CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon

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CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon
            November 2020 / N° 93


    Cameroon’s new
   source of revenues

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CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon
Daily business news
from Cameroon

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CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon
Yasmine Bahri-Domon,

Shame to their supporters

                        At last, NGOs and international media        as political opponents of an “African
                        are acknowledging anglophone separa-         power,” they rapidly get a flock of sup-
                        tists for what they are - terrorists, just   porters who legitimize their actions
                        like Boko Haram or AQMI, among others.       claiming they are the victims. When an
                        Unfortunately, this had to take the mas-     uncontrolled member of the national
                        sacre of school kids in their classrooms.    army engages in unacceptable violence,
                                                                     all the country’s security forces are soiled
                        Like other terrorist groups, these extre-    and roles are reversed. Yet who can claim
                        mists who fuel the Anglophone crisis in      for sure that there were no mishaps or
                        Cameroon terrorize civilians, racketeer,     collateral damages during the wars in
                        plunder, and sow desolation. Woe to          Iraq, Libya, Syria, or elsewhere?
                        people who fall into their hands.
                                                                     Cameroon is currently fighting armed
                        When jihadists do the same, the inter-       separatists in the West, Boko Haram’s ji-
                        national community is quickly moved.         hadists in the North, and within the East,
                        Because this extremism also affects          the army has to deal with looters from
                        developed nations. There is a common         the Central African Republic. These are
                        fear in such cases.                          just different heads of a monstrous hydra
                                                                     and anyone defending them, whoever
                        However, when these same people pose         they are, should be ashamed.

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                               3
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon
FOCUS                                                INTERVIEW

08 • A gribusiness: Cameroon makes a decisive       13 • T homas Crabett : “Covid-19 has confirmed that
     entrance in the cashew segment                        resilience is not an empty word in Cameroon”
09 • 1 00,000 hectares of cashew plantations
     eyed to assume leadership in global cashew
     production                                                               Publisher
                                                                          Stratline Limited
10 • C ashew sector: A segment with over 150,000
     potential jobs by 2023                                            Publication Director
                                                                     Yasmine BAHRI-DOMON
11 • S odecoton mulls over a cashew development                          Contributors
     project                                              Brice R. Mbodiam, Sylvain Andzongo, Idriss Linge,
                                                                          Muriel EDJO.
11 • M
      rs. Hayatou, an A-player in Cameroon’s
     cashew sector                                                       Médiamania Sàrl
12 • C ameroon aims to produce 50, 000 tons of                      Maquette : Jérémie FLAUX,
     cashew nuts a year by 2025                                      Corrections : Souha TOURE

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                                    the chief                     Office - Distribution Cameroon
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4                                                                                                  N° 93 / november 2020
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon


FINANCE                 P 20-23   INDUSTRY           P 29

AGRIBUSINESS            P 24-26   TIC & TELECOM    P 30-32

ENERGY                    P 27    SERVICES           P 33

N° 93 / november 2020                                    5
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon

                                                               CFA87 billion
19 387 tons                                                    In 2019, CFA87 billion worth of rice imported for consump-
                                                               tion was fraudulently re-exported, according to the natio-
                                                               nal accounts 2019 recently published by the National
Banana exporters in Cameroon exported 136,048 tons of          Institute for Statistics (INS).
banana between January and September 2020, according
to data compiled by the Banana Exporters’ Association of       The Institute reveals that during the period, the natio-
Cameroon (Assobacam). Compared with the volume of              nal production was about 217,280 tons and the natio-
bananas the country exported over the first nine months        nal demand was 757, 000 tons. Based on the hypothesis
of 2019, the 2020 performances are down by 19,387 tons.        that household consumption habits remained the same
                                                               between 2018 and 2019, INS deduced that there was a
This drop in performance is mainly due to the decrease         332,300 tons gap between the supply and demand. For the
in the exports of Plantations du Haut Penja (PHP), lea-        institute, these 332,300 tons represent the volume of rice
der of the local market. Indeed, the company’s exports         fraudulently re-exported to neighboring countries and
slid by 21,033 tons during the period ( from 142,621 tons      amounts to CFA87 billion.
in January-September 2019 to 121,588 tons in January-
September 2020).

80                                                             Cameroon raised CFA2,516.8 billion of budgetary re-
                                                               sources in the first half of 2020. Year-to-year, this repre-
                                                               sents a rise of 5.7% or CFA136.5 billion.
The Ministry of Public Procurement recently terminated
80 contracts signed, between 2018 and 2019, by state sub-      According to the government, this rise was mainly due to
divisions and companies for either the supply of goods and     the performance of institutions in charge of the collection
services or the construction of infrastructures, an official   of internal revenues.
release indicates. According to the release, the contracts     The revenue was also spurred by the external donations
were terminated because of significant delays in the deli-     and loans captured by the government during the said
very or because the works were abandoned.                      period in the framework of the coronavirus response stra-
Over 95% of them were signed by state subdivisions in the      tegy. Indeed, external donations and loans secured by
North, the East, and the West.                                 Cameroon in the first of this year amount to CFA1,000.3
                                                               billion. This is up by 35.1% compared with the CFA740.3
                                                               billion the country mobilized in H1 2019.
Besides losing those contracts, the concerned companies
are forbidden from submitting offers for public procure-
ments for two years, according to the regulation, except for
a special waiver. An authorized source explains that such
failing companies usually circumvent such regulation by
simply changing their corporate names.

6                                                                                                            N° 93 / november 2020
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon

Camair Co resumes operations, after 8 months of
suspension, thanks to a CFA16 bln financial assistance
from the state

On October 18, 2020, Camair Co           salary arrears owed to the staff, the     tance (which is an umpteenth) would
resumed its operations by only offe-     premium of the aviation insurance         be used by Camair Co to send one of
ring domestic flights per the Head of    and the SITA reservation system,          its Boeing 737-700 NGs for servicing,
State’s wish. The resumption occur-      the customs duties on spare parts         acquire two Dash Bombardier Q400s
red after two consecutive postpone-      bought for the MA60 as well as some       (better suited for short-distance
ments (the first on October 12 and       costs associated with the activity        flights), and lease two engines for the
the second on October 16, 2020). For     resumption.                               second Boeing 737-700 NG.
the airline to restart activities, the
government disbursed a substantial       42 weekly flights…                        These planes will complement
amount, official sources indicate.       This new financial assistance in-         Camair Co’s fleet (ed.note: that fleet
                                         cluded, the volume of funds released      includes two currently grounded
Indeed, a letter sent on October 16,     by the public treasury for Camair Co      MA60s) by the end of 2020. This
2020, by the Minister of Transports      over the period between July 14, 2020,    period coincides with the end of the
(Jean Ernest Ngallé Bibehé, who is       to October 16, 2020, exceeds CFA16        lease agreement for the only Boineg
also chairman of the board of direc-     billion. Indeed, on July 14, 2020, in a   737 currently used by Camair Co
tors of Camair Co) to the managing       letter sent to the Prime Minister, the    for its 42 weekly flights between
director of the airline, reveals that    general secretary of the Presidency       Yaoundé, Douala, Garoua, and
the Ministry of Finance has once         announced the disbursement of             Maroua. The Boeing 737 leased for
again disbursed CFA1.050 billion to      CFA15 billion for the reorganization      three months with a Ukrainian crew
ensure the operations are success-       of Camair Co in preparation for its       was delivered in September 2020.
fully launched.                          privatization.
                                                                                                        Brice R. Mbodiam
According to the letter, the said        At the time, the general secretary
amount should cover part of the          indicated that this financial assis-

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                       7
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon

Agribusiness: Cameroon
makes a decisive entrance in
the cashew segment
In 2019, Cameroon cashed out 86%           was the year Côte d’Ivoire star-         ANAFOR plans to develop additional
of its export revenues from the sale       ted producing cashew nuts. It has        hundreds of hectares in Sanguéré,
of eight (8) products, the National        since become the leading producer        where Gic Ribaou has over 100 hec-
Institute for Statistics (INS) informs.    worldwide with an annual output          tares of cashew plantations (started
These include cocoa (and its derived       of 750,000 tons and CFA500 bil-          in 2002).
products) as well as raw cotton.           lion distributed to cashew farmers
However, this year, a new cash crop        throughout the period, according to      Thanks to a cashew seedlings pro-
could join the list of agricultural pro-   Commodafrica.                            duction program launched by the
ducts that generate export revenues        Cameroon planted its first cashew        Institute of Agricultural Research
for the country: cashew.                   trees in 1975, during a reforestation    for Development (IRAD), all the
On October 17, 2018, the country           campaign in Sanguéré, not so far         actors and many others interested
validated a national development           from Garoua, in the North.               in cashew production now have the
strategy for the cashew value chain.       At the time, the country was plan-       opportunity to acquire plant mate-
The document tries to grasp all the        ning to plant the trees on over 10,000   rials. According to various sources,
socio-economic and environmental           hectares of land in the region and       the lack of plant materials was one
opportunities offered by the crop.         build a cashew juice production          of the obstacles to the development
Since its validation, the government       plant and sell cashew nuts, which are    of the sector in Cameroon. Besides,
has multiplied initiatives to help         luxurious appetizers when roasted.       many were unaware of its economic
potential producers enter the global       However, 45 years later, cashew trees    opportunities. Now, Cameroon wants
cashew market by 2023.                     are planted on only 650 hectares         to actively invest in the sector and
The initiatives also aim to revive         nationwide, including 60 hectares        make it a major economic driver.
cashew production in the country - a       developed in 2017 in the framework
goal the government has been targe-        of an operation carried out by the
ting since 1975.                           National Forestry Development                                Brice R. Mbodiam
It is worth reminding that 1975            Agency (ANAFOR).

8                                                                                                          N° 93 / november 2020
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon

100,000 hectares of cashew
plantations eyed to assume
leadership in global cashew

About two years ago, Cameroon’s           develop 100,000 hectares of cashew     where cotton was the only cash crop.
Institute of Agricultural Research        plantations in the country.            Let’s note that the first cashew trees
for Development (IRAD) launched           IRAD informs that to support the       were planted in Cameroon in 1975, at
a program to distribute cashew            program, which is aimed at making      about the same time as Côte d’Ivoire.
tree seedlings in the three northern      Cameroon the leader in cashew pro-     However, Côte d’Ivoire is now the
regions and the East.                     duction worldwide, the Head of State   leading cashew producer worldwide
For this purpose, 500,000 seedlings       ordered the disbursement of CFA1.5     while Cameroon only produced
are currently being produced in           billion for seedling production.       108 tons of cashew nuts in 2017. A
IRAD’s centers, according to reliable     By promoting cashew production,        sizeable portion of that production
sources. The institute (which plans       the government is thus paving the      was realized by Gic Ribaou, a group
to reach a production of 10 mil-          way for the development of a second    of passionate people committed to
lion seedlings by 2021) intends to        cash crop in the three northern re-    reviving cashew production in the
distribute ( for free) the seedlings to   gions whose climate is better suited   North.
Cameroonian farmers to help them          for such an agricultural product and

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                9
CAMEROON BUSINESS IN - Business in Cameroon

Sodecoton mulls over a cashew
development project

Cameroon’s cotton development              Under its strategy, Sodecoton, which    d’Ivoire and Ghana, where cashew
corporation (Sodecoton) is on its          collaborates with about 250,000         processing is still low.
way to becoming one of the pillars         farmers in Northern Cameroon, ini-
of the government’s national cashew        tiated a study trip to Benin and Côte   “We have made enough progress
development initiative.                    d’Ivoire, two West African countries    with potential partners. We have a
                                           where cashew does well.                 strategy, therefore the funds should
“Sodecoton has been considering the                                                follow,” said an optimistic executive.
cashew nut sector for long, to diversify   Thanks to the knowledge acquired        Cashew farming and the context in
the revenues of farmers with whom we       during the mission, and the various     the Far North are both attractive for
already collaborate: producing crops       expertise sought by the cotton com-     investors.
such as corn, groundnut, or sorghum.       pany, Cameroon could soon welcome
But, we need an alternative crop in        its very first cashew farms. Sources    Indeed, investors want to participate
whose downstream value chain we can        within the company said Sodecoton       in the reconstruction of economic
also operate,” said an executive of the    plans to develop 50,000 hectares over   infrastructures in this region which
cotton company.                            10 years, mainly in the Far-North.      has been devastated over recent
                                           This makes a quarter of areas cur-      years by the Boko Haram terrorist
“We started with soya at first but, we     rently dedicated to the white gold.     group. Also, cashew farming, besides
were confronted with the fact that                                                 improving farmers’ revenues and
the oil derived from the crop failed to    According to reliable sources,          creating jobs, contributes to refo-
position itself in the market. Also, the   Sodecoton also wants to “take over      restation which is much valued by
commercialization of soybean meals         the value chain with maximum            lenders.
faced many challenges (…) We, there-       processing,” a segment that could
fore, turned to cashew,” he continued.     allow the Cameroonian agribusi-                                               BRM
                                           ness industry to do better than Côte

10                                                                                                           N° 93 / november 2020

Cashew sector: A segment with over
150,000 potential jobs by 2023

Thanks to cashew production,              value-chain development strategy           created in the cashew nut shelling
150,000 jobs could be created in the      elaborated by the government in            segment, 70% of which will be for
three northern regions of Cameroon        collaboration with Germany, apart          women. Also, 550 others could be
and the East. According to experts,       from the 150,000 jobs that may be          created in the cashew juice produc-
these regions meet the required           created in the production chain, over      tion sub-segment. Overall, these jobs
climatic conditions to grow the cash      1,000 more could be created in the         in the transformation segment will
crop whose potential is largely unde-     transformation chain.                      only be available if 150,000 hectares
rexploited in Cameroon.                   The strategy indicates that between        of cashew plantations are grown over
According to the national cashew          2019 and 2023, 550 jobs could be           the 2019-2023 period.

Cameroon aims to produce 50, 000
tons of cashew nuts a year by 2025
The government of Cameroon is             the annual conference of heads of          (CICC); a group of cashew producing
striving to achieve a national produc-    central and decentralized services of      countries committed to developing
tion of 50,000 tons of cashew nuts per    his department, Gabriel Mbairobe           the cashew industry. Since 2019,
year by 2025. According to Gabriel        said Cameroon wants to position            cashew nut producers in the country
Mbairobe, the Minister of Agriculture     itself on the international market for     have benefited from various govern-
and Rural Development (Minader),          this cash crop as of 2023. The plan is     ment incentives, one of them was
this ambition is part of the implemen-    to sell at least 8,000 tons of good qua-   the free distribution of thousands of
tation of the national strategy for the   lity products beyond borders.              seedlings. This year, the government
promotion and development of the          As a reminder, Cameroon joined             has set aside a little more than CFA1
cashew nut sector.                        on July 10, 2019, the Consultative         billion for cashew nut projects.
Speaking on February 2, 2020, during      International Cashew Council

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                    11

Mrs. Hayatou, an A-player in
Cameroon’s cashew sector

The Djamboutou district in Garoua,      airlines to their business class cus-      years. “The plantation was not pro-
the regional capital of the North, is   tomers. In 1994, during a trip to the      ducing much. IRAD (the Agricultural
home to Cameroon’s first cashew nut     northern region of her home country,       Research and Development Institute,
shelling unit. This investment is the   she noticed a tree bearing a fruit that    ed) advised me to plant more trees.
work of Gic Ribaou, an association      resembled the delicious peanut-            That’s how we ended up planting more
founded by Mrs. Hayatou to promote      like snack that she has become a           than 100 additional hectares,» she
cashew nuts, a crop still unknown       big fan of. “I knew the fruit, not the     reports.
in Cameroon, but which is already       tree. When I asked about the tree I        Running on equity, Gic Ribaou,
doing well on West African markets.     saw, people told me it was the tree        which she founded and manages,
“Here in Cameroon, people eat the       that produces the cashew nut,» she         was able to produce 33 tons of
cashew apple and throw away the nut     recalls.                                   cashew nuts in 2017. A production
without knowing that it is the most     «I later found out that the government     mainly intended for export, for the
important part,” said Hayatou, who      had launched a cashew develop-             time being. But, thanks to its shelling
considers the nut as an excellent       ment project that never blossomed,»        unit in Djamboutou, which is strug-
supplement for cotton, the only cash    Hayatou said. However, the project         gling to run at full capacity (1.5 tons
crop grown in the three northern        made it possible to plant 650 hec-         per day) due to a lack of raw mate-
regions of Cameroon so far.             tares of cashew trees in the locality of   rial, Gic Ribaou intends to start local
According to her, she discovered        Sanguéré, near Garoua.                     marketing. «We are going to design
cashew nuts during her many travels     Mrs. Hayatou managed to take over          small bags of nuts for local consump-
around the world. She said the nuts     this unachieved project and secured        tion,» the project owner said.
were offered as appetizers by some      an operation authorization for 30

12                                                                                                          N° 93 / november 2020

Thomas Crabett
“Covid-19 has confirmed that
resilience is not an empty
word in Cameroon”
In this interview, we discuss with the managing director of the Cameroonian
subsidiary of Belgian firm BIA Group, which supplies equipment for major
construction projects. The executive shares with us the lessons learned from
the pandemic and he believes Cameroonian companies were very resilient to the
crisis it induced.

Interview by Idriss Linge and Jean Christian Nselel

Business in Cameroon: Covid-19               construction, transport, industry,     agencies, given that the risk of conta-
has affected many countries, in-             and energy sectors had to halt their   mination with covid-19 increases
cluding Cameroon where you ope-              activity. The equipment we supply      with physical contact. We wanted to
rate. How did you feel its impacts           them is an investment requiring a      restrict contact as much as possible.
at BIA Group’s local subsidiary?             long term vision. However, for some    We followed the measures prescri-
Thomas Crabett: The global health            months, the future was uncertain.      bed by the government, relating to
crisis did not spare Cameroon. The           We adopted a battery of measures,      social distancing and hygiene. BIA
economic situation was indeed                such as remote working, vacations,     Cameroon had masks made on a
difficult for some time and our              all to limit the number of people at   large scale and shared with our staff.
customers, who operate in the                our main site and in our regional      Wearing them is now mandatory, for

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                    13

our employees and those visiting our      CEO, Vincent BIA, was: “Take care           BC: Do you have any recommen-
offices. We also distributed sanitizers   of yourselves.” That was impressive         dations for the authorities to
in all our offices and put in place a     and our teams felt it here. We were         improve things?
protocol to access our facilities. At     shaken by this period but also came         TC: From an economic perspective
our workshops which are more open,        out stronger. Economically, we faced        exclusively, the government took
the measures were easier to imple-        some challenges, but we gained a lot        many steps. For some time, the
ment even if wearing a mask is cum-       in terms of human relationships.            port of Douala benefited from some
bersome for our technicians, both                                                     incentives. We are importers so we
in our workshops and in the field.        BC: Many experts affirm that                benefitted as well. They helped us
Regardless, we didn’t hesitate. The       uncertainties similar to that of the        continue our operations. We found
instructions given by the headquar-       pandemic could recur frequently             out that our business could keep
ters were strong and clear: “Making       in the future. How is your com-             running normally with simplified
the teams’ health a priority.”            pany preparing to tackle these              procedures. And personally, I don’t
                                          predictions?                                think the port or customs office had
                                          STC: There has been a paradigm              any complaint about this. Today, the
BC: Today, everyone is slowly lear-       shift. We operate in various countries      main question is to know how useful
ning from the Covid-19 pandemic.          where stability is, I must say, uncer-      these measures would be in a normal
What lessons did you learn from it        tain at times. I am referring to our        period. It is no secret, and credible
and how are they reflected in your        collaborators in Mali or Guinea for         media outlets such as yours can
activity in Cameroon?                     example. At BIA Group, we are a little      testify to it, that the port of Douala
TC: I believe there are two main          used to that. We have been active           is losing shares in the regional mar-
things here. First, we are a Belgian      for 120 years and we were born in           ket and that is very damaging. The
company with a strong presence in         Congo. However, things are different        measures introduced by the govern-
Africa. I spent all my career in Africa   with this health crisis. We now have        ment were much appreciated by
and it was interesting to see that this   action plans to handle specific crises.     businesses like ours and I would like
continent was the best prepared and       We have also reached out to health          them to be maintained or accelera-
the one that reacted best. I think that   agents to take care of our teams            ted even.
is a wonderful lesson, one that sur-      worldwide. We have improved the             I believe this could benefit the autho-
prised all observers. Some foreigners     hygiene component of our Quality            rities of the Autonomous Port of
even panicked and fled Cameroon           Hygiene Security and Environment            Douala (PAD), and the Cameroonian
but the truth is that resilience is not   policy. In short, the way we react to       economy also. Trade creates wealth
an empty word in this country. It is      crises has changed and the same             and a fluid trade is a good thing.
a very strong state of mind. Though       goes for the way we evaluate the            Another point is that the ministry of
the Cameroonian business owners           health conditions of our teams and          finance has put on hold the auditing
sometimes stumble and fall, they          at our operations. There is one last        of business accounts. As a result, for
always get back up. That has greatly      point. We have understood that              some months we had a break from
impressed me and it proves that BIA       everything could stop at any time.          the many controls we had been going
made the right choice by choosing         Against that, we cannot prepare in          through; we were able to focus on
Cameroon as its door to Central           any specific way, other than being          something else. Throughout this
Africa.                                   flexible. This means we must be able        period, we paid as much taxes and
The second thing, and that is a life      to grow, but also to retract when the       duties as we used to previously. In
lesson that can be both general and       economic situation calls for it. It is      this regard, I would like to urge the
specific to humans, is about how          difficult since we have to mobilize         authorities to focus on the positive
fragile life, things, relationships,      substantial material and human              aspects of their incentives and conti-
and families can be. The covid-19         resources in our line of work. Never-       nue in that direction. Furthering
has reset our values. In this regard,     theless, flexibility is one of the things   these simplification measures is
and I’m very happy to say it, the         we are working on.                          in the interest of businesses and of
first message we received from our                                                    Cameroon.

14                                                                                                             N° 93 / november 2020

“We found out that our business could keep running normally with simplified procedures. And personally, I don’t think the port or customs office had any complaint
about this”

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                                                            15
10,500 households received cash transfers in
October 2020 in the framework of the social
program “Filets Sociaux”

In October 2020, money was             assistance in the framework of the         Successfully tested between 2013
transferred to the 6,500 households    project. But the two Anglophone            and 2016 in the communes of
identified in six communities in       regions, where a sociopolitical crisis     Soulédé-Roua (Far North) and Ndop
Bamenda (Northwest) and Limbé          is raging (since 2016), are the main       (Northwest), the project is now being
(Southwest) in the framework of the    beneficiaries of the urgent cash           implemented all over the country. It
project «Filets Sociaux» co-funded     transfers.                                 consists of three programs: a regular
by the World Bank, the AFD, and the    This initiative, which targets the         and unconditional cash transfer
state of Cameroon to fight poverty.    poorest households in the country,         program (XAF360,000 transferred to
This was revealed by Michelin Njoh,    is aimed at transferring money             every beneficiary within 24 months),
coordinator of the said project.       (XAF180,000 to each household wit-         an emergency cash transfer program
Four thousand (4,000) households in    hin a year) to help them tend to their     (XAF180,000 within 12 months), and
the remaining regions also received    families’ needs (children’s school fees,   High labor-intensive (HIMO) public
benefitted, we learn. This means       healthcare, and foods) and create          work programs.
10,500 households received financial   income-generating activities.

16                                                                                                        N° 93 / november 2020

IMF praises Cameroon’s transparency in
the attribution of COVID-19 procurement-
related contracts

On October 21, 2020, when the second      butions to the national solidarity fund    challenged by some political figures of
disbursement under the rapid credit       for the fight against the pandemic, the    the opposition who denounce ‘opacity’
facility (aimed at helping countries      country also published the amounts         in the use of the Covid-19 funds. MP
deal with the coronavirus pandemic)       allocated to each ministry and a 26-       Jean-Miche Nintcheu (a member of
was approved for Cameroon, Mitsuhiro      page document detailing all the public     the Social Democratic Front) even
Furusawa (Deputy Managing Director        procurement contracts it awarded in        suspects some embezzlement. The
and Acting Chair of the IMF) praised      the framework of the fight against the     same accusations are made by some
the country’s transparency in awarding    pandemic.                                  civil society organizations, including
contracts related to the pandemic to      The document, signed by Alim               Human Rights Watch (HRW).
companies.                                Hayatou (the Minister of Public Health)    Meanwhile, the semi-annual report
‘The authorities have reiterated their    provides the purpose, amount, name         that will reveal the government’s
firm commitment to the effective and      of the winning company, name of            expenditure for the fight against
transparent use of public funds and       the promoter of the company, as well       the coronavirus pandemic and its
to ensuring that RCF financing and        as the status of the execution of the      economic consequences has not been
resources freed up by the DSSI are        awarded contract.                          published yet. This report will detail all
efficiently spent on addressing the       Also, according to an authorized           the financial operations performed.
pandemic crisis. In this context, steps   source, teams from the Accounts            According to the circular issued on
taken by the authorities to publish the   Chamber of the Supreme Court are           July 22, 2020, setting the rules for the
beneficial ownership of companies         currently visiting some ministries to      operation and monitoring-evaluation
receiving COVID-19 procurement-           audit the use of the financial resources   of the solidarity fund, the report will be
related contracts are important,» he      allocated to them in the framework of      published by the Minister of Finance
commented.                                the fight against the pandemic.            Louis Paul Motaze.
Indeed, besides publishing the contri-    This transparency appreciation is

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                       17

70% of public investment budget dedicated
to the completion of old projects

In 2021, 70% of the public investment    will be given to special projects like   «To ensure the smooth execution of the
budget will be used to finalize on-      the 3-year urgency plan, the 2020        selected projects, the public investment
going projects to «allow Cameroon to     African Nations Championship,            projects maturation rules have been
meet its growth and emergence goals.»    the AFCON2021, the coronavirus           scrupulously applied, notably the ob-
This was disclosed by the Minister of    response strategy, 1st generation        tention of the maturation endorsement
Economy Alamine Ousmane Mey du-          structuring projects, and the presi-     before the registration of any project in
ring the October cabinet council held    dential plan for the reconstruction      the public investment budget,” official
on November 3, 2020, in Yaoundé.         of the Southwest and the Northwest       sources indicate.
According to the minister, priority      ((PPRD-NW/SW) …

Only 23.3% of companies are up-to-date with
their social security contributions (CNPS)
Only 7,000 (23.33%) of the 30,000        extent that only one-fourth of the       while 15% of companies with 6 to 20
companies operating in Cameroon          companies operating in the country       employees are not up-to-date. As for
are up to date with their social secu-   are up to date,” the CNPS indicates.     companies with 21 to 100 employees,
rity contributions. This was disclosed   The companies either fail to register    the percentage of defaulters is 3.1%
by the National Social Insurance         their employees with the CNPS or         while for companies with over 100
Fund (CNPS) in a recent briefing         they avoid paying the social security    employees, that percentage is 0.2%.
note.                                    contributions even though those          To recover the contributions it was
«There are about 16,000 socially insu-   contributions have been deducted         owed, the fund launched an exten-
red persons we can’t cover because       from the employees’ salaries.            sive campaign in 2016. At the time it
their employers own a hefty amount       The CNPS explains that 81% of com-       was estimating the amount of social
of social contributions to the CNPS.     panies with 1 to 6 employees owe         security contributions it was owed at
The situation has worsened to the        social contributions to the CNPS,        a little over XAF60 billion.

18                                                                                                          N° 93 / november 2020

Sinking fund estimates public debt at XAF10,164
bln, or 45.8% of GDP at end-Sep 2020
Cameroon’s Sinking Fund (CAA)            scope of public debt has gradually        domestic debt, it is estimated at
informs that on September 30,            expanded to include the entire public     XAF3,019 billion, including XAF208
2020, the country’s public debt was      sector (including the debt of public      billion of over 3 months old outstan-
XAF10,164 billion, representing          companies and institutions) when          ding debts.
45.8% of GDP.                            the information is available.             Overall, 61.3% of Cameroon’s bila-
According to the sinking fund, the       In detail, the public sector’s external   teral public debt is owed to China
debt is up by 1.3% year-over-year but    debt is estimated at XAF7,110 billion     (which is its main bilateral partner)
down by 0.1% quarter-over-quar-          (including XAF6,681 billion for the       and 28.5% to France. As for the mul-
ter. Meanwhile, compared with its        central government and XAF429             tilateral debt, 30.1% is owed to the
December 2019 level, it is up by 5.7%.   billion of direct external debt not       AfDB, 30% to the World Bank, and
It explains that since July 2020, the    endorsed by the state). As for the        17.1% to the IMF.

Forestry companies hid XAF38.5 bln from the
tax administration in 2018-2019

Forestry companies operating in          Specifically, 30 forestry companies       companies (over 158 with at least
Cameroon hid a total of XAF38.5          were identified as having declared        one forestry exploitation permit)
billion revenues from the tax admi-      lower turnovers during the 2018-2019      as having possibly omitted paying
nistration between 2018 and 2019,        financial years. In 2018, the amount      annual forestry taxes between 2018
according to the October 2020 report     of undeclared turnover was XAF11.4        and 2019. It also estimates that the
on forestry revenues published by the    billion while in 2019, it was XAF16.7     volume of the unpaid taxes was
Ministry of Finance.                     billion, making a total of XAF27.8        XAF5.2 billion in 2018 and XAF5.5
According to the report, these hid-      billion over the two financial years,     billion in 2019, making a total of
den revenues include the difference      the report explains.                      XAF10.7 billion of unpaid annual
between the turnover they declared       Also, by comparing the annual             forestry tax during the two fiscal
and the FOB value of their exports as    forestry tax paid by the companies        years.
well as the annual forestry tax they     and the amount stated in their finan-
did not pay.                             cial offers, the ministry identified 75

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                     19
Cameroon plans fiscal measures to
encourage companies to get listed on the
In the framework of the 2021 finance     Bvmac bond market will benefit from        region were listed on the exchange.
law, the Cameroonian government          a 25% reduction of the corporate tax.      They are namely Cameroonian com-
plans to initiate numerous fiscal        Companies that are reputed for             panies SEMC, Socapalm, Safacam,
measures aimed at encouraging            issuing public initial offerings per the   and Gabonese company SIAT Gabon.
companies to get listed on the regio-    provisions of the Ohada Uniform Act        This means that many companies are
nal stock market. The government         relating to commercial companies           still reluctant to get listed on stock
will suggest the measures during the     and economic interest groups, and          exchanges.
coming parliamentary session, which      agree to list or exchange all or part of   Let’s note that on the equity segment,
will start on November 12, 2020.         their equity or debt securities on the     the market capitalization of securi-
According to the draft government        Bvmac listing will benefit from a 25%      ties listed on the Bvmac represents
text, companies that list their ordi-    of corporate tax. This reduction will      only 1.1% of Cameroon’s GDP while
nary shares on the Central African       start from the date their securities       in Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria, it
Stock Exchange (Bvmac) will benefit      are admitted on the stock exchange.        represents 15.7% and 7.7% respec-
from a 25% reduction of corporate        As of July 31, 2020, the market capita-    tively, according to the Absa Africa
tax and a 1.5% reduction of the          lization of the Douala-based Bvmac         Financial Markets Index 2020.
alternative minimum tax. Also, com-      was XAF149.5 billion. Only four
panies that issue securities on the      companies operating in the CEMAC

Cameroonian startup Adwa partners with
Gabonese counterpart Fedha to launch fully
digital bank in Central Africa
On the sidelines of the 3rd edition of   gion, we learn officially.                 they will combine their strength
Douala Fintech Tour, Cameroonian         «Through this new partnership, the         and experience gained in Gabon
startup Adwa announced the signa-        Central African sub-region (with           and Cameroon to boost access to
ture of a partnership agreement with     over 70% of the population excluded        financial services on the African
Fedha, a Gabonese startup.               from the banking system) will be           continent, we learn.
According to its promoters, this         able to facilitate access to financial     It is also worth reminding that Adwa
agreement is aimed at meeting three      services for these dynamic men and         is the promoter of payment solution
main objectives over the next five       women who are eager to contribute          AdwaPay. Also, Douala Fintech Tour
years. They are namely, to digitalize    to the development of our continent,»      is an exchange platform bringing all
and monetize 10,000 companies in         the two partners said in an official       the digital finance players together.
the Central African sub-region, bid      statement.                                 It will be held on November 5-6, 2020
in tandem for fintech solutions from     As a reminder, both Adwa and               on the premises of Cercle Municipal
large companies and organizations        Fedha are leaders in their domestic        in Bonanjo, Douala.
in Africa, and develop a fully digital   markets and are focused on financial
bank for the Central African sub-re-     inclusion. Thanks to the agreement,

20                                                                                                          N° 93 / november 2020

Cameroon plans to raise its bancarization
rate to 80% by 2030
Cameroon intends to boost its           For the time being, the country’s
bancarization rate from 12.2% to 80%    bancarization rate is lower com-
by 2030, according to the 2020-2030     pared to the African average of
national development plan.              29% (this rate is almost 100% in
To achieve this, the country plans      industrialized countries). Moreover,
to initiate measures to substantially   with the ratio of loans to economic
increase the volume of bank loans       actors being 15.9% of GDP (in 2018)
to economic actors from 15.9% of        and money supply being 23.5%, the
GDP (in 2018) to at least 70% of GDP    current financial system is inade-
in 2030. The measures are namely        quate for industrialization in the
tailored towards the improvement        country, the development strategy
of offers from the Central Bank,        informs. Indeed, in some South Asian
commercial or retail banks, micro-      countries, the ratio of loans to econo-
finance institutions, and Islamic       mic actors is 119.4% and the money
banks.                                  supply is 124%.

Government and decentralized authorities
still have XAF976 bln in Commercial banks
despite the single treasury account reform
In late August 2020, Cameroon’s         between 2017 and 2018, it resumed          already observed during the trans-
central government and the decen-       its steady rise in 2018. Indeed, in        fer of additional municipal taxes by
tralized local authorities still had    2017 it peaked at XAF1129 billion but      the public treasury would extend to
XAF976 billion in commercial banks,     dropped to XAF935.4 billion. It then       other communal resources once they
according to figures published by       rose again to reach 958.8 billion as of    start lodging their resources in that
the Ministry of Finance. This high      December 31, 2019.                         single account.
volume points to the reluctance         According to the Ministry of Finance,      Meanwhile, to avoid undermining
of many public actors to embrace        this reluctance of state entities and      the banking system, which is expec-
the reform instituting the Single       their territorial divisions to integrate   ted to lose a significant volume of
Treasury Account, created to cen-       the Single Treasury Account is due         deposits following the adoption of
tralize all the public resources for    to the fear of losing control over         the single account, the Cameroonian
efficient management.                   their resources. The most rebellious       government has announced a sche-
While the financial envelope held       ones include state-owned firms,            dule for the gradual repatriation of
by the central government and the       public institutions, and decentra-         public entities’ assets, held by com-
decentralized local authorities in      lized territorial authorities. For the     mercial banks, to the single Treasury
commercial banks decreased sharply      local authorities, they fear the delays    account.

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                 21

CAA estimates Sonara and Camair Co’s debt
at XAF826 bln as of Sep 30, 2020

Camair Co and Sonara are the               This means that the final estimate      Camwater, Electricity Development
most indebted public companies in          of public companies’ debts on           Corporation, and Sodecoton were
Cameroon, according to the recent          September 30, 2020, would be higher     the five most indebted public com-
note on public debt published by the       than the current estimate given the     panies. Sonara’s debt was XAF763.2
National Sinking Fund (CAA).               problems they encountered lately        billion, XAF554.5 billion for Camtel,
The note explains that out of the          and given their history of underper-    XAF352.4 billion for Camwater,
XAF833 billion of public companies’        formance. For instance, the Technical   XAF140.4 billion for Electricity
provisional debt, XAF826 billion is        Commission for the Rehabilitation       Development Corporation, and
owed by the two companies. With            of Enterprises in the Public and        XAF113.1 billion for Sodecoton.
XAF704 billion of provisional debt,        Para-public sectors recently revealed   On October 11, 2019, U.S. rating
Sonara owes the majority (as it has        that in 90% of the public companies,    agency Moody’s published a report
been doing for years now) while            employment costs exceed 30% of          on Cameroon’s economy. In its
Camair-Co owes XAF122 billion.             yearly turnovers and sometimes go       report, the rating agency estimated
The CAA indicates that the provi-          as high as 70%.                         that public companies’ debts were
sional estimate is not complete yet,       In 2017, the Ministry of Finance        weakening the government’s efforts
since it is still collecting information   estimated the 37 public compa-          to consolidate public finances.
to evaluate the real extent of public      nies’ debts at XAF2,624.4 billion.
companies’ and institutions’ debts.        At the time, Sonara, Camtel,

22                                                                                                          N° 93 / november 2020

Cameroon plans to boost financial service
offers by increasing the number of banks and
microfinance institutions by 2030

Cameroon plans to increase the num-         the rules on the minimum guaranteed       increasing the number of microfi-
ber of banks and microfinance institu-      banking service,» the development         nance institutions. In that regard, the
tions operating in its territory twofold,   strategy informs.                         government will help them develop
according to the 2020-2030 national         Also, in light of the rising popula-      their activities in all of the 10 regions,
development strategy. «The offer of         rity of Islamic finance worldwide,        ensure their financial stability (boost
financial services will be boosted by the   the country plans to encourage the        their agency networks) and streng-
implementation of a program aimed at        central bank (BEAC) and the banking       then their supervision.
transforming microfinance institutions      commission (COBAC) to regulate            The number of institutions operating
into commercial or retail banks to in-      Islamic finance to diversify the finan-   in the country could rise from 500
crease the number of banks from 16 to       cing offer.                               in 2017 to 750 in 2030, the strategy
30 by 2030. The program will also make      Besides, the strategy expects to boost    projects.
sure all the retail banks comply with       financial inclusion by developing and

AFG C&EA’s local branch increases capital by
XAF5 bln
On October 29, 2020, the                    ging director of the branch, Moore        AFG C&EA is part of pan-African
Cameroonian branch of pan-African           Stephens CA as the statutory auditor,     holding Atlantic Financial Group
Atlantic Financial Group Central &          and Prosper Robert Nken as the            founded by Ivorian businessman
East Africa (AFG C&EA) announced            alternate auditor. Also, the holding      Koné Dossongui (photo) in 1978. It
its decision to increase its capital        amended its statutes in compliance        has stakes in various sectors in Africa
from XAF1 billion to 6 billion.             with the OHADA uniform act (2014)         including bank, insurance, telecom,
The branch headquartered in Douala          and the law N°2014/007 of April 23,       and agribusiness. In Cameroon,
did so by issuing 500,000 new shares        2014, on share dematerialization in       AFG C&EA operates in the bank and
of XAF10,000 each. It also appoin-          Cameroon.                                 finance sector via Banque Atlantique
ted Ivorian Daniel Toure as mana-                                                     and Atlantique Assurances.

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                         23
The EU boosts daily milk processing capacity
by 2k liters in the north with a XAF6.5 bln
                                                                                  quality of beneficiaries will be impro-
                                                                                  ved thanks to the local production
                                                                                  and sales of pasteurized milk, yogurt,
                                                                                  table butter, fresh and ice cream, and
                                                                                  cheese. It will therefore provide subs-
                                                                                  tantial added-value to the local cattle
                                                                                  breeding and significantly reduce
                                                                                  the importation of dairy products.
                                                                                  Also, the program will create about
                                                                                  120 permanent jobs and hundreds of
                                                                                  indirect jobs in four regions.
                                                                                  The European Union delegation in
                                                                                  Yaoundé explains that the dairy
                                                                                  support program is the last compo-
                                                                                  nent of an Agricultural Productivity
                                                                                  Enhancement Program (SAPEP)
                                                                                  funded by the EU to the tune of
On November 5, 2020, Dr. Taïga          Meiganga mini-dairies financed by         XAF13.11 billion. The two other
(Minister of Fisheries and Animal       the European Union to the tune of         components are aimed at crop diver-
Industries) and his peers in charge     XAF6.5 billion in the framework of a      sification in cotton production areas
of Agriculture and Economy inaugu-      dairy sector development program.         and reviving the cocoa-coffee sector.
rated a mini dairy plant in Maroua,     According to the European Union,          The launch of those mini diary plants
northern Cameroon.                      the program will boost milk proces-       marks the successful completion of
This event marked the launch of         sing capacity by 2,000 liters daily in    the SAPEP program.
Maroua, Garoua, Ngaoundéré, and         the country. Also, the nutritional

Ex-MP Mohamadou Gassimou becomes
Director-General of the National Cereal Board
Mohamadou Gassimou was recently         of the republic. The same day, the        in the three northern regions where
appointed Director-General of           president signed a second decree          the climate is harsh and cereals are
Cameroon’s National Cereal Board.       appointing Nana Djibrilla as Deputy       the staple foods.
The official who previously served at   Director-General of the cereal board.     The board buys cereals in production
the Port Authority of Douala and has    Mohamadou Gassimou replaces               areas and sells them at affordable
also been an MP for the ruling party    Gilbert Gourlemond, who spent over        prices when there is a shortage or
was appointed by a decree signed on     20 years at the board which is a key      during hunger seasons.
November 5, 2020, by the President      institution in the fight against hunger

24                                                                                                         N° 93 / november 2020

Felling tax: Cameroon recorded a revenue
shortfall of XAF9.9 bln in 2018-2019
In Cameroon, 68 forest operators        shortfall caused by those operators       FOB value of the logs felled. But,
probably do not pay felling taxes and   to be XAF9.9 billion between 2018         in June 2020, local wood exporters’
at least 29 of them do not even have    and 2019.                                 association GFBC suggested the
tax identification numbers, accor-      The tax is either paid by the client or   government should reduce the felling
ding to PSRF, the national program      withheld at the source (by the PSRF       tax to the level it was in 2018 (2.5%
set up by the Ministry of Finance to    or by the large companies division of     of the FOB value) because of the
secure forest revenues.                 the general tax directorate) for logs     negative impacts of the coronavirus
Based on that assumption, the           purchased from third parties. Since       pandemic in the sector.
program estimates the revenue           2019, the rate of the tax is 4% of the

Banana exports rose by 581 tons YoY in Oct

Cameroon exported 16,534 tons of        Development Corporation (CDC),            14,650 tons of banana during the
banana in October 2020, according       the state-owned agribusiness which        reference period, down by 45 tons
to data compiled by the Cameroon        resumed operations in June 2020           year-over-year.
Banana Exporters Association            after about two years of cessation        The banana exports of Boh
(Assobacam). These exports were         (it stopped operations in September       Plantations, the minions in that mar-
up by 581 tons compared with the        2018). In October 2020, CDC expor-        ket, dropped by 155 tons, going from
15,953 tons the country exported        ted 781 tons of banana, against 1,312     1,258 tons in October 2019 to 1,103
during the same period in 2019.         tons a month earlier.                     tons a year later.
The rise is notably due to the          Plantations du Haut Penja (PHP),
activity resumption of Cameroon         leader of the local market, exported

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                               25
Safacam’s caoutchouc sales dropped by 746
tons YoY in H1-2020 due to the coronavirus
BVMAC-listed company Société            to the coronavirus pandemic still af-   platform in Cameroon).
africaine et forestière agricole du     fecting the world. Indeed, apart from   Safacam explains that the drop in
Cameroun (Safacam) annunced the         the confinement that affected the       its caoutchouc exports has had no
sales of 2,502 tons of caoutchouc in    demand for commodities worldwide,       significant impact on its financial
H1-2020. Year-over-year, the perfor-    the confirmation of the first case in   performances: high palm oil sales
mance was down by 746 tons compa-       Cameroon in March 2020 forced the       namely. During the reference period,
red with the 3,248 tons of caoutchouc   implementation of restrictive mea-      Safacam’s palm oil sales rose by 2,641
the company sold in H1-2019.            sures that caused loading problems      tons, from 9,787 tons in H1-2019 to
The company’s drop in sales was due     at the port of Douala (the main port    12,428 tons in H1-2020.

GIZ seeks farm equipment supplier for a
cocoa development project
The German Agency for International
Cooperation (GIZ) recently issued a
call for tenders to select a company
that will supply farm equipment in
the framework of a cocoa develop-
ment project (Projet d’appui au déve-
loppement du cacao-PAD-cacao).
The interested candidates are expec-
ted to submit their applications at
GIZ headquarters in Yaoundé, by
November 17, 2020, while the winner
will be announced on November 30,
Born from the restructuration of the
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development’s projects and pro-
grams in early 2020, PAD-cacao is one
of the government initiatives funded
by the public investment budget,
the cocoa-coffee development fund
(Fodecc), and development partners.

26                                                                                                       N° 93 / november 2020

Cameroon intends to increase installed
energy production capacity to 5000MW by

Cameroon plans to increase its            lities through the implementation of    ment’s development strategy called
installed power generation capacity       ongoing dam construction projects.      «Vision 2035,» Cameroon’s installed
to 5,000MW by 2030 to meet local          Priority will be given to projects      capacity increased from 933 MW to
energy demand and even export the         being implemented via public-pri-       1,650 MW. Compared to the 3,000
excess production to neighboring          vate partnerships or by independent     MW target for 2020, this is down by
countries. This was revealed in the       power producers. The said projects      1,350 MW. In urban areas, the electri-
country’s 2020-2030 national deve-        include the Upstream Nachtigal          city access rate reached 90%, against
lopment strategy.                         Hydroelectric Project (420 MW), the     20% for rural areas. Nonetheless,
In that regard, the country will carry    Bini A Warak (75 MW) Menchum (72        there are recurrent outages that
on its energy mix development policy      MW), Song Dong (270 MW), Grand-         deprive customers of energy. The ou-
by boosting hydroelectric, solar, ther-   Eweng (1,800 MW), Katsina-Ala           tages are caused by the obsolescence
mal and biomass energy production         (485 MW), Makai (350 MW), Mouila-       of energy transport and distribution
capacities.                               Mogue (420 MW), Kikot (450 MW),         networks due to which 40% of the
As far as hydroelectric energy is         Njock (200 MW), Ngoila (84 MW) and      production is lost.
concerned, the government will            Cholet (600 MW) projects.
continue to develop production faci-      During the first phase of the govern-

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                27

Camship-CLGG launches its 1st Kribi-Douala
maritime cabotage line

On November 3, 2020, the first             Touenguene, Assistant General             Director-General of Camship-CLGG.
container ship of the Cameroonian          Manager of Camship-CLGG.                  In addition to helping avoid the
company Camship-CLGG berthed               According to the operations sche-         transportation of goods via the
off the coasts of Mboro, home to the       dule, every Tuesday, a ship will          road network, cabotage (which has
deep seaport of Kribi, in southern         depart from the container terminal        been highly expected since the start
Cameroon. According to official            of the deep seaport of Kribi. Another     of operations at the deep seaport
sources, the 600 TEU ship was thus         ship will depart every Saturday from      of Kribi in early 2018) allows large
performing the inaugural trip of           the Port of Douala, which is currently    vessels that are unable to access the
the weekly Kribi-Douala cabotage           the main gateway for goods entering       port of Douala (because of the low
line recently launched by the local        the country.                              draught of the inland waterway) to
company.                                   Camship-CLGG is a merger between          unload goods in Kribi. These goods
«Cabotage is the transport of goods        Camship (Cameroon Shipping Lines          will then be transported to Douala
or passengers between two ports in         - the state-owned shipping company        through the cabotage service.
the same region in a given country.        that was privatized in 1997) and          Port authorities intend to extend
Camship-CLGG chose to launch a             Consignation et logistique du Golfe       the service to the Port of Limbé, in
cabotage service for containerized         de Guinée (CLGG).                         the Southwest. To this end, Patrice
goods between the ports of Kribi and        «Cameroon Shipping Lines chose           Melom, Managing Director of the
Douala, at the constant request of         the trade name CLGG for port trades       Port Authority of Kribi (PAK), and his
our importing and exporting clients,       during the economic crisis that lasted    counterpart Cyrus Ngo’o of the Port
and even major shipping lines. Road        until 2007. Camship-CLGG is now           Authority of Douala (PAD) reached a
transport was no longer sufficient first   the trade name chosen to mark the         joint decision on 24 August 2020. This
because of volume issues (we could not     return of the state-owned shipping line   decision was aimed at reorganizing
transport many containers per trip)        in the port industry. By reviving the     the project team “whose objective is
and secondly because of the security       company, we are returning to our core     to coordinate and optimize the actions
(roads have become less secure due         business within the maritime trans-       carried out for the implementation of
to the rising number of vehicles and       port industry. We are also launching a    a maritime cabotage service between
trucks). There is also the issue of        service that was inexistent: cabotage     the ports of Kribi, Douala, and Limbé,”
costs, which are not always affordable     of containerized goods between the        the official announcement indicated.
when it comes to road transporta-          ports of Kribi-Mboro and Douala-
tion,” explains Angélique Béatrice         Bonabéri,» says Georges Njoya, the

28                                                                                                            N° 93 / november 2020
Government announces strategic merger
between Sodecoton and Cicam to create an
industrial cotton-textile pole by 2030
In the framework of its 2020-2030         cotton-textile industry.                   Grand Corps of the State (the military,
national development strategy,            In that regard, the national cotton        police, civilians, etc..) with clothing
Cameroon announces that there             production will be raised to 600,000       that uses at least 60% of the local
will be a strategic merger between        tons/yearly by 2025. The strategy          cotton.
Société de développement du               also plans to increase the volume of       Also, the government will explore the
Coton (Sodecoton) and Cotonnière          cotton fiber transformed to 50% of the     potential for the revival of tanneries
Industrielle du Cameroun (Cicam).         production by 2030, develop clothing       and leather products manufacturing
According to the development stra-        (sports notably) manufacturing             industries.
tegy, this merger will create an inte-    industry able to meet about 50% of
grated industrial pole in the country’s   the national demand, and supply the

SME promotion agency APME supports
a XAF5.2 bln project in the metal sheet
production sector
Groupe Sylvano SARL recently signed       will benefit from various tax-customs,     scrupulously respect the about XAF5.2
an accompanying agreement with the        administrative, and financial facilities   billion investment plan agreed upon,
SME promotion agency APME for the         through the APME’s single window for       accept periodic inspections and
extension of its sheet metal production   investment incentives.                     publish annual activity reports, APME’s
plant.                                    But, to access all these incentives,       General Director explained during the
Thanks to this agreement, the project     Groupe Sylvano SARL will have to           agreement-signing ceremony.

Cameroon plans to build its 2nd oil refinery in
Cameroon plans to build another           large refinery in Kribi.» Thanks to the    built to launch Cameroon’s LNG pro-
refinery. Indeed, SONARA (which was       about 5 million tons/year refinery,        duction before the construction of an
the only refinery in the country) was     the government plans to at least sup-      LNG production plant, not far from
the victim of a fire outbreak on May      ply the CEMAC region. The financing        the Kribi deepsea port.
31, 2019. Therefore, the country plans    model chosen for the project is a          Hilli Episeyo, which is the result of
to create a duopoly in the hydrocar-      public-private partnership.                a XAF700 billion investment from
bon sector.                               Kribi was chosen to host the refinery      Golar LNG, also produces 30,000 tons
For that purpose, in its 2020-2030        because of the presence of the floa-       of domestic gas every year and 5,000
national development strategy, the        ting LNG plant Hilli Episeyo. With a       barrels of condensate daily.
government introduced a «viable pro-      yearly production estimated at 1.2
ject for the construction of a new and    million tons, the floating unit was

N° 93 / november 2020                                                                                                    29
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