BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ

Page created by Marilyn Carlson
BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ
       Vol 20 No. 02                                        FEBRUARY 2020

              Plans go wrong for lack of advice;
                many advisers bring success.
                    (Proverbs 15:22 NLT)

IDEA:                                GO:                          PRAY:
Listen, Then Lead           02       Movement By Media       08   Prayerlinks         14
EQUIP:                               With Sober Judgement    11   30 Days of Prayer   15
Being Bicultural            04       CARE:                        SPOTLIGHTS:         16
                                     Help Get 2020 Focus     13
BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ
                   By Dr Jay Matenga, Executive Officer, Missions Interlink.

                 Tena tātou katoa e te iwi mīhana...

       his month’s whakataukī (proverb) is: “He aha te kai         the proverb quoted. Ian Paul, in his critique, laments that
       ō te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero”            the BGEA did not seek invitations from UK church leaders,
       [What is the food of the leader? It is well rounded         as Billy Graham used to do, but instead followed their own
communication (conversation, consultancy, discussion,              plan that now seems to be backfiring in places where they
etc)]. Māori have strong collectivist values when it comes         are finding venues difficult to hire. For the events that do go
to decision making. The aim of a well respected rangatira          ahead, people will still turn up, and they will no doubt be
(leader) or kaumatua (elder) is to make decisions based            blessed by the ministry. But is there an unnecessary cost?
on their best discernment of the will of the people. A quick       This is a vexing question in trans-boundary missions today.
process this does not make, but a strong community it does.        We live in an era where imposing one's view of the world
We cannot underestimate the importance of genuine                  onto others is reprehensible. Do our beliefs give us the right
consultation when it comes to fostering unity in a group.          to do it anyway? Do we really have a mandate to go into
Coming in with a preconceived agenda and holding a                 any nation we please, walk over their moral sensibilities and
consultation in a perfunctory manner is not what the proverb       declare our way better than theirs?
above refers to. The knowledge-food/nourishment of the             Attitude is everything. Christ's way is the way of humility and
leader is drawn from the discussion. The discussion adds           service, of peace and generosity. Wherever we find ourselves
value to the leader as he or she listens. There, wisdom is         in the world ('as we go'), we should respect the values
found. It strengthens them in their leadership because they        and morals of the host culture, and wait for an invitation to
come to understand where their people want to go. The              engage in conversations that lead to change. That doesn't
leader's job is then to help them get there. The leader is of      mean we need to be passive, but it does mean we need to
course part of the conversation and should have some vision        be patient. The food of the gospel-leader is conversation. We
for the future, but conversations should shape the forward         talk, we learn, we consider, we contribute as invited.
movement and, to some degree, the intended destination. The
                                                                   "But there's so much wrong with their culture..." they say.
ideal end result is collaboration engaged in by all because they
                                                                   "Log. Eye." I say. The gospel seeded around the world
see wisdom in the decision, they've been (really) heard and can
                                                                   has adapted to and transformed cultures in powerful ways
also see how they can contribute to the plan's success.
                                                                   through the lives of those in whom the gospel has sprouted
This past week I have watched with interest how various            new life. It will continue to do so.
parties have reacted to Franklin Graham's intention to
                                                                   Big-crowd events can have a catalytic impact, but it's the
hold 'celebration events' in some major cities as part of
                                                                   life on life discipling relationship that matures us. It is the
a worldwide campaign. Christian Today recently ran an
                                                                   steadfast and true, through thick and thin, living counter
article exploring the rejection of Franklin's ministry by some
                                                                   to the worst in society around us, that raises all the right
venues in the UK, and English minister and theologian,
                                                                   questions and leads to lasting Kingdom impact.
Ian Paul shared some different views. In Christian Today,
David Robertson sees Franklin's rejection as something of          I'm biased, but I like that the World Evangelical Alliance
a conspiracy against evangelism (in some ways, he's not            has prioritised a "Decade of Holistic Discipleship". I don't
wrong) but it was Ian Paul's article that resonated with me        think it's by accident that the World Council of Churches
and the proverb above. He laments the lack of consultation.        is prioritising "Transforming Discipleship" and, from the
                                                                   Vatican, the Pope is emphasising the need for "Missionary
Along with other local leaders, I received an invitation to
                                                                   Discipleship". If the Spirit is saying anything to the Church
meet with an Aus/NZ spokesperson for the Billy Graham
                                                                   today it is to deepen our understanding of being a disciple.
Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to discuss Franklin's
intention to visit in February 2021. It was a warm and             In his John 17 prayer Jesus implies that the world needs to
respectful invitation but I was unavailable. I recommended         see our faith worked out in the daily grind, with hope and joy,
they speak with the NZ Christian Network. I look forward to        faith and love. In unity with one another in-Christ. Disciples
hearing how that conversation unfolds. It may be different in      of Jesus replicating disciples of Jesus in all nations, cities,
NZ's case, but the testimony of others (in Australia and the       towns and villages, not just in the big venues. As leaders in
UK), suggests it has potential to be one of those "we have an      God's mission, let's keep talking, encouraging and listening,
agenda - are you on board" types of meetings. This would           that we might be well nourished, as leaders Together: On
be a far cry from the nourishing conversation suggested by         Mission.
BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ
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BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ

                       BEING BICULTURAL
                       CHANGE & CHALLENGE FOR AOTEAROA NZ
                          by Dave Mann, a creative communicator with a vision to see an understanding of the Christian faith
                          continuing, and also being valued, in the public square in Aotearoa-New Zealand. He has innovated
                          numerous conversational resources for churches, and coordinates the nationwide multimedia Easter
                          project (Hope Project) purposed to help open conversation between church and non-church people
                          about Christianity take place, including the specifically Christian origins of many of our nation’s most
                          treasured values. Married to Heather, they have four boys and reside in Tauranga, New Zealand.
                          This article is draw from Dave's Alltogether.com blog for Waitangi Day consideration.

       he Church in Aotearoa New             a few reasons. Firstly, our nation’s         in this nation. Due to this bias, the
       Zealand is changing. If it            bicultural journey is a matter of justice.   Christian dynamics within our
       were suggested 5 years ago            Christian efforts laid much of the           bicultural and Treaty history are not
that Te Reo language courses                 path toward the Te Tiriti o Waitangi         being told. The onus is therefore
be run in churches, in most                  (the Treaty or Waitangi). It certainly       upon us to tell them. The wider-
churches people would have said              influenced the generosity of the             narrative explains the legitimacy
‘What would we do that for?’                 agreement on the British side. Sadly         of Christianity in Aotearoa New
Today, surprising numbers of                 missionaries were unable to stop the         Zealand. It is not an imposition
believers will sign up.                      Treaty’s betrayal, and Pākehā churches       of colonisation! Of note, most
This trend is almost national in scope,      became complicit with that betrayal,         efforts by Christians have focused on
and is one of the reasons I believe that     with many of the settlers and British        church audiences. The Hope Project,
the Kiwi Church (as a whole) crossed         Armed Forces being church-goers.             ‘Chronicles of Paki’ illustrated history
a tipping point regarding biculturalism      It is good and right that we seek to         series, Bible Society’s ’Tarore Story’ and
somewhere around 2017. This came             understand and honour this agreement.        the more recent ‘Tarore Gospel of Luke’
about following years of discussion          It was effectively made in God’s             are notable exceptions—being expressly
within church circles nationally from 2011   name due to trust in the Christian           for non-churched audiences. More
on this topic. The gospel bicentenary        missionaries. God will honour a people       innovations are needed in this space.
in 2014 was the discussion trigger. I        who honour their agreements!                 But wait—there’s more. In te Ao Māori
suggest that the weight of opinion in the    However, this bicultural journey is          (the Māori world) spirituality is intrinsic
Kiwi Church on this has now shifted.         significant for a strategic reason or        to life. As a result of biculturalism, those
WHY IS BICULTURALISM                         two also.                                    who stand on Te Tiriti now have a
SIGNIFICANT?                                 Many want this to be a religiously           ‘permission card’ to bring the ‘spiritual’
                                             ‘secular’ nation. They therefore want        into public places within Aotearoa New
This journey is significant to the
                                             to delegitimise the place of Christianity    Zealand. This understanding is found
Aotearoa New Zealand Church for
                                                                                          in the policies of social institutions.
BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ

                                                    to better understand what it is to     group of independent nations. While I
                                                    be a bicultural nation.                don’t believe this will as far as actually
                                                    While some readers may struggle        becoming separate nations (due to
                                                    to digest these points, I believe      sheer impracticability), my point is
                                                    these implications are significant     that as the ‘mana whenua’ continues
                                                    enough to warrant serious              to be restored in the hearts of Māori,
                                                    attention.                             give it 20 years, and I think we can be
                                                                                           sure they are going to have increasing
                                                      1. Māori influence is                influence, strengthened by international
                                                      increasing—so we would               legal backing.
                                                      be wise to befriend local Iwi
                                                                                           So, from a strategic vantage point,
                                                      (tribal groups).
                                                                                           it is not only right and good in a
                                                      Firstly, honouring the Treaty (the   broad sense for churches to work at
‘Holistic care’ is the expectation—and it             motivation behind biculturalism)     cultural reconciliation; it is also wise to
includes issues of spirituality. This could   is a matter of justice. For the Christian    establish ongoing relationships with
give some basis for continued Christian       Church this is about doing what is           local Iwi because they are likely to have
expression in public places, so long as       right. However, from a leadership            influence that God can harness for the
we understand and are connected with          perspective there is more to consider.       good of the nation and the Church!
the bicultural ground we stand upon.          The Christian faith, and Māori, hold
                                                                                           As I mentioned above, regarding
                                              a number of things in common. This
But wait—there’s still more! The                                                           spirituality in the public square, Māori
                                              could make us worthy allies—and with
bicultural journey of our nation has not                                                   have a holistic view of reality, which
                                              some current cultural trends in view, we
reached its apex. It has much further to                                                   includes the spiritual realm, that is
                                              might also be wise to be allies!
go because Māori integrate spirituality                                                    highly compatible with a Biblical view.
into the whole of life. A prayer in the       Regarding influence—Iwi enjoy the            In contrast, secularists in our nation
name of Ihu Karaiti (Jesus Christ) might      same tax-free status as churches.            desire to remove all religious references
be as easily heard on a marae as in a         Iwi are investing their funds – which        from the public square. Already it
church. The question is whether local         are therefore multiplying. Project this      is unacceptable to pray in a public
marae can come to a place of oneness          forward a couple of decades, and             meeting—but entirely acceptable
with local churches (or vice versa) and       we can be assured that the ‘mana             to have karakia (prayer in the Māori
therefore encourage public Christian          whenua’ (the mana of the people              language). We can all see the irony—
prayer and expression. At present an          that is connected with the land) will        but this dynamic makes Māori good
awkward ‘distance’ remains, leaving           be significantly restored! They will no      allies for coming public conversations.
some concern that Māori spiritual             longer need to be ‘the beneficiaries of      Māori could become powerful voices in
expression will focus back more toward        Pākehā charity’. Instead, they will have     public debates on matters like prayer
incompatible pre-Christianity beliefs.        power to do a lot for their people—          in Parliament, retaining our national
                                              which some Iwi are already doing             anthem, protection of the charitable
There are also financial and funding
                                              brilliantly; in areas of employment,         tax-free status for churches, and maybe
implications. There are language
                                              education and healthcare. And they will      one day even for Religious Instruction
implications. There will be ‘power’
                                              have greater influence to also do things     in schools, the preservation of Christ in
implications. Tipping points in thinking
                                              for good that could affect all who live in   Christmas and Easter, and more.
and culture will come. But all this
                                              Aotearoa New Zealand!
makes our nation’s bicultural journey a                                                    And remember—‘truth’ in our society is
great opportunity because many things         In addition to this, but without             now defined by public opinion. To turn
change during times of... change! If the      elaboration, our constitutional identity     the cultural tide we must turn public
Christian voice is at the table, Christian    as a ‘bicultural’ nation has various         opinion, and for that we could use allies
faith could remain within the public          implications that have not yet been          among Māori who share the same
view with Christian Māori support. If         tested and tried. In short, the idea of      goals and values.
it is not, doors of opportunity can be        Māori sovereignty is generally accepted
                                              as being enshrined in the Te Tiriti. Due     2. The new generation of Māori
expected to close quickly.
                                              to international Charters via the UN         are identifying as Māori to an
THE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE                       that our government has signed, my           increasing degree.
In a 2017 reflection, writing                 current understanding is that
predominantly to encourage a Pākehā           the 1840 Tiriti o Waitangi
Christian audience, I highlighted three       now comes under their
cultural changes I see taking place           auspices also. As a result,
in relation to the biculturalism of our       UN representatives may
nation. They fit well with the theme of       occasionally visit New Zealand
this article at this time.                    to meet with the leaders of Iwi
The three changes will undoubtedly            (plural)—who are recognised
have implications upon the future             as the equivalent of ‘sovereign
values and policies of our nation, and        nations’. I see no reason why
of local councils and communities—            they might not one day be
which all serves to highlight the             extended the possibility of
importance of sincerity in current efforts    representation at the UN as a
BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ

This new generation of Māori coming          In my experience, many Māori                 ‘biculturalism’ can end for many by
through are learning te reo (Māori           Christians are waiting for the wider         the time we’ve had the cup of tea
language) along with kaupapa and             Church to become ready to respect            that follows. This attitude leaves us
tikanga (principles and customs), and        tikanga and kaupapa Māori (Māori             vulnerable because we are in danger of
take pride in this. They value their         customs and principles), rather than         losing the vital Māori Christian leaders
culture. In contrast to many Māori of        assuming that everything always needs        that we need to guide us all.
50 years ago, they boldly identify as        to be done the Pākehā way. Their             These patterns of nominal engagement
Māori and want the freedom to relate         patience might be wearing thin in some       frustrate them, and this frustration is
as Maori—without an obligation to            instances or contexts.                       even more-so for the new generation
‘become Pākehā all the time’.                Some Māori are not likely to unite with      who identify as ‘Maori’ to a greater
To make this cultural change clear:          the wider Church until greater respect is    degree. This frustration corrodes the
being ‘Maori’ is not a ‘secondary racial     shown to cultural values, even though        vision they serve, of a united Church
thing’ to them. It is at the core of who     they may pray in Jesus’ name on the          in-Christ within a constitutionally
they are. They are not ashamed of it,        marae and at home at night, because          bicultural nation.
and they want the freedom to discover        this is about what is tika, what is right.
what an authentic expression of that         However, other Māori Christians
in the public square and church and                                                       Is this whole topic problematic? Of
                                             fellowship in our churches ready for
workplace might be, because the                                                           course it is! Change is not easy, and
                                             action. They are waiting... and waiting...
generation before them did not have                                                       the rectifying of serious wrongs in our
                                             and… Could it be that God has gifted
the educational, social or economic                                                       nation’s history was always going to be
                                             them to be bridge-builders for us all?
freedom to do the same.                                                                   messy. We are a technically bicultural
                                                                  I’m aware of God        nation of superficial expressions that
                                                                  personally leading      is essentially still living mono-culturally.
                                                                  some Māori to           What is the solution?.
                                                                  stay within the
                                                                                          It is human to fear what is ‘unknown’,
                                                                  wider Church
                                                                                          but in this we need to be strong
                                                                  instead of leaving
                                                                                          and courageous. I believe the
                                                                  to join a whare
                                                                                          correct questions for Christians
                                                                  karakia (Māori
                                                                                          to ask are: ‘What is the right thing
                                                                  house church)
                                                                                          to do?’ (justice) and ‘What is God
                                                                                          saying?’ (righteousness). Then obey
                                                                  though they feel
                                                                  overlooked and
                                                                  sometimes even          Something is changing in the cultural
                                                                  disrespected            dynamics of our nation. For the
                                                                  within these            Church, the traffic lights are green right
                                                                  congregations.          now. We have an opportunity to move
                                                                  They are there with     forward, to learn, and to build strong
                                                                  a sense of mission      enduring relationships. So let’s do this,
Constitutionally, being fully Maori is       and calling. Could it be that God really     because everything has a season, and
something they have every right to be,       is the one behind keeping them in            if the lights turn red, we may miss this
and to express at a level and in a way       these churches?                              opportunity and arrive late at the table.
that no other non-English-speaking                                                        In which case, there will be negative
                                             Consider how Māori patiently provide
nationality has a right in this nation,                                                   consequences for the spiritual and
                                             ‘services’ like karakia/blessings and
at least not technically. For example,                                                    cultural wellbeing of our nation and the
                                             pōwhiri when asked. Even though
except for another colonial invasion, our                                                 Church which dwells within it!
                                             the the sincerity of this expression of
nation will not become Chinese or Hindi
speaking in the future—no matter how
many Chinese or Indians immigrate.
Our official languages are three: English,
Maori and sign language.
Based on their sovereign rights, it is
by their grace that Maori speak to us
in English—and while we might think it
wise for this practice to continue, it is
not actually our right to tell them what
to do.
Can you see how something has
changed here within our national
culture and values?
3. If we are to be truly sincere in
valuing biculturalism, we need to
engage sooner rather than later.
BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ
Do you or your workers need more training in crisis
management and how to stay safe on the field; and/or how to
manage family on the field and prepare children for it?
WEC is opening up these candidate training modules to
anyone in the missions community in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Crisis Management                         Home Life                                  Kids Orientation
4th to 8th of May, 2020                   20th to 24th of April, 2020                20th to 24th of April, 2020
This module is designed to help           The Home Life module is designed           This runs alongside the Home
candidates prepare for and reduce         for singles, couples and families          Life module and is designed to
the risk of potential crisis on their     to help them to understand and             prepare children of families going
field of service. It includes a session   prepare for their missionary life. It      overseas. It includes teaching on
on the theology of suffering and          includes sessions on family health,        God’s love for the entire world, his
sacrifice, general crisis management      sexual purity, grief and loss, and         call for his people to share the good
up-skilling, and personal security        relationships between families,            news with others and the specific
skills training. It will also include     couples and singles. It also includes      call to their own family. It also covers
basic training on computer security,      sessions on missionary kids and            culture and language, feelings that
secure communication guidelines           their issues, children in transition and   children may encounter, expectations
(e.g. e-mail, Skype, Facebook) and        building resilience. These sessions        and concerns they may have and
keeping your personal computer            are aimed not only at helping parents      transitional issues specifically for
virus and malware free.                   but helping those without children to      children. The children will be taught
                                          understand, relate to and help those       at age appropriate levels, using
                                          with children.                             material from a range of sources.

                                                                     Register by: April 1, 2020
                                                                     Modules Cost: $110 each
                                                                     Location: 35 College Drive
                                                                               Gordonton, Waikato
                                                                     (Low cost accommodation may be available on site)

                                                                     For more information contact Joseph or Lois
                                                                     at: nzco@wecnz.org or call 07 8243211.
BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ

                         MOVEMENT BY MEDIA
                         CREATIVE CATALYSTS FOR CHRIST
                            by Calvin C. of Create International, a frontier mission communication ministry committed to
                            producing evangelistic audio visuals in the heart language and cultural style of the people group
                            they are created for. Their goal is to produce culturally specific evangelistic and mobilisation
                            communication materials on all of the least evangelized mega people groups of the world.
                            Special priority will be given to these 160 peoples with a population over one million. This article
                            was curated from Create's eNews December 2019.

        ur Create International           Create International was asked to
        staff are encouraged by           produce an indigenous gospel film for
        the unfolding stories of          this people group. Our team travelled
unreached peoples coming to               to the outer villages of Hyderabad,           gathered together singing and dancing.
Jesus as a result of seeing one           India — found actors and cultural             They had created temporary shelters
of our indigenous gospel films.           advisers and crafted a script together        made of bamboo and cardboard that
Over the past several years               with the people. Filmed on location           covered several acres of land. After
we have not only been made                and field tested, the film entitled,          exiting our taxi we were quickly rushed
aware of numerous fellowships             “Transformation” was then handed over         to the stage where we joined with
planted; but also multiplying             to the local workers to be used in their      others praying and anointing individuals
movements of churches sparked             church planting work.                         with oil. The line was so long that it took
by indigenous workers using our           After five years had passed Carol and I       us three hours to pray for everyone
films to reach their people. One          were invited back to India to celebrate       – men, women, children and even
such unreached people group is            what the Lord had done through the            animals!
the Banjara of India.                     showing of the film. We were to join          We met and took pictures with several
The Banjara is a Hindu group of nearly    a gathering of people at the location         of the actors and participants in the
60 million people scattered throughout    where they were planning to build a           film. While interviewing some of the
the country. More than 15 years ago       Bible School. We travelled by taxi for        church planters who also had roles in
                                                      miles on dusty dirt roads until   the film, we were told that more than
                                                      coming upon a banner strung       10,000 Banjara people had already
                                                      across the top of a hill that     come to Christ after watching the film.
                                                      read, “Welcome Conkeys”.          When we asked the Banjara workers
                                                      This was completely               how they used the film they told us,
                                                      unexpected, but the shock of      “We show the film, people give their
                                                      this was nothing compared         life to Jesus, and so we start a church
                                                      to what we saw next. As           in that village. This is how we have
                                                      we drove over the dusty           more than 500 new churches!” They
                                                      hill, there in the valley below   continued telling us story after story
                                                      were 12,000 Banjara people        of miracles and families being set
BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ

free by Jesus. Naturally, we were so                                                     produced for the Banjara people.
encouraged and spent several days                                                        “We have just finished an info-graph
rejoicing together with the Banjara                                                      illustrating the present status of the
believers. They brought their non-                                                       work, I will send it to you”. I then
believing friends and family to watch                                                    recounted the story of the 10,000
the film being shown at night. What                                                      Banjaras that had come to Christ
an incredible privilege to play a part in                                                several years ago. His response was,
what God was doing to reach these           kingdom. When he mentioned that the          “Oh brother, it is not 10,000 believers,
precious people.                            name of the group was the Banjara            it is 2 million!” Two million Banjaras had
But the story was not over yet. As has      people, Carol and I nearly fell out of our   now given their life to Christ, and they
happened several times in the past,         seats.                                       had trained 10,000 church planters and
these stories seem to have multiple         Upon returning home I emailed our            are now working in 23 states reaching
layers of revelation. Just three months     missionary contact and Banjara               out to 200 different unreached people
ago while researching how our films are     workers in India to try and find out what    groups. The largest nomadic people
being used on Youtube, one of our staff     the Lord was doing. They very quickly        group in India: Saved—transformed
discovered that an actor in the Banjara     responded and excitedly thanked us           and now nomadic missionaries
film uploaded it to his own personal        once again for the film that we had          throughout India.
Youtube account. The viewer count                                                                            Praise the Lord for
verified that the film had been watched                                                                      this unfolding Story.
by 750,000 Banjara speaking people!                                                                          We pray many
Once again, something was happening                                                                          more unreached
that was beyond our knowledge and                                                                            people groups will
expectation. Confirmed when attending                                                                        also recount Jesus
a Disciplemaking Movement (DMM)                                                                              transforming their
strategy gathering, Dr. Bill Smith, a                                                                        people! Joy to the
renown DMM strategist shared about                                                                           world –the Lord has
his recent trip to India. He witnessed                                                                       truly come to the
a significant movement of hundreds of                                                                        Banjara people!
thousands of people coming into the

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BULLETIN FEBRUARY 2020 - Missions Interlink NZ
                                                                   INVITES YOU TO HEAR
                                                                   ROSS PATERSON
                                                  ROSS IS THE FOUNDER OF CCSM WITH AN AMAZING
                                                  50 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN CHINA MISSION.
                                                  EVERYONE is warmly welcomed to come to these meetings.

                                                  SATURDAY   29TH FEBRUARY      5:30PM                                       9:00AM-
                                                                                           SUNDAY       8TH MARCH
AUCKLAND                                          WHERE      BRYNDWR
                                                             Encounter Church              WHERE        BRYNDWR
SATURDAY   22ND FEBRUARY              6:30PM                 286 Greers Road
                                                                                                        Christchurch Chinese Church
                                                                                                        286 Greers Road
           FUNDRAISER                                                                                   ENGLISH              9:00AM
           Mission NZ Centre                      TOPIC      How Not To Reach the          LANGUAGE     MAND / ENGL          11:15AM
           6th Floor, Amersham Way                           Nations. Lessons From the                  ENGLISH              5:45PM
                                                             Book of Jonah
LANGUAGE   ENGLISH                                                                         TOPIC        “ Ross will be speaking from
                                                  CONTACT    PASTOR ALLEN HOU                           Galatians 2:11-24”
TOPIC      China 2020 - The Emerging                         021 730 876
           Situation in China                                                              CONTACT      PASTOR JACK STUART
                                                  SUNDAY     1ST MARCH          10:00AM                 03 359 59 86
           0275 983149
                                                  WHERE      WIGRAM
                                                             Abundant Life Church,
SUNDAY     23RD FEBRUARY              9.30AM
                                                             182 The Runway
           Auckland Campus Mandarin
           Church, Maclaurin Chapel,
           18 Princes Street
                                                  TOPIC      How Not To Reach the
                                                             Nations. Lessons From the     WELLINGTON
                                                             Book of Jonah
                                                                                           TUESDAY      10TH MARCH           6:00 PM
                                                  CONTACT    PASTOR ELIJAH WONG
TOPIC      How Not To Reach the                              021 901 359
           Nations. Lessons From the                                                       WHERE        LOWER HUTT
           Book of Jonah                                                                                CCSM Wellington Office
                                                  SUNDAY     1ST MARCH          2:00PM
CONTACT    PASTOR FREDERICK TANG                                                           LANGUAGE     ENGLISH
           09 837 8181                            WHERE      BURNSIDE
                                                             Bread of Life Church,         TOPIC        China 2020 - The Emerging
                                                             46 Kendal Avenue                           Situation in China
SUNDAY     23RD FEBRUARY             11:15AM
                                                  LANGUAGE   MANDARIN                      CONTACT      DANIEL GREEN
WHERE      AUCKLAND CENTRAL                                                                             020 4032 8694 for details
           Auckland Campus Mandarin               TOPIC      How Not To Reach the
           Church, Maclaurin Chapel, 18                      Nations. Lessons From the
           Princes Street                                    Book of Jonah
LANGUAGE   ENGLISH                                CONTACT    PASTOR JOHNNY LIN
                                                             021 0318 024
TOPIC      How Not To Reach the
           Nations. Lessons From the                                                       PALMERSTON NORTH
           Book of Jonah                          TUESDAY    3RD MARCH          6:30PM
CONTACT    PASTOR FREDERICK TANG                  WHERE      BRYNDWR                       SUNDAY       15TH MARCH           10:00AM
           09 837 8181                                       Christchurch Chinese Church
                                                             286 Greers Road               WHERE        WEST END
                                                                                                        Central Baptist Church
                                                  LANGUAGE   ENGLISH                                    190 Church Street
CHRISTCHURCH                                      TOPIC      A New Era in Chinese          LANGUAGE     MANDARIN
                                      9:00AM-                                              TOPIC        How Not To Reach the
SATURDAY   29TH FEBRUARY                          CONTACT    DANIEL GREEN                               Nations. Lessons From the
                                                             020 4032 8694                              Book of Jonah
           MISSION CONFERENCE,                    FRIDAY     6TH MARCH          6:00PM     CONTACT      PASTOR AKANG KO
           Abundant Life Church                                                                         021 0229 9101
           182 The Runway                         WHERE      LINCOLN
                                                             Lincoln Union Church
LANGUAGE   MANDARIN                                          20a James Street               CCSM was founded by Ross Paterson in
TOPIC      Remarkable Lessons in                                                            1986 to “serve, strengthen and support
                                                  LANGUAGE   ENGLISH
           Cross-Cultural Outreach from                                                     the church and people of China.”
           Jonah                                  TOPIC      China 2020 - The Emerging
                                                             Situation in China             Moving into 2020 The Churches in China
CONTACT    PASTOR ELIJAH WONG                                                               are facing many new challenges, so this
           021 901 359 (Please phone              CONTACT    PASTOR CHARLES YU
                                                                                            still remains a huge responsibility for the
           Pastor Elijah if you plan to attend)              03 325 3238
                                                                                            Church in the West.
USA                                                                          MEXICO

                  WITH SOBER JUDGEMENT
                      by Ismael Ruiz-Millán, a United Methodist pastor and the Director of the Hispanic House of Studies,
                      Global Education & Intercultural Formation at Duke Divinity School. This article was curated from the
                      Sojourners blog, September 26, 2018.

   was born in a border town in              factors; rather, it is determined by your     backgrounds, races, theological
   Sonora, México. At the age of 3,          immigration status.                           convictions, and ways of life. However,
   my family and I moved to Mexico           I also spent 12 years of my life in a city    I confess that I have made many
City. Eventually, at the age of 12, I        where it is easy to identify the damage       mistakes. My attempt to be a
moved back to the border. After I            of colonization and modernization.            cultural bridge has been long,
finished college, I moved to North           La Plaza de las Tres Culturas (Three          painful, and humbling—and at
Carolina. During all these years             Cultures Square) allows you to stand          times humiliating.
and moves, I have experienced                in a square from where you can see            THE PRIDE OF CULTURAL
the messiness and beauty of                  Aztec’s edifications, a church building       COMPETENCY
encountering different lands,                from the Spanish Conquest, and a more
peoples, and cultures.                                                                     In 2012, I was introduced to the
                                             contemporary apartment complex.
                                                                                           cultural humility concept. When I
MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY                         This image describes my paradox,
                                                                                           heard about it, it was during a time
                                             my ongoing dilemma, which is to be
As I look back, I can now see how                                                          where I had achieved some significant
                                             constantly asking myself what it means
these transitions had been significant                                                     accomplishments: ordination, a new
                                             to descend from the violent encounter
in my caminata espiritual (spiritual walk)                                                 job in a prestigious institution, and
                                             of Spanish and Indigenous people.
as well as in discerning my call to serve                                                  recognition as a cultural bridge in my
God and God’s people. These different        I have now spent 15 years in the United       denomination.
encounters with places, peoples,             States, specifically in North Carolina.
                                                                                           Although I did not realize it at the time,
and cultures, have been crucial in           My exposure to “American” culture has
                                                                                           I really felt very confident, competent,
my attempt to foster the conditions          complicated things even more. I am
                                                                                           and really believed that I was a cultural
for visible signs of Jesus’ kingdom to       not only a fronterizo (frontier person),
                                                                                           bridge and an ambassador of the
be a present reality and not only an         chilango (urbanite), and Mexicano
                                                                                           ministry of reconciliation — how wrong
eschatological affair.                       (Mexican). I am now a Hispanic, a
                                                                                           I was. My encounter with the cultural
                                             Latinx, and a Mexican-American;
Culture is a complex concept.                                                              humility concept is what has led me
                                             some have even called me pocho
However, we often try to reduce it                                                         to realize that there is always room to
                                             (Americanised Mexican). Yes, not only
to music, food, clothing. These are                                                        grow in our understanding of other
                                             do I have to live with the fact that I have
elements of culture, but culture is                                                        cultures.
                                             an accent when I speak in English, but
more than that. In the same way that                                                       The premise of cultural humility is
                                             now my Spanish is also questioned!
we say eyes are the window to the                                                          described in the following statement
soul, culture is the window to the soul      Undoubtedly, God has used culture
                                                                                           by Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray-
of society. For instance, spending 15        to speak to me. My encounter with
                                                                                           Garcia in their article Cultural Humility
years of my life in la frontera (border)     different cultures is what led me
                                                                                           Versus Cultural Competence:
taught me that borderlands culture is        to discern a call for the ministry—
                                                                                               Cultural humility incorporates
quite different from the rest of Mexico      another culture in itself. Since my first
                                                                                               a lifelong commitment to self-
and the United States.                       pastoral tenure in a Spanish-speaking
                                                                                               evaluation and critique, to
                                             congregation and eventually in two
There is something bizarre about a                                                             redressing the power imbalances
                                             English-speaking congregations, I have
fence, a 24/7 checkpoint, and an                                                               in the physician-patient dynamic,
                                             found myself being a cultural bridge.
implicit conviction that the people of                                                         and to developing mutually
el otro lado con papeles (on the other       For the last seven years, I have                  beneficial and non-paternalistic
side with papers) are better. In other       encountered many more cultures by                 partnerships with communities on
words, the sentiment of inferiority goes     my interaction with seminarians and               behalf of individuals and defined
beyond race or other socio-economic          pastors from different denominations,             populations.                          11

Tervalon and Murray-Garcia started           Philippians 2:1-11. I believe that Jesus     use to engage in social change,
developing this concept as they noticed      embodies what cultural humility means;       mission, evangelism, multicultural,
how nurses and other professionals in        his kenosis should be a reminder that        and intercultural ministry. Also, it can
the medical field reacted after receiving    the "emptying of one self" should            contribute to conversations regarding
cultural competency training. They           be at the centre of any effort toward        race, racism, anti-racism, power
started to show arrogant gestures and        becoming culturally competent.               dynamics, and other controversial
make assumptions about their patients        The cultural humility principles can be      topics.
based on their training. In short, these     especially helpful for leaders, activists,   Cultural humility has been a means
researchers noticed how cultural             and allies who come from privileged          of grace for my life. My exposure to
competency was becoming more                 backgrounds. I am convinced that             different cultures has expanded my
of a "check list.” Once someone              the Church and theological education         imagination about who God is, what
fulfilled it, they could feel as though      institutions should be active and            the Christian life is about, and how I
needed no more growth and could              leading participants in developing this      can become a visible sign of Jesus’
relate with all cultures without a           concept from a biblical perspective.         kingdom on earth. More significantly, it
problem.                                                                                  has affirmed my own identity because
                                             The cultural humility principle aligns
My encounter with the concept                with the need to grow in our love            as I learn from other cultures, I also
of cultural humility helped me               for God and neighbour. Specifically,         learn something new about how I can
realize why I automatically felt fully       cultural humility is in alignment with       better serve others.
culturally competent considering my          the notion of Christian holiness that
background. Having this false notion         calls all Christians to an ongoing self-
led me to hurt many people in my             examination and critique. It also aligns        For by the grace given me I say
interactions with other cultures.            with seeking justice that reflects God’s       to every one of you: Do not think
The current work about cultural              encompassing love for all. All people             of yourself more highly than
humility is mainly from the medical          are created after God’s image and                you ought, but rather think of
and psychological field, so what I have      no one has the right to dehumanize             yourself with sober judgment, in
striven to do is to incorporate a biblical   anyone based on earthly titles or              accordance with the measure of
and theological frame. For instance,         credentials.                                        faith God has given you.
one of the foundational Scriptures           Ultimately, I am convinced that                        (Romans 12:3 NIV)
I often use to connect the cultural          cultural humility can help change
humility term with biblical language is      the paradigms Christian leaders
                       PICK A VALUABLE WORD
                       A HINT FOR 2020 FOCUS
                           by Christina Baird PhD. a psychologist who is passionate about helping people grow and thrive,
                           with a particular interest in the role of reflective learning for increasing wellbeing, confidence,
                           creativity and resilience. This article is curated from Christina's Bread & Pomegranates blog.

                                re you         and how it may impact goals and               help us gain a sense of achievement
                                the sort       motivation for the year ahead, but I          that is so important for our wellbeing.
                                of person      suspect that most of the words that           The theme words, once set, can lead
to make a New Year's Resolution?               are chosen for this purpose represent         us toward some well-crafted goals that
For a change have you ever                     values. I think it is an exercise in          align with our values.
thought about choosing a word to               identifying how we want to live and           These may be longer-term goals, but
describe your focus-theme for the              perhaps it also helps us identify             they need to broken down into shorter-
year to come. We're over a month               ways of being that are important to           term achievable steps that ultimately
into the new year already but it's             us but have been lacking in our life.         lead you to achievement. Steps toward
never too late to focus!                       A value or theme word helps us know           achievement of goals need to have
Choosing a single word or phrase               who we want to be, and how we want            a positive focus and stem from the
seems to be growing in popularity (and         to act throughout the coming year.            intrinsic motivations that are captured
I enjoy it), but I was curious to know if it   Taking the time to identify your values       by the theme word or value.
was more effective than making a New           is a helpful exercise and the research        If we continue with our example of
Years resolution—or is it just a fad? I        clearly shows that values play an             'care for my body', we can derive
wondered, if it is more effective why          important part in motivation.                 longer-term objectives (lose weight,
would that be so and how can we gain           Putting a value-marker in the centre          lower blood pressure, be able to
the most from this reflective practice?        of your year provides a "why" for             walk as fast as my son) and shorter-
The media certainly suggests                   your "what"—what you are doing. It            term goals (replace every piece of
that people don't keep new years               provides an internal reason that moves        chocolate with a piece of fruit this
resolutions. It's my guess that there          you towards something, rather than            week, 5 minutes controlled breathing
are a number of factors at work there.         restricting you from doing things you         and reduced salt intake, park one
Often resolutions are made without             think you might want to, but don't think      street further away from work so I walk
much prior thought or reflection and           you should do.                                every day). Now when I go to eat that
are spur of the moment thoughts.               Using the example of a New Year's             orange instead of the TimTam I have
Well used resolutions return to us year        resolution to ‘get fit’; if we changed that   a reason—I am caring for my body. I
after year. You know the sort: get fit,        to a core value, we may say something         have a longer-term goal —I want to be
drink less coffee/alcohol, stop smoking,       more proactive and reinforcing, like,         able to walk as fast as my son. I have
etc. They are about the things that we         ‘care for my body’. It immediately has        some motivation that will keep me
think we ‘ought’ to do, not really the         a less punishing and more nurturing           moving towards my ultimate objective.
things that we want to do.                     focus, and it is more firmly and              Putting these two practices together,
Setting a resolution in the style of New       intrinsically located (my body).              of a focus word or phrase, rooted in
Year traditions doesn’t follow most            Choosing a word or short value-able           what we value, and some shorter-
theorizing and research on effective           phrase can centre us on what is               term commitments to help us in that
goal setting. There is much more to            important but it doesn’t actually help us     direction, could be what moves you
defining and achieving goals than              to finish those projects and gain some        forward this year in whatever it is that
simply saying, "this year I will get fit".     accomplishments in our year.                  God has called you to do and be for
                                                                                             the sake of God's glory in all the earth.
I could not find any verifiable research       That is where focused goals (rather
on the idea of choosing a word                 than resolutions) come in to play, to

BIBLE LEAGUE NZ                         into the discomfort and make us          Some church leaders have caught
Praise God for the Holy Spirit’s        grow as individuals as well as a         the vision and are frustrated with
empowerment of Church Planter           community. Pray for grace and            colleagues who haven’t. Our
Training graduates in Ghana as          peace for the year ahead.                mobilisers and associate members
they begin new ministries. Pray that                                             in Pacific nations continue to work
                                        MISSIONS INTERLINK (MI)
Ghana’s youth and children would                                                 with church leaders to inform and
                                        The year kicked off with                 encourage. Pray for invitations to
be transformed and know the Good
                                        opportunities to support the             share in many fellowships. Pray for
News through Project Philip Bible
                                        promotion of missions from and           several of our missionary units who
studies in orphanages and high
                                        within Aotearoa NZ. Praise God for       are on home leave in their Pacific
                                        all that God is doing for the nations    nations. Pray that they can use
FEBC NZ                                 from our nation. Jay has shared          every opportunity to share God’s
Please pray for our listeners and       in a number of contexts, including       perspective on world mission.
stations around the globe. May          a webinar on mobilisation for a
                                        US conference and greeting the           WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS
the Spirit of God lead people to
our programmes and prepare them         Pacific Wa'a leaders with a 'mihi        Praise God for the wonderful
to hear His message. Col 4:3 - 6.       whakatau' (Māori welcome) and            Pacific Wa'a meetings we hosted
"Your broadcasts seem to change         sharing from his own life and love       in South Auckland, January 29-3.
people's lives. Recently I ran into     of the Scriptures. Pray for Jay as       Leaders from YWAM, Wycliffe, SIL
an old work colleague. I didn't         he heads to Germany Feb. 18-29           and Jesus Film as well as some
recognise him as he used to be a        on World Evangelical Alliance            other organisations gathered with
drunk. According to him a few years     business. Pray for favour as he          the aim of reducing Bible-poverty
ago he heard your broadcast and         meets with potential funders and for     in the South Pacific. Pray that the
was challenged about looking into       good relationships to develop with       renewed strategies developed
a spiritual mirror regularly. Well he   fellow WEA leaders, most of whom         at this meeting will further the
clearly saw that without faith in God   he will be meeting for the first time.   movement towards providing a
he was lost. Wow, what a spiritual      OMF                                      Bible for every language group in
check up can do!" (Serik, from                                                   the South Pacific.
                                        We give thanks to God for a
Kyrgyzstan).                            sense of momentum heading into
INTERSERVE                              2020, with some key events (EAT
                                        Dominion Road, Bridge Mission to
We give praise to God for His
                                        Asia) and key speakers (including
provision at the last minute before
                                        our General Director Dr Patrick
the year finished. He is amazing!
                                        Fung) lined up for the year ahead.
Please pray for this year to be
                                        Our team has had a few changes,
one of growth in our community;
                                        with some people leaving and
especially spiritual growth. We
                                        some new faces arriving, but we
praise God for His abundant grace
                                        are encouraged that it is all in God’s
and love as we are in a season
                                        hands. We are still seeking a National
of change and pressing into new
                                        Director; we would appreciate your
ways, paradigm shifts, and financial
                                        ongoing prayers for that.
pressures which have potential to
develop relational tensions, doubts,    WEC INTERNATIONAL
‘easy road options’ to divert us.       Pray for Pacific churches that
Ask the Father earnestly to make        are wrestling with the mandate
us steadfast in our faith, to push      to be involved in world mission.
24 April – 23 MAy 2020
                                                                               1-9 copies $8.00 each
                                                                             10-29 copies $6.50 each
                                                                              30+ copies $5.00 each
                                                                            Order from marn.org.nz

 Photo © Nadia Ismail via Flickr CC BY-NC-SA

                                        Praying Through Ramadan 2020

H   ave you ever read comments on social media
    from popular Christian organisations about
current events and cultural change? Sometimes
                                                        influenced Muslim cultures throughout history
                                                        and have spread and changed over the years. This
                                                        year’s prayer guide explores some of those ideas.
you could begin to wonder if the followers of Christ    We hope you will learn a lot about the diversity
have anything in common!                                that exists among Muslim people in their
It is no different for Muslims. A shared faith is no    expression of faith, their religious beliefs and their
barrier to conflicting views on the best way to         ideologies as you read this year’s prayer guide, and
run a national economy, how to raise children,          that it will inspire you to pray with fresh insight for
or which politicians to support. And don’t forget       them.
the endless possible arguments over which                                         30 Days Editors - International
version of the sacred text is the most accurate
and which religious leader has the most accurate          “By this all people will know that you are my
interpretation of those sacred texts!                      disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                                                                         - Jesus (see John 13:35)
At 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, one
of our goals is to help the global Church in its        Please join us!
understanding of the Muslim world. It is easy to
                                                        To order 30 Days of Prayer for the
assume that all Muslims are just like the ones we
                                                        Muslim World prayer guides for
know where we live, or just like the ones we read       Adults (in English or Chinese)
about or see on the news if we don’t know any           or for Children (in English) visit:
personally. But, of course, this is not true - within
Islam there are many different ideas about what         marn.org.nz
it means to be a Muslim. Different ideas have
SPOTLIGHTS                                                   PRAY FOR MUSLIMS THROUGH 2020
                                                             The 30th Anniversary edition of the 2020 Praying
                                                             for Muslims prayer guide is an easy way to pray
LEADING COMMUNITY ORG TRAINING                               for Muslims during the year. It is designed to be used
This LEAD development programme grows your                   on Fridays (the Islamic holy day) but it can be used at
skills, knowledge and confidence to manage your              any time. It has a colourful, easy to use layout with 52
organisation and deliver results. Choose your level          prayer topics - one for each week of the year. Now only
of learning from sector leaders with decades of              NZ$5.00 incl. postage (within NZ).
experience in New Zealand's not for profit sector.           Order your copies of via the MARN website:
$750+GST for the workshop.                                   http://marn.org.nz/resources/ or email MARN for
Ferndale House                                               more information: info@marn.org.nz.
830 New North Road, Mount Albert, AUCKLAND
9:30am Feb. 12 - 4:00pm Feb. 14, 2020                        TSUTSEROV'S WITH OMS NZ IN MARCH
More info on the LEAD website here.                          Russians Sasha and Natasha Tsutserov will be
                                                             visiting New Zealand 16-30 March. Sasha was a
NZ TURKEY NETWORK CONFERENCE                                 KGB agent who became a Christian. Natasha was
                                                             the daughter of a KGB officer. They have an amazing
Come and hear about how God's Church in New                  story. Sasha is now the director of an OMS-founded
Zealand can journey together with His Church                 seminary in Moscow who trains and sends many
in Turkey. Speakers will include those who have              pastors and missionaries throughout Russia. They are
recently attended an historic conference in Turkey           available for churches, small groups, business groups
led by local church leaders. Koha of $50 per person,         etc. in the dates above. Natasha is great with women's
includes supper, morning/afternoon tea, and lunch.           groups etc. They both have excellent English. For more
An offering will also be taken up. For more information      information or to book please contact Owen Brown:
or to register, visit the event's web page.                  OBrown@oms.org.nz or phone: 07 856 8655.
Windsor Park Baptist Church
550 East Coast Road, AUCKLAND                                MISSION OF GOD'S PEOPLE COURSE
7:00pm Feb. 14 - 8:00pm Feb. 15, 2020
                                                             This introduction to mission course was
If you need to find out more, contact Sara by email:         developed for Carey College by Dr George Wieland.
nztnetwork@gmail.com.                                        It is a stimulating and highly relevant biblically-based
                                                             examination of many of the themes covered in Chris
NEW DIRECTOR FOR OM NZ                                       Wright’s challenging best seller, “The Mission of
                                                             God’s People”. In 2020 the course is being offered at
Operation Mobilisation New Zealand are delighted to          Carey in both Chinese (first semester on Thursday
welcome Joel Kumar as their new Director. Joel               mornings) and in English (second semester on
was born and raised in India, and is fiercely passionate     Monday evenings)—click here to see timetable.
about spurring on the church to sharing God’s love
with those who haven’t heard. Prior to arriving in NZ in     Carey Baptist Theological College
November 2019, Joel and his family served with OM in         473 Great South Road, Penrose, AUCKLAND
Canada for several years with Joel working in various        Semester 1: March 3 - June 22, 2020
leadership capacities. Joel and his family are based in      For more information, contact the Carey College
Auckland and Joel can be contacted by email at:              team by email: enquiries@carey.ac.nz or phone:
joel.kumar@om.org.                                           0800 773 776.

Ministry-nomad Ana is a full-time volunteer, offering        Are you interested in journeying with and ministering to
herself to missionaries feeling the need for extra           prisoners as they encounter the challenges of prison
support. Ana is a Kiwi now based in the UK. Whether          life and separation from loved ones and whanau? We
due to an unexpected event, needing breathing space          are looking for people with theological training, a deep
due to mounting ministry pressures, something extra          faith, and pastoral experience who are comfortable
like a project start-up, or simply need of extra help for    with, and has some knowledge of, te reo and tikanga
a time, there Ana is willing and waiting to hear the call.   Māori. They would also need to provide group and
Feel free to save and share this information as Ana          individual services, pastoral support, and lead and co-
hopes to be available this whole decade, as long as          ordinate volunteers.
needs continue to arise.                                     For more information visit the specific vacancy ads:
For more information about Ana (background,                  Rimutaka Prison | Waikeria Prison.
experience, references), visit Ana's website. You can
contact Ana by email: ana.in.action@gmail.com.                                                                     16

Our new mobile App is made possible by the             Also in the App you can read the latest
members of Missions Interlink (MI) and it's            BULLETIN (great for tablets, a bit small for some
free for anyone to download and use. You and           phones). A complete MI member DIRECTORY
your friends and family can start saving right         is available at the push of the D, and missions-
away with discounts immediately available via          related EVENTS that we know about can
the MANAAKI icon. SPREAD THE WORD!                     be found via the E icon. If you are in need of
                                                       INSURANCE, we provide an introductory
For example, at Noel Leeming a recent purchase of
                                                       overview of what MI recommends and how to
a $50 laptop bag cost $34; and you can save over
                                                       access it. You can also access the Aotearoa
$155 on the purchase of Sony noise cancelling
                                                       NZ Missions Network FACEBOOK page and
headphones for those long-haul flights and open
                                                       push-NOTIFICATIONS from the bottom menu.
plan office spaces. Bunnings is a bit more hit/miss,
                                                       Notifications can be turned off but we reserve the
with most savings felt on building supplies but,
                                                       right to push missions prayer and news updates
every little saving counts!
                                                       from time to time. A KOHA link in the bottom
Point of sale discounts also freely available from     menu allows users to reciprocate manaaki and
Auto Super Shoppes, Beaurepaires, Office Max,          donate to Missions Interlink should they wish to
Pit Stop, Repco, and more.                             do so.

                                                       To make even more savings, the optional
                                                       MANAAKI+ coupons function requires an in-
                                                       app purchase of $34.99 per year.
                                                       The cost of a manaaak+ subscription was
                                                       quickly recouped by MI with great savings at the
                                                       Howick Village Cafe and Urban Soul in Manukau.
                                                       In addition to dining options, deals include 2
                                                       for 1 entry to Kelly Tarltons, MOTAT and other
                                                       attractions around the country.
                                                       Manaaki+ works in a similar way to the coupon
                                                       books used for fundraising—with two major
                                                       advantages: 1) it's geolocated so you can look
                                                       for deals according to your current location, and
                                                       2) you can use the coupons as often as you like.
                                                       The team behind Manaaki+ (also sold as Perks+)
                                                       continues to add vendors to the app. Currently
                                                       most of the main centres are well served with
                                                       opportunities to save.
                                                       Note: MI receives a rebate from every manaaki+
                                                       subscription bought (or renewed). So, not only
                                                       can you save yourself money, but you are
                                                       supporting missions, from and within Aotearoa
                                                       New Zealand, in the process!

                                                             GET THE APP HERE...

                                                        or search for "manaaki4missions" in your app store
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