News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
new s
teachers’ union of ireland / AONTAS MúiNTeOirí éireANN

                                                           Vo l.4 1 / no.3
                                           nove m b e r /de c e m b e r 2 0 1 8
News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui neWs

    p.3 A Word From The
    p.4 ‘New entrant’ salary scale
        measure ballot and ongoing
        pay equality campaign
    p.6 recruitment and retention
        crisis in schools
    p.8 housing crisis inflicting
        serious damage on
        education system
    p.9 TUi in joint call on higher
        education funding
    p.10 Maternity Leave – your
         questions answered
    p.14 Leave entitlements
    p.16 OeCD report highlights                  iNTO PreSiDeNT JOe KiLLeeN, ASTi PreSiDeNT BreDA LyNCh AND TUi
         dismal irish investment in              PreSiDeNT SeAMUS LAhArT AT A reCeNT MeeTiNG.
    p.22 Annual Congress 2018

                                                  Check out the new TUI website at
    p.24 Lobbying by Branches

    p.26 Payment for Locally
         Devised Assessments
         (LDAs) – an update
    p.27 rMA News
    p.28 Crossword

                                    eDiTOriAL                                                      PrODUCTiON
                                    Annette Dolan                   Bernie ruane                   TUi News is published by the
                                    Deputy General Secretary        Assistant General Secretary    Teachers’ Union of ireland.
                                                                                                   Aontas Múinteoirí éireann,
                                                                                                   73 Orwell road, rathgar, Dublin 6.
                                    Declan Glynn                    Joanne irwin
    Seamus Lahart                   Assistant General Secretary     Assistant General Secretary
    President                                        T: 01-492 2588    F: 01-492 2953                                                                               e:     W:
                                    Aidan Kenny                     David Duffy
    Martin Marjarom                 Assistant General Secretary     education & research Officer
                                                                                                   Printed by:
                                                                                                   Typecraft Ltd.
                                    Michael Gillespie               Nadia Johnston
                                    Assistant General Secretary     Administrative Officer
    John MacGabhann            
    General Secretary              Colm Kelly                      Conor Griffin
                                    Assistant General Secretary     Press & information Officer

2   november/december 2018 - TUi NeWS
News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
A Word from the
                                                     President – Seamus Lahart

                                              on their increment date, but ultimately        ‘Woefully inadequate’
                                              all new and recent members will benefit.
                                                                                             additional funding for
                                              Members will no doubt be aware that            third level
                                              iNTO members rejected the measure in           The additional €57m in current funding
                                              a national ballot. At the time of writing,     announced for higher education in
                                              ASTi members are being balloted on the         Budget 2019 is woefully inadequate and
                                              same measure. irrespective of ballot           will do very little to boost a sector that
                                              outcomes, representatives from all             has been devastated by steep funding
                                              teacher unions are in regular contact and      cuts. The failure of Government over
                                              every effort will be made to liaise in the     successive years to make the necessary
                                              ongoing fight to eliminate pay                 investment has had an extremely
Members accept pay                            discrimination. it is clear that a joint       damaging effect on the working

proposal in ballot –
                                              campaign by the three teacher unions,          conditions of academic staff, on student
                                              working together, is the best way of           experience and on the positioning of
campaign for pay                              eliminating the injustice of pay inequality.   irish institutions in international rankings.
equality continues                                                                           Denial of the oxygen of public
                                              in this regard, it is important to note        investment is choking the life of a prime
in October, TUi members accepted a
                                              that TUi still holds a mandate for             national asset.
proposal to remove points 4 and 8 from
                                                                                             an organisation built on
                                              industrial action, up to including strike
post-1st January 2011 scales in the
                                              action, on this issue. This mandate was
context of the Union’s ongoing campaign
to eliminate pay inequality. The measure
                                              comprehensively delivered by members           democracy
                                              last year and can be activated by the          With the end of yet another calendar
was accepted in a national ballot by a
                                              Union if and when it deems it                  year already in sight, it is worth
margin of 53% to 47%.
                                              appropriate do to so.                          reminding members of the vital
in announcing the ballot result, TUi made                                                    importance of playing an active part in
                                              Keep an eye on the Union’s various             TUi. The Union is not a bricks and
clear that this measure does not deliver
                                              communications channels for updates on         mortar headquarters, it is you and your
pay equality. in addition, it was stated on
                                              this campaign.                                 colleagues and 17,000+ other teachers
numerous occasions that it will have
                                              international report
little impact on the continuing,                                                             and lecturers around the country in an
                                                                                             organisation built on democracy.
                                              endorses work of
widespread crisis of recruitment and
retention in schools all over the country,                                                   regardless of your grade and career
from Dublin to Galway and from                teachers and lecturers                         stage, your input is always of critical
Donegal to Cork.                                                                             importance. if you have strong feelings
                                              The latest OeCD indicators illustrate
                                                                                             on any aspect of the Union’s policies,
                                              alarmingly low levels of investment in the
The new measure, which will be                                                               attend your Branch’s meetings and make
                                              irish education system. ireland was
implemented on 1st March 2019, will                                                          these feelings clear. Branches submit
                                              ranked joint last of 33 countries in terms
allow new and recent entrants to                                                             motions to TUi’s Annual Congress, which
                                              of GDP invested in the education
progress up the scale quicker. Those who                                                     sets the national priorities of the Union.
                                              system. The report also makes clear that
have suffered from pay discrimination for                                                    help to shape the priorities of TUi as
                                              it is the most vulnerable in society who
the longest period of time (i.e those                                                        the Union campaigns on existing and
                                              suffer when education budgets are cut
who entered the profession in 2011 and                                                       ever-arising new challenges, some of
                                              or neglected to stagnate. in other
the years immediately afterwards) will                                                       which may threaten terms and
                                              findings, irish teachers continue to have
stand to benefit first from the measure’s                                                    conditions of employment. United we
                                              more teaching hours than their
gains by ‘jumping’ to higher salary points                                                   are stronger.
                                              counterparts, while the ratio of third
                                              level students to academic staff in ireland
                                              is high above both european and OeCD

                                                                                                  - TUi NeWS             3
News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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    Members vote to accept proposal on
    ‘new entrant’ salary scales in
    context of union’s ongoing campaign
    in a national ballot in October, TUi members        Which grades of tui
                                                        members will benefit
    voted to accept a proposal on ‘new entrant’
                                                                                                      Where can i see how the
    salary scale issues by a margin of 53% to 47%
    in the context of the union’s ongoing               from this measure?
    campaign for pay equality. in accepting the
    proposal, members took the pragmatic view
                                                        TUi members in the following grades who       measure will benefit me?
                                                        commenced employment on or after 1st          Detailed examples of how the measure
    that it represented another step in the             January 2011 will benefit:                    benefits members depending on grade and
    campaign for pay equality, in that the measure                                                    date of commencement of employment were
    will allow new and recent entrants to               ■ Teachers
                                                                                                      provided in the TUi News ballot special (Vol
    progress up the scale quicker.                      ■ Assistant Lecturers                         41 No 2). These can also be downloaded
                                                        ■ youthreach resource Persons                 from the TUi website.
    however, the TUi is very clear that, of itself,
                                                                                                      What about the union’s
    this measure does not deliver pay equality,         ■ BTei Adult educators
    will have little impact on the deepening crisis
                                                                                                      mandate for industrial
                                                        ■ Adult Guidance Counsellor/Co-
    of recruitment and retention in irish schools           Ordinators
                                                                                                      action on new entrant
    and that the union’s campaign will continue
    until this pay equality is achieved.                ■ Adult Literacy Organisers

    There is no such thing as partial pay equality
                                                        ■ Community education Facilitators            pay?
                                                                                                      TUi members chose to reject the proposed
                                                        What will members gain
    and the continuing injustice of discrimination
    against new and recent entrants to teaching                                                       Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA) in a

                                                        from this measure?
    remains to be comprehensively addressed.                                                          national ballot in September 2017 as it failed
                                                                                                      to provide a fair and sustainable resolution to
                                                        From 1st March 2019, two scale points         pay inequality. in a simultaneous ballot,
    Moreover, because the degree of
                                                        (4 and 8) will be removed from the various    members voted to provide a mandate for
    discrimination is most significant in the initial
                                                        post-1st January 2011 ‘new entrant’ scales,   industrial action as directed by the executive
    years of employment as a teacher, the crisis
                                                        meaning that new and recent entrants will     Committee.
    of teacher recruitment and retention will
    remain and almost certainly worsen in the           progress up the scale more quickly.
    coming years.                                                                                     This mandate can still be activated by the
                                                                                                      Union if and when it sees fit to do so.

     What has been achieved for new and recent
     entrants since the imposition (in 2011 and
     2012) of discriminatory salary scales?
     november 2013                                      principally new entrant pay. TUi secured      suffered the imposition of discriminatory
     in negotiations that led to the haddington         negotiations with Government. As a result     pay scales will benefit soonest.
     road Agreement (hrA), teacher unions               of this, TUi secured, with iNTO, an
                                                        agreement to incorporate the value of the     For example, a teacher who commenced on
     secured improved salary scales for post 1st
                                                        honours Primary Degree Allowance              1st September 2011 is currently on point 7.
     January 2011 and post 1st February 2012
                                                        (€4,918) into a revised salary scale for      On 1st March 2019 (increment date) that
                                                        those appointed on or after 1st January       teacher will move three incremental points
     Under the hrA, implementation of the               2011. The first half of the value of the      to point 10 (encompassing the normal
     Ward report reduced the qualifying period          allowance was added on 1st January 2017,      incremental move of one point and a two
     for a Contract of indefinite Duration (CiD)        with the second half of the value of the      point ‘jump’ because of new measure). This
                                                        allowance being added on 1st January 2018     is an increase of €4,956 in salary, of which
     from four years to two years.                                                                    €3,466 is attributable to the removal of the

     september 2016                                     october 2018
                                                                                                      two points.

     Following its rejection of the Lansdowne           From 1st March 2019, two scale points (4      (Full details of how and when the measure
     road Agreement (LrA), the TUi balloted for         and 8) will be removed from the various       will benefit new and recent entrants
     and commenced a campaign of industrial             post-1st January 2011 ‘new entrant’ scales,   depending on year of entry are available in
     action on issues not covered by the LrA,           meaning that new entrants will progress up    TUi News special Vol 41/No 2 and also on
                                                        the scale quicker. Those who have longest     the TUi website).

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News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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Joint campaign                                      Processes to deal with the
by the teacher                                      outstanding issues – the
unions - what’s                                     h.dip. allowance and
the current                                         entry point on scale
position?                                           h. dip./PMe allowance
Contrary to what some commentary suggests,          The TUi brought the matter of the (higher Diploma in education) h.Dip./PMe
the joint campaign envisaged by the unions has      allowance to the Teachers’ Conciliation Council (TCC)in October 2016 and in
not been set aside by recent developments.          spring 2017 submitted a paper setting out in detail the Union’s position. in
Such complication as there is results from the      discussion of the issue at the Council, the Department of Public expenditure
fact that different procedures and timelines        and reform (DPer) offered the view that it could be encompassed by the talks
apply in each union.                                under Section 4 of the PSSA.

None of the three unions has repudiated the         When the TUi raised the issue at those talks the DPer representatives advised
PSSA. All are currently regarded as                 that they did not have a remit to build a costing for restoration of the
encompassed by that agreement.                      h.Dip./PMe allowance into the proposal (that was published on 24th
The TUi has accepted the proposed measure
on new entrant pay on the basis that it             At the most recent meeting of the Teachers’ Conciliation Council, it was
represents a move forward in the context of         acknowledged by the DeS that the Section 4 talks had not encompassed the
the Union’s ongoing campaign for pay equality. it   matter of the allowance and that it could now be considered as a claim by the
is a road-sign, not a destination. The              Council.
unambiguous message to members in the TUi
News Ballot Special (October 2018) was that,        The TUi is updating its earlier submission to take account of recent
regardless of the outcome of the ballot,            developments, including government-endorsed proposals to enhance certain
whether accepted or not accepted, “the Union’s      allowance arrangements in the health sector of the public service.

                                                    initial Placement on the incremental scale
ongoing campaign will continue until pay
equality is delivered”. Moreover, the TUi has a
mandate for industrial action.
                                                    in late 2017, the TUi and our sister teacher unions made a joint submission to
The processes of the other union are ongoing.       the Public Service Pay Commission (PSPC) in relation to recruitment and
While the iNTO by ballot decided not to             retention issues in the education sector, most particularly in relation to
accept the proposed measure in regard to new        teachers. The PSPC was tasked by government with reporting on the health
entrant pay, it does not yet have a mandate for     sector in the first instance. This it did in September 2018. The TUi will be
industrial action and would have to ballot          pressing for completion of the Commission’s consideration of the education
members for such a mandate. The ASTi is             sector as a matter of urgency, given the recruitment and retention crisis, the
currently balloting its members on the              existence and severity of which is now frankly recognised by all relevant parties.
proposed measure. it too may hold a
subsequent ballot in order to seek a mandate        in the submission to the Commission, the unions made the point that
for industrial action.                              elimination of incremental recognition for the period of unpaid, pre-service
                                                    training has had a seriously detrimental impact on the attractiveness of teaching
Once these processes conclude, the potential        as a profession and have sought re-instatement of initial placement on the third
for a campaign of co-ordinated action will have     point of scale for teachers.
been clarified.

For its part, the TUi is entirely committed to
                                                    remaining differentials
securing pay equality and will, insofar as
                                                    The elimination of the remaining differentials between the early points of the
possible, pursue that objective in a joint
                                                    new entrant scales and the pre-2011 scales has also been identified by the TUi
campaign with our colleagues in ASTi and
                                                    as a matter that needs to be resolved. Unlike the h.Dip. allowance and initial
                                                    placement on the incremental scale, this is a matter that is cross-sectoral and
                                                    that can be effectively addressed only on a public service-wide basis.

                                                                                                - TUi NeWS           5
News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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     ‘In desperation, a school in Dublin offers
         free accommodation to any Home
      Economics teacher but still can’t source
      recruitment and retention crisis in
       schools remains to be addressed
                                                                                                                       TUi PreSiDeNT,
                                                                                                                       SeAMUS LAhArT

    We hear the stories every day: a school in
    Limerick can’t get a Physics teacher; a
    school in Cork can’t get a Maths teacher; a
    Chemistry teacher leaves a Kildare school
    for a better option in the pharmaceutical
    industry. in desperation, a school in Dublin
    offers free accommodation to any home
    economics teacher but still can’t source
    one. in desperation, a school in Dublin
    offers free accommodation to any home
    economics teacher but still can’t source

    While the proposal on new entrant pay
    announced this week represents further
    movement, it won’t of itself deliver pay
    equality. And because the most significant
    difference in salary scales for those
    appointed on or after 1st January 2011
    will still be in the initial career stage, the
    crisis of teacher recruitment and retention
    will remain and possibly worsen in the
    coming years. it should now be clear to all
    concerned that, until this injustice is
    comprehensively addressed, graduates will
    vote with their feet and schools will
    continue to struggle – and in some cases
    fail - to recruit and retain suitably qualified
    teachers across a range of subjects.              in smaller schools.                            that a spell teaching in the Middle east has
                                                                                                     come to be seen as a necessity for young
    in many instances, extortionate                   So is it a crisis? Surely it must be when      teachers seeking to scrape together a
    accommodation costs in cities and large           parents see the range of optional subjects     deposit for a mortgage. We are exporting
    towns are resulting in teachers choosing          decrease in their children’s schools. even     one of our best resources.
    to seek opportunities elsewhere. A                allowing for an element of flux at the start
    technology teacher i spoke to earlier this        of any school year, recruitment problems       What is of even greater concern is that
    month left a full-time post in Dublin to          are evident both across the country and        those who might once have considered
    take up a contract of part-time hours in a        across a broad range of subjects including,    teaching or have qualified as teachers are
    school nearer his family home in Tipperary.       but not limited to, Modern Languages,          simply choosing to work in other
    he had done the maths, and the switch             Mathematics, Science, irish, home              professions. For example, large numbers
    from his city apartment back to his               economics and the technologies. By their       of home economics graduates are
    childhood bedroom left him with a higher          very nature, schools are innovative and        headhunted by private industry in the
    disposable income and a better chance of          will do everything they can to provide the     agri-food area before they ever stand in
    saving even a meagre amount each month.           full range of subjects, but it is becoming     front of a class, receiving better salaries
    however, this is only one factor, as we           increasingly difficult to do so, given the     and job security from the commencement
    have also had reports from rural areas that       absolute shortage of qualified teachers in     of their careers in industry.
    similar recruitment issues are arising there,     certain areas.
                                                                                                     Meanwhile, there has been a fall of over
    often because part-time contracts are all         it is an indictment of the current system      50% in the numbers applying for places on
    that are on offer in particular subject areas

6   november/december 2018 - TUi NeWS
News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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the Professional Master of education            attempting to make ends meet, often               survey, 52% said that they would not advise
(PMe) postgraduate teacher education            relying on family to supplement income. i         a younger relative to pursue the profession
courses between 2011 and 2018. it is no         know of teachers who struggle to get by           of teaching.
coincidence that this comes at a time           on contracts of just four or six hours a
when the hDip allowance, formerly               week. A TUi survey earlier this year found        This crisis in recruitment and retention is
payable to holders of the qualification, was    that just 22% of new entrants to teaching         damaging to students, schools and to the
withheld for new entrants, as was a             received a contract for full hours in their       thousands of young teachers that we lose
starting point on the scale that recognised     first year of teaching. The stark effect is       to other jurisdictions or other forms of
the training period.                            that four out of every five new teachers at       employment. Until full pay equality and full-
                                                second level earn just a fraction of the          time hours are delivered, these problems
Another significant factor is that it is a      starting salary. Moreover, they get their         will endure, and everybody will suffer.
rarity that a second level teacher earns a      first teaching post at an average age of 26,
‘full’ salary from the get-go. The great                                                          This article by TUI President Seamus Lahart was
                                                often saddled with debt after six years of
majority start with part-time hours and         study. Strikingly and worryingly, in the same     originally published on

tui in the media
A sample of recent issues addressed by TUI in the national media
teacher supply action Plan                      said with better employment options               oecd education at a Glance
The Teachers’ Union of ireland (TUi) said       available elsewhere, graduates will vote          report
the plan does not address the root causes       with their feet and schools will continue         TUi President Seamus Lahart said failure
of the current crisis in irish schools, which   to struggle to recruit and retain suitably        to invest in education is an attack on the
it says are pay inequality, the continuing      qualified teachers across a range of              most vulnerable. he said the report made
casualisation of the profession and absence     subjects. The union said its campaign will        clear that it was those from disadvantaged
of promotional opportunities.                   continue until pay equality is achieved. -        backgrounds who suffered most from flat-
                                                RTE 26/10/18                                      lining or declining education budgets. “The
TUi president Seamus Lahart said: “Any                                                            failure of successive irish governments to
merit that the proposals may have is            third level funding crisis                        invest appropriately in irish education is a
greatly diluted by the failure to               The availability of college places for today’s    sustained attack on the most vulnerable in
supplement them with substantive                first-class pupils is at risk unless there is     communities across the country.
measures that tackle the real issues. This      urgent Government action on funding, it           investment in education pays huge
means that the action plan is little more       has been warned in an unprecedented,              dividends to society in terms of increased
than a list of ‘sticking plaster’ measures.”    unified statement by third-level leaders,         tax and social contributions and to the
                                                staff and students. it was issued by the          individual in terms of better life
he said teacher recruitment problems are        irish Universities Association, Technological     prospects,” he said. - Irish Independent
likely to worsen in the coming years over       higher education Association                      11/9/18
pay inequality, “because the discrimination     (representing institutes of technology),
is most significant in the initial years of     Union of Students in ireland, and academic        ‘sticking-plaster’ measures won’t
employment as a teacher.” - Irish               staff unions, the irish Federation of             resolve recruitment and retention
Examiner 9/11/18                                University Teachers and Teachers’ Union of        issues
                                                ireland. - Irish Examiner 27/9/18                 ‘As with previous sticking-plaster
national ballot result – campaign
                                                                                                  measures, the proposal to introduce
to continue                                     Proposal on new entrant pay                       quotas on certain teacher training areas
TUi president Seamus Lahart said                ‘The TUi’s concern about the crisis of            seeks to tackle the symptoms rather than
members had decided “that this proposal         teacher recruitment and retention                 curing the disease of the current crisis of
represents another step in the campaign         remains,” it said. “As a result, schools will     recruitment and retention. Schools are
for pay equality. The measure will allow        continue to struggle – and in some cases          innovative and will do everything they can
new and recent entrants to progress up          fail - to recruit and retain suitably qualified   to provide the full range of subjects, but it
the scale quicker. however, it does not         teachers across a range of subjects.” -           is becoming increasingly difficult to do so.
secure pay equality.’ - Irish                   Newstalk, 24/9/18                                 in many instances, spiralling
Independent 26/10/18
                                                                                                  accommodation costs in urban areas are
                                                TUi member David Waters and TUi
“There is no such thing as partial pay                                                            resulting in teachers choosing to seek
                                                General Secretary John MacGabhann
equality and the continuing injustice of                                                          opportunities in other parts of the
                                                interviewed on injustice of discriminatory
discrimination against new and recent                                                             country. however, this is only one factor,
                                                pay on RTE's Six One News 24/9/18
entrants to teaching remains to be                                                                as we have also had reports from rural
comprehensively addressed.” Mr Lahart                                                             areas that similar recruitment issues are
                                                                                                  arising there.’ - TUI President Seamus
                                                                                                  Lahart, Irish Times Letters 6/9/18
                                                                                                        - TUi NeWS              7
News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui neWs

    housing crisis having a hugely
    damaging effect on education

    On 3rd October, TUi joined
    other trade unions, political
    parties, students' unions,
    housing agencies and
    community and campaign
    groups in a rally outside
    Leinster house to demand
    action on the housing crisis.

    The crisis is having a devastating
    impact on the educational
    aspirations of a growing number
    of families, with the
    unacceptable situation of
    children living and studying in
    unsuitable, emergency
    accommodation, often located
    at significant distances from
    their schools.

    in addition, new and recently
    qualified teachers are being
    priced out of the rental market
    in urban centres, while in the
    current climate, the first rung
                                          SOMe OF TUi DeLeGATiON AT rAiSe The rOOF DeMONSTrATiON
    on the property ladder is
    nowhere within grasping
    distance for most. Clearly, this is
    a key factor in the recruitment
    and retention crisis afflicting
    schools around the country.

    Government must, as a matter
    of extreme urgency, invest in
    and implement an extensive
    programme for the provision of
    social and affordable housing.
    The ideologically blinkered
    approach of looking to the
    private sector is exacerbating
    the crisis. Therefore, rather than
    relying excessively on a self-
    interested private sector – an
    approach that has manifestly
    failed - government must re-
    instate the local authorities as
    providers of such housing and
    release the necessary funding.

                                          rAiSe The rOOF DeMONSTrATiON

8    november/december 2018 - TUi NeWS
News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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tui in joint call for Government
to address higher education
funding crisis
Students and staff unions join with third-level representative bodies to
demand government response
in an unprecedented move, unions                                                John MacGabhann, General Secretary of            TUi described the additional €57m in
representing students and teaching staff                                        TUi said that the failure by government to       current funding announced for higher
have joined forces with the representative                                      prioritise investment in higher education        education in Budget 2019 as being ‘woefully
bodies of universities and institutes of                                        ‘has significantly diminished the quality of     inadequate’, stating that denial of the
technology to call on the government to                                         the student experience and is causing            oxygen of public investment is choking the
respond to the growing crisis in higher                                         reputational injury to the nation’s higher       life of a prime national asset.
education funding. The TUi, the irish                                           education institutions.’
University Association (iUA), The
Technological higher education Association
(TheA), Union of Students in ireland (USi)
and irish Federation of University Teachers
(iFUT) united in their demands.
in a joint statement the group said: “This is
the first time that students and staff unions
and advocacy bodies representing the
higher education institutions have come
together to call collectively for action.
Government clearly knows what the
problem is; now, they need to start fixing it.
if urgent action is not taken, there’s a real
risk that today’s 7 and 8-year old primary
school students will not have sufficient
college places available to them in 2030
when the demographic bulge peaks with an
additional 40,000 students seeking to access
third level.”

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                                                                                                                                      - TUi NeWS           9
News Vol.41 / no.3 november/december 2018 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui neWs

     Maternity leave – your
     questions answered

     how much maternity                              informed and the maternity leave will be        The applicant is responsible for completion
     leave am i entitled to?
                                                     extended to ensure that 4 weeks maternity       of the form and should ensure that the
                                                     leave are taken following the birth.            school/eTB completes the employer’s
     Teachers are entitled to 26 weeks maternity                                                     portion before forwarding to the
     leave and 16 weeks additional unpaid            can i take unpaid leave                         Department of employment Affairs and
                                                     following maternity
     maternity leave.                                                                                Social Protection at least 6 weeks prior to

     When does maternity                             leave?
                                                                                                     the start date. The form should NOT be
                                                                                                     sent to the Department of education and
     leave start?                                    Commencing on the day immediately               Skills.

                                                                                                     how will i be paid during
     Maternity leave will ordinarily begin on such   following completion of maternity leave, a
                                                     teacher has the option to take a maximum
                                                                                                     maternity leave?
     day as the pregnant teacher selects, unless
     medically certified that the leave should       of 16 consecutive weeks statutory
     commence on a particular date. however,         additional unpaid maternity leave.
                                                                                                     Continuation of salary during maternity
                                                     can i take unpaid leave
     the commencement date must not be later                                                         leave is not a statutory entitlement and is
     than 2 weeks before the end of the week of
                                                     to the end of the school
                                                                                                     contingent upon compliance with the
     the baby’s expected birth and four weeks                                                        agreed terms and conditions of this scheme.
     must be taken after the end of the week of
     the baby’s birth. For these purposes,
                                                     year?                                           Under the Department of employment
     Saturday is regarded as the end of a week.      On completion of maternity leave and            Affairs and Social Protection regulations any
                                                     statutory additional unpaid maternity leave,    Maternity Benefit payable by the
     Teachers may also take cognisance of the        a teacher may apply for non-statutory           Department of employment Affairs and
     Department of employment Affairs and            additional unpaid maternity leave to the end    Social Protection to PrSi contributors at
     Social Protection rules whereby eligibility     of the school year.                             the full rate (Class A), will issue directly to
     for maternity benefit does not normally                                                         the teacher in question. A deduction from
     commence until the 24th week of                 in the context of this leave the end of the
                                                                                                     salary equivalent to the maximum weekly
     pregnancy and ends when maternity leave         school year is taken to mean August 31st.
                                                                                                     rate of Maternity Benefit payable to the
     ceases.                                         For example, if all the other leave types
                                                                                                     teacher will initially be applied by the
                                                     referred to above were to expire by May
     What happens if i give
                                                     4th, and the teacher in question wished to

     birth before i have
                                                     remain out of school for the rest of the        Under the Department of employment
                                                     school year, rather than return for a short
     commenced maternity
                                                                                                     Affairs and Social Protection regulations,
                                                     period, then the non-statutory additional       PrSi contributors at the modified rate
                                                     unpaid leave must continue until August         (Class D) have no entitlement to Maternity
                                                     31st inclusive.                                 Benefit. Therefore no deduction is applied
     if the birth occurs in a week before a
     teacher has commenced her maternity                                                             to their salary and they remain on their
                                                     This leave type is not a statutory
     leave then the maternity leave must                                                             ordinary rate of pay.
                                                     entitlement and it is subject to obtaining
     commence immediately and the employer           written sanction from the employer at least     if the amount of benefit payable to the
     must be informed.                               six weeks in advance of an intention to avail   teacher is less than the maximum, or if a
     What happens if i give
                                                     of this leave.                                  person is not entitled to any Maternity

     birth after the expected                        When should i apply for
                                                                                                     Benefit, they should notify their payroll
                                                                                                     section immediately to ensure that the
     date and there are less                         maternity leave?                                salary adjustments are correct. Changes to

     than 4 weeks maternity                          Application for maternity leave, both paid      the automatic deduction can be made
                                                                                                     provided the teacher furnishes a copy of
     leave remaining?
                                                     and unpaid, should be made by teachers to
                                                     their employer at least 6 weeks in advance      the Department of employment Affairs and
     if the birth occurs after the expected date     of commencement of the leave. Application       Social Protection’s written notice of the
     and there are less than 4 weeks of              should be made on the prescribed                actual Benefit rate applicable, if any, to the
     maternity leave remaining, then the             application form - available from the           relevant employer/payroll section.
     employer/Department of employment               Department of education website.
                                                                                                     Maternity Benefit payment will be treated
     Affairs and Social Protection must be
                                                                                                     as taxable income.

10    november/december 2018 - TUi NeWS
tui neWs

am i entitled to time off
for ante-natal care
appointments, post-
natal care appointments
and attendance at ante-
natal classes.
Pregnant teachers are entitled to time off
work, without loss of pay, to:

(a) attend medical appointments related to
    ante-natal care,

(b) attend one set of ante-natal classes in a
    working career, other than the last 3
    classes in such a set, and

(c) attend medical appointments related to
    post-natal care within 14 weeks of the

if a pregnant teacher misses particular ante-
natal classes in a set then it is permitted
that during a subsequent pregnancy, or
pregnancies, she may attend classes
equivalent to those missed.

An expectant father is entitled to time off
work, without loss of pay, to attend the last   Where a risk has been identified and it is        health and Safety Leave will cease when:
two ante-natal classes in a set attended by     not possible to remove it, protective and
the pregnant mother.                            preventive measures should be taken to            (a) the teacher concerned commences
                                                safeguard the health of any teacher to                maternity leave, or
Two weeks’ notice should be given for each      whom the provisions apply, such as:
absence referred to in this section and                                                           (b) the teacher is no longer an employee
appropriate certification provided.             (a) a temporary adjustment in the working
                                                    environment of the teacher concerned          (c) the risk ceases
health and safety of
                                                                                                  can i postpone my leave
                                                    so that exposure to the risk is avoided,

pregnant, post-natal,
                                                                                                  entitlements in the
and breastfeeding
                                                                                                  event of hospitalisation
                                                (b) in the event that such adjustment is not
teachers                                            possible, by moving the teacher to

The Safety, health, and Welfare at Work Act
                                                    suitable alternative work which does          of my child
                                                    not entail the risk, or
2005 and the Safety, health and Welfare at                                                        in the event of the hospitalisation of the
Work (General Application) regulations                                                            child, a request may be made to the
                                                (c) in the event that such alternative work
2007 (S.i. No. 299 of 2007) place an                                                              employer for postponement of maternity
                                                     is not available, and having consulted
obligation on the employer, as soon as it is                                                      leave or statutory additional unpaid
                                                     with and received certification from the
notified by the teacher that she is pregnant,                                                     Maternity Leave
                                                     Occupational health Service (OhS), by
to assess any specific risk in the workplace         granting the teacher health and safety
to that teacher and to ensure that the               leave. The teacher is entitled to receive,   ■ Maternity Leave can only be postponed
pregnant, post-natal, or breastfeeding               on request, a certificate stating the           after at least 14 weeks of the leave has
teacher is not exposed to any agents,                reasons why she has been granted                expired, 4 weeks of which must have
processes or working conditions that will            leave. The certificate must also state          been taken after the week of the child’s
damage either the safety or health of the            the start date and expected end date of
pregnant teacher and/or that of the                                                                  birth. Postponement of the leave will
                                                     the leave. Maternity related health &
developing child.                                    Safety Leave can be granted in respect          require the absent teacher to resume
                                                     of more than one period, provided the           duties in the school during the period of
The teacher should be informed of the                conditions outlined in 9.1 and 9.2              postponement.
results of the risk assessment and the               above are fulfilled for each such period
measures to be taken.                                concerned.                                   ■ An application for postponement must

                                                                                                       - TUi NeWS            11
tui neWs

        be made in writing to the employer,         i am a fixed term/fixed                        am i entitled to
        accompanied by certification from the
                                                    Purpose teacher can i                          breastfeeding breaks in
                                                    avail of maternity leave?                      my school?
        hospital in which the child is
        hospitalised. The employer must notify
                                                    A teacher who is on a fixed term/fixed         yes. Following representations by the
        the teacher in writing as soon as
                                                    purpose contract of employment shall have      TUi (and the other teacher unions) at
        possible of its decision. if the leave is   full maternity leave entitlements during the   the Teachers’ Conciliation Council, the
        postponed, the employer and the             term of the contract. The granting or taking   provision for breastfeeding breaks has
        teacher must agree the date of return       of maternity leave entitlements should not     significantly increased.
        to work.                                    affect a fixed term/fixed purpose
                                                    appointment or the renewing of such an         Within a 104 week period after the
     ■ The Department/eTB, and the                  appointment.                                   birth of the child, a teacher who has
        Department of employment Affairs and                                                       returned to work may avail of
                                                    Maternity related entitlements shall cease     breastfeeding breaks, without loss of pay,
        Social Protection must be notified
                                                    on expiry of the contract unless that          for up to one hour per day for the
        immediately if the teacher is to return     contract is followed directly by a ‘back to    purpose of breastfeeding or lactation.
        to work in order to facilitate pay          back’ contract in an approved teaching post
        adjustment and cease any benefit from       funded by monies provided by the               A teacher who qualifies for this
        the Department of employment Affairs        Oireachtas.                                    provision must notify her employer in

                                                    if i am on maternity
        and Social Protection.                                                                     writing of her intention to avail of such
                                                                                                   breaks at least four weeks in advance. A
     ■ The postponed leave must be taken in         leave should i be                              copy of the birth certificate of the child

                                                    notified of any posts of
        one continuous period commencing not                                                       must be submitted with the application
                                                                                                   for breastfeeding breaks.
                                                    responsibility that may
        later than 7 days after the discharge of

                                                    arise in my school?
        the child from hospital. The maximum                                                       ■ Breastfeeding breaks may be taken in
        period for postponement of the leave is                                                      the form of:
        6 months.                                   yes, you are entitled to be notified.
                                                                                                     a) one break of 60 minutes, or
                                                    am i entitled to work
                                                                                                     b) two breaks of 30 minutes each, or
     ■ The teacher must provide the employer
                                                    during maternity leave?
                                                                                                     c) three breaks of 20 minutes each
        with a letter or other appropriate                                                         ■ The pattern of breastfeeding breaks
        document from the hospital, or the          Teachers are not permitted to engage in          should be agreed following
        child’s doctor, confirming the child’s      any paid employment during the course of         consultation between the employer
        discharge date.                             their maternity leave. Under the
                                                                                                     and the teacher. employers should
                                                    Department of employment Affairs and
     ■ if the teacher becomes ill having            Social Protection regulations, Maternity         take reasonable measures to
        returned to work and before he/she has      Benefit may be terminated in the event that      facilitate the pattern of breastfeeding
                                                    paid employment is taken up while on             breaks as requested, while having
        taken the postponed leave, he/she will
                                                    maternity leave. Any salary payment from         due regard to the welfare and
        be considered to have started the           the Department/eTB may have to be
        postponed leave on the first day of                                                          educational needs of pupils.
                                                    reviewed in the event of termination of
        absence due to illness unless the           Maternity Benefit arising from non-            ■ A teacher on less than full hours may
        teacher notifies the employer that          compliance with the terms of the
                                                                                                       avail of breastfeeding breaks on a
                                                    Department of employment Affairs and
        he/she does not wish to begin the                                                              pro- rata basis.
                                                    Social Protection scheme.
        postponed leave. if this happens he/she
                                                    am i entitled to days in
        will forfeit the postponed leave and the                                                   A teacher availing of breastfeeding

                                                    lieu for days of
                                                                                                   breaks who ceases to breastfeed should
        absence will be treated as Sick Leave.
                                                                                                   notify her employer in writing as soon as
                                                    maternity leave that
        The normal procedures in relation to                                                       possible.

                                                    clash with holidays?
        Sick Leave should then be followed,
        including the furnishing of a medical                                                      Substitute cover for breastfeeding breaks is
        certificate where appropriate.              entitlement to days in lieu was effectively    not paid by the Department. At post
                                                    eliminated as a result of a budgetary          primary level, the breaks should be covered
                                                    measure that became effective in 2013.         through the Supervision and Substitution

12   november/december 2018 - TUi NeWS
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leave entitlem
        tui neWs

             faMily leaVe                                     Purpose                                       Paid                              Maximum Period

           force MaJeure                         Urgent tending to an ill person                             yes                       A maximum of three days in each
                                                    for whom you have caring                                                           period of 12 months or five days
                                                     responsibilities, including                                                                 in 36 months
                                                 accompanying to the hospital in
                                                       emergency situations
      faMily BereaVeMent                          Leave related to bereavement                               yes                         5 days in the case of a spouse,
                                                                                                                                       child or parent; 3 days in the case
                                                                                                                                        of a brother, sister, grand-parent,
                                                                                                                                          aunt, uncle or parent-in-law.

          MarriaGe leaVe                        Member’s own wedding and days                                yes                           7 consecutive calendar days
                                                either side (if workplace is open)                                                          (including the date of the

          adoPtiVe leaVe                          To allow adopting member a                                 yes                        24 consecutive weeks (& option
                                                period of time upon placement of                                                           of additional unpaid leave)
                                                          adopted child

         Paternity leaVe                        Caring responsibilities soon after                           yes                       2 weeks within 6 months of birth
                                                the birth or placement of a child

          Parental leaVe                         Care of Children under 13 and                               No                                 18 weeks per child
                                                children with Special educational
                                                        Needs under 16

         Maternity leaVe                                Birth and early Care                                 yes                        26 consecutive weeks (& option
                                                                                                                                           of additional unpaid leave)

            carer’s leaVe                           Care for person medically                                No                           104 weeks (in respect of one
                                                    certified as in need of care                                                               relevant person)

            career Break                        Break from normal duties for the                             No                           Minimum 1 year duration,
                                                 purpose of caring, study, travel                                                      maximum of 10 school years in a
                                                              etc.                                                                       career. Maximum of 5 years
                                                                                                                                           consecutively. A separate
                                                                                                                                       application is required in respect
                                                                                                                                                  of each year.
             JoB-sharinG                           Work flexibility for family or                            yes                             Minimum/ Maximum is
                                                         other reasons                                                                      Unspecified – A separate
                                                                                                                                        application is required in respect
                                                                                                                                                   of each year
     Terms & Conditions of employment for registered Teachers in recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools (Web-Book) is available at
     All Circular Letters are available from or
     All legislation is available at

14   november/december 2018 - TUi NeWS
ments checklist
                                                                                                       tui neWs

  Paid substitution cover                 details – teachers               details – other etB                  details – lecturers
  yes, apart from first day. S&S is        Circular Letter 17/99       The TUi is currently negotiating      The Parental Leave Acts 1998
      used to cover first day.                                         this circular with the DeS. in the             and 2006
                                                                         interim the provisions of the
                                                                         Parental Leave Acts 1998 and
                                                                                   2006 apply

                yes                        Circular Letter 19/00         The TUi is currently negotiating          As per ioT policy
                                                                        this circular with the DeS. in the
                                                                       interim, custom and practice is to
                                                                           apply the provisions of the
                                                                                 teachers’ circular

                No                     As per DeS or eTB policy as             As per eTB policy                   As per ioT policy

                yes                        Terms & Conditions of            Circular Letter 65/2016          Adoptive Leave Acts 1995 and
                                        employment for registered                                            2005, Circular Letter 22/2013
                                      Teachers in recognised Primary
                                      and Post Primary Schools (Web-
                                         Book) – Chapter 6 (pg. 53)

                yes                        Terms & Conditions of            Circular Letter 66/2016             Circular Letter 69/2016
                                         employment for registered
                                      Teachers in recognised Primary
                                      and Post Primary Schools (Web-
                                         Book) – Chapter 5 (pg. 47)
 Fixed-Term cover for extended             Terms & Conditions of        The TUi is currently negotiating     Parental Leave Acts 1998 and
     period of parental leave.          employment for registered      this circular with the DeS. in the    2006 and the european Union
 Substitution for shorter periods.    Teachers in recognised Primary    interim, the Parental Leave Acts      (Parental Leave) regulations
                                      and Post Primary Schools (Web-   1998 and 2006 and the european          2013 (S.i. No. 81 of 2013)
                                         Book) – Chapter 7 (pg. 65)          Union (Parental Leave)
                                                                        regulations 2013 (S.i. No. 81 of
                                                                                   2013) apply.
   Fixed-Term cover – specific             Terms & Conditions of            Circular Letter 80/2015          The Maternity Protection Acts
            purpose                     employment for registered                                            1994 and 2004, Circular Letter
                                      Teachers in recognised Primary                                                   22/2013
                                      and Post Primary Schools (Web-
                                         Book) – Chapter 4 (pg. 33)

  Fixed-Term cover for extended            Terms & Conditions of          Circular Letter 0078/2015           The Carer’s Leave Act 2001
      period of carer’s leave.          employment for registered
 Substitution for shorter periods.    Teachers in recognised Primary
                                      and Post Primary Schools (Web-
                                        Book) – Chapter 10 (pg. 91)

     Fixed Term replacement                Terms & Conditions of          Circular Letter 0079/2015                As per ioT policy
   Appointed if school is within        employment for registered
 allocation (may receive a CiD as     Teachers in recognised Primary
   per Ward and Cush reports)         and Post Primary Schools (Web-
                                         Book) – Chapter 8 (pg. 75)

   Fixed Term replacement                  Terms & Conditions of        The TUi is currently negotiating           As per ioT policy
  Appointed if school is within         employment for registered       this circular with the DeS. in the
           allocation                 Teachers in recognised Primary   interim, custom and practice is to
                                      and Post Primary Schools (Web-          apply the eTB’s policy
                                         Book) – Chapter 9 (pg. 80)

                                                                                                       - TUi NeWS         15
tui neWs

16   november/december 2018 - TUi NeWS
tui neWs

education for Persons with special educational
needs (ePsen) act, 2004
advice to members
individual education Plan (ieP)                     capacity to deliver the level of service promised    ■ individual education Plans (iePs) for SeN
Preparation of an individual education Plan (ieP)   in the ePSeN Act.                                         students
for each child with assessed special educational    ___________________________                          it also applies to any proxy for an ieP, that has
needs was a keystone provision of the ePSeN                                                              not been the subject of consultation and
Act 2004. however, when the Act was                 TUi members are committed to providing an
                                                    education of the highest quality to all children,    agreement with the Union. in this regard,
introduced, the National Council for Special                                                             members are advised to advise the Union of any
educational Needs (NCSe) accepted the TUi’s         irrespective of ability, but are routinely
                                                    obstructed in their efforts by a post-primary        attempt to implement what may, in practical
trenchant view that that implementation of iePs                                                          terms, be iePs variously styled as
would have major resource implications for          environment that is chronically and grossly
schools. The Government also took account of        under-resourced, not least in respect of special     ■ individual Learning Plans (iLPs) for SeN
this view when deciding (in 2008) not to            educational needs.                                        students
commence those sections of the ePSeN Act            it is the moral and legal responsibility of the      ■ individual Action Plans (iAPs) for SeN
related to iePs.                                    State, acting through the DeS, to provide the             students
                                                                                                         ■ Student Support Files (SSFs) or Student
advice to members                                   resources that will facilitate effective
                                                                                                              Support Plans (SSPs) for SeN students.
The sections of the ePSeN Act that relate to        introduction of the requisite range of supports -
individual education Plans (iePs) have not yet      including iePs - for students with special           This list may not be exhaustive.
been commenced. As a result, a statutory            educational needs.                                   Members should particularly note that the
entitlement to an individual education Plan does                                                         above advice does not apply to normal,
                                                    The Union will not countenance an
not currently exist and will not exist until the                                                         professionally appropriate and sustainable
                                                    opportunistic transfer of that responsibility (or
relevant sections of the Act are commenced by                                                            (classroom) planning by teachers for
                                                    of the associated culpability) from the State to
Ministerial order.                                                                                       differentiated teaching and learning that takes
                                                                                                         due account of the strengths and needs of the
Moreover, until and unless the DeS/Government       in this regard, the TUi will oppose, by whatever     students they serve and of the contexts in
provides the requisite resourcing, particularly     means necessary, the imposition of the very          which they teach.
with regard to time and training, it is neither     significant additional workload on teachers,
realistic nor manageable to introduce iePs.                                                              youthreach centres
                                                    including principal teachers, that such a transfer
                                                                                                         Please note that TUi members working in
Therefore, in the absence of appropriate            of responsibility would involve. The Union will
                                                                                                         youthreach Centres are also advised not to
resourcing, TUi members cannot be required          support members in applying this advice.
                                                                                                         engage in devising or in the implementation of,
and should not attempt to implement iePs.           ___________________________
                                                                                                         individual Learning Plans (iLPs)/individual Action
To do so would create the false impression for      This advice applies specifically to the generation   Plans (iAPs) unless the centre in which they
parents/guardians that a school has a developed     of:                                                  work is in receipt of the dedicated SeNi

                                                                                                                 - TUi NeWS               17
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tui neWs

     actionaid speech Writing
     competition 2019
     ActionAid is inviting all young people aged      Choice of topics:
     14 to 17 years old to enter its national         ■ if women had equal access
     Speech Writing Competition 2019. The                to the workforce
     Speech competition, now in its fifth year,          countries would develop
     aims to engage young people with gender             more.
     equality and global issues, whilst developing
                                                      ■ Men and boys need to play                      prize for the two winning students is a trip
     their public speaking, research skills and
                                                         a larger part in tackling gender equality     to ActionAid in Greece. Closing date for
     confidence. Students choose one topic from
                                                         for women.                                    entries is 18 January 2019. The competition
     the list and write a speech - roughly
                                                                                                       is funded by irish Aid who fund ActionAid’s
     between 850 and 1,000 words (no more             ■ Gender equality is fundamental for
                                                                                                       Women’s rights Programme in Kenya,
     than 10 minutes).                                    every aspect of sustainable
                                                                                                       ethiopia and Nepal. For more details about
                                                                                                       the competition and how to enter visit
                                                      eight students will be invited to the national
                                                      final in Dublin to deliver their speech in       competition.

     cycle of life: ysi students get creative for
                                                      front of an esteemed panel of judges. The

     african farmers
     every year, thousands of young people from       ySi, teams are challenged to not only come       young Social innovators currently offers
     all over ireland are challenged to come up       up with creative responses to a real life        social innovation programmes for both
     with innovative solutions to social issues       issues but to put their ideas into action and    senior and junior cycle participants.
     facing people and the planet.                    assess the level of impact achieved.
                                                                                                       To find out more, and to receive your free
     The issues are youth-led and the innovative      Students develop key 21st century skills and     Guide to Social innovation education, call
     responses develop out of a structured            important social and interpersonal skills        01 645 8030, email
     programme that covers concepts such as           that complement the formal curriculum and or visit
     human-centred design, design for                 all of this is done through engaging in
     sustainable living and the integration of        community and social justice issues in fun
     Science, Technology, engineering, Art and        and creative ways.
     Mathematics (STeAM) into suggested

     Portmarnock Community School has a
     longstanding relationship with the Kingdom
     of Lesotho in Africa and the Dublin
     students have previously worked on a
     successful humanitarian mapping project for
     this small, landlocked country. Last year, the
     ySi team in Portmarnock chose to address
     issues facing small farmers in this region and
     their innovative solution was the “Bicycle of

     Working with the farmers to identify their
     needs, the students’ invention provides a
     simple and cost-effective solution that
     reduces soil erosion through a low-till

     The team went on to win the ‘Make Our
     World One World’ Challenge, sponsored by
     World Wise Global Schools at the young
     Social innovators of the year Awards 2018.
                                        In their efforts to find a simple, cost-effective solution for farmers in Lesotho in Southern
     informal education programmes such those
                                     Africa, this team of young social innovators from Portmarnock Community School in Co. Dublin
     provided by young Social innovators are
                                       created an innovative crop-sowing machine using recycled bicycles.The ‘Cycle of Life’ team
     powerful because they are student-led,
                                                went on to win the ‘Make Our World One World’ Challenge Category at the
     team-based and action focussed. Through
                                                              Young Social Innovators of the Year Awards 2018.
20    november/december 2018 - TUi NeWS
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