Page created by Hector Lang

    Visitor Guide
G   ◆ L’ÎLE-D
                   IN              E-F

              LO                      R




                                                OM ME V O

              & LOING
                                                                   to Moret Seine Loing



              VU                  L’A
                    VEZ JAMAIS

                                                                Whether you're here for a short stay or just a day, you can
                                                                immerse yourself in local landscapes that have inspired
                                                                many painters and writers. Here, to the south-east of the
                                                                Île-de-France region, at the crossroads of the Seine and
                                                                Loing valleys, and on the edge of Fontainebleau forest,
                                                                you can discover a superb mixture of unique history and
                                                                generous, preserved nature.

                                                                Patrick SEPTIERS
                                                                President of Moret Seine & Loing

                                                                                                               The church of Saint-Martin
                                                                                                                        in La Genevraye.
                                                            2                                      3

                                                                                                  Inside the guide
                   G                 FR
                IN                     A




              SEIN G                                                                 RECHARGE YOUR BATTERIES

                                            ME V O U
            & LOIN
                                                                                                   IN SEINE & LOING… page 7
                                                                                                    8/WALKING AND HIKING            20/SENSITIVE NATURAL



                                                                                                    Breathe in the countryside
              AV            UE
                EZ JAMAIS V

                                                                                                    13/THE CALL OF                  22/UNUSUAL FAUNA
                                                                                                    THE FOREST                      & FLORA
                                                                                                    A prescription for well-being
                                                                                                                                    25/IN THE GARDEN
                                                                                                    17/BLOWING IN THE WIND
                                                                                                    Glider, aeroplane or hot-air    26/BATHING & WELL-BEING
                                                                                                    balloon                         Take a break

                                                                                                    18/PARADISE FOR NATURE
                                                                                                    Reconnect with nature

                                                                       TAKE AN ADVENTURE IN SEINE & LOING… page 28
                                                                      30/HERE, CYCLING                 41/A BREAK ON THE WHITE
                                                                      IS KING Hop on for a ride        WATERS OF THE LOING
                                                                      or a journey                     Unforgettable experiences
                                                                                                       and adventures in a canoe
                                                                      34/THE FASCINATING
                                                                      HISTORY OF CYCLING
                                                                      Laufmaschine, velocipede,
                                                                      penny-farthing, bicyclette

                                                                      37/HORSE RIDING
                                                                      Adventures on four legs !

                                                                             GET A TASTE OF NATURE’S BOUNTIES… page 44
                                                                                                    47/WELCOME                      55/A RISING TIDE
                                                                                                    TO THE FARM                     OF BEER
                                                                                                    Fresh and authentic produce     Awaken your inner
                                                                                                    to fight unhealthy eating !     zythologist !

                                                                                                    51/FOOD DATES                   56/THE SEINE & LOING
                                                                                                                                    BREWERY ROUTE
                                                                                                    52/FOUR RIVERS RUN
                                                                                                    THROUGH IT                      58/COURSES &
                                                                                                    Carpe diem!                     EXPERIENCES
                                                                                                                                    60/A SELECTION OF

                                                                                                       PRODUCTS MADE IN MSL

                                ON SCREENS, TABLETS AND SMARTPHONES                                 USEFUL INFORMATION:
                                                                           63/Getting to Seine & Loing and planning your stay • 64/The Tourist Office
seine & loing

                                                           outdo ors
                                                                guid                      tur
                                                                       e nature & adven

                                                 YOUR BATTERIES
                                              IN SEINE & LOING
                                               Moret Seine & Loing is a wonderful
                                               area to be explored, for ramblers and
                                              hikers, budding naturalists or anybody
                                                looking to slow down and unwind.
                                               Take a stroll through the countryside,
                                                  surrounded by wild orchids, or
                                                   a relaxing “bath” in the forest.
                                                 Float gently down the stream, take
                                                  in the beauty and fragrances of
                                                extraordinary gardens, or enjoy the
                                                peace and calm of a hot-air balloon
                                                       flight at dawn or dusk.
                                               Here, come to reconnect with nature.

A walk through Fontainebleau forest,
near Montigny-sur-Loing, amid sandstone
rocks and Scots pines.

                                          6            7

              AND HIKING
          Breathe in the countryside

             great exercise for the body and soul, walking is an
             accessible way to promote well-being. And what better
             way to connect with and discover a place than to explore
             it on foot? Moret Seine & Loing offers a varied choice of
routes, trails and paths, suitable for all levels, from Sunday afternoon
strollers to experienced hikers, to explore its 220 km² territory and
its 23 towns and villages. You will find more than 60 km of grande
randonnée (GR®) hiking routes in the territory, including the GR®11,
which goes all the way round Île-de-France,
and the GR®2, running from Dijon to Le More than 200 km of
Havre, as well as the Pays de l’Orvanne and
                                                       paths to discover the
Lunain routes through the Bocage Gâtinais.
They offer a chance to discover a natural             surrounding    area and
environment with changing landscapes, reconnect with nature.
including the Loing and Seine valleys, where
splendid villas stand on sometimes steep
slopes, as well as rivers, brooks and streams running through hedged                                                   STEP INTO THE WORLD
farmland, vast rural spaces and the famous star-shaped paths of                                                          OF IMPRESSIONISM
Fontainebleau forest. For those who prefer history and more urban                                                                            The ‘Sur les pas de Sisley’
landscapes, three walking trails will take you through the maze of                                                                           (In the footsteps of Sisley) routes
                                                                                                                                             offer a chance to explore the
alleyways of Veneux-Les Sablons, the port and narrow streets of the                                                                          scenery that inspired one of
sailing town of Saint-Mammès, and the Golden Chasselas vine walls                                                                            the great landscape artists of
of Thomery, which are listed as historic monuments.                                                                                          the Impressionist movement.
                                                                                                                                             The landscapes immortalized
Don’t hesitate to explore the many routes available. With more than                                                                          by the painter’s work, which is
200 kilometres of well-maintained and sign-posted paths, and 16 loop                                                                         now exhibited in the world’s
                                                                                                                                             most renowned museums, have
trails to choose from (see p.10), there is no risk of getting lost along                                   Le Canal du Loing,                remained almost unchanged. There
the way. Seize the opportunity to get back in touch with yourself and                                      Alfred Sisley, 1892.              are several routes to choose from,
                                                                                                                                             which will take you through the
recharge your batteries!                                                                                   RMN-Grand Palais/S. Maréchalle/
                                                                                                                                             towns of Thomery, Moret-Loing-et-
                                                                                A wooded path              Paris musée d’Orsay
                                                                                                                                             Orvanne and Saint-Mammès.
                                                                                through the massif of
                                                                                Fontainebleau forest,
                                                                                near Montigny-sur-Loing.
                                  8                                                                                              9
On the path of
« Autour du mont
Vernou-La Celle »
                                                                                                                                                       Tips and advice
                                                                                                                                                       HANDY APPS
                                                                                                                                                       Available to download
                                                                                                                                                       for free at the App Store
                                                                                                                                                       and Google Play.
                                                                                                                                                       Discover the app
                                                                                                                                                       Bougeott, developed by
                                                                                                                                                       the Île-de-France region.
                                                                                                                                                       It provides personalised
                                                                                                                                                       walks, combining

                     Loop trails and hiking paths
                                                                                                                                                       exercise with discovery
                                                                                                                                                       of cultural and natural
         YOU WILL FIND                                                HAVE YOU ALREADY
         16 LOOP TRAILS                                               TRIED ALL OF OUR LOOP                                                            BALADE BRANCHÉE
         IN MORET SEINE &                                             TRAILS? No problem!                                                              Choose a route,
         LOING, ALL OFFERING                                          There are also three routes                                                      download it and have fun
         OPPORTUNITIES TO                                             to discover with no need                                                         exploring Île-de-France’s
                                                                      for a guide. Download
                                                                      the routes at the Seine-
                                                                                                      EVENTS AND HIKES                                 natural and cultural
                                                                                                                                                       heritage. With audio,
                                                                      et-Marne department’s
                                                                      website (www.seine-et-
                                                                                                      GUIDED BY LOCALS                                 photo and video content
                                                                                                                                                       that is automatically

         The 16 trails, with                                 or ask for them at                                                     triggered near
         descriptive (Les venelles                                    the Tourist Office:                     ecause it can sometimes be a bit         noteworthy spots, you
         de Veneux – The alleyways                                    • À l’assaut de la montagne             scary setting off to discover a forest   can enjoy nature while
         of Veneux) or more                                           creuse (Scaling the hollow                                                       remaining in control.
         imaginative names (L’être                                    mountain): 10 km round                  or unknown place alone, you can
         suprême en terre romaine                                     walk / 2½ hr, starting at       join a group for a walk and benefit from         BALAD’NATURE
         – The supreme being in                                       Saint-Mammès.                                                                    Routes and info to
         Roman lands), offer round                                    • Gravine de Sorques et         local guides and their knowledge! Moret          discover forests,
         walks of 7 to 19 km,            interest to see and visit    roches de Marion (The           Seine & Loing regularly organises gentle         protected natural areas
         suitable for all levels and     along the way, and a brief   Plain of Sorques and                                                             and heritage in Seine-et-
         interests. If you would like    presentation of the route.   Roches de Marion route):
                                                                                                      walks for groups, as well as hiking-related      Marne.
         to explore these                All of this information      9 km round walk / 2¼ hr,        events. The events La Printanière and
         200 km of paths, pick up        will help you find routes    starting at Montigny-sur-       La Patrimoine, held each year between            CIRKWI
         the free Moret Seine &          that match your interests,   Loing.                                                                           A free community portal
         Loing hiking route map          physical condition and       • Sur le sentier de la Plaine   March and September, include a number            that indicates hiking
         available at the Tourist        available time: an à la      de Sorques (On the path to      of routes suitable for all levels, as well as    routes, interesting things
         Office, which is full of        carte menu to choose         the Plain of Sorques): 5 km                                                      to see and viewpoints.
         essential information that      from!                        round walk / 1¼ hr, starting    many themed activities, offering chances
         will come in handy before       Signs have been placed       at Montigny-sur-Loing.          to learn about biodiversity, geology,            CLÉS DE FORÊT
         you set off and on the trail.   along the way to show        You can also buy one of                                                          With quiz, investigation
         The map shows the               the route and help you       the topographic guides
                                                                                                      heritage, flavours of the terroir and more...    and secret modes, this
         location and routes of          get your bearings: The       co-published with the           Walking clubs and associations (Rando            fun app released by the
         the MSL paths, as well          200 km of paths are fully    Fédération française de                                                          ONF (French National
                                                                                                      Seine & Loing, Nordic walking club) also         Forestry Office) helps
         as the main hiking trails       marked out, including        randonnée (French hiking
         (GR®, GRP®, PR) nearby.         information boards, and      federation) at the Tourist      offer a variety of outings all year round,       beginners identify trees
         On the back of the map,         you will find a detailed     Office.                         as well as shorter “gentle hikes” to enjoy       and animals. Download
         for each path, you will         map of the route at the      ‘Au Confluent de la Seine,                                                       before you go. Once
         find a summary of key           start.                       de l’Yonne, et du Loing…        walking at your own pace. They welcome           you’re in the forest, you
         information (distance,                                       à pied ’ includes 30 routes     visitors passing through with open arms.         won’t need a mobile data
         estimated time, altitude        Free map available           for walks and short hikes (2                                                     connection, as all the
         difference and signs to         on request at the Tourist    hr 10 min to 4 hr 45 min),
                                                                                                      Don’t hesitate to contact the Tourist            features and content are
         follow), as well as car         Office and route details     as well as three routes from    Office for further information and to            accessible offline.
         parks and recommended           accessible online at         station to station (4 hr 30     find a walk or hike for you!
         starting points, sites of         min to 6 hr 30 min).

                                                     10                                                                                      11
Viewpoint looking out over
       Fontainebleau forest from                                               LIFE
     Grotte Béatrix (Béatrix cave),                                         OUTDOORS
        near Montigny-sur-Loing.

                                                             CALL OF
                                                            THE FOREST
                                                     A prescription for well-being

                                                  eine & Loing is a wooded area. Nearly one third of its
                                                  territory is covered with oaks, beeches and other broad-
                                                  leaved trees, as well as Scots pines and maritime pines. It is
                                            home to the state-owned forests of Champagne, in the north, and
                                            Nanteau, in the south, and neighbours the famous Fontainebleau
                                            forest to the west. It is a paradise for outdoor leisure activities,
                                            offering a leafy green environment and plenty of fresh air, just
                                            three quarters of an hour outside of Paris. Whether you want to
                                            contemplate nature with a walk, a nature study outing, or a spot
                                            of Shinrin-yoku ( Japanese “forest bathing”), or prefer a sporty
                                            option with rock climbing, horse-riding or bike-riding, answer
                                            the call of the forest!

                                                Did you know? FONTAINEBLEAU FOREST
                                      This vast forest,                                             usual rules of exploitation
                                      covering more than                                            (hardwood logging and
                                                                                                    sandstone extraction).
                                      20,000 hectares,                                              This “art reserve” would
                                      well deserves its                                             become the world’s very
                                      Forêt d’Exception®                                            first nature reserve.
                                      certification.                                                Attracting many visitors
                                                                                                    (more than 17 million
                                      A former hunting ground                                       people a year), the forest
                                      for the kings of France,                                      has a network of more
                                      particularly Francis I, this                                  than 1000 kilometres of
                                                                     have been drawn to its         signposted paths, routes
                                      rich forest was a source
                                                                     evocatively shaped rock        and alleys, which are very
                                      of wood for timber
                                                                     formations, lights and         popular with walkers,
                                      and heating, as well as
                                                                     varied ambiances. At the       cyclists and horse riders. As
                                                                     instigation of such artists,   a cradle of mountaineering
                                      Famous around the world,
                                                                     particularly the Barbizon      (see p.15), it is also a
                                      Fontainebleau forest has
                                                                     school of painters and,        popular site for rock
                                      inspired many painters
                                                                     later, Rosa Bonheur,           climbing.
                                      (such as Corot, Millet and
                                                                     certain parts of the forest,    This exceptional forest is
                                      Renoir), writers and poets
                                                                     designated as ‘sanctuaires     in the running to be named
                                      (including Victor Hugo
                                                                     de la nature’ (sanctuaries     a UNESCO World Heritage
                                      and George Sand), who
                                                                     of nature), escaped the        Site.

12                                                                                13

                  How to discover                      THE FOREST
  Different ways                Centre d’écotourisme                Montigny-sur-Loing,
                                de Franchard,                       • La Fosse aux loups in
     to explore                 Route de l’Ermitage,                Nanteau-sur-Lunain,
Fontainebleau forest             77300 Fontainebleau                • La Roche du Sault in
                                +33(0)1 60 70 65 57,                Villecerf.
                                contact@biosphere-                  To find out more and access
At the Tourist Office’s shop,
                                 the sites, contact the Tourist
you will find the ‘Guide des
                                 Office or visit
sentiers de promenades
                                Facebook: biosphere.gatinais
dans le massif forestier de                                         Fact sheets are available at
Fontainebleau’, an essential
                                       Discover                     the federation’s website:
guide to the paths criss-          our three forests      
crossing the largest state-
owned forest in Île-de-         Among the 16 loop trails            FOREST THERAPY
                                included in the Moret Seine         We know intuitively that
France, as well as a map of
                                & Loing hiking route map,           immersing ourselves in
the forest published by the
                                four will take you on a             nature, in the woods,
French National Institute
                                discovery tour of the three         surrounded by trees and
of Geographic and Forest
                                forests in our territory :          plants, is good for us. Teams
Information (IGN). Other
                                • Fontainebleau forest              of Japanese scientists have
IGN maps are also available
                                Route n°1: ‘Seine, murs et          demonstrated that woods
at the Tourist Office’s
                                forêt’ (The Seine, walls and        have a positive effect on
shop. It’s easy to get from
                                forests), in Thomery, 8.8  km ;     stress, insomnia and even
Fontainebleau to Moret-                                             conditions such as arthritis
                                Route n°6: ‘De Kosciuszko
sur-Loing or vice versa via     à Croc Marin’ (From                 and high blood pressure. A
the paths in Fontainebleau      Kosciuszko to Croc Marin)           forest therapy guide offers
forest (about a 12 km walk).    in Montigny-sur-Loing,              forest bathing courses in
                                16.3 km.                            the forests of Fontainebleau
THE FRANCHARD                   • Champagne forest                  and Nanteau, for individuals
ECOTOURISM CENTRE               Route n°2: ‘L’eau, le fer,          or families, to recharge
This is the place to come       la pierre’ (Water, iron             your batteries and enjoy an
to learn all about this         and stone), 9.8 km in               extraordinary experience in
exceptional forest and its      Champagne-sur-Seine ;               close contact with trees.
residents. The centre is        • Nanteau forest                    • Salvo Natura
located next to the             Route n°14 ‘La forêt de   
Gorges of Franchard, a          Nanteau’ (The forest of             • Victor Rouliot - Arbor’Essence
major tourist attraction        Nanteau), 13 km between             Centre équestre de Graville
in Fontainebleau forest,        Treuzy-Levelay and                  06 46 81 72 70
just a few kilometres from      Nanteau-sur-Lunain.       
Moret Seine & Loing.
Run by the association
La réserve de biosphère
                                Free map available on request
                                at the Tourist Office and details   A WALK WITH LLAMAS                  FONTAINEBLEAU
de Fontainebleau et du
                                of routes accessible online at
                                                                    To discover the forest
                                                                    in a different way and                  FOREST:
Gâtinais, it welcomes
visitors and organises          ROCK CLIMBING
                                                                    experience a unique
                                                                    adventure, book a 1 to
                                                                                                          A CRADLE OF
nature outings, exhibitions
and awareness-raising
                                Offering alternatives
                                to the busiest spots in
                                                                    1½-hour walk guided
                                                                    by Caramel, Mikado and
actions, particularly aimed     Fontainebleau, Seine &              Nougat, three sweet llamas         With its famous sandstone rocks, Fontainebleau
at children. It is open         Loing has three climbing            kept the association Rando         forest, on the north-western edge of our
to the public from mid-         sites that are listed by the        Lamas. Accessible for all.         territory, has long been a playground for
April to mid-October,           Fédération française de la          Price: pay what you want;          mountaineering enthusiasts. Here, in the 1920s
Wednesday to Saturday           montagne et de l’escalade           the money collected helps          and 30s, ‘Les Bleausards’, a group of young
inclusive, as well as on all    (French Federation of               the association cover the          Parisian mountain-climbers, unable to train on
public holidays (including      Mountaineering and                  costs of looking after their       real mountains, would come here on Sundays to
extended weekends), from        Climbing):                          llamas. +33 (0)6 65 50 89 75       climb the forest’s rocks instead. Not only did Les
10 am to 6 pm. Activities       • Le Long rocher in                     Bleausards create their own art of climbing, they
every Saturday.                 Fontainebleau forest, near                  were pioneers of unguided mountaineering and
                                                                                                       came up with many innovations and inventions,
                                                                                                       including climbing shoes!
                                              14                                                                                                15
Flying over the countryside
in a hot-air balloon, at dusk,                                               LIFE
in La Genevraye.                                                          OUTDOORS

                                      BLOWING IN THE WIND
                                                  Whether it’s in a glider,
                                             an aeroplane or a hot-air balloon,
                                                    the sky is the limit!

                                               njoy the calm and the stunning spectacle offered by a hot-air
                                               balloon flight, and appreciate the “impressionist light” of the
                                               sunsets (or sunrises) painted by Alfred Sisley, see our most
                                               beautiful nature and heritage sites from the sky on board a
                                      tourist plane, leaving from Épisy aerodrome, or why not try your hand
                                      at flying a twin-engined aircraft or glider: all of these unforgettable
                                      experiences can be had in Seine & Loing. Let your spirit soar!

                                      HOT-AIR BALLOON                                              L’Aéroclub de
                                      FLIGHT                                                       la vallée du Loing (ACVL)
                                      Two companies provide                                        offers the following:
                                      flights in our area:                                         • 20-minute flights above
                                      •                                           our region to discover
                                      offers hot-air balloon                                       our most beautiful sites
                                      flights to discover our                                      (including châteaux,
                                      landscapes in a basket.                                      fortified towns and
                                      Flights must be reserved                                     villages, and valleys)
                                      in advance.                                                  as seen from the sky.
                                      Basket accessible for
                                                                                                   • first-time flights,
                                      passengers with
                                                                                                   a flying lesson with active
                                      reduced mobility               GLIDER AND ENGINE-            participation in pre-flight
                                      47, avenue Jean Jaurès         POWERED FLIGHTS               preparations, followed by
                                      77250 Moret-sur-Loing          To discover the unique        a half-hour flight with an
                                      +33 (0)1 60 70 80 85 /         sensation of flying in
                                      (0)6 74 75 31 06                                             experienced instructor,
                                                                     silence, on board a glider,   who will let you take the
                                                                     the Centre de vol à voile     controls and introduce
                                                                     de Fontainebleau et sa        you to the basics of flying
                                      • France Montgolfières
                                                                     région (CVVFR) provides       a plane.
                                      offers an adventure
                                                                     first-time glider flights,    • flights above our region,
                                      lasting more than three
                                      hours, leaving at sunrise      a flying school, courses      flying over the Loing
                                      or sunset, when winds          and more. Office open on      valley. Monday, Tuesday,
                                      are stable, in total safety.   Wednesday and Saturday        Thursday and Friday from
                                      Booking required.              from 2 to 6 pm                1 to 4:30 pm. Saturday
                                      21 rue Grande,                 Aérodrome de Moret-Épisy,     from 9 am to 12:30 pm.
                                      77710 Villemaréchal            Chemin de la vallée droite,   Aérodrome de Moret-Épisy,
                                      +33 (0)1 60 70 52 33 /         Épisy 77250 Moret-Loing-et-   Chemin de la vallée droite,
                                      (0)3 80 97 38 61               Orvanne                       77250 Épisy
                                      reservations@                  +33 (0)1 64 45 80 71          +33 (0)1 64 45 83 23
                                      Facebook: FrMontgolfieres      Facebook: CvvfrPlaneurMoret   Facebook: ACVLMoretEpisy

                                 16                                              17
Butterfly on a purple
                                             LIFE                                                                                              loosestrife in the
                                          OUTDOORS                                                                                               marsh of Épisy.

                         Reconnect with nature

                    ere, in Seine & Loing, you are just a stone’s throw from
                    where it all began. The place where “nature sanctuaries”
                    were created in 1853, followed by “art reserves” in 1861,
                    in Fontainebleau forest: the world’s very first nature
      reserves. This may have something to do with the fact that passion
      for nature and its protection is a key part of our local identity. With
      a great variety of landscapes and natural environments – forests,
      hedged farmland, valleys that are majestic (the Seine and the Loing)
      or more modest (the Orvanne and the Lunain), limestone plateaus
      and wetlands  – our territory is a dream location for biodiversity. Our
      woods and rivers, where numerous rare species thrive, are actively
      protected as part of the European programme Natura 2000. Along
      with the Bocage Gâtinais, Fontainebleau forest belongs to the
      biosphere reserves created by UNESCO to encourage actions that
      support sustainable development. Lastly, six Espaces Naturels Sensibles
      (Sensitive Natural Areas), listed for the exceptional richness of their
      fauna and flora, are open to the public all year round. All of these
      protected sites are dedicated to discove ry and awareness-raising, as
      well as simply enjoying a stroll outdoors. So, keep your eyes and ears
      wide open and discover nature as you’ve never seen it before!

             Did you know?BOTANICAL TREASURES
      In the eighteenth century, the most well-known botanists of the day
      came to Épisy to collect plants for the King’s herbaria, which can still be
      seen at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris.

The tradition is still alive today. A fantastic
spot for nature in Île-de-France, included
                                                       path along which visitors can learn more
                                                       about the unique natural heritage of the
                                                                                                      The Marsh of Épisy is home
on the highly select IUCN Green List and               wetland. Raised platforms are provided           to a variety of protected
classified as a Sensitive Natural Area, the            along the path to observe the wildlife.
Marais d’Épisy (Marsh of Épisy) offers a               There are also hiking routes (documents         wildlife, including forty or
chance for nature lovers and newcomers to              available at the Tourist Office) and nature
experience a great diversity of flowers and            outings are organised each year by Seine-et-       so dragonfly species.
herbs, with species that date back to the Ice          Marne Environnement.
Age. This 44-hectare site has a discovery    

                                                  18                                                                                  19
LIFE                                                                                          LIFE
                                  OUTDOORS                                                                                      OUTDOORS

        SENSITIVE NATURAL                                                                    ➜ Natural environments:
                                                                                             woods, man-made lakes,
                                                                                             banks of the Loing.
                                                                                                                           suitable for people with
                                                                                                                           reduced mobility: 1 km
                                                                                                                           There is an additional
                                                                                                                                                          the Seine valley, brings
                                                                                                                                                          together remarkable

              AREAS                                                                          ➜ Interesting for: plant,
                                                                                             insect, bird and amphibian
                                                                                                                           500-metre path to get to
                                                                                                                           the observation platform.
                                                                                                                                                          geological formations:
                                                                                                                                                          diaclases and tuff
                                                                                                                                                          cascades along a small

                                                                                             life.                         ➜ Natural environments:        stream.
            pen and equipped to welcome visitors, five sites with                                                          man-made lake, marsh.          ➜ Where :
            remarkable wildlife that is protected and promoted,                              MARAIS D’ÉPISY                ➜ Interesting for:             Champagne-sur-Seine.
                                                                                             Well-known in France, this    remarkable natural             ➜ Location : D39 or
            stretch out over an area of more than 200 hectares. They                         marsh has been a magnet       environment, plant, insect,    rue des Poiriers.
                                                                                             for botanists since the       bird and amphibian life.
  offer numerous walking paths for nature lovers and a chance to                             eighteenth century and                                       NATURE OUTINGS
  discover various ecosystems. Outings in these nature reserves are                          is home to an amazing         TUF DE LA CELLE                • Seine-et-Marne
  regularly organised by the Seine-et-Marne Environnement agency.                            variety of flowers, herbs     This geological site of        Environnement
                                                                                             and mosses. It can be         national importance,           Site Prugnat
  Accompanied by a specialised guide, you can observe dragonflies,                           accessed via a raised         permanently open to the        18 allée Gustave Prugnat
  butterflies, wild orchids, toads and spiders, according to your                                                          public, has surprising         Moret-sur-Loing
                                                                                                                           things to discover. You will   77250 Moret-Loing-et-
  area of interest. To discover them without a guide, brochures are                                                        find an educational trail      Orvanne
  available at the Tourist Office and you’ll find information boards                                                       with information displays      +33 (0)1 64 31 11 18
                                                                                                                           that present the site’s
  on the sites.                                                                                                            paleontological richness.
                                                                                                                           ➜ Where: Vernou-La   
                                                                                                                           Celle-sur-Seine                • Association Le Loriot
             The sites and their specificities                                               passageway above the
                                                                                                                           ➜ Location: from the
                                                                                                                           RD39 road to La Celle,
                                                                                                                                                          (for outings in the
                                                                                                                                                          Sensitive Natural Area
                                                                                             peat bog.                     follow signs for the           of Basses Godernes in
LES BASSES GODERNES                                        PLAINE DE SORQUES                 ➜ Where: Moret-Loing-et-      cemetery, next to which        Champagne).
This wooded area has a                                     Linking the banks of the          Orvanne.                      you will find a car park.      +33 (0)1 64 24 06 34
round walking path by the                                  Loing to Fontainebleau            ➜ Location: at the            ➜ Distance: 200 m round
river, alongside a former                                  forest, this plain is formed      exit of Épisy towards         walk
branch of the Seine. It is                                 of woods, meadows,                La Genevraye (RD 40           ➜ Interesting for:             Please remember
an ideal spot for fishing                                  swamps and ponds. There           road), car park on the        geological features            to take your litter with
(licence required).                                        are two bird-watching             left, entrance next to the                                   you when you leave
➜ Where: Champagne-                                        platforms and “discovery”         sports field.                 LE TROU CANARD                 and respect these sites.
sur-Seine.                   family of the man known       paths for walkers.                ➜ Distance: round walk        This site, overlooking
➜ Location: on the banks     as “The Tiger”, Georges       ➜ Where: Montigny-sur-
of the Seine, car parks on   Clemenceau. It is home to     Loing and Moret-Loing-et-
Rue de l’Aqueduc and Rue     many protected species.       Orvanne (Épisy).
                             ➜ Where: Moret-Loing-et-
du Vieux Clos.
➜ Distance: walk of          Orvanne.
                                                           ➜ Location: from the
                                                           hamlet of Sorques in                         Did you know?TUNNELS FOR TOADS
around 2 km on the site      ➜ Location: from the          Montigny-sur-Loing, follow
(round walk around the       Porte de Bourgogne, take      signs for Moret-Loing-et-
pond 1.2 km).                Rue de l’Église, Rue de       Orvanne (RD 104 road),         Each spring, toads                                              to each year to reproduce,
➜ Natural environments:      Grez, turn left onto Rue de   car park 200 metres from                                                                       special tunnels have been
                             Madame, and then take                                        and other amphibians
pond, banks of the Seine,                                  the Sorques crossroads.                                                                        built.. The ingenuous system
meadow, woods.               the path before the bridge    ➜ Distance/duration            return to the pond                                              designed uses wooden
➜ Interesting for: plant     of the RD 606 road.           of the route: blue path        where they were born.                                           barriers that channel the
and bird life.               ➜ Distance: 1.4 km round      (access to the bird-           However, they often                                             animals into small tunnels
                             walk.                         watching platform):                                                                            made for them under
                             ➜ Natural environments:                                      have to cross roads on
PRAIRIE CLEMENCEAU                                          1 km / 40 min, red                                                                            the road. Thanks to these
This vast wetland located    woods, banks of the           path (around the plain         their journey, which is                                         tunnels, thousands of
by the river in Moret-       Loing, meadow liable to       of Sorques via the             a risky business!               frog and newt species. In       amphibian friends have
sur-Loing is opposite        flooding.                     banks of the Loing and                                         order to allow them to cross    been able to stay alive
the Grange Batelière, a      ➜ Interesting for: plant      Fontainebleau forest):         The Plain of Sorques, in        the road that separates the     during their reproductive
former property of the       and insect life.              5 km / 2 hr                    Montigny-sur-Loing, is          forest from the ponds and       period and raise the next
                                                                                          home to numerous toad,          river they make their way       generation.

                                        20                                                                                             21
  unusua                                                                             GIANT ANIMALS
                                                                                     The deer
                                                                                     The majestic red deer living in our forests is the largest wild
                                                                                     animal in Europe. It can weigh up to 220 kg. The state-owned
   EXOTIC FLOWERS & ANIMALS                                                          forest that borders our territory has between 650 and 750
                                                                                     stags and hinds. It is indisputably the king and even the spirit
   You don’t need to go far from home!                                               of our forests, with its magnificent antlers that are shed each
                                                                                     winter, only to grow back again in the spring. These fascinating
   Orchids                                                                           creatures are shy and fleet of foot, meaning only a lucky few
   You don’t need to go as far as Papua New Guinea or Indonesia to see               will get to see them on a walk. They prefer nocturnal life.
   beautiful orchids growing wild. Many species of wild orchids with
   amazing shapes and shimmering colours, such as the bee orchid,
   pyramidal orchid, heath spotted-orchid and lady orchid, come into                 Hundred-year-old oaks
   bloom from April to June along our paths and in our meadows. You                  These stately trees are the guardians of our forests,
   will have the best chance of seeing them in flower along the loop trail           which are home to many remarkable trees. With
   n°3, ‘Autour du mont Vernou-La Celle’ (Around Mont Vernou-La Celle),              multiple trunks and amazing shapes, you can admire
   and loop trail n°2, ‘L’eau, le fer, la pierre’ (Water, iron and stone), as well   them as you stroll beneath the canopy, or get to know
   as at sites listed as Sensitive Natural Areas. Please note that these are         them even better by spending a night together. At Le
   protected species and it is forbidden to pick them!                               Domaine de Graville, in Vernou-La-Celle, you can sleep
                                                                                     in one of the tree houses perched in the branches of
   Tarantulas                                                                        these hundred-year-old giants (see the Restaurant and
                                                                                     accommodation guide). They offer an ideal place from
   Tarantulas in Fontainebleau forest, really?! Yes! This forest is a
                                                                                     which to observe the deer, does, foxes and boars, in
   paradise for entomologists. There’s no need to panic, however, as
                                                                                     total safety.
   these tarantulas, unlike their huge cousins in the Amazon, measure no
   more than a couple of centimetres and present absolutely no danger
   to humans! Only their name is enough to send shivers up your spine.
                                                                                     FOUL WILDLIFE
   AQUATIC ANIMALS                                                                   A stinky plant and a grimy beetle
   Majestic and poetic                                                               Wild arum
                                                                                     These white flowers tinged with green, related to the arums found
   Swans, Canada geese and gulls                                                     in gardens, release an odour of... excrement. Their name: Arum
                                                                                     maculatum, or wild arum. This herbaceous plant releases a foul
   You will find many swans swimming on the waters of the Seine. These               smell that attracts insects for pollination. Thankfully, the odour
   majestic creatures are not the only ones to appreciate the pleasant               disappears once the flower has been pollinated. Rest assured, they
   surroundings of our streams and rivers. You may also get a chance                 only remain in flower for a short period and are very discreet in
   to spot some of the Canada geese that like to rest on the banks of                these parts!
   the Loing and Seine on their migrations, or admire the dance of the
   mallards, cormorants and gulls: birdwatchers will be in seventh heaven.
                                                                                                                            The dung beetle
                                       The best spots to observe them:                                                      You will often see these beetles on paths trodden by
                                       Port d’Effondré in Thomery, the Saint-                                               horses or sheep. The reason they like to be near these
                                       Mammès walk, Port de la Celle in                                                     animals is that they are coprophagous, meaning that they
                                       Vernou and Pré de Pins in Moret-sur-                                                 feed on excrement. A mini powerhouse, the dung beetle
                                       Loing. There is an observation platform                                              is able to lift up to 1141 times its own weight. It is the
                                       at the Sensitive Natural Area of Plaine                                              world’s strongest insect. Above all, it plays an important
                                       de Sorques, in Montigny-sur Loing,                                                   role in the environment by fertilizing soil and avoiding the
                                       where you can watch birds, does, roe                                                 spread of parasites and pests. It’s no surprise that these
                                       deer and other animals without being                                                 beetles were venerated in Ancient Egypt!
                                       seen by them.

                            22                                                                                                       2323

                                                                                                              IN THE GARDEN
                                                                                                              number of gardens are open to visitors, including
                                                                                                              kitchen gardens and ornamental gardens. They include
                                                                                                              the grounds of the château where the great wildlife
                                                                                                              painter Rosa Bonheur once lived, in
                                                                                                     Thomery (to be discovered as of 2022, see page A splendid green
                                                                                                     on the left), and the extraordinary estate of setting, where roses
                                                                                                     Berville, next to the village of La Genevraye, with and peonies bloom.
                                                                                                     its luxuriant gardens around the château. In this
                                                                                                     splendid green setting, where countless antique
                                                                                                     roses grow, nature is respected and gardening is an art of living.
                                                                                                     Berville opens its gardens to the public two weeks each year, one
                                                                                                     in May or June, when the roses and peonies are blooming, and
                                                                                                     one in autumn, when the English garden is resplendent with
                                                                                                     flaming colours. An amazing sight that is not to be missed!

                                                                                                                                  Gardens to visit
                                                                                                 JARDINS DE BERVILLE               used to more rapidly              pondlife and vegetables,
                                                                                                 Opening of the gardens:           mature the precious               for children aged 5
                                                                                                 15 May to 15 July and             Golden Chasselas grapes           and above, as well as
                                                                                                 1 September to late               that made the village             participative workshops
                                                                                                 November.                         famous.                           for grown-ups, with no
                                                                                                  Visits by appointment            For further information,          reservation required,
                                                                                                 only. Group of 15 people          see the website www.              on Wednesdays and
                                                                                                 minimum.                 and the guide          weekends, 2 to 5 pm.
                                                                                                 Dates of open door days            Art and History                  At the crossroads of Chemin
                                                                                                 are announced on the              Place Greffülhe, Thomery          du Port and Rue du Viaduc,
                                                                                                 website                                                             in Veneux-Les Sablons
                                                                                                   JARDIN DU DONJON                  (Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne).
                                                                                                 Price: Adult: €10/adult,          The donjon is one of the          Programme available at
THE GROUNDS OF CHÂTEAU ROSA BONHEUR                                                              guided tour: €12/ child,          remains of the twelfth- 
                                                                                                 up to 12 years old: €5            century royal castle.   
More than a garden, the       animal species, including       grape storage room. The            Domaine de Berville               Each year, you can visit
grounds surrounding           deer, lions, wolves and         grounds have many other            Route de Moret, La Genevraye      its French-style garden           Other private gardens
Rosa Bonheur’s château        monkeys. You will be able       surprises in store for visitors,   +33 (0)6 88 72 51 31              and the park on European          open their doors on
in Thomery will tell you      to explore the grounds with     including a shooting range         +33 (0)6 85 86 27 49              Heritage Days (subject to         request and for events.
the life story of this        their rose garden, kitchen      that was used to train the    change).
great wildlife painter. An    garden, orchard, groves,        people of the village to
                                                                                                                                   Rue du Donjon, Moret-sur-Loing.   EVENTS FOR
ultramodern heroine, who      and woods populated             resist the invasion of the         THE GREENHOUSES OF                   YOUR DIARIES
was worshiped around          with rare tree species and      Prussian army in 1870, a           JARDIN SALOMON
the world during her          remarkable four-hundred-        reflection of the artist’s                                                                             • Couleurs Jardins,
                                                                                                  This public garden was           JARDIN DES NOUES                  throughout the month
lifetime, Rosa Bonheur        year-old trees. You will        incredible patriotism, as          named after one of the            The educational garden
lived and created her body    also be able to visit the       well as a mysterious train                                                                             of June,
                                                                                                 biggest grape producers           of Les Noues has a range          • Rendez-vous au jardin,
of work, her legend here,     recently renovated Pavillon     line and its experimental          in Thomery, in the                of activities, including
surrounded by her models:     des Muses, the artist’s rural   station. A green and poetic                                                                            on the first weekend of
                                                                                                 nineteenth century. Its           insect hunts and chances          June.
nearly 40 wild and domestic   studio, and the estate’s        world to explore from 2022!        greenhouses were once             to discover bees,

                                           24                                                                                                  25
Aquatic center
                                         LIFE                                                                                                 Le Grand Jardin
                                      OUTDOORS                                                                                            Moret Seine & Loing.

                 BATHING AND
                                Take a break!

           n Seine & Loing, you will find all you need to relax and
           recharge your batteries! Boasting a heated outdoor pool
           open all year round, to cool down in the summer and warm
           up in the winter, water games for children, and a balneo-
     relaxation area for adults, with hammam, sauna, massage jets and
     salt-air therapy room, the Grand Jardin water park is an oasis of
     relaxation. To take a slice of well-being home with you, you can
     try our range of natural cosmetics made using the produce of
     our beehives, or our artisanal, plant-based soaps, all gentle and
     organic. Let yourself be pampered!

                           Take care of yourself
                                PEAU DE MIEL
                                The young local brand
                                Peau de Miel sells soaps
                                and shampoos made with
                                honey produced by the
                                beehives run by Sébastien
                                and Elisabeth, farmers and
                                beekeepers in Saint-Ange-    LES BULLES DU LUNAIN
                                le-Vieil.                    Products on sale at the
CENTRE AQUATIQUE                They are on sale at the      Tourist Office.
                                                             The artisanal and organic
                                                                                         Did you know? PLAGES EN SEINE
DU GRAND JARDIN                 Tourist Office, the shop
The Grand Jardin has two        at Ferme de la Nozaie, in    soap factory «Les Bulles
                                                             du Lunain» offers a whole                  Popular as early as the time of Francis I, who
large pools, indoor and         Nonville, and online.
                                                             range of soap and hygiene                  liked to swim at the Port of Thomery during his
outdoor, a splashpad for
                                                             products based on natural                  stays at the Château of Fontainebleau, bathing
little ones, beaches and
                                                             ingredients good to the                    on the banks of the Seine was all the rage in
a balneotherapy area.
                                                             skin and the environment.                  the last century. In Veneux and Thomery, in
(1½-hour slots, reservation
                                                                                                        the Roaring Twenties, the riverbanks were
required). Activities, times,                                12 Route d’Épisy
                                                                                                        the place to be. Thousands of swimmers and
prices and reservations at                                   77690 La Genevraye
                                                                                                        dancers would gather around giant slides and                                                 +33 (0)6 18 82 15 49
                                                             Facebook: contact@                         dance halls each weekend, to the sound of big
Route de Saint-Mammès 
                                                                            band jazz. While bathing in the river is now
Moret-sur-Loing                 2 bis Rue de la Chapelle,
                                                             Facebook:                                  forbidden, a brand-new water park, with a
Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne          77710 Saint-Ange-le-Vieil
                                                             bulles du Lunain                           heated outdoor pool in the winter, is open all
+33 (0)1 60 70 42 15  
                                                                                                        year round in Moret-sur-Loing.

                                             26                                                         27
seine & loing

                         guid                      tur
                                e nature & adven

          TAKE AN

      Navigate the waters of the river Loing
                in a canoe or kayak.
       gallop along the tree-lined paths of
        Montigny-sur-Loing, hit the road
     on a bicycle along the EuroVelo Pilgrims
       Route, or spend a night surrounded
     by the foliage of hundred-year-old oaks
          in the Forest of Champagne...
         Enjoy a fresh taste of adventure
                 in Seine & Loing!

28             29
On the
                          SPORT &                                                                                                    along the canal,
                          NATURE                                                                                                             in Épisy.

 Hop on for a ride or a journey...

                   ith a museum devoted to the history of the
                   bicycle, two major champions of the Tour de
                   France as local legends, a velodrome and a
                   European cycle route, cycling reigns supreme
in Seine & Loing! Whether you simply fancy a breath of fresh
air with a leisurely bike ride, or you’re a veteran bicycle traveller,
Moret Seine & Loing is an ideal destination. Follow the EuroVelo
Pilgrims Route along its canals, rivers,
meadows and forests, well away from the              The EuroVelo
busy roads. It will take you on a discovery      Pilgrims Route will
tour of many charming and characterful take you on a tour of
villages, as well as tourist attractions
that are sometimes out of the ordinary:
                                                  charming villages.
the famous medieval town of Moret-
sur-Loing, the Marsh of Épisy, the little boating town of Saint-
Mammès, the cathedral factory of Champagne-sur-Seine and
the church of Saint-Martin de la Genevraye, perched high up in
the fields overlooking the surrounding countryside. Along the            Did you know? BICYCLE CLIPS
way, you can stop off at the Musée du Vélo in Moret-sur-Loing
to discover the history of the bicycle and the first champions of            An essential accessory          Until the late 1970s, the
                                                                             to protect the bottom           Prugnat factories also
the Tour de France. Don’t hesitate to ask our experts about where            of the trousers, these little   made many other bicycle
you can repair your bicycle or hire one that will meet your needs            clips are always popular        accessories here, including
                                                                             with cyclists. The first        forks, frame tubes, pedals
(suitable for our paths, with or without electrical assistance, or a         models were made in             and chainsets. Three
trailer for children) . They will be more than happy to offer advice         Moret-sur-Loing, on the         decades later, they were
and share their favourite routes or tucked-away picnic spots.                very spot where the             opened to the public and
                                                                             Musée du Vélo (bicycle          became the home of the
Ready to hit the road?                                                       museum) now stands.             Musée du Vélo.

                             30                                                             31
Route of la Scandibérique
                                          SPORT &
                                                                                                                      in Moret Seine & Loing
                                          NATURE                                                                                                                                                                                         Vers A6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Vers Fontainebleau

                           Things to see and do                                                                                             Ver
                                                                                                                                                s   Par

MUSÉE DU VÉLO                    sales and repairs.             Reservations at the shop                                                                               La Seine                                                              LeTrou
Located on the site of           Languages spoken:              or online at https://
the former workshops             english and spanish.                                                                                                                      Thomery
of the Prugnat factories,        Site Prugnat, Allée Prugnat,   +33 (0)7 49 42 10 40
where the famous ‘pinces         77250 Moret-sur-Loing,
parisiennes’ (bicycle clips)     Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne.        TOP LOISIRS                                                                                                                                                      Champagne-
were manufactured, the           +33 (0)6 02 17 91 48           Rent a bike for the day or                                                                                                                                       sur-Seine
Musée du Vélo looks                half day. A bicycle helmet,                                                                                                                        Les Basses-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Le tuf de

back at the history of the                                      repair equipment as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 la Celle
bicycle, from 1817 to the        Facebook: Vélo Bello           cycling route suggestions
present day, including                                          will be communicated                                                                                                                                                                         Saint-Mammès
the Laufmaschine, the                                           to discover the Forest
                                      Bicycle hire                                                                                                                                                        Veneux-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             D 40 E2
Michaux velocipede, the                                         of Fontainebleau or la                                                                                                                                                         Le

penny-farthing and the                                          Scandibérique.                                                                                                                            Les Sablons                               Lo

Hirondelle... Visitors can       LES CYCLOS DU LOING            Reception from 9:00 am to
also learn about the very        provides a bicycle hire        12:00 pm and from 2:30                                                                                                                                                                                    Le
first years of the Tour de       service for children and       pm to 6:30 pm (during

France, through the routes       adults. A wide range,          the Campsite’s opening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    du Lo
                                 including comfortable          period / mid-March – late
taken by great champions

from Seine & Loing: René         bikes, mountain bikes,         November).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             La prairie
Pottier, winner of the 1906      tandems, electric bikes        Camping le parc du gué

race, and André Leducq,          and various equipment,         Rue Michel Cahen
two-time winner in 1930          is available for hire          77690 La Genevraye
and 1932. The museum             from April to October.         06 14 75 53 69                   The route of La Scandibérique from Norway
also runs a workshop on          Weekends, public holidays                to Spain (or vice versa).
its premises that sells and      and school holidays: 9:30                                                                                                                                                                                                   Écuelles
repairs bicycles, along          am – 6:30 pm. Weekdays:                                                                                                                                                                                                     g
with the company Velo            reservation required.          CYCLE PATHS AND BIKE                                                                                                                                                         al d
Bello. The museum opens          Useful tips, ideas for         ROUTES                                                                                                                                                                Le

Tuesday to Friday from           routes and themed tours        Discover other bike routes


1 to 7 pm, and Saturday          are offered for cyclists.      at the Cirkwi website:                                                                                                                                                                                                                L’O
from 10 am to 6 pm. Free         Services provided: hire        Cirkwi is a free community                                                                                                            La plaine

entrance. Guided tours           of all types of bikes.         portal for tourist routes                                                                                     Le
                                                                                                                                                                                                     de Sorques

for groups are available         Language spoken: English       and outings.
all year round, and for                                                                                                                                   Loin
                                                                                                                                                                           l du
individuals (programme                                                                                                                                              Le
available at the Tourist                                        EUROVELO, BEFORE
Office).                                                        YOU HOP ON THE                                                                                                               Le marais
Site Prugnat, Allée Prugnat,                                    SADDLE, HOP ONLINE!                                                                                                           d’Épisy

Moret-sur-Loing,                                                Various digital tools have
Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne.                                         been created to help you
Further information at the                                      make the most of EuroVelo                                        u Lo
Moret-sur-Loing Tourist Office   12 rue Eugène Moussoir,        3, the Pilgirms Route.                                Le c
                                                                                                                           anal d          La Genevraye
+33 (0)1 60 70 41 66             77250 Moret-sur-Loing          You can visit the general               Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne         website dedicated to the              +33 (0)6 42 50 98 13           French section of EuroVelo           Nem
                           3 (,

                                                                                                                                            Did you know? EUROVELO
VELO BELLO                     and you will find specific
Velo Bello is a shop                                            information for the Seine-
dedicated to touring,            LE LOCAL DE MONTIGNY           et-Marne section of the
trekking, all-terrain and        Le Local de Montigny,          route on the website                            The EuroVelo route that goes along the                                            of Trondheim in Scandinavia to Saint-
city bikes. The mission          located inside Montigny-       ( To help                         towpaths of Moret Seine & Loing is a                                              Jacques-de-Compostelle in the north of the
is to make cylcing easy,         sur-Loing railway station,     with your preparations,                         huge 5122 km cycle path, which is part                                            Iberian peninsula. It enables amateur and
pleasurable and even             provides a hire service        you can also use the social                     of a Europe-wide network of 17 long-                                              experienced cyclists alike to explore seven
inspiring: a small shop          for all-road bikes (and        networks (Facebook,                             distance routes. It is known as EuroVelo                                          countries: Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
with big ambitions!              helmets) for adults, from      Instagram) and download                         3 or La Scandibérique. It links the city                                          Germany, Belgium, France and Spain.
Services provided: Bicycle       a half-day to a week.          a smartphone app.

                                                                                                               1 km                                          5 km
                                               32                                                                                                                                            33
The fascinating history                                                                                                     THE PENNY-
                                                                                                                            FARTHING (1870)
                    OF CYCLING                                                                                              A big wheel
           To give you a taster of the bicycles to be                                                                       for more speed
       discovered when you visit the bicycle museum,
                                                                                                                            As time went by, designers       bicycle models. The small
       here are some of the models and inventions that                                                                      sought to make the velocipede    rear wheel enabled the rider
            led to the birth of the modern bicycle.                                                                         easier to handle. And, above     to maintain balance on the
                                                                                                                            all, the aim was to go ever      saddle. Mounting a penny-
                                                                                                                            faster and further, without      farthing is tricky, however, as a
THE LAUFMASCHINE OR                                                                                                         using more energy. In 1870,      run-up is required to get onto
                                                                                                                            the penny-farthing appeared      the saddle (which is sometimes
                                                                                                                            on the scene: with its large     1.50 metres or more above the
The ancestor of the bicycle                                                                                                 front wheel, it enabled the
                                                                                                                            rider to go much faster and
                                                                                                                                                             ground). By 1881, the wooden
                                                                                                                                                             frame and wheels of the
Léonard de Vinci may have                                                                                                   further with a stroke of the     penny-farthing were replaced
designed the first bicycle model,                                                                                           pedal than with previous         with lighter steel.
but his revolutionary invention
remained nothing more than a
drawing, until the nineteenth                                                                                               WHY DO THE
century. It was not until several                                                                                           FRENCH SOMETIMES
centuries later, in 1817 to be                                                                                              REFER TO THE
precise, that Baron Karl von Drais                                                                                          BICYCLE AS
made the first working two-
wheeled machine. There were not                                                                                             LA PETITE REINE
yet any pedals or brakes. To make it                                                                                        (THE LITTLE QUEEN) ?
move forward, the rider had to run                                                                                           The bicycle was
their feet along the ground. To slow                                                                                        nicknamed ‘la petite
down or stop, they simply put their                                                                                         reine’ in memory of
feet back on the ground. The saddle    To make it move forward,                                                             Wilhelmina, who became
was adjustable and the pivoting                                                                                             queen of the Netherlands
front wheel could be steered with      the rider had to run their                                                           when she was a child,
a pole. Only three materials were
needed to make a Laufmaschine:
                                         feet along the ground.                                                             in 1890, and who loved
                                                                                                                            riding bicycles.
iron, wood and leather.

THE MICHAUX                                While the pedal was invented as early as 1853,   THE BICYCLE (1879)
VELOCIPEDE (1861)                          it was while repairing a Laufmaschine that
                                           Pierre Michaux and his son Ernest had the idea   The first popular bike
The moustachioed bicycle,                  of adding pedals to it. Work on the system
                                           was complete by 1861 and it was officially
                                                                                            The word ‘bicyclette’, which    were later made to the
                                                                                            was adopted in France, was      bicycle, with the invention
or the invention of pedals                 presented at the International Exposition of
                                                              1867. The rider could now
                                                                                            coined by British designer      of the freewheel, gears,
                                                                                            Henry John Lawson, in           brakes and more. Two new
                                                              move forward by pressing      1879. A French model, very      features were particularly
                                                              down on the pedals, which     similar to this machine, was    noteworthy: the appearance
                                                              turned the wheels. Michaux    designed a few years earlier,   of the first tyre, created by
                                                              also fitted his machine       in 1868, by Charles Desnos-     Scotsman John Boyd Dunlop
                                                              with a foot rest, called a    Gardissal. The bicyclette       in 1888, followed by that of
                                                              ‘moustache’, so the rider     is very recognisable and        the first removable tyre by
                                                              would have a place to rest    similar to the modern bike,     the brothers Édouard and
                                                              their legs once they were     with two wheels of the          André Michelin in 1891. The
                                                              moving. This ingenious        same diameter, a chainset       bicyclette was the first truly
                                                              invention was named the       connected to a link chain       popular bicycle: in 1900,        In 1891, the Michelin
                                                              ‘velocipede’.                 and a cross-shaped frame..      nearly one million bicyclettes   brothers invented the first
                                                                                            A number of improvements        were in circulation in France.   removable tyre.

                                           34                                                                                                3535
The Rose mare,
     a resident of the horse                                             SPORT &
          farm of Graville in                                            NATURE
            Vernou-La Celle.

                                                 HORSE RIDING
                                                   Adventures on four legs!

                                              ere, it’s paradise for horses and horse-riders. Just a stone’s throw
                                              from Fontainebleau, known as the “horse capital”, with its
                                              Grand Parquet horse-riding events venue, its hippodrome and
                                              the prestigious Military Riding School of Fontainebleau, the
                                Seine & Loing is a land of horses. It has no less than a dozen stud farms and
                                riding schools. In addition to rearing and training horses, riding clubs and
                                horse farms offer beginner classes, riding by the hour, horse treks and even
                                caleche rides. The wide forest and country paths are particularly suited to this
                                original way of getting around, which brings you closer to nature. Whether
                                you’re a budding or experienced rider, saddle up for a fantastic adventure!

                                                  Did you know?                      THE HORSE FAIR
                                Among the most famous paintings depicting horses, those of Géricault and
                                 Delacroix spring to mind, but so do those of Rosa Bonheur. Her painting
                                        The Horse Fair is today exhibited at The Met in New York.

                                  The artist was able to buy her château in      her time, Rosa Bonheur lived in Thomery
                                  Thomery, which is now open to visitors,        from 1860 until her death in 1899, in
                                  with the earnings from the sale of this        her home on the edge of Fontainebleau
                                  artwork alone. This impressive painting        forest, surrounded by her wild and
                                  – a large format measuring 2.45 by             domestic animals. 40 species, including
                                  5.07 metres – depicts the Paris horse fair,    lions, wolves and monkeys, shared her
                                  which the painter observed every day for       daily life and were the subjects of her
                                  a year and a half, before producing this       paintings and sculptures. She strove
                                  work bursting with energy. A great master      endlessly to reveal their souls through the
                                  of wildlife painting in the nineteenth         depth of their gazes. Reserve your visit to
                                  century, a feminist and environmentalist       discover her life and work.
                                  before her time, and a major celebrity of               

36                                                                              37
                                              SPORT &                                                            in the forest of
                                              NATURE                                                               Champagne.

                    Stud farms and horse treks
LES ÉCURIES                         ÉCURIE DES PLEIGNES                 LES ATTELAGES
DE VILLEMER                         Pony club, classes and              HANDI-LOISIRS
1-hour trek, introduction           forest outings.                     Rides, horse-drawn
to riding in the school.            Beginners accepted.                 carriages for people with
Open all year round,                Disabled access. Opening            and without disabilities.
every day. First-time pony          times: Monday to Sunday:            Disabled access caleche.
ride for ages 3 and up.             8 am to 7 pm                        Prices (starting from): €100/
Prices start at €10                 Le Cottage, Hameau des Pleignes,    hr Reservation required, by
3 Rue Froide, Hameau de             77690 La Genevraye                  email or telephone.
Montméry 77250 Villemer             +33 (0)6 22 44 52 12                114 Route de Fontainebleau,
+33 (0)6 72 98 79 25            77140 Nonville      +33 (0)6 84 41 56 88
Facebook: ecuriedevillemer          Facebook: pleignes        
LES ÉCURIES                         HARAS DU                  
DE NONVILLE                         CROC MARIN                          Facebook:
 Lessons, pony rides…Prices         Classes, schooling, forest          LesAttelagesHandiLoisirs
start at €30/hour (adult),          rides (accessible directly
€15/30 min for children             from the quarry, without            FERME ÉQUESTRE
aged under 10.                      passing by the road),               DE GRAVILLE
Open all year round,                rooms and table d’hôte              Rides by the hour and treks
8:30 am to noon and 2 to 6          meals. Horse ride €40/              by the day or week, food
pm, closed on Sundays               hr (accompanied or                  and accommodation, horse-
9 Rue Grande 77140 Nonville         unaccompanied). Open all            drawn carriage, pony club,
+33 (0)6 99 27 45 62                year round, every day. From         equine therapy.         ages 12-13 up.                      Room and table d’hôtes   Chemin des Trembleaux,              meals. Open all year round,
Facebook :                          77690 Montigny-sur-Loing            rides available from March
Écuries de Nonville                 +33 (0)1 64 45 84 01 /              to December.
                                    (0)6 08 60 40 73 /                  One-hour ride: €25
CENTRE ÉQUESTRE                     (0)7 69 82 79 83                    Half-day ride: €65
DE MONTIGNY                       from ages 12 and up
Rides. Classes and                  https://harasducrocmarin.wixsite.   Rue de la Vallée, Graville, 77670
activities on Sundays and           com/crocmarin                       Vernou-La Celle-sur-Seine
during school holidays,             Facebook:                           +33 (0)6 14 20 00 64
open to all, by the half-day        Haras du Croc Marin       
or week.                                                      
 Open all year round.               CHAUVILLE                           Facebook: La ferme equestre de
Opening times:                      ÉQUESTRE                            Graville et ses cabanes dans les
Tuesday to Saturday:                Courses, lessons, horse and         arbres
8 am -12:30 pm /                    pony treks. Accompanied
1:30 - 6 pm                         horse ride for ages 12 up.          HARAS DE MARANGIS
Sunday: 8 am -12:30 pm              Hand-led pony ride for              Courses and individual
/ 1:30 - 5 pm. Closed on            children (for ages 2 to 12).        classes, show.
Mondays. Price: outing              Prices (starting from): horse       Visitors welcome.
(half-day): €45. Other              ride €30/hr, pony ride €20/         Rides possible with
outings by appointment.             hr. Open all year round,            required level and for
Children (4 years and over),        every day, from 8 am to             4/5 people. Possible with
beginners and experienced           7 pm. Disabled access,              reservation 2/3 days in
riders accepted.                    mentally and physically             advance.
Chemin des Trembleaux,              disabled groups welcome.            Rue du Moulin,
77690 Montigny-sur-Loing            16 Rue de la Vallée                 77670 Vernou-La Celle-sur-Seine
+33 (0)6 83 86 61 55                77140 Nonville                      +33 (0)1 64 23 36 03 /        +33 (0)6 88 06 39 31                (0)6 80 25 40 81
Facebook: poneyclubdemontigny
www.centre-equestre-montigny.       Facebook: https://www.facebook.
com                                 com/elevageoopss/                   Facebook: harasmarangis

                                                   38                                                       39
Arrival of the canoes
in the heart of the                                      SPORT &
medieval city of                                         NATURE

                                 A BREAK ON
                              THE WHITE WATERS
                                OF THE LOING
                                       Unforgettable experiences
                                       and adventures in a canoe

                                           et a fresh perspective! Everything looks different on
                                           the water. Set off for a session of sport or exploration,
                                           either alone to enjoy the calm of the surroundings, or
                                           with family and friends to experience a great adventure
                             together. Hire companies have canoes, kayaks and even paddle
                             boards for a day on the river, or a short session of
                             one or two hours. Once you reach the starting            You’re all ready to
                             point, equipped and briefed, you’re all ready set off to explore with
                             to set off to explore with paddle in hand. The
                             adventure begins! Read on to further whet your             paddle in hand.
                             appetite... From your canoe, you will be able to
                             observe mallards and mandarin ducks, swans
                             and moorhens, or surprise a heron catching a frog. Between the
                             water lilies, water grass and water-crowfoot swaying in the current,
                             you will also be able to catch glimpses of carp, pike or trout, and
                             watch the mesmerising dance of the dragonflies. A few beautiful
                             villas with amazing architecture, jealously protected from passers-
                             by on the street by high walls, can be seen from the river. The end of
                             the route, the crowning piece, offers some thrills as you go past the
                             spillway, the final stage before the spectacular arrival in a scenery
                             worthy of a postcard, or a painting even: the medieval town of
                             Moret-sur-Loing, with its church, donjon and bridge, so often
                             depicted by the great impressionist landscape painter Alfred Sisley.
                             The river awaits!

                        40                                   41
SPORT &                                                                                     SPORT &
                                    NATURE                                                                                      NATURE

                    Where to hire a canoe?
CANOE,                      APIKOPA                        stand-up paddling.                   Did you know?                    YOU CAN COME BY BOAT!
KAYAK AND PADDLE            Apikopa has a fleet            Top Loisirs also offers
BOARD HIRE                  of 25 canoes and               other activities, including    RIVER STOPS
Canoe trips on the          3 kayaks available.            archery, climbing,             The Moret Seine & Loing ports of call wel-
Loing are available for     They offer three routes        orienteering and guided        comes some 500 boats from April to October,
individuals and groups.     to choose from:                hikes.                         from small barges to 80-metre cruise liners
There are several routes    Grez-sur-Loing – Épisy,        +33 (0)6 14 75 53 69           bringing passengers from around the world. It
to choose from according    Grez-sur-Loing –                 has thirty or so berths on the river Seine, the
to your wishes and          Moret-sur-Loing and                river Loing and the Canal du Loing. The port
available time.             Épisy – Moret-sur-Loing.
                                                                                          authority building is open every day of the
You can go at your          +33 (0)6 21 09 37 50           NATURE LOISIR                  week, except public holidays specific to riv-
own pace. While you             ÉVASION                        er navigation. A boat wintering service, from
do not need to be                  Nature Loisir Évasion          October to March, is available on reservation.
sportsperson to do          Facebook:                      offers canoe and kayak
canoeing, you must be       LocationCanoesMoretLoing       trips down the Loing
able to swim at least                                      and paddle board hire.
                                                                                          PORT OF                        passenger boats.             Ports of call of
25 metres, even when        TOP LOISIRS                    Various half and full-day
                                                                                          MORET-SUR-LOING                Water and electricity.       Saint-Mammès and
wearing the life jacket     Top Loisirs, a specialist in                                  9 berths + 1 berth for         15 bis, Quai de Seine        Moret-sur-Loing
                                                           routes are available,          passenger boats.                                            +33 (0)6 47 68 79 51
supplied by the hire        sports and leisure outings     on the section running                                        77670 Saint-Mammès
company. For those who      for individuals and groups,                                   Water and electricity.                            
                                                           from Grez-sur-Loing to         77250 Moret-sur-Loing                                       Tourist Office
wish to try the paddle      offers two canoeing routes     Episy and Grez-sur-Loing                                      PRUGNAT STOP
                                                                                          Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne                                      Moret Seine & Loing:
board, you must test        on the Loing: Grez-sur-        to Moret-sur-Loing.                                           Upstream of the lock
your balance first before   Loing – Épisy, Grez-sur-                                      PORT OF                        of Moret-sur-Loing,          4 bis Place de Samois,
                                                           +33 (0)6 19 37 43 24                                                                       77250 Moret-sur-Loing
taking a board out onto     Loing – Moret-sur-Loing   SAINT-MAMMÈS                   Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne
the river.                  (for ages 7 and up) and                                       13 berths + 2 berths for       3 berths on Canal du Loing   +33 (0)1 60 70 41 66

                                        42                                                                                          43
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