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Lake Forest College Stentor, February 7, 2020

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Lake Forest College Publications - Lake Forest College
Volume 135 | Issue 5										                                                                                                          February 7, 2020

Diversity and Inclusion Summit
        Fosters Listening, Empathy and Action
       BY EMMA                   importance of this year’s          Sasieta. At the conclusion       inequality or something like        master’s in social work from
    OVERTON ’22 AND              summit, noting in the event        of the workshop, Lake            that.” She further stated that      Western Michigan University,
      STEPHANIE                  program that “the Summit           Forest College Professor         “voices need to be heard.           works as a restorative justice
      CARLSON ’21                has never felt more relevant       Anna Trumbore Jones, who         Giving support to those             practitioner in school settings.
     Editor-in-Chief and         than this year when student        also served as co-chair of       causes is really important          According to Ramirez-Islas,
   News Editor, Staff Writer     activism brought the College       the Diversity and Inclusion      to me personally…being a            the workshop was designed       community’s attention to           Summit Planning Committee,       student leader on campus, I         to address “what you do as       injustices and the need for        observed that “a number of       feel that it is really important    a community once harm
                                 change on campus…the               students that came out of the    to be involved and share your       has occurred.” Attendees
      On January 25, Lake        campus has witnessed the           [workshop] found it very         perspective.”                       learned about various types of
Forest College hosted its        power inherent in the simple       powerful to see students               Echoing Nadeem’s              community-building circles,
third annual Diversity and       act of listening to each other’s   facilitating conversations       comments, Director of               including talking circles,
Inclusion Summit in the          experiences. It was impossible     among students.” She further     Intercultural Relations in          conflict circles, healing
Mohr Student Center. The         not to be moved by the             noted, “I was struck by that     the Office of Intercultural         circles, community-building
event, which was held from       stories recounted at these         idea, how is it that we can      Relations and co-chair of           circles, and celebration
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., was      various forums—of sexual           offer students the opportunity   the Diversity and Inclusion         circles.
attended by approximately        assault, of racism, of religious   to become well-versed in that    Summit Planning Committee                Commenting on her
100 members of the campus        prejudice, of homophobia and       type of dialogue?”               Claudia Ramirez-Islas stated        hopes for the aftermath of the
community. In a change to        transphobia, of anti-immigrant          After a break for lunch,    that the idea for a student         Summit, Ramierz-Islas stated
this year’s format, the summit   invective.”                        the Summit resumed with a        panel came from “thinking           that she hopes to “move in a
was open to all members                Following registration,      Student Panel highlighting       in terms of the power we            direction as a campus where
of the campus community,         the first session of the Summit    experiences at Lake Forest       had seen of different parts of      we are proactive instead
including students.              involved an Intergroup             College. Panelists included      the community listening to          of reactive when things
Additionally, as the event       Dialogue Workshop facilitated      Oluwafeyisayo (Feyi)             each other at the Community         happen…we will continue to
program explained, it was also   by professors, current             Adeyinka-Oni ’22, Tebatso        Meetings last semester and          have ongoing programming
the first year that the Summit   students, and alumni from          (Teba) Duba ’22, Esther Kim      so we conceived this event          throughout the semester. Both
was held “during the semester,   Knox College in Galesburg,         ’22, Blythe Avery May ’22,       around the idea of listening        [Professor] Anna [Trumbore
serving as the culmination       Illinois with experience           Zahra Nadeem ’22, Isabella       and having empathy for              Jones] and I have committed
of a week of social justice      in facilitating dialogues.         Nuño ’22, and Diayan             others’ experiences.”               to having brown bag lunch
programming celebrating          The workshop was led by            Rajamohan ’21. Speaking                Following a coffee break,     discussions monthly and the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.”    Professor Catherine Denial         to Stentor staff after the       the Summit reconvened for           IAG [Intercultural Advisory
      In light of recent         and Professor Gabrielle            panel, Nadeem shared that        the final workshop of the day,      Group] will continue to have
incidents of bias and sexual     Raley and was co-facilitated       she is involved in activism      entitled “Restorative Justice       the Community Caucuses on a
misconduct and related           by Jasmine Frison, Kylie           on campus because she is         in an Educational Setting.”         monthly basis as well.”
student activism during the      Hoang, Jordan Hurst, Forrest       interested in “helping out       The workshop was lead by
fall semester, the organizers    Marie Linsell, Donna               with different instances,        Larid Mackenley Walker
of the summit expressed the      Racher-Cazares, and Katerina       whether that’s injustice or      ’09, who after receiving his

         Trustee Report on Senior 25
     Editor’s note: The               The Lake Forest College       College’s Board of Trustees      Bambrick, Kinzie & Lowry            year to be selected for Senior
following Trustee Report on      Senior 25 program has been         to form an ad hoc Special             Angelique L. Richard           25 the following year. Last
the Senior 25 Program was        in effect since 1991. As           Trustee Committee (“STC”)        ‘85, RN, PhD, Senior Vice           spring (2019), 94 juniors
made available to students       described on the College’s         to review the Senior 25          President for Hospital              submitted applications,
and staff via my.lakeforest      website, the program honors        program in light of concerns     Operations and Chief Nursing        including required essays
on January 28, 2020. Stentor     25 seniors “who have, as           raised by students about         Executive at Rush University        and reference letters. To be
staff received permission        leaders among their peers,         its application process, the     Medical Center                      eligible for consideration,
from President Schutt to         positively contributed             qualifications of Senior 25           Sean Thomas ‘81,               applicants must have a
reprint the report below.        to the quality of life in          members, and other matters.      Retired Partner, Hewitt             minimum 2.75 cumulative
Further coverage of the          the Lake Forest College            The three trustees, all alumni   Associates                          grade point average at the
report and the decision          community through their            of the College, included:             This report provides the       time of application, must not
to suspend the Senior 25         service, commitment, and                                            findings and recommendations        have been dismissed from
program for one year will be     achievements.”                          Vice Chair of the Board     of the STC.                         the institution or placed on
published in Issue 6 of the                                         William A. Lowry ‘84, Cook                                           disciplinary probation at any
Stentor on March 6, 2020.             In December 2019,             County Commissioner and               Background                     point during their Lake Forest
                                 President Stephen D. Schutt        Managing Partner of the               Students apply in the          College career, must not
    Introduction                 asked three members of the         Chicago law firm Nyhan,          spring semester of their junior
                                                                                                                                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
Lake Forest College Publications - Lake Forest College
Page 2                                                          Lake Forest College Stentor                                                    February 7, 2020

Legal Marijuana Banned at LFC                                                                                                                 The Lake Forest College

BY EMMA OVERTON ‘22                prevention and treatment,          3,4-methylenedioxymetha-                 Supporting Tseitlin’s            STENTOR
      Editor-in-Chief and          freeing public resources to        mphetamine (ecstasy),              claims that marijuana use
                                                                                                                                              CONTACT INFORMATION
         News Editor               invest in communities and          methaqualone, and peyote.”         occurred on campus before         other public purposes, and               The distinction between      Illinois’ legalization, Director
                                   individual freedom . . . the use   federal and state law allowed      Cohen shared that “in 2019,
      On December 30,              of cannabis should be legal        College administrators to          Public Safety generated                   EDITORIAL BOARD
2019, with the legalization        for persons 21 years of age or     explicitly ban the possession      22 Drug Law Violation
of recreational marijuana in       older and should be taxed in a     and use of marijuana on the        Referral reports involving                 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Illinois a mere two days away      manner similar to alcohol.”        Lake Forest College campus,        50 individuals related to                   EMMA OVERTON
on January 1, 2020, Vice                 Individual cities and        with the college’s updated         marijuana & paraphernalia
President of Student Affairs       counties in Illinois, however,     handbook noting that “while        possession & use. An                      MANAGING EDITOR
and Dean of Students Andrea        are able to limit the sale         Illinois state law legalized       additional 8 reports were                 ELLERESE TOPACIO
Conner and Director of Public      of marijuana within their          recreational cannabis use in       generated for suspicious odor
Safety Rick Cohen sent a           boundaries. According              January of 2020, federal law       investigations of suspected                   NEWS EDITOR
jointly-authored all-campus        to the Lake Forester, the          still prohibits use and colleges   marijuana use involving 16                   EMMA OVERTON
email explaining the College’s     city of Lake Forest voted          must comply with federal law.”     individuals.”
policy toward the newly            on October 7, 2019, to                   When asked about                   When asked about                 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
legalized drug.                    prohibit the establishment         her reaction to the state’s        changes in attitudes regarding                 EDITOR
      Noting that “campuses        of “businesses related to          legalization and the College’s     marijuana use on campus after                LEAH MOSS
like ours—that accept federal      recreational marijuana,”           policy, Wellness Peer Educator     January 1, Dean Conner stated,
financial aid—still adhere to      despite the possibility of         and Belle Tseitlin ’22 of          “While I’m sure some students              OPINIONS EDITOR
the federal law that prohibits     “$95,000 in estimated tax          Buffalo Grove, Illinois stated     were hopeful that the College               MARYAM JAVED
cannabis use,” Conner and          revenue” from marijuana-           that “I was definitely aware of    would be able to loosen our
Cohen explained that “during       related businesses within city     [marijuana] use [on-campus]        policies to match state law, I’m          THE CHIVE EDITOR
the first week of classes, a new   limits. Additionally, according    before legalization . . . being    afraid that’s not possible due to           NATALIE BRIGGS
Student Handbook will be           to the Chicago Tribune, the        illegal wasn’t stopping users      the federal act . . . beyond that,
published that will include a      nearby municipalities of Lake      before, so I don’t see how         I don’t yet have any evidence                LAYOUT EDITOR
refreshed drug policy . . . but,   Bluff, Bannockburn, Vernon         legalization would change          of significant changes in                    ADAM HARTZER
in these interim days, we want     Hills, and Highland Park           anything—I believe that most       attitudes or behavior regarding
to be sure you know that the       joined Lake Forest in banning      students who choose not to         cannabis use.”
                                                                                                                                                       LINDA BLASER
college policy has not changed:    marijuana sales within city        use, myself
cannabis/marijuana use on          limits, whereas Highwood,          included,
college property continues         Waukegan, and Deerfield voted      base that                                                                         The Stentor editorial
to be prohibited.” (emphasis       to allow the sales.                decision                                                                  board welcomes letters to the
added).                                  Despite Illinois’            on values                                                                  editor and guest articles. The
      Illinois Governor J.B.       legalization, marijuana remains    outside of                                                               newspaper does not necessarily
Pritzker signed the Cannabis       illegal at the federal level and   it being                                                                      agree with or endorse the
Regulation and Taxation Act        is classified as a Schedule 1      against the                                                                   opinions presented in the
into law on June 25, 2019,         substance under the Controlled     rules.”                                                                 letters. Letters will be published
making Illinois the 11th state     Substances Act, a classification                                                                           provided they are limited to 500
to legalize the use and sale       that, according to the Drug
                                                                                                                                               words and contain the author’s
                                                                                                                                              name and signature or electronic
of recreational marijuana.         Enforcement Administration’s
                                                                                                                                               signature. Guest articles should
The text of the Act notes that     website, includes “drugs                                                                                   be limited to 300 words. Names
“in the interest of allowing       with no currently accepted                                                                                 will sometimes be withheld from
law enforcement to focus on        medical use and a high                                                                                        publication with good cause.
violent and property crimes,       potential for abuse . . . [and                                                                                    The staff reserves the right
generating revenue for             include] heroin, lysergic                                                                                     to withhold a submission or
education, substance abuse         acid diethylamide (LSD),                                                              Getty Images             return it for more complete
                                                                                                                                                    information, especially if
                                                                                                                                                   it contains libel, obscenity,
  Family Weekend Welcomes Parents to Campus                                                                                                   material disruption of the school
                                                                                                                                                or invasion of privacy. Letters
       BY JOVANA                   Louisiana. Although Osborne        basketball games. During the       Massachusetts. The Wheelers            will be edited for spelling and
     JOVANOVSKA ’23                visited campus when she            men’s basketball game, Stentor     attended Family Weekend                   grammar and checked for
          Staff Writer             moved her daughter, Katie          staff spoke with Beverly and       to visit their son, Nicholas           verification. The deadline for
                                                                                                                                                 submission will be one week        Osborne ‘23, into her dorm,        Dave Klug of Milwaukee,            Wheeler ’21.
                                                                                                                                                  before the publication date.
                                   the rest of her daughter’s         Wisconsin, parents of Zak                Throughout the rest of          Please submit letters to editor@
      Every year, Lake Forest      family had not seen the            Klug ’23. The Klugs came to        the day, most of the activities       
College welcomes families          campus prior to Family             Family Weekend to support          were happening at the Sports
on campus to visit their           Weekend. Osborne’s daughter        their son’s basketball game,       and Recreation Center on
students and experience life       is a freshman and studies          however, the men’s team            South Campus. Families
at the college. This year’s        photography, videography, and      lost the game against Illinois     could choose to attend a
Family Weekend was held the        environmental studies.             College, 87-76.                    handball game, a swim meet,
weekend of Friday, January               On Friday afternoon,               Saturday morning gave        a tennis meet, or men’s and
31 and Saturday, February 1.       families could choose to           an opportunity for parents to      women’s basketball games.
Families had an opportunity        attend the Art Exhibit “States     attend the “Coffee With the        For senior swim team member
to participate in various          of Democracy” in Durand            Deans” event to learn about        Ani Karagianis ’20, it was
activities, including a virtual    Art Institute curated by           the support and resources          bittersweet to compete in one
reality demonstration, college     Assistant Professor of Art         available for their students.      of the last swim meets of her
classes, discussions with staff    David Sanchez Burr, a virtual      Additional events included a       college career with her parents
and alumni, athletic events        reality demonstration in the       Q&A with Colleen Monks,            in attendance. “[My parents]
and more. Also, the bookstore      Donnelley and Lee Library, or      Interim Director of the Career     have been my support system
offered a family discount of 20    attend classes taught by Lake      Advancement Center, and            for all these years,” she said.
percent on apparel or gift cards   Forest College professors in       a panel discussion with the        “I owe my successes and
for both days.                     art, mathematics, philosophy,      Alumni Council. During             triumphs to them and their
      During registration on       or economics.                      Saturday morning’s events,         continued support.”
Friday, Stentor staff spoke              In the evening, there        Stentor staff met Maureen and
with parent Mimi Osborne of        were men’s and women’s             Keith Wheeler of Midfield,
Lake Forest College Publications - Lake Forest College
February 7, 2020                                               Lake Forest College Stentor                                                                 Page 3
                                 submitted by this year’s         review, we conclude that          process, that the student has     allow the College’s senior
      have a record of           Senior 25 members, and also      the selection criteria, as        committed a disqualifying         leadership team to review and
significant or sustained         interviewed the following        they stood last spring, were      action.                           revise the program’s mission,
violations of the Student Code   individuals:                     fairly applied by the Senior           4. In the future, in order   goals, requirements, selection
of Conduct, and must not               Andrea Conner, Vice        25 selection committee. We        to gain a fuller sense of         processes, and procedures.
have been found responsible      President and Dean of            recommend, however, that the      applicants’ qualifications,            2. If reinstated in a future
for any violations of the        Students                         selection criteria be modified    should a selection committee      year, the Senior 25 program
Student Code of Conduct                Aldo Guzman, Assistant     and strengthened, if the Senior   ask applicants to disclose and    should:
after August 1 of the calendar   Dean of Students, Gates          25 program continues in the       explain charges filed against          Receive a new name
year preceding application.      Center Director, and Senior 25   future, to enhance protections    them (e.g., sexual misconduct          Be reduced in size to
Applicants must also not         Selection Committee Member       against bias or favoritism in     accusations) even though the      include a smaller number of
have a record of significant           Pat Doggett, Gates         the selection process.            charges were not pursued?         students
or sustained violations of       Center Associate Director              2. Did the selection             We recommend that                 Require applicants
the College’s academic           and Senior 25 Selection          committee overlook or ignore      future selection committees       to provide a meaningful
honesty policies and must        Committee Member                 any relevant information that     ask applicants to disclose and    commitment to diversity and
demonstrate on-going                   Claudia Ramirez Islas,     was available at the time of      explain such charges, if the      inclusion
leadership and/or involvement    Office of Intercultural          the selection process?            disclosure does not violate            Include a procedure for
at the College. Leadership       Relations Director and Senior          We conclude that the        Title IX or other federal or      consideration of eligibility-
and/or involvement               25 Selection Committee           selection committee did           state laws and regulations.       related information about an
might be demonstrated in         Member                           not overlook or ignore any             5. Should future             applicant that emerges after
student organizations, the             McKenna Rogan,             relevant information that         applicants be asked to            the end of a selection process,
coordinating of events on        Assistant Director of            was available at the time         comment on their experiences      and for the revocation of a
campus, holding a campus job     Admissions and Senior 25         of the selection process. As      with – and their commitment       student’s membership if the
or being appointed or elected    Selection Committee Member       indicated below, however,         to – diversity and inclusion?     information is disqualifying
to a leadership position on            Adelaide Grubbe ’20,       we believe (i) that more               We recommend that                 Ask applicants to
campus with an organization,     Senior 25 Member                 information could potentially     future applicants be asked to     disclose and explain charges
athletic team, board or                Claire Grebner ’20,        be solicited from future          comment on their experiences      filed against them, even if the
committee. Leadership            Senior 25 Member                 candidates to better inform       with – and commitment to –        charges were not pursued,
and/or involvement must                Sushmeena Parihar ’20,     selection committees, and         diversity and inclusion.          provided such disclosure does
have contributed to the          Senior 25 Member                 (ii) if reliable disqualifying         6. Should the Vice           not violate any state or federal
improvement of student life            Jared Applegate ’20,       information surfaces about        President and Dean of             law
on campus, and applicants        Senior 25 Member                 Senior 25 members after the       Students carry the whole               Feature a selection
should demonstrate how their           In reviewing the Senior    selection process is over, then   responsibility for appointing     committee appointed by the
leadership and involvement       25 program, STC focused          the College could revoke their    a Senior 25 selection             College’s senior leadership
has positively impacted the      on a number of questions         membership.                       committee?                        team
campus community.                raised last fall by concerned          3. Should Senior 25              We recommend that the             Increase the
      A selection committee      students. Those questions are    membership be revoked             College’s senior leadership       responsibility of student
– appointed by the Dean of       listed below. Following each     from a student who commits        team – the president, vice        members during their senior
Students and comprised of 12     question are STC’s findings      an action that would have         presidents, and deans – jointly   year to provide campus
faculty, staff and students –    and recommendations (in          disqualified the student if       appoint any future selection      leadership and community
reviewed all applications and    italics), based on STC’s         known at the time of the          committees.                       service
selected this year’s Senior 25   thorough review of relevant      selection process?
members.                         materials and interviews.              We recommend that               Summary of                    William A. Lowry ’84, Vice
                                       1. Were the selection      a student’s Senior 25             Recommendations                   Chair of the Board of Trustees
     STC Review                  criteria – as they stood last    membership should be                  1. The Senior 25 program      Angelique L. Richard ‘85,
      The STC reviewed           spring – fairly applied?         revoked if the College            should be suspended for           RN, PhD, Trustee
all application materials              Based on our careful       determines, after the selection   a minimum of one year to          Sean Thomas ‘81, Trustee

 Crime Log                       disorderly conduct was
                                 reported in multiple campus      November 25, 2:47 pm
                                                                                                    November 30, 6:38 pm
                                                                                                    A damaged window screen

                                 locations.                       A suspicious phone call was       was reported in Gregory Hall.     January 30, 11:24 am
Editor’s note: Due to a                                           reported to Public Safety.                                          Suspected marijuana use
publishing error, the Crime      November 22, 4:38 pm                                               January 24 through 31, 2020       and suspicious activity were
Log in Issue 4 was not printed   A liquor law violation with      November 25, 2:49 pm                                                reported in Harlan Hall.
at a resolution that made the    open alcohol occurred in the     An injured/sick contractor        January 24, 1:53 am
information readable. The        South Campus quad.               was reported in the Student       Damage to a promotional           January 30, 9:20 pm
republished Issue 4 Crime                                         Center.                           sign in the Student Center        Suspected marijuana use
Log is below, in addition to     November 22, 9:09 pm                                               occurred.                         and suspicious activity were
the new Crime Log for Issue      An injured/sick visitor          November 25, 9:26 pm                                                reported in Lois Hall.
5. The Stentor regrets the       required emergency transport     Marijuana paraphernalia           January 26, 1:06 am
error.                           from the Ice Rink.               possession and use was            An intoxicated subject            January 31, 12:05 am
                                                                  reported in McClure Hall.         required emergency transport      A non-consensual sex offense
     The information below       November 23, 10:27 pm                                              from Deerpath Hall.               in Nollen Hall was reported
was obtained from the Lake       A broken door window was         November 25, 8:46 pm                                                and referred to the Title IX
Forest College Public Safety     reported in Reid Hall.           A missing person report was       January 27, 6:55 am               process for follow-up.
Daily Crime Log which is                                          made. The subject was later       Damage to a wall occurred in
published in compliance with     November 23, 11:11 pm            located.                          Deerpath Hall.                    January 31, 11:32 pm
the Jeanne Clery Disclosure      Suspicious activity was                                                                              Suspicious activity was
of Campus Security Policy        reported in Moore Hall and       November 27, 3:20 pm              January 27, 10:59 am              reported on Middle Campus l
and Campus Crime Statistics      an odor investigation was        Weather-related system            Suspicious activity was           and an odor investigation was
Act and contains both            conducted.                       failures to utilities were        reported in Harlan Hall and       conducted.
alleged criminal and non-                                         reported.                         an odor investigation was
criminal offenses. The Daily     November 24, 12:27 am                                              conducted.
Crime Log can be found at        Suspicious activity was          November 28, 1:21 pm        reported in Moore Hall and       A well-being check was            January 27, 1:31 pm
ourcampus/safety/log.php         an odor investigation was        requested in Blackstone Hall.     A suspicious person and
                                 conducted.                                                         behavior were reported in the
November 22 through              November 24, 5:07 pm             November 30, 11:24 am             Middle Campus parking area.
November 30, 2019                An injured/sick visitor          A concerning social media         January 29, 8:04 pm
                                 required emergency transport     message was reported.             Suspicious activity was
November 22, 8:09 am             from the Donnelley and Lee                                         reported in Blackstone Hall
A disturbance involving          Library.                                                           and an odor investigation was
Lake Forest College Publications - Lake Forest College
Page 4                                                          Lake Forest College Stentor                                                      February 7, 2020

 Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Visits Campus
                                                                     Forest College was the type         black people a bad check and        live in a deeply problematic
                                                                     of college that was open to         the check came back marked          time in history... we are
                                                                     bringing Dr. King on campus         ‘insufficient funds.’”              currently in a dip in humanity,”
                                                                     in the 1960s, many of the                 Discussing his own            King stated that “there is no
                                                                     faculty, staff , and students       career, King noted that he is a     telling how long this dip will
                                                                     that I spoke to today were          “historian by training... I think   last... 90 days, a decade, 400
                                                                     encouraged that at least space      that most people think that I’m     years... [but] the good news
                                                                     was made for us to have             a full-time Twitter personality,    is that there has been no dip
                                                                     difficult conversations.”           but I swear I’m not.” King          in human history that people
                                                                           Reflecting on the             introduced Leopold Von              did not eventually get out of,”
                                                                     significance of the holiday,        Ranke, the “father of the study     however, the rise out of the
                                                                     King stated “today is what          of history” who created one of      dip was historically associated
                                                                     we call King Day and I saw          the first detailed timelines of     with war.
                                                                     a painful tweet from Bernice        human history and “spent 40               Although King noted that
                                                                     King, who was the daughter          plus years doing it as his life’s   he was not calling for a war,
                                                                     of Dr. King. She reminded           work.” Von Ranke initially          he did call on the students in
                                                                     us that the reason Dr. King         thought that over the course of     the audience to pull humanity
                                                                     is not here for us to tell him      history, humans were getting        out of the current dip. “I’m not
                                            Lake Forest College      Happy Birthday is that he was       better and smarter, basing his      saying that we need a war, but
                                                                     murdered. And our country has       hypothesis on Darwin’s theory       I am saying that we will need
BY EMMA OVERTON ‘22               King and The Future of The
                                                                     been a place that has, for a very   of evolution. However, as           a warlike effort... If we get
 AND JOSH HAGER ‘22               Civil Rights Movement” on
                                                                     long time, murdered some of         Von Ranke soon discovered,          out of the dip, it will be up to
    Managing Editor and           January 20.
                                                                     its greatest leaders. Dr. King      he “confused the steady             you. You will do more in your
   News Editor, Staff Writer            Delivering his remarks to
                                                                     could have been the honorary        improvement of technology           lifetime to get us out of here        an audience of approximately
                                                                     speaker today, but he was taken     with the steady improvement         than those who are older.”         80 students, faculty, staff and
                                                                     from us...what did we miss          of humanity,” and concluded               Additional programming
                                  community members in the
                                                                     because of his murder?”             that the “trajectory of             in honor of Dr. Martin
      As part of week-long        Lilly Reid Holt Memorial
                                                                           King further noted that       human history is not a linear       Luther King Jr. organized
programming honoring the          Chapel, King acknowledged
                                                                     the “I Have A Dream” speech         progression, but a series of dips   by the Office of Intercultural
life and legacy of Dr. Martin     that Dr. King himself had
                                                                     is a “revolutionary speech...       and peaks.”                         Relations featured Truth Be
Luther King Jr, Lake Forest       visited the campus of Lake
                                                                     there is a whole section where            Arguing that humanity has     Told Table Talks and Art
College welcomed Shaun            Forest College, stating “I’m
                                                                     [Dr. King] talks about police       experienced many dips, King         Making on January 21, a
King, a noted Black Lives         honored to be in a space that
                                                                     brutality... in the beginning of    showed images of a slave ship       Poetry Slam on January 22,
Matter activist with over 1       he shared.”
                                                                     his speech he says something        diagram from the Transatlantic      a Community March and
million Twitter followers               Acknowledging the
                                                                     they never play... he quotes        slave trade, images from the        Art Exhibit on January 23, a
and the founder of the Real       student activism on campus
                                                                     some of America’s founding          Holocaust, and images from          performance from the Chicago
Justice PAC, Flip the Senate,     related to issues of bias and
                                                                     documents and talks about           the Rwandan genocide, asking        Mass Choir on January 24, and
The Action PAC, the North         sexual misconduct, King
                                                                     how this country has not lived      the audience rhetorically, “If      the Diversity and Inclusion
Star Newspaper, and host of       noted: “I am at least glad that
                                                                     up to the promises in those         we are supposedly getting           Summit on January 25.
“The Breakdown” podcast,          we are at an institution that is
                                                                     founding documents... he says       better and better, how do we
to deliver a keynote address      making those conversations
                                                                     that the country has written        explain this?” Noting that “we
entitled “Reflections on Dr.      possible and just as Lake

       Professor Spotlight: Sean Menke
                                  learn more about his academic      academic interests do you                 Menke: It was when I          doing local ecological research
                                  experience and research.           have?                               graduated from undergrad            on ant communities, studying
                                                                           Menke: I was always           and whether I wanted to go to       how ant communities change
                                        Stentor: Could you tell me   involved in music—I was a           graduate school or not. At that     in different environments,
                                  about your academic pathway        trumpet player, used to do a        time, I was trying to decide        whether it’s in downtown
                                  from your undergraduate work       lot of concert band work, and       whether I was going to be a         Chicago or Lake Forest,
                                  to getting your PhD?               then after I transitioned to jazz   competitive video gamer. That       and how nutrients in the
                                        Menke: I did my              music. I did that all the way       was when the competitive            environment help explain that
                                  undergraduate at the University    to my PhD. I kind of stopped        gaming industry was taking          pattern.
                                  of Minnesota, Morris. It’s         because I didn’t have the time      off, so I spent the summer after          Stentor: What is your
                                  a liberal arts college in the      to perform at the level I wanted    I graduated doing that as my        advice for current Lake Forest
                                  middle of nowhere in the           to.                                 full-time job and career until      College students?
                                  western part of the state. I             Stentor: What did you do      I realized I didn’t really care           Menke: Don’t specialize.
    Jovana Jovanovska/Lake        graduated as a biology major       before coming to Lake Forest        about that, so I decided to do      Pick one thing you’re really
             Forest College       with a geology minor. After        College?                            graduate school. It was more        interested in and make it your
      BY JOVANA                   that, I went to (working                 Menke: I was at North         intellectually exciting.            major, but then take other
    JOVANOVSKA ’23                toward) my master’s degree         Carolina State University                 Stentor: What is your         courses. I had anthropology
          Staff Writer            in zoology at the University       where I spent three years as        current research?                   classes every single term, even       of Oklahoma. I did my              a postdoctoral scholar. I went            Menke: I have three           though I knew that I was going
                                  master’s thesis on desert lizard   from studying invasive species      different research projects that    to be a biology major. I think
      Sean Menke is an            ecology. I was studying how        to studying urban pest species.     are ongoing. I am still studying    there’s too much focus on
associate professor of biology    desertification was causing        I studied how native species        the invasive Argentine ants in      taking courses for a major to
at Lake Forest College who,       changes in lizard and snake        responded to a change in the        California. We have roughly a       stand out for a job in the field.
in addition to his interests in   communities. After that, I went    environment and turned out to       50-year data set for invasion       What actually makes you stand
natural sciences, is passionate   to the University of California    behave like invasive species,       history in California, so we’re     out is all the other skills you
about music, anthropology,        in San Diego where I intended      how organisms respond to            working on seeing how the           can bring here, whether that’s
and ultimate Frisbee. His         to continue studying lizard        environmental change, and           effects of invasion change          computer science, because you
scientific research is based on   communities. The person I was      what makes some species more        through time. Another aspect        like coding, or you’re taking
ant communities and he has        supposed to work with retired      likely to invade a habitat than     of my research is studying          art. No one asked me which
worked with many Lake Forest      because of medical reasons, so     others.                             urban ant communities and           were my majors when I was
College students during his       I switched to studying invasive          Stentor: What is the most     trying to understand how ant        applying for jobs. They asked
time at the College. Stentor      ant species and the invasive       difficult decision you had to       communities differ in urban         me which skills I could bring.
staff interviewed Menke to        Argentine ant.                     make during your academic           environments versus natural         I would advise students to get
                                        Stentor: What other          career?                             environments. Finally, I’m          other skills.
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February 7, 2020                                              Lake Forest College Stentor                                                                       Page 5

          Review: Netflix’s The Circle                               BY ADAM HARTZER ‘23              by players ranking each other       media.
                                                                             Layout Editor            at various stages throughout              While none of the catfish
                                                                    the game. The two highest-          players had any self-esteem
                                                                                                      ranked players after each round     issues or insecurities, they
                                                                     A new social media-              become “influencers” who then       admitted that the climate of
                                                                     oriented reality                 decide what player they want        social media made their own
                                                                     competition                      to “block” from the Circle and      profile seem not as likable as
                                                                                                      send home. Juggling strategy        their fictitious avatar in the
                                                                         On January 1, Netflix        with their trust and personal       game. As the game continues
                                                                   released The Circle, a             perception of other players, the    and relationships develop, the
                                                                   new social media-oriented          influencers carefully choose the    show explores what it means
                                                                   reality show. On the show,         player to send home, without        to redefine acceptance on
                                                                   13 contestants compete for         offending the other players         social media and the trust that
                                                                   $100,000 by being isolated in      who may have made alliances         individuals have for people that
                                                                   individual apartments where        with the one who was blocked.       they have never met in person.
                                                                   they never meet any of the                As the game unfolds,               To continuously keep
                                                                   other participants face-to-face.   it is interesting to see each       the players on their toes, the
                                                                   Instead, the only interaction      player construct their unique       show makes players participate
                                                                   allowed is over a social media     strategies—whether they chose       in various challenges and
                                                                   platform channel, known as         to be a complete “catfish” or       activities to receive rewards
                                                                   the Circle.                        their genuine selves. From          that promote their popularity
                                                                         When players enter the       a psychological perspective,        on the platform.
                                                                   Circle, they set up a profile,     it was most interesting to                What many find
                                                                   consisting of a short bio and      see the players interact and        interesting about The Circle is
                                                                   profile picture. Because of        befriend one another, even          the relevancy to modern issues
                                                                   the show’s anonymity, some         if players were not their true      surrounding social media. It
                                                                   contestants chose to portray       selves. Many who opted to           showcases how individuals
                                                                   avatar-like characters that        “catfish” the other players         interact with others on social
                                                                   ranged from partially true         believed that they had a better     platforms and the unique way
                                                                   representations to completely      chance of winning the game          relationships develop through
                                                                   fictitious “catfish.” To win the   by portraying themselves as         technology, rather than by
                                                                   game, players must become          a more likable individual, in       traditional face-to-face means.
         Participants interact on a social media platform to gain the Circle’s most popular           hopes of fulfilling the common
                           popularity and win the game. (Netflix)
                                                                  player, which is determined         stereotypes depicted on social

 ‘States of Democracy’ Art Exhibit
                                                                                                      said. When putting out the          for the people, too. I think it’s
                                                                                                      call the exhibition received        something we’ve all got to
                                                                                                      70 submissions, which was           constantly build and maintain.
                                                                                                      subsequently narrowed down          The important thing is to
                                                                                                      to the 10 now on display at the     maintain it and not have it
                                                                                                      exhibition.                         regress.”
                                                                                                            Of the 10 chosen for                A good number of other
                                                                                                      display was “Moments of             artworks capture aspects one
                                                                                                      Silence” by Jake Dockins,           might consider mundane, such
                                                                                                      which depicts the empty             as Ashanti McGee’s “Family
                                                                                                      presidential podium while           Life on Dashcam,” which
                                                                                                      news coverage plays in the          depicts McGee experiencing
                                                                                                      background talking about            her day-to-day life taking
                                                                                                      shootings and other national        care of her four children. Burr
                                                                                                      tragedies. Dockins is an            stresses how even works such
                                                                                                      undergraduate student and           as these provide meaningful
                                                                                                      has work exhibited in several       insight into the reality of living
      BY CHRISTIAN                                                           Lake Forest College
                                                                                                      galleries while simultaneously      in a democratic society. “That’s
      METZGER ’20
                                                                                                      working on his bachelor of fine     how we have to experience
          Staff Writer             a 1998 video work by artist      the Universal Declaration of      arts at the University of North     democracy, through the prism         Guillermo Gómez-Peña on          Human Rights provided by          Texas.                              of our everyday lives,” said
                                   loan from the Art Institute of   Turkish artist Hina Barlas              “There’s a lot of             Burr.
     Lake Forest College’s         Chicago, which is meant to       or Micheal Marks’ virtual         conversations I’ve had with               Burr has been working
newest art installation, titled    work in conversation with the    visualization of the labyrinth-   students about democracy and        with and organizing art
“States of Democracy,”             other gallery.                   like construction of the          there’s a wide spectrum of          exhibitions for over 20 years,
premiered at the Sonnenschein           Of the 10 art pieces        government, all the pieces        opinions of what democracy          having set up gallery spaces
and Albright Galleries, located    in the exhibit, each uses a      of artwork the exhibit offers     means to people. So, I thought      on the tops of mountains,
in the Durand Art Institute,       combination of audio and         insights into the state of        that was a question people          shipping containers, and other
on January 23. Organized by        visual elements in different     democracy.                        wanted to talk about,” Burr         unique spaces. His extensive
Assistant Professor of Art         ways in order to touch on              “What I liked about the     said about the creation of          experience in the field of video
David Burr and lecturer in         and critique elements of         process was being able to set a   the gallery. “There is no way       and visual media gives rise to
art Rebecca Goldberg, the          the American democratic          call for art—a very democratic    democracy is ever going to          hosting audio/visual galleries
exhibit features audio-visual      experience and democracies       means of collecting artwork       be a perfected process. It’s a      like “States of Democracy.”
works from 10 different artists.   across the world. Whether        where anyone can submit           constant work of art for artists,
Opening concurrently with          that be the scrolling text of    a piece for the show,” Burr       but it’s a constant work of art
the exhibit was “Borderstatis,”
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Page 6                                                 Lake Forest College Stentor                                                                  February 7, 2020

Read & Watch: Book-to-Screen Adaptations
 BY LAUREN GANTT ’21               the number of fans has              drama ensues. With plenty of         and is an easier option for         platforms and a TV series on
          Staff Writer             exploded. The Witcher follows       laughs, baking, and swoon-           consuming the story.                Freeform and Hulu.          Geralt, a monster hunter;           worthy romance, this book
                                   Yennefer, a sorceress; and          trilogy is sure to lighten the       4. City of Bones/                   5. The Host
     The past few years have       Ciri, a princess who all find       mood from whatever stressful         Shadowhunters                       Book, Movie
brought forth a plethora of        their lives interconnected as       school project has you down.         Book series, TV series, Movie             The Host is a standalone
book-to-screen adaptations.        their land erupts in turmoil. If    Netflix released the first movie            City of Bones is the         adult science-fiction novel
Some sorely missed the mark,       books aren’t your thing, Netflix    in August of 2018, with the          first in a six-book series by       about a dystopian Earth that
but there have been more than      recently released Season 1 and      second movie releasing on            Cassandra Clare and follows         has been invaded by Souls,
a few that have astounded          announced Seasons 2 and 3.          February 12 of this year (just in    a young girl named Clary            a parasitic alien race that
readers and viewers alike. Here    There’s also a collection of        time for Valentine’s day).           who discovers that demons           inhabits human bodies. This
are some of the best books         video games inspired by the                                              and other supernatural beings       novel focuses on a Soul who
and their adaptations to keep      books.                              3. Little Women                      are real. Not only that, but        discovers that her host human
your eye on for when you’re                                            Book, Movie                          she is a member of the              refuses to let her body be taken
wanting an escape from the         2. To All the Boys I’ve Loved             This classic novel from        Shadowhunter race, a group of       over. What follows is a high-
semester’s stresses.               Before trilogy                      the 1860s follows a group of         half-human, half-angel beings       stakes novel involving action,
                                    Book series, Movie series          sisters after the Civil War as       who hunt these supernatural         romance, and plenty of science.
 1. The Witcher                         A feel-good story of           they grow from childhood             creatures. With multiple            The book is an absolute
Book series, TV series, Video      romance, the To All the Boys        into womanhood. The new              spin-off series, this book is       masterpiece and not difficult
Game series                        I’ve Loved Before trilogy           movie adaptation has some            the perfect introduction to         to read at all. But if movies are
     An adult fantasy novel        follows Lara Jean, a young          notable stars headlining it,         a larger collection of works        more your thing, there was also
translated from Polish, The        girl who writes letters to all of   including Emma Watson and            centered in this world and          a brilliant adaptation starring
Witcher series has been            her past crushes in order to get    Saoirse Ronan. While the book        mythology. If you’re not up         Saoirse Ronan.
popular in recent years. With      over her feelings for them. One     is definitely more suited for        for the commitment of reading
the release of the Netflix-        day, her letters accidentally       those who love a long read, the      so many books, there is both
backed TV show in December,        get sent to her old crushes and     movie just released in theaters      a movie adaptation on various

Assassination of Qasem Soleimani
                                                                       absolutely no escalation by the      since I was a small child, and      bombed Fallujah? Where is
                                                                       United States, no war, and the       these wars have continued to        the democracy in Libya after
                                                                       United States’ withdrawal of         be unimaginable wastes of           American intervention where
                                                                       forces from the Middle East          life in these countries and for     there is now a thriving slave
                                                                       and everywhere. The people           Americans dying fighting for        trade? Where is the democracy
                                                                       of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine,     American imperialism. These         being brought to Iran when
                                                                       among many other nations             wars have been continued            Trump threatens to bomb some
                                                                       in the world, correctly see          and expanded throughout the         of humanity’s most treasured
                                                                       American intervention as a           remaining Bush years; during        cultural sights? It is up to
                                                                       threat to their nations. The US      Obama’s imperialist bombings        the people of Iran to decide
                                                                       Government does not need the         in Libya, Syria, Somalia,           what they see fit as a form of
                                                                       domestic popularity of a war         Pakistan that further expanded      government. The country’s
                                                                       as an excuse to launch one, as       the scope of American wars;         destruction will not bring
                                                                       the idea of conflict with Iran       and now could reach another         that, and it will only serve
                                                              Axios    is much less popular now than        critical tipping point with         imperialism. Imperialism,
                                                                       the War on Terror was decades        Donald Trump’s warmongering         principally American
   BY JOSH HAGER ‘22               States in the Middle East           ago. The protests against            with Iran.                          imperialism, threatens the
          Staff Writer             are the primary cause of any        the Iraq War were millions                 The countries threatened      sovereignty of all of the          attacks against American            strong, but simply protesting        by the United States have           world’s peoples.
                                   facilities in the Middle East       the war did not stop the US          every right to resist imperialist          American imperialism
      In the first few days of     because the United States has       Government from doing it             invasions. In Iraq, people see      does not just look like the
the new decade, the United         wrecked the region with its         anyway. Because of that war,         their occupiers as illegitimate     possible invasion of Iran, but
States sparked a near all-out      imperial wars. Weak framing         millions of people in Iraq are       and, in response, carried out       it is also right here at home.
conflict in a most shocking        of the issue, such as the           still living the consequences of     an attack on the American           Imperialism is also Laquan
manner by assassinating one        mealy-mouthed statements of         American terrorism on the Iraqi      embassy. American bases in          McDonald being shot in
of Iran’s top generals, Qasem      presidential candidates like        people. Hundreds of thousands        Iraq are there illegitimately as    the streets of Chicago, it is
Soleimani. Soleimani, leader       Pete Buttigieg, who agreed that     of Iraqis and thousands of           occupiers, and the Iraqi people     the repression of Lakotans
of the Quds Force in Iran’s        Soleimani was a murdering           Americans have been killed.          want their sovereignty. If the      defending their water at
Islamic Revolutionary Guard        terrorist but objected that         Some acts by American                US did not want to have their       Standing Rock, and the placing
Corps, was in recent years         President Trump should have         troops include the use of            embassy attacked, they should       of undocumented immigrants
a crucial figure in the fight      notified Congress, inaccurately     depleted uranium munitions           simply not have troops in the       in cages at the US–Mexico
against the Islamic State, and     portrays the situation. The         on civilians, massacres              country! However, the cynical       border. Americans should unite
America and Iran were briefly      problem with the assassination      (the Haditha Massacre,               counterargument to all of this      in their opposition to what
cooperating in that campaign.      of Soleimani was not that           Mukaradeeb Massacre, among           is that without the American        could be one of the bloodiest
Following the assassination of     Trump did not do the right          many others), and under-             presence in the region, there       conflicts in years. Who wins
Soleimani, Iran retaliated with    paperwork, but that American        reported killings that occur on      would be chaos in all of these      but the people oppressing
missile strikes on American        imperialism, or the extension       everyday patrols. The United         countries, or that America          people here? Who wins but the
bases in Iraq. On January 26,      of our power and influence          States’ invasion of Iraq caused      has created democracy out           oil and defense companies?
small rockets hit the American     over foreign nations through        the loss of any real stability in    of dictatorships. Where is          Who wins but the generals
embassy in Baghdad and there       diplomacy or military force,        Iraqi society for years, partially   the order and stability in          using those who believe they
is still dangerous international   is the number one threat to the     leading to the rise of ISIS in       American troops killing untold      fight for freedom as pawns
tension looming over the           world’s people.                     Iraq.                                thousands? Where is the order       against the people of these
world.                                   The only sensible option             American troops have          and stability when American         countries?
      The actions of the United    in Iran is that there should be     been in Iraq and Afghanistan         planes indiscriminately
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OPINIONS / The Chive
February 7, 2020                                                  Lake Forest College Stentor                                                                       Page 7

                                      Thoughts on ‘Megxit’
                                    courageous and for the best.       son, Archie. They can give          with her race and the color of     family has done before. Some
        Opinions Editor             Institutions such as monarchies    their son a normal life, away       her skin shows how backward        would say Prince Harry’s            represent a hierarchical order     from the spotlight. Prince          and prejudiced a portion of that   mother, Princess Diana, who
                                    and represent the idea that one    Harry and Meghan Markle are         society remains.                   herself broke the royal mold,
      Tensions arose among          group of individuals is superior   no stranger to public scrutiny,           The world has always         would be proud.
the British royal family            to the rest of society through     which is extremely difficult        been fascinated with the                 The couple plans on
members when Prince Harry           lineage or marriage, and           to bear at times. To some, it       happenings of the British          alternating their time between
and Meghan Markle, the              therefore they have the right to   wasn’t a surprise that they         royal family due to its pivotal    Britain and the United States.
Duchess of Sussex, announced        rule. Though this is no longer a   decided to make this move           role in world history. From        Prince Harry stated that it was
that they decided to distance       reality in the United Kingdom,     because of how negatively           Princess Diana to Kate             difficult for him to come to
themselves from the royal           since it is now a constitutional   the couple is portrayed in the      Middleton, society has always      this decision with Meghan, but
family, giving them the chance      monarchy, the history of these     media, especially Meghan.           been interested in the lives       that it had to be done. Queen
to live abroad and possibly         totalitarian monarchies persists         Many believe that Queen       of the British royal family        Elizabeth II also released a
spend more time in the              through its preservation, thus     Elizabeth II never really           from tuning in for every royal     statement where she thanked
United States. The news sent        representing the inequality        approved of her grandson’s          wedding to talking about who       the two for their duties and
shockwaves all over the world.      of the past. The couple’s          marriage to Meghan Markle,          wore what for weeks.               contributions they made to
The public was astounded that       decision to step away from the     who prior to her engagement to            Despite the fact that        the kingdom. I believe what
the couple broke centuries of       monarchy breaks this system,       Prince Harry was an American        Britain became a constitutional    the couple has done is truly
age-old traditions in the United    which is a huge progressive        actress on the TV show Suits.       monarchy, its royal family         remarkable and will change the
Kingdom.                            milestone in history and truly     There are also some in the          remains the talk of the world.     course of history for the British
      Many deem the couple’s        asserts their independence.        public who believe Meghan           Meghan Markle and Prince           royal family forever.
decision to step back from                Stepping away from           shouldn’t have been with Harry      Harry’s decision to set aside
their royal duties as neglecting    the royal family also allows       in the first place because she is   their royal duties is ground-
the kingdom. However, many          the couple to focus on what        half black. The fact that part of   breaking and unlike anything
others view their decision as       matters to them the most: their    British society is so concerned     any member of the royal

     The Ch VE                                                             Lake Forest College’s Finest “News” Source

 Some Sarcastic Horoscopes                                                                            Please, Don’t Smoke
          BY ARIELLE VAN                      with a serious illness, when in fact, this             BY JON CALL ’20                   first (and only) scenario reported on,
             DERRA ’21                        is actually your body’s way of begging                       Staff Writer                the lecturer asked the student, “do you
               Staff Writer                   you to eat a single vegetable.                             know smoking legal weed can harm               Virgo                                                                                    you more than when it was illegal?”
                                              Someone will annoy you so deeply and                 On January 1, 2020, Illinois        The student in the scenario responded
Aries                                         viscerally this week that you will want       became the eleventh state to legalize      by pulling an eighth-ounce baggie
You might find yourself thinking a lot        to start planning an elaborate revenge        marijuana. Lake Forest College,            out of his pocket and saying: “This
about the future this week. It may be         plot. Just remember how annoying the          which is a federally funded institution,   is Alaskan Thunderf****, which I
about your own career path, or about the      cleanup was last time.                        decided to take precautionary              bought legally this morning and that
current political climate, or maybe just      Libra                                         measures to enforce its anti-cannabis      I intend to smoke in the safety of my
what you’re going to do this summer.          This Wednesday you may be overcome            policy, beyond placing Hawaiian            dorm, which is far from any grade
Whatever it is, don’t worry so much           with a desire to leave college life behind    Breeze air fresheners throughout           school, with my buddy who is over 21
about the minor details that you forget       and go start a goat farm in Montana. No       Moore’s hallways.                          and is not a police officer, firefighter,
your ultimate goal: to defeat the lobsters.   one would blame you if you did.                      Lake Forest College enlisted        or school bus driver. How is it going
Taurus                                        Scorpio                                       a program called N.A.R.C (Nicely           to harm me?” The educator dismissed
Love is in the air for you this week! If      You don’t believe in horoscopes and           Ask to Reject Cannabis), an offset of      the class at that moment, twenty
you have a significant other, make sure       only started reading this article out of      the national D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse           minutes ahead of time.
to start thinking about Valentine’s Day       boredom. I bet you don’t even know            Resistance Education) program, that              Student response to the N.A.R.C
gifts. If you don’t, at least be content      what your star sign is. That’s pretty         helps students say “no” to smoking         program has been unanimous in their
with the knowledge that you aren’t            typical of a Scorpio.                         legal weed. The program’s mission          confusion. Most students are confused
playing into a consumerist holiday that       Sagittarius                                   statement boasts “teaching students        by the program’s effectiveness, with
aims to capitalize on social norms.           You will realize this week that you           that smoking legal marijuana is not        one student saying, “if campaigns
Gemini                                        haven’t actually attended any of your         ‘lit’.”                                    against illegally smoking weed didn’t
One of the earbuds from your favorite         classes, because the last month and a                N.A.R.C’s effectiveness relies      work well, how is this program
pair of headphones will stop working,         half have all been a dream. You’re in a       on multiple educational lectures           supposed to do any better?” Some
but only one. You will spend the week         coma in the hospital. I’ve been trying to     and scenarios. The lectures cover          students were concerned with the
wearing them as usual, hoping that            get through to you. Please wake up.           a variety of methods used to stop          decision to fund this program, with
they’ll start working again, but they         Capricorn                                     students from legally smoking weed,        one student saying, “we can’t pay to
won’t, and it will bother you more than       You are a natural-born leader. This week,     including the “please, don’t” method,      get the mold out of Moore, but we can
you’ll want to admit.                         make sure to capitalize on that ability by    which involves the lecturer politely       pay for this?” One student, however,
Cancer                                        recruiting the campus squirrels. If you       asking the students to not smoke legal     expressed their satisfaction with the
You’ll spend an entire class period           befriend them now, they will favor you        weed, “please.” The escalation of          N.A.R.C program, saying, “it’s very
not paying attention to the lecture and       above everyone else when the weather          this method includes the “begging”         entertaining, but I’d probably get
instead watching in awe as the person         turns warmer.                                 stage, where the lecturer gets on his/     bored if I didn’t show up stoned.”
who sits in front of you unabashedly          Aquarius                                      her knees and begs the class to stop       Some school officials have seen the
watches Vine compilations with the            In a fit of frustration about the recent      smoking legally, the “doom and             N.A.R.C program as a premature
sound off. You both mouth the words           cold, this week you may be tempted to         gloom” stage, where the lecturer           failure and demand that PubSafe
almost unconsciously, like a prayer: road     carry out an ancient sun-calling ritual       labels the students “Satanists” and        crack down on the possession of legal
work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it          you found in a book from library shelf        “Anarchists” (which seems to have          weed. However, PubSafe seems to
does.                                         505.q, which only appears at 8:15 p.m.        an adverse effect on the students), and    have concentrated on a new campus
Leo                                           on the night of the new moon. See that        the “lying” stage, where the lecturer      threat. According to College statistics
You won’t feel well this week. You’ll         you return it within five business days;      straight-up lies about the effects of      from the past month, write-ups for
feel lethargic and irritable, and you’ll      other people need it.                         marijuana in order to halt its legal       possession of marijuana have hit
have trouble focusing in class. You might     Pisces                                        consumption.                               an all-time low, while write-ups for
even go to health services in search of an    Absolutely nothing of note will happen               For N.A.R.C’s additional            underaged cigarette smokers have
answer, but you’ll find none. You may         to you this week. Maybe just take a nap.      educational scenarios, students take on    risen significantly.
begin to think that you’re coming down                                                      role-playing with their lecturer. In the
You can also read