Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.

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Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.
Civil Service Quarterly
               SUMMER 2018

               forging a
               new future
               civil service divisional conference 2018
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.
Summer 2018 CSQ
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.

   Civil Service Quarterly

                                   United and ready
        SUMMER 2018

                                   as never before...
              Derek Mullen
              asst editor:
             Róisín McKane

                                   This is the second edition of Civil         time with conference seeking a row
                                   Service Quarterly, the magazine for         back on additional hours introduced
                                   members in the civil service division       as part of the Haddington road
                                   of fórsa. The first edition of the           agreement.
                                   magazine was edited by my colleague           Hr shared services, or PeoplePoint
                                   sean carabini who has now moved to          as it was called, is now a major priority
    fórsa civil service division   the education division of the union         following 11 motions at conference
                                   and i wish him well for the future in his   calling for a fundamental review of
         Tel +353 1 817 1500       exciting new assignment.                    services up to full closure and a return
         Tel +353 1 676 5394         as i write this editorial we are about    of Hr services to line departments.
          Email      to embark on our journey back to            discussions continue with senior
                                   Killarney for the inaugural main            dPer officials on this important
                                   conference of fórsa which                   matter. Time for Government to
                                   will be opened by President                 sit up and listen on this one.
                                   Michael d Higgins on 16th May.                in this edition we report on
         copy editing/design:
                                   This conference will bring together         conference including the key issues
            Brazier Media          delegates from all divisions of the         referred to here and indeed on
             Printed by:           union, many to meet for the first           important work on-going across the
               Mahons              time under the fórsa banner.                civil service.
                                     The main conference follows what            The strength of the new union was
                                   was judged to be a very successful          palpable in Killarney and hopefully
                                   first civil service conference at the       more so as we gather in May for the
                                   same venue in april at which niall          main conference with approximately
                                   McGuirk was elected chairperson and         1,000 delegates expected to attend,
                                   ann McGee and ronan Bolger were             with one thing in common – all looking
                                   elected as vice chairs.                     to the future for full restoration and
                                     if there was one resounding               continuing improvements in pay and
                                   message from the civil service              terms and conditions of employment
                                   conference it was that we clearly have      and – importantly – as part of our new
                                   much more in common than we could           union fórsa, the strongest voice for
                                   ever have imagined. delegates from          civil and public servants in ireland
                                   former constituencies gelled together       today.
                                   on important debates on shared                                   Derek Mullen
                                   services, new entrants’ pay and                                             Editor
                                   working time, setting a considerable
                                   agenda for the incoming executive
                                   and Head office team for 2018 and
                                     clearly not every issue is open to
                                   early resolution. However, the
                                   conference has set the agenda,
                                   declared its priorities and the work
                                   begins. indeed, as reported in this
                                   edition, initial talks with Government
                                   are beginning to scope out solutions
                                   on new entry pay. although possible
                                   solutions will not be easily found – as
                                   is the case with additional working

CSQ Summer 2018
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.
Survey results

80% report problems
with Hr shared services
Delegates at Fórsa’s recent Civil Service Divi-                                                                            works at all is down to the dedication of the

                                                                                                  Picture: Domnick Walsh
sion conference have called for a fundamental                                                                              civil servants employed there. They’ve had an
review of the centralised HR shared services                                                                               extraordinarily difficult time in recent years as
system, formerly known as PeoplePoint, after                                                                               they try to make a poorly designed system
a survey of members revealed that 83% of re-                                                                               function.
spondents had experienced problems with it.                                                                                  “But the problem of overpayments, which
   A number of motions to the conference held                                                                              has reached epidemic proportions, is causing
in Killarney in April also called for HR shared                                                                            great suffering to many civil servants, includ-
services to be scrapped, and for HR services                                                                               ing many in vulnerable financial circumstances,
to be returned to individual departments and                                                                               who have to repay money they do not have.”
agencies.                                                                                                                    Civil servants who are overpaid have to re-
   Speaking during the conference, Fórsa Na-                                                                               turn the money within a year or less.
tional Secretary Derek Mullen said: “The diffi-                                                                              Mullen continued: “The extensive underpay-
culty with HR shared services is this – it is that                                                                         ments and unprecedented delays in paying
the management policy is to take the human                                                                                 people their correct salary once they are ap-
out of human resources.”                                                                                                   pointed or promoted is equally problematic. It’s
   He continued: “We were promised a ‘Brave
New World’ when it was opened in 2013. Even-
tually they set up a call centre. They haven’t                                                                                That Hr shared services
trained staff very well. It’s under-resourced,                                                                                works at all is down to the
with very low morale out there because of the
criticism from the wider Civil Service.                                                                                         dedication of the civil
                 Problems                                                                                                     servants employed there
  “They are our members and we do have to
protect them. Conference today is calling for a
fundamental review of HR services – and if we                                                                              difficult to identify a single aspect of HR
can’t fix the problems in that review I think the                                                                          shared services activity that has not given rise
motions which calls for services to be returned      KeY issUe 10 motions on HR shared services                            to problems.” Survey respondents also ac-
to line departments will be followed up by                                                                                 knowledged that HR shared services staff are
Fórsa.”                                               AT A GLANCE                                                          working under excessively stressful condi-
  More than half of the 1,079 civil servants                                                                               tions, but they expressed frustration that is-
who responded to Fórsa’s survey said their pay       Problems highlighted in survey...                                     sues previously dealt with in good time by local
had been affected by problems encountered                                                                                  HR departments now took much longer to re-
with HR shared services. Another 18% said                                                                                  solve. Mullen said the project, which was intro-
their sick pay had been affected, and 6% said                                                                              duced in 2013 to save €2.5 million a year
pension payments had been hit.                                                                                             through staff cuts, was launched before it was
  The largest single problem encountered was                                                                               ready.
overpayments, which staff must repay (23%),                                                                                   “The IT systems were not fully developed and
followed by problems with sick leave reconcili-                                                                            service level agreements between HR shared
ation (21%), annual leave (19%), payment of                                                                                services and line departments were unrealistic
increments (17%), pay adjustments following                                                                                and lacked penalties.
promotion (13.5%), underpayments (9%), pen-                                                                                   “The staffing requirements were poorly un-
sions and parental leave (7% each).                                                                                        derstood, and the organisation had an overre-
  Some 67% said there were delays resolving                                                                                liance on temporary staff from the outset. Our
their problem and 53% complained of poor                                                                                   members in HR shared services also report a
communications. While 31% said they were                                                                                   lack of adequate training for new staff who,
satisfied with the way their query had been                                                                                with ever-increasing workloads, get little more
processed and resolved, 37% said they were           Overpayments                      23%                                 than ‘on the job’ instruction. As if the system is
not. Almost a third said they were still awaiting                                                                          not difficult enough to navigate, staff aren’t
an outcome.                                          Sick leave reconciliation         21%                                 being given the tools to do the job,” Mullen
  Only 15% said they had registered a formal                                                                               added.
complaint, with more than half stating that          Annual leave                       19%                                   The system is also unable to recognise the
they were unaware of complaints procedures.                                                                                attendance patterns of shift workers and oth-
  Derek Mullen claimed systemic problems             Sick pay affected                 18%                                 ers with atypical working arrangements. As a
with the system meant staff working in HR                                                                                  result, these employees have effectively had
shared services had been placed in an impos-         Increment payments              17%                                   no HR service in recent years.
sible situation – a sentiment reflected in many                                                                               Fórsa said it launched the survey following a
of the 10 conference motions on the subject          Promotion pay                  13.5%                                  huge number of complaints from members, as
submitted by union branches.                                                                                               well as senior management’s denial of the sys-
  He told CSQ: “That HR shared services
                                                     Underpayments                        9%                               temic nature of the problem.
                                                                                                                                                               Summer 2018 CSQ
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.

GreaT TUrnoUT Participants at the charity table quiz in Nerneys Court                                       difficUlT one Table quizzers ponder a real poser

focus         Paul MacSweeney
                                                winners Fortis Trifort – Sean Carabini, Dermot Cawley, Celine McEvoy & Denis Ryan – took honours on the night

                  AGS, Civil Service Division

            There was a full house in at-
            tendance at the Fórsa Youth
            Committee-hosted table quiz
            in Nerney Court, on 3rd May
2018, in aid of Focus Ireland.
  Focus Ireland is Ireland’s leading not-
for-profit charity working to prevent peo-
ple becoming, remaining or returning to
  Focus Ireland’s founder Sister Stanis-
laus Kennedy and Mike Allen, Director of
Advocacy, spoke of the vital services and              focUs foUnder Sr Stanislaus Kennedy spoke at quiz          ToP TaBle The general secretaries’ team
support provided by the organisation in
combatting the homelessness epidemic                  dependent living skills, life satisfaction           PSEU members going by the name Fortis
blighting the lives of thousands of men,              and personal relationships as a result of            Trifort comprising Seán Carabini, AGS,
women and children across the towns                   being housed by Focus Ireland.                       and Civil Service Divisional Executive
and cities of Ireland at present.                        The organisation provides youth hous-             Committee members Denis Ryan and
  The table quiz raised a significant sum             ing services in Clare, Cork, Dublin, Limer-          Dermot Cawley as well as Celine McEvoy.
for the Focus Ireland ‘Housing First for              ick, North Tipperary and Waterford.                  The triumvirate of general secretaries
Youth’ project, a project which has helped               Mike Allen talked of the work carried             came joint third.
supplying accommodation at affordable                 out by Focus Ireland in conjunction with               Special thanks goes to Joe O’Connor,
rent levels for young homeless people as              TUSLA and Limerick City Council in                   Lead Organiser, along with members of
well as providing budgeting and life skills           Housing First for Youth and noted that               the youth committee for organising a
advice and a job path.                                Fórsa has members in all three organisa-             great table quiz for a great cause and to
  Young people housed under the project               tions.                                               Billy Hannigan – compere extraordinaire –
have reported improvements in health, in-                The quiz was won by a team of former              on the night.
CSQ Summer 2018
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.
The General Council is the main industrial relations forum for Civil Service unions, comprising mainly of senior, elected and full-time
                                                                                                                                                  By Derek

officials from Fórsa and other unions as well as senior officials from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER).
The Council is established under the Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme. The Committee meets every month to consider claims
from the union or management side and ongoing policy matters that affect the terms and conditions of civil servants.

claims from conference                                                                                                                  overpayments circular in relation to out of

                                                                                                               Picture: Domnick Walsh
Over the coming months the Staff Panel,                                                                                                 year recoupment had to be amended on foot
which is the union side of the Council will as-                                                                                         of instruction from the Revenue Commission-
sess motions from the inaugural Civil Service                                                                                           ers.
Division conference held in Killarney in mid-                                                                                              This will leave members having to make
April. These motions will become claims be-                                                                                             gross repayments on overpayments that
fore Council where appropriate. Included                                                                                                were received net of tax, leaving individuals
among these will be claims on greater access                                                                                            having to claim tax rebates from Revenue.
to higher scales for the Clerical Officer grade,                                                                                           The implications of this change are also to
equality of pay treatment for the Administra-                                                                                           be discussed over the coming weeks. This im-
                                                                                                                                        portant matter is also being addressed in en-
tive Officer grade, flexibility in starting pay
                                                                                                                                        gagements with senior management over the
for professional and technical grades and im-
                                                                                                                                        review of HR shared services.
proved arrangement for force majeure and
marriage leave.
                                                                                                                                        discipline code
                                                                                                                                        We are also returning shortly to discussions
annual leave                                                                                                                            on the introduction of a disciplinary code for
Motions at the conference also called for
                                                                                                                                        staff on probation. This is an important devel-
more progress on the standardisation of
                                                                                                                                        opment and arises from our discussions on
leave between lower and higher grades. Con-
                                                                                                                                        the main disciplinary code which was revised
ference also noted the progress in terms of
                                                                                                                                        recently. Significantly, the Labour Court has
the recent award of two extra service-based
                                                                                                                                        also judged that employers cannot rely on the
days for COs and EOs and called for the ex-
                                                                                                                                        fact that staff are on probation to defend the
tension of this award to linked departmental                                                                                            lack of a policy.
grades, something that National Secretary
Andy Pike had already been advancing before                                                                                             Mobility
the conference.We also expect a review of                                                                                               We have been advised at Council of a six-
the annual leave circular to commence this                                                                                              week delay in the introduction of the new mo-
year, including the question of the annual                                                                                              bility scheme as DPER try to future-proof the
leave carry-over arrangements.                                                                                                          scheme, particularly in relation to sick leave.
                                                                                                                                        This development, we are advised, will ensure
sick leave and increments                               cil, management issued guidelines to the Civil
                                                                                                                                        that all staff members remain eligible and
There is a lot of business on-going at Council          Service that appeared to legitimise the linkage
                                                                                                                                        their sick leave is considered in the round,
including the controversial linkage of sick             we had complained about. However manage-
                                                                                                                                        along with other factors, at the time a mobil-
leave and increments. This matter was re-               ment deny this was their plan and have agreed                                   ity opportunity arises.
solved in CSO previously but we discovered              to enter discussions with Fórsa and other                                          We are also awaiting draft proposals on
the practice was more widespread, in partic-            unions at a specially convened sub-committee                                    phase 1B that involves mobility within Dublin.
ular the assessment of sick leave on a pro              of Council. The union will be represented by
rata basis over the previous 12 months.                 National Secretaries Derek Mullen and Andy                                      eo sequences
   Anything more than 14 days, which is one             Pike at this forum.                                                             We are also awaiting a revised decision on EO
quarter of the 56-day limit used for promo-                                                                                             liabilities arising out of discussiond on the in-
tional purposes, was being used as a trigger            overpayments                                                                    troduction of the new 60:40 ratio which
to consider whether an increment should be              Just as we were debating HR shared services                                     favours internal promotion over open recruit-
paid.                                                   at the Civil Service Division conference DPER                                   ment, which was agreed as part of the PSSA
   After we raised this matter again at Coun-           were advising us that the policy set out in the                                 talks last year.

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                                                                                                                                                                            Summer 2018 CSQ
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.

Unions engage dPer
over new entrants’ pay
Fórsa and other public service unions affiliated     start of the deal in Jan-                           2018, Fórsa believes that Ireland’s strength-
to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU)         uary 2018 – but the re-                             ening economic and exchequer recovery means
met senior officials from the Department of          port was published                                  it should be possible to start funding it next
Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) in late         significantly earlier.                              year, rather than delaying until 2020 or be-
April in what is expected to be the first of a se-      According to Fórsa,                              yond. That would require funds to be allocated
ries of engagements to address pay equity for        there will initially be a                           in October’s Budget.
public service ‘new entrants’.                       series of engagements                                  “Negotiators must confront the technical
   Fórsa has called on the Government to allo-       dealing with the practi-                            challenges presented by the fact that the
cate funds in October’s Budget to begin short-       calities of equalising the                          length of pay scales varies widely across the
ening pay scales for new entrants next year.         length of pay scales.                               civil and public service. Unions also want to en-
   This would be earlier than originally envis-         The term ‘new en-                                sure that any solution is fair to all new entrants,
aged in the current public sector pay deal, the      trants’ refers to those           Bernard Harbor    regardless of how long they have been em-
Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA).           employed in the civil and                           ployed.”
   The union said this could be done by agree-       public service since January 2011, and they            He added: “Pay equity is a priority for all
ment between the two sides, and pointed out          now constitute nearly one in five of public serv-   trade unions, and every bit of progress in ad-
that other recent public service agreements –        ice workers. Their pay scales are currently two     dressing this injustice has been achieved by
including Croke Park, Haddington Road and            points longer than those of other staff, which      unions collectively, through national pay nego-
Lansdowne Road agreements – had been                 means it takes them two years longer to get to      tiations and public service pay agreements.”
amended or replaced earlier than set out in the      the top of their pay scale.                            The DPER report, titled Examination of Re-
deals and in response to changing fiscal con-           It is understood no money has been bud-          maining Salary Scale issues in Respect of Post-
ditions or other factors.                            geted by the Government to deal with the issue      January 2011 Recruits at Entry Grades,
   The April meeting was scheduled following         in 2018, and Ministers has not yet conceded         identified 60,513 new entrants, who make up
the publication in mid-March of a DPER report        Fórsa’s call for some money to change hands         19% of public service workers. It said fully
looking into salary scales relating to post-Jan-     next year.                                          equalising the pay scales would cost approxi-
uary 2011 recruits at entry grades. Under the           However, Fórsa spokesperson Bernard Har-         mately €199 million. It did not explore the
PSSA, DPER accepted a commitment to pub-             bor told CSQ: “This is an equity issue and, while   issue of allowances withheld from new en-
lish the information within 12 months of the         no money has been allocated to resolve it in        trants.

                                                                                                                           i’m really
                                                                                                                           Doggie delegate at the
                                                                                                                           divisional conference in
                                                                                                                           Killarney has a breather
                                                                                                                           after all the debate...
                                                                                                                           More pix from divisional
                                                                                                                           conference: centre pages
                                                                                                                                     Picture: Domnick Walsh

CSQ Summer 2018
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.

down to
Derek Mullen

                                                                                                          Pictures: Domnick Walsh
The inaugural conference of the Civil Service
Division was held on 19th and 20th April at the
INEC Killarney. More than 600 delegates at-
tended from across the Civil Service taking
part in what was a hugely successful first out-      welcoMinG addresses Joint Chairpersons
ing for the Civil Service Division.                  Niall McGuirk, Ann McGee and Kieran Sheehan
   The combined delegates of the former
unions joined together under the Fórsa banner        dress, made it clear that the next opportunity
and it was their collective contribution on a se-    to deal with the matter in a realistic way was in
ries of key debates that made the conference         the next round of pay bargaining.
the success it was.                                     One of the most difficult debates at the con-
   Joint chairs Niall McGuirk, Ann McGee and         ference dealt with PeoplePoint or HR shared
                                                                                                                                                    eXPerT advice Billy Hannigan
Kieran Sheehan welcomed delegates and                services as it is now known. Delegates moved
made strong opening speeches stressing the           11 motions, ranging from a call for a funda-                                     Billy Hannigan, National Secretary
importance of what we had done in creating           mental review of the service to a full closure                                   and resident pensions expert in Fórsa,
Fórsa and the opportunities it now gave us to        with the return of HR transactions to line de-                                   delivered a detailed presentation on this
make advances for our members.                       partments.                                                                       key issue at the conference. What Billy
   The strength and unity of delegates was              Responding to the debate, National Secre-                                     outlined in the presentation left dele-
clear to see in the INEC and there was consid-       tary Derek Mullen commended the hard work                                        gates with much to ponder over – and one
erable pride in what we had achieved in creat-       of members in shared services. He told dele-                                     of the unintended (or not) consequences
ing the biggest public service union in Ireland.     gates: “That HR shared services works at all is                                  of this was a deluge of queries he
   What was remarkable about this conference         down to the dedication of the civil servants                                     received before leaving Killarney.
was the extent to which delegates merged to          employed there. They’ve had an extraordinarily
present one voice on the key issues affecting        difficult time in recent years as they try to

Civil Service members. In the best tradition of      make a poor-designed systen function.”
conference, their ire was directed at the em-           Derek Mullen also spoke about the findings
ployer and, to some extent, the Head Office          of the latest survey of union members which
Team who were pressed to take stronger action        flagged up how 80% of respondents indicat-                                     chairperson             Gerry Wilson
in a number of important motions dealing with        ing that they had a difficulty with HR shared                                  Niall McGuirk           executive
pay restoration, starting pay for new entrants,                                                                                                             committee
                                                     services (see story page 4).
working time and shared services.                                                                                                   vice chairpersons       (former PSEU)
                                                        Conference also dealt with a range of mo-
   Conference kicked off with a motion from the                                                                                     Ronan Bolger            Melissa Brennan
                                                     tions focusing on promotions including a return
Legal Officers Professional Branch seeking full                                                                                     Ann McGee               Michael Crowe
                                                     to some level of seniority promotion, a change
pay restoration for civil servants still affected                                                                                                           Audrey Lyons
                                                     in the selection methodology favoured by PAS,                                                          Dermot McAuley
by FEMPI provisions. There was then a raft of
                                                     and appropriate feedback after competitions.                                   executive               Rhona McEleney
motions seeking the abolition of new lower
                                                        Civil rights were to the fore in a number of                                committee               Deirdre Mehigan
starting points for all new entry grades. It was
                                                     motions from Culture Heritage & Gaeltacht                                      (former CPSU)           Kevin Melinn
very clear from the debate that this a key pri-
ority for Fórsa (see story page 7).                  and Housing. The motions, which called for                                     Daniel Copperthwaite    Jack O’Connor
   The Clerical Officer Branches, including PSO      freedom of political association and expression                                Stephanie Kelly         Brian Redmond
                                                     in the Civil Service for grades previously rep-                                Sue Kelly               Denis Ryan
Sligo and Limerick, successfully moved mo-
                                                     resented by the PSEU, were backed by confer-                                   Kathleen McGee
tions on greater access to higher scales and
                                                     ence.                                                                          Liam McLoughlin         national
the Buncrana and Probation Branches in-
                                                        The equality agenda was also highlighted at                                 Terry Murphy            executive
structed the union in their respective motions
                                                     the conference with motions seeking a review                                   Tanya O’Neill           committee
to fight for the living wage as a minimum for                                                                                       Jean Taylor             Melissa Brennan
starting pay in the Civil Service.                   of all family-friendly initiatives including work-
                                                                                                                                    Betty Tyrrell Collard   Sue Kelly
   A motion from Agriculture CS Executive            sharing with a view to addressing some of the
                                                                                                                                                            Rhona McEleney
grades continued the pay theme and sought            limitations imposed during the economic crisis.
                                                                                                                                    executive               Jack O’Connor
pay equality for administrative officers.               One of the other important pieces of busi-                                  committee               Tanya O’Neill
   One of the biggest debates at the confer-         ness at Conference was the election of the                                     (former Impact)         Denis Ryan
ence focused on seven motions seeking                Civil Service Divisional Executive. Niall                                      Eimear Codd             Kieran Sheehan
restoration of pre-Haddington Road working           McGuirk was elected Chair and Ann McGee                                        Eugene Dunne
hours. Delegates spoke passionately on the           and Ronan Bolger elected as Vice Chairs. This                                  Sean Lowde
issue making it clear that it had to be a priority   new Executive will replace the interim commit-                                 Tom Madden
for Fórsa. Tom Geraghty, in his conference ad-       tee in place since January.                                                    Kieran Sheehan
                                                                                                                                                                     Summer 2018 CSQ
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.
                                                                                           Divisional Conference 2018

our potential for change
Geraghty sets out Fórsa agenda for coming year in keynote address
Fórsa General Secretary (Public Service) Tom         10% lower at each point for new staff, were                                     Haddington Road hours with an accompanying
Geraghty has called on the Government to set         imposed in January 2011. They were among                                        cut in salary or to use annual leave as hours on
aside funding to begin shortening pay scales         the many cuts, including pay cuts averaging                                     the clock, the problem remained “unresolved”,
for new entrants to the public service next year     14% for all civil and public servants, imposed                                  adding, “perhaps the only promise that can be
– at least a year sooner than what was set out       without agreement by the then-Government in                                     made is that we will revisit [it] in future negoti-
in the Public Sector Stability Agreement             2009-2010.”                                                                     ations.”
(PSSA) brokered in the summer of 2017.                  Citing the 2013 Haddington Road Agree-                                         Turning to HR Shared Services, formerly
   Geraghty, who is also secretary of ICTU Pub-      ment as well as the PSSA, he continued: “Since                                  PeoplePoint, Geraghty referred to a recent sur-
lic Services Committee, made the call in a           then, every bit of progress in addressing this in-                              vey of members that had flagged up “a wide
speech to 700 delegates gathered for the             justice has been achieved by unions collec-                                     range of difficulties across the entire span of
union’s inaugural Civil Service Division confer-     tively, through national pay negotiations and                                   HR interactions”. Listing these “horrendous ex-
ence in Killarney in April.                          public service pay agreements.”                                                 periences”, they involved members owing “sub-
   He told conference: “While it is correct to say      He told delegates that unions would shortly                                  stantial amounts of money” through
that no monies have been allocated [by the           be engaging with DPER officials again on the                                    overpayments as well as underpayments and
Government] to do this in 2018, I believe that       issue with the aim of equalising the length of
Ireland’s strengthening economic and excheq-         pay scales and pressing for them to be short-                                     we never take our members
uer recovery means it should be possible to          ened “as quickly as possible”.                                                       for granted and never
start funding it next year, rather than delaying        Pinpointing working hours as “one of the
until 2020 or beyond. That would require funds       biggest grievances” felt by members, Geraghty                                       forget that this is their
to be allocated in October’s Budget.”                warned conference of the difficulty involved in                                        organisation and
   At present, the pay scales of civil and public    shifting the Government’s position on the issue.                                      we are their sevants
servants who entered employment since 2011              He said: “The fact that despite all the time
– some 53,000 workers according DPER fig-            and effort devoted to it, we could not budge the
                                                                                                                                     delays in payments and he pointed out that the
ures – are currently two points longer than          employer to roll back any part of the additional
                                                                                                                                     concern of members was reflected in the num-
other staff which effectively means it take          working time is, itself, an indicator of how diffi-
                                                                                                                                     ber of motions on the subject at conference.
them two years longer to reach the top of their      cult it will continue to be to make any progress                                   However, he emphasised that members of
pay scale.                                           on the matter and it would be foolish of me to                                  the union working in HR Shared Services were
   Claiming pay equity was key a priority for all    appear to make any promises on the issue.”                                      not to be blamed for the “systematic failings of
trade unions, Geraghty told delegates: “The im-         Though some headway had been made on                                         an organisation for which they are not respon-
position of two-tier pay scales, which were          giving workers the option to revert to pre-                                     sible”.
                                                                                                                                        Geraghty referred also in his speech to the
                                                               PaY eQUiTY a PrioriTY Tom Geraghty
                                                                                                                                     restoration of a 5% cut to allowances made in
                                                             hit out at imposition of two-tier pay scales
                                                                                                                                     2010 – and said that union negotiators would
                                                                                                                                     be “seeking a 2019 solution” to the issue.
                                                                                                                                        On training and organisation, Geraghty
                                                                                                                                     talked up the “significant possiblities” that had
                                                                                                                                     been created by the formation of the new
                                                                                                                                     union. He said: “We now have the capacity to
                                                                                                                                     link into a team of organisers to assist
                                                                                                                                     branches in recruitment and organisation. We
                                                                                                                                     need to develop an approach whereby
                                                                                                                                     branches in the Civil Service can avail of this
                                                                                                                                        We now [also] have the opportunities to de-
                                                                                                                                     velop branch activists through a wider range of
                                                                                                                                     training courses to enable activists to grow the
                                                                                                                                     necessary skill-sets to carry out their functions
                                                                                                                                        In his concluding remarks, Geraghty said the
                                                                                                                                     formation of Fórsa had created an “enormous
                                                                                                                                     potential” to improve members’ lives and that
                                                                                                                                     it was “up now up to all of us to realise the po-
                                                                                                                                     tential that we have created”.
                                                                                                                                        After thanking members of the Divisional
                                                                                                                                     Committee and fellow officials, he praised del-
                                                                                                            Picture: Domnick Walsh

                                                                                                                                     egates and activists for all the work they did
                                                                                                                                     for members. He also directed his comments
                                                                                                                                     towards the general membership of the union.
                                                                                                                                        “We never take them for granted and we
                                                                                                                                     never forget that this is their organisation and
                                                                                                                                     that we are their servants.”
CSQ Summer 2018
Forging a new future - CSQCivil Service Quarterly - Fórsa.

 KeYnoTe address Tom Geraghty

sPeaKer Yvette Kelly            deleGaTes Aoife Enright & Paddy Harte

                                                sPeaKer Fran Grimes

                                                    aPPlaUse Billy Hannigan, Andy Pike and Kieran Sheehan
CSQ Summer 2018                                                                                             Summer 2018 CSQ
                                                                                            Divisional Conference 2018               Pictures: Domnick Walsh

                                                                              aPPreciaTion Standing ovation from delegates
                                                                              for veteran trade unionist George Maybury who is
                  sHarinG a JoKe Don Deane, Deirdre Fanning & Brian Burns     retiring in December. Fórsa conference tweet (inset)

                  arrival Mark Smyth and Maurice Magee           all sMiles Delegates take a break in the sun outside conference

deleGaTes Niall Lynch & Niall Neely     aPPlaUse Delegate John Flanagan
       CSQ Summer 2018
frank Murray r.i.P.                                                                                of part-time study. Indeed, our paths were to
                                                                                                   cross again many years later when Frank
                                                                                                   chaired the board of the IPA, of which I was a
Loss of an outstanding                                                                             member, both of us happy to give something

public servant
                                                                                                   back to an institution from which we had bene-
                                                                                                   fited. Frank’s chairing reflected his relaxed, tol-
                                                                                                   erant style.
Many years ago I was a young Executive Of-                                                            My predecessor as PSEU general secretary,
ficer in the Department of the Taoiseach. A                                                        Dan Murphy, often recalled Frank’s role in get-
team of senior officials lead by Dermot                                                            ting a small association of Oireachtas clerks to
Nally, and including Wally Kirwan and Frank                                                        join the CSEU back at a very early stage in
Murray, worked hard from that department                                                           Frank’s career. I always found it hard to recon-
to build relationships and forge links in                                                          cile Frank’s easy-going, diplomatic style with
Northern Ireland and with British counter-                                                         the idea of union activism. After he left the
parts.                                                                                             Oireachtas and before I knew him, Frank was
   It was slow, painstaking work that often                                                        private secretary to the late Liam Cosgrave
looked to be pointless and it took many                                                            when he was Taoiseach, so he was always des-
years to bear full fruit. Frank passed away                                                        tined to go on to be influential which, given his
recently and my mind went back to the end-                                                         personal attributes, is no surprise to anybody
less frustrations that he bore in that period                                                      who knew him.
with his characteristic patience and self-ef-                                                         I did not realise that Frank has been ap-
facing persistence.                                                                                pointed as a commissioner for the ‘Disap-
   Frank went on subsequently to be the                                                            peared’ after his retirement but I can see why
Secretary to the Government and, as we                                                             he was an obvious choice. His pleasant, calm
know, Northern Ireland eventually saw a                                                            and efficient air would have given great com-
cessation of violence.                                                                             fort to the poor families and would have offered
   It was the greatest living Irishman, John                                                       the assurance of integrity to the murderers,
Hume, somebody with whom Frank worked                                                              whose help is required in finding the sites of
closely, who, seeing beyond the latest                                                             those who lie in cold, unmarked graves.
bloody atrocity by the IRA or their loyalist                                                          His family have said that he derived great
mirror images, identified presciently that       hues. He represented the continuation of a        comfort from the fact that 13 bodies of the vic-
the problem of Northern Ireland is that the      time-honoured commitment to service that          tims have been recovered and have now been
problem of Northern Ireland never changes.       characterises the best public servants.           given a decent burial.
Frank Murray had the necessary personal            Like so many before third level became             The families of victims have lost a friend with
attributes to contribute to addressing that      accessible to all but the rich, Frank acquired    Frank’s passing; Leitrim has lost one of its
underlying problem of sectarian tribalism.       his third level qualification on a part-time      proudest sons and Ireland has lost an out-
   He was a reserved man who never sought        basis after entry to the Civil Service. He        standing public servant but the loss to his fam-
the limelight, who, in the best Civil Service    went on to use those qualifications to edu-       ily is the greatest of all and it is to them that we
tradition, kept his political views to himself   cate others and he lectured me in public          extend our heartfelt sympathies.
and made himself useful in the best possible     management in the Institute of Public Ad-                                               Tom Geraghty
sense to successive governments of varying       ministration, when I followed the same path                          General Secretary/Public Service

ronan lenihan r.i.P.                               When he married Mary and took on the
                                                 role of stepdad and grandad, Ronan was

Union stalwart and
                                                 completed. So, it was doubly sad that Mary
                                                 and family and Ronan’s beloved mother, Ida,
a born story-teller                              should have been forced to bid farewell to
                                                 this big, kind-hearted man.
                                                   Ronan loved to tell stories. The one that
Back in now what seems a different era, del-     he often recounted is about the day when he
egates to PSEU conferences had to figure         was leaving Leinster House that he was mis-
out from the agenda what was under discus-       taken for the late Jackie Healy-Rae and was
sion. Ronan Lenihan changed that. As a           assaulted by protestors. I am not sure what
member of the Standing Orders Committee,         hurt most, whether it was the assault or the
Ronan introduced the technology, now com-        affront to be mistaken for a man with an un-
monplace but innovative for its time, of an      mistakable hairstyle!
electronic display on screen of the item           I dealt with Ronan in his capacity as an
under discussion.                                Oireachtas clerk and he served our demo-
   Before he became a PSEU stalwart,             cratic institutions with distinction.
Ronan had served his time as a CPSU ac-            Ronan had poor health in recent times and
tivist and, in later years, had served on the    took early retirement to try to battle illness.
AHCPS Standing Orders Committee.                 Sadly, it was a battle that ultimately he was
   The term ‘larger than life’ could have been   to lose. He was a good man and we shall not
invented for him. Being single for much of       see his like again.
his life, Ronan brought his mother around                                       Tom Geraghty
the world with him.                                             General Secretary/Public Service

                                                                                                                                            Summer 2018 CSQ
 Professional and Technical
Revisions sought over ‘fitness to practice’ extension
new salary framework The  remit of CORU, the regulatory body for health professionals, is
                      shortly to be extended to cover educational psychologists and proba-
The Forensic Science Branch is seeking a re-                                                               tion officers. The existing Fórsa ‘fitness to practice’ scheme will be ex-
vised framework for assessing starting                                                                     tended to members of both branches. The scheme provides for legal
salaries on appointment from the private sec-                                                              representation in relation to any complaint brought before CORU in re-
tor in response to growing recruitment and re-                                                             lation to professional practice.                                             By Andy Pike
tention difficulties within the service.

                                                                                                           Return of jump increments sought
   If such an approach is agreed staff would
come in at a scale point commensurate with
skills, qualifications and experience, which
would counteract the problem of poor reten-                                                                Fórsa members in the CSO are taking                 rium on recruitment of statisticians,
tion of staff now affecting the service.                                                                   a claim to adjudication seeking the                 DPER withdrew from the agreement
                                                                                                           restoration of their collective agreement on        without informing the union or staff.

Ministerial drivers                                                                                        jump increments. This agreement provided
                                                                                                           for accelerated incremental progression for
                                                                                                                                                                  Now that recruitment has taken place
                                                                                                                                                               again, several members have reached the

claim still unresolved                                                                                     professional staff (jump increments) after a
                                                                                                           number of years’ service to assist with the
                                                                                                                                                               point on the scale where these provisions
                                                                                                                                                               should apply and on that basis Fórsa is
                                                                                                           retention of staff.                                 seeking the application of the agreement
A Fórsa claim for new employment contracts                                                                    Following the imposition of the morato-          for new entrant members.
for ministerial drivers (Members of Civil Serv-
ice No.1 Branch) has still not been resolved.
The union is seeking a new contractual frame-
work setting out clearly rights to subsistence
                                                                                                           dead heat in ocfa ballot over
payments, annual leave and security of tenure
for Fórsa members employed to drive for Min-
                                                                                                           career structure proposals
isters and Cabinet members.                                                                                Members of the OCFA Branch in            and overseas. The ballot was a tie
   One of our members is due to have an unfair                                                             DFAT were recently balloted on a         with 20 members voting for the
dismissal claim heard by the WRC shortly and                                                               proposal to create a new career          proposal and 20 against. Fórsa
the outcome of this claim may inform discus-                                                               and grade structure for develop-         staff are now working with the
sions in the future.                                                                                       ment specialists working in Ireland      branch to identify a way forward.

                                                                                                           agri news
                                                  Picture: Livestock Ethique & Animaux L214 (CC BY 2.0)

                                                                                                          new specialist grade
                                                                                                          for agri lab attendants
                                                                                                          A Fórsa claim to the Civil Service Arbitration          Meanwhile our Agriculture No 1 Branch at-
                                                                                                          Board has secured the creation of a new spe-         tended an adjudication hearing over members
                                                                                                          cialist grade for agricultural laboratory atten-     being required to conduct additional carcass
                                                                                                          dants working in regional DAFM laboratories.         trim checks in meat plants. The additional trim
                                                                                                              Following a lengthy period of negotiation the    checks will now commence with a review in 12
                                                                                                          claim was referred for arbitration, the Board        months’ time.
                                                                                                          recommended the creation of a new specialist            Separately Fórsa has secured payment for
                                                                                                          grade with the existing post mortem allowance        technical agricultural officers of the DAFM
                                                                                                          being incorporated into a new scale which
                                                                                                                                                               livestock allowance (ICD) of €3,500 to new
                                                                                                          would then be increased by between 1.5%
                                                                                                                                                               entrants with payment backdated to 1st Jan-
                                                                                                          and 2%.
                                                                                                                                                               uary 2018.
                                                                                                              Discussions on implementation of this bind-
                                                                                                                                                                  Finally in Agriculture the Fórsa Agri Labs
                                                                                                          ing recommendation will now take place with
                                                                                                                                                               Branch (representing technical and scientific
                                                                                                          FGE Branch members and DAFM manage-
                                                                                                          ment.                                                staff) is to consult members on submitting as
                                                                                                              The arbitration finding does not meet the full   claim to DAFM that the minimum entry level
                                                                                                          expectations of members carrying out difficult,      qualification should be established as FETAC
                                                                                                          demanding and complex work within the Agri           Level 8 for all laboratory analyst posts.
                                                                                                          Lab. However, the finding is significant in that        If this claim were to succeed it would estab-
                                                                                                          it is the first report issued for many years that    lish the laboratory analyst post as an Honours
                                                                                                          recommends structural changes and a new              graduate position securing the professional
                                                                                                          grade beneficially affecting pay levels.             status of the grade.
CSQ Summer 2018

data Protection commissioner

                                                                                                                   dPc set to become

                                                                  Picture: UK MInistry of Defence (CC BY-NC 2.0)
                                                                                                                   a scheduled office
                                                                                                                   Paul MacSweeney
                                                                                                                   AGS, Civil Service Division

                                                                                                                   The establishment of the Data Pro-        concerns about the lack of promo-
                                                                                                                   tection Commissioner (DPC) as a           tional opportunities, training and
                                                                                                                   scheduled office was initially ear-       career development available in
                                                                                                                   marked for 25th May when Gen-             the new organisation.
                                                                                                                   eral Data Protection Regulations             While members have access to a
                                                                                                                   (GDPR) came into force.                   wide array of work and to internal
                                                                                                                      Some functions will transfer to        promotions across the Depart-
                                                                                                                   DPC in May but it is not envisaged        ment of Justice & Equality, at pres-
                                                                                                                   that it will be set up as a scheduled     ent this access will no longer be
                                                                                                                   office until later in the year or, pos-   available when the DPC becomes
                                                                                                                   sibly, early next year.                   a scheduled office. The union will
                                                                                                                      Members, who are currently em-         discuss a career path for members
                                                                                                                   ployees of the Department of Jus-         with DPC management as well as
                                                                                                                   tice & Equality, have raised              other retention mechanisms.


         Combined Services                                                                                                                            Union’s role in
                                                                                                                                                      partnership to
          Third World Fund                                                                                                                            be respected
                                                                                                                                                      Difficulties arose in recent weeks over
                                                                                                                                                      management proposals to reinvigorate
     Since it was founded in 1980, the Combined Services Third World Fund has spent                                                                   the partnership process and engage with
         more than €8 million on development projects and emergency aid grants                                                                        staff as part of this initiative.
                             throughout the developing world.                                                                                           However, agreement was reached at
                                                                                                                                                      Departmental Council to ensure that the
                                                                                                                                                      union role in all of this will be respected
 The CSTWF is able to do this because of the generous contributions made by employees                                                                 by the Department. In fact, there is to be
        and pensioners of the Civil Service, An Post, eir & other State agencies.                                                                     a meeting very shortly to discuss all the
                                                                                                                                                      detail including structures, selection of
                                                                                                                                                      reps, agenda items and the interaction of
                 Contributions are deducted at source from salary/pension                                                                             central partnership with local commit-
         at a rate of either 0.1% or 0.2% of basic pay – your choice – working out                                                                    tees.
                   at one cent or two cents for every €10 of pay/pension.                                                                               On the former PSEU side, we will meet
                                                                                                                                                      management on the 21st May to discuss
                                                                                                                                                      cross-stream reporting as well as
                                                                                                                                                      AO/HEO issues.
                                                                                                                                                        Meanwhile, on the professional and
                                                                                                                                                      technical front discussions continue on a

                                 Makes a lot of sense                                                                                                 range of fronts including the AS review
                                                                                                                                                      which is nearing completion.
                                                                                                                                                        Dates are agreed for the Review Com-

                                for just a few cents...                                                                                               mittee to meet with the Chief Veterinary
                                                                                                                                                      Officer and the Chief Inspector. The Re-
                                                                                                                                                      view Committee will then be in a position
                                                                                                                                                      to issue the final report shortly after
              FIND OUT MORE...TEL: 00 353 1 4082473/75 EMAIL: WEB:                                                         these meetings take place.
                                                                                                                                                        Management has given a commitment
                                                                                                                                                      to hold an AS competition as soon as the
                                                                                                                                                      review is completed.
                                                                                                                                                        They have also informed Fórsa that
                                                                                                                                                      that a new TAO recruitment competition
                                                                                                                                                      will be advertised in May 2018.
                                                                                                        Picture: John Martinez Pavliga (CC BY 2.0)

                                                                                                                                                                                   Summer 2018 CSQ
dept of Justice & equality
 Financial functions                       nsso staffing pressures
 transfer to NSSO –                        Discussions continue with manage-
                                           ment on staffing pressures in the
                                                                                   HR shared services side. There are
                                                                                   delays in the transition of staff to
 the impact on staff                       NSSO. We had a recent meeting           NSSO as part of the development
                                           with management of payroll in Kil-      of Financial Management Shared
  Fórsa held a bilateral with HR on the
                                           larney to discuss related matters. It   Services but in the meantime we
  staffing implications of the transfer    was agreed to keep staffing under       are to consider draft proposals to
  of financial functions from the          review over the course of the year.     allow staff who are pending transfer
  Department in Killarney to the           Similar talks are expected on the       into NSSO competitions.                By Derek Mullen
  National Shared Services Office
  (NSSO). Further discussions with         Garda civilians
  NSSO and Department of Justice HR

                                           Multiple issues discussed with management
  are set to be held in May.
    Our main concerns relate to clarity
  on work being transferred to our
                                           There are numerous discus-         tive, Cultural Audit, Code of           There are also area-specific
  members in Killarney, work for payroll
                                           sions and briefings taking place   Ethics, Divisional Protective        issues such as the staffing re-
  staff remaining in Justice, career
                                           in the Garda civilian area at      Units, Performance Accounta-         quirements for the crime reclas-
  progression and ensuring that the        present.                           bility framework, Garda Mobility     sification project in GISC,
  transfer from one employer to the          These include the duty roster    Project, Performance Manage-         Castlebar, as well as an issue
  other runs smoothly. The transition      and management system, Hy-         ment and Learning Framework          around a Saturday allowance
  across to the NSSO, initially            brid Policing Model, continuing    (for gardaí), Computer Aided         for a small number of people,
  scheduled for June 2018, will            civilianisation, General Data      Dispatch, and Accommodation          where discussions continue.
  progress at a later stage.               Protection Regulations Initia-     limitations in Templemore.

 irish Prison service

                                                iPs as a stand-alone org
                                                Talks are continuing over the Irish Prison Serv-      l Sequencing arrangements.
                                                ice (IPS) becoming a stand-alone organisation.        Clerical Officer recruitment for IPS in Long-
                                                   Arising out of further discussions, a written    ford has also started and Fórsa has written to
                                                proposal was put to members in a ballot over        IPS HR advising them that the competition
                                                the proposed setting up of the IPS as a sched-      can only be used to fill 50% of the CO vacan-
                                                uled office which would proceed on an admin-        cies with the other half to be filled by way of
                                                istrative basis.
                                                   In turn, there will be an internal competition
                                                to fill six or seven AP positions and three or
                                                four PO posts (these numbers are indicative).
                                                Internal competitions will start with PO com-
                                                petition, then AP, HEO and EO.
                                                   It has been further agreed that there will be    transfer, as per central agreement.
                                                ongoing discussions on:                                Due to delays in rolling out the mobility sys-
                                                   l Management of HR function for HQ staff;        tem HR has been advised that the central
                                                   l Learning and development opportunities;        transfer list should be used to fill the CO va-
                                                   l Higher scales;                                 cancies liable to be filled by transfer.

 revenue                                                                                            deasP
 Talks continue on PAYE modernisation                                                               ‘Bradford Factor’ tool
 Discussions continue in Revenue on PAYE        even started a discussion regarding the             used by management
 modernisation and Revenue realignment,         opening hours of the main Revenue 1890              The Department of Employment Affairs and
 which is a restructuring by any other name.    line, where they had indicated a require-           Social Protection recently issued an office no-
    Fórsa voiced criticism at Departmental      ment for longer opening. However, following         tice 36/2018 regarding the management of
 Council over the fact that staff communica-    our discussion at Council, it was agreed            repeated/ongoing sporadic short-term ab-
 tion was getting ahead of union engage-        that talks will commence in May.                    sences using a HR tool called the Bradford
 ment on some of the key aspects of these          Also the union is in talks with Revenue          Factor. Fórsa has requested a management
 issues. In particular we were concerned        about the implementation of the adjudica-           meeting to discuss this notice and have con-
 that management were communicating             tion finding for former-PSEU grades which           firmed that this is not an agreed position and
 customer service requirements directly to      dealt with a long-standing claim related to         noted that DPER has been asked to withdraw
 staff in circumstances where we hadn’t         “debts” due to direct promotion panels.             the disputed sick leave and increment docu-
                                                                                                    ment which led to this office notice in DEASP.
CSQ Summer 2018

                                                                                                                             deadlY Toll
                                                                                                                             The sign reads
                                                                                                                             ‘Five murders in
                                                                                                                             48 hours’...

  the pain
  goes on...

                                                                                                                        Picture: Marcha Patriotica
Tom Geraghty
General Secretary/Public Service

When I was in Colombia in 2014 as part of a
British/Irish trade union and parliamentary
delegation, hopes for peace were high. The 50-
year civil war was the subject of talks. All the
signs were that the FARC guerrillas and Presi-
dent Santos wanted a peaceful end to the
conflict and a movement towards a mod-
ernising of the economy.
   One academic warned us, however, that es-
sential as peace was, the dismantling of struc-       siGn of Peace
tures created in conflict would bring with it         President Santos
inevitable volatility and the probability of less     and FARC leader
structured, but no less deadly, violence.             Timoleon Jimenez
                                                      shake hands after
   He cited as an example the descent of former       signing 2016
right-wing paramilitaries into a cycle of criminal    peace deal
violence and the killing of human rights defend-
ers by them after their formal paramilitary           frontation, it is a consequence of cold         and women of Colombia who stand
structures had been dismantled. Sadly, he has         calculation that puts activists of all types,    by and speak for the poor and the
proved to be prescient in his analysis.               including trade unionists, at risk.             dispossessed of that country.
   2017 was the first full year of peace in more        Within the official government, there are       Until or unless, the central govern-
than half a century. It was also the deadliest for    those who make a genuine attempt                   ment directs its attention to the
human rights defenders, with 121 killed (com-         to ensure the rule of law and the                     protection of its own people,
pared with 60 in 2016). One cause is that             state’s Inspector General is on                         the problem will continue.
right-wing paramilitaries have moved into             record as condemning the                                    In 2014, I asked a high-
former FARC territories and those who seek to         seeming        inability   of     the                     ranking army officer, “What
defend land rights become easy targets.               state     to      protect     social                       are you going to do to stop
Indeed, the more remote the area the greater          activists. It is an obviously valid                        men for whom you are re-
the risks and the higher the casualties.              point. In 2016, the sum total                               sponsible from murdering
   It is an indication of the economic element of     of four convictions were se-                                your own people?”
the killings and the link to issues of land and re-   cured for such killings.
                                                                                                                   The people of Colom-
sources that, apparently, three out of five             It is an awful irony that                              bia still await an adequate
killings are carried out by contract killers. This    peace should have increased                         response.
is not a consequence of spontaneous con-              the danger for the brave men
                                                                                                                                Summer 2018 CSQ

                                                          To place an ad, or apply to one listed, email
MJ17                                        Defence Newbridge or possibly any            Canteen and car-parking facilities avail-    Government department in Limerick,
eo, DAFM Johnston Castle Wexford,           other department in Kildare. Flexi time,     able.                                        Tipperary town, Thurles, Cahir or
seeks transfer to any Government of-        canteen and free parking available.                                                       Clonmel.
fice in Cork. This is a pleasant rural                                                   MJ26
parkland building with a lot of car park-   MJ22                                         Heo, Revenue Waterford, seeking              MJ31
ing, canteen and flexi time. It is 10       eo, full time, Director of Public            transfer any Department in Kilkenny for      Heo, Full-Time, Revenue Commission-
mins drive from Wexford town.               Prosecutions, Dublin 7 seeks head to         family/commuting reasons. Free parking       ers Sligo seeks transfer to any Depart-
                                            head transfer to any Dept/Office on          and flexi time available, with opportuni-    ment in Sligo or Leitrim, to broaden
MJ18                                        southside or city centre for commuting       ties for promotion.                          experience. Flexi-time and parking
eo, Central Statistics Office Cork, 4.5     reasons. Non public/friendly office,                                                      available.
day week (willing to increase to 5 days),   interesting work. Flexi time and free        MJ27
seeks transfer to any department in Mi-     car parking available. Next to Heuston       Heo, National Shared Services Office,        MJ32
dleton or Youghal for personal reasons.     Luas stop and train station.                 Deerpark Building, Killarney wishes to       Heo, full time, Central Statistics Office,
Friendly working environment, flexitime                                                  transfer with a HEO in Cork. All areas in    Rathmines, Dublin 6 seeks transfer to
and parking available.                      MJ23                                         Cork initially considered. Flexitime/park-   any dept/office in Laois/Offaly/New-
                                            Heo, full time, NSSO, Galway. Seeks          ing etc. available                           bridge/Kildare area for commuting
MJ19                                        transfer to Clare/Limerick for commut-                                                    purposes. Family friendly office with car
eo, Department of Education & Skills,       ing purposes only. Lovely location,          MJ28                                         parking and flexi time available.
Athlone, seeks head to head transfer        friendly people, flexi, canteen & free car   Heo, Revenue Commissioners, Let-
to any Government department in             parking available.                           terkenny seeks transfer to any other         MJ33
Roscommon town for commuting                                                             Government department/office in Co           Heo, Department of Public Expenditure
reasons. Flexi time, Car park and           MJ24                                         Donegal in order to broaden experience.      & Reform, Dublin 2 seeks transfer to
canteen available.                          Heo, full time, Department of Culture,       Friendly office with flexi-time and park-    any Government department/office in
                                            Heritage and the Gaeltacht seeks             ing available.                               Dublin city centre. Flexi time and work-
MJ20                                        transfer to any Government department                                                     sharing available. Transfer to broaden
eo, full time, Central Statistics Office,   in Longford, Westmeath or Roscommon          MJ29                                         experience.
Cork seeks transfer to any Government       for family and commuting reasons.            Heo, full time, Department of Defence,
department in Tipperary town, Cahir,        Friendly office with flexi time available.   Newbridge seeks a transfer to any
Thurles, Clonmel or anywhere in South                                                    department in Portlaoise for commuting
Tipperary for personal reasons.             MJ25                                         reasons. Flexi time, canteen and car
                                            Heo, full time, Department of Educa-         park available.
MJ21                                        tion & Skills, Athlone seeks head to
eo, Revenue Commissioners, South            head transfer to any Government De-          MJ30
Georges St Dublin 2, seeks head to          partment in North Tipperary or Limerick      Heo seeks permanent work share posi-
head transfer to Department of              City for commuting and family reasons.       tion (50%) with another HEO in any

 civil service mobility update
The first phase of the Civil Service Mobility              calibration. Applicants can view/request* their             imately 17,000 participating staff members to
Scheme was launched on 13th November,                      placing on any waitlists applied for.                       submit a mobility application. The date for of-
2017. However offers of mobility did not begin                * remote worker/absent on leave with no ac-              fers of mobility has been postponed in order to
on 22nd March 2018 as expected. This date                  cess to self-service – contact the Central Mo-              reconfigure the mobility system.
has been postponed in order to reconfigure the             bility Team at                       Phase 1B will include the general Civil Serv-
mobility system. It is expected that an alert will            * Non-HR Shared Services customer (AGS,                  ice grades of CO and EO for mobility within the
be issued to all staff members with information            Oireachtas), please contact your Local HR.                  zone of Dublin. It is envisaged that Phase 1B
in advance of the new offer date.                             * Non-HRMS customer (IPS, OCO, NCCA)                     will be launched following a full analysis of the
   The following transfer lists will continue to           currently no mechanism to view or check plac-               outcomes from Phase 1A of the scheme. This
operate until offers of mobility begin:                    ing on list.                                                phase will launch at a later date. Fórsa expects
   l The Central Transfer Lists;                                                                                       discussions on Phase 1B to start shortly.
   l Organisations’ Internal Regional                      what is civil service Mobility?                               Phase 2 will include the general Civil Service
     Transfer Lists;                                         Civil Service Mobility is one of a number of              grades of HEO, AO and AP. This phase will
   l Head for Head Transfers.                              arrangements to be put in place to fulfil the re-           launch at a later date.
   This postponement will allow for legacy date            quirements of Action 15 of the Civil Service                  Equivalent Professional and Technical
verifications to be completed. These verifica-             Renewal Plan that calls to “Expand career and               grades are not covered under early phases of
tions will now be processed in batches, rather             mobility/transfer opportunities for staff across            the scheme and consideration will be given to
than when an officer enters the top 10 on a                geographic, organisational and sectoral                     mobility for these grades at a later date.
waitlist.                                                  boundaries”.                                                  Transfers advertised in CSQ will be phased
   Automatic email notifications will be issued                                                                        out as the mobility scheme takes over, except
to officers in the current batch of applications           when will the scheme launch?                                for the HEO grade who are due to be in the
being processed. These notifications will indi-              The mobility scheme is being developed for                next phase of mobility.
cate that action is required by the applicant.             the Civil Service on a phased basis:                          CO’s and EO’s will be governed by the
   Please note: the window for applying a                    Phase 1A is for the general Civil Service                 scheme which takes over from the head to
legacy date to a mobility application closed on            grades of CO and EO for mobility between                    head transfers generally sought on this page.
8th February 2018.                                         zones (all zones) and within zones (excluding
   During the legacy verification process, the             Zone 46 – Dublin) – this phase successfully
mobility waitlist positions may change due to              launched on 13th November 2017 to approx-

CSQ Summer 2018
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