can also read