IN THIS ISSUE: Dunoon and District Gazette$0.00 Whinge Free (Mostly)

Page created by Tiffany Maxwell
 Dunoon and District                             $0.00 Whinge Free (Mostly)

Issue No 183    		      February – March 2021                                www.

                                                  CLUB NEWS & EVENTS p12-13

     DUNOON DAM p4-5                POSTIE AWARD p6                                CWA NEWS p7

    CHURCH HISTORY p8           LISMORE THEATRE CO. p10                          PNG HISTORY p19

                                          DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 1
  GAZETTE ADVERTISING RATES                                                                                         A FEW WORDS FROM THE EDITOR...
                                                                         Dunoon and District

                    **NEW RATES FOR 2021**                                                                            write this on my first day of                                                                            goodness – and we do another test on
                                     1 issue    3 issues 6 issues                                                     self-isolation in Perth after a long                                                                     day 11 of isolation. The G2G Pass and
                                   (2 months) (6 months) (1 year)       All editorial or advertising copy and         day of air travel through multiple                                                                       G2G Now apps are easy to use and
  Business directory                                                          images to be emailed to
                                                                                                                  states. Oh, the excitement of being                                                                          allow us to self-isolate in “suitable
  or classified                      $16        $35          $57                                                  able to look through an aeroplane                                                                            premises” – for example, our own
  (Free with 6-issue display ad)                                                                                  window again!                                                                                                home or in a family member’s home –
                                                                             hard copy left at/posted to:                                                                                                                      no expensive hotel required. With our
  A – Small                                                                                                       Western Australia remains one of
  (30mm H x 60mm W)                  $32        $70          $114               Dunoon Post Office,
                                                                                                                  the safest communities to live in due                                                                        return flights to Queensland still under
  B – Regular                                                                 James St, Dunoon 2480
                                                                                                                  to their strict controls, but border                                                                         the shadow of hotel quarantine, here’s
  (70mm H x 60mm W)                  $40        $92          $158        marked Attention Gazette Editor.
                                                                                                                  controls remain a contentious issue                                                                          hoping other states (and countries)
  C – Medium                                                                                                      throughout Australia. I wholeheartedly                                                                       will soon take up some of these
  (100mm H x 60mm W)                 $45        $109         $190          Please supply images as a high         support the snap lockdowns and                                                                               common-sense measures.
  D – Large Strip                                                       resolution .jpg file by e-mail, disc or   isolation requirements as they work                                                                          We continue to remain blessed in our
  (65mm H x 195mm W)                 $66        $170         $312        USB stick. Please ensure you have        and provide the lowest long-term                                                                             local community with being able to go
  E – 1/3 Page                                                           copyright permission for materials       impact to the economy – but we                                       In flight: view from my plane window.   ahead with sports, church, arts, theatre
  (90mm H x 195mm W)                 $80        $214         $401                     supplied.                   need to make travel possible and                                                                             and music events. Take a look at the
  F – Half Page                                                                                                   affordable again. I hope that our                                procedures. And I applaud the efforts       many events coming up in this issue
  (135mm H x 195mm W)                $91        $246         $465                                                 various Governments can learn from                               of the public to comply without             of the Gazette, support these events
                                                                              Editor: Bronwen Campbell
  G Full Page                                                                                                     each other about what works best in                              complaint or fuss. Everyone was             and make the most of our freedom
                                                                                  (H) 02 6689 5902
  (270mm H x 195 W)         $139                $390         $753                                                 continuing to keep us safe.                                      wearing masks, our temperatures were        that we no longer take for granted.
                                                                                  (M) 0439 842 237
  H 2 x Full Pages – 10% discount                                                                                                                                                  taken, hands sanitised and we had a         Read a little more about the Dunoon
                                                                                       Co-editor:                 I commend the airlines, airport staff                            short interview with the police. We
                                                                                       Mez Fisher                 and the WA police for their friendly                                                                         dam, history both near and far,
            Changes permitted with multiple issue bookings                                                                                                                         were given a free COVID test at the
                                                                               Advertising and Accounts:
                                                                                                                  and efficient implementation of                                                                              achievements and other local news.
                                                                                     Leane Kalnins                                                                                 airport and already have the results        Enjoy this edition,
                                                                                                                  the strict but very workable WA                                  in less than a day – negative, thank
                      SUMMER SPECIAL!                                         Website: Bronwen Campbell                                                                                                                                         – Bronwen Campbell
     Book any display ad for 3 or 6 issues and receive a
       half price ad size E, F or G in one of the issues                       Next Issue:
Business Directory listing: Free with display ad booked for 6 issues.     Apr – May 2021                               I love working with our
Advertorial: size E, F or G half price with bookings of display ad                                                     community to make
size C-G for 6 issues                                                    Copy Deadline:                                a difference.
Community ads half price (or free at editor’s discretion).                 14 March
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                                                                           distributors and advertisers
 The Dunoon And District Gazette is not-for-profit and is GST free.
                                                                                                                   GETTING THINGS DONE

                                                                                                                           Janelle Saffin MP
                                                                                                                                               MEMBER FOR LISMORE
                                                                                                                       55 Carrington Street (PO BOX 52), Lismore NSW 2480
                                                                                                                                   02 6621 3624 I

                                                                                                                                    Authorised by Janelle Saffin MP. Funded using Parliamentary entitlements.

2 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                                                      DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 3
DUNOON DAM                                                                                                               DUNOON DAM continued
RESPECTING THE WISHES                                                                                                   BALLINA COUNCIL                        long-term solutions, including            water should one day form part of
OF TRADITIONAL OWNERS                                                                                                   RESOLVES TO REVIVE                     Alstonville Plateau groundwater.          drinking water supplies in New

W                                                                                                                       I
ON DUNOON DAM                                                                                                                                                  “Upgrading the existing Marom             South Wales. For this reason,
                                                                                                                        DUNOON DAM OPTION
          ATER Northern Rivers                                                                                                                                 Creek Water Treatment Plant to            Council is investigating the potential
                                                                                                                            n its first meeting for 2021,
          Alliance calls on Rous                                                                                                                               maximise existing groundwater             of a pilot recycled water scheme
                                                                                                                            Ballina Shire Council has voted
          County Council and state                                                                                                                             provides the quickest and most            to supply Perradenya Estate near
                                                                                                                            to support further investigation
water planners to respect the wishes                                                                                                                           cost-effective option for Council to      Lismore. This will not be without
                                                                                                                        into the Dunoon Dam in an effort to
of Widjabul Wia-bal people who                                                                                                                                 increase the system’s secure yield        significant challenges though
                                                                                                                        revive the proposal and secure the
have voiced their opposition to the                                                                                                                            from 2024,” Mr Williams said.             given the regulatory and licensing
                                                                                                                        region’s future water supply.
proposed Dunoon Dam.                                                                                                                                                                                     requirements,” Mr Rudd said.
                                                                                                                        The motion was brought to              “The focus is on exploring the
The dam would obliterate important                                                                                                                             viability of using recycled water         A rescission motion on the decision
                                                                                                                        the meeting on 28 January by
cultural heritage ancient burial sites.                                                                                                                        to meet the needs of a growing            to abandon the dam, brought by Rous
                                                                                                                        Ballina’s Deputy Mayor Cr Sharon
Yesterday John Roberts, a senior                                                                                                                               population amid a changing climate.       councillors Sharon Cadwallader,
                                                                                                                        Cadwallader, with the support of
Elder of the Widjabul Wia-bal stated                                                                                                                                                                     Richmond Valley Council Mayor
                                                                                                                        Crs Eoin Johnston and Stephen          “Long-term water security remains
that when he and other traditional                                                                                                                                                                       Robert Mustow and Cr Sandra
                                                                                                                        McCarthy.                              a concern and Council’s decision to
custodians were consulted about                                                                                                                                                                          Humphrys, is likely to be raised at the
                                                                                                                        Councillors voted in favour of         revise the long-term strategy has not     next Rous County Council meeting,
the dam in 2011 they made it clear
                                                                                                                        the revisiting the dam proposal,       been taken lightly,” he said.             scheduled for 17 Februray.
that no level of disturbance was
                                                                                                                        expressing concerns about the          Rous County Council General
                                                                                                                        viability of alternative groundwater   Manager Phillip Rudd said ongoing
“When Aboriginal people have                                                                                            sources.                               water conservation efforts and
unequivocally stated their objection
                                                                                                                        The motion passed states: “That        further investigation into water
to the dam, they should be
                                                                                                                        Ballina Shire Council send a clear     reuse will underpin Council’s water
listened to” said Nan Nicholson
spokesperson for WATER Northern
                                                                                                                        message to Rous County Council that    management strategy.                          Girls Weekend
                                             The Channon Gorge, site of the proposed Dunoon Dam wall. Image             Council has major concerns about a     “Despite Council’s success in
Rivers Alliance.                                                                                                                                                                                           Friday 19 March – Sunday 28 March
                                             shows Terania valley on left, Rocky Creek valley centre-right, World       secure water strategy for the region   reducing the amount of water used
“The pattern of trying to wear down                 Heritage listed Nightcap National Park in distance.                 and ask that Rous County Council                                                       Directed by Fran Legg
                                                                                                                                                               by residents, based on our current
Aboriginal people with repeated                           Photo credit: Balloon Aloft, Byron Bay.                       continue with further investigations   demand and future predictions, it is        Bookings open 22 February –
consultations is unacceptable. Rous                                                                                     as to the viability of the Dunoon                                                 see
                                          ‘consultation’ process. It’s starting to “We have opportunities now that                                             clear that solely relying on reduced
did a Cultural Heritage Impact                                                                                          Dam proposal. The groundwater on
                                          look like their aim is to keep going     were not present when Rous set the                                          water use is not enough to achieve
Assessment with a NO DAM answer                                                                                         the Alstonville Plateau has many                                                        SESSION TIMES:
                                          until they get the answer they want. Dunoon dam proposal in motion.                                                  water security in the long-term for our
in 2011. They conducted another                                                                                         demands on it and should not be                                                       Friday 19 March (8pm)
                                                                                   The new approach to water is to                                             growing population,” Mr Rudd said.
report in 2013, and now it looks          “The bottom line is that this                                                 relied upon as a major source of                                                     Saturday 20 March (8pm)
like they want to subject Widjabul        destructive dam is not necessary,”       spread risk across a portfolio of    supply.”                               Mr Rudd said Council is taking                 Sunday 21 March (2pm)
Wia-bal people to yet another             said Annie Kia.                          strategies, including some that                                             innovative action to investigate the          Thursday 25 March (8pm)
                                                                                   don’t depend on rain. The change     When Rous voted to shelve the dam      use of recycled water as an option to
                                                                                                                        proposal in late 2020, Chairperson                                                    Friday 26 March (8pm),
                                                                                   is evident in the NSW Productivity                                          increase water supply.                        Saturday 27 March (8pm)
                                                                                   Commission Greenpaper that           Keith Williams said the Council
                                                                                                                        would continue to investigate viable   “Council’s position is that recycled           Sunday 28 March (2pm)
                                                                                   advises efficiencies and new
                                                                                   sources such as purified recycled
                                                                                 “The new approach is spelt out               P I R LO S T Y R E C E N T R E
                                                                                 in All Options on the Table from           From BIG earthmoving tyres to a small wheelbarrow- we do them all!
                                                                                 the Water Services Association
                                                                                 of Australia, in which dams are                                                                                              ood old
                                                                                                                                     We’re agents for:
                                                                                                                                                                                               Still giving g
                                                                                 described as high-risk investments,                                                                                          ervice!
                                                                                                                                                                                               traditional s
                                                                                 and the case is made for innovation                                                                                      30 Union Street
                                                                                 to ensure supply-demand balance.
                                                                                 We encourage interested people to
                                                                                                                                                                                                          South Lismore

                                                                                 go to the Smart Water Options page                                                                                      Phone: 6621 3561
                  John Roberts and niece Cindy Roberts.                          on our website.”                                    ON FARM SERVICE - ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS - LOCALLY OWNED

4 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                       DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 5
LOCAL POSTIE NOMINATED FOR AWARD                                                                                    LISMORE CWA NEWS
NARELLE THE POSTIE                     “Australia Day Awards give us a
NOMINATED FOR SERVICES                 chance every year to honour those

                                       passionate people in our community
                                       who dedicate a large part of their
           e are pleased to announce
                                       lives to building a stronger and
           that Narelle Guthrie, who
                                       healthier community with no
           takes care of delivering
                                       thought of personal gain,” he said.
Australia Post mail around the
Dunoon, Dorroughby area, has been      Narelle always goes above and
nominated for her services in the      beyond the call of duty. She delivers
community.                             right to your door when the parcel
The Australia Day Awards are held      is too heavy for you to carry or pick
annually to recognise people who       up from the mailbox. She always
give back to the community through     knows the names of pets and always
volunteering or community work, or     has time for a quick two-minute
those who are excelling in sport or    chat.
other endeavours.                      We are so proud of her and
Lismore City Mayor Isaac Smith         appreciate her, whether or not she
said this is a chance to recognise     wins, she will always be a winner in
our unsung heroes who put in many      our books.
hours as volunteers to make our                            – Janice Jansen
community a great place to live and                                                                                Some of the newly reopened CWA group: (l-r) Aliison Kelly, Jenner Jackson, Helen Dargin, Rae Saul (in front),
raise a family.                                                                                                                   Bev Payne (behind), Margaret Seydel and Robyn Kelly. Photo by Lisa Gough.

                                                                                                                  LISMORE COUNTRY                       They will be supported by two
                                                                                                                                                        experienced CWA women as vice-         DUNOON HALL UPDATE
                                                                                                                  WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION                                                                  he contact number for

                                                                                                                                                        Presidents – Helen Dargin and Bev
                                                                                                                  (CWA) – DAY BRANCH                                                                   bookings for the Dunoon
                                                                                                                          he Far North Coast Group                                                     Hall is Jillian Blake on
                                                                                                                          of NSW CWA were excited       Rae Saul, the Branch’s long-           6689 5535 (she no longer works
                                                                                                                          to announce late last year    term Patron, who has been a            at the Post Office and Fiona is no
                                                                                                                  that the Lismore Day branch has       member for 50+ years and is the        longer a contact point).
                                                                                                                  reopened after being closed for the   oldest member at 94 years, has
                                                                                                                                                        been meeting with the women            Exercise classes are run Mondays
                                                                                                                  past year.
                                                                                                                                                        encouraging the Lismore branch to      and Wednesdays from 9am.
                                                                                                                  President of the Far North Coast                                             Contact Mark Roberts on 0419
                                                                                                                  branch Narelle Gotting said:                                                 831 424.
                                                                                                                  “There were a number of issues        The branch is now looking for new
                                                                                                                                                        members interested in learning and     Christadelphians meet Sundays
                                                                                                                  that took place resulting in the
                                                                                                                                                        supporting other women, social         9am-1 pm and can be contacted
  The LIFELINE SHOP @                                                                          branch being closed. Coronavirus
                                                                                                                                                        outings, community participation,      on 6689 5229.
  Casino St South Lismore                                                                      then postponed any reopening
   Open 9.30am–4.15pm                                                                        ideas floating around in the          a love of cooking and craft with a     And there is a karate group for
        MON–FRI                                              Nik Hyde                        community, but we now have            real desire to make a difference to    children using the Hall which
      9am–Noon SAT                                         Plumber & Drainer                 enough women interested that it is    other people’s lives.                  meets on Tuesday afternoons
                                          We’re local – for all your
                                                           New installations/Renovations      time the branch reopens.”             The Lismore Day Branch plans to        (contact Jillian for more
   THOUSANDS of BOOKS @                  small to medium earthworks                                                                                                                            information).
         GREAT prices!                                                Roofing/Guttering
                                                                                                                  The reopening was just in time to     start slowly building its capacity
     HEAPS of RECYCLED                                                         Solar systems/Hot water services
                                                                                                                  celebrate 96 years of the Lismore     as more women join over the next       The hall now has a QR code
  CLOTHING @ bargain prices!                                                            Septic Systems
                                                                                                                                                        few months.                            which must be scanned by
  Furniture Warehouse 8.30am–
                                                                                        Free estimates
                                                                                  Commercial & Domestic
                                                                                                                                                        They meet on the first Thursday        everyone coming into the hall, or
  4.30pm weekdays & Sat 9am–                                                                                      The new committee is comprised
                                                                                          24hr Service
                                                                                                                                                        of the month at the CWA rooms in       names and numbers must go into
            midday                                                                                                of Aliison Kelly as president,
                                                                                  Dunoon 6689 5174
                                                                                                                                                        Lismore.                               the sign-in book that is available.
  23 Three Chain Road, Lismore               
                                                                                  Mob: 0428 753 796               Margaret Seydel as treasurer,
                                                                                        and Robyn Kelly as secretary.                                                                    – Mary Carter

6 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                              DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 7
  DUNOON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HISTORY                                                                                        PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HISTORY continued
       his article dated 17 January                                                                                       THE NEW CHURCH
       1912 (Northern Star)                                                                                               The new church stands upon an
       describes the opening of                                                                                           excellent site in the township of
the Dunoon Presbyterian Church.                                                                                           Dunoon which has been purchased
The centenary of the church is                                                                                            from Mr. W. Munro. It has been
now already a few years ago. We                                                                                           built and furnished at the cost of
welcome the new owners of the                                                                                             £635, and the price of the site
building and their enthusiasm for its                                                                                     was £100. An Estey organ has
history.                                                                                                                  been provided by Messrs. Paling         LUXURY 3 BED/2 BATH APARTMENT
                       – Ian Murray                                                                                       and Co. at the cost of £35 18s.              WITH LARGE BALCONY            J & J Ferronato
                                                                                                                          The total outlay is therefore £770      OVERLOOKING THE PACIFIC OCEAN
                                                                                                                                                                    AND HASTINGS RIVER IN PORT                  Lic No 217725C
                                                                                                                          18s, of which £161 9s has been                    MACQUARIE.                         QUALITY WORK
CHURCH OPENED AT                                                                                                          raised by subscriptions, fairs, etc.,   THE UNIT HAS A NORTHERLY ASPECT    Renovations Extensions Decks
DUNOON                                                                                                                    so that the debt amounts to £319        AND IS CENTRALLY LOCATED IN CBD    Contact John: 0429 895 130
                                                                                                                                                                    JUST A 5 MINUTE STROLL TO THE
On Wednesday last, January 10th,                                                                                          9s. Toward defraying this there          SHOPS, BARS AND RESTAURANTS
the new Presbyterian Church at                                                                                            is £50 of promised subscriptions         FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO
Dunoon was opened by the Rev. M.                                                                                          to come in. The church will hold         WEBSITE OR CALL DIANNE FLYNN
Henry, BA. The opening ceremony                                                                                           about 150 persons. It is of a most                 O408614113
took place at 11.30, by which             The former Presbyterian Church in Dunoon, 2021. It has been converted           pleasing and handsome appearance, 
time a large number of people had               into a residence and has recently been sold to new owners.                and is a credit to the architect Mr.     macquarie/17-3-munster-street-
gathered.                                                                                                                 A. Jolly, while the quality of the         apartment-unit/261761994
                                        Other clergy present were the Rev.      applause. Apologies for absence
The following ministers, wearing                                                                                          workmanship speaks well for the          Mention this ad and get a
                                        F. L. Hackett, Vicar of Dunoon and      were received from the Rev. G.
gowns and hoods appropriate to                                                                                            contractors, Messrs. Gaggin and Co.           10% discount!
                                        the Rev. W. D. McIlwraith, B.A., of     Johnson, of Dunoon, J. Walker, of
their respective universities and       Sydney. Mr. Calsely ably officiated     Alstonville, and A. M. Gauld of                                                                                          First Sat 10-2pm Conservatorium
degrees, took their stand at the        at the organ at both services. After    Lismore.
church door, viz., the Revs; R.         the morning service lunch was      Addresses were delivered by the
Miller, B.A., of Bangalow, M.           provided in the Dunoon Public Hall.



                                                                           Rev. M. Henry, R. Miller, W.
Henry, B.A., of Gulargambone,
                                     The afternoon service commenced       McIlwraith, and Foster H. Bardwell,



and Foster H. Bardwell, M.A., of
                                     at 1.30, when, with the Rev. W. D.    who presided. A comprehensive vote
                                     McIlwraith reading the lesson 1st     of thanks was moved by Mr. Munro,
Mrs. Ross, President of ‘the         Kings, chapter 8, the same minister   seconded by Mr. MacDonald and
Ladies’ Guild,’ on behalf of the     officiated. The sermon was delivered heartily accorded. The presence of
congregation, presented the Rev.     by the Rev. M. Henry, who took as     the Rev. M. Henry drew many from                 Janaya Everingham Felton
M. Henry with a silver key suitably  his text: “I was glad when they said all parts of the district. He was for
inscribed. The rev. gentleman haying unto me, let us go into the House of four years minister of the Clunes                 Real Estate Professional servicing Dunoon, Channon, Modanville & surrounding suburbs
expressed his thanks, declared       God” (Psalm 122: 1), The Roy. F.      charge, and under his care it became
the church open for the worship      H. Bardwell intimated that in future, for the first time self-supporting. At
                                                                                                                            A Northern Rivers local since birth, I grew up on James Street in
and praise of God and for the        services would be held at Dunoon      the time of his coming its condition             Dunoon and still have family residing in the area. I am familiar
proclamation of His Word. He then    on the 1st and 2nd and 5th Sundays    was not hopeful. It was a cause of               with the region and I would love to help with your real estate
led the way into the church which    of the month at 11, and on the 3rd    very great regret when he left to                needs.
was speedily filled to overflowing.  and 4th Sundays at 7.30.              take up mission work at Bourke. He
The service commenced by the         At 8 o’clock a social was held in     is now minister at Gulargambone,
                                                                           and has come to this district on a               The local real estate market has had an exciting start to 2021
singing of the 100th Psalm. (Scots   the hall, which was well filled. The
Version). The Rev. R. McPhee read    musical programme arranged by         holiday. Another former minister                 and if you would like to know what your property is worth,
as a lesson the Sixth Psalm.         Miss K. Munro was as follows:         of Clunes, when it was part of the               contact me for a FREE, no-obligation appraisal.
                                     Overture, Miss Windsor; songs,        Lismore charge, has recently visited
The Rev. M. Henry then offered                                             the district, viz., the Rev. J. Craigie,
the dedicatory prayer, and after the Mrs. T. Johnson, Misses McLean
                                                                           well known here about fifteen years
                                                                                                                                                                  Janaya Felton
singing of the hymn “Thou Whose      and Munro, and Messrs. Franklin,
                                     Risk, and Raward; recitations, Mr.    ago. He has been for some years in                                                     0491 177 205
Unmeasured Temple Stands” he
pronounced the Benediction.          Caldwell. Mr. Franklin s humorous New Zealand, and is now for a while                                              
                                     sketches called forth tumultuous      in Brisbane.                                                                 
                                                                                                    continued next page

8 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                      DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 9
LISMORE THEATRE COMPANY                                                                                              MEMBER FOR LISMORE JANELLE SAFFIN
A NEW YEAR, A NEW TWIST                                                                                               OUR RESCUE HELICOPTER

TO EDUCATING RITA                                                                                                     ENGINEERS WELCOME NEW

       ollowing the postponement                                                                                      EQUIPMENT
       of the staging of Educating                                                                                            he Westpac Rescue
       Rita at Rochdale Theatre                                                                                               Helicopter Service recently
Goonellabah back in March                                                                                                     took delivery of two custom-
2020, there has been a change in                                                                                      built stands to help its engineers do
the Lismore Theatre Company                                                                                           daily maintenance and pre-flight
production that will now open on                                                                                      safety checks of the familiar yellow
Friday February 12 for nine shows.                                                                                    and red Augusta Westland AW 139
In the intervening 12 months,                                                                                         chopper.
director David Addenbrooke has had                                                                                    State Member for Lismore Janelle
some health challenges so producer                                                                                    Saffin yesterday (Monday, 1
Kylie Fuad has stepped into his                                                                                       February) visited the Service’s
directing shoes to bring Educating                                                                                    South Lismore Headquarters to
Rita to the stage while making some                                                                                   see how Senior Base Engineer
tweaks to stamp her own influence                                                                                     Darryl Stevens and his team of
on the show.                                                                                                          three engineers are putting the work
“I’m in constant conversation                                                                                         stands to good use.
with David to ensure my work                      Elyse Dallinger and Gray Wilson as Rita and Frank in the            Ms Saffin said these stands – one
continues the vision he had for                               LTC production of Educating Rita.                       for the helicopter tail platform and
this production,” Kylie said. “I’m                                                                                    another crossover stand for the             SAFETY FIRST: Lismore MP Janelle Saffin with Westpac Rescue
working in a more detailed way with     The plot centres around Rita, a         with furniture and other special
                                                                                                                      cockpit area -- were funded by a               Helicopter Service Senior Base Engineer Darryl Stevens.
the actors to further bring out their   hairdresser who is enthusiastically     pieces.”
                                                                                                                      $10,249 small grant under the NSW       operating. “I encourage everyone to            increase the Community Building
physicality on stage and creating       and newly enrolled in an Open           To ensure audiences are               Government’s Community Building         donate generously and to support the           Partnership Program allocation for
‘moments’ that will hopefully evoke     University course in English            COVIDSafe, LTC is limiting            Partnership Program 2020, one           Service’s network of op shops. A big           each electorate from $300,000 to
many emotions for our audiences.        Literature. Dr Frank Bryant is her      audience numbers, instigating         which she was very pleased to be        thank you to all volunteers who staff          between $600,000 and $1 million so
                                        jaded tutor whose love of poetry is     various hygiene measures, only
“The excellent script provides                                                                                        able to help deliver.                   them,” Ms Saffin said.                         more worthwhile projects like this
                                        on a par with his love of the bottle.   offering on-line ticket sales and
comedy and pathos and a heartfelt                                                                                     “Darryl tells me that quality control                                                  one can be realised.”
                                        The whole play is set in Frank’s        complying with regulations                                                    “I continue to lobby in Parliament
journey for both Frank and Rita and                                                                                   and safety are paramount to keeping
                                        office where the dynamic of the         including use of the ServiceNSW                                               for the NSW Government to
our two actors are really bringing                                                                                    the rescue helicopter ready to fly
this to life for an intimate theatre    teacher-student relationship changes    QR registration.                                                                                                                 DUDGEON & BERRY
                                                                                                                      into action 24/7 so he and his team
experience,” Kylie said.                and Rita discovers her own voice.       Bookings can be made at www.          really appreciate the additional                                                        INSURANCE CONSULTANTS
Educating Rita is a ‘two hander’        “Audiences are bound to relate to for      equipment,” Ms Saffin said.
starring experienced LTC actors         Rita and Frank,” Kylie said. “And       the nine shows over three weekends,
                                                                                                                      “The highly professional Lismore-
Elyse Dallinger and Gray Wilson in      the set is amazing, thanks to so        including Sunday matinees.                                                                                                        Conveniently located at
                                                                                                                      based team of pilots, crew members,         BISTRO OPEN 7 DAYS
the roles Rita and Frank.               many locals who have helped us                                                                                                                                          Shop 5/76 Woodlark Street,
                                                                                                                      paramedics, doctors, ground crew          Mon–Fri: Lunch 11am-2.30pm                               Lismore
                                                                                                                      and support staff clocked up its                  Dinner 5-9pm                           (at the carpark end of the walkway next to
                                                                                                                                                                Saturday & Sundays 11am-9pm
                                                                                                                      10,000th mission just before COVID                                                                     the ANZ bank)
                                                                                                                                                                     Takeaway & Delivery available.
                                                                                                                      hit last year.                                        T&Cs apply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ask us about all your
                                                                                                                                                                  Visit:                        insurance needs including:
                                                                                                                      “This is a remarkable achievement                                                              • Business & Rural Packages
                                                                                 IAN HARDIE                           because so many of these call-outs                                                           • Liability • Home • Motor • CTP

                                                                       0427 445 555
                                                                                                                                                                   $13 Lunch Specials Mon–Fri
                                                                                                                      result in local people’s lives being      Members Happy Hour Mon–Fri 4-6pm                     Marine• Term Life • Disability
                                                                                                                      saved across the Northern Rivers                     FREE WI-FI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Trauma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Professional Indemnity
                                                                                                                      and Northern Tablelands.”                Cellarbrations Drive Thru Bottleshop open
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Superannuation
                                                                                                                                                               every day except Good Friday & Xmas Day
                                                                                                                      Ms Saffin said Regional Marketing         Follow us on Facebook & Insta for upcoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Workers Compensation

                                                                                                                      Manager Zeke Huish says it costs                      events and specials!

                                                                                                                      an estimated $3.5 million each year
                                                                                                                                                                  cnr Keen & Woodlark Sts, Lismore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Phone: 6621 3000
                                                                                                                                                                   Ph: (02) 6622 2924
                                                                                                                      in fundraising to keep the service               email:                     Fax: 6621 7773

10 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                      DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 11
DUNOON & DISTRICT SPORTS & RECREATIONAL CLUB –                                              DUNOON & DISTRICT SPORTS & RECREATIONAL CLUB                      

                                                                         A                                        W
                                                                         DUNOON SPORTS CLUB                       WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE MAROOCHI ON THE FIELD KITCHEN?
              Find us on Facebook:                                               n exciting start to the year
                                            has already seen several                    ell the long-awaited summer menu has now arrived with some
                                                                                 events taking place at the                  delicious offerings available. As always there are a lot of options

      What's On in February                                              club, but there are a whole lot more
                                                                         coming soon.
                                                                                                                             with some exciting fresh new ones, perfect for the hot weather
                                                                                                                  we are starting to enjoy.
Australian Songwriters Association                      Saturday 6th     Come and have a drink on us! This        Check out the new menu on the club website and restaurant Facebook page
– Wax Lyrical                                                            year the club would like to invite all   and plan your dinner visit today.
Trivia                                                  Wednesday 10th   members to come and have a drink         Don’t forget that the place to be on Sunday mornings
                                                                         on us during the month of their          is having breakfast on the deck while the kids go and
                                                        Wednesday 24th   birthday. Just show your current         enjoy the playground. Sarah and the team will ensure
Pluckers and Poets                                      Sunday 14th      membership card and ID to the            that you have all the coffee you can drink and a lovely
Degustation – Peter Pan Wine Dinner                     Tuesday 16th     bar staff during your birth month        breakfast or brunch. Open Sundays from 8am to
A beautiful 5-course degustation prepared by the        $75 a head       for a free drink*. It’s OK, if you       12pm.
wonderful chefs at Maroochi on the field, matched                        celebrated your birthday in January,
                                                        Bookings         we won’t let you miss out, come          Please remember to make bookings as all patrons must
perfectly with the best of the club’s new wine list.
                                                        0402 308 308     along in February and party again!       be seated while at the Club. Bookings on 0402 308 307
Meat Raffles                                            Every Friday     (* Drinks are limited to beer, wine
                                                                         and soft drinks.)
                                                                         Have you renewed your
                                                                         membership for 2021? You have
                                                                         until the end of February to renew
      What's On in Marc h                                                your existing membership otherwise
                                                                         you will have to go through the
                                                                         renewal process again.
Australian Songwriters Association                      Saturday 6th
– Wax Lyrical                                                            When you become a member
                                                                         of Dunoon Sports Club, you are
Trivia                                                  Wednesday 10th
                                                                         helping to bring our community
                                                        Wednesday 24th   closer together. As a member you’ll
Roses to Rembrandt– Life Drawing Workshop               Saturday 13th    receive benefits including:                             Check out the tasty summer menu at Maroochi on the Field – book on 0402 308 307.

Some of you have had a go at painting but now       $45 a head            • 	Members’ discounts for ticketed
it’s time to give life drawing a go. Get a bunch of
friends together and come along and laugh together Bookings
                                                                          • 	Members’ drink prices
                                                                                                                     Details are correct at time of
                                                                                                                                printing                                    Club Opening Hours
while producing your masterpiece.         
                                                    BOMBX                 • 	Free room booking for small
                                                                                                                                                                            REGULAR TRADING HOURS
                                                                                                                    To confirm details phone
Art supplies provided                                                     functions                                 Dunoon Sports Club
Pluckers and Poets                                  Sunday 14th            • 	Discounted room or venue                    6689 5444                                                          Wednesday, Thursday,
Irish Pub Party                                     Wednesday 17th        booking for large functions                                                                                        Friday and Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                                                  from 4pm
                                                                                                                          or visit the website
Pull on something green and come along to cel-                             • 	No need to sign-in on entry
ebrate St Patricks Day at the club. Irish music and                        • 	Bringing guests to the Club
dancing to be had, or is that ‘to be sure’!                                • 	Free bonus raffle tickets for                                                                               Check updates on our website and
BBQ, Blues and Beers                                    Saturday 20th     members at the Club every Friday
                                                                                                                       Information for members and
                                                                                                                                                                                           Facebook pages. See you there!
                                                                                                                               their guests
A BBQ competition event and entertainment by the                         Becoming a Dunoon Sports Club
Open Season Band. Boot stompin’ hootin’ and                              member is quick and simple. Pick
hollerin’ old-fashioned fun, a mix of traditional and                    up your renewal or membership                                RESTAURANT BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL!
modern country paired best with a spilled beer.                          application form at the Club or print                     Sunday breakfast 8am-12pm • Dinner Wed-Sat from 5pm.
                                                                         one out from the web site, then take
“These are the boys your mama warned you about.”                                                                                   Call ahead to book your table. Remember to allow for any                              WI-FI
Meat Raffles                                     Every Friday
                                                                         your completed form and payment                                  restrictions on numbers currently in place.                                  check with staff
                                                                         to the bar. You can even pay your
                                                                         membership online!                            Ring 0402 308 307 or send an e-mail to                                   for the code

12 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 13
RISING LOCAL ARTIST                                                                                                                 DUNOON UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB / TENNIS CLUB NEWS
                                                   Leisa Russell is an Australian artist perhaps
      STRONG COMMUNITY                             best known for her ‘11 Shades of Blue’ exhib-
      SUPPORT FOR LOCAL                            it that was awarded the 28th Gold Coast In-                                      Leisa Russell is an Australian artist perhaps

                                                   ternational Ceramic Art Award with the work                                      best known for her ‘11 Shades of Blue’ exhib-
              eisa Russell, sculptor,                                                                                               it that was awarded the 28th Gold Coast In-
              bonsaist and director of             subsequently entering the Gold Coast City
              Leisa Russell Artisan looked         Gallery Collection. In 2016 the Swell Sculp-                                     ternational Ceramic Art Award with the work
      forward to early December when               ture Festival collaborated with the Gold Coast                                   subsequently entering the Gold Coast City
      her studio was opened to the public
                                                   Film Festival to revive the prestigious                                          Gallery Collection. In 2016 the Swell Sculp-

      as part of the Ballina, Byron and
      Beyond Art Trail.                            Chauvel film award which is designed and                                         ture Festival collaborated with the Gold Coast                               DUNOON TENNIS CLUB
                                                                                                                                    Film Festival to revive the prestigious                                                 ith the Australian Open
      “I love interacting with the                 created by Leisa. She creates life-size bronz-                                                                                                                           just around the corner
                                                                                                                                    Chauvel film award which is designed and
      public,” she says. “The energy. The          es to fine sterling silver rings, and works in                                                                                                                           it’s time to dust off that
      excitement.”                                                                                                                  created by Leisa. She creates life-size bronz-                               racket!
                                                   bronze, clay, silver, wood, forged steel, resin,
                                                                                                                                    es to fine sterling silver rings, and works in

      Leisa is probably best known for             concrete and found objects.                                                                                                                                   This year the Dunoon Tennis Club
      her ‘11 shades of blue’ exhibit,                                                                                              bronze, clay,    silver,  wood,
                                                                                                                                                ith only 4 weeks of the
                                                                                                                                                                          forged   steel,    resin,
                                                                                                                                                                            and are open to anyone interested in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 is extending its membership offer
      the recipient of a Gold Coast
 ers, NSW                                                                                                                           concrete and     found    objects.                                           to include unlimited FREE COURT
                                                 particularly to regional Australia.                                                            Social 6s competition  to   playing football for DUFC this year.
      International Ceramic Art Award                                                                                                                                                                                         HIRE during daylight hours.
                                                                                                                                                         go, registration has now     No experience necessary, but you do
      that subsequently
 exquisitely        made   entered      Gold Unfortunately,
                                                 Russell Gallerythe
                                           Leisa                      — arts
                                                                conceived     was the
                                                                        Northern       first NSW
                                                                                    Rivers,                                                                                                                                   Get the most out of your 2021
                                                 and possibly the worse hit industry                                                         opened for the 2021 football season. need to wear shinpads.
      Coast City Gallery Collection.                                                                                                                                                                                          membership by joining as soon as
ng play of history, nature,‘11              gender,
                                                 during the
                                                            colour      and craft.
                                                                 of blue’ is an exquisitely made and imaginativelyPlease                             register as early as possible
                                                                                                                                                                                       • 	4pm-5pm: kickabout for 8-to-16-
      In 2016,  The   SWELL
porcelain coins is marvellouslySculpture                                                                                                                                               year-olds
      Festival collaborated with the work.           Itleft
                                                 Leisa   is
                                                                  most yetintriguing
                                                                             a significant play of history, nature, gender, colour           to help us work out our teams for
                                                                                                                                                        and craft.                     • 	5.30pm-6.30pm: kickabout for        Adults $60
 Dr Gold
      Kevin      Murray,       Judge,
            Coast Film Festival to revive   28th     Gold
                                                 increase    in Coast
                                                                the  amountInter-
                                                                              of people
                                          The blue dress made of porcelain coins is marvellously left process:
                                                                                                                                             this season. It’s an easy, two-part
                                                                                                                                              field, yet mas-                          seniors                                Juniors $30
 rd. the prestigious Chauvel Award terlygravitating              towards her art this
                                                   at the same time.”—Dr Kevin Murray, Judge, 28th Gold                                          Coast      Inter-                    BECOME A REFEREE                        Family $150
      with the newly sculptured award            year.                                                                                       Firstly (for players  aged 18 or
                                                                                                                                                                                      Want to become a referee? Football
      designed by Leisa. Like Charles national            Ceramic Art Award.
                                                 “I think during times of crisis, or                                                         under), get your Active Kids                                                     (Membership untill December
                                                                                                                                                                                      Far North Coast is running a            2021)
      Chauvel, Leisa was educated                isolation, people move inward                                                               voucher, at: https://www.service.
                                                                                                                                                                                      refs’ course at Goonellabah on          Social users are still very welcome
      in Southport, but after several            to discover their creative energy,                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                      Sunday February 21. Please note         to hire the courts through the
      decades of working on the Gold             which has perhaps been neglected                                                            kids-voucher
                                                                                                                                                                                      that registrations close on Sunday      Dunoon General Store.
      Coast relocated to Lismore in the          in the daily hustle and bustle of                                                           Then register at: https://www.           February 14. More info here: https://
      Northern Rivers.                           their daily lives,” she said.                                                                                                                   While this term’s social competition
      With her work featured across              During the art trail, Leisa saw a                                                                                                    4-new-referees-course/                  is already full, join now and get
                                                                                                                                             If you aren’t quite sure or want to
      state-wide galleries, Leisa is used        significant shift in the amount of                                                                                                                                           few games in before the next social
                                                                                                                                             get an early start on the season you     DUFC can help you become
      to sparkling at opening nights             people wanting to buy bonsais and                                                                                                                                            competition starts in April.
                                                                                                                                             can also come along to our Pre-          a qualified ref by providing
      and meeting with artists and               statement pieces of outdoor art.                                                            season friendly kickabouts. The                                                  For more information or
                                                                                                                                                                                      a scholarship (limited spaces
      collectors, but in what has been an                                                                                                    kickabouts   will take place at Balzer                                           membership contact us at
                                                 “Bonsai is almost a spiritual                                                                                                        available). Contact club president
      unprecedented year it is her local                                                                                                     Park,  Dunoon,   for three consecutive                                  or
                                                                                                                                                                                      Liz Vickers for more info:
 it – community who haveBronze come out   in —practise      were nature and
                                                                                                                                             Sundays   from  Sunday   February  7,                                            grab a form from the General Store.
                                       Horse      Private Commission
                                                 humankind are linked to each other.                                                                                        
      force to support her.
                                                 You have
                                           ‘My Throne’    Mostto photographed
                                                                  work with nature,    not –
                                                                                  exhibit                           Bronze Horse — Private Commission
      In the third National Arts           SWELL against
                                                    2008 it, which to a bonsaist is           public art.                                      Swimming Lessons at Dunoon
      Participation Survey released by           basic common-sense,” Leisa said.
      The Australia    Council  for the Arts,                                                 “We talk a lot about cultivating
                  Leisa      thrives     on creating
                                                 “The    people public
                                                                   who    nature-art
                                                                       visit my   gallery    installations
                                                                                              social unity today,which
                                                                                                                   dialogue  are
                                                                                                                              that can
                                                                                                                                                           Learn to Swim for all ages
      findings confirm the significant
                  always received bycome
      and increasing personal value
                                                    theback community            as the most
                                                                time and time again                  incredible
                                                                                              be reinforced
                                                                                                       Leisa through   gift. The
                                                                                                                  thrives      on creating public   Stroke nature-art
                                                                                                                                                             Correction and  installations
                                                                                                                                                                                 Adult Classes  which are
                  growing        demand          without
                                               for     thesereally  recognising
                                                                   works      havehow   happened        as
                                                                                              To learn always a  reaction
                                                                                                       more about received       to
                                                                                                                     the Ballina, by the community
      Australians place on the impact of
                                                 deeply   the   bonsais are  affecting                                                            Mums & Bubs,   as Learners
                                                                                                                                                                      the most      incredible
                                                                                                                                                                                 with Disabilities gift. The
      the arts, and  the ways in whichIn they
                                          a year        of unprecedented change,
                                                 them,” she said.
                                                                                              Byron and   Beyondare
                                                                                                       growing            intui-
                                                                                                                        Trail  visit for these works have happened as a reaction to
      make our communities       stronger
                  tively reconnecting with nature. They want to seesomething.       
                                                                                                        nature present-                            Heated pool, private classes for adults
      and more cohesive. And in new              When asked about the criticism                                             In   a  year  of unprecedented              change, people are intui-
                                                                                                                                                      Professional, friendly environment
                  ed    in  art   and    are   gravitating           towards        beautiful,Contact  Leisa Russell,
                                                                                                   unique       and     Leisa
      research released this year, we            some artists had received over                        tively reconnecting with nature. They want to see nature present-
                                                                                              Russell Artisan – phone 0409 058
      also know artworks          above over-consumption                        andpeople
                                                                                        overproduction.                                          Contact Sue Attwood Cert 545, 30 years’ experience
                  that arts experiences          funding, she said: “Art helps                         ed    in art    and     are   gravitating     towards beautiful, unique and quality
                                                                                              716,                      0427 883 130 for further information and bookings
      are a key driver   for tourism,            to cope   in  dark  times,  especially
                  ‘I love creating artwork that people can interact with. Observing an
                                                                    artworks above over-consumption and overproduction.
      14        audience’s
           Feb-Mar          ability
                   2021 DUNOON      to see, feel
                               AND DISTRICT      and connect with an‘I artwork
                                             GAZETTE                           can be
                                                                       love creating artwork that people can interact with. Observing an AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021
                                                                                                                                  DUNOON                                                                                                                       15
                one of the most rewarding aspects for any artist,’ audience’s
                                                                     says Leisa.ability to see, feel and connect with an artwork can be
NORTH COAST LOCAL LAND SERVICES                                                                                         LOCAL LAND SERVICES continued

PESKY BUFFALO FLY                                                                                                       BE ALERT FOR TICK FEVER                   ticks. It appears animals with                       Krystof

SWARMS NORTH COAST                                                                                                               orth Coast Local Land            cattle tick strayed between the two
         ecent warm and clammy                                                                                                   Services and NSW                 properties, spreading cattle tick and
         weather has seen a spike in                                                                                             Department of Primary            with it tick fever.
         buffalo fly numbers infesting                                                                                  Industries (DPI) reminds producers        “Last year saw a record number of
cattle across the North Coast,                                                                                          to be alert to tick fever and practice    new cattle tick infestations in NSW,
experts warn.                                                                                                           good farm biosecurity, following the      and in most cases straying was the
The buffalo fly, Haematobia irritans                                                                                    confirmation of tick fever in cattle      source of the cattle tick.”                  repaints, new homes,
exigua, is a small biting fly, about                                                                                    on two properties in the region.                                                             all areas
                                                                                                                                                                  Stock-proof boundary fences are
4mm long in size. It feeds off cattle                                                                                   District Veterinarian with North          critical to keeping cattle tick out,
and buffalo and causes irritation                                                                                       Coast Local Land Services Dr Phil         and producers should examine any
which can result in significant                                                                                         Kemsley said producers should             strays before sending them home.               0406 887 906
weight loss and a decline in milk                                                                                       contact a vet immediately if cattle                                                          Lic No. 353307C
production.                                                                                                             have high fevers and behaviour            DPI senior veterinary officer Paul
                                                                                                                        changes. If treatment is delayed, tick    Freeman said tick fever in cattle
North Coast Local Land Services                                                                                                                                   is a devastating condition that can
District Veterinarian Liz Bolin                                                                                         fever can spread quickly in a herd                                          
                                                                                                                        and kill large numbers of cattle.         cause fever, jaundice, anaemia,
said some cattle are allergic to            Producers in the North Coast have seen a spike in buffalo fly numbers                                                 miscarriage, red urine and a range
the buffalo flies and are intensely                           infesting cattle – photo supplied.                        “We have seen cases of tick fever         of nervous signs, including change      The Really Really Free Market
irritated by as few as four or five                                                                                     recently in the Tweed area during         in temperament, lethargy, muscle        Every 3rd Sunday of the month at the
flies.                                   Chemical control options include        concentrations or dose rates, or       investigations on two neighbouring        tremors and difficulty walking.             Lismore Community Garden.
“These cattle scratch and rub            synthetic pyrethroids (SPs),            when insecticidal ear tags are not     properties with cattle tick                                                       New time in January 2021 9-11am.
                                         organophosphates (OPs), and             removed at recommended times,”         infestations and cattle deaths,” Dr        To report signs of tick fever and       A give-away market where anyone can
themselves constantly which results                                                                                                                               cattle tick after hours, contact the
in large sores on their necks and        macrocyclic lactones (MLs).             she said.                              Kemsley said.                                                                     bring things to give away, offer a service,
                                                                                                                                                                  Emergency Animal Disease Hotline        play music, or take away what they want.
sides,” Liz said.                        These chemicals can be applied via      Non-chemical control options           “Tick fever is spread only by cattle      on 1800 675 888.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Visit the Facebook page.

“Many infested cattle also develop       impregnated plastic ear tags, sprays,   available include buffalo fly traps,
sores in the inner corners of their      pour-ons, plunge dips or back           culling allergic cattle and dung
Liz said newly emerged flies will
                                         Liz warned producers to follow
                                         the label instructions carefully as
                                                                                 North Coast Local Land Services
                                                                                 General Manager Louise Orr said
                                                                                                                                        PETA THOMPSON
fly for up to 10 km in search of a
host and the movement of infested
animals can also spread the fly to
                                         there has been several reports of
                                         cattle becoming intoxicated and
                                         even dying due to the mixing of
                                                                                 the aim of an integrated program
                                                                                 for the control of this parasite
                                                                                 was to enable producers to reduce
                                                                                                                                               READY TO SELL?
new sites.
                                         topical preparations at the wrong       fly numbers to acceptable levels
To hinder cattle infection, North        concentration.                          for efficient production without
Coast Local Land Service                                                         compromising on animal welfare,
recommends producers apply an            “Chemical resistance can also
                                         occur when chemicals are mixed or       chemical residues and chemical
integrated management program for                                                resistance.
the control of buffalo flies.            applied at lower than recommended


                                                                                                                                                                     SOLD This unique property in the village of Dunoon
                                                                                                                                                                 received strong buyer interest. If you are thinking of selling, I
                                                                                                                                                                 would love to hear from you your local northern rivers agent

                                                                                                                                                       PETA THOMPSON I 0403 123 115
                                                                                                                                                               Licenced Estate Agent I Your Local Northern Rivers Specialist

16 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                       DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 17
  SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY                                                                                                   PAPUA NEW GUINEA WITH CHARLES BETTERIDGE
                                                                                    winner of the Waterhouse Natural                  uring my 40                                                                   and my local staff soon
                                                                                    Science Art Prize 2020.”                          years up in PNG                                                               passed the word around

                                                                                                                                      I came across                                                                 “Do not touch”. As it was,
NATIONAL ART PRIZE                                                                  Associate Professor of Media at         so many unusual things,                                                                 the Mount Hagen Police
      he multimedia work ‘Open                                                      Southern Cross University Grayson       from some of the most                                                                   Division is right next to Ela
      Air’ has won collaborating                                                    Cooke reflected on the two-part         beautiful beaches and high                                                              Motors so that was helpful
      artists Grayson Cooke of                                                      inspiration behind the work.            mountains, local natives                                                                for the extra security.
Southern Cross University and                                                       “Firstly, the project had a chance      and their huts, beautiful                                                               I always kept the live
Emma Walker the 2020 Waterhouse                                                     to do this intricate and close-up       birds and animals and so                                                                ammunition secretly inside
Natural Science Art Prize.                 The Waterhouse Natural Science Art                                               the list goes on, but the one                                                           our house.
                                                                                    examination of Emma Walker’s
                                           Prize is Australia’s premier biennial                                            thing that stands out the
This visual music project set to the                                                amazing paintings and processes,                                                                                                I kept the Jeep and
                                           natural science art prize. The judges                                            most is the remains of the
2013 album ‘Open’ by Australian                                                     and the idea of exploring them                                                                                                  machine gun with me
                                           said of Grayson and Emma’s work:                                                 invasion by Japanese forces
cult band The Necks combines                                                        as topographies that reflect the                                                                                                down in Lae for several
time-lapse Landsat satellite imagery       “The work is a synthesis of the          Australian landscape at micro-scale.    between 1942 and 1945 in                                                                years later and it was
of Australia from Geoscience               Australian landscape and artistic        This then merged into the idea of       New Guinea.                         My WW2 Jeep in Mt Hagen, January 1980.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   then that I discovered its
Australia’s Digital Earth Australia        practice. Both are examined              time lapsing the Australian continent   Even to this day you can              kinds, wrecked aircraft, heavy duty              identification plate one
project and videography by Grayson         individually and then woven              on a very large-scale using satellite   still find remains of WW2 items       trucks and many other items to do      day while cleaning the underneath
Cooke together with aerial macro-          together in such a skillful way as to    imagery. Bringing these strands         and this includes mountain guns,      with WW2. In amongst his WW2           of the left front chassis rail of
photography of paintings by                make it challenging to distinguish       together and seeing their remarkable    wrecked aircraft and landing barges, collections were two Willys Jeeps.      the Jeep. It was manufactured
Emma Walker. The resulting work            which is landscape and which is          commonality was the huge joy of         Jeeps, trucks and heavy machine                                              by Willys in Toledo, Ohio, in
encapsulates the vastly different          art. The images are then bound           this project,” he said.                                                       I got to know the owner of these
                                                                                                                            guns and many other items from        items and the first thing I asked this 1944. I sent a letter off to Toledo
forms of aerial earth imaging to           further together by a mesmerizing                                                WW2.                                                                         describing the Jeep and its chassis
                                                                                    Grayson Cooke and Emma Walker                                                 collector was how much for one
produce a complex picture of a             soundtrack. By bringing natural                                                                                                                               number and where it was found and
                                                                                    will take home a $30,000 cash prize.    When my wife and I were stationed of his Jeeps. He said to me he will
changing planet.                           science and art together so                                                                                                                                   I had a quick response from them
                                           seamlessly makes this a worthy           Watch the Open Air trailer.             in Wewak for five years I managed     give one to me for free plus a .30
                                                                                                                            to discover a Second World War        calibre machine gun (all in working wondering why that particular Jeep
                                                                                                                            collector who over the many years     condition) for the help I had given    was in Lae whereas it should have
                      DIGWISE EARTHWORKS                                                                                    collected a lot of WW2 items left     him to sort out lots of WW2 items      been in the Philippines!
                                               “We do the dirty work”                                                       behind.                               for him. So here I was with a Willys    Whenever I drove the Jeep it
                                                                                                                            This included Jeeps, weapons of all   Jeep plus a .30 caliber machine gun     certainly attracted a lot of interest.
                                                                • 	Rural roads & driveways    • 	Excavators 1.7t - 30t
             0403 721 876                                       • 	Wastewater systems         • 	Possi tracks (bobcats)
                                                                                                                                                                  and even some live ammunition.          It was in Lae when I finally decided
                                                                                                                                                                  I kept the Jeep for around eight        to return to Australia and I sold my                                   • 	House & shed cuts
                                                                                              • 	Small grader                                                     years and the guns and ammunition       Jeep to the owners of the main hotel
                                                                • 	Underground services
                                                                • 	Horse arenas               • 	Rollers                                                          too. Naturally the local natives        in Lae and it is still there to this day.
                                                                • 	Turf prep                  • 	Water truck                                                      were very interested in the Jeep,       The machine gun on the back of the
                                                                • 	Trenching & drainage       • 	Tippers                                                          especially when I had to transfer to    Willys Jeep always attracted lots of
                                                                • 	All-terrain slashing                                                                           other branches of Ela Motors who        attention wherever I went.
                                                                • 	Stump grinding             • 	Float
                                                                                                                                                                  I worked for. I kept the machine                         – Charles Betteridge.
                                                                                                                                                                  gun on the Willys Jeep. I had set
                                                                                                                                                                  the machine gun on my Willys Jeep       Editor’s note: According to
                                                                                                                                                                  so that I could swing it the full 360   Wikipedia, the 1945 Willys Jeep
Socialise  Relax  Connect  Share                                                                                                                              degrees in any direction.               was the world’s first mass-produced
                   Monthly social groups for seniors:                                                                                                             Word certainly spread amongst the       civilian four-wheel drive car. The
                    The Channon: 3rd Thurs at the                                                                                                                 local natives and they were very        success of the jeep inspired both
                     Tavern or other local venues                                                                                                                 interested in the machine gun but       an entire category of recreational
                    Koonorigan Hall: 4th Monday,                                                                                                                  they all knew that they could look      4WDs and SUVs, making “four-
                        bring a plate to share                                                                                                                    but not touch.                          wheel drive” a household term, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          numerous incarnations of military
 Plus bus outings, support at home and in community, events                                                                                                       The photo attached was taken by         light utility vehicles.
 and celebrations, free computer & internet at Nimbin Centre,                                                                                                     me while up in Mount Hagen in the
 help accessing MyAgedCare and Home Care Packages.                                                                           The .30 caliber machine gun given                                  
                                                                                                                                                                  1980s. The Jeep is in our driveway      MB
 Phone our friendly team for more info:  6689 1709                                                                             to me for free with the Jeep.
                                                                                                                                                                  just behind Ela Motors branch itself

18 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                       DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 19
ST DYMPHNA’S CATHOLIC CHURCH NEWS WITH JENNIFER JULEFF                                                                                               ST MATTHEW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH NEWS WITH ’GINA MURRAY

Peace be to you                                                   HAPPY NEW                                                                                                                                                            Pray for Vanuatu

                                                                  YEAR!                                                                                                                                                                World Day of Prayer Service 2021

                                                                             e have
                                                                             received the
                                                                             news we
                                                                  have been waiting for –
                                                                  the doors to our church
                                                                  will be reopened late

                                                                  We are looking
                                                                  forward to the first                                                                                                                                                 Date:                      Time:

                                                                  Mass to be celebrated
 St Dymphna’s Catholic Church in
                                                                  in nearly 12 months.                                                                                                                                               MODANVILLE

                                                                  During 2020, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Contact person:

       James St, Dunoon.
                                                                  travelled into St
                                                                  Carthages each Sunday                                                                                                                                                 Happy New Year from
                                                                  or we could live stream                                                            WHAT IS HAPPENING AT   bible stories and FOOD! I hope you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dahna and Al Pegg
                                                                  the service from the                                                               THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF will all give it a go.

                                                                  Carmelite Monastery.                                                               ST MATTHEW’S           We did not manage our normal
                                                                  The rosary is prayed                                                                   hope you all had a wonderful       Guild Christmas Dinner this year
                                                                  every Wednesday                                                                        Christmas and could I please       before Christmas, but we held it
                                                                  afternoon in Dunoon at                                                                 wish you all the best for 2021.    with the ladies of the St Dymphna’s
                                                                  5pm.                                                                               Let us hope it is an improvement on    during January.
                                                                                                        Father Bing in the Dunoon Catholic Church.
                                                                                                                                                     2020. Who could have imagined,          The forthcoming World Day of
                                                                                                                                                     this time last year, how 2020 would     Prayer will, this year, be hosted by
                                                                                                                                                     be so different from any year that      the congregation of the Catholic
                                                                                                                                                     any of us can remember?                 Church of St Dymphna on Friday                New menu on Facebook
                                                                                                                                                     On 6 February we intend beginning 5 March at 7.30pm. This is an

  Kevin     HOGAN         MP
                                                                                                                                                     ‘Messy Church’.                         ecumenical service held every year      6 Funnell Dr, Modanville
                                                                                                                                                                                             all over the world on the same             Phone: 6628 2005
                                                                                                                                                     Messy Church is church for families
                                                                                                                                                                                             date. The service this year has
                                                                                                                                                     who may not find other forms of
                                                                                                                                                                                             been prepared by the World Day of
  FEDERAL MEMBER FOR PAGE                                                                                                                            church appealing and who do not
                                                                                                                                                     yet belong to a church. It will be
                                                                                                                                                                                             Prayer Committee of Vanuatu and
                                                                                                                                                                                             the theme will be ‘Build on a Strong
                                                                                                                                                     held once a month, and it includes
                                                                                                                                                     hands-on creative experiences, a
                                                                                                                                                                                             Foundation’. I look forward to
                                                                                                                                                                                             seeing you there – everyone will be
                                                                                                                                                     celebration, and a meal. It does not
  Please see my contact details below:                                                                                                               prioritise either the needs of children
                                                                                                                                                                                             welcome, and we shall have a good
                                                                                                                                                                                             supper afterwards!
                                                                                                                                                     or adults but intentionally welcomes
  email:                                                                                                                   and provides for all ages.               – Gina Murray, Anglican Women’s          ALL-INCLUSIVE RATE INCLUDES:

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Guild of St Matthew’s, Dunoon         • Initial consultation & preparation • Design &
                                                                                                                                                     There will be craft, games, music,                                             production of the book cover and text section • Free
  Lismore Offce:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    scanning & insertion of all photographs/illustrations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Normal copy-editing, photo retouching & proofing
  ph: 02 6621 4044                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Standard indexing in non-fiction books • ISBN &

  63 Molesworth St, Lismore                                                                                                                              NEW MEMBERS!                                    EUCHRE                        National Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Note new time 7:00 pm                          • Quality Printing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Saddle Stitching, Perfect & Wiro Binding
                                                                                                                                                            WEDNESDAY                                                                   • Environmentally Friendly Papers
  Find us on Facebook: Kevin Hogan MP                                                                                                                    COMMUNITY GROUP                         ANGLICAN CHURCH                           • Small & Large Print Runs
  Instagram:                                                                                                                                 Wednesday morning                      UNDERCROFT                                            201 Union Street Lismore 2480
                                                                                                                                                          at 10am for morning tea                                                                   Tel. 02 6621 5371
                                                                                                                                                             and craft activities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Thursday evening at 7.00pm                                          Fax. 02 6622 1296

  Authorised by K Hogan MP, National Party of Australia - NSW, 63 Molesworth Street, Lismore NSW 2480                                                     Call Ron 6689 5018                     Call Charles 6628 2064             Lismore City

20 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                                                DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 21
VILLAGE HALLS                                         SPORTS AND GROUPS                                         FIRE PERMIT OFFICERS                                      LOCAL BUSINESS PHONE DIRECTORY                                                         SCHOOLS
            DUNOON HALL                                   Channon/Dunoon Pony Club
                                                                                                6628 2690               DUNOON                                                                                                                                       PRESCHOOLS
                                                          Fiona Wilders                                                 Barry Watts               6689 5359 or      Advertising                Dunoon Gazette                            0439 842 237
  Wednesday 10am           Ron                            Channon Tennis Club                   6688 6165                                         0483 203 032      Aged Care & Respite        Nimbin Aged Care & Respite                  6689 1709
  Craft Group              6689 5018                      Dunoon Sports Club                                            Ross McDougall            0409 425 551
                                                          Enquiries & Cricket
                                                                                                6689 5444                                                           Bottle Shop                Dunoon General Store                        6689 5225    Dunoon Public School                                    6689 5208
                                                                                                                        Paul Cox                  0481 186 410
  Thursday 5:30pm Mark Roberts                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Modanville Public School                                6628 2234
                                                          Dunoon Social Golf                    6689 5147                                                                                      Mary G’s                                    6622 2924
  Exercise Class  0419 831 424                            Chris Gulliver                        0428 428 165            TULLERA                                                                                                                         Corndale Public School                                  6628 4305
  Mon and Wed 9am                                         Dunoon United Football Club                                   John Hildebrand           0408 282 224      Bus Service                Dunoon                                      6624 8734    The Channon Public School                               6688 6236
  Lifestyle Mgmt                                          Scott McNeil (President)              0417 463 885            John Mace                 0415 499 929                                 Whian Whian                               0421 566 460   Whian Whian Public School                               6689 5240
                                                          Rob Gatt (Secretary)                  0428 884 222
  Sunday 9am-1pm           Christadelphians                                                                             THE CHANNON                                                                                                                     Dunoon Pre School                                       6689 5396
                                                          Dunoon Tennis                                                                                             Carpenter                  John Ferronato                            0429 895 130
  Sunday School            Ray Patch                      Call Sports Club                      6689 5444               John Hutchison            6688 6480                                                                                             The Channon Children’s Centre                           6688 6330
  Sunday 11am              6689 5229                      Rob Gatt (President)                  0428 884 222            Tony Roden                6689 1562         Doctor                     Dunoon General Practice, James St           6689 5811    Dunoon After School/Vacation Care                       6689 5930
  Church Service                                          Tullera Tennis Club                                           Neale Hayter              6688 6171         Earthmoving                                                          0457 895 414   Tullera/Modanville Playgroup                            6689 5381
                                                                                                6628 2060                                                                                      Tom Thumb – Jeremy
                                                          Pauline Leeson                                                J.J. Bruce                6688 6453
   Please scan the QR code or use the                                                                                                                               Excavators                                                             6689 5414
                                                          Dunoon Men’s Shed                                             Russell Johnston          6688 6185
  sign-in book when entering the hall.                    Ross (President)                      0409 425 551                                                                                   Dugright – Michael                        0412 230 982
     Community members welcome.                           Karl (Secretary)                      0427 834 264            ROSEBANK
     For all bookings please contact:                                                                                   De Condos                 6688 2163
                                                                                                                                                                                               DigWise Earthworks                        0403 721 876
                6689 5535                                     BUS TIME TABLES                                           Dave Hughes               6688 2023                                                                                6688 2205
                                                                                                                                                                    Electrical/Air Con/Solar   Norfell – Richard Temple
                                                                                                                        Didier Marceau            6689 5716                                                                              0410 811 654
 Tullera Hall                     6628 2060                  HALLS BUS COMPANY                                                                                      Federal Member             Kevin Hogan                                 6621 4044
                                  David Hunter                WHIAN WHIAN – LISMORE
 Corndale Hall                    6628 4364                School Days Only School Bus Service                             WILDLIFE CARERS                          Funeral Services           Sacred Earth Funerals                     1300 585 778      Quality Early Education for Children
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Aged 3 to 5
                                  0416 287 153               Please flag driver / 0421 566 460                                                                      General Store              Dunoon General Store                        6689 5225
 Dorroughby Hall                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Open Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm
                                  0411 420 608            DEPARTS      Whian Whian (cnr Starkey Rd)          7:57am
                                                                       May St, Dunoon (Nthn end)             8:08am                                                 Holiday House              Dianne Flynn (Port Macquarie)             0408 614 113             Half day enrolments welcome
                                  Gail Chapman
 Whian Whian Hall                                                      May St, Dunoon (Sthn end)             8:10am
                                                                                                                                                                    Insurance                  Dudgeon & Berry, 5/76 Woodlark St           6621 3000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Playgroup on Fridays 9-30 to 11am
                                  0406 966 868                                                                                                                                                                                                               Includes a music session - All welcome!!
                                                          ARRIVES      Trinity                               8:40am
                                  General Store                                                                                                                     Laundry Service            Clean & Green Laundry, 50 Terania St        6622 1359
 The Channon Hall                 6688 6240                            Lismore Square - Brewster
                                                          DEPARTS                                            3:18pm
                                                                       St (opp taxi & bus zone)
                                                                                                                      Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers 6628 1866                                Kinesiology & Cranio-Sacral Therapy
                                                                                                                                                                    Natural Therapy                                                      0466 641 047
   CHURCH SERVICES                                                     Trinity Bay 1 (opp Menins)            3:30pm                                                                            – Leila Walker
                                                          ARRIVES      Dunoon Shop                           4:00pm
        DUNOON ANGLICAN                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0406 887 906
                                                                       Whian Whian                           4:15pm                                                 Painter                    Krystof – Painter and Decorator                             >>> Ph 66 895 396 >>> 84 James Street, Dunoon
 Holy Communion Every Sunday 10.00 am                                                                                                                                                                                                                   >>> >>>
 Guild meets first Sunday of month 11:30 am
                                                                                                                                                                    Parenting Program          Aware Parenting                           0415 533 311
                                                                                                                        WIRES Animal Rescue 24hr Hotline
                                                                                                                                  6628 1898                                                                                                 6689 5174              VOLUNTEERING
          Sunday School 9.30am
   Memorial Meeting 11am each Sunday
                                                          DUNOON BUS SERVICE                                                                                        Plumber                    Nik Hyde                                                            I CAN DO THAT!
                                                                   Wheelchair Accessible                                                                                                                                                 0428 753 796
   Bible Address on occasions 6689 5229                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Want to meet new people?
                                                                  6624 8734/0412 248 503
                                                                                                                                                                                               Barcoo Plumbing                           0427 445 555                    Learn new skills?
   DUNOON CATHOLIC CHURCH                                 Service is ‘Hail & Ride’ along the route
     8.30am every Sunday morning                                                                                                                                    Postal and Services        Dunoon Post Office – Fiona                  6689 5101              Participate in your community?
                                                                       Bus For Hire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 VOLUNTEERING IS FOR YOU!
                                                          We also have a mini bus available for charter.                                                            Printing Services          Lismore City Print                          6621 5371
GOOLMANGAR CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Volunteering is fun, easy and accessible to
     2nd & 4th Sundays 9.30am                             DURING SCHOOL TERM:                                                                                       Real Estate                PRD Northern Rivers                         6632 3380                          everyone.
                                                           DEPARTS      Dorroughby Hall               7:50am                                                                                                                                                    Be part of your community, make new
                                                                        Dunoon Store                  8:00                                                                                     Peta Thompson @realty                     0403 123 115        friends, be appreciated and feel good about
 COMMUNITY MARKETS                                                      Modanville Store
                                                                        Tullera Hall
                                                                                                                                                                    Restaurant                 Dunoon Sports Club, Cowley Rd,              6689 5469         The Northern Rivers Community Gateway
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Volunteer Resource Centre is here to make
  TUESDAY            Lismore Organic Market                             Minschull Cres.               8:21                                                                                     Mary G’s, Cnr Woodlark/Keen St              6622 2924                      volunteering easy.
                     Every Tuesday 7:30 – 11 am
                                                                        R.R High school               8:25                                                                                                                                                           Call NRCG VRC 6621 7397
                     Lismore Showgrounds
                                                                                                                                                                    Septic Tank Pumping        Summerland Environmental                    6687 2880                  Email
  EVERY SATURDAY     Lismore Farmers’ Market
                                                                        Woodlark St
                                                                        Lismore Square
                                                                                                                           MOBILE LIBRARY
                     8am Lismore Showgrounds
                                                                        Trinity interchange           8:35 Bay 10
                                                                                                                                                                                               Motion Mover                              0428 813 310
                     Alstonville Farmers’ Market                                                                        Tuesdays Week 2
                     8am – 12 noon Bugden Lane Car Park                 Lismore Bus Terminal          8.56              Enquiries: Michael Riddle                   Sports Club                Dunoon Sports Club                          6689 5444
                                                           DEPARTS      Lismore Bus Terminal          3:30pm            Phone 6625 5100
  1ST SATURDAY       Lismore Makers Market
                     10am – 2pm Cnr Keen and Magellan                   Magellan St
                                                                                                                                                                    State Member               Janelle Saffin                              6621 3624
                                                                        near Lismore Library          3:33
  1ST SUNDAY         Lismore Car Boot                                   Trinity interchange           3:37 Bay 10       Clunes             9–10am School            Swimming Lessons           Sue Attwood – Dunoon                      0427 883 130
                     8am – 2pm Lismore Square Carpark
                     Byron Bay Market                                                                                   Dunoon             11.15am–12.15pm School   Takeaway                   Modanville Takeaway                         6628 2005                           DISCLAIMER
                                                           DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS:
  2ND SUNDAY         The Channon Craft Markets             DEPARTS      Dorroughby Hall               8:30am            Modanville         2–3.30pm School          Therapeautic Massage       Mark                                      0448 441 194   The opinions expressed in this newspaper and on its website are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        those of the individual contributors and are not necessarily those
                                                                        Dunoon Store                  8:40                                                                                                                                              of the Gazette editor or staff. Contributors are asked to ensure they
  3RD SATURDAY       Mullumbimby Market                                 Modanville Store              8:45                                                          Towing Service             Bruno Zambelli, OL90247,Modanville          6628 2230    have copyright permission for materials submitted. Contributions
                                                                                                                                                                                                              are reproduced in good faith and the Editor or staff cannot be held
                                                                        Tullera Hall                  8:52                                                                                     Lismore Tractor & Machinery Centre,                      liable for any inadvertant breach of copyright.
  3RD SUNDAY         Lismore Car Boot                                   Minschull Cres                8:56              OTHER USEFUL NUMBERS                        Tractor Repairs
                                                                                                                                                                                               30 Tweed St, Nth Lismore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           6622 2842    Copyright Dunoon and District Gazette If you wish to reproduce
                     Lismore Community Garden 9-11am                    Uniting Church                                                                                                                                                                  an article, please request permission by e-mail.
                                                                                                      9:00              Dunoon Lodge
                                                                        Woodlark St
                     Bangalow Market
                                                                        Molesworth St                 9.05              Gordon Starkey
                                                                                                                                                  6689 5166         Transport                  Northern Rivers Community Transport         6628 8806    Please be aware that if you are attending public functions, your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        photograph maybe taken and submitted to the Gazette for publica-
  4TH SUNDAY         9am – 3pm
                             Lismore Bus Terminal          9:07
                                                                                                                        Northern Rivers                             Tyres                      Pirlos, 30 Union St, Sth Lismore            6621 3561    tion in print and on the website. If you do not wish for your photo,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        or photos of members of your family to be published, pleas get in
                     Nimbin Markets                        DEPARTS      Lismore Bus Terminal          3:30pm
                                                                                                                        Animal Shelter            6681 1860                                                                                             touch, with complete confidentiality, with the Editor via e-mail or
                     4th and 5th Sunday 8am – 4pm                       Magellan St                   3.33              Robyn
                                                                                                                                                                    Vounteering                Northern Rivers Community Gateway           6621 7397    phone – details on Pg 2.
                     Market coordinator 0458 506 000                    near Lismore Library

22 Feb-Mar 2021 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE                                                                                                                                                                                        DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE Feb-Mar 2021 23
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