Progress pandemic through a 2021
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2 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies Greene County embracing KHN has expansion creative approach to business in Greene County By Darryl McGee make unexpected chang- the pandemic. By Darryl McGee es. Huddleson mentioned “The public servants I that Greene County have the pleasure to work XENIA — Accord- employees are more with see their jobs as a XENIA — Aside from dealing ing to Greene County aware of their health and mission to serve others with the ongoing pandemic, Ket- Administrator Brandon safety and those of their and that has driven them. tering Health Network has been Procedures such as mask require- Huddleson, the COVID customers than ever. We are all tired though. busy. In Greene County, KHN has ments, enhanced telehealth offer- pandemic has caused Many of the county’s We want desperately to been in expansion mode. ings, and work-from-home policies Greene County’s govern- practices have been get back to normal, see- “In August 2020, we opened a were put in place. ment department and changed to limit face-to- ing family and friends new patient tower at Soin Medical As the organization continues its various agencies to face interactions. and being free to do the Center to increase access to sur- to deal with the pandemic, KHN be very creative in their Due to COVID, mul- things we love to do,” gical and intensive care, and we is well-positioned to care for the approach to business. tiple businesses and orga- Huddleson said. “The expanded our rural health clinic in community. “More than ever, we nizations have had their numbers going down Jamestown,” a release from KHN After the pandemic started, had to look at each pro- finances suffer. Huddle- rapidly and the vaccines said. “We also have a new, excit- KHN’s administrative employ- cess from the customer’s son mentioned that coming on line have pro- ing partnership with the United ees either worked from home or point of view so we could Greene County’s finan- vided that much needed States Air Force (USAF) School participated in a hybrid schedule assure services were cial standing looks good. light at the end of the of Aerospace Medicine to create of on-site and remote working. delivered properly,” Hud- Greene County’s reduc- tunnel.” a training facility at Soin Medical Those new ways of working still dleson said. “Many of the tions in revenue were Anything that Greene Center to help prepare Airmen continue today. processes we put in place not as bad as Huddleson County has had to stop to deliver prolonged, lifesaving Officials from KHN stressed that will remain after the pan- and others thought they due to the pandemic care while serving on the front as they continue to navigate the demic because they serve would be. should return, Huddleson lines. We also expanded telehealth pandemic, they will continue to our customers better.” “We are actually in bet- said. services to add more options for monitor the situation to determine For some people, deal- ter shape financially now “Even though we found access to care.” when it will be safe to host in- ing with the pandemic than we were before the creative ways to do a lot KHN’s expansion of the rural person activities and events. The has not been easy. Those pandemic,” Huddleson of virtual events, we can- health clinic in Jamestown dou- organization looks forward to the involved with businesses said. “Facing unknown not wait to get back to bled the number of patient rooms. day when it can have community and other organizations future revenue losses, we doing them the way we Lab and imaging are among the members attend network-hosted have had to deal with a pulled back considerably once did,” he said. additional services that were events that help protect the health separate set of issues. on our spending at the Throughout the added. and well-being of the community. Although COVID has outset.” entirety of the ongoing For KHN, the past year has been Community feedback and sup- had a negative effect on As of June 1, 2020, pandemic, Huddleson difficult. Due to the pandemic, port is important to KHN. Both Greene County’s revenue, all employees under the stressed that the public KHN has had to deal with unex- aspects play vital roles in the cus- the county is in good Greene County Board response received has pected issues that it has never had tomer service that KHN performs. shape. of Commissioners have consisted of “patience to navigate before. “The community has been amaz- “We have fared well returned to their respec- and grace.” “Our employees were on the ing, and we are truly grateful for throughout the pandem- tive offices. The returns “Our community part- forefront of providing high-quality their support,” the release said. ic,” Huddleson said. “We have been in a full-time ners as well as the citi- care to our patients each day,” the “Our care teams so appreciated were able to manage the capacity. zens have been extremely release said. “Kettering Health the kind and thoughtful people in revenue reductions while One issue that Huddle- patient with us as we Network continues to be commit- our community who rallied around keeping our employees son has had to contend navigated the pandemic ted to our patients as we navigate our health care heroes by writing whole and maintaining with is the morale of and for that, we are truly this pandemic.” letters, sending cards, calling, all of our core services.” Greene County’s employ- grateful,” Huddleson As the pandemic got underway, posting messages on social media, The ongoing pandemic ees. He stressed that said. KHN wasted no time coming and donating meals.” has forced businesses the employees have been Reach Darryl McGee at 937-502- up with solutions to protect its and organizations to terrific throughout 4534 patients, visitors, and employees. Reach Darryl McGee at 937-502-4534
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3 Progress through COVID-19 Vaccination Information a pandemic: The work continues VACCINE CLINIC INFORMATION: • Determine eligibility & schedule your appointment at A message from the • Wednesdays/Fridays - 1st dose clinic; bring your confirmation code and insurance card health commissioner • Thursdays - 2nd dose clinic; bring your shot record • Appointments only - no walk ups • Clinics held at Russ Research Center, 2730 Indian Ripple Rd., Beavercreek XENIA — As a community we went • We do not have a “no waste” list through a difficult year due to COVID- • Pfizer and Moderna currently available at GCPH clinics 19. • Time between doses: Pfizer=21 days; Moderna=28 days We can take from the good things • Visit for local updates; state of Ohio information that happened and focus on ways to at or 1-833-4-ASK-ODH stay prepared in the future. Pandemics • For registration assistance (no computer): call Greene County can happen, but all pandemics do come Council on Aging at 937-376-5486 to an end. Through disease investiga- tion, contact tracing, vaccination, and AFTER VACCINATION: messaging, Greene County Public health and addiction services, the • Considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after final dose Health carried out — and continues to YMCA, WPAFB, the office of emergen- (including Johnson & Johnson/Janssen) carry out — our mission to minimize cy management, the Greene County • Continue to wear your mask, social distance, wash hands, the physical, psychological, economic, Medical Society, the faith-based com- & avoid large gatherings until a more significant portion of the and social impacts of a virus known as munity, volunteer agencies, the council population can be vaccinated SARS-CoV2. on aging, the chambers of commerce, The virus was known to be danger- the media, our residents and libraries. Mask Up. Wash Up. Back Up. ous to human life, and the health and Together, we set priorities and Avoid large gatherings. safety of our residents. The situation obtained the medical and legal guid- These are still important things to do to avoid spread of COVID-19. We still demanded a centralized, expedient, ance needed to implement strategies don’t know if you can carry and spread the virus after vaccination. and cost-effective response to stop to address COVID-19. There are or slow the spread of disease. We opportunities ahead to increase the Greene County Public Health mobilized community response using overall understanding of public 360 Wilson Drive l Xenia, OH 45385 a multi-agency/multi-jurisdiction health, improve and integrate public 937-374-5600 l approach to educate, inform, and health data collection systems, and OH-70228694 respond to the pandemic. Our partners improve notification to the public so Your Accredited and Trusted Local included healthcare providers, hospi- that our collective efforts can protect Public Health Authority Since 1920 tals, K-12 schools, universities, law those who are at risk of becoming seri- enforcement, fire, emergency medical ously ill or dying from communicable Follow Us on services, social services, behavioral disease. Social Media!
4 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies Home Site Title Agency: Caring professionals providing superior service XENIA — Home Site Title Agency has Home Site Title Agency has two attor- Miami Valley community. Home Site The team includes: Peter D. Stephan, become one of the most established title neys on staff. In addition, Home Site Title Agency is actively involved in the attorney and licensed title agent; Stepha- agencies in the Miami Valley. Title Agency’s employees are a licensed Dayton Area Board of Realtors, the Xenia nie B. Stephan, attorney and licensed For almost 30 years, Home Site Title team of experts with decades of experi- Area Chamber of Commerce, and numer- title agent; Molly McHarg, licensed title Agency has provided its clients with ence as well. The agency is vetted and ous charitable programs and community agent and escrow officer; Cindy Nauced- outstanding service and experience by verified by two of the top underwriters in events. er, licensed title agent and escrow officer; maintaining high ethical standards in the United States. Home Site Title Agency’s motto, “Car- Karen Chapman, title specialist; and producing honest, quality-driven results The agency’s commitment to provid- ing Professionals Providing Superior Astrid Kapfhammer, marketing director. for the real estate industry. ing excellent services to its clientele is Service” is more than just a slogan. It’s For more information, visit homesite- With 70 years of experience combined, equally matched by its devotion to the the heart of who they are. Arnovitz, Requarth families made GCCC possible XENIA — Greene County superintendent Eugene Kavana- high school and adult students land on West Enon Road that the new Greene County Career Career Center’s legacy of provid- ugh and the diligence of director may not have happened without became the site for the first Center facility now located on ing career-technical education to Wallace Gossett, students first the generosity of Xenia cloth- Greene Vocational School. Innovation Drive on the south the region’s population goes back took advantage of a vocational ing store owner Sol Arnovitz The families of both Arnovitz edge of Xenia. They agreed to to the mid 1960s. education option in fall 1967. and area lumber executive Earl and Requarth continue to pay Through the vision of then However, decades of training for Requarth. The pair donated the forward in the development of See Possible | 7 Home Site Title Agency, Inc. Caring Professionals Providing Superior Service 1755 W. Second St., Xenia, Ohio 45385 Phone: (937) 374-4635 OH-70228341
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 5 Challenges turn into accomplishments at GCCC XENIA — What began as a it. Since our purpose is to include Auto Collision Repair, challenging year for the staff at provide hands-on learning, it Automotive Technology, Greene County Career Center was crucial that we were able Career Exploration, Construc- became one of great accom- to come up with a plan flexible tion Technology, Cosmetology, plishment. enough to bring students to Criminal Justice, Cybersecu- While the pandemic gripped our building from day one.” rity, Digital Design and Devel- the region, the career-technical The school year started with opment, Drone and UAS Tech- school was able to facilitate the center offering 20 career- nology, Electrical Wiring and a move into a new building technical programs with two Motor Controls, Health Sci- and start the school year on more being added next school ence, Information Technology, time. Students were put on a year. New for this year were Natural Resource Technology, blended schedule of in-person Advanced Engineering Sys- Power Equipment Mechanics, and virtual instruction. tems, Aviation Maintenance Sports and Exercise Science, “We have been blessed to and Cybersecurity. Aviation Veterinary Science, Video and have such a smooth transi- Maintenance is housed a new Animation and Welding and tion,” said Superintendent hangar constructed at the Metal Fabrication. Equine Sci- David Deskins. “Our leader- Lewis A. Jackson Regional Air- ence, currently housed at the Submitted photo ship team and staff did a port in 2020. Agricultural Research Center, Electrical Wiring and Motor Controls is one of many classes offered at the tremendous job preparing for Other main campus pro- Greene County Career Center. the move and then executing grams for high school students See GCCC | 7 Career-technical and academic instruction for high school and middle school students. Criminal justice training for the adult workforce. Building Ohio’s workforce since 1967! 937-372-6941 532 Innovation Dr., Xenia, OH 45385 OH-70228619
6 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies Pandemic allows Wilberforce University to refocus By Darryl McGee and abilities that are often University has undertaken “We have hired a profes- overlooked or marginalized,” due to the ongoing pandemic sional counselor to attend to Pinkard said. “We have is to place a direct focus on the psycho-emotional needs WILBERFORCE — Wil- developed a board-approved serving the needs of the uni- of our students and we regu- berforce University President strategic plan that outlines a versity’s students. larly hold virtual all-campus Dr. Elfred Anthony Pinkard path forward for a vital and “Wilberforce University community conversations to has let one thing be known. sustainable future for Wilber- is not unlike other institu- allow our students to tell us The COVID-19 pandemic has force University.” tions of higher education in directly how they are doing provided Wilberforce Univer- During summer 2020, responding to a global pan- and how the university can sity with an outlet to consid- Wilberforce launched the demic with significant and support them.” er the university’s strengths re-imagined Cooperative unprecedented impact on the In March 2020 when and opportunities in a post- Education and Experiential lives of everyone. We have COVID hit hard, Wilberforce COVID environment. Learning Program. In addi- been especially intentional in had to make a transition. “To that end, we have tion, Greg Harbut came to connecting with our students The university had to go defined our value proposi- the university as the entre- via various social media plat- from in-person learning to tion to become a premier preneur-in-residence in the forms to remind them that virtual learning. Doing that liberal arts institution with Center for Entrepreneurship we are a university commu- required the university to a college-to-career and and Innovation. nity that cares deeply about examine how its core mis- entrepreneur intention for One of the unique their learning and personal students with high potential approaches that Wilberforce well-being,” Pinkard said. See Wilberforce | 19 Pinkard Acclaim SENIOR ACTIVITIES CENTER Engaging the Aging Population The Adult Day Program was created by an Occupational Therapy Our new center, specially Practitioner with 15 years of experience and over 20 exemplary years of designed to meet the needs of experience working with the Geriatric population. our clients, includes: Our Program Includes: Social Activities, Counseling Services, Meals Home-like setting Per Diets, Specialized Care for Early Dementia Impaired Individuals, Naturally lit open floor plan Transportation, Recreation, Medical Assistance, Mental Stimulation, Basic Family-style dining Personal Care, Exercise, Education, and Assistance with Walking, Eating, Taking Medications and Health Monitoring. Exercise area All practices will be enforced per the government and state guidelines to Quiet room ensure the safety of the client and employee. All staff and clients who attend Mobile beauty salon/barber the Center will continue to be tested for COVID-19 once every other week and results are reported to the state. For additional information on the services Acclaim offers, please call us at 937-912-9061 3878 Indian Ripple Rd. email or visit Beavercreek, OH our website at OH-70228222 Please schedule your tour today! Home is Here
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 7 Possible ward with selling the old facility and keeping it would hamper the abil- grandfather’s intent was more than satisfied by the GCCC whelming value of their investment.” re-investing those ity of the Board of district’s 50-plus years of There are currently From page 4 dollars into future Education to move preparing Greene County From page 5 more than 700 high waive a provision in the equipment in our forward with a students for careers in school students being original donation language new building and new building,” he essential trades and will be eliminated at served at the main that required the land to be this generosity will Arnovitz added. “Our family services. The Requarth the end of the current campus, airport and ag returned to the families if continue into the has always wanted family is proud to honor school year. research center. Addi- the career center ever relo- future for many the school to flour- Earl Requarth’s legacy by “We actually had two tionally, the district pro- cated and the property was more students.” ish. Keeping it re-donating the property construction projects vides career-technical used for something other Matt Arnovitz would not help the for the new Career Center. going on at once,” instruction to another than vocational training. represented the community in any We share his commitment Deskins said. “The 1,500 through satellite That property was recently legacy of his grand- way and allowing to career education and his opportunities students programs at each of the sold at auction on March 3 father Sol. the school to sell belief that it is critical to will have over the next seven public school dis- for $1.6 million and those “My grandpar- it would provide training young people in decades made the effort tricts in the county. Requarth proceeds will be used to ents were very long-term benefit the skills that will benefit well worth it.” Applications for next continue to support stu- interested in the to Greene County our business and our com- The new main cam- school year are com- dents into the future. career center,” Arnovitz residents.” munity.” pus on Innovation ing in at a record pace “The graciousness of said. “I wish I knew him Alan Pippenger is the Greene County Career Drive in Xenia includes and many programs on both the Arnovitz and better, but understand that fifth-generation president Center’s new facility 264,000-square feet the main campus are Requarth families is he was very active in the of Requarth Lumber. Earl opened in August on Inno- of space for career- already at capacity. In meaningful to our county community including the Requarth was the third vation Drive in Xenia. The technical labs, academic addition to the career- residents in so many local schools, the YMCA generation leader of the impressive structure can classrooms, conference tech programs designed ways,” said Greene County and the rest of Xenia. I was company located in East be seen just southwest of rooms and office space. for high school juniors Career Center Superin- told that he even offered Dayton. the US 35-US 68 inter- Due to COVID restric- and seniors, Greene tendent David Deskins. to provide land for a new “We have fond memo- change. tions, accessibility for County Career Center “Their original gift played high school after the 1974 ries of going to grandpa’s “We’ve entered a new the community has been offers peace officer basic a significant part in the tornado, but the commu- farm on West Enon Road era of serving Greene limited. training and correc- economic vibrancy of the nity wanted in within the as children for family pic- County,” Deskins said. “We had a community tions officer training for region as the school pro- city limits.” nics, birthdays and holiday “The legacy started by the celebration planned last adults. duced students trained in a The newer generations celebrations,” Pippenger Arnovitz and Requarth fall that had to be can- The school’s former wide range of career-tech- of the Arnovitz family con- said. “The family contin- families will continue even celled,” Deskins said. campus, located on West nical areas. They continue tinued its support of the ues to take pride in the though it is now happening “We hope to have some Enon Road, was recently to understand the impact career center with the sale generosity he showed the at a different location. Our sort of event in the sold at auction for $1.6 of our mission to prepare agreement. community. While his alumni along with our cur- future. The community million to a group of students for the workforce “When Mr. Deskins donation was contingent rent students are certainly supported us during our investors looking to with their recent return- came forward about on the continued use of thankful for their contribu- bond issue campaign in offer a limited trade donation. Their support removing the deed restric- the property for a school, tions as are all of the staff 2018 and it is important school for at-risk youth allowed us to move for- tion, we understood that the family believes that our who have served them.” for them to see the over- and recovering adults. Life Enhancement * Transportation * Care Coordination * Homemaker OH-70228621 Delores Trips * Luncheons Classes * Fun Strother Legal Advice and much more! 937-238-0176 Website: OH-70226819 OH-70032929 Email: LET MY EXPERIENCE HELP YOU REACH YOUR GOAL OF OWNING A HOME. 325 N. 3rd St., Fairborn 878-4141
8 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies LITTLE MIAMI WATERSHED NETWORK We are excited for 2021. There is still much work to be done around the watershed, and we have many programs planned to accomplish our goals. Thank you to all the great volunteers who have helped us make this possible. DIY LMRK Clean Sweep, June 12-26 Make A Difference Day River Clean Up Sign up on the website and pick your day and time to help pick Get your business involved in this effort to remove tires from a up trash along the river banks from a canoe. section of the river. You get to pick the date. LMR Trailblazer Adventure – July 17-Aug 1 C20 4 H2O - November 17 Bring your friends or family and explore the Little Miami Corridor Take a hike on National Take a Hike Day along the bike trail around Yellow Springs. Starting and finishing at Glen Helen - between Corwin and Oregonia. Get your friends to sponsor Hike, Bike and Paddle sections while looking for clues for a fun you on this 10-K trip along the Little Miami River as you learn educational day outside. about the history of this section of the bike path and raise money to protect the river. Tributary Trash Removal – August. You determine the dates and the stream you and your friends The River Speaks would like to walk and remove trash as you explore a stream at Join our efforts to record the histories of people who have its lowest level. enjoyed the river throughout their lives. Then help us put them on a drone video of the LMR for a virtual cultural tour. River Summit Sept. 24-25 Join an afternoon zoom session with the Director of the Ohio Economic Evaluation study of the upper Little Miami River Scenic River program and then enjoy an after-school tour of Become a citizen scientist and an enumerator as we work a local farm on Friday. On Saturday, start the day looking for with OSU to determine the value of the LMR to this area. The fossils at Caesar Creek and enjoy an afternoon of outdoor research will be from April 1 – October 31. OH-70227971 activities at a nearby wildlife area. All Details at
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 9 Fairborn incubating housing, retail partnerships, relationship with the base By London Bishop really well received,” Roughly 10 kitchen come up with a plan for plan puts the Miami Val- the old building, land- Gebhart said. members have held how land is developed ley area in league with scape the property, and Section 12 of Water- strong throughout the outside the base. The Air Force installations add welcoming signage. FAIRBORN — As the ford Landing has also pandemic. Everything resulting document will across the country. “When folks come in pandemic weathers on, begun construction, from specialty ice cream make sure further land “We’re continually and out of that base, Fairborn suffered some with CESO as developer. to baked goods. Some- development in these looking to see how we whether they’re dignitar- setbacks, both public Waterford Landing is one who produces vegan communities is compat- can partner with the ies, service members and private, in moving very close to the wildlife- barbecued ribs. ible with and doesn’t folks at the base,” Geb- with their families, we towards its mission of a rich Pearl’s Fen, Gebhart “Every kind of dietary infringe on Air Force hart added. can be proud of what city in motion. However, said. As such, CESO, BW requirement, we’ve got operations at Wright- That partnership has they see of our city,” the year was not devoid Greenway and the Ohio somebody at Spark who Patt. also led the city to pur- Gebhart said. of wins, as signs of EPA worked together to they can provide for,” “You wouldn’t want to chase three properties For civilians, Synergy economic development, ensure that the housing Gebhart said. see a very large struc- across from the Wright- Building Systems is con- increased housing, and development wouldn’t The Neighborhood ture in the middle of the Patt gate on SR 444. The structing a new office continued partnership encroach on the Fen. Nest, the first “gradu- flight line, for example,” properties, formerly old building on National with Wright-Patterson Mayor Paul Keller ate” of Fairborn Spark, Gebhart said. automotive businesses, Road. That building will Air Force Base demon- said in a previous inter- has moved into its own The Wright-Patt COG will be cleaned up to bet- house defense contrac- strate. view that the city is space. The city is hop- isn’t the first in the coun- ter represent the city and tors, and many of the Fairborn has continued hoping to resume the ing that the gluten-free try to do this, Gebhart surrounding community. plowing through goals to festivals and downtown bakery will be the first said, but developing this The plan is to demolish See Fairborn | 19 create more local hous- celebrations for which of many to fill out the ing. Fairborn has dramat- Fairborn is known. “Spark block” on Main ically ramped up efforts However, there are also Street. to increase its housing other cultural develop- The Menards open- The Fairborn City School District supply, and three differ- ments in the works. The ing on Dayton Yellow ent development projects Fairborn Development Springs Road was also a continues to move forward with construction of the new Fairborn have continued over the Corporation is partner- big win for the city this Intermediate School and the new Fairborn High School. past year. ing with the Fairborn past year, Gebhart said, The land is being cleared on Commerce Center Blvd. Arden Place, a new Phoenix Foundation to as the city continues to for the new Fairborn High School construction to begin. 162-unit single family redevelop the Fairborn move major business to housing development, Theater on Broad Street. the area. Thank you was initially started by The Fairborn Phoenix, The city also has a few Fairborn community for your continued support. Hills Development and led by Fairborn High projects in the works to then sold to Fischer School graduate and film- cultivate the relationship Homes of Louisville. maker Jordan Terrell and between the city and The first roughly 20 lots Wright State University Wright-Patterson Air in Phase One are either graduate and business- Force Base. under construction or man Chris Morse, began As one of the commu- are already sold. Phase in 2019 with the showing nities surrounding the Two has gone through of Terrell’s documentary base, Fairborn has joined approval process. film, HEROINOHIO. the Wright-Patterson “Housing sales are The film sold out in its Air Force Base regional brisk,” said Assistant first two showings. Council of Governments, City Manager Mike Geb- On the commercial and led by U.S. Rep. Mike hart. retail side of things, Fair- Turner (R-Dayton) and Redwood Development born Spark, the kitchen the Dayton Development is also continueing with incubator and co-work- Coalition. With the help their apartment complex ing space, continues to of the DDC, Fairborn, development on Com- be a “huge point of pride Riverside, Beavercreek merce Center Boulevard, and success” for the city, Township, Bath Town- a project that “has been Gebhart said. ship, and Dayton will OH-70226815
10 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies Stephan & Stephan has long history of serving Xenia By Scott Halasz attorney rating guides, degree in 1974 from Capital ties. Stephan practices May 2003. She is a mem- as having the high- University. In November 1974 in the area of probate ber of the Ohio State est standards for both he entered the United States law, estate planning, Bar Association and XENIA — The professional ability and Air Force as a judge advocate. real estate, corporate the Greene County Bar Stephan & Stephan Law ethical standards. The While in the Air Force he law, personal injury and Association. She is also Group can trace its heri- attorneys have been also received two commendation medical malpractice. a member of the Dayton tage and history of com- been acknowledged for medals. In 1978 he separated Stephanie B. Stephan Area Board of Realtors munity service in Xenia Peter Stephan exceptional community from the Air Force and entered graduated from Michi- April Moore and a Board Member for to the 1890s. services by the City of the private practice of law in gan State University, Eli the Greene County Com- In addition to Xenia, the Greene Coun- Xenia, where he resides with Broad College of Business in munity Foundation. Stephan & Stephan ty Commissioners, and his family. He is a past presi- 2000 with a bachelor of arts in April H. Moore graduated Law Group, LLC being the Ohio Legislature. dent of the Greene County Bar general business administra- from Fairborn High School in recognized for 50 years Peter D. Stephan Association, the Xenia Rotary tions/pre-law. She graduated 2002, then attended Miami of community service attended Capital Club, the Xenia Area Chamber from Michigan State Universi- University and graduated in by the Xenia Area University on an Air of Commerce and the Xenia ty College of Law in 2003 with 2006 with a bachelor of arts in Chamber of Commerce, Stephanie Force R.O.T.C. Scholar- Education Endowment Fund. a juris doctor degree. She was political science and a minor Stephan the attorneys have ship. Upon graduation He is a recent recipient of admitted to practice law on in family studies. Moore then been recognized by from college in 1971 the F.M. Torrence Award, Nov. 10, 2003 and has served attended Thomas M. Cooley Martindale-Hubble, one of the he entered law school and for lifetime achievement of as the vice president of Home oldest and most recognized graduated with a juris doctor voluntary services and activi- Site Title Agency, Inc. since See Stephan | 19 STEPHAN & STEPHAN- L- AW GROUP, LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW Attorneys + Peter D. Stephan + Stephanie B. Stephan + April H. Moore Don Weckstein, of counsel Paralegal Jennifer S. Bieniek Probate Estate Planning Divorce/Dissolution Real Estate/Business-Corp “Serving our clients with Results, Compassion & Efficiency” 1354 N. Monroe Drive, Suite B, Xenia, Ohio 45385 • (937) 372-4404 • OH-70228340
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 11 CU dual-degree program launches fall 2021 By Lauren McGuire their M.S.N. degree or graduate certifi- Cedarville University cate in nursing leadership toward their MBA degree, therefore, reducing the CEDARVILLE — As the healthcare required credit hours and the cost to profession continues to evolve and gain both degrees. nurses are increasingly bringing their The need to have a dual program skills to executive-level roles in medical was realized by Dr. Angie Mickle, dean systems around the country, a need for of the school of nursing, and her col- additional education has arisen. leagues who regularly visited hospitals Cedarville University’s new fully throughout the Miami Valley. Through online Master of Science in Nursing conversations with clinical supervisors (MSN) and Master of Business Admin- and nursing administrators, Cedarville’s istration (MBA) dual-degree program nursing leadership heard from nurses will fill an important need for current and administrations of the need for a and aspiring nurse administrators. combined MBA and MSN program. The new dual-degree curriculum will That’s where the university’s school be offered to students beginning fall of business administration stepped into Submitted photo 2021. Students will be able to count Cedarville University is launching a dual-degree program in the fall. three electives (nine credit hours) from See Cedarville | 19 Fully Prepared. For His Purpose. MAKE THE MOST OF THE GIFTS YOU’VE BEEN GIVEN. Graduate Programs Available in: BUSINESS NURSING MINISTRY PHARMACY APPLY TODAY AT CEDARVILLE.EDU/GRADUATE OH-70227645
12 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies Congratulations and Thank You to these Greene County Businesses for your dedicated years in service. OH-70228499 219 Years 213 Years 176 Years 131 Years 127 Years Faith Miller, Finney Community UM Church & McKeown, Praying for Xenia LLC OH-70228603 OH-70228602 75 Water St. and Greene County 281 Dayton Ave. Attorneys at Law Clifton 100 Country Club Dr. Xenia OH-70228695 937-767-5501 Xenia 937-372-3604 20 King Ave, Xenia OH-70227063 OH-70228426 937-372-7601 937-372-8055 Established 1802 Established 1808 Established 1845 Established 1890 Established 1894 97 Years 87 Years 75 Years 72 Years 71 Years W. A. Towne & JP Edmunds Eichman’s Service Country Downtown Store with Hammond Electronic Doors Old Fashioned Service Drierite Co. Animal Clinic Sales & Service, OH-70228604 OH-70227068 OH-70227056 OH-70227127 39 West Main Street, Xenia Keith VanHorn Dr. David LLC 138 Dayton Ave. Eric VanHorn Kocher, D.V.M. 87 S. Progress Dr., P.O. Box 460, Xenia 801 North Broad St., 1238 South Patton St. Xenia 937-372-4456 OH-70228277 Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:00 937-376-2927 Fairborn Xenia 937-372-3584 Sat. 10:00-12:00 937-878-4009 937-372-5521 Since 1924 Established 1934 Established 1946 Established 1949 Established 1950 64 Years 70 65 Years 54 Years 53 Years 50 Years Flatter R.W. Louderback Insurance Agency & Son Joe Flatter Plumbing Custom Cabs OH-70228606 OH-70228607 OH-70228605 2440 Dayton-Xenia Rd. Auction Co. 532 Innovation Dr. 900 Birch Rd. & Trailers Suite A, Beavercreek 407 N. Broad St. Xenia, OH Xenia 7230 Old U.S. 35 OH-70228282 937-429-0655 Fairborn, 937-372-6941 937-376-1201 Jamestown 937-878-3444 937-675-2395 OH-70228617 OH State License #18426 Established 1951 Since 1956 Established 1967 Established 1968 Established 1971
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 13 Congratulations and Thank You to these Greene County Businesses for your dedicated years in service. OH-70228500 50 Years 50 Years 45 Years 40 Years 40 Years Walker’s Cooper Jerry Allen’s Security McIlvaine, Transmission Painting Realtors Systems Serving Xenia OH-70227051 OH-70228608 OH-70228609 OH-70228611 Service OH-70229176 47 S. Limestone & Vicinity 514 N. Detroit St. 732 S. Monroe Dr. Jamestown 488 U.S. 68, South (937) 372-8939 Xenia Xenia 937-675-9581 “Let Us Paint 937-372-3577 937-372-6350 937-372-6438 Your House” Established 1971 Established 1971 Established 1977 Established 1981 Established 1981 40 Years 38 Years 37 Years 36 Years 36 Years YOUR LOCAL GEOTHERMAL HEATING & COOLING EXPERTS The Printing Insurance & Equity Muir’s Water 937-372-4471 Center Jeffery G. Flora Conditioning, 402 W. Church St., Xenia Life-Health-Annuities Inc. OH-70227074 OH-70228614 OH-70228278 OH-70228613 937-372-1687 2149-A North Fairfield Road Beavercreek, OH 45431 Email: 3195 Dayton-Xenia #900 16 N. Grand Ave. Jerry E. Williams, Broker/Owner 937-478-7601 Dayton, OH 45434 Fairborn Office 937-427-3662 658 C��������� A��., X���� Website: 937-626-7525 OH-70228610 ���.��������������������.��� 937-879-3199 Established 1981 Established 1983 Established 1984 Established 1985 Established 1985 28 Years 28 Years 24 Years 22 Years 21 Years Added Touch Loan Star Countryside Cleaning Pawn Shop Propane 69 W. Main St., Apple Country For All Your OH-70228493 OH-70228615 OH-70228616 Dale OH-70228612 Propane Needs! Farm Market OH-70228276 126 Office Park Dr. Xenia Xenia,Ohio Louderback 3566 Jasper Rd 937-374-3344 2323 US Rte 42 937-990-0029 937-271-6060 Spring Valley OH 45370 Jamestown 937-750-7501 937-675-6320 Established 1993 Established 1993 Established 1997 Established 1999 Established 2000
14 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies Meadow of Xenia wants to be your home By Scott Halasz water — are paid. There is also a laundry facility and high-speed inter- net access. XENIA — Meadow of Xenia has Five of Greene County’s best parks taken on a fresh look. — James Ranch, Sara Lee Arnovitz Under new management since Nature Preserve, Old Town Reserve, 2020 and featuring apartments with Glenn Thompson Reserve, and Nar- fully renovated kitchens and baths, rows Reserve and Nature Center — the nine-building, family friendly are less than 10 miles away. complex wants to be your home. The units are between 650 and Owned and operated by Stelton 950 square feet and rent from $605 Holdings II LLC, an Ohio lim- to $665 per month. Some GMHA ited liability company under Zahra subsidized units are available as well. Investments, Meadow of Xenia has Meadow of Xenia is at 341 Stelton 88 one-, two-, and three-bedroom Road. For more information, visit apartments. All have air condition- or email ing, hardwood flooring and a refrig- erator. They are cable ready and Photo courtesy Meadow of Xenia some utilities — including gas and Contact Scott Halasz at 937-502-4507. Residents will find remodeled apartments with new kitchens and baths and on-site laundry. Meadows of Xenia Powered by Zahra Investments 1,2 & 3 Bedrooms Available Move-in Special: 341 Stelton Rd. 1, 2 & 3 Xenia, OH 45385 Bedroom Phone (937) 376-5650 Upgrade For Qualified Application OH-70226763
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 15 Greene County Democratic Party proud to be in community This was quite a year in spite of the all the obstacles (COVID- 19, quarantine, insurrection, sedition, domestic terrorists, attempt to overthrow our government, undermining the credibility of our electoral process.) Democrats persevered with help from volunteers like Andy Feeser and Michael Carr. Greene County Democrats will continue to fight for quality of life for all, not just for some. Charles Ballard, Kaylee Ballard, and Thomas Scrivens Fairborn City Council Vice President Colin Morrow congratulates Submitted photos cheer on graduates of 2020. Xenia City Councilman Thomas Scrivens after his swearing in. Photos Cont. See | 17 GREENE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY 10 South Detroit Street Xenia, Ohio 45385 (937) 372-6003 Thursday - Saturday 10AM-4PM OH-70227962
16 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies 169 W. Main St., Xenia 937.372.7255 Your Personal Injury Attorney in Xenia SERVICES: The Xenia, Ohio office of the Personal Injury Law Firm of Dyer, Garofalo, Mann & Schultz L.P.A. was established to provide Over 30 Years • Asbestos & Mesothelioma better legal assistance to the citizens of Greene County and all of of Experience • Construction Site Accidents Ohio. Each of our personal injury attorneys specialize in Ohio in Injury Law • Dangerous Drugs law, with years of experience in the Greene County area, and • Defective Medical Devises are dedicated to fighting for clients’ rights. When you work with Dyer, Garofalo, Mann & Schultz L.P.A. you are working with • Defective Product Free professional personal injury lawyers who know Greene County • Medical Malpractice and will fight for your rights. Consultation Contacting a personal injury attorney in Xenia, OH is easier & Legal Advice • Motor Vehicle Accidents than ever with a Dyer, Garofalo, Mann, & Schultz lawyer near • Personal Injury you. This location is dedicated to serving the community like • Premises Liability only the Tiger lawyer can. A personal injury attorney in Xenia, Your Personal • Social Security & Disability OH is available to help you 24/7. Contact us today for a free Injury appointment to discuss your personal injury case and get the • Truck Accidents Tiger lawyer on your side! Attorney OH-70227856 • Workers’ Compensation 1-866-492-9214
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 17 Law office ramps Photos Continued up service amidst pandemic XENIA — Dyer, Garofalo, Mann & Schultz is open for business. The personal injury law firm recently announced Tom Cadwaller and Judy Douglas get their shots. Douglas coordinated efforts to help people get signed up for their the grand opening of its newly renovated office vaccinations. located in the historic district of Xenia to continue its 30-year tradition of serving Greene County. As one of the largest personal injury law firms in Ohio, Dyer, Garofalo, Mann & Schultz focuses on auto accident injuries, medical malpractice cases, social security disability claims, workers’ compensation, employment law, dangerous drugs, and defective products. It has continued serving clients throughout the coronavirus pandemic. In March 2020, the company adapted to a “virtual law firm” with appropriate technological capability and safety protocols. In-office staff was significantly reduced. Attorneys, paralegals, and support staff worked remotely from home with Prior to her win, Ohio characteristic commitment to quality. Supreme Court Justice “Our commitment to your case is unwavering Jennifer Brunner took time Submitted photos from her busy campaign to The day President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and you will continue to receive the high level of Thousands of Greene County stop for lunch at Greene were confirmed, Garrison Henry and many others came to the legal service you have come to expect from our voters joined Eddie Blanton for County Democratic Party headquarters to celebrate. law firm,” the company said at the time. early voting. Headquarters. That unwavering commitment has lasted throughout the pandemic, even as the partners move back to in-person service. The Xenia office is an excellent example. “Our new office in Xenia is beautiful, I especial- ly like the large ‘Tiger’ walls inside the building. It’s important for our clients to have easily acces- sible local offices,” said Doug Mann, co-managing partner of DGM&S. Dyer Garofalo, Mann & Schultz has 13 area offices and is celebrating 30 years of fighting for the rights of injured victims throughout the mid- west. “Xenia is a great community, and we are excited to have our office in the historic district to help injured victims in Greene County after an accident.” Mike Dyer, co-managing partner of DGM&S, said. Greene County supporting members provided a number of local families with their best holiday ever.
18 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies McColaugh Massie Funeral Home found a way during pandemic XENIA — Although With the McColaugh 2020 started out like nor- family’s blessing, Mary mal for McColaugh Funer- Carr Massie purchased the al Home, March brought funeral home in Septem- the pandemic to the head- ber 2020, and has contin- lines, and like so many ued to serve the families other local businesses, its of Greene County in their hospital visits, many folks Funeral Home, we have staff was faced with uncer- time of need. were unable to be at the worked diligently to honor tainty, sickness and new “Rock was my mentor bedside of their loved one the life of the departed and evolving mandates, which and friend, and I knew when they passed. comfort the family as they they navigated through he’d expect me to continue “The long-term effect of begin the journey without in order to remain open serving folks in the com- having a limited support their loved one. While to serve the families of munity he loved,” Massie system, not being able the funeral service looks a Submitted photo Greene County, something said. “Although owning to hug your family and little different this year, we Mary Carr Massie and Xenia Mayor Sarah Mays at an open house in they had done since 1961. the funeral home was friends, not being able are determined at McCo- October. Massie bought McColaugh Funeral Home after long-time During the onset of the always something we talk- to properly say ‘goodbye’ laugh Massie Funeral owner Rock McColaugh (in photo) died. pandemic, tragedy struck ed about, I never dreamed to your loved one is a Home to find alternative McColaugh Funeral Home I’d be buying it without struggle many families ways to continue to cel- Life may not ever be looks forward to serving and it lost the beloved Rock here to see it.” have been faced with ebrate lives and cherish considered “normal” the families of Greene owner Roger “Rock” With the continuation of this year,” Massie said. memories in spite of the again, but McColaugh County as it has done for McColaugh. limited nursing home and “At McColaugh Massie pandemic.” Massie Funeral Home the past 60 years. McColaugh Massie Funeral Home is dedicated to serve the families of Xenia and the surrounding communities with care and compassion. Many of the families we serve are also our friends and neighbors. We are proud to offer a wide range of services to meet your families needs and expectations. It’s an honor to be trusted with the final arrangements for your loved one. We promise to take the time to plan every detail and help to relieve the burden on your family during your time of loss. “Serving Greene County For Over 60 Years” Mary Carr Massie • Tim Francisco 826 N Detroit Street | Xenia, Ohio 45385 (937)372-1102 Dedicated to Serve Over 60 years OH-70226764
Greene County Dailies Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 19 Wilberforce frightening nature that the pandemic presented. strengthen its financial stand- ing, in spite of the ongoing Fairborn Stephan “Fortunately, our fall pandemic. enrollment, when we were With the start of the spring From page 9 From page 10 From page 6 completely virtual, and our semester, in-person classes sion of teaching and learning spring enrollment, where we at Wilberforce University spaces have already been sold. Law School in was conducted. are in a hybrid teaching and resumed. Faculty and stu- “We’re proud of the fact that Lansing, Mich., “That involved specifi- learning model, has remained dents each had the opportu- in the middle of a pandemic, graduated in 2009, cally providing training for steady. What this suggests is nity to choose between con- that project has continued,” and obtained her faculty, assuring that our that our students who have tinuing with virtual learning Gebhart said. license to practice students had the necessary committed to a Wilberforce or returning to campus. According to Gebhart, rev- law in 2009. Moore devices and hot spots for education, whether virtually The overall morale has enue last year during the pan- is a member of the virtual learning, modifying or in person, have remained been positive. demic was on the plus side, Greene County Bar our university operations to loyal to the university,” “Wilberforce University with an estimated 2-3 percent Association, she adjust to public health guide- Pinkard said. “We have new represents for the campus increase in income tax last also is the school lines and safety protocols,” leadership in our Office of community a significant year. Residents of the city also board president for Pinkard said. “Like our insti- Enrollment Management and national treasure that has passed a public safety income Summit Academy tutional peers, we have had have outlined an aggressive a long, storied history and tax in March. in Xenia as well to be innovative in develop- enrollment strategy that we legacy in this nation. Resil- “To be able to pass that is as a board mem- ing strategies and initiatives fully expect to be successful ience and determination are an excellent vote of confidence ber for Summit to reinforce community and in the fall.” a part of the DNA of this by our residents in our police, Academy Dayton. our institutional identity Any educational institution institution,” Pinkard said. fire and EMS,” Gebhart said. Moore practices in while keeping our students of higher learning’s finances “Most folks understand that “We were thankful to resi- the areas of crimi- engaged in the academic are directly connected to hard work will continue to dents and businesses that they nal and traffic law, experience.” that university’s enrollment. be important for institutional continued operations in the family law, juvenile The university’s enrollment Pinkard stressed that sup- transformation and seem middle of the pandemic,” he and delinquency wasn’t affected too much port provided by various willing to make that commit- added. “Things could have law and personal by the pandemic, despite stimulus bills and an increase ment.” gone much worse.” injury. Moore also students and their parents in philanthropic support acts a guardian Reach London Bishop at 937-502-4532 or facing the uncertainty and has enabled Wilberforce to Reach Darryl McGee at 937-502-4534 follow @LBishopFDH on Twitter. ad litem for the domestic rela- tions and juvenile courts. Jennifer S. Cedarville sion as the skilled profession- als are better adept at caring leaders who will be influential in meeting the demands of the Baptist institution with an enrollment of 4,550 undergrad- Bieniek is a para- legal for the firm. for multiple needs from its healthcare system.” uate, graduate, and online stu- She received an From page 11 patients. With the combined degree, dents in more than 150 areas of associate degree “Nursing education does not students will have a great study. Founded in 1887, Cedar- of applied science the conversation. routinely cover the business opportunity to pursue leader- ville is one of the largest private from Sinclair Com- “What we put together is aspects of leading. In meeting ship or management positions, universities in Ohio, recognized munity College a dual degree program that with Chief Nurse Executives, seek a position with a govern- nationally for its authentic and is a member of fulfills the need for important they have often communicated ment agency, or work in an Christian community, rigorous the Ohio State Bar business skills for health care their top performing nurse executive capacity at a clinic or academic programs, including Association. administration,” said Dr. John leaders make sound leadership larger hospital. the Online Master of Business Of counsel is Delano, associate dean of the decisions based on experi- The new dual program is Administration and Online Donald Weckstein. school of business administra- ence, graduate nursing educa- one of 28 graduate programs at Master of Science in Nurs- Visit www. tion. “This degree will help tion (MSN) combined with Cedarville University including ing Family Nurse Practitioner stephanlawyers. nurses who want to get into graduate business education the Master of Ministry, M.B.A. programs, strong graduation, com to review administrative roles to be (MBA),” Mickle said. “We in Healthcare Administration, and retention rates, accredited the areas of law equipped with knowledge and are excited to offer nurses and M.B.A. in Business Analyt- professional and health science Stephan and experience on the business side the opportunity to pursue a ics programs. offerings, and high student Stephan practices. of healthcare.” dual MSN+MBA at Cedarville Located in southwest Ohio, engagement ranking. For more Mickle agrees this program University. Ultimately, we are Cedarville University is an information about the Univer- Contact Scott Halasz at 937-502-4507. will benefit the nursing profes- equipping Christian nursing accredited, Christ-centered, sity, visit
20 Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Progress Through A Pandemic 2021 Greene County Dailies Xenia financially stable despite Xenia continues to grow, despite COVID pandemic By Scott Halasz where Stan the Donut Man used to be. 159 units since 2017 with total sales of more than $32 million. The aver- “It’s one thing to say ‘I might,’ but age sale price is $202,042 which By Scott Halasz XENIA — Despite a world-wide when people actually start pulling is almost double what the average pandemic causing people to stay permits and say ‘Yes, I’m going to home prices have been in Xenia for home and spend less, Xenia contin- start investing,’ that’s important,” the last few years, Brodsky said. XENIA — Despite the financial chal- ues to grow. Brodsky said. In general, Brodsky is pleased with lenges brought on by the coronavirus pan- “There’s still a lot of interest and The area immediately west of the where the city is. demic, the City of Xenia is in decent shape activity,” Development Director new Aldi store is also garnering a lot “We’re doing well,” he said. “We for now. Steve Brodsky said. “Honestly I don’t of interest and something will pop up could always do better. We always “We’re stable and we feel pretty good see that slowing down anytime soon. there in 2021, according to Brodsky. want more.” about that,” said Finance Director Ryan If anything, that’s going to pick up.” “I think from a development stand- The city has taken steps to make Duke. “We feel pretty good in the short Skyline opened on S. Progress point we’re doing well,” he said. development a little easier. Planning term of where we are at.” Drive, and Butterbees is going to be Brodsky said at least three existing Director Brian Forschner created Xenia was down about 6 percent or opening adjacent to the popular chili industrial businesses are looking to an online permitting portal, which $834,827 in income tax collections last restaurant. A Japanese steakhouse expand. allows developers to see what per- year and court fines were down 20 percent, is planning to open next to Penn “They want to stay in Xenia, they mits are needed. They can be applied Duke said, which is about $200,000. EMS Station in that same area and a new want to expand here,” Brodsky said. for and submitted online. donut shop has applied for permits Ryan Homes completed its last See Stable | 22 to locate on North Detroit Street hoe in Sterling Green and have built Contact Scott Halasz at 937-502-4507. City Administration Building VISIT EXPLOREXENIA.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY OF XENIA OH-70227961
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