GAO report outlines safety shortfalls - Stripes Lite

Page created by Henry Cobb

GAO report outlines safety shortfalls
         BY CAITLIN DOORNBOS                        pervisors — such as vehicle commanders —          services evaluate to ensure “responsibili-
               Stars and Stripes                    to effectively perform their role,” according     ties to identify and communicate” dangers
  WASHINGTON — Driver distraction, su-              to the report. “As a result, implementation       are upheld.
pervision lapses and training shortfalls            of risk management practices, such as fol-           “If the responsibilities are not being car-
were among the leading causes behind Ar-            lowing speed limits and using seat belts,         ried out, the [services] should determine if
my and Marine Corps tactical vehicle acci-          was ad hoc among units.”                          existing workarounds are adequate or if ad-
dents in a new report released Wednesday               While no single event inspired the study,      ditional resources should be applied to ful-
by the Government Accountability Office.            the GAO said it was initiated because “the        fill these responsibilities,” the GAO said in
  The study reviewed 3,753 Army and Ma-             Army and Marine Corps have experienced            its report.
rine Corps noncombat tactical vehicle acci-         tactical vehicle accidents that resulted in          The GAO also suggested the Army and
dents between 2010 and 2019, which result-          deaths of military personnel during non-          Navy secretaries evaluate the number of
ed in 123 deaths. While the number of dead-         combat scenarios.”                                personnel responsible for tactical vehicle
ly accidents fluctuated during the years               The report found the services lacked ap-       safety “and determine if these units are ap-
with a high of more than 23 in 2010 and a low       propriate and continuing driver training          propriately staffed or if any adjustments are
of about 7 in 2017, the causes remained             across “diverse driving conditions, such as       needed to workloads or resource levels,” ac-
largely the same, according to the report.          driving at night or over varied terrain,” ac-     cording to the report.
  To address the issue, the GAO made nine           cording to the report.                               “The Army and Marine Corps have prac-
recommendations in the report, calling for             “Licensing classes were often condensed        tices to mitigate and prevent tactical vehicle
the services to create more clearly defined         into shorter periods of time than planned         accidents, but units don’t always use them,”
roles for supervisors, establish procedures         with limited drive time and unit training fo-     the report found.
and mechanisms for risk management and              cused on other priorities rather than driv-          The GAO also recommended the Army
ensure driver-training programs have a              ing,” according to the units that the GAO in-     and Navy secretaries, along with the Army
well-defined process with specific perform-         terviewed.                                        chief of staff and Marine Corps comman-
ance criteria.                                         In some cases, troops weren’t effectively      dant, create “a formal collaboration forum”
  “The Army and Marine Corps had not                communicating hazards found on training           for the services to “share methods for iden-
clearly defined the roles or put procedures         grounds and ranges to units and drivers,          tifying and communicating hazards to units
and mechanisms in place for first-line su-          something that the GAO recommended the            with each other on a regular basis.”

Ala. base is 1st in States to require proof of vaccination
             The Washington Post                    personnel “must be prepared to show proof         good reason not to,” reads the official order,
  An Alabama military base is taking in-            of vaccination” when on the base.                 issued Wednesday.
creased actions to combat the ongoing preva-          “Due to the rising rates in the counties           On Tuesday, Pentagon spokesman John
lence of coronavirus infections, authorizing        around us and some on Fort Rucker, we’re          Kirby said that about 70% of military person-
leaders to ask for proof of vaccination of ser-     now implementing G.O. number 12,” Francis         nel have received at least one dose of a coro-
vice members not wearing a mask while on            said in a video posted July 12 on Fort Ruck-      navirus vaccine.
duty. It is the first military base in the conti-   er’s official Facebook page, referring to the        “That’s encouraging, but there’s more
nental United States to allow leaders to check      general order issued to Fort Rucker person-       work to do, and so we continue to be in the
the vaccination status of those in uniform.         nel. “The big difference is going to be that if   mode of encouraging troops to get vaccinated
  The new guidance at Fort Rucker comes as          you are not wearing a mask, the leadership        to the maximum degree,” he said.
the new delta variant of the virus continues to     will be able to ask you, ask soldiers, to prove      In Alabama, just 33% of the population is
drive infection rates and now accounts for a        that they’ve been vaccinated by showing           fully vaccinated and just over 40% has re-
majority of cases in the U.S. The base is           their vaccination card.”                          ceived at least one dose, which is well below
among facilities, including Fort Leonard              The new rule applies only to uniformed          the national average, according to data from
Wood in Missouri, Fort Sill in Oklahoma and         personnel, of which there are about 5,000 as-     The Washington Post. In Dale County, where
Fort Jackson in South Carolina, where less          signed to the base. The base, which houses        Fort Rucker is located, the daily average for
than half of the surrounding populations            the Army’s aviation branch, is also home to       coronavirus infections is at 12 cases per day.
have been vaccinated.                               thousands of civilian dependents and civilian     Alabama is also among states that have en-
  The order issued Tuesday by Maj. Gen.             employees.                                        acted legislation banning vaccine passports
David Francis, commanding general of Fort             Civilian employees on the base “must be         or requiring immunization to receive govern-
Rucker, states that unmasked uniformed              taken at their word unless the supervisor has     ment services.
PAGE 2      • STRIPES LITE •                 Thursday, July 15, 2021

Milley reportedly feared Trump coup
              The Washington Post                         complaints of election fraud, drawing a                    nymity and the scenes reported were recon-
   WASHINGTON — In the waning weeks of                    comparison to the 1933 attack on Germany’s                 structed based on firsthand accounts and
Donald Trump’s term, the country’s top mil-               parliament building that Hitler used as a                  multiple other sources whenever possible.
itary leader repeatedly worried about what                pretext to establish a Nazi dictatorship.                     After attending a Nov. 10 security briefing
the president might do to maintain power af-                 “This is a Reichstag moment,” Milley told               about the “Million MAGA March,” a pro-
ter losing reelection, comparing his rhetoric             aides, according to the book. “The gospel of               Trump rally protesting the election, Milley
to Adolf Hitler’s during the rise of Nazi Ger-            the Führer.”                                               said he feared an American equivalent of
many and asking confidants whether a coup                    Portions of the book related to Milley —                “brownshirts in the streets,” alluding to the
was forthcoming, according to a new book                  first reported Wednesday night by CNN                      paramilitary forces that protected Nazi ral-
by two Washington Post reporters.                         ahead of the book’s July 20 release — offer a              lies and enabled Hitler’s ascent.
   As Trump ceaselessly pushed false                      remarkable window into the thinking of                        Late that same evening, according to the
claims about the 2020 presidential election,              America’s highest-ranking military officer,                book, an old friend called Milley to express
Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint                   who saw himself as one of the last empo-                   concerns that those close to Trump were at-
Chiefs of Staff, grew more and more nerv-                 wered defenders of democracy during some                   tempting to “overturn the government.”
ous, telling aides he feared that the presi-              of the darkest days in the country’s recent                   “You are one of the few guys who are
dent and his acolytes may attempt to use the              history.                                                   standing between us and some really bad
military to stay in office, Carol Leonnig and                The episodes in the book are based on in-               stuff,” the friend told Milley, according to an
Philip Rucker report in “I Alone Can Fix It:              terviews with more than 140 people, includ-                account relayed to his aides. Milley was
Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final                      ing senior Trump administration officials,                 shaken, Leonnig and Rucker write, and he
Year.”                                                    friends and advisers, Leonnig and Rucker                   called former national security adviser H.R.
   Milley described “a stomach-churning”                  write in an author’s note. Most agreed to                  McMaster to ask whether a coup was actual-
feeling as he listened to Trump’s untrue                  speak candidly only on the condition of ano-               ly imminent.

Hard landing strands 165   Submariner takes helm
Patriot Express passengers of Naval forces in Japan
    BYJONATHAN SNYDER                      the base gym around 9:30 p.m.                       BY ALEX WILSON                      month lockdown at Yokosuka,
         Stars and Stripes                 Tuesday.                                              Stars and Stripes                 the Navy’s headquarters south
  MARINE CORPS AIR STA-                       “The Patriot Express flight                YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE,                      of Tokyo and homeport of the
TION IWAKUNI, Japan — The                  had a rough landing and dam-                Japan — Rear Adm. Brian Fort                7th Fleet.
air station’s North Gym basket-            aged something in the nose of               closed out 32 years in the Navy                The commander of U.S.
ball court was temporary home              the aircraft,” he said.                     this week by handing over his               Forces Japan, Air Force Lt.
for 165 passengers bound for                  The plane and its crew re-               last command to an experi-                  Gen. Kevin Schneider, congrat-
Okinawa after a hard landing               turned to Yokota for mainte-                enced submariner who recently               ulated Fort for his many years
Tuesday sent their Patriot Ex-             nance, Staff Sgt. David Grigg, a            arrived from Washington, D.C.               of service and his numerous ac-
press flight back to Yokota Air            terminal agent at Yokota, told                Fort transferred the dual-hat             complishments. Fort received
Base for repairs.                          Stars and Stripes by phone                  responsibility for U.S. Naval               the Order of the Rising Sun,
  Most of the delayed passen-              Wednesday.                                  Forces Japan and Navy Region                gold and silver, from the Japa-
gers slept on cots and dined on               He said the flight was expect-           Japan to Rear Adm. Carl Lahti,              nese government July 1 in rec-
Burger King, teriyaki chicken              ed to depart Iwakuni at 10 p.m.             most recently the commandant                ognition of his service.
and sandwiches. Forty-one pas-             Thursday.                                   of Naval District Washington.                  Lahti thanked Fort for his ser-
sengers, parents with infant                  The Patriot Express from                 The command exerts both oper-               vice and pledged to continue “to
children, were afforded rooms              Iwakuni wasn’t the only one de-             ational and administrative con-             maintain and foster the strong
at a hotel on the air station,             layed Wednesday. Another                    trol over all Navy personnel and            relationships” that Fort created.
MCAS Iwakuni spokesman                     flight from Seattle-Tacoma In-              installations in the country.                  “For the U.S. Naval Forces
Maj. Joshua Diddams told Stars             ternational Airport to Yokota                 The Wednesday ceremony at                 Japan and Naval Region Japan
and Stripes on Wednesday.                  turned back to Sea-Tac after                the naval base’s Fleet Theater              teams, our missions are clear:
  Marine Capt. Antonio Marre-              two or three hours, a customer              featured accolades on Fort’s be-            enable the 7th Fleet, enhance
ro, a passenger heading to                 service agent for Air Mobility              half. He presided over the Navy             and strengthen the U.S.-Japan
Camp Schwab on Okinawa, told               Command in Seattle told Stars               response to the coronavirus                 alliance and serve as the naval
Stars and Stripes on Wednesday             and Stripes by phone Wednes-                pandemic in Japan, which in                 component to U.S. Forces Ja-
that he and the others arrived at          day.                                        spring 2020 meant a three-                  pan,” he said.

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Thursday, July 15, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •          PAGE 3

DOD: US once trained men in Haiti hit
            The Washington Post                   training is only as good as the institution it-     nership dates at least to the 1950s.
   Some of the former Colombian service-          self,” he said.                                        Colombian military and police also use
men arrested after last week’s assassination         “The Colombian army, which we have               U.S.-provided weapons and equipment, an
of Haiti’s president previously received U.S.     supported for 20 years, has a long history of       agreement that came under scrutiny earlier
military training, according to the Pentagon,     targeting civilians, violating the laws of war      this year after police there killed multiple
raising fresh questions about the United          and not being accountable. There has been a         protesters during demonstrations against
States’ ties to Jovenel Moïse’s death.            cultural problem within that institution.”          government tax proposals. A related analysis
   “A review of our training databases indi-         Colombian officials have said 13 of the 15       by The Post, published in May, found that
cates that a small number of the Colombian        Colombian suspects in the July 7 assassina-         Colombian authorities overstepped their
individuals detained as part of this investiga-   tion plot once served in that country’s mili-       own rules of engagement in some of the dead-
tion had participated in past U.S. military       tary, including the two killed by Haitian au-       ly encounters.
training and education programs, while serv-      thorities after Moïse was fatally shot inside          Fighting in Colombia’s decades-long war
ing as active members of the Colombian Mil-       his home.                                           has been a springboard for military veterans
itary Forces,” Lt. Col. Ken Hoffman, a Penta-        It is common for Colombian troops and            to trade their U.S.-funded experience for hire
gon spokesman, said in a statement to The         other security personnel across Latin Amer-         in other global conflicts, such as in Yemen.
Washington Post.                                  ica to receive U.S. training and education.            “The recruitment of Colombian soldiers to
   The Pentagon’s review is ongoing, Hoff-        Colombia, in particular, has been a signifi-        go to other parts of the world as mercenaries
man said. He did not say how many of the          cant U.S. military partner for decades, re-         is an issue that has existed for a long time, be-
men received training or precisely what it        ceiving billions of U.S. dollars since 2000 in      cause there is no law that prohibits it,” the
entailed.                                         its effort to battle drug trafficking organiza-     commander of Colombia’s Armed Forces,
   Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., whose legisla-      tions, leftist guerrillas and far-right paramil-    Gen. Luis Fernando Navarro, told reporters
tion provides oversight to foreign defense aid    itary groups.                                       last week.
used in human rights abuses, said the epi-           That effort has included CIA-backed mis-            Foreign military training provided by the
sode was a grim reminder that U.S. assist-        sions and a close relationship between Col-         United States is intended to promote “re-
ance to other countries can take unexpected       ombia military personnel and the Green Be-          spect for human rights, compliance with the
turns.                                            rets, who help train their elite counterparts in    rule of law, and militaries subordinate to
   “This illustrates that while we want our       guerrilla warfare. A Colombian commando             democratically elected civilian leadership,”
training of foreign armies to build profes-       school is modeled on the Army’s grueling            Hoffman, the Pentagon spokesman, said in
sionalism and respect for human rights, the       Ranger School, and the two militaries’ part-        his statement.

‘Stepchild’ notation on military ID causes dispute
     BY CHAD GARLAND                 sponsor. Biological offspring            “My daughter has never                 But in another post that was
        Stars and Stripes            are listed only as “child,” social    called herself a stepchild,”            shared less widely, @kristen-
  Service members and spous-         media users said.                     @justjsides said in a follow-up         mary20 said she had received a
es are calling for change to the        “Why are we now specifying         tweet. “We’ve never used that           response from a Defense De-
military’s new dependent ID          *stepchild* on dependent IDs?”        term really. I think if she saw         partment office explaining the
cards this week over the way the     wrote Twitter user @justjsides,       this on her ID it would hurt            inclusion of the term “step-
relationship field identifies        whose profile lists her as an Ar-     her.”                                   child” was an oversight when
spouses’ children from previ-        my spouse, in the original post          The word “never saw the light        the new ID card was rolled out,
ous marriages.                       sharing the photo of the new ID.      of the day in my blended mili-          and that officials were looking
  The Defense Department be-            The tweet was shared nearly        tary family,” said Fred Well-           into the possibility of fixing it.
gan transitioning last summer        100 times as of Thursday morn-        man, in a retweet of the photo. A         The previous ID cards listed
from its paper-based uniformed       ing, including by several ac-         retired Army officer and the ex-        the relationship as “SC,” but the
services ID card to a plastic        counts with high numbers of fol-      ecutive director of political ac-       new one allows the whole term
“next generation” card similar       lowers and some who tagged top        tion committee The Lincoln              to be spelled out more promi-
to the Common Access Card            military leaders or official ac-      Project, Wellman has more than          nently, the email said, accord-
used by DOD personnel. The           counts.                               186,000 followers on Twitter.           ing to a series of @kristen-
new card is meant to be more            Some were concerned the            His tweet was shared nearly             mary20’s tweets.
secure and harder to counter-        new cards might reveal a child’s      two dozen times.                          “This is an error of omission
feit.                                adoption status, apparently              The ID card photo belonged           vice commission,” it said.
  But a photo posted on social       based on the fact that the De-        to a user going by @kristen-            “There was not a conscious de-
media Wednesday drew contro-         fense Enrollment Eligibility Re-      mary20, that user said in re-           cision made during the imple-
versy over the card’s use of the     porting System, or DEERS, re-         sponse to Wellman, explaining           mentation of this major change
term “stepchild” in a field list-    quires different documents, de-       that she’d originally posted it to      to DoD’s ID card program to
ing the relationship between the     pending on a child’s legal rela-      a spouse page before it was             bring emotional distress to any
dependent and the military           tionship to their sponsor.            shared to Twitter.                      DoD ID card recipient.”
PAGE 4    • STRIPES LITE •            Thursday, July 15, 2021

Overdose deaths in US hit                                                                                     Biden seeks
                                                                                                              to unite Dems
                                                                                                              behind new
record 93,000 last year
        Associated Press               Jordan McGlashen died of a        been sold illicitly and mixed
                                                                                                              $3.5T agenda
                                                                                                                      Associated Press
   NEW YORK — Overdose              drug overdose in his Ypsilanti,      with other drugs.                       WASHINGTON — President
deaths soared to a record 93,000    Mich., apartment last year. He          “What’s really driving the        Joe Biden made a quick foray
last year in the midst of the CO-   was pronounced dead on May 6,        surge in overdoses is this in-       to the U.S. Capitol hunting sup-
VID-19 pandemic, the U.S. gov-      the day before his 39th birthday.    creasingly poisoned drug sup-        port for his multitrillion-dollar
ernment reported Wednesday.            “It was really difficult for me   ply,” said Shannon Monnat, an        agenda      of     infrastructure,
   That estimate far eclipses the   to think about the way in which      associate professor of sociology     health care and other pro-
high of about 72,000 drug over-     Jordan died. He was alone, and       at Syracuse University who re-       grams, a potential landmark
dose deaths reached the previ-      suffering emotionally and felt       searches geographic patterns in      achievement that would re-
ous year and amounts to a 29%       like he had to use again,” said      overdoses. “Nearly all of this in-   quire near-unanimous backing
increase.                           his younger brother, Collin          crease is fentanyl contamina-        from fractious Democrats.
   “This is a staggering loss of    McGlashen, who wrote openly          tion in s ome way. Heroin is con-       His visit Wednesday came a
human life,” said Brandon Mar-      about his brother’s addiction in     taminated. Cocaine is contami-       day after Senate Democratic
shall, a Brown University pub-      an obituary.                         nated. Methamphetamine is            leaders capped weeks of bar-
lic health researcher who tracks       Jordan McGlashen’s death          contaminated.”                       gaining by agreeing to spend a
overdose trends.                    was attributed to heroin and            Fentanyl was involved in          mammoth $3.5 trillion over the
   The nation was already strug-    fentanyl.                            more than 60% of the overdose        coming decade on initiatives
gling with its worst overdose          While prescription painkill-      deaths last year, CDC data sug-      focusing on climate change,
epidemic but clearly “COVID         ers once drove the nation’s over-    gests.                               education, a Medicare expan-
has greatly exacerbated the cri-    dose epidemic, they were sup-           There’s no current evidence       sion and more. That’s on top of
sis,” he added.                     planted first by heroin and then     that more Americans started          a separate $1 trillion bipartisan
   Lockdowns and other pan-         by fentanyl, a dangerously pow-      using drugs last year, Monnat        compromise on roads, water
demic restrictions isolated         erful opioid, in recent years.       said. Rather, the increased
                                                                                                              systems and other infrastruc-
those with drug addictions and      Fentanyl was developed to treat      deaths most likely were people
                                                                                                              ture projects that senators from
made treatment harder to get,       intense pain from ailments like      who had already been strug-
                                                                                                              both parties are negotiating,
experts said.                       cancer but has increasingly          gling with addiction.
                                                                                                              with Biden’s support.
                                                                                                                 Democrats’ accord on their
                                                                                                              overall $3.5 trillion figure was a
Fire erupts near site of 2018 blaze                                                                           major step for a party whose ri-
                                                                                                              val moderate and progressive
                                                                                                              factions have competing vi-
        Associated Press            and hard-to-reach terrain            more prepared and more vigi-
   PULGA, Calif. — A blaze that     about 10 miles from Paradise,        lant.”                               sions of how costly and bold the
erupted near the flashpoint of      the foothill town that was vir-         Joyce Mclean’s home burned        final package should be. But
the deadliest wildfire in recent    tually incinerated by the Camp       last time but she has rebuilt it     many of them say bolstering
U.S. history was heading away       Fire that killed 85 people.          and will again if necessary, she     lower-earning and middle-
from homes on Thursday but            Larry Peterson, whose home         told the station.                    class families, and raising taxes
survivors of the 2018 blaze in      in neighboring Magalia sur-             “We just take each day as it      on wealthy people and big cor-
the town of Paradise worried        vived the previous blaze, said       comes and if it happens, it hap-     porations to help pay for it,
that history could repeat itself.   some of his neig hbors were          pens,” Mclean said. “There’s         would nurture long-term eco-
   The Dixie Fire had burned a      getting their belongings togeth-     not much that we can do about        nomic growth and pay political
couple of square miles of brush     er in case they had to flee.         it.”                                 dividends in next year’s elec-
and timber near the Feather           “Anytime you’ve got a fire af-        Ironically, the blackened         tions for control of Congress.
River Canyon area of Butte          ter what we went through, and        scar of the previous blaze was          Democrats’ agreement on a
County and moved into nation-       another one is coming up,            standing between the fire and        topline spending figure, while
al forest land in neighboring       you’ve got to be concerned,” he      homes.                               significant, is merely an initial
Plumas County.                      told KHSL-TV.                           “Everything’s pretty much         move that leaves the toughest
   There was zero containment         Other locals stocked up on         burned between them and the          decisions for later. They must
and officials said people in the    water and other items.               fire,” Butte County Supervisor       translate their plan into legisla-
tiny, remote communities of           “We pretty much left with          Bill Connelly told the Sacra-        tion with specific spending and
Pulga and east Concow should        our clothes on our backs” dur-       mento Bee. “Some bushes and          revenue figures, then line up
prepare to leave at a moment’s      ing the previous fire, said Jen-     grass have grown back, but it’s      the needed votes to enact it, a
notice.                             nifer Younie of Paradise. “So        probably not a direct threat at      process likely to grind right
   Flames raced along steep         this time we are looking to be       this time.”                          through autumn.
Thursday, July 15, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •        PAGE 5

Leaders wary as US seeks Central Asia spot
              Associated Press                    ghanistan.                                        whatever comes of its fight with the Kabul
  American diplomats are escalating a                There’s distrust of the U.S. as a reliable     government.
charm offensive with Central Asian leaders        long-term partner, after an only partly suc-         “I mean, I personally can see the value of
this week as they work to secure a close-by       cessful war in Afghanistan and after years of     an American base in Central Asia, but I’m
spot to respond to any resurgence of outside      widely fluctuating U.S. engagement region-        not sure the Central Asian states see such
militants in Afghanistan after the U.S. mili-     ally and globally, former American diplo-         value” currently, said John Herbst, who as
tary withdraws.                                   mats say. There’s Russia, blasting out this       U.S. ambassador to Uzbekistan helped ar-
  But even as high-level U.S. diplomats           week that a permanent U.S. military base in       range military access in Central Asia in 2001.
head to the region, they’re meeting with          its Central Asia sphere of influence would be        “We’ve taken a hit through our failures in
more doubts from Afghanistan’s neighbors          “unacceptable.”                                   Afghanistan” in credibility, Herbst said, af-
about any such security partnering with the          Meanwhile, the Taliban leadership, more        ter the U.S. neutralized al-Qaida in Afghan-
United States. That stands in contrast to         internationally savvy than it had been in         istan but struggled in fighting against the
2001, when Central Asian countries made           2001, has been visiting regional capitals and     fundamentalist Taliban and in trying to
available their territory for U.S. bases,         Moscow this summer in a diplomatic push of        strengthen a Kabul-based state. “Is that a
troops and other access as America hit back       its own, offering broad pledges that it will      mortal hit? Probably not. But it’s still a very
for the 9/11 attacks plotted by al-Qaida in Af-   pursue regional security, peace and trade         powerful factor.”

Child tax credit dollars flowing to parents’ pockets
              Associated Press                    qualify for the credit. Daniel went nearly a      he is also setting up a broader philosophical
   WASHINGTON — The child tax credit              decade without a job because her oldest son       battle about the role of government and the
had always been an empty gesture to mil-          is autistic and needed her. So she got by on      responsibilities of parents.
lions of parents like Tamika Daniel.              Social Security payments.                           Democrats see this as a landmark pro-
   That changed Thursday when the first              But the extra $1,000 a month for the next      gram along the same lines as Social Security,
payment of $1,000 hit Daniel’s bank account       year could be a life-changer for Daniel, who      saying it will lead to better outcomes in
— and dollars started flowing to the pockets      now works as a community organizer for a          adulthood that will help economic growth.
of more than 35 million families around the       Richmond nonprofit. It will help provide a        But many Republicans warn that the pay-
country. Daniel, a 35-year-old mother of          security deposit on a new apartment.              ments will discourage parents from working
four, didn’t even know the tax credit existed        “It’s actually coming right on time,” she      and ultimately feed into long-term poverty.
until President Joe Biden expanded it for         said. “We have a lot going on. This definitely      Some 15 million households will now re-
one year as part of the $1.9 trillion coronavi-   helps to take a load off.”                        ceive the full credit. The monthly payments
rus relief package that passed in March.             Biden has held out the new monthly pay-        amount to $300 for each child who is 5 and
   Previously, only people who earned             ments, which will average $423 per family,        younger and $250 for those between 5 and
enough money to owe income taxes could            as the key to halving child poverty rates. But    17.

US unemployment at pandemic low with 360K claims
              Associated Press                    steadily since topping 900,000 in early Janu-     dinners out, a round of drinks, sports and en-
  WASHINGTON — The number of Ameri-               ary.                                              tertainment events, vacation getaways and
cans applying for unemployment benefits             The U.S. recovery from the recession is         shopping trips.
has reached its lowest level since the pan-       proceeding so quickly that many forecasters          In response, businesses have scrambled to
demic struck last year, further evidence that     have predicted that the economy will expand       meet the unexpected surge in customer de-
the U.S. economy and job market are quickly       this year by roughly 7%. That would be the        mand: They are posting job openings — a re-
rebounding from the pandemic recession.           most robust calendar-year growth since1984.       cord 9.2 million in May — faster than they can
  Thursday’s report from the Labor Depart-          As the health crisis has receded, cooped-up     fill them. The worker shortage in many indus-
ment showed that jobless claims fell by           Americans have increasingly emerged from          tries is causing employers to raise wages and
26,000 last week to 360,000. The weekly tally,    their homes, eager to spend on things they        in some cases to raise prices to offset their
a proxy for layoffs, has fallen more or less      had missed during pandemic lockdowns —            higher labor costs.
PAGE 6    • STRIPES LITE •           Thursday, July 15, 2021

Bucks even NBA Finals with Suns at 2-2
        Associated Press           assists. His streak of 40-point        “That’s an NBA Finals spe-      couldn’t handle things without
   MILWAUKEE — Khris Mid-          games ended at two but the on-      cial moment right there, and       him.
dleton is an All-Star with unwa-   ly number that matters for the      we’re going to need more of           With the leaders of its only
vering confidence in his shot,     Bucks is on the series score-       them,” Milwaukee coach Mike        title team in the arena, Milwau-
always believing that no matter    board.                              Budenholzer said.                  kee improved to 9-1 at home in
how poorly he starts that he can     Devin Booker scored 42               Middleton missed a couple of    the playoffs. It is trying to over-
turn things around.                points for the Suns, but his foul   jumpers but Paul lost the ball     come a 2-0 deficit for the sec-
   “Khris has no fear and he       trouble cost them a chance to       after the second one when he       ond time in this postseason.
never has,” Milwaukee guard        build a big lead in the second      slipped and fell down while           The Suns never got more
Jrue Holiday said.                 half. Chris Paul struggled          dribbling. That sent Middleton     than two wins in their two pre-
   Middleton’s big shots — and     through a 5-for-13 night, finish-   off for a layup and he followed    vious trips to the NBA Finals
throw in Giannis Antetokounm-      ing with 10 points and five turn-   with four free throws to make it   but it seemed they were finally
po’s big block — may have          overs.                              107-101.                           headed there Wednesday.
turned around the course of          Game 5 is Saturday night in          “Nobody caved,” Middleton       Booker had a big finish to the
these NBA Finals.                  Phoenix.                            said. “We stayed with it.”         third quarter to send them to
   Middleton scored 40 points,       “This is a tough one but             Brook Lopez had 14 points       the fourth leading 82-76, but he
including 10 straight for the      we’ve got to bounce back,” Paul     for the Bucks and Holiday add-     picked up his fifth foul barely a
Bucks down the stretch to send     said. “That’s why we fought all     ed 13 points, seven rebounds       minute into the period and sat
them past the Phoenix Suns,        season to get home court.”          and seven assists. He shot only    for about five minutes.
109-103 on Wednesday night to        Phoenix led by two with 2½        4-for-20, but his defense helped      The Bucks trimmed only
tie the series 2-2.                minutes left before Middleton       knock Paul off his game. Be-       three points off the lead before
   “We wanted this bad and the     made the next two baskets to        fore Middleton’s run, it ap-       he returned in the fourth, but
team showed it tonight,” Ante-     give Milwaukee a 101-99 edge        peared it was going to be Book-    Middleton made sure they
tokounmpo said.                    with 1:28 to play. It appeared      er’s night. He bounced back in     surged ahead when it mattered.
   Middleton’s hot hand and a      the Suns would tie it with a lob    a big way from a 3-for-14 night       “When you have that kind of
big block from Antetokounmpo       pass to center Deandre Ayton        in Game 3 with his third 40-       lead in the fourth, if we can just
gave the Bucks their second        but Antetokounmpo swooped           point game of this postseason.     hold on to the ball and get good
straight victory in the first      in to block it, flexing his mus-       But he had to spend portions    possessions, you feel like you
close game of the series.          cles to the crowd behind the        of the third and fourth quarters   can at least hold it there,”
   Antetokounmpo       had    26   basket as the Bucks broke the       on the bench after picking up      Phoenix coach Monty Williams
points, 14 rebounds and eight      other way on the fast break.        fouls and his teammates            said.

Turnover bug hits Paul at wrong time for Suns
             Associated Press                     “The turnovers,” Suns coach Monty           by Booker, who scored 42 points and shot
  The ball was in Chris Paul’s hands            Williams said, “just crushed us.”             17-for-28 from the field.
with 35 seconds left and his team needed          Game 5 is Saturday in Phoenix.                 Paul finished with a series-low 10
a bucket to tie or take the lead in Game 4        The 36-year-old Paul — who has wait-        points on 5-for-13 shooting and seven as-
of the NBA Finals.                              ed 16 seasons to play in the NBA Finals —     sists on Wednesday, but the real problem
  The Phoenix Suns — and the 11-time            didn’t shy away from taking the blame.        was the giveaways. The miscues have
All-Star — wouldn’t have wanted it any            “It was me. I had five of them,” Paul       been part of a troubling trend: Paul’s had
other way.                                      said of the turnovers. “It was bad deci-      15 turnovers over his past three games
  The point guard did one crossover             sion making. At the time, we’re down          and that’s about twice as bad as his ca-
dribble to shake Milwaukee’s Jrue Holi-         two. I try to crossover right there, slip,    reer rate of 2.4 turnovers per game.
day. Then he immediately did another to         turn it over. There were some bad passes         Even so, his coach isn’t concerned and
try to lose Giannis Antetokounmpo.              in the first half. They got a significant     said there is nothing physically wrong
  What happened next was not what the           amount of more shots than us, so for me,      with Paul.
Suns or Paul expected. He just ... fell         I’ve got to take care of the ball.”              “He’s fine,” Williams said. “Great
down. The ball bounced away and so did            He wasn’t the only one coughing up the      players have games like that.”
Phoenix’s chances of taking a command-          basketball as the Suns finished with 17          Paul has given his coach reason to be-
ing lead in the series.                         turnovers. But there’s little doubt the       lieve in him, overcoming considerable
  Holiday scooped up the free posses-           point guard’s five turnovers on Wednes-       adversity in these playoffs. A shoulder
sion and the Bucks converted a 3-on-1           day night, including one in the game’s        injury limited Paul in the first round
fastbreak when Khris Middleton scored           most crucial moment, were some of the         against the Lakers. He missed the first
a layup. Just like that, Milwaukee had          team’s most unexpected.                       two games of the Western Conference fi-
taken control of a come-from-behind               They were part of the reason Phoenix        nals against the Clippers in the league’s
109-103 victory on Wednesday night that         blew a seven-point, fourth-quarter lead       COVID-19 health and safety protocol.
evened these Finals at 2-2.                     and wasted an impressive performance
Thursday, July 15, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •        PAGE 7

Oosthuizen, Spieth lead at British Open
              Associated Press                     Patience already might be wearing thin         his round of 68 that had him in a tie for 15th.
   SANDWICH, England — The majors fi-           for U.S. Open champion Jon Rahm, who                 Spieth had not won since Birkdale until
nally had a degree of normalcy Thursday at      slapped his thigh in frustration after mak-       he ended his slump at the Texas Open in
Royal St. George’s. Louis Oosthuizen and        ing a double-bogey at No. 9 after taking two      April. He looked the happiest of anyone,
Jordan Spieth leading the way at the British    shots to get out of a pot bunker in the fair-     saying he liked where his game was at after
Open felt pretty familiar, too.                 way. He shot 71. Bryson DeChambeau had            matching his lowest score at an Open. He
   Cheered on by the biggest golf crowd         the same score after spending much of his         also had a 65 on the first day at Birkdale.
since the coronavirus outbreak, Oosthuizen      first round up to his knees in deep grass and        And he made reference to that victory
saved par from a fairway bunker on the fi-      unable to use his power to overwhelm Roy-         while running off four straight birdies
nal hole for a 6-under 64 to take the early     al St. George’s.                                  starting at No. 5, telling former caddie John
lead. Spieth was only one stroke back by           Shane Lowry, the defending champion            Wood — part of the U.S. broadcast team —
making putts like it was 2017 all over again.   from 2019, also shot 71 in front of a crowd       that it was just like 2017 the way he was
   “It feels inside the ropes, from the first   that has a daily capacity of 32,000 this week.    making putts and Wood was watching him.
tee forward, the most normal of any tourna-     Not since Royal Portrush, where Lowry             Wood was caddying in the final round at
ment we have played thus far relative to        won, has a major seen so many spectators
                                                                                                  Birkdale for Matt Kuchar, who was second.
that same tournament in previous years,         through the gates.
                                                                                                     “Here I feel for the first time since then
pre-COVID,” said Spieth, whose run of four         There was plenty of good scoring on a
                                                                                                  I’m at least coming in with a bit of form, a bit
straight birdies in his round of 65 reminded    course where soft fairways and greens —
                                                                                                  of confidence, and really my start lines off
him of his play at Royal Birkdale when he       because of recent rain — negated the im-
                                                                                                  the tee,” Spieth said.
lifted the claret jug four years ago.           pact of its storied undulations.
                                                                                                     The return of the spectators made it feel
   Oosthuizen is coming off two straight           By halfway through the first round, 14
runner-up finishes at majors — the PGA                                                            like a proper Open, especially on the hill
                                                players had shot 67 or better. They includ-
Championship and the U.S. Open — and is         ed Justin Rose and three more of his coun-        overlooking the par-3 6th hole that attract-
contending again after tying the lowest         trymen looking to become the first English        ed some of the biggest galleries.
opening round at Royal St. George’s. Chris-     winner of golf’s oldest championship since           Just before midday, the group containing
ty O’Connor Jr. had a 64 in 1981.               Nick Faldo in 1992.                               Cink, Lee Westwood and Martin Kaymer
   That didn’t look as though it would be the      Brian Harman was tied for second with          all hit tee shots inside 6 feet of the pin. As
case after the South African opened with        Spieth after making five birdies in his first     they walked onto the green to mark their
seven straight pars. He followed with six       eight holes and finishing with another for        balls, one spectator shouted: “You three
birdies in his next nine holes.                 65.                                               should be professionals.”
   “I’ve learned over the years playing ma-        Stewart Cink, the 2009 champion at                To which Kaymer’s caddie, Craig Con-
jor championships that patience is the key      Turnberry, was in a three-way tie for fourth      nolly, replied back across the green: “You
thing,” said Oosthuizen, who hasn’t won         place with Dylan Frittelli and MacKenzie          should be a comedian.”
one of them since the British Open at St. An-   Hughes after 66s.                                    “I feel like the fans here are very knowl-
drews in 2010. There have been six runner-         Top-ranked Dustin Johnson hit 14 greens        edgeable about the sport,” Spieth said, “and
up finishes in the majors since then.           in regulation and said he was pleased with        they’re also having a great time.”

Pogacar wins last mountain stage, pads overall lead
        Associated Press            attacked, Pogacar countered           ride leading to the Champs-Ely-      rain Victorious team had been
  LUZ ARDIDEN, France —             the move and dropped Jonas            sees, there is just one difficult    raided by French police as part
Tadej Pogacar won the final         Vingegaard and Richard Cara-          stage remaining — a time trial       of a doping investigation. The
mountain stage of the Tour de       paz to claim a third stage win        through the Bordelais vine-          team confirmed that riders’
France on Thursday to cement        this year and win his second          yards scheduled Saturday. Po-        rooms were searched by offi-
his grip on the race.               straight mountaintop finish.          gacar excels in the race against     cers at the hotel it stayed in on
  The short trek in the Pyre-          “It’s unbelievable, it’s crazy,”   the clock and won the first time     Thursday in the southwestern
nees featured a daunting combi-     Pogacar said. “It’s been a game       trial of this year’s Tour, beating   city of Pau.
nation of the Col du Tourmalet      for me since I started (my ca-        the pure specialists.                   In a statement to The Associ-
and the final sharp climb to the    reer) and I’m enjoying playing           Pogacar has a huge lead of        ated Press, the Marseille prose-
Luz-Ardiden ski resort, two         it,” Pogacar said.                    five minutes, 45 seconds over        cutor in charge of the case said a
classics of the Tour.                  Barring an accident, the 22-       Vingegaard in the general clas-      preliminary investigation tar-
  Pogacar’s main rivals did not     year-old UAE Team Emirates            sification. Carapaz is in third      geting members of the team was
take advantage of the brutal        rider should be crowned Tour          place, 5:51 off the pace.            opened on July 3 “for acquisi-
course. The defending cham-         champion for the second                  “Still three days, but it looks   tion, transport, possession, im-
pion surged away from a re-         straight year when the race           good,” Pogacar said.                 port of a substance or method
duced group of four riders in the   ends in Paris on Sunday.                 The stage start was overshad-     prohibited for use by an athlete
last kilometer. After Enric Mas        Before Sunday’s processional       owed by the news that the Bah-       without medical justification.”
PAGE 8     • STRIPES LITE •            Thursday, July 15, 2021

MLB on deck: Trades,                                                                                Jays’ return to
                                                                                                    Toronto is still
races and more trophies                                                                             not definite yet
                                                                                                                   Associated Press
                                                                                                       TORONTO — The Toronto Blue Jays won’t
              Associated Press                     the mound, and slugger Joey Gallo could be       find out by this weekend whether they will get
   SAN FRANCISCO — Across the globe,               on the move if Texas wants prospect pack-        permission from their federal government to
everybody is watching Shohei Ohtani in             ages for its All-Stars.                          play in Canada soon, a government official fa-
awe and intrigue. Major League Baseball                                                             miliar with the talks said on Wednesday.
can only love the attention from around the
                                                   Oh, yes, Ohtani                                     A team spokeswoman said the club contin-
world surrounding the Angels’ two-way star            No matter which coast or division, all eyes   ues to work with the federal government to-
and the spotlight he’s brought to the sport.       are on Ohtani, especially after he topped        ward playing games at Rogers Centre starting
   Can Ohtani keep this up? An encore to a         500 feet in the Home Run Derby and threw         July 30, and expected to receive a response by
sensational first half? He leads the majors        100 mph heat as the winning pitcher in the       Friday.
with 33 home runs and has shown no signs           All-Star Game.                                      But the government official familiar with
                                                      The two-way Japanese phenom is five           the talks said the Blue Jays will not learn
of slowing down or slumping — and should
                                                   homers ahead of All-Star Game MVP Vladi-         whether they will get to play in Toronto by the
soon have a healthy Mike Trout back in the
                                                   mir Guerrero Jr. and Fernando Tatis Jr. for      weekend. The official spoke on condition of
lineup with him.
                                                   the big league lead. He’s also got 70 RBIs,      anonymity because no one has been autho-
   Pitchers across the big leagues are doing
                                                   just three behind Guerrero for most in the       rized to discuss the talks publicly.
their part so far, too.
                                                   majors.                                             The U.S.-Canada border remains closed to
   There have already been seven no-hitters
                                                      Want more? He’s tied for the AL lead with     nonessential travel. Major League Baseball
in the majors this season, matching the
                                                   four triples. No one has led the league in       will require an exemption for nonvaccinated
mark for most in one year during the mod-
                                                   homers and triples since Jim Rice in 1978        players and team staff to play games in Cana-
ern era. The record of eight was set in 1884,
                                                   (before that, Mickey Mantle and Willie           da. As of last week, fully vaccinated athletes
the first season overhand pitching was al-
                                                   Mays both did it in 1955). Plus, Ohtani tops     in MLB who have valid work permits are no
                                                   the Angels with 12 stolen bases.                 longer required to submit to a 14-day quaran-
   Will Jacob deGrom, Walker Buehler and
                                                      On the mound, he’s 4-1 with a 3.49 ERA in     tine upon entry into Canada, but teams have
Gerrit Cole join the list soon? And will the
                                                   13 starts. He’s struck out 87 in 67 innings,     players that are not vaccinated. A quarantine
uproar over sticky substances tamp down?
                                                   allowing just 46 hits.                           exemption and the protocols around that need
   Manager Torey Lovullo and the Arizona
Diamondbacks are eager for a fresh start,          Surprise, surprise                               to be worked out.
determined to forget that record 24-game             At 57-32, reinvigorated Buster Posey, re-         Another official familiar with the talks reit-
road losing streak in which they went more         surgent Kevin Gausman and the surprising         erated the team is expecting an answer Fri-
than two months without a win out of Chase         San Francisco Giants not only lead the tal-      day based on conversations with the govern-
Field.                                             ented NL West, they own the best record in       ment and said that is the club’s deadline on
   The rush to the playoffs — and the judg-        baseball — with two more wins than the Red       the decision.-wise. The official noted the team
ments — for fans all over began Thursday           Sox and Houston Astros both at 55-36.            has a long homestand starting July 30 that
night when the second half opened with one           In a division the defending World Series       represents more than 25% of the remaining
game: Xander Bogaerts, Rafael Devers and           champion Dodgers or San Diego Padres             games at a crucial juncture competitively.
the AL East-leading Red Sox visiting Yan-          were expected to dominate, its second-year       The Blue Jays are tied for third in American
kee Stadium to start an early stretch that         manager Gabe Kapler’s Giants with an un-         League East standings.
could decide New York’s fate.                      expected place at the top.                          A third official, who spoke anonymously as
   Here are some things to watch when play                                                          they were also not authorized to speak publi-
                                                   No-no stuff                                      cly, said it would be preferable to have lead
                                                     How many more no-hitters might we see          time in order to move what the club needs
Trade story-lines                                  in the second half?                              from Buffalo and prepare for Toronto oper-
   Trevor Story, Nelson Cruz and Kyle Gib-           The no-hitters this year have been thrown      ations, including ticket sales, although
son are sure to attract plenty of attention as     by San Diego’s Joe Musgrove (April 9), Car-      they’ve begun preparations at Rogers Centre
the July 30 trade deadline — moved up a            los Rodón of the Chicago White Sox (April        in Toronto already.
day this year — rapidly approaches.                14), Baltimore’s John Means (May 5), Cin-           If the Blue Jays are not given an exemption
   Story becomes a free agent after this sea-      cinnati’s Wade Miley (May 7), Detroit’s          for the 10 game homestand that begins July 30
son and Colorado might try to get something        Spencer Turnbull (May 18), the New York          the next homestand begins August 20. Ap-
for the star shortstop. Rockies teammate           Yankees’ Corey Kluber (May 19) and a com-        proval could come amid a federal election
C.J. Cron also will draw interest.                 bined no-hitter by the Chicago Cubs on June      that’s widely expected to be called next
   At 41, all Cruz does is continue to hit home    24.                                              month. Providing exemptions for travel into
runs. He’s got 18 more this year and is bat-         In addition, Arizona’s Madison Bumgar-         Canada is politically sensitive. Nonessential
ting .304. In a down year for the Twins, the       ner pitched a seven-inning hitless game in a     fully vaccinated Americans and foreigners
big bopper at Target Field is sure to be a         doubleheader on April 25 that is not recog-      remain barred from entering Canada as the
trade target.                                      nized as a no-hitter by Major League Base-       government works to get a high percentage of
   Gibson, enjoying his best season ever on        ball.                                            Canadians fully vaccinated by the end of July.
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