It felt like the world was falling apart' - The Panther Online

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It felt like the world was falling apart' - The Panther Online • Monday, Nov. 12, 2018 • Volume 102 Number XII • Chapman University • @PantherOnline

    ‘It felt like the world was falling apart’
 Features, Page 5

                                                                                                                                              Associated Press
Twelve people were shot and killed Nov. 7 at the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, which is a little more than an hour away from
Chapman. Less than 24 hours later, the Woolsey fire began to burn in Thousand Oaks and parts of Los Angeles County, scorching 85,000 acres and killing
three people as of Nov. 11.

                                                                                                                           A Public Safety
                                                                                                                           officer was
                                                                                                                           assaulted by a
                                                                                                                           male suspect at the
                                                                                                                           Chapman Grand
                                                                                                                           apartment complex
                                                                                                                           in the early
                                                                                                                           morning Nov. 8.
                                                                                                                           News, Page 3

                                                                                                                            Matt Layton, senior
                                                                                                                            football captain,
                                                             Wiki Commons
                                                                                                                            said he tries to
Some students staged a walkout to protest                                                                                   focus on the “little
screenwriter and producer Max Landis, who has
been accused of sexual assault and was set to                                                                               things” he’ll miss as
speak at a Dodge College class Nov. 7. The class and                                                                        his collegiate sports
walkout were canceled after Landis decided not to                                                                           career comes to a
attend.                                                                                                                     close.
News, Page 2                                                                                                                Sports, Page 11
It felt like the world was falling apart' - The Panther Online
2                                                                                    NEWS                                                                        THE PANTHER

                                                                                                                                                                               Wiki Commons
Screenwriter and producer Max Landis, who has been accused of sexual assault on social media, was set to speak at a Dodge College of Film Media Arts class, which was canceled after Landis
decided not to attend.

Class canceled after students plan protest against Max Landis
Sandhya Bhaskar | Staff Writer                  by the public rather than how the
                                                students feel about the people they
   A Dodge College of Film and                  invite here,” said Geihs, who was
Media Arts class was canceled Nov. 7            asked to meet with Janell Shearer,
after a student in the class sent out an        the chair of the college’s Media
email about sexual assault accusations          Arts division, after she planned the
leveled against Max Landis, a                   walkout.
screenwriter and producer who was

set to guest lecture in the class that
   Some students had planned a
walkout during the class to protest             I think that the
Landis’ appearance. Landis decided
not to attend, causing Joseph                             is more
Rosenberg, the class’s instructor, to
send out an email just over an hour               interested in how
before the class to say it was canceled
due to “planned events that would
have jeopardized the purpose of the
                                                 they are perceived
   In a Instagram story posed on his
                                                     by the public
account, @uptomyknees1985, Landis
said Nov. 7 that he’d chosen not to
                                                   rather than how
attend the class, which was the New
Era of Television, after hearing that              the students feel                                                                                                           Panther Archives
                                                                                                Some students planned a walkout to protest Landis’ invitation to guest lecture in a film class
students intended to “disrupt his
presence.”                                        about the people                              Nov. 7, but the walkout wasn’t held after the class was canceled.

   “I’d hoped to use this opportunity
not only to teach some interesting                 they invite here.                            administration) misunderstood
                                                                                                the purpose of the #MeToo and
                                                                                                                                                short film project “Wrestling Isn’t
                                                                                                                                                Wrestling” took to Twitter to respond

ins and outs about screenwriting, but                                                           #TimesUp movements,” wrote senior               to Netflix’s promotion of “Bright” in
also to address my public shaming in                                                            screenwriting major Jake Naturman               2017.
an honest and personal way,” he wrote                 - Madison Geihs,                          in an email to Rosenberg that he                   “Written by a psychopath who
on Instagram. “I see now that that is                                                           posted on Facebook. “By putting the             sexually abused and assaults women,
not welcome or needed by students.”                senior television writing
                                                                                                prestige of Dodge College above its             right?” she tweeted. “Cool.”
   Landis declined an interview with                and production major                        students and treating our voices as                Zoe Quinn, a video game
The Panther.                                                                                    embarrassments to the school, I feel            developer, also tweeted about Landis,
   Two days before Landis was set to                                                            embarrassed to be a part of it.”                saying that his behavior has “probably
speak to the New Era of Television                 In an email to the class sent the               Neither Rosenberg nor Shearer                been an open secret (in the industry)
class, Madison Geihs, a senior                  afternoon of Nov. 7, Rosenberg asked            responded to The Panther’s request              for so long,” because women may
television writing and production               students not to protest, saying that            for comment.                                    be afraid to speak out because of
major, sent the mass email to the class         while some “very important men”                    Junior Gianna Gravalese, who is              potential consequences.
that included two links to articles             have recently lost their jobs in the            enrolled in the class, said she was                Writer Lindsay Romain also alleged
from Screen Rant and the Daily Beast            industry, there is no information               surprised Landis was asked to speak             on Twitter that Landis is a “ritual sex
reporting on accusations against                about the accusations against Landis            at the class, given the #MeToo and              abuser.”
Landis.                                         other than what had been reported on            #TimesUp movements.                                Comedian and SNL writer Mike
   It was “common sense” for Geihs              by the two news outlets.                           “I completely understand that                Drucker, tweeted in response to
to make the class aware of the                     “While you are certainly free to             professors want for us to be civil and          Netflix’s “Bright” promotion that
allegations, she told The Panther.              express your opinions on this subject           learn about the industry, but with              Landis’ father may have covered up
   “It was also a safety concern for            elsewhere, faculty control classroom            everything going on, how could                  for his actions.
me, because there are so many young             discussion,” Rosenberg wrote. “I have           you ignore that?” Gravalese, a news                In a 2013 now-deleted interview
women in our class,” Geihs said. “We            heard that a few students are planning          and documentary major, told The                 with sex and relationship blogger
are young college students. Having              a walkout, which would be rude to               Panther. “I respect that (Rosenberg)            Shelby Sells, Landis talks about an
someone like that in our presence …             our guest and does not fit the kind of          said that if we didn’t want to come,            ex-girlfriend he “gave a (sic) crippling
I think it’s important for us to know           behavior we expect of Dodge College             he understands, but it kind of turned           social anxiety, self-loathing, body
his background.”                                students.”                                      into ‘Oh, don’t say anything.’”                 dismorphia (sic), eating disorder to.”
   Geihs also prepared a statement                 Other students in the class also sent           Landis, who wrote the Netflix film              “I was so fickle about her body.
to read to in front of Landis and               emails to Rosenberg and Jerry Price,            “Bright” starring Will Smith, has been          I’m not shy, I would just blurt out
the class before leading the planned            dean of students, to express their              accused on social media of sexually             (expletive) all the time,” Landis
walkout, which more than 80                     discontent with Landis’ scheduled               harassing and assaulting multiple               said in the interview, according
students said they would attend on              appearance, according to the                    women. He is the son of “Animal                 to the Daily Beast. “She ended up
Facebook.                                       walkout’s Facebook page.                        House” director John Landis.                    completely changing how she dressed
   “I think that the university is more            “This situation demonstrates to                 Actress Anna Akana, who                      and how she looked for me. That
interested in how they are perceived            me how fundamentally (the Dodge                 worked with Landis on his YouTube               chick will never talk to me again.”
It felt like the world was falling apart' - The Panther Online
THE PANTHER                                                                       NEWS                                                                                                 3

Public Safety officer assaulted at Chapman Grand complex
Rebeccah Glaser | Editor-in-Chief
   Sophomore Mitali Shukla awoke
to loud banging on the door of her
Chapman Grand apartment in the
early morning hours of Nov. 8. When
she opened it, Public Safety officers
were standing outside. They asked if
she could talk with them.
   There had been a hooded man
standing on Shukla’s balcony at
around 3 a.m., they told her he was
peering into her apartment window
and looked as if he was preparing
to break in. An unidentified Public
Safety officer confronted him, but
the man jumped over the enclosed
first-floor patio and assaulted the
officer, knocking him to the ground.
   “I was asleep during a lot of it,
but my roommate said she heard
the officer groaning and calling for
help,” said Shukla, a sociology major.
   The suspect is described as a
mid-to-late 20s white or Hispanic
male with a mustache, according
to a crime alert bulletin sent out by
Public Safety the evening of Nov. 8.
   After jumping off the patio and
assaulting the officer, the suspect,
who was wearing a dark sweatshirt
with red lettering, fled the scene
carrying a backpack.
   The suspect still poses a threat
to members of the community,
the email said, and anyone with
information that may aid in the
investigation is encouraged to
contact Public Safety. There have                                                                                                                                          Panther Archives
been five reports of assault in the         A Public Safety officer was assaulted by an unidentified man in the early morning hours of Nov. 8 at the Chapman Grand apartment complex in
area surrounding Chapman Grand,             Anaheim, California. Mitali Shukla, a sophomore who lives in Chapman Grand, said that officers told her that the man had been peering into her
near the I-5 freeway, according to          room and looked as if he was preparing to break in.
   For Shukla, an experience like
this is just part of living in a bigger       “It’s kind of spooky. I was asleep,            he did, because without it, who                  identity of the officer for privacy
city like Anaheim, she said, but she        and it makes me feel really violated,”           knows what would have happened?”                 reasons. He also declined to confirm
doesn’t think it’s safe for officers to     Shukla said. “I hope the officer is                Chief of Public Safety Randy                   whether reports of an attempted
patrol alone.                               OK. I’m really appreciative of what              Burba declined to confirm the                    break-in was related to the assault.

Holocaust survivor Engelina Billauer honored at Kristallnacht service
Jade Yang | Staff Writer                                                                                                                      experienced the events of
                                                                                                                                              November 1938 ... through black
   Nearly two weeks after 12 Jewish                                                                                                           and white photographs, newsreels,
people were shot and killed as they                                                                                                           documentaries and brief paragraphs
worshipped in the Tree of Life                                                                                                                in history textbooks,” Harran said.
Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Chapman’s                                                                                                            “Eighty years ago, the Jews of
Fish Interfaith Center held its annual                                                                                                        Germany and Austria were assaulted
service in memory of the anniversary                                                                                                          by an unprecedented wave of violence
of Kristallnacht, known as “the night                                                                                                         and destruction. Kristallnacht left in
of the broken glass.” Engelina Billauer,                                                                                                      its wake shattered windows, burnt
a Holocaust survivor and firsthand                                                                                                            synagogues and desecrated Torahs.”
witness of Kristallnacht, attended as                                                                                                            Kristallnacht is an example of how
the honorary guest of the night.                                                                                                              the Germans had planned the attack
   During anti-Jewish riots that                                                                                                              on Jews in advance, waiting for the
occurred throughout Germany on                                                                                                                right moment to strike, Harran said.
Nov. 9-10 in 1938, Jewish synagogues,                                                                                                            “Kristallnacht was the first really
homes, businesses and schools were                                                                                                            orchestrated violence that swept
burned, looted and destroyed. Jewish                                                                                                          across all of Germany and Austria,”
people were taken from their homes,                                                                                                           Harran told The Panther. “(The
and nearly 100 people were killed.                                                                                                            Germans) tried to make it look like it
The name “Kristallnacht,” a German                                                                                                            was all spontaneous, but it wasn’t.”
phrase, references the scattered                                                                                                                 Chapman’s Kristallnacht
broken glass left on the streets after                                                                                                        commemoration may be the only one
the riots.                                                                                                                                    of its kind in the nation, Stearns and
   Of the four Holocaust survivors                                                                                                            Harran said. But this service is more
who attended the Kristallnacht                                                                                                                unique, Harran said, because it marks
memorial event Chapman held five                                                                                                              the first year that both a rabbi and
years ago, Billauer, 91, is the last                                                                                                          Muslim spiritual leader will take part.
survivor and Kristallnacht witness                                                                                                               “It reinforces the idea that’s really
still alive.                                                                                                                                  important to me, the center and
   “People don’t realize how bad we                                                                                                           Chapman, that we share humanity
were treated. We were not treated                                                                                BONNIE CASH Photo Editor     and when one of us doesn’t stand
like human beings,” Billauer told           Engelina Billauer, a Holocaust survivor and firsthand witness of Kristallnacht, attended the      up for someone else who is being
The Panther. “(I want people) to            event and spoke to The Panther about speaking up to defend those who are treated poorly.          persecuted or abused, it damages all
remember the history … the recent                                                                                                             of us,” Harran said. “We have to speak
history and what can happen to                                                                                                                up for our shared humanity.”
people when nobody spoke up. Speak          director of the Rodgers Center for              Schindler’s List.
                                            Holocaust Education, spoke at the                                                                    Will Jones, a first-year graduate
up when you see something wrong.”                                                              Persecution of Jewish people had               student studying war and society, said
   An audience of about 250 people          event.                                          already begun in 1933 when the Nazis
                                              Iman Khosrowpour, a violinist                                                                   he chose to attend in order to reflect
filled the seats of the Interfaith center                                                   came into power and began enforcing               on the present while learning about
Nov. 8, facing a platform decorated         and the director and conductor of               anti-Semitic regulations, Harran said.
                                            the Irvine Valley College Symphony                                                                the past.
with brightly colored flowers and a                                                         The vast majority of Germans chose                 “It’s very important to learn from the
Torah.                                      orchestra, played music from the                to remain silent at the time, thinking
                                            1930s and 40s, as well as other                                                                   past in order to make a better future,”
   Gail Stearns, the dean of the All-                                                       that the new rules were temporary.                Jones said.
Faiths Chapel, and Marilyn Harran,          compositions like the theme from                   “Most of us here have only
It felt like the world was falling apart' - The Panther Online
THE PANTHER                                                                            NEWS                                                                                             4
                                                                                                                                                  Senate updates
                                                                                                                                                          Nov. 9 meeting
                                                                                                                                                 Chapman University Art Club funding
                                                                                                                                                 Alyssa Forsyth, a senior art major,
                                                                                                                                                 represented the Chapman University
                                                                                                                                                 Art Club at the student government
                                                                                                                                                 meeting to request funding. The
                                                                                                                                                 club initially requested $10,000 to
                                                                                                                                                 help fund its trip to the Satellite
                                                                                                                                                 Art Fair in Miami, Florida. Chapman
                                                                                                                                                 University Art Club is the first group of
                                                                                                                                                 undergraduate students in the United
                                                                                                                                                 States to be invited to this fair. Due to
                                                                                                                                                 student government’s limit of $750 per
                                                                                                                                                 person for travel requests, only funded
                                                                                                                                                 $6,000 was funded.

                                                                                                                                                 Potential change to student
                                                                                                                                                 organization senators
                                                                                                                                                 Vice President Arianna Ngnomire
                                                                                                                                                 is leading a governing documents
                                                                                                                                                 review committee to revamp
                                                                                                                                                 student government’s governing
                                                                                                                                                 documents. Ngnomire presented
                                                                                                                                                 the idea of making the student
                                                                                                                                                 organization senator positions
                                                                                                                                                 more specific by splitting up the
                                                                                                                                                 kinds of student organizations the
                                                                                                                                                 senators oversee. The committee
                                                                                                                                                 suggested that there be a senator
                                                                                                                              Panther Archives   for academic student organizations,
Betty Valencia, a graduate student at Chapman and an Orange City Council candidate, isn’t happy she lost in the midterm elections, but she       civic student organizations, diversity
wants to continue advocating for issues that affect the Orange community.                                                                        student organizations, Greek student
                                                                                                                                                 organizations and leisure student
                                                                                                                                                 organizations. Student government

Betty Valencia looks ahead after midterm loss                                                                                                    has yet to vote on the proposal, but it
                                                                                                                                                 is in consideration.

                                                                                                                                                 Wilkinson College Student
Kali Hoffman | Managing Editor                     She wasn’t surprised that pro-                   “It feels so surreal, because I know         Leadership Council
                                                business and anti-tax increase                   I’m not the same person I was April             Wilkinson Senator Saba Amid worked
   On Election Day, Chapman                     incumbent Kim Nichols earned the                 10,” she said.                                  with administration in Wilkinson
doctoral student Betty Valencia slept           majority of the votes, or that similar              In a way, Valencia is excited. Now,          College of Art, Humanities and Social
in for the first time in six months.            candidate Chip Monaco, the runner-               she can focus on her day job as a vice          Sciences to create the Wilkinson
She woke up at 7:30 a.m. – which is             up for most votes, was also elected.             president of operations at American             College Student Leadership Council.
late for her – and met with an Orange                                                                                                            Amid was inspired by the leadership
                                                   But she was saddened that Jon                 Financial Group, finish her doctoral            council already in place in the Donna
resident to talk about city planning            Dumitru, who served on the council               dissertation in Chapman’s leadership            Ford Attallah College of Educational
over coffee.                                    from 2004 to 2012, and former                    studies program and finally, catch              Studies. Amid hopes to start a student
   After months of campaigning and              Orange planning commissioner                     up on some reading. Her spirits                 leadership council in each college
weeks of waking up before dawn to               Daniel Correa took the third and                 started to lift, she said, after talking to     at Chapman and asked for student
work, study and canvass until the sun           fourth spots in the polls.                       residents and checking the results of           government’s help in doing so.
set on Election Day, it felt like life was         “I’m trying to wind down,”                    other elections nationwide.                     The main focus of these leadership
moving in slow motion, she said.                Valencia said. “I’m not happy that                                                               councils are event planning, career

   “I would not have done anything              we didn’t obtain a seat, but I’m not                                                             and professional development and
differently,” she said. “The only               surprised.”                                                                                      increased communication between
thing I would have done is I would                 Voters, Valencia feels, relied heavily             The question                               students and administration.
have started earlier ... but we left            on name recognition in the midterm
everything on the field,” she said.             elections. Despite the nonpartisan                 today is not ‘How                             Compiled by Maura Kate Mitchelson
   Valencia, who declared her                   nature of city council elections,
candidacy for the Orange City                   she also believes candidates who                   do I get over this?’
Council in April after the council              are endorsed by the Republican
voted not to comply with sections of            Party, like Monaco, have an edge in                 it’s ‘What do we
California’s sanctuary state bill, is not       a historically Republican area like
a typical Orange County politician.
   As a first-time candidate, an
                                                Orange County.                                       do next?’ I had
                                                   In the beginning, Valencia was
immigrant and a member of the
LGBTQIA+ community, she knew
                                                nervous about gaining support from
                                                Orange residents. Some people
                                                                                                     my moment to
she faced different hurdles than
her competition – the majority had
                                                were “negative” about her being an
                                                immigrant from Mexico, like a couple
                                                                                                    think about how                              Nov. 1
                                                                                                                                                 A person was in possession
previous political experience. Some
also came from families that had
                                                who once drove by in a golf cart and
                                                told her President Donald Trump was
                                                                                                     disappointed I                              of marijuana in the Sandhu
                                                                                                                                                 Residence Hall between 10 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                 and 2:49 p.m. The report was
lived in Orange for generations.
   But just before the polls closed
                                                “coming for her,” Valencia said.
                                                   Still, this didn’t deter her. Happy to
                                                                                                    was, but I wasn’t                            forwarded to the Orange Police
Nov. 6, Valencia wasn’t worried about           have gotten this far in the elections,                     last.
the results. She was worried about her          she’s already planning for the next                                                              Nov. 2
shoes, a pair she vowed to wear every           step.                                                                                            People were smoking marijuana in
day during her almost six-month                    “The question today is not ‘How                       - Betty Valencia,                       a vehicle in the Jim Miller Parking
campaign.                                       do I get over this?’ it’s ‘What do                      Orange City Council                      Structure between 10:23 p.m. and
   “It’s really hard to take them off,          we do next?’” Valencia said. “I had                                                              10:53 p.m. The individuals were
because I feel like we’re not done,”            my moment to think about how                                 candidate                           referred to student conduct.
she said, gesturing to her bright red,          disappointed I was, but I wasn’t
worn-in Ecco sneakers. “What am I               last. All those votes were more than                                                             Nov. 3
                                                                                                                                                 An unknown person entered
going to wear?”                                 we thought we would get at the                       In many states, the 2018 midterm            an unlocked vehicle in the
   The red stands in stark contrast to          beginning.”                                      elections were marked by historic               underground Pralle-Sodaro
her businesslike black trench coat.                The past six months have helped               firsts. A record-breaking number of             Residence Hall parking lot and
Thirty minutes before the first round           her understand the political system,             women were elected to the House,                removed property. The report was
of counted votes were reported on               she said. She isn’t sure yet if she will         including Sharice Davids of Kansas              forwarded to the Orange Police
election night, Valencia said that, if          run again in 2020, but she hopes to              and Deb Haaland of New Mexico,                  Department.
she won, she would keep the shoes in            use her new knowledge to continue                the first Native American women
a box somewhere in her house as a               advocating for the platforms she                 elected to congress, and Rashida                Nov. 5
reminder of her journey.                        ran on, like changing the “us versus             Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of             An unknown number of suspects
   But Valencia didn’t win. On the              them” attitude she believes some                 Minnesota, the first Muslim women               removed a window screen to
                                                                                                                                                 a vacant Chapman University
morning of Nov. 7, she put the shoes            residents harbor toward the homeless             elected. Jared Polis of Colorado is             residence, located at 568 N.
back on. The work continues, she                population.                                      also the first openly gay man to have           Grand Street, and broke the front
said.                                              Valencia took an hour of time                 been elected governor.                          window to gain entry. The report
   After repeatedly refreshing the              alone to collect her thoughts after                  “Not only did I look at my results, I       was forwarded to the Orange
election results until midnight on              her loss was clear – something she               went to look at the people I’ve met to          Police Department.
Election Day, Valencia went to                  hasn’t been able to do often for the             see how they did, and most of them
sleep. She awoke at 6:30 a.m. to find           past several months – and then set               triumphed,” Valencia said. “It might
that she’d finished fifth out of eight          out to return the election night party           not be my time right now, but maybe             Compiled by Jasmin Sani from the
candidates.                                     supplies she’d rented the day before.            it’s theirs.”                                   Public Safety daily crime log
It felt like the world was falling apart' - The Panther Online
THE PANTHER                                                              FEATURES                                                                                                  5
‘We shouldn’t have to live like this’: Students react to Borderline shooting
Zach Davis | Staff Writer

  One of the “safest cities” in the
country. That’s how the mayor of
Thousand Oaks, California, described
the city in an interview with CNN
after a gunman opened fire in
Borderline Bar and Grill late Nov. 7,
killing 12 people, and then himself.
  It was college night at the bar, and
several of the attendees were college
students. Of the 12 killed, at least one
was a college student: Alaina Housley
of Pepperdine University in Malibu,
California. A majority of those killed
were in their early-to-mid 20s.
  Telemachus Orfanos, 27, was a
Navy veteran who survived last year’s
Route 91 Harvest music festival mass
shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada, was
one of the Thousand Oaks shooting
victims, according to his mother.
His mother tearfully told reporters,
“I don’t want prayers. I don’t want
thoughts. I want gun control.”
  News of the shooting hit home
for many Chapman students, many
of whom live or grew up in the Los
Angeles or Ventura county area.
   “We shouldn’t have to live like this,”
said Arielle Sunshine, a junior public
relations and advertising major.
  Sunshine is from Agoura Hills,
a town over from Thousand Oaks.                                                                                                                    Graphic by EMMA REITH Art Director
Her mother called her in tears the          On Nov. 7, a 28-year-old gunman opened fire on Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, killing 12 people and then himself.
morning of the shooting, she said.
  “So many of my friends went to              Emma Ballen, a junior business              Valley neighborhood of West Hills,             “We do not want any more lives lost,
Borderline regularly, and I know            administration major, has lived in            spread to 83,275 acres and is 10               so please listen when they tell you to
many who barely got out last night,”        Thousand Oaks since she was six               percent contained as of Nov. 11                evacuate.”
Sunshine said.                              years old. She was devastated to hear         according to Cal Fire. It has destroyed          Rachel Kelly, who grew up near
  “Senseless” gun laws perpetuate a         about the attack in her hometown.             nearly 200 structures, killed three            Thousand Oaks in Hidden Hills, said
consistent cycle of mass shootings in         “I felt really sad and heartbroken,”        people and injured three others.               her family was forced to evacuate
the U.S., she said.                         said Ballen. “Thousand Oaks is                In addition to the nearby Hill Fire,           their home early Nov. 9. It felt like
  The gunman, who authorities               known for being a safe, tight-knit            the Woolsey Fire prompted the                  the “world (was) falling apart” since
identified as Ian David Long,               community.”                                   evacuation orders for more than                her family was still recovering from
was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran.              Ballen was also “overwhelmed”               250,000 people, according to CBS               the news of the shooting when they
Despite a history of post-traumatic         after hearing about the fire that is          News. News of the fire came less               learned they had to evacuate.
stress disorder (PTSD), and “angry          burning through parts of Ventura              than 24 hours after the shooting at              “So much is happening. First
outbursts,” Long legally purchased          and Los Angeles Counties, including           Borderline.                                    the shooting in Pittsburgh, then
the gun he used to carry out the            Thousand Oaks.                                  “We’ve had a lot of tragedy in our           at Borderline, and now this fire,”
massacre, authorities said to the             The Woolsey Fire, which spans               community. We don’t want any more,”            said Kelly, a sophomore theatre
Washington Post.                            from Malibu, neighboring canyon               Ventura County Supervisor Linda                performance major. “It’s painful to
                                            communities and the San Fernando              Parks told the Los Angeles Times.              watch.”

Orange County congressional districts gain Democratic majority
Kate Hoover | Features Editor                                                                                                            Marine Corps training facility in the
                                                                                                                                         United States, has been “reliably red.”
  After the Nov. 6 midterm elections,                                                                                                    The district went to Hillary Clinton
Democrats now hold five out of seven                                                                                                     in the 2016 presidential election,
congressional districts in Orange                                                                                                        making it one of 23 districts that
County, two of which were originally                                                                                                     voted for a Democratic presidential
held by prominent Republican                                                                                                             candidate but put a Republican in the
congressmen Dana Rohrabacher and                                                                                                         House seat. Issa won reelection in
Darrell Issa.                                                                                                                            2016 by only 1,621 votes, according to
  Rohrabacher is serving his 15th                                                                                                        The Hill.
term in the House of Representatives,                                                                                                      For the first time in several years,
making him a congressman for                                                                                                             Democrats outnumber Republicans
almost 30 years. Issa has held his seat                                                                                                  in the San Diego County portion of
in the 49th district since 2001.                                                                                                         the 49th district, whereas Republicans
  Though not all ballots have                                                                                                            still have a majority in the Orange
been counted, Harley Rouda, the                                                                                                          County portion of the district,
Democratic candidate for California’s                                                                                                    according to the San Diego Tribune.
48th congressional district, declared                                                                                                      The three other Democratic
victory over Rohrabacher Nov. 10,                                                                                                        congressional seats in Orange County
four days after Election Day. As of                                                                                                      are held by Linda Sanchez in the
Nov. 11, Rouda led Rohrabacher in                                                                                                        38th district, Lou Correa in the 46th
the polls by four percent, according to                                                            Graphic by EMMA REITH Art Director    district and Alan Lowenthal in the
the New York Times.                         After the midterm elections, the majority of congressional districts in Orange County are    47th district, who were all reelected
  The 48th district has been described      now held by Democrats.                                                                       in the midterms.
as the “deepest-red part of the                                                                                                            The two remaining red district
county” by the Los Angeles Times.           “It would appear now, based on the            minimum wage to $15 and banning                congressional seats, which have not
  Rouda, who was a Republican from          current Republican leadership, that           assault weapons and bump stocks.               yet officially been called, are held by
1980 to 1997, had support from some         all of those things I just mentioned            The 49th district includes both San          incumbents Young Kim, who ran
Democrats as well as independents           are off the table.”                           Diego County and Orange County.                against Democrat Gil Cisneros in
and moderate Republicans, he told             Democrat Mike Levin also turned             San Diego County voters, which                 the 39th district and Mimi Walters
The Panther just over a week before         Issa’s 49th district blue in his race         account for about three-quarters of            in the 45th district. Walters ran
the midterms.                               against Republican Diane Harkey.              the district, put Levin ahead by 12            against Katie Porter, whose campaign
  “When I was a Republican …                Levin is a former executive director of       points. Levin wasn’t as popular in             centered around fighting for universal
you had Republicans who believed            the Orange County Democratic Party            Orange County, which accounts for              healthcare, women’s reproductive
in environmental stewardship,               and former director of government             a quarter of the 49th district. Orange         rights, gun control and public
Republicans that believed in a              affairs for FuelCell Energy, a clean          County voters gave Harkey the edge             education.
woman’s rights, Republicans                 energy company. This was his first            at 56 percent and Levin at 44 percent,           The gap between Kim and Cisneros
who believed in voting rights,              campaign for political office.                according to the San Diego Union-              and Walters and Porter is narrowing,
Republicans who believed in civil             Environmental policies and climate          Tribune.                                       with Kim and Walters each leading by
rights, Republicans who believed            change were a central piece of Levin’s          For years, the 49th district, which          one point, according to the New York
that moderation was how you moved           campaign. He also supports Medicare           spans from La Jolla to Dana Point and          Times.
the country forward,” Rouda said.           for All, raising the California               includes Camp Pendleton, the largest
It felt like the world was falling apart' - The Panther Online
6                                                                        FEATURES                                                                        THE PANTHER

Students create club for sexual assault survivors
Healing Overcoming Preventing Enabling (H.O.P.E) is a new campus organization, which,
though not yet official, aims to provide a support system for survivors of sexual assault.
Maggie Wright | Staff Writer                                                                                                             attackers on campus, which is very
                                                                                                                                         difficult and triggering, Thibeault
  After his sister was sexually                                                                                                          said.
assaulted in high school, junior                                                                                                            In response to this, she and Ledford
Bradley Ledford decided to cofound                                                                                                       want to implement “big brother” and
Healing Overcoming Preventing                                                                                                            “big sister” programs, which would
Enabling, or H.O.P.E., at Chapman.                                                                                                       include walking with someone to and
After supporting his sister following                                                                                                    from a class where they know they’ll
her assault and seeing how that                                                                                                          see their attacker, or after a night
helped her transition into college,                                                                                                      class, Thibeault said. Their goal is to
Ledford said he wanted to give                                                                                                           provide something more casual, like
other college students who have                                                                                                          a big sibling who is looking out for a
experienced assault a chance to have                                                                                                     little sibling, Ledford said.
the same support system.                                                                                                                    These older club members, big
  H.O.P.E. is not yet an official                                                                                                        sisters and brothers, will be set up
campus organization, Ledford                                                                                                             with younger club members, similar
said. Founders, Ledford, a junior                                                                                                        to bigs and littles in sororities and
health science major, and cofounder                                                                                                      fraternities. The underclassmen will
Cassandra Thibeault, a sophomore                                                                                                         text when they are going out and the
business major, are “ironing out the                                                             Graphic by EMMA REITH Art Director      big brother or sister will make sure
details.”                                  Chapman students Bradley Ledford and Cassandra Thibeault cofounded Healing Overcom-           they are safe, check on them while
  “We don’t have a hierarchy with          ing Preventing Enabling (H.O.P.E.), a new club on campus that provides a support system for   they’re out and text them to make
therapist and victim, rather, it’s just    survivors of sexual assault.                                                                  sure they’ve gotten home, Ledford
students and friends helping each          did for me,” Thibeault said. “After            said.                                          said.
other through similar experiences,”        going through something so difficult             “In my experience, I had a really               “I’ve personally had friends who
Ledford said. “We think that’s very        and traumatic, I was inspired to help          hard time going to events about                have texted or called and said that
important for the healing process.”        other victims who are going through            awareness when the event was                   they weren’t sure where they were
  Many victims of sexual assault feel      that.”                                         so fresh in my mind,” Thibeault                and sounded like they weren’t present
as though they don’t have a support          Thibeault said she was inspired              said. “We’re trying to make that               enough to get back safely,” Ledford
group, and therefore are less likely       to start the club after attending              differentiation, I know what                   said. “I think having a big sister
to report it, according to Psychology      Chapman’s Creating A Rape-                     C.A.R.E.S. does is amazing but it’s            or brother program available, for
Today. Out of 12 national sexual           Free Environment for Students                  not directly for the people who                freshmen especially, would help them
violence organizations on college          (C.A.R.E.S.) meeting. At the meeting,          experienced sexual assault. We want            not only feel safer, but actually be
campuses, only one group, End Rape         she watched as girls struggled to              to continue awareness, but we also             safer, since someone is touching base
On Campus, provides direct support         share their stories and express their          want to step in and care for those             with them.”
for victims. The majority of groups        feelings. She saw how “broken” their           people.”                                          Ultimately, the founders of H.O.P.E.
focus on prevention and awareness.         faces were, she said.                            C.A.R.E.S., which is not a club              want to change how things are on
For example, Chapman’s Public Safety         “I saw them and something clicked,”          but a department, is overseen by               college campuses everywhere. They
provides a Rape Aggression and             Thibeault said. “I was like, ‘It’s not         Dani Smith, the school’s rape crisis           said they hope to change the mindset
Defense (R.A.D.) workshop, where           about me anymore, it’s not about my            counselor. Smith and C.A.R.E.S.                of those who view women as objects.
females learn the basics of self-          story, it’s about voicing their feelings       focus on awareness and prevention of              “We want to have a domino effect,”
defense. Thibeault, who is a sexual        and what they’re trying to express.’”          sexual assault.                                Thibeault said. “The more talk
assault survivor herself, believes that      Thibeault and Ledford said they                “It’s never the survivor’s fault,”           there is, the more awareness, the
Chapman needs a stronger emotional         have received some push back on the            Smith said. “Often the survivors               more noise we make, the less it will
support system for survivors of sexual     club. After reaching out to several            blame themselves. Yes, we talk about           happen. People will realize that this
assault.                                   instructors, many said that there is           preventing, but there is nothing you           is a very real issue in our world and
  “Not everybody gets a really             already a similar club on campus,              can do that warrants someone to hurt           it’s not something that can be hidden
awesome group of friends to jump           Thibeault said. H.O.P.E. will take             you.”                                          anymore.”
in and support them, like my friends       things in a different direction, she             Victims sometimes still see their

Promising Futures celebrates first-generation students
Hayley Nelson | Staff Writer               times, if the parents didn’t go to
                                           college themselves, they have that
  Clarissa Cordova, a first-generation     understandable trepidation,” De La
student at Chapman, said her mother        Riva said. “I want to make them feel
didn’t set foot on campus until            comfortable to reach out to me, and
her sophomore year because the             to the university.”
university intimidated her. When              De La Riva said that many
Promising Futures, a program at            Chapman employees are first
Chapman especially created to offer        generation students themselves,
resources to first generation students,    including Jerry Price, dean of
held a first generation family social,     students. None of his parents or
her mom finally got to experience the      siblings went to college, Price said in
campus in a welcoming, low-pressure        an email to The Panther, and he is the
way, she said.                             youngest out of four children.
  Nov. 8 was National First-                  Ashley Lee, a sophomore
Generation College Student Day, the        anthropology and public relations
first time this day has been celebrated    and advertising double major who is
at Chapman, and Promising Futures          also a first-generation college student,
sponsored events during the week           had a lot of questions during her first
ranging from a student resource fair       year at Chapman that she couldn’t ask
to a pizza party.                          her parents, she said. Her mother and
  “(Nov. 8) is like my holiday,”           father are immigrants from Vietnam
Cordova said. “First-generation is         and Hong Kong and they both started
such an identity of mine … I love to       working as soon as they arrived to the
tell people because I’m so proud of it.    U.S. Though they both value higher                                                                     Photo courtesy of Clarissa Cordova
I feel like everybody comes together,      education, they weren’t able to pursue
                                                                                          The National First Generation College Student Day was held for the first time on Nov. 8.
all your family, to celebrate with you.”   it themselves, Lee said.
  Crystal De La Riva was a first-             “In the beginning, I felt alone             De La Riva’s leadership, Cordova said
generation college student. She            because I didn’t understand what I             she wants to pursue a career working           “I wish we got more support from
graduated from Chapman in 2009             was feeling,” Lee said. “ I just felt like     with first-generation students.                the university. We should have been
with a degree in psychology, and is        college wasn’t for me … until I started        Though Cordova loves the program,              celebrating National First-Generation
now an academic advisor and head           talking to more people gradually               she feels that De La Riva should be a          College Student Day every year,” Lee
coordinator of Promising Futures.          and realizing some of my problem               full-time faculty member to keep up            said. “It’s very important, and I’m
  “My family didn’t necessarily            correlated with being first-gen.”              with the fast growing first generation         grateful that we’re establishing it now.”
feel comfortable here. A lot of the           Inspired by Promising Futures and           student population.
It felt like the world was falling apart' - The Panther Online
THE PANTHER                                                         FEATURES                                                                                                 7

Dad jokes, a guitar, erotic fanfiction and stand-up comedy
How four friends created the Moonlight Mic, a monthly open mic night at the Masson Beach Club Pool
for students to showcase their talents, from drag to stand-up comedy
Talia Cuttitta | Assistant Features       do an interview afterwards. We go
Editor                                    to Oba’s house, and I have recording
                                          equipment, and we just pick their
  It all started with a few friends       brain for about a half an hour,”
who bonded over a love for stand-up       Jorgensen said.
comedy. Going from one open mic             The Moonlight Mic isn’t just for
to the next, they couldn’t find a place   comedy buffs, it’s for any kind of
that would give them more than            performance: poetry, music, drag,
two minutes of stage time, so they        magic, fanfiction and “a bunch
decided to host their own show.           of really lovely, really weird acts”
  Noah Jorgensen, a junior film           Olaniyi said.
production major, brought a stool           “We didn’t know if there was
and his dad jokes. Konner Kienzle, a      enough of a stand-up community
junior screenwriting major, brought       at Chapman, but then we saw that
a mic, an amp and a guitar. Oba           there was music and poetry acts,
Olaniyi, a junior screenwriting major,    too,” Olaniyi said. “Right away, (the
brought some erotic fanfiction. Jack      Moonlight Mic) was anything anyone
Meisel, a sophomore screenwriting         wanted it to be.”
major, brought “pseudo” stand-up            This semester, the Moonlight Mic
comedy, along with some toothpaste.       started having “writers’ rooms” once
And the Moonlight Mic was born.           or twice a month, where performers
  “Depending on who hosts, it’s an        can come together and help each
entirely different energy,” Olaniyi       other write jokes and work on
said. “When (Meisel) hosts, it’s this     material, Kienzle said.
peaceful night out being interrupted        “We want (the Moonlight Mic) to                                                          MELISSA ZHUANG Staff Photographer
by a goofy guy. Then when I host, it’s    be the open mic and performance          The Moonlight Mic, a monthly open mic night held at the Masson Beach Club Pool, started
this peaceful night being interrupted     part, but we also want to have           in spring 2017.
by me making fun of white people.         writers’ rooms so we can grow (as
Then (Jorgensen has) this John            performers), have field trips to         served as social media chair of              people just want to try it out, Olaniyi
Mulaney type charm.”                      comedy clubs and be an actual club,”     Moonlight Mic.                               said.
  The Moonlight Mic unofficially          Kienzle said.                              McKee, whose first performance at            Underclassmen have come up to
began spring 2017. Even though              Some students who didn’t major         the Moonlight Mic was singing and            Jorgensen and said they want to keep
“chilling on the grass” was cool, they    the arts who had no creative outlet      playing the ukulele, said the event is a     up Moonlight Mic after him and he
became an official club — with a          before Moonlight Mic, Kienzle said.      supportive environment.                      friends graduate, he said.
legitimate stage and equipment — at         “I know that performance can             “The shows are always different. It’s        “(Jorgensen) and I and the rest
the end of the spring of the following    be difficult for some people,            really exciting to see people who are        of the guys have also talked about
year. They now receive funding from       but Moonlight Mic is a place to          inspired to get up there and do their        starting our own open mic outside of
the Student Government Association        be yourself on stage, and that’s         own thing,” she said.                        college,” Kienzle said. “We’ve seen a
(SGA). They use the funding to bring      the kind of community I would              Some students who take the stage at        lot of open mics, and we’ve seen a lot
in headliners for the show, Jorgensen     like to continue to foster,” said        the Moonlight Mic love performing            of the flaws and we can find ways to
said.                                     Brynne McKee, a junior news and          but aren’t necessarily planning to           fix them.”
  “Each time we have a headliner, we      documentary major who formerly           pursue the arts as a career, and other


‘Beautiful Boy’ accurately depicts addiction
Emma Reith | Art Director                 eventually gives up on him. This
                                          is a narrative only someone with
  Drug addiction is easy to get           drug addicts close to them can
wrong in films. Filmmakers often          understand.
paint a consistent narrative of             Increasingly, we see sweet,
broken homes and lives built on           privileged men with abundant
tragic occurrences. There are             support still using drugs not in
seldom stories about privileged           delinquency but as escapism,
white men in healthy families who         because they don’t have a tangible
get into drugs out of boredom and         reason for their internal issues —
depression — people whose parents         I’ve seen this in my older brother,
loved them, who grew up with              in an ex-boyfriend, in an old friend
plenty of opportunities.                  and now, in “Beautiful Boy.”
  “Beautiful Boy” shows that                You want to be there for them,
addiction can affect everyone.            healing their wounds and fixing
Relapses can still happen, even           their problems, but that is not a
in instances where the addict has         course of action that is often taken
resources and a support system.           — especially in Nic’s case, when the
Addictions can intensify over time,       drugs are as dangerous as crystal
and recovery can be drawn out. The        meth.
movie portrays drug addiction as            Nic’s father did, at one point, give
a disease, a fusion of neurological       up on him. This is where the realism
predisposition and unfortunate            of the pain that drug addiction
social circumstance. It is not a          causes — not only to the individual
matter of being a terrible person.        but everyone in their wake — really
  Nic Sheff (Timothee Chalamet),          came across on screen.
the artsy, brooding and tortured-           It is easy to see the whitewashing
but-kind main character, has the          of this narrative. Of course an          “Beautiful Boy,” starring Timothee Chalamet and Steve Carell, was released in
perfect upbringing. In the affluent       audience is likely to sympathize         theaters Oct. 12.
Marin County, California, the             with an innocent, white teenage          that in the 120 minutes of this film,        each drug addict you see on the
teenager has divorced but loving,         male. But this privileged story is       I would fall in love, have my heart          street, each person you think is
doting parents (his father played         still one worth telling, because it is   broken and sob for 45 minutes                a failure, he had a deep, long and
by Steve Carell) and a stepmother         real, and it is closer to us than we     straight. Be prepared.                       colorful life behind them.
who cares deeply for him, as well         think.                                     This movie was sad, it was ugly,
as two half siblings. However, he           I was not under the impression         but it was real. This is the closest
jeapordizes his family ties for the       “Beautiful Boy” would hit me             Hollywood has ever gotten, in
chance to get high.                       this hard. Advertised as another         what I’ve seen, to portraying the
  What is important about this            Timothee Chalamet movie with             innocence of a mindless drug
movie isn’t the fact that Nic’s family    a star-studded cast, I didn’t think      addict, all while showing you that
8                                                                   OPINIONS                                                                     THE PANTHER


                                                                                                                                            Illustrated by Gaby Fantone

         We need more than thoughts and prayers
                                                               The Panther Editorial Board

    O    n Nov. 7, the U.S. saw the 307th mass
         shooting in 2018. Twelve people were
    killed while celebrating, dancing and
                                                         feel like nowhere is safe.
                                                             With each mass shooting that happens,
                                                         another group of people have to contend
                                                                                                                be a partisan issue.
                                                                                                                    California’s gun control laws are
                                                                                                                among the strongest in the nation. Thirty
    listening to music on “college night” at             with the loss of community members                     years ago, the state became the first to
    the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand             whose deaths could have easily been                    ban assault rifles after a shooting at a
    Oaks, California.                                    prevented – and no, not by a good guy                  Stockton elementary school. In 2014,
        The bar often drew students from                 with a gun. There was a good guy with a                California also passed extreme risk
    nearby Pepperdine University and the                 gun in the Thousand Oaks shooting: His                 protection orders, a measure that allows
    University of California, Riverside.                 name was Sgt. Ron Helus, and he was                    law enforcement or family members
    Thousand Oaks is just over an hour’s                 the first responder to enter the bar after             to temporarily stop a person from
    drive from Chapman, and the victims’                 police were called to the scene. He died a             purchasing firearms and ammunition by
    ages ranged from 18 to 54 – but most                 hero, trying to protect others, with his last          court order.
    were the age of many college students.               moments marked by pain and a spray of                      But clearly, this isn’t enough. And
        Victim Alaina Housley, 18, had just              gunfire. But he could not prevent 11 other             when politicians stave off legislation by
    begun her first semester at Pepperdine               people from being killed.                              accusing those who are advocating for
    University. Telemachus Orfanos, 27,                      “The only thing you people do after                stronger restrictions, more laws and better
    survived the Route 91 shooting in                    these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’... or           oversight surrounding gun ownership of
    Las Vegas, but was shot and killed in                ‘keep you in my thoughts’... every time...             “politicizing” a tragedy, we are simply left
    California a little more than a year later,          and wonder why these keep happening,” a                waiting anxiously for the next tragedy to
    according to his mother.                             man believed to have been the Thousand                 strike.
        We live in a country where some                  Oaks shooter wrote on Facebook around                      Now is the time for gun control. It
    Americans have lived through one                     the time of the shooting, according to                 was also the time for gun control last
    massacre only to witness another. This               CNN.                                                   week, and the week before, and the week
    week’s attack came just 14 days after 11                 The time for thoughts and prayers has              before that. It is no longer acceptable
    people were killed as they worshipped in             long been over. It is time for meaningful              to champion the constitutional right of
    a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.             change and powerful federal gun control.               owning a firearm over the human right to
    People have been shot at places of                   It is time for our political leaders to                life. It’s time for gun control, and it’s time
    worship, Christmas parties, community                cooperate with one another and show that               for change.
    colleges, movie theaters, music venues,              they are willing to work across the aisle –
    nightclubs and schools. It’s beginning to            preventing unnecessary death should not

                                                    The Panther Newspaper
                   Editor-in-Chief          Features Editor            Photo Editor           Videographer               Business Manager
                   Rebeccah Glaser          Kate Hoover                Bonnie Cash            Celine Francois            Gavin Cook

                   Managing Editor          Assistant Features         Web Editor             Art Director               Advertising Manager
                   Kali Hoffman             Editor                     Natalie van Winden     Emma Reith                 Matthew Mattila

                   News Editor              Natalia Cuttitta           Social Media Manager   Copy Editor                Distribution Manager
                   Jasmin Sani                                         Carlota Crespo         Malvica Sawhney            Natalie van Winden
                                            Sports Editor
                                            Mimi Fhima                                                                   Cartoonist
                   Assistant News Editor                                                                                 Gaby Fantone
                   Maura Kate Mitchelson
                                       Have a question, comment or idea? Contact us at
THE PANTHER                                                            OPINIONS                                                                                     9

Don’t skip over Thanksgiving
           E                           very year
                                       on Nov. 1,
                                   the Halloween
                                                            I was raised in an interfaith home, so religious
                                                         holidays have always come with confusion. When
                                                         I was about five years old, my mom married my
                                                                                                                known where I fit in.
                                                                                                                    My parents have never pushed to me choose one
                                                                                                                religion over the other, which is very nice of them,
                                   decorations           stepfather – who is Jewish – and then converted to     but some days I feel as though it would be easier if
                                   are taken             Judaism herself. Since then, I’ve celebrated every     they had. I’ve practiced two religions for as long as
                                   down and the          Jewish holiday and taken part in many Jewish           I can remember, but never felt as though I could
                                   Christmas trees       traditions. But technically, I’m not Jewish. I was     fully claim either one.
                                   go up. Suddenly,      baptized in a Protestant church. Along with Jewish         That’s why I love Thanksgiving: Because there
                                   pumpkin spice         holidays, I celebrate all the Christian ones, too.     is no religion involved. It doesn’t matter what you
                                   is replaced with         I know that growing up with two Christmases         believe or who you worship, everyone can have
                                   peppermint on the     and a Hanukkah is nothing to complain about,           some mashed potatoes and gravy.
                                   Starbucks menu.       but it has made religion confusing for me. I               For me, there is no identity crisis on
                                   Ugly Christmas        love getting to celebrate and learn about both         Thanksgiving similar to the one that typically
                                   sweaters that I       Christianity and Judaism, but I have never really      comes with Christmas or Passover; I can just
                                   firmly believe                                                               eat rolls, be with my family and relax. There’s

                                    should never see                                                            no pressure to find the perfect gift or memorize
Maura Kate Mitchelson, assistant the light of day
news editor                         are taken out from
                                                              I’ve practiced two                                prayers. All you have to do is talk to your
                                                                                                                grandparents, play with your little cousins and eat
                                    the back of the
closet. It seems like we try to fast-forward straight
                                                                     for as long as I                           until you fall asleep on the couch.
                                                                                                                    Yes, I know that the history of Thanksgiving
to Christmas.
    I am one of the very few people left who doesn’t
                                                          can remember, but never                               is unsavory, but I am definitely not celebrating
                                                                                                                colonizers. I’m celebrating stuffing, pumpkin pie
try to skip over Thanksgiving. Ever since I was
young, Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday.
                                                         felt as though I could fully                           and a holiday that does not stir up spiritually-
                                                                                                                based internal conflict.
It’s not just because of the food or because I get to          claim either one.                                    Turn off your Christmas playlist and hold off

spend time with family, it’s because Thanksgiving                                                               on decorating. The music and tinsel will be just as
is the only holiday that isn’t confusing to me.                                                                 cheesy and gaudy on Nov. 23.

My dog is the devil, but I love her
           M                            y dog, Tina,
                                        is a 14-pound
                                 terrier Chihua-
                                                         course of next two weeks, she bit our faces, ripped
                                                         up our carpeting and barreled down any barrier
                                                         that futilely attempted to keep her contained. She
                                                                                                                    Tina certainly didn’t fit into my or my family’s
                                                                                                                lifestyle, but it’s not like she had any say in our
                                                                                                                choice to adopt her. If, like my 12-year-old self,
                                 hua mix. She has        was like a haunted doll. No matter what we did to      you choose to get a pet on a whim, you had better
                                 been described as       try and keep her in one place, she would inexplica-    be prepared to handle the responsibility –and de-
                                 an “angry burri-        bly show up menacingly at the top of the stairs the    stroyed furniture – that comes with it.
                                 to with legs,” an       next morning.                                              Though pets aren’t children, they are still living
                                 “alien,” and “the          My parents tried to convince me take Tina back      beings that require a lot of commitment. Getting
                                 devil.” She has         to the shelter at least three times within the first   a puppy because it’s cute or because your friends
                                 bitten everyone         year of adopting her. With all the adolescent angst    have one and then giving it away at the first sign of
                                 she has ever come       and resolve I could muster, I forced them to let me    trouble is irresponsible.
                                 into contact with,      keep her. It wasn’t Tina’s fault that she was so aw-       I don’t want it to seem like Tina has been noth-
                                 she chews through       ful, I told them, because she spent the entirety of    ing but a blight upon my life. She is a loving dog
                                 doors and she tries     her puppy days on the streets. We made the deci-       with a spunky personality, but she just happens to
                                 to fight dogs three     sion to adopt her, and we had to stick to it.          have the soul of a salty sea captain who runs an
                                 times her size. I          The Orange County Animal shelter took in 4,815      underground boxing ring on the weekends. A lot of
Kali Hoffman, managing editor    love her more than      stray dogs last year, according to its website. Mov-   terriers do.
                                 anything else in        ing, cost of maintenance and “having no time for a         I did no research before adopting her, but that’s
                                 the world.              pet” are among the most common reasons people          my fault, not hers. Despite her issues, I often com-
                                    I found Tina in      give up their pets, according to a study conducted     pare her to Instagram-famous terrier “Mr. Bubz,”
a Barnes & Noble parking lot when I was 12. She          by the National Council on Pet Population Study        who, despite his snarling antics, is unconditionally
was, I thought at the time, the sweetest dog I had       and Policy. I’ve had friends who have adopted and      loved by his owners, as all animals should be. She
ever seen. I begged my parents to keep her, and          then given away pets to a shelter on several occa-     may be akin more to a demon than a dog, but she’s
they reluctantly agreed.                                 sions because the dog was too much to handle or        my demon.
   Everything seemed fine at first, but over the         didn’t fit into their lifestyle.

I’m working on having fewer opinions. Here’s why
          T                           here are some
                                      things that
                                 just don’t matter.
                                                             For example, I no longer have an opinion on
                                                         Fortnight, Taylor Swift, pizza toppings, Starbucks
                                                         orders, cockroaches or cheerleading as a sport, to
                                                                                                                make a difference or add anything to the situation.
                                                                                                                Most of the time, the answer is no.
                                                                                                                    I have discovered that “no opinion” is a more
                                 To some people,         name a few.                                            freeing phrase than I originally thought. Honestly,
                                 that statement              It got me to thinking about the way I react in     it’s really fun to see the look on your friends’ faces
                                 might feel like a       debates: I have a tendency to get defensive when       when you remove yourself from the debate.
                                 personal attack         any of my views or decisions are questioned. I don’t       Of course, I do think some opinions are really
                                 on anything and         like to feel like I’m stupid or wrong in any way. I    important. When I recently cast my ballot during
                                 everything they’ve      think this stems from growing up with a twin, who      the midterm elections, I based my vote on my
                                 ever believed. But      excelled academically and with whom I was always       opinions. I consume media on a daily basis that is
                                 truly, it doesn’t       compared.                                              curated toward me and based on my opinions. And
                                 matter whether I            Without going too deep into the hole of why        I think kindness, ambition and hope are essential
                                 think a hot dog is a    I’m defensive and have ‘know-it-all’ tendencies,       to the betterment of the Anthropocene period
                                 sandwich, whether       let’s operate on the assumption that for me, giving    (meaning our current geological age, which is
                                 a dress is blue and     up my opinions is not easy. Taking a step back has     viewed as the period during which human activity
                                 black or white          been a conscious mental exercise. Now, when faced      has been the dominant influence on climate and
Natalie van Winden, web editor   and gold, or any        with situations where I might normally be ready        the environment).
                                 other viral opinion     for a debate, I have to ask myself if my voice would       All of these important opinions are, well, really

                                 that has sparked                                                               important. What I’m talking about when I say it’s
passionate debate that leads nowhere.                                                                           important to have less opinions about is giving
   I’ve been experimenting with having fewer
opinions, and I think I am onto something.
                                                            I no longer have an                                 your mind the chance to sub out and sit on the
                                                                                                                bench on a topic where the outcome of game has
   I have to give credit where credit is due – I                    on Fortnight,                               already been decided.
didn’t come up with the concept of having fewer                                                                     I guess my point is to share with you how having
opinions on my own. I was listening to the podcast          Taylor Swift, pizza                                 fewer opinions has given me mental freedom from
“Dear Hank and John,” created by Hank Green and                                                                 triviality and more time to care about things that
John Green. The two, who are brothers, bestselling       toppings ... to name a few.                            matter.

authors and viral YouTubers, were talking about
shedding opinions, until you are left with just a few
core ones.
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