STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 - Amazon AWS

STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 - Amazon AWS

    SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78250-4624
             (210) 522 – 1102
           (210) 522 - 1103 FAX
Licensed by the State Department of Human Resources

                                    Pre-K 2 through Eighth Grade

                                            School Colors
                                          Red, White and Blue

                                             School Mascot

                                           Mission Statement

As a ministry of Northwest Hills Baptist Church, Northwest Hills Christian School will partner with
families to provide a quality, Bible-based education that will lead students to faith, guide students to
strive for academic excellence, disciple them toward spiritual maturity, and model Christ-like
leadership to influence homes, churches and the community for Christ.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

NWHCS School Board

The Principal, the pastor, and a committee of NWHBC members provide oversight of NWHCS.

2020-2021 SCHOOL STAFF

Principal                                 Gilpatrick Peyton, M.Ed.
Office Coordinator                        Linda Martin
Business Manager/HR Coordinator           Denimar Garcia
Athletic Director                         Renee Tyner, B.S.
Middle School                             Brenna James, B.A.
Middle School                             Mike Faur
Middle School                             Cydney Barnes, M.Ed.
Fifth Grade                               Timothy Huestis, B.B.A.
Fourth Grade/Library                      Karla Anderson, B.S.
Third Grade                               Karen Todd, B.A.
Second Grade                              Nancy Davenport
First Grade                               Lisa Morrison, M.A.
Kindergarten                              Amanda Reed, B.S, Julie Damschen, A.S.
Pre-K4                                    Cindy Childress, Damaris Rodriguez
3-Year Pre-School                         Linda Lugo
Pre-K2                                    Catalina Cauich
Physical Education                        Renee Tyner, B.S., Debbie Head, B.S.
Computer/Art                              Ashley Dent, B.A.
AM & PM Care                              Dora Gonzales, Ana Garcia, Milly Rodriguez
Custodians/Maintenance                    Mark Welk, Jim Hunter

Pastor of NWHBC                           Josh Bolch, M.Div.


We are pleased you are a part of our Northwest Hills Christian School Family. The Student Handbook is an
informative book to cover general polices of our school. Each teacher will have a packet of information for each
individual classroom as well. This handbook contains our policies regarding student life. This handbook may
not be inclusive of all situations. The administration and/or school board reserve the right to make judgments in
our sole discretion.


Northwest Hills Christian School embraces children of all colors, religions, and national origins. We do not practice
racial discrimination. We welcome all children, those of various religious backgrounds and those without any
religious background. It is our intent that our school maintains a Christian atmosphere and makes Christ and His
teachings a real part of our program as each child develops spiritually, socially, physically, mentally, emotionally
and patriotically. We are thankful for this opportunity of caring for and teaching your child and wish to help you in
every way we can. Each child and family is very special to us.


    o    To grow in his knowledge of God, in His love and care; to find ways of expressing his love to God; to
         know God made and cares for the world, to feel he can talk to God anytime, anywhere.
    o    To know that Jesus is God's Son; to feel Jesus is his best friend; to know Jesus came as a baby, grew to
         manhood, and helped people in many ways; to enjoy doing things that please Jesus; to want to be like
         Jesus and Jesus died on the cross as our sin bearer.
    o    To think of the Bible as a special book that tells about God and Jesus; to enjoy the Bible stories and verses;
         to realize the stories are true and are written to show him how to be kind and good.
    o    To think of the church as a special place to learn about God and Jesus; to enjoy going to church; to have
         happy experiences at church; to feel the importance of going to church; and to appreciate those who help
         him at church: the pastor, teachers, and adult friends.
    o    To know that God gave him his family to love and appreciate; to want to help at home; to enjoy family
         worship and fellowship.
    o    Honor Christ in everything they do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.


    o    To grow in the ability to work and play happily with others
    o    To develop an attitude of kindness, helpfulness, cooperation and courtesy towards others
    o    To know God loves everyone
    o    To enjoy doing nice things for friends and neighbors
    o    To begin to appreciate the contributions of others toward his well being
    o    To accept appropriate individual and social responsibility


    o    To develop muscular coordination and control in both fine and gross motor skills
    o    To establish desirable health habits


    o    To think independently and accept the result of decisions
    o    To broaden his range of interests
    o    To develop language powers and readiness skills
    o    To develop consciousness of numbers and mathematical concepts and sets


    o    To meet new situations with a reasonable amount of stability
    o    To be able to initiate and follow through a simple plan of work
    o    To grow in self-confidence as he learns to do more things for himself and helps to solve his own problems


    o    To have feelings of loyalty and pride
    o    To grow to love our country in an atmosphere of love and security
    o    To work with others through good examples of everyday living


ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) has several events throughout the year in which NWHCS
participates. These include Math Olympics, Spelling Bee, Science Fair, Art Fair and more. Students may also
participate in essay and poetry contests throughout the year.


Classes take trips to interesting and educational locations in and around the community and state as a vital part of
the instructional program. Parents are notified in advance and are encouraged to help chaperon. However, due to the
nature of most educational field trips, siblings will not be permitted to attend. This frees parents to adequately
supervise groups of students and experience an enjoyable activity with their child. Parents attending field trips may
be asked to drive and supervise other students.

Each class will schedule approximately 1 to 2 field trips per year. All parents driving on field trips, regardless of
whether they intend to only drive their own child or several children, must provide to the school office proof of
insurance and a valid driver’s license, as well as a completed driver’s information form.

Parents may be required to pay for some of the entrance fees for field trips. The teacher will collect fees before the
field trip. Parents will be notified in advance of any fees. Deadlines for field trip registration will be enforced, as this
affects planning.

In the event that a student does not attend a field trip, the parent may keep the student home or bring the student
to school. A student at school while his/her class is on a field trip will be assigned to stay with another class that
day. The class he/she stays with will be a class of older or younger students, at the principal's discretion. The
student will be expected to complete whatever work is assigned.


Fire drill/weather evacuations are posted in each room. The school will conduct monthly fire drill procedures.
Weather and lock-down procedures will be conducted each quarter.


All visitors (including parents) must register in the office and visibly wear a school issued badge, if they are
visiting on campus during school hours. This procedure will help us better protect our students from unwanted
visitors and also help us know who is on campus in case of emergency. Our school is locked from 8:05 a.m. to
3:30 p.m. Parents wishing to enter the school from 8:05 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. must press the door buzzer on the
front door. The office will then release the door lock. Visitors may be asked to show ID when entering our
campus for the safety of the students. Security cameras monitor doors and hallways.

Parental Code of Conduct
Visitors and parents, as role models for our students, should maintain a high standard of personal behavior to

-Language (verbal and written)

-Appropriate clothing and shoes

-No smoking, drinking alcohol, or use of other intoxicants

-Civil interaction with staff, students, and other visitors and parents

-Report any misconduct to staff for handling

In cases of serious or repeated misconduct, by visitors or parents, the School may take steps to ban a visitor
or parent from entry to School grounds and may, where appropriate, involve other authorities .


Please do not permit your student to bring valuable personal items of any kind (i.e., phones, cameras, toys, etc.) to
school. If students bring personal items from home, NWHCS will not be responsible for loss or damage. The only
exception to this policy is for preschool students. Preschool students may bring items for “Show and Tell” each
Friday, but NWHCS is not responsible for loss or damage. No guns of any kind may be brought to school.

No electronic devices are to be used during the school day (Including AM/PM Care). This will include but is
not limited to cell phones, tablets, smart watches, hand-held games or any other devices that use Wi-Fi/Internet
connectivity. The use of any of these electronic items will be subject to confiscation and parents will be
charged a $20.00 fee to retrieve such item. The exception will be students who need to call their parents after
3:00 p.m. with their teacher’s permission.


During the year, students will have the opportunity to participate in a number of classroom celebrations. We also
have parties, which are related to units of study such as Western Day. Children will be honored on their birthdays by
singing "Happy Birthday." Birthday treats are to be limited to a single cupcake or cookie per child, no pizzas.
Birthday treats will be passed out at lunch time. Please see each individual teacher for party details. We cannot
accommodate siblings at class parties; consequently, other childcare arrangements should be made for them.

PARTY DATES (Refer to your teacher for details.)
November 20                             Fall Harvest
December 18                             Christmas
February 12                             Valentine’s Day
April 1                                 Easter
May 24-27                               End of Year Parties


August 20                                       PK & K Virtual Parent Orientation
August 20                                       1st – 8th grade Virtual Parent Orientation
October 30                                      Parent Teacher Conferences
April 13-16                                     Camp Eagle (Middle School students ONLY)
May 27                                          8th Grade Graduation & Awards Program, 7:00 p.m.


Every Wednesday, all of the children and teachers attend chapel. . PK-K grade will attend at 8:45. Kindergarten
through 8th grade will attend at 9:30. This is a time when our students worship together through song, stories, skits,
etc. Each class will lead chapel at least once a year. Parents are invited to attend chapel and worship with us,
however, we prefer that parents sit behind all classes, rather than with their children.
Baptisms may be held once per quarter with all students attending together.


Parents are always welcome to visit our school and observe their child and our teachers; however, in the interest of
efficiency you must contact the school administration for an appointment and check in with office staff before
entering the classroom. Be reminded that it is not wise to discuss a child in his/her presence or in the presence of
other children, or while school is in session. If you feel the need for a conference, please make an appointment with
the teacher for a conference time. In order for parents to know firsthand their child’s progress, parent teacher
conferences are held once a year. On the day of conferences, school is closed to give ample opportunity for parents
and teachers to be able to have sufficient time to discuss each child’s progress. Conferences for Preschool-5th grade
are held in individual classrooms with parents only. Conferences for 6th, 7th & 8th grade students are held in the
homeroom classrooms, and students are expected to attend the conferences with their parents. Students are expected
to wear uniforms when attending conferences.


The purpose of our reporting system is to give parents and students an indication of the progress being made. Each
child’s ability, attitudes, application, and achievement are taken into account in grading, but the students are marked
on actual achievement as well as effort put forth. Parents will be given access to our online grade book to monitor
their child’s progress on a regular basis.
All students should be encouraged to work for achievement as such, not for grade (or money). They should learn to
work in order to achieve and to please the Lord (Colossians 3:23). Please do not compare your child’s grades with
those of other children. Each student is unique in his or her learning abilities, and the reports are written on the basis
of his progress and should be interpreted thusly in accordance with his ability. Parents are urged to ask for
conferences any time they deem necessary. The teachers and administration welcome such opportunities.


Interim Academic Reports are sent out mid-quarter to students with a grade of 70 or below. This gives the parent an
indication of difficulties being experienced before grades are issued. However, a teacher may report on any student.
Any radical change in performance should be reported to parents. Parents of students in danger of being retained
will be notified in January.

Generally, NWHCS believes that younger students need a time for work and a time for play. At the primary
level, homework assignments are kept to a minimum and usually will be limited to memory work such as Bible
and spelling, outside reading, math reinforcement and projects. Beginning in 3rd grade, students may also have
math homework. Students in 4th-8th should expect to have regular homework. Students are expected to read a
minimum of 20 minutes each day.

Based on the academic ability of the child, the average amount of time spent on completing homework
assignments in the primary grades should be approximately 30-40 minutes of homework per night. Upper
grades can anticipate approximately 60-75 minutes of homework per night. A good rule of thumb is 10 minutes
per grade level (So 1st grade students should have an average of 10 minutes a night, while 6 th grade students
should average no more than 60 minutes a night). Students should all be encouraged to manage their time
wisely and not procrastinate.

    1.   Each day the children copy the homework assignment off the board, entering it into their assignment
         notebooks. If there is no homework, "none" will be written.
    2.   Homework beyond reading and memory practice will not be assigned on Wednesdays, so students will be
         able to participate in Wednesday night church activities; however, students not completing class work
         during the day may have to complete assignments at home on Wednesday evenings.
    3.   Homework assignment notebooks must be signed and returned each day. Failure to do so will result in a
    4.   It is the responsibility of the student to have the assignment notebooks signed each day. Parents are
         encouraged to remind them daily.

Community Service hours are required for middle school students for each quarter as follows:
      6th grade – 2 hour
      7th grade – 4 hours
      8th grade – 6 hours

While parents may assist in seeing that the work is done and help explain the work when necessary, the student must
do all of the work, and he must take responsibility for it. Parents should also encourage their child to bring home
papers (tests, projects, etc.) for them to see.


Students may bring their lunches each day or participate in our hot lunch program. All students must eat a nutritious
lunch (no soda or candy, please). Please pack lunches for younger children so they can manage without the teacher’s
help. Menus for the lunch program will be posted on the website. Hot lunches are not available for purchase on a
day-to-day basis as they are accounted for ahead of time by the caterer/vendor. Payments for hot lunches are made
online directly to the caterer. Do not combine lunch order payments with any other payments made to NWHCS.


Kindergarten                         5 by September 1
4 Year Class                         4 by September 1
3 Year Class                         3 by September 1
2 Year Class                         2 by September 1

The maximum number of children in each class will be determined by classroom size and grade level.


During the month of January, re-enrollment for the fall term for present students is accepted on a first come, first
served basis. Enrollment is open to the public in February.


8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.                         Pre-Kindergarten
8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.                         Kindergarten - 8th Grade

Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:45. K-8 will go to the gym. Pre-K students will report to the cafeteria.
Pre-K2 students should be walked to their classroom by the parent. AM Care begins at 7:00 in the cafeteria.

Children should be picked up promptly at their designated time. A child can become upset when all the other
children have gone and he is still at school. Children left after 3:30 p.m. will be placed in after school care and fees
will be charged accordingly. Please do not send any one who is not on your pick-up list to pick up your child
without calling the school office or sending a note to your child’s teacher.


If your child is going to be absent, please call the office each day. Regular attendance is necessary for a student to
gain the most in school. Generally, a student will be excused from school only for sickness, doctor and dental
appointments, or emergencies. If a child is absent for 3 consecutive days, a statement signed by a doctor is needed
before the child may return to class.

    o    If a child is absent and homework is requested by 9:00 a.m., homework will be in the office by 3:00 p.m.
         Homework requested after 9:00 a.m. will be ready the following afternoon.

Permission must be received from the administration if a student is absent for any reason other than those listed
above. Please avoid planning family outings, vacation trips, etc. during the school calendar. If a student is going to
be absent for reasons other than illness or emergency, the following steps must be taken in order for the absence to
be excused:

    o    At least one week in advance, the parent must either come into the office or send a written note explaining
         the reason for absence.
    o    The office must give approval to requests for absences and then the student is given a form to take to each
         of his teachers for their signature. This shows the teacher that the absence has been cleared in the office
         and they will give assignments to the student. All work must be completed in advance unless other
         arrangements are made. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain work from the teachers.


The following will be considered unexcused absences:
    o Family trips, etc. when the student has not taken the steps outlined above.
    o Absences not known or approved by parent or principal at the time the absence occurred.
    o Leaving school before the end of the day without permission from the office.
    o Staying out of class without a permission slip from the teacher in charge.

Note: A student who has an unexcused absence may receive a zero for all schoolwork missed in addition to any
penalty deemed advisable by the school. If a student is absent from school for all or part of 15 days or more during
the semester, he may be subject to withdrawal from the school.


From time to time students may need to leave school early. Students will be called to the office once the parent
arrives. The school office will not call students to wait in the office before a parent arrives and signs them out.
Please do not sign your child out of school early unless it is an emergency. Classes are in session until the scheduled
release time. Checking your child out early disrupts both the teacher and the class. Parents and visitors will not be
allowed to sign out their child/ren between 2:45 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. in the office. Parents will be asked to pick-
up students in the car line. In case of an emergency, please notify the school office.


Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. A student will be tardy after 8:05 a.m.
*Every three tardies within a grading period will result in a demerit.

The only acceptable excuses are as follows:
    1. Medical reason with proper documentation from doctor’s office
    2. Weather or road conditions making travel dangerous
    3. Any other unusual cause acceptable to the administration.

Students tardy on chapel days (Wednesdays) must report to the office to receive a tardy slip prior to parents taking
them over to chapel.


Arrive without an acceptable excuse between 8:05-10:00 a.m. and students will be considered tardy
Arrive with no excuse after 10:01 a.m. and the student will be counted absent

Student must have proper documentation from a physician.

Students are expected to be in school during the day of an extra-curricular activity or game. If the student is absent,
he/she may not participate in a middle school event.

New students - $285.00 each child
Returning students - $275.00 each child

The registration fee for students enrolled with 60 days or less remaining in the school year will be $150.00.

Yearly tuition is payable in advance in ten installments, due on the first day of each month, starting in August and
ending in May. As we have reserved a place for your child, we do expect to receive his tuition every month,
regardless of absences, as long as the child is enrolled.

A late fee of $30.00 per student will be added to tuition/AM/PM care fees paid after the tenth of the month. If the
tenth of the month falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), tuition is due by the following Monday. The late fee of
$30.00 per student will be added monthly, until your account is current. Any account past due 45 days may result
in dismissal unless prior arrangements have been made.

Yearly tuition payable over a ten (10) month period (August/May) will be as follows:
                            Monthly           Yearly
PK3 – 5th Grade             $456.00           $4,560.00
6th – 8th Grade             $472.00           $4,720.00
PK2 varies by number of days from $2110-5000 yearly.

There will be a $20.00 monthly reduction in tuition for the second child enrolled and $25.00 monthly reduction for
each subsequent child enrolled.

Tuition Refund Policy Provision
Understanding that situations arise which may necessitate the withdrawal of a student while at the same time being
mindful of the financial responsibilities of NWHCS, certain refund provisions will be made upon the formal
withdrawal of a student from NWHCS. All withdrawals must be presented in writing to the school office.

If a student is withdrawn prior to August 1st, no tuition liability will be assessed for that student. If a tuition payment
has been made for the student, the entire amount will be refunded.

If a student is withdrawn on or after August 1st and prior to his/her first day of school, the tuition liability will be
equivalent to 25% of the annual tuition for that student. (Exception for parents with proof of military orders.)

If a student is withdrawn on or after his/her first day of school and prior to the first day of the second semester, the
tuition liability will be equivalent to 50% of the annual tuition for the student. (Exception for parents with proof of
military orders.)

If a student is withdrawn at any time during the second semester, the tuition liability will be equivalent to 100% of
the annual tuition for that student. (Exception for parents with proof of military orders.)


Tuition paid 5 months in advance:                2. 5%
Tuition paid 10 months in advance:               5%
To be entitled to a discount, the tuition must be paid by the first day of school.
Pre-K 2 students in the 2 or 3 day program will not be eligible for tuition discounts.

Northwest Hills Baptist Church Active Member discount: 10%
Eligibility for this ten percent discount requires the family to be Active Members at Northwest Hills Baptist


Kindergarten - 8th Grade                         $320.00
Pre-School (3- 4 yrs.)                           $165.00
Pre-School (2 yrs.)                              $100.00

Registration fees and book fees will not be refunded.

                             Monthly            Yearly
Daily AM and PM care         $165.00            $1,650.00
Daily AM or PM care          $140.00            $1,400.00

For any portion of the first hour of AM/PM care, the fee of $10.00 per hour per child will be charged. After4:00
p.m., an additional $10.00 per child will be charged.
PM Care ends at 5:00 p.m. and a late charge will be assessed to your account of $5.00 for any portion of the first
five minutes and $1.00 per minute thereafter per child. Charges (including late fees) for the AM/PM care program
are subject to change. Notice will be given if changes are to be made.

AM Care is only for students with reservations. Our program is licensed by the State of Texas. State guidelines and
ratios must be considered for our preschool students.


Additional fees for field trips or selected school supplies may incur throughout the year.


Checks should be made payable to: NORTHWEST HILLS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL or NWHCS


NWHCS accepts cash or check only in the school office and parents can pay online through their ParentWeb


A $35.00 charge will be assessed on all returned checks. A second occurrence will require cash, money order, or
certified check be used to pay all remaining tuition fees. No exceptions will be made. We do not accept post-dated


Failure to fulfill any financial obligation to Northwest Hills Christian School may result in legal action for collection
and all school records will be held.


Kindergarten – 8th grade students will receive report cards at the end of each nine weeks.

Grading Periods                                 First Semester
First Nine Weeks                                Aug. 24 – Oct. 23
Second Nine Weeks                               Oct. 26 – Jan. 15
                                                Second Semester
Third Nine Weeks                                Jan. 19 – Mar. 26
Fourth Nine Weeks                               Mar. 29 – May 27

GRADING SYSTEM (1st - 8th Grade)

A...100-90 B...89-80 C...79-70 F...69 and below

For middle school students approaching a failing grade, the following procedure will apply:

    o    The teacher will notify the administration.
    o    The parents will be contacted requesting a meeting or phone call with the administration and teacher.
    o    The cost of outside tutoring is the responsibility of the parents.


A student may be retained in the current grade level if his/her grades do not indicate the student is ready for the next
grade level. A failing average for the year in one or more core subjects may require that a student be retained. Core
subjects are Bible, Reading, Language, and Math in 1-3rd grades. 4th-8th includes Science and Social Studies.


Honor roll students must exhibit exemplary behavior as well as excel academically. Our students must be obedient,
courteous, responsible, attentive, and co-operative. Elementary school students who receive A and B grades but do
not abide by school rules and/or receive a “U” on their report card for conduct will not be placed on the honor roll.
Middle school students who receive A and B grades but do not abide by school rules and/or receive an “F” on their
report card for conduct will not be placed on the honor roll.


Parents must send written permission for medications that will be taken at school including over the counter
medication. All medications must be turned in to the office at the beginning of the school day. No student is ever to
carry medication. (This applies to both prescription and non-prescription medication.) Tylenol, Advil, cough drops,
and topical Benadryl are available to students in the office. Written permission on the NWHCS medical form by the
parent/guardian is necessary before the school will administer any medication. Any other over the counter
medications must be brought to the office in its original container with specific instructions as to when the student
may take the medication. A doctor’s order must accompany prescription medication, which must be in the container
dispensed by the pharmacy with proper labeling. Medication forms are available online on our school website at


Every possible provision is made to provide a wholesome, healthful atmosphere at school. We have found that there
is a significant correlation between a child’s health and his enjoyment of school and ability to profit from it.

Please do not send a child to school that appears to be ill. After an illness, keep him home until his temperature has
been normal for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. If a child becomes ill while at school, the child will be
cared for in a manner that will protect the health of all children. In case of a severe problem, a student will be taken
to the nearest hospital emergency room. When a child is sick or hurt, the parents will be informed immediately.
Parents are expected to keep all medical and emergency information up-to-date.


We comply with the health requirements and immunization schedule set by the Texas Department of Human
Resources. Please have your child's records up to date. A current immunization record is required each school year.
A physical is required of all children entering Northwest Hills Christian School each year. The physical should
include periodic hearing and vision screenings, especially by age 4, and before Kindergarten and grades 1,3,5, and 7.


Any time a child is absent from school because of a contagious disease or infection, parents are required to consult
with a doctor to find out when the child may return to school. If a child has a communicable disease, parents are
requested to consult with a physician and then notify the office. Depending on the incubation period of the particular
disease to which the child was exposed, the child's attendance at school may or may not be interrupted. Your doctor
can advise you. These precautionary measures are taken to keep your child healthy.

What is a gang-free zone? A gang-free zone is a designated area around a specific location where prohibited
gang related activity is subject to increased penalty under Texas law. The specific locations include day care
centers. The gang-free zone is within 1000 feet of your child care center. For more information about what
constitutes a gang-free zone, please consult sections 71.028 and 71.029 of the Texas Penal Code.


   (A) means a single significant act or a pattern of acts by one or more students directed at another student that
exploits an imbalance of power and involves engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through
electronic means, or physical conduct that satisfies the applicability requirements provided by Subsection (a-1),
and that: (i) has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s
property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student’s
property; (ii) is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an
intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student; (iii) materially and substantially
disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of a classroom or school; or (iv) infringes on the rights
of the victim at school; and

   (B) includes cyberbullying. “Cyberbullying” means bullying that is done through the use of any electronic
communication device, including through the use of a cellular or other type of telephone, a computer, a camera,
electronic mail, instant messaging, text messaging, a social media application, an Internet website, or any other
Internet-based communication tool.


The school and home must be parallel in disciplinary outlook for the moral training to be effective. Only a
philosophy and practice based on the revealed Word of God is acceptable. Some guidelines as we build toward such
an outlook are:
     o The responsibility and authority to discipline come from God. (Ephesians 6:1-4)
     o Discipline has moral content. The foundation is amenability to God and the revelation of His standard of
         righteous conduct. It is both positive and negative.
     o Christian love is at the heart of all discipline. The dark side of love (correction and chastening) is an
         essential part of the firmness of love. They must be balanced. Firmness minus love becomes harsh;
         whereas love without firmness is sentimentality. Both errors produce problems instead of solving them
         (Proverbs 3:11-12).
     o All discipline is designed to show the child his sinful will, lead him to trust Christ and to become a self-
         disciplined person who wants to do God’s will. (Galatians 3:19-24)

Positively, the school hopes to cooperate with the home in forming good habits in the students such as:
     o Cheerful obedience to authority (parents, teachers, lunchroom workers, etc.) and school regulations when
         the person in authority is not immediately present. Such obedience should be willing and immediate.
     o Responsibility in doing assigned or expected tasks.
     o Cooperation with others in playing and working at school and on the playground.
     o Courtesy and respect for others, students, teachers, and visitors. Students should learn to be quiet in class,
         raise their hands to speak, to not interrupt others, walk (not run in the hallways and sidewalks), and eat
         with proper manners.
     o Cleanliness in person and property. Put all trash in trash cans, pick-up paper on floors and grounds, keep
         desks and lockers neat, and dress neatly.
     o Truthfulness and honesty in word and life.
     o Respect for the property of the school.
     o Promptness in attendance and assignments.
     o Morally good conduct in respect to recreation, social relationships and language.

Attendance at NWHCS is a privilege. Any student whose conduct or attitude, in or out of the school, shows him
to be in opposition to the basic principles and purpose of the school or who maliciously destroys school property
will be dismissed or asked to withdraw from school.

Whereas the school is not legalistic in dictating a long list of things the students cannot do, use of coarse or vulgar
language and practices detrimental to a Christian’s character and body, such as use of tobacco, alcohol, and
narcotics are not permitted. The use of any of aforementioned substances will, in all probability, result in suspension
or expulsion. Exposure to movies, music, television and literature should be carefully supervised by parents in
accordance with Philippians 4:8 (Phillips translation) which states, “If you believe in goodness and if you value the
approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good.” Christian
conduct is expected of students representing NWHCS and its standards 24 hours a day.

When the student deviates in these areas, it is the responsibility of the home and school to help by both correction
and guidance. While the discipline of the child is the parent’s responsibility, parents and teachers must cooperate
fully with one another. Anything said or done which tears down respect and confidence for either will harm the
student. Conferring with and praying for one another can gain mutual understanding.

The school generally follows its discipline procedures contained here. However, there are circumstances in which
the school administration and/or school board may determine in their sole discretion that it is appropriate not to
follow permissive discipline steps. In cases in which a student has engaged and breaches immoral or unacceptable
behavior, the school reserves the right to expel or suspend the student immediately.


Probation is invoked when a student has a serious academic, attitude, or behavior problem to give the student an
opportunity to correct his problem. It is instituted only after consultation and counseling with the student, parents,
and faculty. If there is not improvement to a satisfactory level, the student will be dismissed or asked to withdraw
from school. Student activities will be limited during the probation period and all positions of trust and
responsibility must be relinquished for the remainder of the year.


Rules in General: Any unseemly behavior can bring a demerit from any faculty member, anywhere on the
grounds, even though not listed. The student will be told of the offense.

A.   One demerit given for each violation:
        1. Unsigned or incomplete homework.
        2. Students entering a locker or desk not issued to them.
        3. Chewing gum on campus.
        4. Entry to unauthorized areas in the sanctuary.
        5. Uniform violations.

     B. Two demerits for each violation:
        1. Leaving classroom without permission.
        2. Disregarding the safety of self or others.
        3. Being disrespectful.

     C.      Three demerits given for each violation:
          (All to be recorded within the grading period)
          1. Cheating (A zero will be the assigned grade on the assignment as well)
          2. Lying
          3. Fighting
          4. Stealing
          5. Bullying
          6. Forging signatures on demerits, assignment books, etc.
          7. The use of improper language (vulgarity, obscenity, profanity) will not be tolerated and could be
               grounds for immediate suspension.
          8. Gambling

     D. Possession of weapons or instruments, which may be considered dangerous to self or others, will result in
        suspension or expulsion.
     E. Inappropriate behavior will be dealt with by the administration. This may result in your child's dismissal.
     F. Students suspended during a grading period will not be allowed to attend any school activities during their
        suspension at the administration’s discretion.
     G. Citizenship grades for middle school students are based on the number of demerits a student receives
        during each quarter.
     H. All discipline is subject to review by the administration, which has the authority to suspend or expel. All
        decisions by the administration are final.


Demerits received within one week (Monday-Friday).

All teachers have the authority to assign consequences to students based on severity and frequency of offense based
on each individual classroom management system. If behavior is considered repetitive or severe, the teacher will
consult the administration and the administration will decide additional consequences. Consequences may include,
but are not limited to parent conference, loss of recess, physical labor (such as cafeteria duty or picking up trash),
detention, suspension, or expulsion.

Demerits: (Assigned at the teacher or administrator’s discretion.)
        Three Demerits within a week                     Detention
        Six or more demerits within a week               One day suspension

Detention is held on Thursday mornings from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m.

Two suspensions within the school year may result in expulsion.

All students who are more than 10 minutes tardy or miss Detention Hall will serve 2 consecutive weeks.
An additional tardy to detention may result in a one day suspension.


Should a student receive detention more than twice in a grading period, this student may be suspended from school
at the administration's discretion. Parent support of this policy will be required and is appreciated.


         1. Grievances submitted to the NWHCS School Board shall be written and in triplicate:
                  One copy shall go to the administration.
                  One copy shall go to the NWHCS School Board.
                  One copy shall go to the Pastor of NWHBC.
         2. Action, if deemed necessary by the NWHCS School Board, is to be initiated and responded to in
            writing within (30) thirty school days.


            The objective of these guidelines is to establish biblical guidelines for the resolution of
            misunderstandings, differences of opinion, concerns, disputes, and grievances in the operation of
            Northwest Hills Christian School.
            These guidelines are to be followed whenever there is a misunderstanding, difference of opinion,
            concern, dispute, or grievance concerning any aspect of Northwest Hills Christian School's
            operations between any two
            parties connected in a direct way to the school. This includes students, parents, staff, volunteers,
            administration, and board members.

            Students/parents to teachers:

            1. All issues associated with the classroom must first be presented to the teacher by the parents or,
            if the student is mature enough, by the student himself. If the student presents the concern, a
            respectful demeanor is required at all times.
            2. If the issue is not resolved, the parents or student may bring the issue to the Principal. If the
            student brings the issue, they must have permission from their parents to do so.
            3. If the issue is still not resolved, the parents should appeal the decision to the Pastor.
            4. If there is still no resolution, they may submit their concern in writing to the Northwest Hills
            Christian School Board stating the issues, concerns, proposals, or comments and steps taken while
            seeking resolution. The School Board may be reached by emailing .

         Parents/patrons to Principal:

            1. If parents or patrons have a misunderstanding, difference of opinion, concern, grievance, or
            dispute about the general operation of the school (apart from the operation of the classrooms), they
            should bring their issues to the Principal.
            2. If the situation is not resolved, they should present their issues, concerns, proposals or comments
            in writing to the Pastor.
            3. If there is still no resolution, they should request a hearing in writing from the Northwest Hills
            Christian School Board, stating the issues, concerns, proposals, or comments and steps taken while
            seeking resolution.
Staff to School Board:

             1. If a staff member has a misunderstanding, difference of opinion, concern, grievance, or dispute
             regarding employment or school policies, he or she should bring those issues to the Principal first.
             2. If the staff member is uncomfortable discussing the matter or is unable to reach resolution with
             the Principal, he or she may contact the Pastor.
             3. If there is no resolution, staff may submit concerns in writing to the Northwest Hills Christian
             School Board stating the issues, concerns, proposals, or comments and steps taken while seeking
             resolution. The School Board may be reached by emailing


The purpose of Northwest Hills Christian School is to glorify God by providing a Christ-centered, excellent
academic program. The school deals with the whole person-body, mind, and spirit- interweaving moral and spiritual
values throughout the academic program. Christian education involves the whole person; therefore, it is desirable
that all elements, which bear on the education of the student, be consistent and properly reinforces one another.

NWHCS endeavors to promote excellence in all areas of education-including dress. Our focus of our students and
faculty is to foster academic excellence, the formulation of Christian character and to “train up a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. To accomplish these purposes, careful
consideration has been given to the formulation of the Dress Standard Policy. NWHCS students are expected to live
and conduct themselves in a manner that is pleasing to God and glorifying to the name of Jesus Christ
(II Thessalonians 1:11-12).

A benefit of the dress standard is the atmosphere created by well-dressed young people and teachers in the
classroom setting and on campus. We have found it is generally true that children and young people in play clothes
will tend to play; children dressed in clean, neat clothes will most likely behave in a way, which corresponds with
their attire. Our desire is to eliminate casualness in the classroom and replace it with an atmosphere that is more
conducive to learning.

The cooperation of students, parents and teachers is necessary to maintain the dress standard. It is very important
that the dress standard is accepted fully and is enforced consistently. Enforcing the dress standard is not the sole
responsibility of the school. Parents are expected to cooperate with the school in monitoring their child’s daily attire.

If, in the opinion of the administration, the attire is immodest or inappropriate, corrective action will be taken. The
administration has the discretion to not allow anything relating to dress or appearance of a student not specifically
mentioned in this policy and considered inconsistent with school policy. Clothing that does not meet dress code
requirements result in a student being sent home with an unexcused absence. Extreme fads will not be allowed. (It
must be understood that hair, clothes, and jewelry styles that are clearly identified with segment of culture, which is
unwholesome or ungodly will not be allowed.)


    1.   Uniforms & shoes must be worn appropriately.
    2.   Uniforms may be purchased from School Yard Store, Inc.
    3.   School shoes may be purchased from School Shoes Unlimited.
    4.   Girls must wear shorts under their skirts or jumpers.
    5.   Hair style, hair length, and personal appearance must be neat and clean.
    6.   Boy’s hair must not touch the collar or eyebrows.
    7.   Boy’s hair must not be longer than mid-ear on the sides or overly tall.
    8.   Boy’s and girl’s hair must be natural color.
9. Tattoos and/or body art is not allowed.
10. Makeup, jewelry, hair, or clothing that is disruptive to the classroom is not permissible.
11. The only pierced jewelry allowed is earrings for girls. Hoop-and dangle-style earrings may NOT be
    worn by girls due to the safety hazard they present in P.E. and other outdoor activities. (Boys may not
    wear earrings.)
12. Jewelry with pagan religions, occult, or new age is not allowed.
13. Pocket chains are not permissible.
14. Uniform shirts are to be tucked in with the exception of Spirit Day shirts.
15. All clothing with loops will be worn with a belt. Plain navy, brown or black belts only – no studs,
    decorations, etc. on belts. Belts are optional for Kindergarten.
16. If an undershirt is worn, it must be a solid white. No writing or logos on sleeves is permissible.
17. All clothing should be in good repair (No rips, holes, missing buttons, ripped hems, etc.)
18. Girls’ hair accessories must compliment uniform.
19. Girls may not wear excessive makeup.
20. Appropriate hygiene will be followed including wearing deodorant when appropriate.
21. A “V” neck dark navy blue cardigan school sweater or “NWHCS Eagle Sweatshirt” may be worn with
22. Students may wear Spirit Day attire on Friday (see below).
23. Final decisions regarding acceptability will be left up to the administration.


Boys and girls must wear solid black/white shoes. The uniform shoes are available at our preferred partner:
SCHOOL SHOES UNLIMITED, 2109 Vance Jackson, San Antonio, TX 78213, (210) 734-9003. Shoes from
other vendors may be allowed, if they are solid black or white.


P.E. uniforms consist of a red Northwest Hills T-shirt and blue P.E. shorts. Red P.E. shirts are available at the
School Yard Store. Proper P.E. uniform must be worn during P.E. for 6th-8th grade. While younger classes
will not change for P.E., a P.E. uniform is allowed for special occasions and Spirit Days for middle school


Fridays are Spirit Days – NWHCS will sell the new 2020-2021 Spirit Shirt online starting in August. On
Fridays, students may wear the new Spirit Day T-shirt, a previous year’s Spirit Day T-shirt, Walk-a-thon shirt,
or red Northwest Hills P.E. T-shirt with blue knit PE uniform shorts, uniform shorts/pants, or plain, full-length
blue jeans. Blue jean shorts may be worn if they are hemmed and of an appropriate length, which is generally
to the fingertips when the arm is down at the side, or 3 inches above the knee. Shirts for NWHCS athletic teams
may be worn, but basketball shirts should have a white T-shirt worn under them. Students are not to wear Spirit
Day items on Thursday even if Friday is a school holiday.

Students may occasionally earn the right to choose their own outfits, rather than uniforms or Spirit Day shirts.
However, leggings/yoga pants are not appropriate at school. Shorts, skits, and dresses must be of an appropriate
length, which is within 3 inches above the knee. Shirts may not have thin, “spaghetti” straps.


Coats, jackets, caps, sweaters, etc. must be properly marked with the child's name so that identification can be
made. Every effort will be made to find and return any article lost at school; however, the school will not be
responsible for items brought to school. Items left at school will be donated to a local charity. Please mark
jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts with your student’s name since all items look the same. Frequently check your
items at home to be sure the items your child is bringing home belong to your child. Receptacles for lost and
found items are located in the office.

Kindergarten – Eighth Grade
   Blouse – White with Peter Pan collar (a camisole is recommended for 3rd-8th grade)
   Blue/white polo shirt with embroidered school logo
   Socks – Solid white or dark blue socks or dark blue or white tights. No colors or designs.
   Shorts – Navy or plaid walking (if they have loops must wear belt)
   Slacks – Navy (if they have loops must wear belt)
   Shoes – Black or white – available at School Shoes Unlimited
   Belt – Plain navy, brown or black only (no studs, decorations, etc.)
   Earrings – no hoop or dangle earrings are to be worn for safety reasons
   Long-sleeved, plain white shirt may be worn under the uniforms on cold days

    Kindergarten – Third Grade           Shorts must be worn under skirts and jumpers
    Plaid jumper
    Third – Eight Grade
    Red/blue plaid skirt

Kindergarten – Eighth Grade
    Blue/white polo shirt with embroidered school logo
    Slacks – navy (if they have belt loops must wear belt)
    Shorts – navy walking (if they have belt loops must wear belt)
    Belt – plain navy, brown or black only (no studs, decorations, etc.)
    Socks – white, black, or navy plain: NO other color or any designs/words
    Shoes – black or white - available from School Shoes Unlimited
    No earrings
    Long-sleeved, plain white shirt may be worn under the uniforms on cold days

     Shorts – blue knit P.E./blue mesh P.E.
     Shirts – red T-shirt with embroidered school logo
     Socks – white or navy: plain NO COLORED
     Shoes – non-scuff sneakers or school shoes

    *A dark navy blue cardigan school sweater or “Eagle Spirit Sweatshirt” is acceptable in class. No other
    sweatshirt or jacket may be worn in class.

      Please follow the diagrams below when dropping off and picking up your child. This will eliminate
      congestion and accidents in the parking lot. No parking is allowed in the drop-off/pick-up zones. Please
      note that this can be dangerous in case of an emergency such as a fire and also causes the flow of the traffic
      line to stop. Please follow this pattern to protect the safety of our children. All drivers are asked to comply
      with drop off and pick up procedures. Please do not enter at the school driveway (with the exception of
      other schools’ buses due to low power lines) and cut in line or block neighborhood (residential) driveways
      while waiting in line. Remember to be courteous to one another in the drop-off and pick-up lines. No cell
         phones while line is moving. No smoking while on campus.
                                                                           AM Drop-off

                                                                                                                 th Ro

                                                              2 rm bldg
                                 Northwest                     Trees
                                  School                         Trees

                                                             Heath Circle


                                                                                                      th R

                                              2 rm bldg
                   Northwest                   Trees
                    School                       Trees

                                             Heath Circle

Computer Usage Policy

Guidelines for using computers.

*Northwest Hills Christian School (NWHCS)* provides access to various computer resources,
our Local Area Network, and the Internet. These resources are available to enhance the learning
process in a supportive school environment and to achieve quality learning outcomes for our

The school encourages students to become familiar with the use of Information Technology. As
responsible members of the school community, it is expected that all students and other members
of the community will follow and adhere to the guidelines established below. These guidelines are
based on common sense, common decency, and rules established by *NWHCS*.
For the benefit of all users, students are expected to observe the following:

    A. Use of Information Technology Equipment
The school has endeavored to ensure that all students’ work can be saved, stored, and accessed in
a secure manner. It is expected that all students will respect the right of other students to use the
network resources.

It is expected that all students will respect that the Information Technology Equipment with which
they have been provided, and realize that using this equipment is a privilege, not a right. This
privilege can be withdrawn if necessary.

❖ Log in using your own appropriate ID. It is never acceptable to use someone else’s ID.
❖ Use computers for the purpose directed by the teacher in charge. Students are not to play
  games or use any other software unless the teacher has given specific permission for this.
❖ Do not tamper with the computer system. It is unacceptable to seek access to restricted areas
  of the computer network.
❖ Do not bring CD’s into computer rooms.
❖ Do not enter a computer room unless a teacher is present.
❖ Do not swap around any equipment. That is, no changing of keyboards, mice or other
  equipment from one computer to another.
❖ Report all equipment faults to your teacher immediately.
❖ Computers are not to be used unless permission has been given by a teacher and/or under
  teacher supervision.

  B. Passwords
❖ Keep your password secret. If you suspect that someone may know your password, change it.
❖ It is unacceptable to gain, or to attempt to gain, another person’s password or personal

    C. Printing
The school has provided printing facilities for students to obtain printouts of their work. Students
are expected to use the printers for school purposes only and endeavor to keep paper wastage to a
❖ Before printing, proofread, spell check, and print preview your document.
❖ When completely satisfied with the final product, print the document.
❖ Place copies in recycling boxes.
D. Use of the Internet
What is the Internet?
The Internet is a worldwide network of; individuals, groups, communities and organizations linked
via a computer and telecommunication lines. In trying to visualize the Internet, people often
describe it as a gigantic library, others as an infinitely large encyclopedia, while others as a jungle
of intertwined information or a spider’s web.

Why are educational institutions using the Internet?
Teachers and students are using the Internet to locate information, send electronic mail; browse
documents or images from various sites such as universities and libraries. They are sharing or
publishing information and ideas on topics of mutual interest. Students will use the Internet for
educational purposes in curriculum projects and research with the assistance and guidance of their
Educational institutions may use the Internet for:
❖ Electronic mail
❖ Accessing information
❖ Electronic publishing
❖ Collaboration with others
❖ Curriculum projects
❖ Support and in-service training
❖ Technical support

What about the availability of unacceptable material on the Internet?
There has been a lot of media attention on the unacceptable materials found on the Internet. The
school has installed extensive firewalls to prevent this material from being accessed on our
computers. There is no guarantee of preventing students’ exposure to this material in some cases,
so other strategies must be adopted. This school has developed monitoring strategies, by providing
appropriate levels of supervision to students using the Internet and checks of logs of sites
accessed. The other part of our strategy is developing responsibility and awareness amongst
teachers, parents and students of possible problems and procedures for dealing with these.

What are the responsibilities of each member of the school community?
❖ The Role of the School
The school undertakes a commitment to provide appropriate physical and financial resources to
facilitate the successful incorporation of access to online services throughout the curriculum.
In addition, the school will actively support the professional development of all staff to ensure the
effective inclusion of information technologies, including the relevant information skills, into the
school’s curriculum.

❖ The Role of the Staff within the school
The school expects that each staff member will aim to incorporate appropriate use of electronic
information throughout the curriculum (as they would any other curriculum resource) and that
teachers as well as the school Librarian and staff will provide guidance and instructions to students
in the appropriate use of such resources.
Staff will facilitate student access to curriculum information resources appropriate to the
individual student’s instructional needs, learning styles, abilities and developmental levels.

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