Page created by Joseph Conner
Issue No. 171                            A FREE community publication by Latrobe Council                           March-April 2020
On Australia Day, two individuals and one organisation were
recognised for their contribution to the Latrobe Municipality.
Mrs Carolyn McLennan was awarded Citizen of the Year,
recognising her many years of community involvement.
Wearing many hats over the years, Carolyn is a proud advocate of
volunteering and promoting her community.
She has held various roles with the Latrobe Basketball Club and
Sassafras Cricket Club, the latter involving being an integral
member of the “Day for Butt” committee for ten years.
She was the Girl Guide convenor in Latrobe well after her
daughter had finished with guides.
Carolyn is a volunteer community representative on the Latrobe
Sport and Recreation Committee, operates a successful hair salon
and is a current member of the Latrobe Business Network and
Rotary Club of Latrobe.
When close friends experienced breast cancer, Carolyn was the
first to fundraise to support the McGrath Foundation.
Although experiencing serious health issues, Carolyn continues to
give so much of herself to the people of Latrobe, regularly
visiting them in their time of need and genuinely caring for them.
Miss Tess Horton was the recipient of the Young Citizen of the
Year Award for a person aged from 14-30 years.
While at the younger end of the scale, as a student of Latrobe
High School, Tess was a member of the school association for
two years and a highly regarded member of the 2019 Student
Leadership team.
Tess was instrumental in setting the Association’s meeting
NORMS (confidentiality, consultative decision making,
expectations, listening, participation and time management) and
built strong relationships with her peers and adults.
She worked tirelessly for Gold September and, while being an         personal bests rather than competing against another person.
accomplished dancer and athlete, gives back by coaching sporting     In their first 18 months, 1,113 individual participants have
teams in a volunteer capacity.                                       collectively run, jogged or walked 26,585kms and 152 individuals
parkrun Port Sorell was recognised as the Community Event of         have volunteered 575 times.
the Year with the award accepted by Mrs Deb Hicks.                   Parents have bonded with teenage children, parents have shared
parkrun is a free weekly, social run, jog or walk around the         pushing the pram, new friendships have been formed, and
foreshore of Port Sorell where it is all about participating and     participants are staying active and healthy.
2                                                                                                                                March-April 2020
           YOUR ELECTED                                 MORE PLACES TO QUENCH                       Clubs Tasmania are committed to
                                                                                                    strengthening the community club industry
          REPRESENTATIVES                                    YOUR THIRST                            and has partnered with Latrobe Council to
Mayor Peter FRESHNEY .....0417 287 006               It is great to get out and about and enjoy     specifically work through these issues and
D/Mayor Graeme BROWN...0417 598 116                  the community and, to ensure that              your needs.
Shayne (Cush) ALLISON .....0409 792 648              residents, visitors and their canine           A community forum is being held at the
                                                     companions stay well hydrated while            Latrobe Council Chambers, 170 Gilbert
Michael McLAREN ...................6426 2777
                                                     enjoying the great outdoors, Council has       Street, Latrobe on Tuesday, 7 April,
Vonette MEAD .....................0407 055 180       recently installed some additional water
Sommer METSKE ................0409 622 710                                                          commencing at 6:00pm.
                                                     fountains at key locations throughout the      This is a free forum however your
Garry SIMS .......................... 0419 139 053   Latrobe Municipality.                          registration is essential to 1300 125 827 or
Gerrad WICKS ......................0488 325 590                                                     via email to andrew@tha.asn.au
Lesley YOUNG .....................0419 326 250                                                      Let’s get together and help strengthen our
                                                                                                    community while increasing participation
          BUILDING UPDATE                                                                           and social cohesion.
A total of 50 building, plumbing, and
commercial applications and notifications                                                                  CONDITIONS MUST BE
of works were received by Council during                                                                      JUST RIGHT
December and January.                                                                               The Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) will be
They comprised of 12 dwellings; 5                                                                   monitoring the Dooleys Hill (Latrobe) and
dwelling additions/alterations; 12                                                                  Pitcairn Street Reserve (Port Sorell)
outbuildings; 2 commercial/industrial; 3                                                            burn units to determine if fuel reduction
other and 16 plumbing applications with a                                                           burning can take place this autumn.
conservative value of $14,688,172.                                                                  Due to specific weather conditions
The commercial/industrial activities                                                                required to complete the burns safely and
included a transport depot in Thompsons                                                             their proximity to sensitive uses such as
Drive and a new classroom in Moriarty                                                               schools, aged care facilities, hospitals
Road.                                                                                               etc. the opportunities to conduct these
The number of applications is well above                                                            burns do not present themselves often.
this same time last year, nearly double.                                                            All necessary preparation work has
10TH ANNUAL WALK WITH DOGS                                                                          taken place to put the TFS in the best
Dog lovers are invited to participate in the                                                        position to conduct the burns should
annual Port Sorell Canine Walk on                    These are located at Vine Street, Hawley;      conditions allow. The TFS thanks the
Sunday, 22 March that supports the Delta             Shearwater Village; the foreshore end of       community for their understanding with
Therapy Dogs program.                                Rice Street, Port Sorell and at the Panatana   respect to this.
The Delta Therapy Dogs Program involves              Family Park in Port Street, Port Sorell.       In particular, if you or any of your family
a group of dedicated volunteers and their                    CLUBS CAN THRIVE                       has health or breathing conditions that may
                                                                                                    be made worse by smoke, please let us
Accredited Dogs visiting North West                          NOT JUST SURVIVE                       know as soon as you are able.
Coast aged care facility residents, adults           What are the barriers to participation in
with disabilities and children in the                                                               If you have any questions or concerns,
                                                     your club?                                     please contact us on 1800 000 699 or
classroom to share the joy of animal                 How can regional clubs work together,
companionship.                                                                                      email BRU@fire.tas.gov.au.
                                                     share resources to increase participation      Further information on the Fuel Reduction
To support this great program, Delta                 and reduce volunteer workload?
Therapy Dogs are hosting Their 10th                                                                 Program is available on the Tasmania Fire
                                                     How can Clubs Tasmania increase your           Service website at
Annual Canine Community Walk at Port                 revenue, reduce costs and help community
Sorell on Sunday, 22 March and would                                                                http://www.fire.tas.gov.au.
                                                     clubs thrive and survive?
love you, with friends and family, and, of
course, your dog to join them again. There
is a choice of either a 2km or 4.5 km walk.
Registration commences at 10:30am
alongside the Port Sorell Fire Station, Rice
Street, Port Sorell with an 11:00am start.
The cost is $8 per family or $5 an
individual with every registration having a
chance to win a prize.
On return to the fire station, indulge in a
perfectly cooked sausage by the Port
Sorell Fire Brigade or take your dog
through the agility course.
Latrobe Council’s Animal Control Officer
will also be available to speak about
responsible dog ownership and raise
awareness of no-go areas in the Port Sorell
For more information, contact Claire on
6424 8948 or just turn up on the day.
March-April 2020                                                                                                                           3

                                                                        Local councils are currently shut out of the entire process and, as
                                                                        in current cases, Council are reliant on information from
                                                                        community members before we are aware that properties are
                                                                        being used for this purpose. There are no checks in place to
                                                                        confirm properties have visitor accommodation permits, no
                                                                        checks that septic tanks are functioning or designed to cater for
                                                                        the number of people being accommodated, no checks to see if
                                                                        there are any outstanding code violations or that the buildings are
                                                                        in any way compliant with Local Government provisions.
                                                                        Latrobe Council has raised these and other issues with
                                                                        representatives of the Department of Employment, Skills, Small
                                                                        and Family Business and requested that their Guidelines be
                                                                        amended to address this situation. This could be achieved by
                                                                        requiring documentary evidence from Local Government and
In February, Latrobe Council issued an Emergency Order under            Building Surveyors, as an attachment to the contracts, confirming
Section 245 of the Building Act 2016 that resulted in up to 70          that the accommodation meets all the associated planning,
people being evacuated from a Shearwater property due to                building, plumbing and environmental code compliance regimes.
concerns over their immediate safety and wellbeing.                     While there is an appreciation that other cultures may prefer very
This particular property was being used as visitor accommodation        different living arrangements, there remains Federal, State and
in conjunction with the Federal Government administered                 Local Government statutes that must be abided by within
Seasonal Workers Program.                                               Australia to ensure basic human living conditions are provided.
Council’s investigations were impeded at almost every step, as          Each application must be considered on its merit as one size does
access to, and requests for information relating to the property        not necessarily fit all applications. Consideration needs to be
were refused. To those not personally involved, the current             given to the location, occupancy levels, fire safety, access to
investigation may seem prolonged, but our team have always              water, sewer and power infrastructure, transport and shops, etc.
been cognisant of privacy provisions, potential litigation and the      Going forward, Council is seeking to address the Australian Local
need to ensure procedural fairness provisions are complied with.        Government Association’s National Congress in June and will be
Council’s investigations and evidence-based actions have opened         working collaboratively with the Local Government Association
a proverbial Pandora’s box and as a result, the spotlight has quite     of Tasmania in a shared effort to improve the guidelines that
rightly shone on an issue that needed to be exposed.                    govern the living conditions of seasonal workers across the
The safety and welfare of the seasonal workers remains Council’s        country.
priority but Council is also seeking major changes to the current       Council will also be making a submission to the Senate
Seasonal Workers Program where self-certification of                    Committee inquiry into Temporary Migration and work to secure
accommodation by Approved Employers is clearly not                      an invitation to present our submission to the committee.
appropriate, nor are the checks and balances in place that would        Our Council is appreciative of the compassion and genuine care
validate the declarations made by Approved Employers involved           that is so evident in our community and thanks those who cared
in this scheme.                                                         enough to report their concerns.
  LOCAL FACILITIES FOR HIRE                    Football Club as well as schools                   TREE COMMITTEE VACANCY
Throughout the Latrobe Municipality,           (obviously after school hours).                  Council is inviting Expressions of Interest
there is a range of facilities that can be     Additionally, there are many dining              from persons with a knowledge and
hired for a diverse range of activities.       options throughout Latrobe, Port Sorell,         passion for gardening to fill an
While some of these are simply the room        Northdown and Sassafras that would               extraordinary vacancy on the Latrobe Tree
space with tables and chairs, at others you    benefit from either a small meeting over a       Committee.
can utilise kitchen and bar conveniences,      cuppa or banquets for a group.                   This role will
stages and/or sound systems suitable for       So, when you are planning your next              assist with
staging productions of any size.               meeting, think local.                            guiding the
In using such facilities, you are investing    NURTURE THE MIND AND BODY                        Council on
in local organisations and sustaining their    Would you participate in a Yoga,                 vegetation
ongoing activities, all of which have a        Meditation and Mindfulness session in            management
wider benefit to the community.                Latrobe?                                         throughout
So, next time you are looking for a venue,     While yoga is well known for its physical        the
no matter how big or small, why not            benefits, combining it with mediation and        Municipality
consider the Latrobe Senior Citizens           mindfulness cultivates greater awareness         for the
Clubroom; Latrobe Football Clubroom;           between the mind and body, improving             enjoyment of
Latrobe Basketball Clubroom; Latrobe           one’s sense of self and wellbeing.               future
Memorial Hall and Supper Room; Latrobe         Proposed to be held mid-week and 90              generations.
and Port Sorell Bowls Clubs; Thirlstane        minutes in duration, the coordinator is          If you would like to volunteer to be part of
and Port Sorell Golf Clubs, Banksia Centre     seeking to gauge community interest in           this Sub-Committee, please forward your
and Camp Banksia, Port Sorell Memorial         establishing this free community wellness        details and experience in tree management
Hall, Australian Axeman’s Hall of Fame,        activity.                                        to council@latrobe.tas.gov.au or drop into
Port Sorell Surf Life Saving Club,             If this is of interest to you, please register   170 Gilbert Street, Latrobe.
Moriarty Hall, Sassafras Community Hall,       your available days and times via email to       You don’t have to have a degree in this
Rubicon Grove Development Room,                Natalie.Cornish@gmail.com.                       field; you may have gained your
Wesley Vale Community Church Hall,             Should there be enough interest, it is           experience over a lifetime of gardening.
Bridge of Hope Church Hall, Wesley Vale        expected that these sessions would               The council would value your
                                               commence in late April.                          involvement.
4                                                                                                                            March-April 2020

                           STAGE 1 WATER RESTRICTIONS UNTIL 31 MARCH
TasWater reminds residents that Stage 1 water restrictions continue to remain in effect until 31 March 2020.
This is due to very dry conditions across much the state, along with low rainfall over the last 36 months and the uncertainty around
substantial rainfall in the immediate future. While some rainfall may be experienced, the Bureau of Meteorology advises that it will
take several months of above-average rain to make up the deficits in our waterways and reservoirs.
The Stage 1 restrictions are designed to reduce non-essential water usage by 20 per cent, applying solely to drinking water. Greywater,
tank water, bore water or recycled water are exempt.
So what can and can’t you do?
 Residential, public and commercial gardens                             For construction, using water                Permitted
                                                                        for dust or pollutant
 Watering gardens is allowed on               Any day
                                                                        suppression, or earth
 the following days:
                                                                        compaction by using a hose
 Manual watering systems can         6am - 8am and 8pm - 10pm           fitted with a flow cut-off device
 only be used between the hours                                         or a vehicle fitted with
 of:                                                                    sprinklers
Automatic watering systems can             Midnight - 4am               Hosing for general cleaning of        Not permitted at any time
only be used between the hours                                          hard surfaces such as paths,
of:                                                                     driveways and paved areas
Handheld hoses fitted with a                 Any time
                                                                        Washing Vehicles
trigger nozzle, buckets or
watering cans can only be used                                          A bucket, high-pressure                       Any time
between the hours of:                                                   cleaning device or commercial
                                                                        car wash
Watering of lawns                   Watering of lawns by any of
                                        the above methods               A handheld hose fitted with a         May be used only for pre-
                                                                        trigger nozzle                       rinsing and rinsing at home
Sporting Grounds
                                                                        Residential or commercial pools & spas
Watering of sporting grounds is               Any day
allowed on the following days:                                          Emptying and refilling existing       - Up to 2,000 litres: may
                                                                        pools, and filling new pools and     only be refilled, or filled for
Manual watering systems can         6am - 8am and 8pm - 10pm            spas:                                   the first time, using a
only be used between the hours                                                                              handheld hose with a trigger
of:                                                                                                         nozzle, a bucket or automatic
Automatic watering systems can             Midnight - 4am                                                        water top-up device
only be used between the hours                                                                              - More than 2,000 litres: may
of:                                                                                                          only be refilled, or filled for
                                                                                                               the first time, when the
Handheld hoses fitted with a                 Any time
                                                                                                                property owner has an
trigger nozzle, buckets or
                                                                                                              approved Exemption from
watering cans can only be used
between the hours of:
                                                                        Topping up pools and spas:           Only using a handheld hose
Paving, concrete and other hard surfaces                                                                    fitted with a trigger nozzle, a
Spot cleaning for safety, health,            Permitted                                                          bucket, watering can or
animal welfare or emergency                                                                                     automatic water top up
reasons with a hose fitted with a                                                                                       device.
trigger nozzle or with high-                                           * Manual watering systems are those that require you to
pressure cleaning equipment                                            physically turn on a tap. Automatic systems are controlled by
                                                                       an electronic device.
The Legislative Council             perspective as well as the main   important. It is the right to        caring and safeguarding role,
Member for Mersey, Michael          principles and strategies         choose.                              along with the independent
Gaffney MLC, has recently           detailed in the draft bill. The   Since my commitment to this          oversight, monitoring and
concluded extensive                 parliamentary process was also    legislation has become public,       reporting requirements, which
consultation (35 forums) with       explained.                        I have received letters and          will be contained within the
the broad community to              The Honourable Michael            emails of support, however,          Tasmanian Legislation.”
present his draft of the “End-      Gaffney stated “I support a law   some correspondence also             A copy of the draft Bill is
of-Life (Voluntary Assisted         that will allow choices for       contains some extremely sad,         available online at
Dying) Bill 2020” which he          competent adults to end their     gut-wrenching and traumatic          http://www.parliament.tas.gov.
intends to introduce into the       suffering and have more           situations - many of which           au/LC/gaffney/EOL.pdf; via
Upper House in August this          control.                          could have been avoided if           email to
year.                               For those individuals whose       EOLC(VAD) legislation was            eolc@parliament.tas.gov.au; by
These forums provide a              health situation is causing       accessible to Tasmanians.            phoning 6422 3000 or calling
background to voluntary             intolerable suffering, this       Doctors and health clinicians,       at Shop 3 Lauriston Arcade,
assisted dying from an              debate is exceptionally           as it has been demonstrated          126 Best Street, Devonport.
international, national and local                                     elsewhere, play an important
March-April 2020                                                                                                                            5

There are a number of opportunities for youth engagement that currently exist and with the potential to guide policy makers -
MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES                                                 MISSION AUSTRALIA’S ANNUAL YOUTH SURVEY
The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) are holding               Mission Australia’s Youth Survey is Australia's largest annual
consultations with young people aged from 12-25 years as well as       survey of young people aged from 15-19 years and is key
people working with those young people and interested persons to       evidence utilised as a policy platform by governments, non-
better understand their experience of the Tasmanian mental health      government organisations, schools and community organisations
service system.                                                        around the country.
The sessions are seeking input on:                                     The survey seeks to identify young people’s values, aspirations
• What existing mental health and wellbeing supports are               and concerns on an annual basis.
    working well for young people in your community?                   Last year the survey had a special focus on young people’s voice,
• What challenges exist around accessing good mental health            experiences of bullying and disability.
    supports?                                                          25,126 respondents identified the top three barriers to achieving
• What would help to improve wellbeing for young people in             post-school goals as being academic ability (20%), mental health
    your community?                                                    (17%) and financial difficulty (12%). Their top three personal
and are a great opportunity to provide the basis of improving and      concerns were identified as coping with stress (45%), school or
integrating Tasmania’s mental health services and the wellbeing        study problems (34%) and mental health (33%).
of young Tasmanians.                                                   This year’s survey launches on 31 March. To register your
The nearest sessions will be held in Devonport, at the paranaple       interest in the youth survey, go to
centre, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport on 18 March with the               www.missionaustralia.com.au/what-we-do/research-impact-
community session for people working with youth or interested          policy-advocacy/youth-survey
persons in the Aberdeen Room from 12 noon until 1:30pm and             NATIONAL YOUTH WEEK
youth specifically in the Melrose Room from 5:00pm until                                      National Youth Week celebrates the effort
7:00pm.                                                                                       and contribution of young people aged 12-
The sessions will include a presentation from MHCT plus some                                  25 in their community and will be held this
workshop activities.                                                                          year from 1-8 April. The theme for the
Registrations are essential by emailing Ezra Thomas at                                        Youth Week Tasmania 2020 is Stand as
ethomas@mhct.org.au or phoning 0431 792 073.                                                  One.
                                                                                              Details of events and celebrations will be
                                                                          posted at www.ynot.org.au/young-people/youth-week-tasmania
   WILL YOU RESPECT THEM?                       170 Gilbert Street, Latrobe for free and       Historical works to convert saltmarsh
ANZAC Day again falls within the school         kick start the new year free of clutter!       vegetation to pasture have also reduced
holidays, which will no doubt have an           Tips for getting your mobile phone             saltmarsh extent.
impact on local Services (refer to the front    ready for recycling                            Also, sediment and nutrient transfer from
page for details).                             • What is accepted? Mobile phones, their        the intensively farmed catchments
There are a few ways that you can support           batteries, chargers, accessories and       upstream have a detrimental impact.
this significant occasion.                          wearables.                                 This project commenced this summer,
1. You can simply attend one or more of        • Before you recycle, download your             with contractors and Landcare volunteers
    the three Services;                             data, log out of online accounts and       working on controlling Rice Grass and is
2. If you are a serving or returned defence         perform a reset. Watch MobileMuster’s supported by the Cradle Coast Authority,
    person, school, community, sport and            data management how-to videos for          through funding from the Australian
    service organisations, you may like to          more information.                          Government’s National Landcare
    march as a group in either of the          • We ensure that nothing is resold and all
    Latrobe Services. There is no march at          data is destroyed in the recycling
    Port Sorell;                                    process.
3. You may like to lay a wreath or book         MobileMuster is the recycling program of
    (donated to a local organisation) at the    the Australian mobile phone industry and
    Latrobe Citizens Commemorative              is accredited by the Federal Government.
If you wish to march or lay a wreath/book,           PROTECTING COASTAL
please register with Latrobe Council on                  SALTMARSH                            North-West coasters - is there something
6426 4444 by Friday 17 April. This will        Cradle Coast Natural Resource                  you are part of that you think other people
enable you to be provided with details of      Management recently announced that they        should hear about?
the order and process to ensure these          would be delivering a project over the next    The Van Diemen Project, Switch
Services run respectfully and efficiently.     four years, that focussed on protecting the    Tasmania and Cradle Coast Authority are
Please note that road closures and detours     Threatened Ecological Community,               bringing their Bright Ideas Speed Pitch
via Cotton Street, Latrobe will apply half     Coastal Saltmarsh, in the Rubicon-Port         Night to The Cherry Shed, 243 Gilbert
an hour before and during both Latrobe         Sorell Estuary.                                Street, Latrobe on 10 March from 5:30pm-
Services.                                      One of the biggest threats to Coastal          7:00pm.
       USE IT OR RECYCLE IT                    Saltmarsh in north-west Tasmania is the        Anyone can pitch about anything - it just
Do you have an old mobile stored at            invasive weed, Rice Grass (Spartina            has to be 60 seconds long or you can
home? Don’t let them go to waste. If it        anglica), that competes with saltmarsh         simply register to come and listen to what
can’t be reused, it’s time to recycle them     vegetation while also restricting water and    other people have to say.
through MobileMuster.                          nutrient flow, invading commercial oyster      Find Switch Tasmania on Facebook or call
Simply drop them off, along with any           leases, and trapping sediment causing a        6408 7005 for more information.
accessories, at the Latrobe Council office,    build-up of banks that impact recreational
6                                                                                                                         March-April 2020
        HOW MUCH OF YOUR                       Australia and Queensland and suggests                   KEEP YOUR LOAD
                                               significant room for improvement.
      RECYCLING IS RECYCLED?                   It also shows that there are many materials              OFF THE ROAD1
Councils and Material Recovery Facilities      which could be recycled that are being         Unsecured loads can cause damage,
(MRFs) aim to recover as much recyclable       disposed of as garbage instead.                serious crashes and death by falling onto
material as possible from kerbside             Most of Tasmania’s and Australia’s             the road and into the path of other
recycling bins.                                recycling gets processed in Australia. The     vehicles.
Audits of kerbside recycling bins in           Australian Government’s 2018 National          Road users carrying a load, either on the
Tasmania show that, on average, around         Waste Report showed that of the 37             back or top of a vehicle or trailer, must
11% of a bin’s contents cannot be recycled     million tonnes of waste recycled, 33           make sure it does not move, flap, sway or
via the MRF. The range is                               million tonnes were undertaken in     blow off.
typically from 5% - 15%                                 Australia (89%), and four million     When towing a light trailer, the rear
depending on the                                         tonnes were exported for             overhang distance (ROH) should not
suburb/town.                                               recycling.                         exceed 3.7 meters.
This may be because the                                    Currently, there are a lack of     Cover, restrain or store items securely to
item in the bin is not                                     processing facilities and a lack   prevent damage, a serious crash or a fine.
recyclable i.e. is garbage; is                            of demand for recycled input        Always remember that your life and the
contaminated i.e. a bottle full                         material that prevents all material   life of others relies on proper load
of liquid or is recyclable but not                   from being recycled in Australia.        restraint.
via the kerbside bin service i.e. soft         Asia is a major source of the world’s          For information on how to accurately
plastics or e-waste.                           manufacturing output and has a higher          calculate the ROH or secure your load visit
Items that the MRF cannot recycle are sent     level of demand for recycled input             https://www.transport.tas.gov.au/__data/as
to landfill so, as a guide, around 11% of      materials.                                     sets/pdf_file/0005/172490/Carrying_Loads
the contents of kerbside recycling bins are    Markets are constantly changing, however,      _-_Information_Bulletin-_July_.pdf
sent to landfill.                              and in August 2019 the Australian              If you would like to know more about the
When looking at the resource recovery rate     Government committed $20 million to            Community Road Safety Committee,
of all Australian states and territories,      innovative projects designed to grow           please contact Councillor Lesley Young on
Tasmania recovers around 50% of reusable       Australia’s domestic recycling industry.       0419 326 250.
waste which is on par with Western             For more information, please go to
                           ARTS LOANS                                         LATROBE COUNCIL’S SMALL GRANTS
Arts Tasmanian are offering from $1,000 and up to $15,000 to          Latrobe Council’s grants program will open from 2 March for
eligible individuals, groups and organisations by way of an art       projects starting after 30 June 2020.
loan to invest towards capital improvements and equipment             • Emerging Needs Grants
purchases.                                                            • Arts, Culture and Festival Sponsorship
Applications close on 9 March with more information available         For all details regarding the grant guidelines and application
online at https://www.arts.tas.gov.au/funding/programs/loans or       forms, please visit www.latrobe.tas.gov.au/community/grants.
by phoning 6165 6666 or emailing grants@arts.tas.gov.au               Applications close at 12 noon on 8 May.
A further round will open on 14 August.                               Email council@latrobe.tas.gov.au or phone 6426 4444 for
                      HYDRO TASMANIA GRANTS                           enquiries.
Hydro Tasmania’s 2020 round of community grants is open for           Applicants will be advised late June with the projects unable to
applications by not-for-profits and community organisations           commence prior to Agreements being signed.
around Tasmania until the end of March.                                             NEW BUSINESS ASSISTANCE
Applications close at 5:00pm on 27 March.                             The Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family
All the details are available on the Hydro Tasmania website at        Business through the NEIS Program provides personalised
https://www.hydro.com.au/community/community-grants                   support to help you become a self-employed business owner.
        TASMANIA COMMUNITY FUND - ROUND 40                            Individuals not in employment, education or training who are
The Tasmanian Community Fund invites organisations to apply           interested in running their own business may be eligible for New
for a small or medium grant to support a variety of community         Business Assistance with NEIS.
initiatives.                                                          There are 8,600 places available nationally each year, delivered
$1.2 million is available statewide for small general grants of       by a network of 21 NEIS providers.
$1,000 to $20,000 and medium general grants $20,001 to                New Business Assistance can help by providing:
$70,000. This is an extremely competitive grants program.             • Accredited small business training;
Applicants should provide the information requested in the            • Personalised mentoring and support from a NEIS provider in
guidelines by the closing dates - small grants close on 18 March          the first year of the new business to help the individual put
2020 and applications for medium grants close on 8 April 2020.            their business idea into practice; and
Late applications will not be accepted.                               • NEIS Allowance for up to 39 weeks and NEIS Rental
Guidelines and access to the link for the on-line application forms       Assistance for up to 26 weeks (if eligible).
are available from the website at www.tascomfund.org. For a           For more information, go to jobs.gov.au/neis • find your local
hard copy of the guidelines email admin@tascomfund.org or             NEIS provider on the Find a Provider page on jobactive.gov.au •
phone the Fund Office on 6165 8333.                                   talk to your jobactive, ParentsNext or Disability Employment
Applicants will be advised of the assessment decision by mid-         Services provider or call the Employment Services Information
June 2020. Funding decisions are final.                               Line on 13 62 68.

    Tasmania Police
March-April 2020                                                                                                                           7

Miss Renee Flack of Latrobe (pictured with Mayor Peter Freshney) was recently
awarded Latrobe Council’s annual Y11-12 Education Bursary of $1,000 to support her
future learning.
Miss Flack has taken on a heavy workload this year at Don College, which includes
Maths Methods 4, Physical Science, Environmental Science and Sport and Recreation
to pursue her desired career in the field of environmental engineering or environmental
Latrobe Council offers this funding support each year to an eligible resident seeking to
continue their education into Year 11 or 12 and just needing that little bit of an extra
hand to so do.
Applicants self-nominate and must meet certain criteria throughout the year.
If you would like to know more about this scholarship, details are available online at
Applications close in early December each year.
            STAY UPDATED                      are underway to expand the exhibition           If you need any assistance with ATDW,
The following are an update on articles in    period and potentially make it accessible       please email atdw@tourism.tas.gov.au or
the last newsletter -                         for viewing by the community.                   phone 6165 5286.
FORD ROAD                                     TO LATROBE                                      The following works are scheduled to be
                                              The Cradle Coast Authority have                 undertaken throughout the Latrobe
Council received 23 submissions during
                                              appointed CBB Contracting Pty Ltd to            Municipality during March and April:
the community feedback period about the
proposal to reduce the speed limit to 60km    progress the development of the Coastal         CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND
per hour along Parkers Ford Road between      Pathway between Ambleside and Latrobe           MAINTENANCE TEAM
Port Sorell Main Road and Gardams Road.       with works commencing mid-February.                •   Club Drive Reconstruction
21 of these were in support of the speed      The project has started from the Devonport             between Alexander Street and
limit reduction, 2 opposed.                   end and will proceed to Latrobe.                       Quinlan Crescent
Amongst the submissions, there were                                                              •   Stanley Street construction of kerb
comments to further extend the speed                                                                 and channel, footpath and frontage
reduction through to Squeaking Point,                                                                into Bosworth Park
upgrading the road, develop a shared
                                                                                                 •   Gilbert Street footpath
pathway and enforce the current speed
                                                                                                     reconstruction between Bradshaw
                                                                                                     Street and Lewis Street
What now?
Councillors were advised that a road                                                             •   Rural roadside spraying program
upgrade will not reduce the number of                                                            •   Gravel road maintenance grading
access points along this section of road,                                                            and re-sheeting
which is a significant consideration when                                                        •   Rural roadside drainage
establishing speed limits.                    It is envisaged that works from the Latrobe            maintenance
There was support for the construction of a   boundary will commence mid-year with               •   Roadside footpath maintenance
sealed, shared pathway to enhance the         expected completion in January 2021.
safety and amenity of this developing         This project is a tri-partied project, funded   TOWN SERVICES TEAM
residential area.                             by the Local, State and Federal                    •   General facilities maintenance
After a site inspection, Councillors will     Governments.                                    GREEN SPACES TEAM
consider whether Gardams Road and                      FREE TOURISM AND                          •    Bosworth Park Stage 2 landscaping
Panatana Drive should also be included in
the speed reduction following which
                                                       EVENT PROMOTION                                and improvements
                                              The Australian Tourism Data Warehouse               • Port Sorell Recreation Ground
Council will prepare a plan and proposal
                                              (ATDW) is a national tourism database                   upgrades to clubrooms frontage
seeking approval from the Transport
                                              used by travel distributors to source                   including drainage
Commissioner for the speed reduction.
                                              product information for their websites.             • Perkins Park Ground upgrades -
                                              Tourism Tasmania’s Discover Tasmania                    sub-soil drainage installation
Port Sorell Meals on Wheels Coordinator,      website automatically lists Tasmanian
Geoff Hicks, advised that seven new                                                               • General parks tree and vegetation
                                              tourism businesses that are registered with             maintenance
volunteers have signed up but more are        ATDW.
always welcome.                                                                               Should you have any queries, please do
                                              Discover Tasmania receives over two
If you wish to volunteer and support the                                                      not hesitate to contact Council's
                                              million visits a year and provides
elderly to remain living in their own                                                         Operations Manager on 6426 4453.
                                              extensive information on Tasmanian
homes, please phone Mr Hicks on               tourism businesses including
6428 6353 or 0419 911 268.                    accommodation, attractions, food and
HERE WE ARE                                   drink, events, tours and hire services.
Workshops at Rubicon Grove, Port Sorell       Tourism Tasmania is unable to display
are scheduled for 30 March and 6 April.       business listings that are not active in
The resulting works will be available for     ATDW, so please ensure your listing is
viewing primarily by residents, their         kept up to date.
friends and family, and staff as a mini       All listings are FREE for Tasmanian
exhibition within the centre however talks    tourism businesses.
8                                                                                                                                 March-April 2020

Following the installation of additional onsite and offsite                The following precautions continue to apply:
groundwater bores at the former Port Sorell Landfill site between          1. No smoking or naked flames within the Waste Transfer Station
November and January, further sampling and testing is occurring.               site.
These tests will assess the groundwater for any potential impacts          2. Access to the Waste Transfer Station and Tip Shop is by the
on the water table and aquifers in the area.                                   main entry in Hawk Hill Road and only during opening hours.
When complete, this testing will provide Council with a better             3. Avoid drinking creek or bore water.
understanding of the site’s rehabilitation requirements, geological        4. Avoid swimming in the creek or downstream dams to prevent
and hydrogeological information and the completion of an                       accidental ingestion of water.
updated risk assessment.
As a reminder, this site contains some potential hazards. To               5. Do not eat any fish or shellfish caught in the creek.
minimise the risk of any possible exposure, Council ask the                6. Do not use creek or bore water on vegetables or fruit trees. Do
public to stay within the Waste Transfer Station and Tip Shop                  not use creek water on lawns.
area and to follow all signage and instructions. Gas monitoring            For more information on the environmental testing and
and alarm systems continue to be operated at the site, which also          rehabilitation project, visit www.latrobe.tas.gov.au or call the
remains a no-smoking zone.                                                 Council office on 6426 4444.

    MERSEY GETS A LIFT (OR 4)                      Your support is therefore greatly               movies, books and DVDs. There is no set
Works are continuing with the replacement          appreciated.                                    reading list, no waiting list to join and it’s
of four lifts at the Mersey Community              If you can give a couple of hours a month       free! It’s on the second Tuesday of each
Hospital (MCH).                                    towards the running of the kiosk, as a          month from 1:30pm - 2:30pm.
The two lifts at the hospital’s main entry         member of the Mersey Community                  Twisted Stitches is looking for new
are currently being replaced as Stage 1 of         Hospital Auxiliary, please contact              members to attend a once a month session
the works to better meet the needs of              Maureen (0488 784 654).                         on the fourth Thursday of each month.
patients and staff. Once these lifts have            PROFILING ARTISTIC TALENT                     This knitting/crochet group is free to
been replaced, the hospital’s other two lifts      Each month The Crowded Lounge at 127-           attend with no experience necessary. Just
- located adjacent to the Emergency                129 Gilbert Street, Latrobe profiles an         bring along some wool, needles and
Department - will be replaced.                     artist through a small exhibition of their      enthusiasm and a mentor will get you
There will always be two lifts operational         work.                                           started.
throughout the project.                            For March, Nita Poultney is exhibiting her      Rock and Rhyme for the littlies involves
                                                   masterpieces 'For the Love of Gardens'.         singing, dancing and making music to
                                                   Nita’s artworks are in acrylic and are          songs and rhymes, with a story to follow.
                                                   primarily flowering garden plants and a         There is no need to make a booking just
                                                   butterfly or two.                               turn up on Monday mornings at 10:00am.
                                                   Throughout April, Stefanie Carter’s will        The Latrobe Library is open from 1:00pm
                                                   feature stylised Manga pencil sketches of       until 4:00pm every Monday, Tuesday,
                                                   portraits and figures.                          Thursday and Friday.
                                                   Local Tasmanian artists that would like to      The Latrobe Library Computer Hub
                                                   have the opportunity to display their work      alongside is open every day except
                                                   are asked to contact Michelle at The            Wednesday from 10:00am to 5:00pm.
                                                   Crowded Lounge on 0459 239 192.                  TARGA VEHICLES ON DISPLAY
                                                   The Crowded Lounge is open Mondays              Targa Tasmania will once again race over
                                                   from 8:00am until 3.00pm and all other          closed roads throughout Tasmania from
MCH Nursing Director Anthony Hurst                 weekdays from 9:00am until 3:00pm.              27 April to 2 May.
said the entire project was expected to take        BOOK EARLY RECOMMENDED                         Leg One on Monday, 27 April will see
six months to complete.                            On International Women’s Day (6 March),         participants compete in the Moriarty Stage
“We’ve undertaken extensive planning to            the Latrobe Library will be presenting Jan      of the competition.
ensure that these works are completed              Dixon from the Quiet Cone to discuss            This starts at Valleyfield Road, travels
quickly and that disruption to our services        running a successful health/relaxation          along Oppenheims Road, into Hermitage
is kept to a minimum,” Mr Hurst said.              centre and the hurdles she overcame whilst      Lane and concludes along Bonneys Lane.
“We ask visitors and patients to look out          striving to create a sense of support,          These roads will be closed to all traffic
for directional signage and, if coming to          wellbeing and community in our locality.        from 8:27am until 12:57pm.
the hospital for an appointment, please            Julie Anne Serafin will continue her talk -     From Moriarty, they arrive at the Latrobe
arrive a little earlier than usual, just to give   Birds of Tasmania - on 28 April. Julie’s        Recreation Ground for their lunch break
yourself time to find your way.”                   talk includes discussion about endemic          between 9:00am until 12 noon.
    ATM INSTALLED NEAR KIOSK                       birds, local shorebirds and the biology of      Vehicles will continually be arriving and
The Mersey Community Hospital                      birds. There was a huge response to this        departing throughout this time. While
Auxiliary was thrilled that their Christmas        talk last year and it was floor space only in   drivers and navigators enjoy local catering,
Raffle, containing many goodies, was won           the end.                                        the vehicles can be viewed by the public.
by a local family with lots of children to         Both events will be held on their               For full details of this year’s Targa
share the excitement.                              respective dates from 1:30pm - 2:30pm for       Tasmania competition, go online to
To continue to support the fundraising             a gold coin donation, inclusive of tea and      www.targa.com.au
efforts of the Auxiliary, the Mersey               coffee afterwards. Bookings are essential
Community Hospital has recently installed          through www.eventbrite.com.au or
an ATM near the kiosk. Profits from all            directly with the Latrobe Library on 6478
sales are reinvested in the Mersey                 4220.
Community Hospital through the purchase            The Latrobe Library Book Club has started
of equipment and aids that benefit patients.       again! The book club talks about the latest
March-April 2020                                                                                                                          9
    RUBICON GROVE ANNUAL                       The aim of this playgroup is primarily         Club members continue to support the
                                               two-fold -                                     Lions Club of Latrobe with the operation
      GENERAL MEETING                          1. to support pre-schoolers as they learn      of their canteen at the Latrobe Speedway.
The Rubicon Grove Auxiliary attended the           to play and interact with other            In you would like to know more about the
Rubicon Grove Christmas Party last year            children; and                              Lions Club of Port Sorell, please contact
and presented residents with gifts. The        2. provide connection and support              Mr Denzil King on 0467 286 235.
Christmas Raffle was drawn on this day
with first prize won by one of the residents
                                                   amongst families within the                 PARTNERSHIP BENEFITS BOTH
                                                   community.                                 Port Sorell and Latrobe Community
at the home.                                   Latrobe Primary School has also partnered
The Annual General Meeting of the                                                             Enterprises Ltd (PSandLCE) is looking
                                               with this initiative and will be providing a   forward to a very successful year in 2020.
Rubicon Grove Auxiliary will be held in        referral pathway to the Education
the Development Room at Rubicon Grove,                                                        A promising start is the formalisation of
                                               Department’s school-based Launch into          the Referral Agreement between the
89 Club Drive, Shearwater at 1:00pm on         Learning (LiL) activities.
18 March. All existing and new members                                                        PSandLCE and the Latrobe Football Club
                                               If you have pre-schooler/s and are             Inc. This partnership is a step forward in
are most welcome to attend.                    interested in participating in this
Just a reminder that the community                                                            recognising the importance of the
                                               playgroup, just come along and seek out        collaboration of organisations for the
knitting group continues to be held each       Nelleka or give her a call on 0405 464 023
Thursday from 6:30pm at Rubicon Grove.                                                        benefit of their members and the
                                               if you have any questions. Parking is          community at large.
Please call Kaye on 0459 47 58 if you          available at the rear of the grounds, off
have any questions otherwise, just turn up                                                    In return for business from members, the
                                               Kings Lane.                                    bank will provide a commission for the
with your knitting needles and wool.
The Auxiliary is contactable by phoning           COMMUNITY EVENT FOCUS                       club e.g. an average home loan can do
Sharron (0419 352 359) or Elaine (0408                      The Lions Club of Port Sorell     above average things for the club.
637 019).                                                    has survived a busy summer       Community Bank Board directors and staff
                                                             with supporting the              will provide support at club events
LATROBE PLAYGROUP BEGINS                                    reinvigorated Port Sorell         throughout the season and further build the
The latest playgroup auspiced by                           Fiesta and hosting Australia       relationships by way of sausage sizzles,
Playgroup Tasmania has commenced at            Day celebrations.                              guest speakers and the like. This Referral
the Latrobe Baptist Church Hall, 125           Their next community event will be the         Agreement is an exciting initiative for any
Gilbert Street, Latrobe from 10:00am until     coordination of the ANZAC Day Dawn             organisation and the Community Bank is
12 noon each Friday during school terms        Service at Port Sorell with all invited to     keen to provide similar agreements with
for children aged 0-4 years and their          attend. The Service will be held at the        other organisations in the Latrobe and Port
parent/guardian.                               Port Sorell Defence Memorial on the            Sorell communities.
An Emerging Needs Grant from Latrobe           corner of Rice and Meredith Streets, Port      Please contact the Port Sorell branch or
Council, enabled the Latrobe Baptist           Sorell and commence at 6:00am.                 Latrobe agency for information on any of
Church to fence off a section of lawn area     Unfortunately, the Mulled Wine in May          the financial products available and a staff
beside the church and has purchased play       Festival will not go ahead in 2020 but         member will either deal with your enquiry
items, bikes, scooters as well as received     there are plans to return in 2021. Stay        at the branch or visit your home or
donations of other toys to ensure the          tuned for details.                             workplace.
children will be a very happy group.
The Latrobe Federal Band                                                                                      They will then start
started the year with their                                                                                   rehearsing for State Solo
annual performance at the                                                                                     and Party Competitions in
Henley-on-Mersey Australia                                                                                    May, followed by the
Day festival, showcasing their                                                                                Burnie Eisteddfod in June
new bass and snare drums that                                                                                 with long term sights set on
were purchased after securing                                                                                 the State Championships in
a $5,000 grant from Hydro                                                                                     Devonport on 19-20
Tasmania and are less than                                                                                    September.
1/3rd the weight of the 50-year-                                                                              If you are aged from 8-80
old drums they used to have.                                                                                  and love brass band
Coming up is their ANZAC                                                                                      performance, maybe you’d
Concert the evening of Friday, 24 April. This Concert at the           like to join the Latrobe Federal Band which is soon celebrating
Latrobe Memorial Hall, Gilbert Street, Latrobe will commence at        150 years of continuous operation, an Australian record!
7:00pm and showcase a variety of ‘war-themed’ music including          They offer a range of brass instruments in all sizes and provide
some sing-along music. A guest artist will also feature with           them free of charge to band members.
refreshments and Anzac biscuits available for purchase at              Tuition is provided in a friendly, small-group environment by
intermission. Tickets will be available at the door and cost $10       accomplished and experienced musicians and at extremely
Adults, $5 children with Under 5’s free.                               affordable rates. The first month is even free.
Contrary to popular opinion, there are no trumpets in a brass          Rehearsals are held each Monday during school terms as follows:
band. Instead, they use cornets which are similar but more            • Beginner’s Band: 6:00pm-7:00pm (tutored by Melinda Poon
compact and with a lovely mellow tone.                                    and assistants)
On ANZAC Day, three cornet players will perform the Last Post         • Youth Band: 6:00pm-7:30pm (Musical Director Dominique
at Dawn Services at Latrobe, Railton and Sheffield. The full              Baker)
Band will march and perform at the 9:50am Latrobe Service;
                                                                      • Senior Band: 7:30pm-9:30pm (Musical Director Geoff Dell)
March at the Sheffield Service and play and March at the Railton
Service.                                                               For more information, email dgbaker29@gmail.com or phone
                                                                       Dominique (0455 568 742).
10                                                                                                                    March-April 2020
     ARTISTS BEAUTIFY STABLE                Members meet regularly from 10:00am           enhance this much-anticipated
During December, some members of            until 12 noon on the 4th Monday of each       publication.
Rubicon River Arts painted features on      month (February to November) at the           If you have helped the club as volunteers
the hobby horses in preparation for races   Latrobe Senior Citizens Clubrooms,            or think you can spare the time to join
at the Henley-on-Mersey Australia Day       18 Hamilton Street, Latrobe. Meetings         Rotary or would like to provide feedback
festival at Bells Parade.                   are generally followed by an opt-in lunch.    on the calendar, then please get in touch
Each wooden horse was taped up to           The Mersey Valley Ladies Probus Club          with any current Rotarian or email
define a sharp painted finish, an           Inc currently has 50 members with plenty      info@rcol.org.au
enjoyable task which produced a fine        of time to socialise over morning tea and               CURTIS IN FORM
stable of hobby horses.                     at their many club activities, which          It has been a good couple of months for
                                            include dining out (monthly), Book Club,      one of the Latrobe Croquet Club’s junior
                                            birthday/friendship morning tea               members, Curtis Mead (pictured).
                                            (monthly), a movie group as well as bus
                                            trips and social outings.
                                            So, if you are retired or semi-retired; new
                                            to the area; looking to make new friends
                                            or your circumstances have changed and
                                            you need to get out and meet people,
                                            please contact Alida on 6424 7536 for
                                            more information. You will be made to
                                            feel most welcome.
                                                   BUSHFIRE PRIORITY
                                            Over the last month
                                            or so the Rotary
                                            Club has farewelled
Members’ exhibitions change regularly       Adrian and Heather
with different media on display at the      Ryan at a special Rotary meeting and run
Latrobe Arts Hub. Come along and find       a successful Henley-on-Mersey Australia
yourself a piece of original Tasmanian      Day festival in conjunction with the
artwork for your home or for a gift to be   Lions Club of Latrobe and Latrobe
treasured for life.                         Council. A big thank you to all volunteers
Rasa Dunlop will be leading a Spinning      who helped make these occasions such a
Workshop on 18 April for adults only.       success.
Places are limited and bookings are         On Australia Day, Rotarian Carolyn
essential.                                  McLennan was presented with the 2020
Please see the 2020 Workshop Calendar       Latrobe Australia Day Award,
available on Rubicon River Arts Inc         recognising her many years of                 In December Curtis won the Club’s A
Facebook page at                            community involvement including the           Grade Golf Croquet Championship
https://www.facebook.com/rubicon.river.     recent Rotary charity dinner that raised      defeating Malcolm Maney in a tie break
arts/ and in What’s On for future           funds for Rural Alive and Well. This          with a magnificent jump shot from the
workshop dates and details.                 event was run by Carolyn and two other        boundary. To the uninitiated, a jump shot
Interested persons are encouraged to        new members of Rotary.                        is when you hit the ball in such a way that
register early to avoid disappointment.     The Club’s newest Rotarians continue to       it jumps over the opponent’s ball and
Workshop fees are discounted for            maintain their enthusiasm and drive           goes through the hoop to score a point.
members.                                    Rotary’s involvement in community             In January he travelled to Western
Future meetings of Rubicon River Arts       initiatives. This was further                 Australia to compete in the Under 21’s
will be held at the Latrobe Arts Hub,       demonstrated at the end of February           National Championships at Geraldton.
21 George Street, Latrobe on 7 March        when they coordinated the hosting of a        Playing some of the country’s top players
and 4 April from 10:00am - 12 noon. All     Trivia night in aid of the Bushfire           Curtis did exceptionally well coming
interested persons are most welcome.        Appeal.                                       third overall.
For more information about Rubicon          Much of Rotary’s fundraising has been         A new boundary fence has been erected
River Arts Inc. Events, you can find them   directed to Rotary Australia for the          around the croquet lawns thanks to a
on Facebook or email rubicon-river-         Rotary Bushfire Appeal. These appeal          grant from the Tasmanian Community
arts@googlegroups.com, call Angela on       funds are distributed by local Rotary         Fund and the Latrobe Council.
0498 243 460 or call into Latrobe Arts      Clubs within their local areas.               Regrettably, it became necessary to fence
Hub, 21 George Street, Latrobe.             The club continues to hold monthly            the lawns off from the general public as
PROBUS CONTINUES TO GROW                    BBQs at Bunnings to fundraise for             unfortunately, the club was experiencing
                                                                                          considerable lawn damage from people
            Probus is a community           community projects.
                                            Stay tuned for details of Rotary’s            riding scooters and bikes across the
             organisation that provides
                                            Excellence Awards Night in May, where         lawns.
             friendship, fellowship and
                                            many in the community are formally            In September the club will be co-hosting
             fun to retirees.
                                            recognised for distinction in a variety of    the Croquet National Championships and
             Joining a local club will
                                            activities; and a potential July event.       it is essential their lawns are in top
expose you not only to new people but
                                            Details in the next newsletter.               condition for that event.
also guest speakers on interesting
                                            The club is currently finalising the Rotary   If you would like to try croquet, please
subjects every month.
                                            calendar sales and would like your            telephone Chris (0499 990 239).
The Mersey Valley Ladies Probus Club
Inc. has been active for 32 years and is    feedback to assist with continuing to
not a fundraising club.
March-April 2020                                                                                                                  11

            WHAT’S ON                        18 Rubicon Grove Annual General
                                                Meeting at Rubicon Grove, 89 Club
                                                                                              11:00pm. Admission fees apply.
                                                                                           12 Junior Fish Out Day at Taylor’s
MARCH                                           Drive, Shearwater at 1:00pm.                  Dam, 9022 Bass Highway, Latrobe
Exhibition by Nita Poultney at The           18 Mental Health Workshop at the                 from 10:00am until 3:00pm.
   Crowded Lounge, 127-129 Gilbert              paranaple centre, Devonport at 12              0417 505 887
   Street, Latrobe during open hours.           noon and 5:00pm. Refer to page 5           12 Gypsy Rose perform at Shearwater
6 Running a Successful                          article for more information.                 Resort Tavern, Shearwater from
   Health/Relaxation Centre with Jan         20 Eat and Greet at Wesley Vale                  4:00pm until 8:00pm. Admission
   Dixon at the Latrobe Library from            Community Church Hall, cnr Wesley             $5pp. Bookings for dinner - 6428
   1:30pm. Refer to page 8                      Vale Road and Port Sorell Main Road,          6205
8 Junior Fish Out                               Wesley Vale from 6:30pm. Byo a             17 Eat and Greet at Wesley Vale
   Day at Taylor’s                              plate of food to share.                       Community
   Dam, 9022 Bass                                0408 134 057                                Church
   Highway, Latrobe                          22 Port Sorell Canine Walk supporting            Hall, cnr
   from 10:00am until                           Delta Therapy Dogs. Registration at           Wesley
   3:00pm.                                      10:30am, walk starts at 11:00am.              Vale Road
    0417 505 887                                6424 8948                                   and Port
8 Matt and CJ perform at                     22 Irish Music                                   Sorell Main
   Shearwater Resort Tavern, Shearwater         Concert with a                                Road, Wesley Vale from 6:30pm.
   from 6:30pm until 10:00pm. Free              Soup and Sandwich                             Byo plate of food to share.  0408
   entry. www.vandiemensband.com.au             Lunch at 76 Chapel                            134 057
10 Bright Ideas Speed Pitch Night at            Road, Sassafras from                       18 Spinning Workshop with Rasa
   The Cherry Shed, 243 Gilbert Street,         12 noon. Irish songs                          Dunlop at 21 George Street, Latrobe
   Latrobe from 5:30pm until 7:00pm.            by sung by ‘In the                            from 1:00pm-4:00pm. Learn to spin
   Register at 6408 7005.                       Groove’ will be                               fibres. Adults only, beginners
10 Latrobe Council Meeting at the               performed at                                  welcome, limited numbers.
   Latrobe Council Chambers, 170                intervals during the luncheon. Cost:          Registrations via
   Gilbert Street, Latrobe from5:000pm.         $20 per person. To book, phone                www.facebook.com/rubicon.river.arts
    6426 4444                                  Dianne 0409 907 281 or Annabel 0439        24 ANZAC Concert featuring music
11 Van Diemen’s Band Concert in the             314 989                                       from the war years in the Latrobe
   Latrobe Memorial Hall from 6:30pm         28 Leonard n Tome Trio perform at                Memorial Hall, Gilbert Street, Latrobe
   until 9:00pm. Admission fees apply.          Shearwater Resort Tavern, Shearwater          from 7:00pm. Tickets available at the
    0401 314 334                               from 6:30pm until 10:00pm. Free               door. Cost $10 adult, $5 child and U5
13 Chiseld perform at Shearwater Resort         entry. Bookings for dinner - 6428             free.  0417 348 258
   Tavern, Shearwater from 6:30pm until         6205                                       25 ANZAC Day Services. Refer to the
   10:00pm. Admission $5pp. Bookings         29 Neighbour Day                                 front page for details.
   for dinner - 6428 6205                    30-3 Apr Breastscreen Bus outside the            If you would like to participate in
14 Penguin Island Swim at North Freers          Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port         the March or lay a wreath/book,
   Beach, Shearwater. Registration from         Sorell. Bookings essential to 13 20 50        please register by 17 April with
   9:00am for all events. Penguin Island     APRIL                                            Latrobe Council on 6426 4444
   Swim starts at 11:00am. 500m novice       Exhibition by Stefanie Carter at The          25 Heavy Rollers perform at Shearwater
   swim at 12 noon. Fees apply. More            Crowded Lounge, 127-129 Gilbert               Resort, Shearwater from 6:30pm until
   information is available from                Street, Latrobe during open hours.            9:30pm. Free entry. Bookings for
   www.facebook.com/port sorellslsc          1-8 National Youth Week                          dinner - 6428 6205
                                             6 Latrobe Council Meeting at the              27 Targa Lunch Stop and Car Display
                                                Latrobe Council Chambers, 170                 at the Latrobe Recreation Ground,
                                                Gilbert Street, Latrobe from5:000pm.          Gilbert Street, Latrobe from 9:00am
                                                 6426 4444                                   until 12 noon. Free entry.
                                             7 Regional Clubs Forum at the Latrobe         28 Birds of Australia with Julie Anne
                                                Council Chambers, 170 Gilbert Street,         Serafin at the Latrobe Library from
14 Speedway Racing at Gulf Western              Latrobe from 6:00pm until 8:30pm.             1:30pm. Refer to page 8.
   and Independent Oils Raceway,                Refer to separate article. Registrations   MAY
   Speedway Road, Latrobe featuring             and further information available from     3 Latrobe Cemetery Working Bee at
   Sprintcars, Late Models, Street Stocks,      Andrew on 1300 125 827 or                     the Latrobe Cemetery, Gilbert Street,
   Wingless, Juniors and Go-Karts.              andrew@tha.asn.au                             Latrobe from 10.00am until 11.15am.
   Gates open at 3:00pm, main track          10-11 Street Stock Australian Title              BYO gardening implements and wear
   racing from 6:00pm until 11:00pm.            Speedway Racing at Gulf Western               appropriate clothing. Free sausage
   Admission fees apply.                        and Independent Oils Raceway,                 sizzle and drink at conclusion.
15 Mersey Cat Show at the Latrobe               Speedway Road, Latrobe featuring               0417 598 116
   Memorial Hall from 9:00am until              Street Stocks with 500s and Wingless       11 Latrobe Council Meeting at the
   2:00pm.  0409 247 517                       on Friday night and Super Sedans,             Latrobe Council Chambers, 170
15 Latrobe Cemetery Working Bee at              Juniors and Tassie Sixes on Saturday          Gilbert Street, Latrobe from5:000pm.
   the Latrobe Cemetery, Gilbert Street,        night. Gates open at                           6426 4444
   Latrobe from 10.00am until 11.15am.          3:00pm, main                               15 Eat and Greet at Wesley Vale
   BYO gardening implements and wear            track racing                                  Community Church Hall, cnr Wesley
   appropriate clothing. Free sausage           from                                          Vale Road and Port Sorell Main Road,
   sizzle and drink at conclusion.              6:00pm                                        Wesley Vale from 6:30pm. Byo plate
    0417 598 116                               until                                         of food to share. Ph. 0408 134 057
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