Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass

Page created by Adam Robertson
Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass
club                          spirit
February - March 2019

                        Tennis Junior Championships
                        Valentine‘s Day Set Dinner
                        Wine Dinner
                        Whiskey Masterclass
Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass

Main reception                                     Swimming Pool / Spa Pools                          Management Staff
Tel: 6286 8888                                     Daily: 5.30am – 10pm                               General Manager
Daily: 9am – 10pm                                  Closed on the last Wednesday of every month        Farrock Ebrahim     6398 5329                                    unless otherwise stated.                 

Food & Beverage outlets                            Water Play Area                                    Personal Assistant cum Office Manager
Atrium Café                                        Daily: 8am – 8pm                                   (General Manager’s Office)
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 309                            Closed on the last Wednesday of every month        Casey Chang          6398 5301
Mon-Fri: 11am – 3pm, 6pm – 10pm                    unless otherwise stated.                 
Sat, Sun & PH: 11am – 10pm
                                                   Sauna / Steam Bath                                 Senior Manager (Food & Beverage)
Bowling Snack Bar                                  Daily: 8.30am – 10pm                               Adrian Chew         6398 5368
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 340                                                                     
Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 1pm – 11pm                  Squash Courts
Sat: 11am – 11pm                                   Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 331                            Facilities, Maintenance & Safety Manager
Sun & PH: 10am – 11pm                              Daily: 8am – 10pm                                  Charles Ling          6398 5311
                                                   Off-peak hours: Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 8am – 5pm,
Coffee Deli                                        Peak hours: Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 5pm -10pm
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 312                            Sat, Sun & PH: 8am- 10pm
Mon – Thu & PH: 8.30am – 9pm                                                                          Finance Manager
Fri, Sat, Sun & Eve of PH: 8.30am – 10pm           Tennis Courts                                      Avelyn Tam          6398 5303/ 358
                                                   Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 340                  
Club Twenty-Two                                    Daily: 7am – 10pm
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 386                            Off-peak hours: Mon - Fri & Eve of PH: 7am – 5pm   Human Resource Manager
Mon – Thu: 4pm – 12am*                             Peak hours: Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 5pm – 10pm      Elleana Ho		        6398 5366
Fri & Eve of PH: 4pm – 1am                         Sat, Sun & PH: Whole day                 
Sat: 2pm – 1am                                     Tennis training night: Thu 7pm-10pm
Sun & PH: 2pm – 12am                                                                                  Membership Relations Assistant Manager
* The Karaoke Lounge opens at 2pm on Tuesdays.     Table Tennis                                       Dawn Lee		         6398 5332/ 305
Operation on Tuesday (2pm-5pm) is strictly         Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 331                  
for members only.                                  Daily: 8am – 10pm
                                                   Off-peak hours: Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 8am – 5pm   Security Operations Assistant Manager
Crossroads Lounge                                  Peak hours: Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 5pm – 10pm      Sritharan Lingam      6398 5315
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 310                            Sat, Sun & PH: 8am – 10pm                
Mon – Thu: 4pm -12am
Fri & Eve of PH: 4pm – 1am                         Mahjong / Cards Rooms                              Sports & Recreation Manager
Sat: 2pm – 1am                                     Tel: 6286 8888                                     Steven Goh          6398 5372/ 353
Sun & PH: 2pm – 12am                               Sun – Thu & PH: 11am – 12am              
                                                   Fri, Sat & Eve of PH: 11am – 1am
Garden Grill
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 313                            Other Facilities                                   Club Adminstration
Mon – Thu: 12pm – 3pm, 6pm – 10pm                  Jackpot Room                                       Mon – Fri: 9am – 6.30pm
Fri – Sun, Eve of PH & PH: 12pm – 3pm,             Tel: 6398 5362
6pm – 10pm                                         Sun – Mon: 10am – 11pm                             Membership         6398 5383
Swatow Garden                                      Kiddieland
Tel: 6343 1717                                     Daily: 9am – 10pm                                  Accounts		        6398 5325/ 358
Weekdays: 11am – 3pm, 6pm – 11pm                                                            
Weekends, Eve of PH & PH: 9am – 3pm,               Lat Salon
6pm – 11pm                                         Tel: 6286 8262, by appointment only                Sports & Recreation
                                                   11am – 7pm, closed on Mon & PH           
Sports & Recreation Facilities
Billiard Room                                      Functions Rooms / Ballroom                         Youth, Chess, Yoga, Golf, Fitness,
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 346                            For bookings, please call                          Taekwondo, Aikido, Muay Thai,
Sun – Fri & PH: 1pm – 10pm                         6398 5381 / 387 / 365                              Judo & Billiards
Sat & Eve of PH: 1pm – 11pm                        Email:                    Terrence Ho          6398 5389

Darts Lounge (Club Twenty - Two)                   Male & Female Changing Rooms                       Squash, Tennis, Swimming & Darts
Mon – Thu: 4pm – 12am                              Daily: 5.30am – 10.30pm                            Daniel Chong        6398 5351
Fri & Eve of PH: 4pm – 1am
Sat: 2pm -1am                                      Study Room                                         Fitness Fun, Cool Water Workout,
Sun & PH: 2pm – 12am                               Daily: 9am – 11pm                                  Swimming Lessons, Table Tennis, Taijiquan,
                                                                                                      Qi Gong, Chinese Martials Arts, Zumba,
Gardens Bowl                                       The Hangout                                        Piloxing & Mahjong
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 340                            Mon – Thu, Sun & PH: 9am – 12am                    Julia Kong		         6398 5352
Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 1pm – 11pm                  Fri, Sat & Eve of PH: 9am – 1am
Sat: 11am – 11pm                                                                                      Bowling & Bridge
Sun & PH: 10am – 11pm                              Cambridge Pre-School                               Zaleha Hanibah       6398 5373
Off-peak hours: Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 1pm – 6pm   Tel: 6286 8455
Peak hours: Mon – Fri & Eve of PH: 6pm – 11pm      Mon – Fri: 7am – 7pm                               Food & Beverage
Sat, Sun & PH: Whole day                           Sat: 7am – 2pm                           
Gymnasium                                                                                             Banquet Sales       6398 5381/ 387 / 365
Tel: 6286 8888 ext. 331                                                                     
Daily: 5.30am – 10pm
Except during scheduled partial closure for                                                           Advertisement Bookings
maintenance, 4 times a year where it opens from                                                       Jeremy Tan		        6398 5320
6pm onwards. Refer to for                                                   
partial closure dates.
                                                                                                      Data Protection Officer
Off-peak hours: Daily: 10am – 5pm                                                           
Peak hours: Daily: 5pm – 10pm*
*After 5pm, no guests allowed
Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass
February - March 2019

                                                                   Happy Chinese New Year

REGULAR                                         SPECIAL                                          UPCOMING
02 President’s Message                          08 Christmas Light up:                            21         Wine Dinner
                                                        Whimsical Magical
04 Welcome & Farewell                                   Christmas                                 22         Weekend International
                                                                                                             Buffet Dinner
05 Club Buzz                                    10 Charity Drive
                                                                                                  28         Beverage Promotion
06 In the spotlight                             11      Dialogue Session
                                                                                                  33         Trip to Malacca
                                                12      Countdown to 2019 Party
                                                14      Sports Appreciation
                                                        Camp 2018                                 38         Sports and Recreation

                                                                                                  50         Food & Beverage

PATRON-IN-CHIEF            GENERAL COMMITTEE                Mr Rick Seah          Darts       MCI (P) 107 / 03 / 2018. All rights reserved. Copyright.
                                                            Mr Eddie Ng           Fitness     No article may be reprinted in part or in full without the
Mr Goh Chok Tong           Mr Terrence Fernandez                                              permission of the publishers. The information published in
Emeritus Senior Minister   President                        Mr Aaron Lim          Golf        this magazine is correct at the time of printing. The views and
                                                            Mr Edwin Lee          Squash      opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily that of
                                                                                              the Club’s. The Club accepts no responsibility for the quality
PATRONS                    Mr Benjamin Wong                 Mr Steven Lee         Tennis      of the goods and services advertised. While information stated
                                                                                              is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication,
Mrs Lim Hwee Hua           Vice-President                                                     changes in circumstance after the time of publication may
Mr George Yeo                                               EDITORIAL COMMITTEE               impact on the accuracy of the information. The information
                                                            Mr. Farrock Ebrahim               may change without prior notice and the club is not in any way
Ms Sylvia Lim              Mr Rayner Ng                                                       liable for the accurate of any information printed or in any way
                           Honorary Treasurer               Mr. Adrian Chew                   interpreted and used by the user.
TRUSTEES                                                    Ms. Dawn Lee                      By attending events organised by the Club held within the Club’s
Mr Hendrick Koh            Mr Eric Lee                      Ms. Michelle Yee                  premises or at off-site locations, you consent to photography,
                                                            Mr. Jeremy Tan                    audio / video recording and its / their release, publication,
PPA BBM PBM                Honorary Secretary                                                 exhibition or reproduction to be used for articles featuring
                                                                                              events organized by the Club, marketing & promotions (video
                                                            PRINTING                          production, publications, Club website or social media sites)
Mr Anthony Tan             COMMITTEE MEMBERS                                                  and archiving for future reference.
Mr Pao Kiew Tee            Mr Daniel Ho                     Oversea Supplies Pte Ltd
                           Mr George Lim Yort Gue
                           Mr Rodrigues John Jack Patrick   ClubSpirit is a bi-monthly
                                                            publication of
                           CONVENORS                        Serangoon Gardens Country Club.
                           Mr Emrys Phua        Billiards   22 Kensington Park Road
                           Mr Edward Tan        Bowling     Singapore 557271
                           Mr Ronnie Ng         Chess       Tel: 6286 8888 Fax: 6398 5355
Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass

                                                                                       -William Penn

         Dear Members,
         A happy 2019 to you and your family. We have come so far together!
         This year holds many opportunities, let’s make the most of it. Time flies as they say, so seize
         the day and turn that potential into a reality.
         Here at SGCC, we will continue to forge forward towards making the club vibrant by introducing
         new programmes that engage a wider spectrum of our members.
         The General Committee has convened a Constitution Review Committee (CRC).
         The configuration of the CRC will include the General Committee, The Trustees and a few
         Independent Members. Their role is to update our Constitution to better reflect the ongoing
         changes and to ensure the inclusion of new govenance, financial and regulatory requirements.
         This review will ensure the long term interest of all members. We will have this ready in
         time for the AGM in June 2019. As always, engagement with members will be part of this
         important process.
         The Club has been receiving a higher volume of compliments from members and guests who
         have noticed the changes in F&B and other physical changes in and around the club. This is
         all thanks to our GM and his capable Management team. Please do continue to encourage
         and support them in their initiatives.

         At this juncture, we are proud to announce the internal promotion of two of our staff taking
         on the responsibility of Heads of Department (HODs). Both Avelyn Tam (Finance) and
         Steven Goh (Sports & Recreation) have demonstrated great responsibility and leadership
         and we are confident that they will continue the good work. Avelyn was instrumental in
         securing the new ATM machine in our lobby while Steven lead the execution of the Sports
         Appreciation Camp. As a club, we believe strongly in investing in the development of our
         staff via training and leveraging on all available government schemes.

         This is my first attempt at crafting a Chinese New Year Greeting to all our dear members so
         here goes…
         Wishing you and your family a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year, may all your wishes
         be fulfilled!

         Always in your service,


Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass

                               FEBRUARY - March 2019

     Tennis Junior Championships

37      Watch our young budding tennis
        players pit their skills against each     New English Lobster & Seafood Promotion
        other on the 23 March 2019.
                                                  29     Tuck into an array of seafood dishes
                                                         like salmon cakes, lobster bisque,
                                                         pan-fried barramundi and more.

                                                        SGCC Invitational Swim Meet
Weekend International Buffet Dinner

22   Foodies will not want to miss this
     sumptuous feast, offering delicious
                                                  38    This highly anticipated swim
                                                        event is set to welcome throngs of
                                                        competitive swimmers who are eager
     treats like lobsters, foie gras and crabs.         to hone their skills.

Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass

                        A warm welcome to the following members who have
                              joined us in August to October 2018:

    Grand Member                 Term Member                       Lim Chuan Leng
    Ng Bah Chek                  Delahaye Aurelien Simon           Leong Wei Leng
                                 Griffiths Stephen William         Lee Yi-Wei, Mark
    Nominee                      Gerberon Sebastien                Lau Li Ming, David @ David Lew
    Wong Mong Hong               Matta Ghassan                     Li Ming
                                 Michael Sack                      Maillot Philippe Charles Jean-Marie
    Ordinary Member              Antonius Van Dongen               Ng Kok Wee Charles
    Lim Kah Wei Grace            Leprince-Ringuet Jerome Florent   Oakley Matthew Benjamin
    Lee Chuen Siang Marcus       Marie                             Phung Mei Yoong Felice
    Michelle Lai Mei Shan        D’angely Ep Lavail Sabine Marie   Poh Giang Ann
    Ling Jean Ee                 Francois                          Paranjody Francis
    Ng Wei Te                                                      Roovers Anne Theodora Josephine
    Praveen Vijaya Kumar         Farewell                          Renee
    Patrick Brian Paranjody      Ang Ban Yin, Jane                 Sandre Francois
    Tan Chin Heng, Alvin         Beashel Patrick Reginald          Sim Hong Seng
    Tay Mae Sann June            Bezier Stephane Marie Yvonnick    Thibaut Gregory Bernard
    Wang Li’Ting Candy           Ching Meng Chew                   Van Huizen Ivy Agnes
    Awyong Puay Sun              Chen Chia Fang, Yvonne
    Koh Hock Leong               Cabanting Ma Cristila
    Sim Yan Ee, Ian              Foo Ming Yann
    Seng Ah Ngoh                 Heng Wah Yong, Jeffrey

Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass

  Upcoming Facility
Closures for Cleaning
   & Maintenance
  Gym: 25 March 2019, Monday

 Swimming pool, Spa Pools and
         Water Play Area:
  - 27 February 2019, Wednesday
    - 27 March 2019, Wednesday

                        Club Closure
                 for Chinese New Year 2019
                         Please note that the Club will be
                             closed on the following:

                          4 February 2019, Monday:
                            Eve of Chinese New Year
                         (Except for Reunion Dinner at
                     Kensington Ballroom and Garden Grill)

                         5 February 2019, Tuesday:
                          Chinese New Year Day One

                                          STAFF APPRECIATION DAY
                                     The Club will be closed for our Staff Appreciation
                                     Day on 25 March 2019, Monday and activities will
                                                   resume the next day.

Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass
REGULAR In the spotlight

                               AWARENESS IS KEY

            T   o ensure exclusivity and safety for all members, our security team will
                continue to be vigilant and proactive in conducting checks on all visitors to
            the Club. In order for the team to carry out their duties, we seek all members’
            patience and cooperation, as this will help prevent trespassers from entering the
                                           Club’s premises.

               Here are a few transgressions commonly encountered by Security Staff.
            The Club is hoping to seek the full cooperation of members in adhering to them:

            A) Children should be supervised at all times for their safety as well as the
                avoidance of disturbance to other members. (View Clause 2.3 & 4.3)

              B) Members hosting guests are required to sign-in their guests upon entering
                                     the Club (View Clause 5)

               C) Outside food and beverage are not allowed to be consumed at the Club.
                                          (View Clause 8)

            D) Membership Cards are only to be used by the member, whose named is stated
                on the card, and cannot be used by another person. (View Clause 11)

            E) Only Member registered vehicles will be allowed entry to members’ car park.
            Guests will not have the privilege of parking at the members’ car park even upon
            request of a member. Guests have to park their vehicle at the designated visitor
                                               lots available.

              “At the end of the day, the goals are simple: Safety and Security”.

            For full readable version of the Club’s Bye Law, head to the following link on the
                   website -

Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass

         We are continuously looking for ways to beautify the club’s landscaping without
         breaking the bank. Our facilities and maintenance team are taking steps to
         improve the few outdoor shrubbery, flora and walkways to create beautiful
         spaces and lawn areas. The messy spots have been replaced with well-manicured
         landscaping that are much more aesthetically pleasing. Simple flower beds have
         been included to add a touch of colour and variety. Members can look forward to
              watching the flowers flourish into lush gardens in the coming months.
                               We hope you love our simple DIY!

                                1. Main Carpark Planter Area

BEFORE                                             AFTER

                                        2. Planter Area

BEFORE                                             AFTER

                                     3. Gym Planter Area

BEFORE                                             AFTER

                                4. Guard House Planter Area

BEFORE                                             AFTER

Clubspirit plus Tennis Junior Championships Valentine's Day Set Dinner Wine Dinner Whiskey Masterclass

              Whimsical MagicaL
              I t ‘s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… which
                was what SGCC s main lobby was transformed
              into on Saturday, 24 November 2018.

              Nothing would complete the light up more with a
              mini bazaar that featured 17 vendors displaying
              their wares for sale, ranging from Christmas goodies,
              clothing and even home brew beer kits.

              Nested in another corner of the main lobby was
              a craft workshop for the kids, to create their own
              cut-out Christmas paper decorations for their
              home. Members also had a free sampling of
              Christmas delights including honey baked ham and
              roasted turkey sold by the Club‘s Food & Beverage
              department that they could order for their gatherings
              or parties.


Fringe activities including face painting and
balloon sculpting enthralled the kids and the
hype up to the evening ‘s festivities continued
with performances from SGCC ‘s very own
child talents. Guest-of-honour Ms Sylvia Lim
graced the event and kicked off the
performance proceedings.

The talent showcase ranged from Christmas
carols by the Cambridge Pre-school kids
to singing of ‘Better When I‘m Dancing ‘ by
Rachel to piano pieces by Seth (Hungarian
Dance No. 5 & Jam in G) & Thea
(The Penguin & A Thousand Years) to dance
performances from Natalya (Rockin Robin)
and Donovan (Micdrop by BTS).

Once ready, all lights from the lobby and
surrounding F&B outlets were turned off in
anticipation of the light up. Emcee Jesson
led the countdown and Club President and
General Committee members eagerly awaited
the opportune time to activate the light up.

At the count of 5-4-3-2-1, the Christmas
lightings were turned on followed by carolling
from Festive Friends in the background.
A Magic Show performance followed and
how could it be considered the Christmas
season without a visit from Santa Claus.
Ho-ho-ho and a Merry Christmas everyone!


                            Doing Our Part for Charity
                          (19 December 2018, Wednesday)

               F   ollowing the huge success of last year’s
                   “Gifts from the Heart” initiative, which
               raised several gifts for the less privileged
                                                                    the gifts to the children on 19 December 2018,
                                                                    Wednesday. The well-wishes and gifts brought
                                                                    warmth to the children, and the smiles from
               children, the Club decided to continue the           the children upon receiving the gifts were more
               spirit of giving again by raising gifts during the   than words could describe.
               recent Christmas season.
                                                                    A big Thank You to everyone who contributed
               The adopted beneficiary this time round was          generously to the “Gifts from the Heart”
               Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home                initiative.

               (CSLMCH), which provides shelter, care and
               protection to boys and girls aged between 5

               and 21. With the collective effort from SGCC
               members and staff, we managed to raise 80                    The Best Way To Find Yourself Is To
               gifts in total for the children and teenagers                Lose Yourself In The Service Of Others
               from CSLMCH.                                                                       -Mahatma Gandhi
               Gift tags were placed on a Christmas Tree
               in the Club’s main lobby and those who
               considered ‘adopting‘ a gift simply had to pick
               one of the tags and purchase the item written
               on it.

               Sincerest appreciation to Club President
               Terrence Fernandez and General Committee
               members Eric Lee and George Lim Yort Gue,
               who took time off their busy schedules to deliver


                   Dialogue Session
              (26 November 2018, Monday)
                                     Kensington Ballroom I

H    eld on 26 November 2018, the lively
     dialogue session kicked off with
a welcome speech by Club President
                                                    Additionally, to improve members’ overall
                                                    Club experience, there are planned works
                                                    in the pipeline including installing of an
Terrence Fernandez, followed by an                  Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in the
introduction to the three new General               club by early 2019, incorporating a Wine
Committee members: Mr Daniel Ho, Mr                 & Spirit shop, as well as establishing a new
George Lim Yort Gue and Mr Jack Rodrigues.          lobby lounge.
During the session, the Club’s General              Other topics discussed during the dialogue
Manager, Mr Farrock Ebrahim also took the           session include more variety in activities for
opportunity to share with members on the            members such as the Sports Appreciation
ongoing facilities improvement works taking         Camp, which will be held yearly to engage
place in the Club. Some of the areas include        the youth. In addition, there are Special
the removal of unsightly shrubbery / planters       Projects to look out for in 2019.
and having the landscape beautified;
mending and repainting of the building’s            “We would like to thank all members who
facade which is beginning to reveal cracks due      took time out of their busy schedules to
to wear and tear; as well the refurbishment of      participate actively in the dialogue session.”
the timber deck.
                                                    The session concluded around 9.05pm and
President Terrence then went on to share with       everyone carried on with their own private
everyone the Club’s plans moving forward:           discussions over curry puffs, warm coffee
                                                    and tea.
For Members’ benefit, the following were to
be worked on: Lowering of transfer fees for         For the full transcript of the dialogue session,
a promotional period, bidding for special           kindly refer to the Club’s noticeboard.
membership numbers, reviewing of S&R
& F&B subsidies, reviewing of the Club’s
Constitution with Dr Lau Teik Soon, as well
as reviewing of the Club’s policies/ Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs).


                    SGCC ROCKS
                THE NIGHT AWAY TO A
               BRAND NEW YEAR
                        SGCC Countdown to 2019 Party
                        31 December 2018, Monday

                        T   he theme was ‘Rock Around The Clock‘, and rock
                            into the New Year 2019 was what everyone did.
                        Everyone partied the night away and welcomed the new
                        year in style.

                        From line to ballroom dancing to favourites like the
                        Macarena and the YMCA, there was never a dull moment
                        on the dance floor at the Kensington Ballroom.

                        Everyone was well decked out to the night’s theme and
                        it was photos galore as members and their guests arrived
                        at the registration counter.

                        A photo booth provided keepsake for the night’s event
                        while an oversize arch covering the main ballroom
                        entrance coupled with two life-size lit-up guitars provided
                        another opportunity for more memories of the night.


After a welcome introduction speech by Club
President Terrence Fernandez, the countdown
party kicked off in style with Emcee Alex Tan and
his fab four dancers entertaining everyone with
song and dance.

Lynn & The Lovebirds provided live band
performances and enchanted everyone with their
wide repertoire of songs.

It was then back to Alex and team to ‘ra-ra‘ the
crowd until the moment of countdown.

10 seconds before midnight and everyone was on
standby to usher in 2019.

Following the countdown, a lucky draw was
conducted as everyone tucked into their
porridge supper.

Satisfied with their supper and lucky draw, it was
then home sweet home for everyone.


                                                     Ong Plumbing and Electrical Pte Ltd
                                                     Earn Fatt Laundry & Dry Cleaning Pte Ltd
                                                     Pool Party Pte Ltd


               Sports Appreciation
                   Camp 2018
               B    ack after a eight-year hiatus, the Sports
                    Appreciation Camp 2018 was held on the 11
               and 12 December 2018 to give kids the opportunity
               to learn and appreciate a wide variety of sports.
               Building character through sports was the motto for
               the 2018 edition.

               A total of 16 children registered for the two-day
               sports camp, which offered exposure to sports like
               tennis, chess, bowling, golf, judo, taekwondo, sports
               stacking as well as swimming.

               Apart from taking part in sports, the young ones also
               had a great time around the campfire on the second
               night, forging new friendships and making
               wonderful memories.


Many shared that they had a great time,
here are some of their feedback:

“This is an event I will always
remember, and I made two new
friends too!” – Gabriel Khoo

“I am the best golfer in the world!”
– Tristan Khoo

“I liked everything about the camp!”
– Olivier Khoo

 “I had a great time, I made new
friends and we enjoyed learning
about every sport. The coaches were very
friendly. The Club’s ‘uncles‘ and ‘aunties‘ also
took very good care of us.” – Tyann Lim

A big shout out to all coaches and sponsors including
MV Resources (FE) Pte Ltd, Sri Energy, Inc, Union
Alloy (Pte) Lte, and Marketing Services Inc. (S) Pte Ltd
for their support in making this event a huge success.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Sports Camp!       The S&R staff behind the scences

                                                             SGCC Adventure
                                                           Challenge Camp 2019
                                                                Date: 11 & 12 June 2019
                                                               Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
                                                                 Duration: 2 Days Camp

                                                            Activities: Exploring Tree Top Walk
                                                             @ Macritchie Reservoir, Prawning/
                                                             Fishing, Hay Dairies Goat Farm,
                                                                     Marugen Koi Farm

          Usher in the Year of Pig with scrumptious festive goodies.
                     Available for dine-in and takeaway

                     From 7 January – 19 February 2019

       Contact Atrium Cafe at 6398 5309 or

       SGCC Festive Delicacies                      unit price

     Salmon “Yu Sheng”
     (for 4-6 persons)                                   $32.00
     (for 8-10 persons)                                  $58.00

     Abalone & Salmon “Yu Sheng”
     (for 4-6 persons)                                   $58.00
     (for 8-10 persons)                                  $88.00

     Vegetarian “Yu Sheng”
     (for 4-6 persons)                                   $28.00
     (for 8-10 persons)                                  $48.00

     Prosperity “Pen Cai”                               $238.00
     (3 days notice required)

     Braised Pork Knuckle (1kg)                          $78.00
     with Fatt Choy & Dried Oyster
     (for 6-8 persons)
     (3 days notice required)


   From 7 January – 19 February 2019

    Chin     New Yea
         ese New Yearr Fest
                       Festive  Set Menu
                            ive Set                     Chinese New Year Festive Set Menu
      $588.00 w/GST
       $588 w/G      (7-COURSE)
                ST (7-CO URSE)                             $628.00 w/GST (8-COURSE)

  Prosperity  Smoked  Salmon   ‘Yu Sheng’              Prosperity          Year Fe‘Yu   Set Menu
  Pros perity Smo ked Salm on ‘Yu Sheng’                     ChinSmoked
                                                                  ese NewSalmon
                     ***                                                ***            URSE)
                    ***                                           $628 w/GST (8-CO
 Bra       FishMa
     ised Fish  Maw  Soup
                  w Sou    with Crabmeat
                        p with                        Braised Fish Maw Soup with Crabmeat
                               Crab Meat
                    ***                                                 ***oked Salmon ‘Y
                                                                                         u Sheng’
                   ***                                      Prosperity Sm
    Stea      SeaBas
         med Sea  Bass  Teochew-style
                     s Teo chew-style                     Steamed Sea Bass Teochew-style
                   ***                                                    Maw Soup with C
                                                             Braised Fish***
         Cris     Roast
              py Roa     Chicken
                     st Chi cken                               Crispy Roast Chicken
                                                                                 ss Teochew-style
                   ***                                          Steamed***Sea Ba
 Bra       Chinese  Spinach  with Abalone                                       ***
     ised Chi nese Spin ach with Abalone                  Creamy Salted Egg Yolk Prawn
                and Fatt Choy
               and Fatt Choy                                           ***py Roast Chicken
                  ***                                                          *** Abalone
                                                      Braised Chinese Spinach with
             XO  Fried  Rice                                      and Fatt Choy     g Yolk Prawn
            XO Frie d Rice                                       Creamy Salted Eg
                 ***                                                   ***      ***
  Chi lled MaMango  Puree
              ngo Pure     with Pomelo
                       e with Pomelo                          BraiXO
                                                                  sed Fried se Spinach with Ab
                                                                       ***and Fatt Choy
                                                         Chilled Mango Puree with
                                                                           XO Fried Rice
                                                                                    ree with Pomelo
                                                                   Chilled Mango Pu
                   Contact Banquet Sales at 6286 8888 or

                                                                                     SGCC FEBMAR 2019   17
            THE MANDARINS
                      19 February 2019, Tuesday
                          7.30pm - 11.30pm

                         Kensington Ballroom
                       $58.00 w/GST (Members)
                        $68.00 w/GST (Guests)
                    Complimentary: Mandarin oranges
                       and free flow of Chinese tea

                          Beverage Promotions
                  Tiger Beer @ $4.00 w/GST per glass
                 House Wine @ $30.00 w/GST per bottle
                 (usual price: $33.00 w/GST per bottle)

                        Min. to commence: 150 pax

                 CHAP GOH MEH DINNER MENU


                    AND CRAB MEAT


                           CRISPY ROAST DUCK

                       AND FATT CHOY

                      IN LOTUS LEAF

     Contact Adrian Chew at 6398 5368 or 9115 0417 or

                  11 February 2019, Monday
                      7.30pm - 11.30pm

                  Kensington Ballroom
                 $50 w/GST
                  $60 w/GST
Complimentary: Mandarin oranges and free flow of Chinese tea

                      Beverage Promotions
             Tiger Beer @ $4.00 w/GST per glass
                             $30 w/GST
                            $33 w/GST

                    Min. to commence: 150 pax

          LO-HEI LO-HEI

       Prosperity Prosperity   Smoked Salmon ‘Yu Sheng’
                  Smoked Salmon ‘Yu
        Veloute of Veloute    of Seafood and Beancurd
                    Seafood and Beancurd
      Steamed Sea Bass wit   Sea Bass with Superior Sauce
                              h Superior Sauce
          Roast OrienRoast    Oriental Garlic Chicken
                      tal Garlic Chicken
             Braised Broccoli with Chinese Mushroom and
 Braised Brocco  li with Chinese Mushr
                                  Fatt Choyoom and
                    Fatt Choy
                           Braised Ee Fu Noodles
             Braised Ee Fu Noodles
   Chilled Lemongrass    Lemongrass     Jelly with Aloe Vera
                         Jelly with Aloe Vera

 Contact Adrian Chew at 6398 5368 or 9115 0417 or

                                                                     SGCC FEBMAR 2019   19

                 THROW A PARTY @ SGCC
                                   BE REWARDED
                       We’ve got the best venues for your party – from anniversary celebrations,
                     weddings to kids’ birthday bash. The best part is that you’ll be rewarded with
                                          up to $300 worth of F&B vouchers.

                                  Recommend a friend or company to hold an event at SGCC
                                               and you’ll be rewarded too!

                           Check out our incentive scheme below, valid for bookings from now
                                                till end February 2019.

                                   Banquet Expenditure (w/ GST)                              Your Incentive
                                                $4,280 - $8558.90                             $100 F&B Voucher
                                               $8,560 - $12,838.90                           $200 F&B Voucher
                                                 $12,840 & above                             $300 F&B Voucher

                           For enquiries and bookings, kindly contact the Banquet Sales Department
                                                   @ 6398 5381 / 387 or 365.

                                                                           Terms & Conditions
          1. Incentive scheme is only applicable for events held in SGCC with a minimum expenditure of $4,280. 2. Incentive scheme is only applicable if a
        member refers a non-member or a company. 3. The F&B vouchers may only be used at SGCC’s F&B outlets and cannot be used to offset the banquet
           expenditure. 4. Incentives will only be issued after the function, at the end of the month. 5. Vouchers are valid for 6 months from date of issue.
          6. Vouchers may not be used in conjunction with any other promotion. 7. The Management reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions
                                                                           without prior notice.


                                Wine DINNER
                      TREASURY WINE ESTATES
                       BRAND AMBASSADOR
                                             Garden Grill

    Friday 29 March 2019                                          RECEPTION
     7.30pm – 10.30pm                                       MDGE Cremant Sparkling

                                                                 1st COURSE
Connoisseur Circle: $60.00 w/GST                         Melon and Prosciutto Salad
    Member: $70.00 w/GST                                   Spears of Watermelon,
     Guest: $80.00 w/GST                                 Cantaloupe, and Honeydew
                                                        wrapped in Prosciutto served
                                                       over Arugula and Mixed Greens
   Contact Garden Grill at 6398 5313 or               Garnished with Candied Almonds                               and drizzled with
                                                            a Balsamic Reduction

                                                              PW Autumn Riesling

                                   The wines                    2nd COURSE
                                selected for th              Crab Meat Ravioli
                                                is      Smoothed with Bonito Broth
                                event are rate
                                90 points an
                                               d            Beringer Private Reserve

                                                                3rd COURSE
                                                             Barramundi Fillet
                                                        Pan-seared and served with
                                                              Mesclun Green,
                                                          Bacon and Beurre Blanc
                                                             Braised Short Ribs
                                                      Served over Potato Mashed with
                                                             Fresh Green Beans

                                                        Stags’ Leap Napa Valley Merlot

                                                                4th COURSE
                                                          Traditional Fruit TartS
                                                      Butter Shortbread Crust filled
                                                      with Creme BruleE Pastry Cream
                                                      and Topped with Seasonal Fruits
                                                                and Berries

                                                            MDGE Cremant Sparkling


                          INTERNATIONAL BUFFET
                                                    Garden Grill

                            Every diner also enjoys one complimentary serving of
                 (a) 200gm of Lobster with Choice of Cheese, Black Pepper or Herb Butter
                      (b) 60gm of Foie Gras with Port Wine Sauce of Raspberry Sauce
                           (c) 200gm of Crab with Choice of Chilli or Black Pepper

                                            Saturdays & Sundays
                                        (Commencing from 2 March 2019)

                                               6.00pm – 10.00pm
                                      (Last order: 30 minutes before closing)

                                              Adult: $40.00 w/GST
                                         Child (5 – 12yrs): $22.00 w/GST
                                 Senior Member (55 yrs and above): $32.00 w/GST

                           Contact Garden Grill at 6398 5313 or
                   Visit our Dining and Entertainment Promotions at for more details.


              From 1 January – 26 March 2019, the guest cover charge at Club Twenty-Two on Saturdays
              will be $18 w/GST per person, inclusive of 1 standard drink
              (U.P.: $26.75 per person, inclusive of 2 standard drinks).

              Please note that the above promotion DOES NOT apply to special events held at
              Club Twenty-Two


                                   Garden Grill

                             1-28 February 2019
              (except 4 & 5 February and evening of 14 February)

                              Daily: 12pm – 3pm
                            Mon – Fri: 6pm – 10pm
                     (Last order: 30 minues before closing)

                     Smoked Salmon Yu Sheng Salad
               Pork Jerky Salad with Mandarin OrangeS
                  Grilled Prawn Salad with Pine Nuts *

                     Essence of Chicken with Chinese
                   Black Mushroom and Winter Melon
                      Cream of Corn with Crabmeat

                               MAIN COURSES
                       Oriental Pork Meat Ball Pasta
                    Pan-seared Barramundi Fillet
               marinated in Ginger Juice & Sesame Oil
           served with Seasonal Vegetable and Teriyaki Jus
               Pan-roasted Chicken with Baked Pineapple
                    served with Honey Marmalade
                    Grilled Seafood Kebab marinated
                        with Vietnamese Spices **
                 Braised Beef Cheek with Asian Spices ***

                         Pistachio Crème Brulee
                      accompanied with Sesame Tuile
                         Pineapple Turnover Cake
                         drizzled with Apricot Jam

                                 COFFEE or TEA

                  3-course set from $20.05 w/GST per person
                  4-course set from $25.40 w/GST per person
                    $2.65 w/GST discount for Students and
                  Senior Citizens aged 55 years old and above
                    * $4.28 w/GST ** $8.55 w/GST *** $12.80 w/GST

        Contact Garden Grill at 6398 5313 or
Visit our Dining and Entertainment Promotions at for more details.


                        WHET YOUR APPETITE!
                       NEW A LA CARTE MENUS
                                 @ GARDEN GRILL, ATRIUM CAFÉ,
                                  COFFEE DELI & BAR OUTLETS

                         Our new a la carte menus offer you more mouth-watering
                                             dishes to savour!

                                 Available from 8 April 2019, Monday.

                                      Contact Garden Grill at 6398 5313
                                       Contact Atrium Café at 6398 5309
                                       Contact Coffee Deli at 6398 5312
                                    Contact Crossroads Lounge at 6398 5310
                                     Contact Club Twenty-Two at 6398 5386


                CONNECT WITH US

Changes to your particulars?
Update us today! It only takes a
few minutes to complete the form.

Please tick where applicable:

     I would like to receive all Club related                           Bar & Lounge Programmes
     promotional information via SMS                                    Billiards & Pool
     and/or                                                             Bowling
     I would like to receive information from                           Chess
     the Club through SMS or email on events                            Dancing
     and activities that are related to my areas of                     Darts
     interest. Please tick against the boxes:                           Fitness Activities
                                                                        Food & Wine Promotions
  Name:                                                                 Golf
                                                                        Health & Wellness
  Membership No.:                                                       Jackpot
                                                                        Kids (under 12) Activities
  Mobile No:                                                            Ladies Activities
  Email:                                                                Outings/ Trips
                                                                        Senior (over 55) Activities
  Signature of member:				                                              Social Events / Gathering
 Please submit this form to the Main Reception Counter                  Tennis

                                              Official Use
Date Received:                                           Received By:
Processed By:                                            Processed Date:


               TCA Junior Invitational Chess
                    Championship 2019

     S   erangoon Gardens Country Club (SGCC) will
         be having its 17th annual TCA Junior Chess
     Open Championship on Good Friday, April 19
                                                            Date: 19 April 2019, Friday
     2019, between 9am and 6pm. There will be over
                                                            Time: 9am – 6pm
     200 participants from chess clubs, schools and other
     chess fraternities in Singapore taking part in         Kensington Ballroom
     this tournament.
                                                            Members: $10.70 (All Categories)
     SGCC has been organising the TCA Junior Chess          Under 8, 10, 12: $38.00 w/GST (Guest)
     Open Championship since 2003. Back then there          Open Category: $45.00 w/GST (Guest)
     were only 53 participants, however the figures have    Lunch included
     quadrupled over the past sixteen years.
                                                            7 rounds of Swiss (25 minutes each side)
     The TCA Chess Championship was named in honour
     of the late Mr Tay Chong Ann, a Life member of the     Calling all the young chess masters.
     Club, who passed away in July 2011 at the age of       Pit your skills against the best to be
     99. Mr Tay was one of the founding members of the      the champion.
     club’s chess fraternity, promoted chess to members
                                                            Closing date: 15 March 2019, Friday
     and represented the Club in many tournaments over
     the years.
                                                            Sign up early to avoid disappointment!
     The tournament will be played according to the FIDE    Contact Terrence at 63985389 or
     Laws of Chess with seven rounds of Swiss System. It
     will be held behind closed doors but members of the
     public can still head down to the Club to support
     the participants.

     Monday                Tuesday                      Wednesday                      Thursday             Friday                  Saturday                    Sunday
                                                                                                      1                      2                           3
                                                                                                      - Performance          - Matthew &
                                                                                                      by Chillin@Six         The Mandarins
                                                                                                      Crossroads             Club 22, 8pm
                                                                                                      Lounge, 8pm

4                   5                        6                                    7                   8                      9                           10
CLUB CLOSED                                  - CNY Lion & Dragon Dance                                - Performance          - Matthew &
                    CLUB CLOSED
                                             Celebration Main lobby, 12 pm                            by Chillin@Six         The Mandarins
- Chinese New                                                                                         Crossroads
                    - Chinese New                                                                                            Club 22, 8pm
Year Eve                                     - Social & Ballroom Dance Nite                           Lounge, 8pm
                    Year Day 1
                                             with DJ Dennis Goh Club 22,
- CNY Reunion                                8.30pm
                    - No Musical
Dinner Kensington
Ballroom, 6.30pm                             - Performance by Judy & William
                                             Crossroads Lounge, 8pm
- CNY Reunion
Dinner Garden
Grill, 6pm
11                  12                       13                                   14                  15                     16                          17
- Lo-hei            - No Musical             - Social & Ballroom Dance Nite       - Valentine‘s       - Performance          - Matthew &                 - Ang Pow
Dinner&Dance        Afternoon                with DJ Dennis Goh Club 22,          Day Celebration     by Chillin@Six         The Mandarins               Bowling
with ‘Live‘ Band                             8.30pm                               Garden Grill, 6pm   Crossroads             Club 22, 8pm                Garden Bowl,
Sound Sensation,    - Ang Pow Bridge                                                                  Lounge, 8pm                                        9am
                    Game 2019 Casuarina      - Performance by Judy & William                                                 - Ang Pow Darts Cricket,
Kensington                                                                                                                   Darts Lounge, 2pm
                    room, 9am                Crossroads Lounge, 8pm
Ballroom, 7.30pm
                                                                                                                             - Ang Pow One Day
                                                                                                                             Squash, Squash court, 3pm
18                  19                       20                                   21                  22                     ·23                         24
                    - Chap Goh Meh Dinner    - Social & Ballroom Dance Nite                           - Performance          - Matthew &
                    & Dance with ‘Live‘      with DJ Dennis Goh Club 22,                              by Chillin@Six         The Mandarins
                    Band Matthew & The       8.30pm                                                   Crossroads             Club 22, 8pm
                    Mandarins, Kensington                                                             Lounge, 8pm
                                             - Performance by Judy & William
                    Ballroom, 9am            Crossroads Lounge, 8pm
                    - Musical Afternoon
                    Club 22, 2pm
25                   26                      27                                   28
                    - Musical Afternoon      - Social & Ballroom Dance Nite
                    Club 22, 2pm             with DJ Dennis Goh Club 22,
                                             - Performance by Judy & William
                                             Crossroads Lounge, 8pm

                                                                        MARCH 2019
     Monday               Tuesday                      Wednesday                       Thursday             Friday                 Saturday                  Sunday
                                                                                                      1                       2                     3
                                                                                                      - Band Performance      - Matthew &           - SGCC Invitational
                                                                                                      Crossroads              The Mandarins         Swim Meet
                                                                                                      Lounge, 8pm             Club 22, 8pm          Swimming pool,
4                   5                       6                                     7                   8                       9                     10
                    - Musical Afternoon     - Social & Ballroom Dance Nite with                       - Band Performance      - Matthew &
                    Club 22, 2pm            DJ Dennis Goh, Club 22, 8.30pm                            Crossroads              The Mandarins
                                            - Performance by Judy & William                           Lounge, 8pm             Club 22, 8pm
                                            Crossroads Lounge, 8pm

11                  12                       13                                   14                  15                      16                    17
                    - Musical Afternoon     - Social & Ballroom Dance Nite with                       - Band Performance      - Matthew &
                    Club 22, 2pm            DJ Dennis Goh, Club 22, 8.30pm                            Crossroads              The Mandarins
                                            - Performance by Judy & William                           Lounge, 8pm             Club 22, 8pm
                                            Crossroads Lounge, 8pm
18                  19                       20                                   21                  22                      23                    24
                    - Musical Afternoon     - Social & Ballroom Dance Nite with                       - Band Performance      - Matthew &           - CNY Line Dance
                    Club 22, 2pm            DJ Dennis Goh, Club 22, 8.30pm                            Crossroads              The Mandarins         Afternoon with
                                                                                                      Lounge, 8pm             Club 22, 8pm          DJ Dennis Goh
                                            - Performance by Judy & William                                                   -Tennis Junior        Club 22, 12pm
                                            Crossroads Lounge, 8pm                                                            Championships
                                                                                                                              Tennis court, 8am
25                  26                       27                                   28                  29                      30                    31
                    - Musical Afternoon     - Social & Ballroom Dance Nite with                       - Band Performance      - One Day
                    Club 22, 2pm            DJ Dennis Goh, Club 22, 8.30pm                            Crossroads              Tennis (Ladies )
- Staff                                                                                               Lounge, 8pm             Tennis court, 8am
Appreciation                                - Performance by Judy & William
                                            Crossroads Lounge, 8pm                                    -Wine Dinner with
                                                                                                      Treasury Wine Estate
                                                                                                      Brand Ambassador
                                                                                                      Garden Grill,7.30pm
                                                 Information is subjected to changes without prior notice.
                                For more updated Club happenings, log on to our online Events Calendar at

                                                                                                                        Happy Hour
                                                                                                                      All beverages at
                                                                                                                      20% off (except
                                                                                                                    for bottled liquor &
                                                                                                                        bottled wine
                                                                                                                      at 10% discount)
                                                                                                                         before 8pm

     1 February - 31 March 2019 (Daily)
     Crossroads Lounge, Karaoke Rooms & Lounge, Dance & Music Lounge

     Check out our Premium Wine Bottle Promotions @ Crossroads Lounge at affordable prices!

                       Wine                                                           Beer

                                    WINE PROMOTION                                                  BEER DEAL
                                 PW               STAGS’ LEAP                                        Tiger Draft
                           Autumn Riesling       Napa Valley Merlot                               20% ALL NIGHT
                            @ $45 w/GST            @ $65 w/GST
                              per bottle             per bottle


            GLENFIDDICH               GLENFIDDICH                   GLENFIDDICH                CHIVAS 18 YEARS          CHIVAS 12 YEARS
          12 years Single Malt      15 years Single Malt          18 years Single Malt           1 bottle @ $158         1 bottle @ $104.85
           1 bottle @ $126.25        1 bottle @ $169.05            1 bottle @ $211.85                 w/GST                     w/GST
                 w/GST                      w/GST                        w/GST                   2 bottles @ $288        2 bottles @ $192.60
          2 bottles @ $235.40       2 bottles @ $318.80           2 bottles @ $404.40                 w/GST                     w/GST
                 w/GST                     w/GST                         w/GST

                                         *Happy Hour discount is not applicable to the above Beverage promotion.
                                           # The above photographs / images are for illustration purpose only.

                                                    WAIVER OF GUEST COVER CHARGE
        Members who spend $107 w/GST and above at any of the F&B outlets will be entitled to the following promotion:
        • Minimum spending of $107 w/GST: waiver of cover charges for 2 guests
        • Minimum spending of $214 w/GST: waiver of cover charges for 5 guests
        • Minimum spending of $321 w/GST: waiver of cover charges for 8 guests

        Waivers of guest cover charges at Club Twenty-Two will be valid only on the day of spending and CANNOT be used for special events
        held at Club Twenty-Two.
                                                *No Happy Hour discount for the above promotion

28    FEBMAR 2019           SGCC

                                NEW ENGLAND
                        LOBSTER & SEAFOOD
                                        Garden Grill

                                  1 - 31 March 2019
                          (Except 25 March 2019 owning to
                              Staff Appreciation Day)

                                  Daily: 12pm – 3pm
                                Mon – Fri: 6pm – 10pm
                         (Last order: 30 minues before closing)

                      3-course set from $20.05 w/GST per person
                                                                        Picture for illustration purposes only
                      4-course set from $25.40 w/GST per person
                        $2.65 w/GST discount for Students and
                      Senior Citizens aged 55 years old and above

			Appetizer                                             BBQ Honey Pork Ribs
    Chilled New Hampshire Ham                                     or
          with Asparagus                           Beef Pot Roast with Vegetable**
     Crab with Avocado Mayo*                         Surcharge of $40.66 w/GST
                 or                                    for ‘Live’ Boston Lobster
Princeton Salmon Cake with Maple                               Thermidor,
            Syrup Mayo                             Piri-Piri or Black Pepper (500gm)

              Soup                                               Dessert
      Boston Clam Chowder                                  Yankee Pumpkin Pie
                or                                                 or
          Lobster Bisque                               Chilled Cheese Cake served
                                                         with Raspberry Sauce
          Main Course
 Barramundi pan-fried with Whisked
            Egg White                                  * $4.28 w/GST ** $12.80 w/GST
            Chicken Pie

                Contact Garden Grill at 6398 5313 or
     Visit our Dining and Entertainment Promotions at for more details.

                                                                       SGCC FEBMAR 2019                  29

                                  VALENTINE’S DAY
                                    SET DINNER
                                                                              Feb UAR
                                      $48.00 W/GST PER PERSON
                                   (ROSES FOR THE LADIES & A GLASS
                                                                                 201 9
                                  OF SPARKLING WINE FOR ALL DINERS)
                                   Wine-poached Ocean Prawn
                                 with Mango Pearls & Salmon Roe
                            Seafood Medley Tomato Broth with Saffron
                              Seared Citrus-scented Salmon served with
                             Summer Vegetable with Noilly Prat Dressing
                       Char-grilled Angus Beef Tenderloin with Duck Foie Gras
                        served with Potato Gratin, Vegetable & Madeira Sauce
                           Williams Pear Parfait with Champagne Rose Jelly
                                      Freshly Brewed Coffee or Tea

                                    Contact Garden Grill at 6398 5313

                                                        WHISKY MASTERCLASS
                                                         BY RAJAN MENON
                                                               Senior Manager of Public Relations &
                                                           Brand Ambassador of Chivas Regal Singapore,
                                                                     Pernod Ricard Singapore

                                                              featuring Chivas 12 yEArs,
                                                             Chivas 18 yEArs, Chivas Extra
                                                              and new Chivas Mizunara

                                                                     VENUE: CASUARINA ROOM
                                                 07                    Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm
                                                2019                   Member: $10.00 w/GST
                                                                        Guest: $15.00 w/GST
                                             THURSDA                 inclusive of light snack
                                                                    Min. to Commence: 15 pax

                                                                Contact Adrian Chew at 9115 0417


                    Time: 12pm – 4.30pm             21
                   Member: $18.00 w/GST            APRIL
                    Guest: $28.00 w/GST            2019
              Inclusive of light buffet lunch      SUNDAY

TUESDAY                                Musical Afternoon with
                                       Sound Sensation (2pm)
WEDNESDAY Judy & William (8pm)         Social & Ballroom
                                       Dance Night with DJ
                                       Dennis Goh (8.30pm)
FRIDAY       Chillin@Six (8pm)
SATURDAY                               Matthew & The
                                       Mandarins (8pm)
SUNDAY                                 4th Sunday: Line
                                       Dance Afternoon with
                                       DJ Dennis Goh, 2.30pm


                  WILD WILD WEST
                  with MATTHEW & THE MANDARINS
                                      Date: 23 March 2019, Saturday
                                         Time: 7.00pm – 12.00am
                                         Member: $22.00 w/GST
                                           Guest: $32.00 w/GST
                                      Inclusive of light buffet dinner
                                           and 1 standard drink

                                       Lucky draw and best dressed
                                      cowboy and cowgirl competition

                                      Contact Club Twenty-Two at 6398 5386

                       ST PATRICK’S DAY SPECIAL
                         @ CROSSROADS LOUNGE

                                          Date: 11 – 17 March 2019

                               BEVERAGE PROMOTION (ALL NIGHT)
                                   Guinness Stout @ $5.80 w/GST
                         John Jameson Whisky @ $222.55 w/GST (for 2 bottles)

                              FOOD PROMOTION (FROM 4PM TO 9.30PM)
                                  Guinness Beef Stew @ $12.00 w/GST
                        Traditional Irish Shepherd’s Pie (Lamb) @ $12.00 w/GST
                                    Bangers & Mash @ $12.00 w/GST
                  Mixed Meat Platter (Chicken, Sausage & Lamb Chop) @ $18.00 w/GST

                        Contact Crossroads Lounge at 6398 5310 or


26 – 27 April 2019, Friday to Saturday

Bond with family and friends while being dazzled
by a spectacular show blending light, music and
dance - Encore Melaka, in our 2-day Malacca Trip.

Then it’s time to shop, shop, shop at Datarau
Pahlawan Mall / Makota Parade, Jonker Street,             Price includes:
local produce at Yong Peng - Yoyo Nature Food
Products before heading home.                             • 2-way Transport
                                                          • English speaking Tour Guide
Min. to commence: 38 pax                                  • 1 Night stay at Hattan Hotel with buffet breakfast
Max. participants: 40 pax                                   on a twin sharing basis
(Ensure that the passport has at least 6 months           • 1 Lunch at Local Restaurant
validity from the date of travel)                         • 1 Nice Peranakan dinner at local restaurant
                                                          • Admission Ticket to ENCORE MELAKA SHOW
Closing Date: 30 March 2019                                (Standard Tickets)
                                                          • Personal accident insurance coverage of $10,000
  Members           Guests          Child                   per person – medical claim up to $500 per person.
   $$213.00         $218.00        $178.00                 Do not cover illness/ Food poisoning.
    w/ GST          w/ GST         w/ GST
                                                          Contact Iris at 6398 5374 or

                              Intermediate @ Ukulele Class
                                         6 March 2019                      Charges for 6 Lessons:
                                      10.30am – 11.30am                  $102.00 W/ GST (Members)
                                       Every Wednesday                    $107.00 W/ GST (Guests)

                                       Club Twenty-Two                        Min. to commence:
                                                                                    10 pax
                                                                              Max. participants:
                                                                                    15 pax

                                                                               The following is the
                                                                        Intermediate Ukulele syllabus.
                                                                      1. Reading of tabs. Play melodies.
                                                                2. Finger picking pattern with song practice:
                                                                             Perfect by Ed Sheeran.
                                                                3. Finger picking pattern with song practice:
                                                                            Can’t help falling in love.
                                                                            4. Solo piece: Ode to Joy
                                                                         5. Strumming piece: Dream A
                                                                                  Little Dream.
                                                                6. Strumming and plucking piece: Somewhere
                                                                               Over the Rainbow

                                                                        Closing Date: 23 February 2019

                                                              Contact Iris at 6398 5374 or


     Quarterly Bowl (April)                               Bowling Convenor Cup
     7 April 2019, Sunday                                 12 May 2019, Sunday

     Check-in time: 8.45am                                Check-in time:8.45am
     Roll-off time: 9am                                   Roll-off time: 9am

     Gardens Bowl                                         Gardens Bowl

     $42.80 W/GST (Members)                               $42.80 W/GST (Members)
     Best of 10 Games                                     Format: Best of 10 Games
     Eligibility: Members only                            Eligibility: Members only
     Min. to commence: 20 pax                             Min. to commence: 20 pax

     Closing Date: 24 March 2019, Sunday                  Closing Date: 28 April 2018, Sunday

                             Contact Zaleha at 6398 5373 or


                    8 Ball Pool Open Tournament

Come join SGCC in the 8 Ball Pool            Categories: Knock Out
Tournament. It’s fun and exciting!           Format: Best of 3 Games
Sign up at the Billiard room or call         Eligibility: Able to play Pool
6398 5389 now! The Champion will be          Min. to Start: 14 Pax
sponsored to represent the Club in the
National 8 Ball Pool Tournament.             Closing Date: 25 March 2019, Monday

                                             Contact Terrence at 6398 5389 or
7 April 2019, Sunday

12.00pm (Lunch)
1.00pm sharp game starts

Billiard Room

Members - $10.70 W/GST
Billiard Section Member - FREE
(Fees for Section Members will be deducted
from Billiard Section Fund)
Charges inclusive of Lunch and Tea Break

            SGCC Dr Lau Teik Soon Golf Challenge

                                             Mark down the dates on your calendar and
                                             join us for this trip!
                                             19-20 April 2019, Friday- Saturday

                                             Flight Time- TBA

                                             Southlink Country Club – Batam Hill
                                             SGCC Golf Section members- TBA
                                             SGCC Members- TBA
                                             Guest- TBA
                                             Price to be advised. (Price will be quoted base
                                             on twin sharing.)
                                             Format: Strokeplay (Day 1) / Stableford (Day 2)
                                             Min. to Start: 24 Pax

                                             Closing Date: 13 March 2019, Wednesday

                                             Contact Terrence at 6398 5389 or


                              ANG POW ONE DAY SQUASH

                                                16 February 2019, Saturday
                                                3pm – 6pm

                                                Squash Courts

                                                Members - $10.70 W/GST
                                                Guests - $20.00 W/GST
                                                Dinner only - $15.00 W/GST

                                                Min. to commence: 16 pax
                                                Max. participants: 30 pax

                                                Contact Daniel Chong at 6398 5351 or

                                ANG POW DARTS CRICKET

         16 February 2019, Saturday
         2pm onwards

         Darts Lounge

         $10.70 W/GST (Members)
         Inclusive of buffet dinner

         Min. to commence: 16 pax
         Max. participants: 24 pax

         Contact Daniel Chong at 6398 5351 or


One Day Tennis (Ladies Blind Doubles) – 30 March 2019, Saturday
One Day Tennis (Men’s Blind Doubles) – 06 April 2019, Saturday
One Day Tennis (Mixed Blind Doubles) – 13 April 2019, Saturday

8am onwards

Tennis Courts

$10.70 w/GST (Member only)
Min. to commence: 16 pax
Max. participants: 30 pax

Closing Date: One Day Tennis (Ladies Blind Doubles) – 17 March 2019, Sunday
Closing Date: One Day Tennis (Men’s Blind Doubles) – 24 March 2019, Sunday
Closing Date: One Day Tennis (Mixed Blind Doubles) – 31 March 2019, Sunday

Contact Daniel Chong at 6398 5351 or

Tennis Junior ChampionshipS
23 March 2018, Saturday
8am to 6pm

Tennis Courts

Category: Boys & Girls 8 Years old & Under,
10 Years old & Under, 12 Years old & Under and 14 Years Old & Under

Members - $10.70 W/GST per category
Guest - $21.40 W/GST per category
10 pax each Category

Closing Date: 10 March 2019, Sunday

Contact Daniel Chong at 6398 5351 or


                                            SGCC Invitational
                                            Swim Meet
                                            03 March 2019, Sunday

                                            12pm onwards
                                            Swimming Pool

                                            $8.56 w/GST (Members) each for the
                                            1st & 2nd event registered, free for the
                                            3rd event onwards.

                                            $10.70 w/GST per event – Member’s
                                            Guest, Invited School / Swim School

                                            Contact Daniel Chong at 6398 5351 or

                                    Past Event

                                    Exploring Singapore
                                    Series 5: Pulau Semakau
                                    In this series 5 of SGCC’s version of Exploring
                                    Singapore, 10 participants went island exploring
                                    on 23 December 2018, Sunday to Pulau Semakau,
                                    better known as Semakau Island, which is located
                                    to the south of Singapore.

                                    Once home to a small fishing village, the Singapore
                                    government acquired the land, relocated the
                                    islanders to the main land and converted it to the
                                    present day Semakau Landfill receiving station.

                                    Now open as a place for recreational activities,
                                    it hosts a rich biodiversity of marine life and reefs.

                                    The three hour exploration also brought the
                                    group to the island bund, which is considered
                                    one of Singapore’s most expensive roads.

                                    With nice weather providing it a pleasant visit,
                                    everyone went home with valuable information
                                    of what our small island has to offer.


Bowler of the Year
The Bowler of the Year award is not an event        Results:
where bowlers can just sign up and participate,     Men’s Category
however it is based on ranking points               1st: Kelvin Chua
accumulated for a stipulated period in the year.    2nd: Samuel Ho
                                                    3rd: Lee How Wang
Points are allocated according to all the
in-house events participated from April 2018        Ladies Category
until November 2018.                                1st: Tan Hui Xian       From left: Tan Hui Xian,
                                                    2nd: Lily Leow          Edward Tan (Bowling Convenor)
Only the Top 20 Men’s & Top 10 Ladies with          3rd: Catherine Chua     and Kelvin Chua
the highest points will qualify for this event.

Once qualified, the bowlers will have to bowl
a round of 10 games to determine who will be
eligible to move into next step which is the Step
Ladder round, where only the top 3 ladies & top
5 men will be competing for pole position.

Event with ranking point
40th Inter-Team Bowling League (Master
Quarterly Bowl (April)
Quarterly Bowl (August)
Quarterly Bowl (November)
Convenor’s Cup                                      Group photo

Senior Bowling
Age is of no barrier when it          Men’s Category                         Ladies Category
comes to bowling.                     1st: Lee How Wang (1,624 pin falls)    1st: Winnie Ng
                                      2nd: Jeffrey Woon (1,600 pin falls)    (1,581 pin falls)
But to allow our senior               3rd: Edward Tan (1,584 pin falls)
members to have an equal
opportunity to showcase their
talents amongst the considered
pioneers, a Senior bowling
category was set up for those
50 years and above.

Despite the age group, many
still displayed great bowling
skills and strong fighting spirit.

                                      From left: Winnie Ng      Group photo
                                      and Lee How Wang


     Snooker number balls                                Mahjong
                                                         Competition 2019
     Fancy a game of pool on snooker table? That was     Held bi-annually, the Mahjong Competition
     what 16 snooker players got together to do in the   2019 took place on 5 January 2019, Saturday,
     inaugural event of Snooker Number Balls.            attracting a total of 64 players this round.

     The level of difficulty was upped a notch as a      With lady luck smiling on her all the way, Ms
     snooker table is longer for play as compared to     Liesje Yap emerged overall champion after
     a pool table.                                       three rounds of intense playing, was the Highest
                                                         Double winner and even took home a lucky
     Playing in pairs, the idea of the game was to       draw prize, which was presented by Billiards
     eliminate the balls based on the numbers drawn.     Convenor, Mr Emrys Phua.

     This event was the brain child of the Billiards     Another who had lady luck smiling upon her
     Convenor Mr Emrys Phua and the Billiards            was the youngest player for the night, Ms Alyssa
     Sub-Committee where they introduced this            Tang Hui Lin who took home the top lucky
     refreshing game to the Billiards Fraternity.        draw prize.

     Results:                                            Bowling Convenor Mr Edward Tan was also on
     Champion: Vincent Zhuang                            hand to present prizes to the top ten winners
     Runner-up: Simon Yang                               including the highest double winner.
     Joint 3rd: Allan Phua and Joan Liew
                                                         Congratulations to all winners and we look
                                                         forward to seeing everyone in the upcoming
                                                         Mahjong Competition 2019 in July.
                                                         Until then!

                                                         1st: Liesje Yap Chye Chin
                                                         2nd: Roger Ding Chin Choon
                                                         3rd: Ow Weng Fye
                                                         Highest double: Liesje Yap Chye Chin
                                                         (8 doubles)

     From left: Vincent Zhuang and
     Emrys Phua (Billiards Convenor)

                                                         Highest Doubles & Overall Winner Liesje Yap

     Group photo                                         Group playing

40                                                                                                          40

                        Christmas Darts Challenge

         Killing two birds with one stone? Or targeting    Results:
         two boards with one dart, which in this case      Main Event
         combining two events, the darts challenge and     1st: Ramel Ang &
         celebrating Christmas together?                   Jacqueline Chua

         24 darters came together for the Christmas        Plate Event
         Dart Challenge held on 15 December 2018,          1st: Liesje Yap & Lionel Ng
         Saturday, following which they celebrated an
         early Christmas with an exchange of gifts after   Bowl Event
         the match.                                        1st: Philip Lam & James Ng

         Everyone went home happy with a ho-ho-ho
         smile on their faces and many dreams of the
         approaching Christmas.

                              Preparatory Series 6
This series of swimming meet first kicked off in
2013 with just 54 swimmers competing.

The purpose was to prepare swimmers for the
upcoming national swimming meet - Singapore
National Age Group and Singapore National
Swimming Championships in 2019.

This year saw 131 swimmers from SGCC, ART
Aquatics, Sailfin Swim School, St. Joseph’s
Institution Junior and French School of Singapore
participating in the Preparatory Series 6 on 25
November 2018, Sunday.

Gearing themselves with their individual timings,
swimmers will then be able to know the standards
to meet and train harder in order to better
themselves in preparation for the competition.


                SGCC Golf Section Annual Tournament
                  cum Champions of Champions 2018
                                             48 golfers eagerly teed off at 12.01pm at the
                                             Orchid Country Club on 23 November 2018,
                                             Friday for the Annual Golf Tournament and
                                             Champion of Champions 2018 game.

                                             But due to a heavy downpour, the game could
                                             not be completed and scores were not able to
                                             be tabulated.

                                             Unable to finish the game, the players made
     From left: Wong Khen Jee, Andrew Tan,   their way back to Club Twenty-Two for the
     U Yin Htwe and Jack Tan                 Golf Section Year End Dinner round up.

                                             Everyone remained upbeat as there was still
                                             dinner lucky draw prizes to be won.

                                             And to top it off, the Rhythm & Soul band
                                             serenaded everyone with wonderful music for
                                             the rest of the evening.

     Relaxing at Club Twenty-Two

     Champions of Champions players

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