FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon

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FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon
FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon
Daily business news
from Cameroon

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FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon

Yasmine Bahri-Domon,
directrice de la publication

Let’s imagine for a moment…
                         What would happen if, in the wake of a movement
                         of demands by lawyers or teachers, the National
                         Liberation Front of Corsica had decided to engage in
                         an armed fight against the “French occupier”?

                         Imagine that, suddenly, the Corsican autonomists for-
                         bid children to attend the republican school, threaten
                         to kill teachers who go to school, extort money from
                         shopkeepers, shoot citizens who go to vote, behead
                         state representatives, plant bombs in a peaceful
                         demonstration by women...

                         Would stakeholders be called upon to engage in
                         dialogue? Would the French President be publicly
                         called to moderation? Would NGOs and the media try
                         to justify these acts of war by the excessive centralism
                         of the French republic? Would the same means be
                         mobilized to try to discredit the French order-keeping

                         And what would happen if the leaders of this armed
                         rebellion openly signed deals for oil exploration in
                         Corsican waters? Would the authorities of the foreign
                         countries hosting them let them succeed, raise funds,
                         call for civil war, and broadcast their calls for crime or
                         for the murder of Mr Macron on social media?

                         In such a context, the ire of Cameroonian authorities
                         towards several NGOs which show guilty indul-
                         gence towards those whom they call “the alleged
                         separatists” is justifiable. While these NGOs are
                         slow to condemn the crime perpetrators, they rush
                         to severely track down and expose any unfortunate
                         behavior by the forces of order or collateral damage
                         to reinforce their terrible prejudices against Africa
                         and its legitimate leaders.

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                3
FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon
FOCUS                                               INTERVIEW

08 • C ameroon and its fiscal burdening public     13 • J ames Durrant : « xxxxxxx»
09 • C ameroon: Fiscal consolidation efforts
      threatened by XAF2,624 billion debt owed by
      state-owned companies
10 • T he typical case of Sonara and Camtel                             Stratline Limited

                                                                      Publication Director
11 • P ublic companies’ short-term debt reached                    Yasmine BAHRI-DOMON
      128% of combined sales in 2018
12 • T he burden of personnel costs on State            Brice R. Mbodiam, Sylvain Andzongo, Idriss Linge,
                                                                         Muriel EDJO.
12 • C ameroon sets new measures to improve                            Médiamania Sàrl
      the management of public companies and                        Maquette : Jérémie FLAUX,
      institutions                                                  Corrections : Souha TOURE

LEADER OF THE MONTH                                                         In Cameroon
                                                              Albert MASSIMB,
                       34 • W
                             illiam Fotchine                        Tel : 00 237 694 66 94 59
                             launches                                       Printing
                             Cameroon’s first                     Rotimpres, Aiguaviva, Espagne
                             materials library                   Office - Distribution Cameroon
                             to revolutionize                 Albert MASSIMB,
                                                                     Tel : 00 237 694 66 94 59
                             the local interior
                             design market                              Free – cannot be sold


4                                                                                                   N° 85 / march 2020
FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon
NEWS IN BRIEF        P 19-33

N° 85 / march 2020         5
FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon

SABC invests XAF12 billion in new production line in

On February 26, 2020, the Minister of    production line stems from the will     SABC, leader of Cameroon’s brewery
Industry Dodo Ndocke inaugurated a       of the SABC group’s top management      market, also owns Société des Eaux
new production line at SABC’s plant      to provide modern and efficient tools   minérales du Cameroun (Semc) and
located at Ndokoti, Douala.              to Brasseries du Cameroun. This is      Société camerounaise de verrerie
This XAF12 billion investment            aimed at boosting productivity, on      (Socaver). It employs 3,000 people
included, the leader of the              one hand, and meeting the group’s       and provides more than 100,000
Cameroonian brewery market now           new requirements in terms of perfor-    indirect jobs. It also has 2,900 sub-
has 19 production lines, official        mance and innovation on the other,”     contractors and local distributors,
sources indicate. The newly inau-        SABC group says.                        9 international-standard plants, 19
gurated line has an hourly produc-       Indeed, this new investment is part     production lines, and 40 distribution
tion capacity of 45,000 60 and 65 Cl     of a XAF65 billion 3-year strategic     warehouses. Its activity also impacts
bottles.                                 investment plan initiated by the        the lives of more than 6,000 farmers
Internal sources reveal that the line,   brewery group in 2017. The plan is      in the country.
built within 6 months, started pro-      aimed at modernizing the facilities                         Brice R. Mbodiam
duction since December 2019. “The        to make them more efficient.

6                                                                                                          N° 85 / march 2020
FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon

XAF2,000 billion                                                In January 2020, 7.8 million people were connected to the
                                                                internet in Cameroon, according to a report published by
                                                                Hootsuite and We Are Social, two organizations that moni-
                                                                tor internet and social media feed. With that number of
CEMAC countries have a yearly structural food deficit           users, the internet penetration rate reached 30% in the
of about XAF2,000 billion. This was revealed by Daniel          country in January 2020.
Ona Ondo, President of the CEMAC Commission while               According to the same source, year over year, there is a
launching the session of the regional committee that            7.8% (570,000 new users) increase in the use of the internet
identifies products to be granted regional free circulation     in Cameroon.
rights.                                                         That increase was driven by a high mobile penetration rate
This revelation seems like a formal invitation for eco-         since most users browse the internet using smartphones,
nomic operators to massively invest in the retailing sec-       the report indicates.
tor because of the existing opportunities. It also informs
about the opportunities in intra-community trade within
CEMAC (officially estimated at 3% opposed to 15% for the

50 000 tons                                                     Comité régional de l’origine, CEMAC’s institution which
                                                                determines the country of origin of products to be granted
                                                                free circulation rights in the community, started a session
                                                                on February 20, 2020, in Douala.
Cameroon’s ambition, in the framework of its national
strategy for the promotion and development of the cashew        Out of the 304 products being assessed, 210 were submit-
sector, is to reach a production of 50,000 tons in 2025. This   ted by 15 Cameroonian companies (25 companies sub-
was revealed by Gabriel Mbairobe (photo), the Minister of       mitted products for this reviewing meeting). The 15 com-
Agriculture and Rural Development, on February 3, during        panies operate in various sectors including construction,
the annual conference of heads of central and decentra-         cosmetics, and agribusiness, official sources indicate.
lized services of his ministerial department.
But before this deadline, Cameroon intends to make itself
known on the international cashew nut market by 2023,
the official indicated.

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                        7
FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon
Cameroon and its fiscal
burdening public companies
The government’s portfolio in the         companies owned by Cameroon             supposed to be. Instead of providing
productive sector is officially estima-   were non-compliance with budgetary      the government with dividends it
ted at 127 companies and other ins-       discipline, failure to control opera-   should expect, these companies are
titutions. According to the Ministry      ting costs, lack of various steering    rather always requiring financial
of Finance, these entities provide        tools, poor governance and increased    support.
about 40,000 jobs. As such, they are      dependence on state subsidies. Since    Due to that fact, over the years, the
an important tool for job creation        2006, all these problems have created   government has multiplied initia-
and even for the development of the       scandals that had led many general      tives to encourage public enterprises
national economy.                         directors of companies to prison.       to try and raise financing in capital
However, a report ( focused on            Apart from the poor governance and      markets and from some internatio-
Cameroon’s economy) published in          lack of competitiveness, which seem     nal investors. However, the com-
September 2013, by the International      to be the trademark of state-owned      panies seem to prefer government
Monetary Fund (IMF) informs that          companies in Cameroon, there is a       subsidies to the capital markets.
most of these state-owned compa-          real financing problem.                 Currently, the government fears
nies and public institutions perform      Faced with the ever-increasing fund     the unproductive companies, with
rather poorly.                            solicitations from state-owned com-     abysmal debts, could become a
For instance, during the February         panies, Cameroon is planning to stop    real fiscal burden in the long term.
25, 2016, cabinet council held in         subsidizing these companies, which      Illustrations!
Yaoundé, it was revealed that the         are more like money pits instead of                         Brice R. Mbodiam
main problems encountered by state        the productive structures they are

8                                                                                                           N° 85 / march 2020
FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon

Cameroon: Fiscal consolidation
efforts threatened by XAF2,624
billion debt owed by state-
owned companies

According to a country profile          While assessing the volume of           554.5 billion and XAF352.4 billion
published on October 10, 2019,          assistance to be provided to public     at the end of 2017. The other
by the rating agency Moody’s, the       enterprises in 2019, the govern-        public enterprises that closed
debt of state-owned companies in        ment estimated the overall debt         this top five were the Electricity
Cameroon constitute a threat to         of 37 public or publicly owned          Development Corporation
fiscal consolidation efforts.           enterprises (excluding the nume-        (XAF140.4 billion) and Sodecoton
The document, based on 2016 indi-       rous public institutions) at more       (XAF113.1 billion).
cators, states that the debt of these   than XAF2,624.4 billion (about          The problem is not their indebted-
entities (the National Refining         $4.7 billion) in 2017. That year, the   ness but the difficulties encounte-
Company [Sonara] excluded), was         country’s GDP was estimated at          red by these companies in gene-
about 8.2% of that year’s GDP.          $34.8 billion.                          rating sufficient income to repay
According to government data,           Sonara, Camtel, and Camwater            their debts.
this ratio reached 13.5% of GDP         were among the top three indebted
at end 2017, Sonara’s debt being        public enterprises with respective
included this time.                     debts of XAF763.2 billion, XAF

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                9
FREE - CANNOT BE SOLD - Business in Cameroon

The typical case of Sonara and Camtel
Sonara benefited from a significant           is crucial to economic stability.         billion FCFA (more than 4 times of its
portion of the $750 million Eurobond          For Camtel, unlike Sonara (whose          turnover).
issued in 2015 by the government.             capital is shared by the government,      The Presidency of the Republic has
It is currently being repaid. It also         para-public entities and the private      taken strong measures and paved
obtained several credit lines from            sector), it is fully-owned by the         the way for a partial privatization of
international and local banks. In             government. Due to that fact, the         the structure. Information not yet
April 2019, the company borrowed              government’s budget is fully exposed      officially confirmed suggests that this
$160 million from a petroleum trader          to its debt. The company massively        could benefit Huawei, which is owed
before being hit by a fire in May 2019.       borrowed, from Exim Bank China            a substantial part of the company’s
It is hard to imagine how Sonara,             notably, for large-scale projects. The    debts.
already structurally in deficit, could        most important of those projects          In the framework of its economic and
repay its debt. The current shutdown          is the SAIL (cable system between         financial programme with the IMF,
of its operations will further weigh          Cameroon and Brazil) whose bene-          Cameroon has already taken some
on the external deficit, due to the           fits are not yet visible.                 measures to reduce its state-owned
need to continue to satisfy local de-         On top of that, at end 2017, the          companies’ debts.
mand for petroleum products, which            company’s debts rose to over XAF409

     Public companies’ short-term debt
     reached 128% of combined sales in
                                                                                       debt represented 144% of turnover.”
                                                                                       This constitutes a major budgetary
                                                                                       risk for the State, CTR says.
                                                                                       In detail, we learn, more than 70%
                                                                                       of this debt is carried by compa-
                                                                                       nies active in oil and gas, post and
                                                                                       telecom, and water sectors.
                                                                                       Oil and gas public companies bear
                                                                                       the heaviest burden with 27.6% of
                                                                                       debt, and the National Refining
                                                                                       Company (Sonara) tops the list. It
                                                                                       should be noted that Sonara’s debt
                                                                                       level has always been a source of
                                                                                       concern for both the Treasury and
                                                                                       the local banking sector.
                                                                                       The post and communications
                                                                                       sector comes second with 23.3% of
                                                                                       debt; a situation due to the heavy
                                                                                       indebtedness of the incumbent
                                                                                       telecoms operator, Camtel, to
     Only 27% of public enterprises           public companies (CTR).                  its partners, notably the Chinese
     “have a balanced operation” while        The state body reveals that as of 31     equipment manufacturer Huawei.
     the majority is in deficit with a high   January 2018, “the short-term debts”     Meanwhile, the water sector
     level of indebtedness, according to      of these public entities “represent      recorded 19.6% of the total debt of
     the Technical Commission for the         128% of the combined turnover,           public companies at 31 December
     Rehabilitation of Public and Para        albeit down compared to 2017, when       2018.

10                                                                                                                 N° 85 / march 2020

The burden of personnel costs on State
In 90% of Cameroonian public enter-      equipment, and most of all it ham-        generally finances the most impor-
prises, personnel costs exceed 30%       pers the competitiveness” of these        tant, costly and urgent operations.
of the annual turnover, the public       companies, “despite the significant       Officially, in 2018-2019, the govern-
body in charge of the Rehabilitation     support provided by the State in the      ment injected CFA73.4 billion into
of Public and Para public companies      framework of plan agreements.» A          15 public companies, within the
found.                                   plan agreement is a deal the govern-      framework of plan agreements. As at
In some cases, CTR says, these           ment signs with a struggling state        31 December 2018, a bit over CFA45
expenses are “above 70%” of the com-     company in to order to revive it and      billion had been effectively disbursed
panies’ turnover, leaving no room for    make it more competitive.                 by the Treasury, according to a report
optimizing operations or financing       Before the deal is signed, the            by the Technical Commission for the
investments.                             partners should first identify the        Rehabilitation of Public and Para
This bad personnel costs to turnover     operations which, if carried out suc-     public companies.
ratio “results in the accumulation of    cessfully, should boost the company’s
debts and the non-renewal of aging       development; then the government

Cameroon sets new measures to
improve the management of public
companies and institutions
In a circular signed on December 31,
2019, the Minister of Finance, Louis
Paul Motaze (photo), prescribed
special monitoring of the Program-
oriented Budgeting in public institu-
tions in Cameroon.
The official indicated that special
emphasis should be placed on the
harmonization of formats for the
presentation of budgets of public ins-
titutions, their annual performance
reports as well as their adminis-
trative and employment accounts.
The transmission, by public esta-
blishments, of their administrative
accounts for the financial year 2019
to the Minister in charge of Finance     mitted to the Minister in charge of       Budget Directorate of the certified
must be made no later than July 30,      Finance by 15 January at the latest, is   financial statements, the auditor
2020.                                    maintained.                               reports, resolutions, and delibera-
Furthermore, the requirement that        “Any request for funding, tax relief,     tions by applicants’ corporate bodies
the annual budgets and investment        loans or government approval by           and the administrative accounts
plans of the said establishments,        state-owned companies, private            (depending on the situation) of
accompanied by a statement of            companies with minority public            the due financial year,” Louis Paul
personnel, the debt situation, and an    participation and public institutions,    Motaze stresses.
internal clearance plan, be trans-       is subject to the transmission to the

12                                                                                                           N° 85 / march 2020

James Durrant
“We are building a bauxite mine
in Cameroon”
James Durrant, Head of exploration and exploitation at the Minim Martap and
Ngaoundal bauxite deposit, which could transform Cameroon into the world
leading bauxite producer, recently visited the country. During the visit, he was
interviewed by Business in Cameroon, with which he discussed every detail of the

On July 11, 2018, Camalco, the     ject through exploration and      of the Minim Martap Project
subsidiary of the Australian       into engineering. During 2019,    development. Concurrent to
Junior Mining Company Ca-          Camalco delivered a very large    the engineering development
nyon Resources, was granted        and high-grade resource up-       we continue to increase our
three exploration licenses         grade on the Project. This was    understanding of the resource
for the Minim Martap and           completed within the first year   though additional drilling
Ngaoundal bauxite deposits.        of the 3 term and was achieved    and on-site investigation pro-
What progress have you made        due to the high quality of work   grammes. These additional
so far on these sites?             done by the Camalco local         works will allow us to take the
                                   Cameroonian technical team on     Project status from Resource
Camalco secured the tenements      the project site.                 to Reserve, the highest level of
in July 2018 and was granted a     Immediately following the         deposit classification.
3-year exploration license. The    resource upgrade the Camalco      Alongside all of this we have
exploration license detailed       team began the engineering        begun the environmental and
obligations to progress the Pro-   design and development phase      social assessments, known as

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                      13

ESIA studies, for the project.         ting for many decades in the         source has been demonstrated
This is a key component and            future.                              to be exceptionally high quality,
initially seeks to understand                                               possibly the best quality known
the baseline social and envi-          Since obtaining the non-re-          bauxite in the world. The depo-
ronmental conditions and then          newable licences, what re-           sit, however, is a long way in-
integrates designs and manage-         sults have exploration works         land and critical to the success
ment measures into the Project         yielded?                             of the project is working with
development planning to mini-          Camalco delivered an inter-          the Government and Camrail to
mise adverse effects and maxi-         nationally recognised mineral        successfully design a solution
mise the benefits of the Project       resource upgrade in mid-2019,        for the bauxite to be transpor-
to the local population of the         having had the exploration           ted on the existing rail network.
Adamawa region.                        license for only 1 year. This is     The Camalco team has engaged
The engineering, resource defi-        incredibly quick and we must         a wide range of international
nition and ESIA activities are         thank our employees, the com-        experts to help work out the
not only essential to the suc-         munities and the government          concept of operations for the
cessful development of the pro-        for their support in allowing        rail operations which will be
ject, but are obligations under        us to progress the project and       presented to Camrail in the
Cameroon and international             receive these results. The results   near future.
law. Camalco is committed to           were very positive and gives         The Minim Martap Project is
developing the Minim Martap            Camalco great confidence that        located a long way from the
Project in a sustainable manner        the Minim Martap Project will        coast and the logistics for the
that complies with all laws and        be a successful long-term Pro-       Project are the largest chal-
obligations, but also provides         ject for Cameroon.                   lenges faced by Camalco. Based
development and opportunities          Now that the resource is under-      on our detailed work completed
to local communities.                  stood, the engineering, mining       to date, we are very confident
                                       and environmental and social         that we will have a successful
On 17 September 2018,                  phases take priority. Typically      solution for the transport and
Camalco launched the «last             engineering includes a series of     beneficiation of the bauxite that
phase of research» on the              detailed assessments – inclu-        will work for our logistics par-
Minim Martap-Ngaoundal                 ding, from mining to shipping,       tners and the State and people
project. What does this phase          from the number of trains to the     of Cameroon.
actually involve?                      number of people, from opera-
The last phase of research refers      ting systems to environmental        Before your arrival, and
to the final stage of drilling and     support systems. This is a very      after several years of explo-
studies that will allow Camalco        large work program and one           ration and negotiations,
to start construction of the           that the whole team is currently     the American-Indo-Emi-
Minim Martap Project.                  focused on.                          rati consortium, Cameroon
As with all mining projects, it        Camalco is on target to com-         Alumina (CAL), was unable
is the resources in the ground         plete all of the studies well        to conclude an investment
that counts, but it is also vital to   under the required 3 years time      agreement on this mining
design solutions that allow the        frame.                               project with the State of
bauxite to mined and processed                                              Cameroon. What are the pos-
in Cameroon and exported in            What challenges have you             sible scenarios at the end of
a profitable and sustainable           faced in the framework of this       your 3-year contract with the
way that will ensure that Minim        project?                             State of Cameroon?
Martap Project will be opera-          The Minim Martap Project re-         The current engineering and

14                                                                                                 N° 85 / march 2020

“The limiting factor in the region is the capacity of the rail infrastructure”

study phase of the project is                               needs to show the key outcomes      ment opportunities, rail and
designed to finalise the opera-                             of the studies that comply with     transport corridor upgrades as
tional details of the Project and                           Cameroon laws and interna-          well as revenue to the State.
from the results of these studies                           tional mining conventions. A
Camalco will be able to finalise                            key focus of these studies, in      60 years after its inde-
an investment agreement with                                addition to proving the long-       pendence, Cameroon, which
the State of Cameroon.                                      term commercial viability of the    has a significant mining
The investment case is descri-                              Project, is the positive impacts    potential, still waits for
bed by presenting an enginee-                               the Project will bring across all   the construction of its first
ring report called the bankable                             sections of Cameroon society        industrial mine; despite the
feasibility study (BFS). The BFS                            via investment, skilled employ-     arrival of many junior miners

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                           15

We are “very confident about the very high quality of the Minim Martap and Ngaoundal bauxite”

like yours. What makes you                           development process to ensure              particular, junior miners
different from other mining                          that we can start operations in            are increasingly accused of
companies that come to Ca-                           as short a timeframe as possible           applying for mining licences,
meroon?                                              and then increase the scale of             just to speculate on stock
The mining business is a very                        the Project over time.                     exchanges and not out of real
difficult business. It involves                      We, like the people of Came-               interest. What is your opinion
very large sums of money, long                       roon, are anxious and focussed             regarding this claim?
periods of time and a conti-                         on having the Project in opera-            We are very confident that
nuously changing investment,                         tion as quickly as possible and            Camalco has demonstrated
competitive and political land-                      then remaining in operation for            through our work completed
scape.                                               the many decades in the future.            on the Minim Martap and
Camalco is approaching the de-                                                                  Ngaoundal Projects over the
velopment of the Minim Martap                        Based on several examples                  last 18 months that we are not
Project in a staged or phased                        in Africa, and Cameroon in                 speculating on the Project, we

16                                                                                                                   N° 85 / march 2020

“Camalco has demonstrated through our work completed on the Minim Martap and Ngaoundal Projects over the last 18 months that we are not speculating on the

are building a bauxite mine in                       over the last 18 months and the                      and Mandoum licenses which
Cameroon.                                            support and commitment of the                        you fully own since the exit
Camalco has focused on                               Cameroonian Camalco team                             of Altus Strategies in October
employing and offering oppor-                        based on the camp near the                           2018. What are your plans for
tunities to skilled and talented                     town of Bobodji and the com-                         these other two bauxite depo-
Cameroonian mining professio-                        munity surrounding our opera-                        sits?
nals and we are going to build                       tions in the Adamawa.                                The Birsok and Mandoum
a long term and successful Pro-                                                                           depositis are minor bauxite
ject in this country.                                At Canyon Resources, there                           deposits that are located near
Junior mining companies have                         has been much more talk in                           to the Minim Martap deposit.
sometimes, deservedly so, re-                        the last two years about the                         The limiting factor in the region
ceived a bad reputation throu-                       Minim Martap and Ngaoun-                             is the capacity of the rail infras-
ghout Africa. Camalco would                          dal project, but very little has                     tructure.
ask to be judged by our actions                      been said about the Birsok                           Camalco plans to incorporate

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                                                      17

“Camalco is committed to developing the Minim Martap Project in a sustainable manner that complies with all laws and obligations, but also provides development
and opportunities to local communities”.

the Birsok deposit into the long-                      and Ngaoundal deposits in                              Martap and Ngaoundal bauxite,
term mining plan for the Pro-                          Cameroon.                                              the hard work of all of our team,
ject and improve the capacity                                                                                 that we will deliver a success-
of the rail line by working with                       Finally, what makes Canyon                             ful and long term mining and
Camrail (Cameroon Railways)                            Resources run so much for                              industrialised project for Came-
on staged rail upgrades over                           Cameroonian bauxite?                                   roon and all stakeholders in the
time.                                                  The Minim Martap and Ngouan-                           Project.
                                                       dal together are a world-class                         Camalco believes in the qua-
Apart from the aforementio-                            bauxite deposit and the world                          lity of the Minim Martap Pro-
ned bauxite deposits, all of                           is currently looking for high                          ject, the skills of our team in
which are located in the Ada-                          quality bauxite to support the                         Cameroon, the fundamental
maoua region, Cameroon has                             growing alumina and alumi-                             long-term requirements of the
another in Fongo Tongo, in                             nium industries.                                       global aluminium industry and
the western region. Is it also                         We are competing against simi-                         the ability of Cameroon and
of some interest to Canyon                             lar high quality bauxite depo-                         Camalco to make the Project a
Resources?                                             sits in Guinea Conakry, but Ca-                        success.
Camalco is 100% focused on                             malco is very confident that the
developing the Minim Martap                            very high quality of the Minim

18                                                                                                                                                N° 85 / march 2020
Cameroon launches vast programme to
service 320 water abstraction devices
Forty years ago, to facilitate access     of maintenance. The government            Eloundou Essomba, received the very
to drinking water for its populations     launched a vast rehabilitation pro-       first rehabilitated water abstraction
(in rural areas notably), Cameroon        gramme to service them, according         device.
launched the project Scanwater. The       to official sources.                      This device, which is now in good
project consisted of the construction     The first rehabilitation in the           working condition, will provide
of water abstraction devices in some      framework of the programme was            drinking water to more than 1,800
localities, to supply drinking water.     launched in Njoré, in the Centre          people who were previously exposed
After years of good services, these       region. On 26 February 2020, the          to waterborne diseases.
devices went out of use due to a lack     Minister of Water and Energy, Gaston

INS forecasts 2% inflation rate in 2020, down
from 2.5% in 2019
his year, inflation could drop from
2.5% in 2019 to 2.0%, the National
Institute for Statistics (INS) of
Cameroon forecasts.
The institute based its forecast on
favorable climatic conditions, impro-
vement of security conditions in the
crisis regions (Northwest, Southwest
and the Far-North) and the absence
of internal or external shocks.
According to the institute, the special
status granted to the Northwest and
Southwest in 2019, and the various
easing measures issued during the
great National dialogue should
improve the security situation and        of some local products (rice, raw palm    eyebrows, eyelashes, wicks and
favour the resumption of economic         oil, sorghum, millet, kola nut,“Eru/      textile products produced for the
activities. That resumption will boost    Okok”, etc.) will surely stifle their     creation of wigs and similar hair
the supply of markets, increase the       exports so as to ensure a better supply   products, cocoa-free sweets as well
offer of goods and services in the        in local markets,” INS points out.        as chocolates and other high-cocoa
regions.                                  On the other hand, the INS notes, the     concentration products.
In addition, INS informs, the various     prices of some imported products          The INS also fears an increase in
incentives offered by the government      should rise in 2020 due to the appli-     fish prices due to the government’s
to companies willing to establish in      cation of the 5%-50% taxes on them.       decision, in early February 2020, to
economically deprived areas could         The products concerned are beauty         ban the importation of fresh and
also boost production in the crisis       products, cigarettes, motorcycles         frozen fishes from China. This ban
zones. “The exit duties provided by the   with a cylinder capacity exceeding        is issued as a prevention against the
2020 finance law for the exportation      250 cm3, hairs, wigs, wools, beards,      Coronavirus outbreak.

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                      19

3,336 teachers received XAF1.5 bln of undue
salary adjustments over the 2012-2018 period

In Cameroon, 3,366 teachers under         The amounts received by the                launched by Cameroon in April
the Ministry of secondary education       teachers vary between XAF30,000            2018. Thanks to Coppe, Cameroon
collected XAF1.59 billion of undue        and XAF10 million. Indeed, some tea-       identified and removed 10,000 ficti-
salary adjustments over the 2012-         chers who should normally receive          tious public servants from its payroll
2018 period. This is revealed by the      XAF14 million as salary adjustments        saving XAF30 billion in 2019. The
General Directorate of the Budget,        received XAF25 million instead.            servants removed were either absent
which posted the results of the task      Following the discovery, the General       from their working posts, dead but
force set up to verify (and require       Directorate sent claim for refund to       not declared or have resigned.
refund if necessary) the salary adjust-   the teachers concerned.
ment of teachers under the Ministry       This verification is part of Coppe,
of Secondary Education.                   the physical counting operation

2020 legislative election : Constitutional
court cancels elections in 11 constituencies
in the North-West and South-West regions
On 25 February, the Constitutional        Democratic Front (SDF). According          argued that because of the secu-
Council annulled the parliamentary        to the SDF, the elections were not         rity requirements imposed in these
elections of 9 February in 11 consti-     conducted in some constituencies           two English-speaking regions of
tuencies in the North-West and            due to insecurity.                         Cameroon, new polling stations were
South-West regions.                       The SDF also accused Elections             instead created so that voters would
These are the constituencies              Cameroon (Elecam), the body in             vote in peace, far from reprisals by
of Menchum-North, Bui-West,               charge of organizing the elections, of     separatists.
Mezam-South, Bui-South, Bui-              «violating the electoral code by grou-     This argument was not sufficient to
Centre, Mezam-Centre, Momo-East,          ping several polling stations in polling   convince judges of the constitutional
Menchum-South, Momo-West,                 centres.» Because of these groupings,      council. Elecam now has between
Mezam-North and Lebialem.                 it was hard for some voters to iden-       20 and 40 days to organize partial
The Council’s decision followed           tify their polling stations.               elections.
appeals lodged by the Social              Elecam, to defend the grouping,

20                                                                                                              N° 85 / march 2020

End frauds and manipulations that usually
occur at Cenadi, Louis Paul Motaze asks new

Last February 21, in Yaoundé,            “undue salaries, undue promotions         tious public servants from its payroll.
officials newly appointed at the         and pensions that, unfortunately,         According to the Ministry of Finance,
Centre national de développement         increase the state’s budget.”             the savings amounted to about
de l’informatique (Cenadi), which        For many years now, Cenadi has been       XAF30 billion yearly. In addition,
processes public servants’ salaries,     the center of numerous fraudulent         7,800 former servants have recently
were inaugurated by the Minister of      practices that costs the public trea-     been invited to show proof of their
Finance Louis Paul Motaze.               sury many billions every year. After      disability and reversionary pensions.
During the Ceremony, Louis Paul          many payroll sanitation operations,       They are suspected of unduly recei-
Motaze asked the newly appointed         the government launched COPPE, a          ving such pensions.
officials to end the various fraud and   physical counting operation, in 2018.
manipulations frequently observed        Thanks to this operation, it identified
at the Cenadi. These are namely          and removed more than 10,000 ficti-

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                     21

Cameroon to elaborate strategy to involve
women in fight against maritime crimes
In the coming weeks, the Ministry of      the gender approach in the fight          of Transport in terms of security,
Transport will develop a strategy to      against maritime crime.                   ensures the protection of women
involve women in the fight against        During the meeting, it was revealed       who transport goods by sea.
maritime crimes. This is the result of    that Cameroon has been taking all         Let’s note that the ICC is the body
negotiations led by the Inter-regional    the necessary steps to involve wo-        in charge of strengthening activi-
Coordination Centre (ICC) for Safety      men in the maritime sector through        ties oriented towards cooperation,
and Security in the Gulf of Guinea.       training and professional integration.    coordination, pooling, interoperabi-
Indeed the Minister of Transport          However, the Minister of Transport        lity of systems as well as the imple-
Ernest Massena Ngalle Bibehe and          confessed, «as far as maritime crime      mentation of the regional strategy
Alexandra Amling, a consultant for        is concerned, women are barely            on security and safety within the
this center, met on February 24, in       involved.» Nevertheless, the French       common maritime space in Central
Yaoundé, to discuss the impacts of        Navy, which supports the Ministry         and West Africa.

BNCRF dismantles contraband network
in Douala

In mid-February, fraud repression         products,” the BNCRF indicates.           health of consumers,” the repression
agency BNCRF conducted a light-           In the framework of the raid, a           agency says. An investigation was the-
ning raid in Douala. During the           network that distributes adulterated      refore opened in order to dismantle the
raid, boxes of “Château Barreyres”        whiskeys was also discovered in the       entire manufacturing process of these
branded wines of suspicious origin        Bonamoussadi district. “The alleged       various “deadly whiskeys.”
(photo) were seized. Part of those        trafficker was about to make a deli-      According to the Chamber of
were presented to the media.              very of Chivas (12 and 18-year-old)       Commerce, Industry, Mines and
“It turns out that the wine in question   and Jack Daniels whiskeys, stamped        Handicrafts (Ccima), smuggling,
did not come from the company BVS,        with fake labels, to a local snack bar.   counterfeiting, and illicit trade
which has exclusive distribution rights   Following a denunciation by the ma-       activities in Cameroon cause losses
for this brand in Cameroon. The ware-     nager of this establishment, BNCRF        estimated at XAF255 billion every
houses of this marketing area have        officers also seized these liquors,       year.
been sealed for selling contraband        which represent a great danger to the

22                                                                                                             N° 85 / march 2020
Ministry of Finance plans to initiate SMEs to
On February 20, the Ministry of
Finance will organize a natio-
nal workshop on the theme
“Crowdfunding: Participatory finan-
cing for small and medium enterprises
(SMEs)” in Douala.
According to the organizing commit-
tee, the aim is to provide information
on how this type of funding works.
They will also present the oppor-
tunities and advantages offered by
crowdfunding and share the expe-
rience of local start-ups and project
holders who have had the opportu-
nity to use this type of financing. In
addition, the main pitfalls and key
success factors for the implemen-
tation of a national policy for the
development of this type of financing
will be identified.                      (XAF1.1 billion) was 42.8% between      Africa currently accounts for only
According to rare data produced by       June and September 2017. “At            0.1% of global crowdfunding activity.
the Bank of Central African States       this rate, the total funds raised by    South Africa, Egypt, and Nigeria
(Beac), the annualized growth rate of    Cameroon on this platform could be      dominate the continental market
the amounts raised by Cameroonians       multiplied by 17 by 2025,” the Beac     while Cameroon ranks only 18th.
on the Kiva crowdfunding site            projects.

Gabon and Safacam’s bonds get listed on the
Today, Feb 21, two bonds issued in       the financial market regulator, after   brokerage firm of Société Générale
the Central African region last year     investors oversubscribed to that        Cameroon.
were listed on the Unified Stock         bond.                                   According to our sources, Safacam,
Exchange of Central Africa (BVMAC),      The second bond listed is that          an agro-industrial unit that produces
the stock exchange announces.            of Société Africaine Forestière et      palm oil and rubber in the Littoral
The first is Gabon’s 2019-2024           Agricole du Cameroun(Safacam) in        region of Cameroon, raised XAF2
bond, with an interest rate of 6.25%     Cameroon. Though this operation         billion during the operation.
thanks to which the country raised       was conducted discreetly, Business      The arrival of these two bonds on the
XAF126 billion in Q4-2019. Initially     in Cameroon learned from sources        BVMAC now allows their holders to
set at XAF100 billion, the envelope      close to the Central African Unified    trade on the secondary market of
requested by Gabon was revised           Stock Exchange that it was arran-       the Unified Stock Exchange of the
upwards following authorization by       ged in late 2019 by Sogebourse, the     Central African region.

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                  23

British firm The First Group eyes both
investors and investment opportunities in
the Cameroonian real estate sector
On February 19, 2020, in                   investments in the United Arab              tion has begun,” says Mohamadou
Yaoundé, British firm The First            Emirates, The First Group could             Dabo.
Group’sexecutives presented invest-        also transfer its Dubai investment          “We were among the first promoters to
ment opportunities in the real estate      model to Cameroon. This is at least         understand the tremendous potential of
sector in Dubai to Cameroonian             the dream of Mohamadou Dabo,                offering private investors the opportu-
economic operators.                        president of the Moda Group and             nity to buy hotel rooms and suites and
According to official sources, this        representative of The First Group in        furnished apartments in our high-end
presentation was aimed at wooing           Cameroon.                                   establishments, located in very popular
Cameroonian investors into acquiring        “After working with The First Group in     districts of Dubai. This strategy is our
assets in The First Group’s real estate    Dubai, we thought there is potential in     plan to expand into promising new
projects in Dubai (construction of         Cameroon. So, we invited executives to      markets and supports our commitment
high-end infrastructure or luxury          discuss with Cameroonian authorities        to developing great properties, brands,
residential properties namely).            the possibilities of transposing the same   and services that offer attractive
In addition to seeking partnerships        concept realized in Dubai to Cameroon.      returns to our investors,” said The First
with Cameroonian investors for             The feedback is positive and the reflec-    Group.

Cameroon raised over XAF2,000 bln via
issuance of government securities over the
past decade
Within 10 years, we have built a rich,
solid and fruitful partnership thanks
to which we raised XAF2,000 billion to
address the State’s cash flow problems
and finance some investment pro-
jects.» This was revealed by Louis
Paul Motaze on 20 February 2020,
in Douala, during the celebration of
Cameroon’s partnership with local
banks it approved as primary dealers
on the BEAC’s government securities
Indeed, in 2010, in view of its ever-in-
creasing need for financial resources
to enable the accomplishment of its        the main driving force in the market        backers like the IMF and the World
sovereign missions, Cameron had            with an average of XAF300 billion           Bank are not pleased with the more
decided to resort to the capital mar-      raised every year.                          than XAF2,000 billion the country
ket to diversify its budget’s financing    «For all those operations, the              raised via issuance of government’s
sources. In that regard, the country       Treasury has not had any payment            securities.
issued its first bond in late 2010.        defaults or deferred repayment,»            In various reports on the
This issuance was aimed at raising         the Finance Minister said during the        Cameroonian economy, these two
XAF200 billion.                            meeting. Louis Paul Motaze was thus         financial partners consistently go
This successful operation was              praising the quality of Cameroon’s          against the government’s propensity
followed by its first fundraising ope-     public securities that have attracted       to incur debt at non-concessional
rations on the BEAC’s government           both national and foreign investors         interest rates instead of concessional
securities market (created in 2011).       over the past 10 years.                     loans, which weigh less on the public
Nine years later, Cameroon remains         Let’s note that some international          debt.

24                                                                                                                  N° 85 / march 2020
Daniel Ona Ondo : “CEMAC countries have
a yearly structural food deficit of about
XAF2,000 billion”
CEMAC countries have a yearly struc-      invitation for economic operators to       six CEMAC countries, institutions like
tural food deficit of about XAF2,000      massively invest in the retailing sector   the above-mentioned committee was
billion. This was revealed by Daniel      because of the existing opportunities.     created. This committee identifies
Ona Ondo, President of the CEMAC          It also informs about the opportuni-       products within the CEMAC region to
Commission while launching the            ties in intra-community trade within       be exempted from taxes. To be exemp-
session of the regional committee         CEMAC (officially estimated at 3%          ted, such products should include a
that identifies products to be granted    opposed to 15% for the UEMOA).             certain percentage of raw materials
regional free circulation rights.         To reverse the trend and boost pro-        into the production process.
This revelation seems like a formal       duction as well as trade between the

IDB and the Government fund livestock and
fisheries development project in the North-
Last February 20, the North-West          the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).        fight against poverty in the North-
region’s development mission              It is aimed at funding projects in the     West region. Since 2016, the region
Mideno officially launched a project      livestock and fish farming sectors         and the South-West have been
for the development of livestock and      by granting microcredits to the            victims of violence perpetrated by
fisheries.                                population.                                separatists fighting for the partitio-
The project is financed to the tune       According to its officials, this new       ning of Cameroon.
of XAF750 million by Cameroon and         project is an important tool in the

Beef price jumped by 3.5% in 2019, following
resumption of exports to Nigeria
In 2019, food prices have been among      neighboring countries (Nigeria in          This is the case of the Amchidé bor-
the main driving forces behind the        particular), the INS explains.             der, officially reopened since May 15,
rise of the inflation in Cameroon.        Indeed, because of the exactions           2019. This town is the hub of trade
That year indeed, inflation surged to     started by Nigerian Islamist sect          between Nigeria and Cameroon in
2.5%, the highest since 2015.             Boko Haram in 2013, Cameroon               the Far North region.
Among the food products that              closed its Northern borders with           At the same time, several livestock
contributed to the rise was beef, the     Nigeria in 2015. Let’s note that the       markets, closed for years due to the
National Institute of Statistics (INS)    Northern region is the main beef           insecurity created by Boko Haram,
reports.                                  production area in Cameroon.               were also relaunched. Consequently,
According to the institute, after a       In 2019, following the relative peace      exports of Cameroonian beef to
drop of 2.1% in 2018, the price of beef   that ensured after fights led by the       Nigeria have been boosted, leading to
in Cameroon increased by 3.5% in          Cameroonian army against Boko              higher prices on the local market.
2019. This sharp rise is mainly due to    Haram, Cameroon decided to open
the resumption of beef trades with        some of its borders with Nigeria.

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                        25

PCP-Afop to train 3,500 people in
agropastoral and fishing sectors in 2020-2021
The agropastoral and fishing training    programme, 40 young people will be       production sectors in the course of
programme PCP-Afop, steered by           welcomed in each of the above-men-       the year. “The young people are cur-
the Ministries of Agriculture and        tioned centres, for a 2-year training    rently being placed at large production
Livestock, has just launched the         course.                                  basins. These basins are enrolling
recruitment of the 6th class of          This means that more than 3,500          1,500 young people in around 15 stra-
residents for its 88 training centres    young people will be trained in agro-    tegic sectors, including nine plant and
scattered around Cameroon.               pastoral and fishing trades between      six animal sectors,” said Pierre Blaise
According to information revealed        2020 and 2021.                           Ango, the programme’s national
during the 17th meeting of the stee-     In addition to this training, PCP-Afop   coordinator.
ring committee of this government        plans to dispatch trainees across

INS fears rise in fish prices amid ban of fish
imports from China

In Cameroon, fish prices could soon      Cameroon’s second-largest supplier       meet the national demand estimated
go up, according to a note recently      of fish products. Operators involved     at about 400,000 tons yearly.
published by the National Institute of   in the importation of frozen fishes      According to figures from the
Statistics (INS).                        buy 50.6% of their supply from           Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries
The INS explains that this rise should   African countries (Mauritania,           and Animal Industries (Minepia),
be spurred by the government’s           Senegal), 19.6% from Asia (China)        Cameroon imports 200,000 tons
decision, in early February 2020,        and 12.9% from Europe (Ireland).         of fish every year to complement
to ban the importation of fresh or       The fish imports boost local pro-        the low national production. Those
frozen fish products from China. This    duction, which went from 252,214         imports cost the country about
measure was issued as a prevention       tons in 2014 to 292,675 tons in 2018.    XAF170 billion yearly, the same
against the Coronavirus epidemic.        Despite a 40,461 tons increase over a    source indicates.
As the institute reveals, China is       4-year period, this is not enough to

26                                                                                                           N° 85 / march 2020
Guinness Cameroon claims hourly whisky
bottling capacity of 2,200
Guinness Cameroon reveals that the       “Guinness Cameroon SA is the            Cameroonian brewery market).
hourly whisky bottling capacity of its   first brewery, in Cameroon and the      Guinness Cameroon SA is also
plant (officially launched in Douala     Central African sub-region to bottle    Diageo group’s second subsidiary
on September 7, 2017) is 2,200           scotch outside Scotland,” the brewery   in Africa (Nigeria being the first).
bottles.                                 group indicates.                        Let’s note that Cameroon is Diageo’s
The local subsidiary of British          Initially a brewery group, Guinness     fourth-largest market in the whole
brewery group Diageo made the            Cameroon SA also went into the          world, according to Andy Fennel,
revelation in the presentation docu-     importation and marketing of wines      then Diageo’s chairman for the
ment elaborated for the celebration      to diversify its offers in a market     African region, during his visit to
of the group’s 50 years presence in      dominated by SABC (subsidiary           Cameroon in 2014.
Cameroon this year.                      of Castel that controls 74% of the

Counterfeit paints - producing network
dismantled in Yaoundé
In Cameroon, the fraud and counter-      Edzoa, used to mix expired paints       Not only did the accomplices buy the
feit repression unit of the Ministry     with good ones. With the complicity     counterfeited products but, they also
of Commerce recently dismantled a        of some hardware stores’ managers,      supply the fraudsters with expired
network of counterfeit paints produ-     the fraudsters introduce the mixed      paints to be used, official sources
cers in Yaoundé.                         products into the commercial circuit    indicate.
Those fraudsters, discovered in Elig-    of Yaoundé and environs.

Cameroon launches Profeaac to boost
domestic timber trade
On Feb 25, Cameroon officially           Funded by partners such as the          with locally produced and processed
launched Profeaac, a project for         French Development Agency (AFD),        wood.”
the Promotion and Formalization          the Centre for International Forestry   “We will not only raise awareness
of Artisanal Timber Exploitation         Research (CIFOR) and German coo-        about the sources of supply in the
in Central Africa. Endowed with a        peration agency, Profeaac is aimed at   communes of Mindourou in the East
budget of XAF3 billion, this project     boosting the domestic timber trade.     and Dzeng in the Centre. We will also
will be implemented over a period of     According to project coordinator        educate on the consumer markets in
4 years, in the Central and Eastern      Guillaume Lescuyer, «Profeaac will      big cities,” he adds.
regions of the country.                  strive to supply the domestic market

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                  27
CHEC appointed for the exploitation and
maintenance of Kribi-Lolable expressway
Chinese construction company            This appointment should be much to      The construction of the infras-
CHEC, that built the 38.5-km Kribi-     CHEC’s delight. Indeed, the company     tructures has, by the way, been
Lolable expressway connecting to        that pre-funded Cameroon’s share        relaunched, according to internal
Kribi deep seaport, will exploit and    in the construction to the tune of      sources at the Autonomous Port of
maintain the said expressway.           XAF38.6 billion has since been asking   Kribi (PAK).
This is revealed in a release signed,   to participate in the management of     Started on January 1, 2015, Kribi-
on February 20, 2020, by Cameroon’s     the expressway.                         Lolable expressway is expected to be
Minister of Public Works Emmanuel       The designation of the operator/        delivered on October 31, 2020, after
Nganou Djoumessi. In the release,       concessionaire in charge of the         a 28-month extension. According
the official indicates that in the      exploitation and management of the      to the Ministry of Public Works,
framework of a public-private par-      expressway was one of the condi-        currently, the completion rate of the
tnership, Cameroon attributed the       tions required to lift the suspension   works is about 90%.
designing, construction equipment,      imposed, in June 2018, by Eximbank
exploitation and maintenance of the     on the disbursements of funds in
Kribi-Lolablé expressway to CHEC.       favor of the project.

Mbanga-Bakoko social housing :
Construction companies ordered to deliver
works by end 2020

In Cameroon, companies working          visit in Douala last February 20.       the fault of companies in charge.
on the construction of the social       During the visit, the officer noticed   Many missions conducted on the
housing at Mbanga-Bakoko are            that the execution rate of the          field over the 10 years revealed
ordered to deliver the houses before    construction contracts launched 10      that many of those companies do
end 2020. This order was instructed     years ago is no more than 50%.          not have good financial standing.
by Ahmadou Sardaouna (photo),           This glaring lateness in the project    The contracts with many of them
Director-General of Société immobi-     aimed at providing additional 10,000    have been canceled but never
lière du Cameroun (SIC) during his      social houses to the government is      reattributed.

28                                                                                                        N° 85 / march 2020

Construction of XAF74 bln Bongor-Yagoua
road launched
On Feb 28, 2020, Chadian President      The Bongor-Yagoua bridge (XAF74         Cameroonian side. It also includes
Idriss Deby Itno and Cameroon’s         billion) will be funded by a loan and   related works mainly constituted
Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute        the European Union. The financial       of socioeconomic infrastructures
officially launched the construc-       costs will be borne by both countries   (border crossings and warning
tion of the Bongor (Chad)-Yagoua        at the rate of 58% for Cameroon and     devices) bringing the total cost of
(Cameroon) bridge.                      42% for Chad. As for the construc-      this construction project to about
The 620-meter long infrastruc-          tion work, it is planned to last 36     XAF92 billion.
ture should boost trade between         weeks and entrusted to the Razel        The project is one of the major
Cameroon and Chad. It will be built     Cameroun-Razel Fayat-Sotcocog           integration projects currently being
over the Logone river and should        consortium.                             implemented in the CEMAC region.
be the second bridge connecting         According to the AfDB, apart from       Indeed, there is also the project for
Chad and Cameroon. The first one        the said bridge, the construction       the extension of Cameroon’s railway
being the Nguéli bridge connecting      project includes 14.2 km of driveways   towards Chad and the construction
Kousseri, in Cameroon, to Ndjamena,     divided as follows: 7.4 km at the       of the Sangmélima (Cameroon) -
Chad.                                   Chadian side and 6.8 km at the          Ouesso (Congo) road.

45-km Yoko-Lena road section open to the
On February 19, 2020, the Ministry of
Public Works conducted the techni-
cal acceptance of Yoko-Léna section
(45.241 km) of the Batchenga-Ntui-
Yoko-Lena-Tibati road.
According to the ministry, this stage
consists of assessing the technical
quality of the infrastructure and its
compliance with the specifications.
It emerged that, despite some minor
flaws, the work is as requested. The
minor flaws concern the horizontal
marking and painting on the mileage
markers from kilometre point 200
+100 to kilometre point 201 +100.
Chinese company Sinohydro, in
charge of the work, promised to
correct them.
The infrastructure is therefore now
open to traffic with a one-year gua-
rantee. During that guarantee period,
Sinohydro will have to correct any
construction defects that may occur.
Final acceptance will take place at     road infrastructure with the fol-       cost of the works is XAF23.39 billion,
the end of the guarantee period.        lowing characteristics: a 2 x 3.5 m     which corresponds to the initial
The work carried out since February     pavement in asphalt concrete and a 2    amount allocated to the project.
2017 was completed in August 2019.      x 1.50 m dual-layer pavement, with a
It consisted of the construction of a   reference speed of 80 km/h. The total

N° 85 / march 2020                                                                                                  29
ADC purchases XAF760 mln worth of airport
support equipment

Aéroports du Cameroun (ADC),            boost the operation of airports and     Yaounde-Nsimalen, Garoua and
in charge of airport platforms in       thus boost quality of services,” ADC    Bamenda airports.
Cameroon, informs it recently           says delighted.                         In addition, elevators and escalators
acquired new manufactured sup-          The company adds that the acqui-        have been renovated at the Yaoundé-
port equipment by French Miloco         sition of all these equipment is part   Nsimalen airport. The apron area was
Production.                             of the high management’s airport        also renovated and a power station
The French company delivered 40         infrastructure and equipment            built for the production and distribu-
container handling trucks, twenty-      modernizing policy in the framework     tion of emergency energy. Four auto-
six 20-foot pallet trucks, 15 luggage   of the company’s 2017-2022 strategic    buses were also purchased for the
carrying trolleys, 2 covered luggage    plan.                                   transshipment of passengers at the
trolleys and 30 container storage       In the framework of that plan, ADC      international airports of Yaoundé-
benches. “These acquisitions, valued    has already purchased 1,396 seats       Nsimalen, Douala, and Garoua.
at nearly XAF760 million, will surely   for boarding lounges at Douala,

30                                                                                                        N° 85 / march 2020
You can also read