Diocesan Parent/ Student Handbook - Ss. Joachim and Anne Parish School September 2020-2021 - Ss. Joachim and ...

Page created by Laura Howard
Diocesan Parent/ Student Handbook - Ss. Joachim and Anne Parish School September 2020-2021 - Ss. Joachim and ...
Diocesan Parent/
 Student Handbook
Ss. Joachim and Anne Parish School
      September 2020-2021

     Fr. Nixon Jean Francois, Pastor
      Mrs. Linda Freebes, Principal

            218-19 105 Avenue
         Queens Village, NY 11429
Section 1- Letter from the Principal

Dear Families of Ss. Joachim and Anne Parish School,

                   May the Peace of Christ be with you.

As we begin school year 2020-21, we thank Our Almighty Father for the
many gifts He has showered upon us. Although the road has been winding
and many challenges are present we unite together to focus on providing
our precious students with a value-based education steeped in academic
excellence and guided by the Holy Spirit.

Our first goal is to maintain a safe and healthy environment for those who
will attend face to face. Our academic goals include high expectations for all
students, clear learning targets, engaging all students through diverse
media, formats, modeling, and differentiated instruction while applying the
Google Platform.

Our students are independent learners as well as critical thinkers.

Ss. Joachim and Anne’s reopening plan includes face to face and remote
learning. Our teachers and staff are dedicated, creative, outstanding

Together with our pastor, our Advisory Board, our parents and guardians,
we will become steadfast to our commitment to provide a superior education
for our students remembering with Christ, all things are possible.
God bless you,

Mrs. Freebes, Principal

Section 2- Introduction
Welcome to the Ss. Joachim and Anne Parish School Family. The Catholic academies and parish schools within
the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn welcome students of all backgrounds to share in the Catholic
educaZon experience. As parents of children who a[end the Catholic academies and parish schools, you are
encouraged to share in our Faith community. In accordance with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith,
the Catholic academies and parish schools with the Diocese of Brooklyn admit students of any race, color,
naZonal origin, and ethnic origin. The Catholic academies and parish schools do not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, naZonal origin, and ethnic origin in admission, policies, scholarship and loan programs, and
athleZc and other school – administered programs.

Section 3- School Overview
3.1     Brief History of the School
Ss. Joachim and Anne School property was purchased by Fr. Dotzauer, the Pastor in 1924. A two story brick
building was completed in 1925. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, originally from Armiens, France, were
invited to teach in the school and transformed the school from ordinary to extraordinary where we are rich in
tradiZon, Catholic Faith, core values, charism, academic excellence and spiritual development. This tradiZon is
embedded in the life of the school today. In 2019, the last sister of Notre Dame le_ our school. We are grateful
to them for all their sacrificial work.
Welcome to Ss. Joachim and Anne School in Queens Village, New York, celebraZng 96 years of excellence in
Catholic EducaZon. Ss. Joachim and Anne is a Catholic, Christ-Centered school that will contribute to your
child’s mental, emoZonal, and spiritual development by providing a challenging and culZvaZng learning
environment. We offer you this opportunity to explore our school. You will readily see the rich Catholic Notre
Dame de Namur tradiZon which ss. Joachim and Anne School provides for its students.
As of June 2020, Ss. Joachim and Anne gave a value based character educaZon to more than 5800 graduates
while insZlling in them the love of Jesus and the desire to become lifelong learners. Please visit us at
3.2     Mission statement
Ss. Joachim and Anne is a learning place that fosters intellectual and technological development in an
environment of love, jusZce, and peace. Ss. Joachim and Anne is a school that offers a total challenging
learning experience that incorporates both self-contained and departmental instrucZon in a heterogeneous
class sedng. We incorporate the Catholic Common Core IniZaZve, 21st Century learning through rigor,
relevance, creaZvity and intensity. Each child develops his/her own maximum potenZal necessary to become a
valuable contributor in society and our community with an ulZmate goal to love God above all and our
neighbors as ourselves.

3.3     Vision Statement
A school that will provide: A challenging experience to develop the whole child, spiritually, emoZonally and
mentally; Students with an environment that maximizes their potenZal so that they will become moral, social,
and global ciZzens; The lasZng legacy of the Notre Dame de Namur tradiZon of faith, service, goodness, and
integrity so that it will enjoy the support of its pastor, priests, parents, students, advisory board, faculty,
administraZon, staff, alumni, and benefactors; Students and school families with a mulZ-cultural sedng so
students will learn and show respect and compassion for one another.

3.4      Parental Expecta0on of Adherence to School Policy
Discipline in the schools should reflect the spirit of Va#can Council II, as expressed in the documents on
Chris#an Educa#on and Religious Liberty. Therefore, discipline should be geared to assist a child develop in
the understanding of self as being made in the image of God.
         ….Educa#on is integral to the mission of the Church to proclaim the Good News. First and foremost
         every Catholic educa#onal ins#tu#on is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals
         his transforming love and truth (cf. Spe Salve, 4). This rela#onship elicits a desire to grow in the knowledge
         and understanding of Christ and his teaching. In this way those who meet him are drawn by the very
         power of God to lead a new life characterized by all that is beau#ful, good, and true; a life of Chris#an
         witness nurtured and strengthened within the community of our Lord’s disciples, the Church….Dear
         friends, I wish to conclude by focusing our aOen#on specifically on the paramount importance of your
         own professionalism and witness within our Catholic universi#es and schools. First, let me thank you
         for your dedica#on and generosity. I know from my own days as a professor, and have heard from your
         Bishops and officials of the Congrega#on for Catholic Educa#on, that the reputa#on of Catholic
         ins#tutes of learning in this country is largely due to yourselves and your predecessors. Your selfless
         contribu#ons – from outstanding research to the dedica#on of those working in inner-city schools –
         serve your country and the Church. For this I express my profound gra#tude.

        Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to Catholic educators at the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, April 17, 2008

Evidence of discipline exists in a school community when the students, teachers, administraZon, and parents/
legal guardians work cooperaZvely to educate the whole child: spiritually, academically, socially, emoZonally,
and physically.

Section 4- Catholic Identity
The mission of Catholic EducaZon is to form children in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ as celebrated in
the Catholic Church, while providing a comprehensive academic educaZon that will help them reach their full
human potenZal and contribute to the common good of our naZon and the world. UlZmately, the mission of
all Catholic educaZon is to lead those entrusted to its care to find salvaZon in Jesus Christ.

In Catholic Schools on the Threshold of the Third Millennium (#11) Saint John Paul II wrote that Catholic schools
are “…the privileged environment in which ChrisZan educaZon is carried out. Catholic schools are at once
places of evangelizaZon, of complete formaZon, of enculturaZon, of apprenZceship in a lively dialogue
between young people of different religions and social backgrounds.”

Diocesan academies and schools strive to emulate the words of Saint John Paul II by:
    • creaZng an evangelizing community, where people come to have a be[er and deeper understanding of
       Christ and His Church

    •   recognizing the importance of mulZ-cultural, mulZ-faceted, academically sound educaZonal programs
        that meet the needs of the poor and the rich, the Catholic and the non-Catholic, the wise and the not
        so learned
•    welcoming members to the school community regardless of culture, race, or religion and celebraZng
         the diversity that exists within our communiZes, churches, and schools

    •    creaZng an environment that encourages young people to grow, not separated from others, but as
         part of a larger community, as part of the family of God

    •    not only promoZng and encouraging academically sound individuals, but rejoicing with children who
         are spiritually, theologically, and liturgically enlivened and fulfilled

Section 5- Student Behavior
5.1     Conduct
The teachers of Grades Nursery/Pre-K and K-3 have established rules of conduct for their own classrooms,
according to the specific needs of the various age groups. They will keep you informed of all procedures.

Grades 4-8 will use detenZons for students who do not comply with the accepted Code of Conduct for the
students of SsJA. DetenZon is held every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:10 to 4:10 unless otherwise noted.

Parents are noZfied via a DetenZon Slip or telephone call, informing them that their child has detenZon. If the
parent receives the detenZon slip, the parent must sign the slip acknowledging the detenZon date.

Listed below are the categories of infracZons for Grades 4-8 that may warrant detenZon.

    1.   Lateness for class.
    2.   Missing or incomplete homework.
    3.   Missing signature on tests and homework.
    4.   Coming to class unprepared, i.e. missing books, pens, pencils or other supplies needed for the period.
    5.   Uncovered textbooks.
    6.   Missing school bag or backpack for the protecZon of textbooks.
    7.   Not wearing the complete school uniform. Wearing sneakers on non-gym days.

Personal Appearance – DetenZon or Suspension may be given for any of the following infracZons:

    1.Wearing make-up.
    2. Wearing more than ONE VERY small post earring for boys or more than one pair of earrings for girls is
        not permissible.
    3. Carved iniZals, any lines or designs in hair – any non-business hair styles.
    4. Colored, dyed, feathered or streaked hair or braids.
    5. Chewing gum.
    6. Body piercing.
    7. Ta[oos.
Please Note: Carved iniEals, designs, colored, dyed, or streaked braids or hair, body piercing, taKoos must be
removed immediately to be accepted back into class.

The following may warrant an immediate detenZon or suspension and a parent conference:

    1. DestrucZon of desks or any school property.
    2. Improper use of books or school faciliZes.
    3. DisrupZve behavior in class, hall, library, computer lab, school grounds, bus stop, or park opposite the
       church, or traveling while wearing the school uniform.
    4. Being disrespecrul or using abusive language towards any school personnel or parents.
    5. DisrupZve behavior during inclement weather.
    6. Using lavatory without permission.
    7. DisrupZve behavior during a fire drill.
The following offenses may be grounds for suspension and/or immediate expulsion.

    1. Possession and/or use of any smoking substance. Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages.
    2. Possession and/or use of illegal drugs or misuse of any substance or being present during the use of
    3. Possession and/or use of any object considered a possible source of injury to pupils or to the student
       himself or herself.
    4. *Leaving the school premises without the direct permission of the principal or school personnel.
    5. Stealing.
    6. Any violent threat, a[ack, or the like to a teacher, staff member or principal.
    7. FighZng on school grounds or within its vicinity.
    8. Wearing the school uniform in any form of altercaZon.
    9. Breaking laws outside school grounds as well as exhibiEng behavior of a sexual nature.
       10. Any form of illicit, lewd, sexual or violent behavior posted on the internet which would tarnish or
           harm the school or school family’s reputaZon.

          ** The school reserves the right to search for illegal drugs, weapons, or hazardous items.

In cases of vandalism, the parent must pay the full cost of the repair or replacement of the item before the
child may return to school. In cases of the_, the item is either returned in good condiZon or the cost of
replacement is borne by the parent before the child can return to school.

It is the expectaZon of this school that student behavior is exemplary both on and off school grounds. A
student always represents his or her parents and the enZre school community. Therefore, the school reserves
the right to punish students for acts such as, but not necessarily limited to stealing, fighZng, vandalism,
harassment or any other type of threatening or inappropriate misconduct (personally, via the telephone or the
Internet) and prohibited use of personal electronic devises including but not limited to cell phones, cameras,
camera-phones, pda’s and the like. Such misconduct could result in any number of punishments including the
possibility of suspension and/or expulsion.

Lastly, a child’s arrest for a crime on or off of school grounds, within or beyond the vicinity of the school, at any
Zme may result in the child’s suspension or expulsion.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cell phones are collected each morning from Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8, and are stored and returned in the
a_ernoon. Any student who does not give in his/her cell phone in the morning will be given two detenZons. If
a child refuses to give his/her cell phone 2 Zmes, the cell phone will be taken and the child will not be
permi[ed to bring the cell phone to school. A parent or family member must pick up the cell phone if the
phone is taken from the student.

All other electronic devices are not permiKed in school. If any are brought to school and are stolen, the
school will not be responsible for them. They will not be replaced nor will there be any financial

Suspensions from school are given by the principal for serious or repeated infracZons of school rules and
policy. Parents and students must meet with the principal before a student can be reinstated in school.

The final decision for expulsion is the principal’s in conjuncEon with the pastor and the Advisory Board. SsJA
is not responsible for student’s behavior a_er school hours or outside school/church grounds. Their parents/
guardians are ulZmately responsible for their behavior. However, a student who a[ends SsJA has the
reputaZon of the school to uphold. Any child who fails to maintain proper decorum and disgraces the name of
SsJA School at any Zme may be expelled. Using YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TwiOer or any other
sites irresponsibly may also be cause for expulsion.

5.2      Diocesan AnE-Bullying Policy
The school communiZes within the Brooklyn Diocese believe in the sancZty of human life and the inherent
dignity of the human person. We believe that all students, school employees and volunteers have a right to a
safe and healthy school environment. All members of the school community, in turn, have an obligaZon to
promote mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance. Research shows that students who learn in a safe and
supporZve environment succeed academically. Students have a right to learn in an environment free of any
harassment that substanZally interferes with their educaZon.

Bullying, bias-based harassment/inZmidaZon are intenZonal, repeated, hurrul acts (physical, verbal, wri[en)
commi[ed by one or more persons towards another person or persons. It usually involves an actual or
perceived imbalance of power which can be physical, emoZonal or verbal. If not addressed, bullying can lead
to the creaZon of a hosZle, offensive or inZmidaZng school environment and can affect a student’s educaZonal
opportuniZes. The behaviors include but are not limited to:
      • Physical: physical violence, stalking, threats, aggressive or menacing gestures, exclusion from peer
         groups which is intended to humiliate or isolate the target (relaZonal bullying).
      • Verbal: taunts, teasing, derogatory language, derogatory jokes, name calling, slurs, spreading rumors
      • WriOen: wri[en or graphic material including graffiZ containing comments or stereotypes that are
         electronically wri[en and transmi[ed via internet, social messaging sites, blogs, instant messaging,
         text messages, cell phone, webcams. This would also include forwarding such messages if received.
         This generally consZtutes cyber-bullying.

Repor#ng Procedures:
    • The targeted student, parent/guardian of a student or other students in the school (bystanders), or any
        school staff who believe that bullying has occurred should report the incident to the principal.
    • The principal needs to conduct an invesZgaZon by interviewing all parZes separately.
    • The parents of all involved students should be noZfied.
    • If it is determined that bullying has occurred the child who bullied is to be subject to consequences per
        the school’s disciplinary code.
    • Parents should be advised to contact the appropriate law enforcement agency if the situaZon warrants
        such a report.
    • Referral to counseling should be made for all parZes if deemed necessary.
    • The principal must follow up to see that the offending conduct has stopped.
    • All students should be noZfied that retaliaZon against anyone who makes a report will not be tolerated
        and those that retaliate will be subject to disciplinary acZons.

5.3     Diocesan Cyber Bullying Policy
In accordance with New York State Law on Cyber-Bullying, inappropriate, defamatory, or content found to be
injurious to an academy or parish school community member may result in disciplinary acZon, even if done
outside of academy/parish school premises or using devices not owned or controlled by the academy/ parish
school. All instances of such behavior must be reported immediately to the administraZon, who will invesZgate
the ma[er and enforce the consequences deemed appropriate.
ViolaZon of this policy in whole or in part may result in any or all of the following and will be issued at the
discreZon of the academy or parish school principal:
     • Loss of use/privileges of school/academy technology.
     • Disciplinary acZon including, but not limited to, detenZon, suspension, expulsion, and /or legal acZon
        by the school/academy, civil authoriZes, and/or other involved parZes.
     • CompensaZon for damages, both physical and puniZve, incurred due to acZons in violaZon of this

5.4      Diocesan Acceptable Use Policy
The use of technology is permi[ed on school premises under limited condiZons as authorized by the Principal
for the sole purpose of enhancing academic achievement while respecZng the dignity and safety of all
members of the Ss. Joachim and Anne Parish School community.

In using the informaZon and technology in safe, legal, and responsible ways, the following condiZons of being
a digital ciZzen within the Diocese of Brooklyn are expected:
Respect One’s Self
      • Public names should be appropriate
      • Be mindful of any and all content you post including photos, personal views, comments, personal
          informaZon, etc.
      • Avoid seeking out and/or viewing inappropriate content
      • Do not engage in potenZally harmful acZviZes such as communicaZng with persons unknown to you
          or internet challenges

Respect Others
    • Be mindful of comments, posts, photos or any content directed toward or including others
    • Refrain from engaging in inflammatory, harassing, or any other such disrespecrul behavior
    • Do not perpetuate inappropriate content by sharing it with or sending it to others
    • Warn others of potenZally disturbing or harmful content that should be avoided
Protect One’s Self and Others
    • Report any and all cyber-abuse commi[ed against you or others to parents, teachers and/or
    • Keep groups with friends private to avoid potenZally inappropriate or dangerous content and
        communicaZons from unknown sources
 Respect Intellectual Property
    • Cite sources when using any content not originally authored by you
Members of Parish School and Catholic Academy communiZes must remember that when telecommunicaZng
with individuals, groups, or insZtuZons, you are doing so as an individual. You should not represent yourself,
your views, ideas, quesZons, or acZons as represenZng the Parish School or Catholic Academy you are
associated with without the expressed permission of the principal.

Security of Technology
The schools and academies of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn assume no responsibility for the the_,
loss, repair or replacement of any technology devices that are brought onto school/academy property,
whether it is lost, stolen, damaged, or confiscated.

Security on any computer system is a high priority. If you believe you can idenZfy a security issue, you must
noZfy a system administrator, principal, or teacher and not disclose the problem to others in any way.
Although there are safeguards in place to protect all users from inappropriate content, we are not responsible
for failures in filtering that result in a bypass of our program and/or access to objecZonable content. If any
inappropriate content bypasses these safeguards, any parZes involved should turn off the monitor and report
the security breach immediately to a system administrator, teacher or the principal. AddiZonally, member of
the school/academy community shall not:
     • Use another’s credenZals for any reason
•    Gain or a[empt to gain unauthorized access to Diocesan or school/academy computers or computer
    •   Download or install any so_ware applicaZon without prior authorizaZon.

Administra#ve Rights (To monitor use of technology)
The school/academy reserves the right to monitor both student and employee use of technology and
computer accessed content. Due to the evolving nature of technology, the Catholic Schools and Academies of
the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn reserve the right to amend or add to this policy at any Zme without

Personal use of Social Media (Teachers, Students)
This secZon refers to the personal use of social media. This includes, but is not limited to Facebook, Twi[er,
YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Snapchat or any other such medium. All references to school/
academy personnel, students and/or any member of the school/academy community in technology related
mediums such as web pages or email which is deemed to be conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school
or academy are violaZons of this policy. Any communicaZon with current students by faculty, staff or
administraZon is strictly forbidden on any personal social networking site. Personal posts must use
appropriately respecrul speech, and refrain from harassing, defamatory, abusive, discriminatory, threatening
or other inappropriate communicaZons.
RepresentaZon of the school/academy in whole or part on any personal posts and/or communicaZon is

Section 6- General Procedural Information
 6.1   Dress Code
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn believes that clothes do not define a person. The wearing of a
uniform allows everyone to be seen for who they are, not by what they have. The purpose of a uniform is a
means of consistency in student dress, while keeping costs to a minimum. It also reduces the problem of
compeZZve dressing. Students, unless otherwise noZfied by AdministraZon, will wear the school uniform.

All students are expected to keep themselves well-groomed and neatly dressed at all Zmes. A clean and
healthy appearance is important. Any form of dress or hair style which is considered by the AdministraZons to
be contrary to good hygiene or which is distracZve or disrupZve in appearance and detrimental to the purpose
or conduct of the school will not be permi[ed. All clothing must be clean, neatly pressed, and in good repair.
No ripped, torn, or defaced item may be worn.

If your child is out of uniform, a parent will be noZfied. If a uniform becomes soiled in the morning, then that
child is to wear their gym uniform, not jeans or casual sweat pants. If their gym uniform becomes soiled, then
that child is to wear their regular uniform. At no Zme is a student allowed to wear dress down without the
Principal’s permission.

        School Uniform - Uniforms are ordered and purchased from:

                                Ideal Department Store, 1816 Flatbush Avenue, (near Avenue K)

                                Brooklyn, New York 11210

                                (718) 252-5090 ~ www.Idealuniform.com/SsJA

                  Each child must own a dress uniform for assemblies and events.

              *Girls – Jumper/Skirt with White Blouse/Red School Sweater
Boys – White Shirt, School Tie, School Pants, Red School Sweater

Grades Nursery/Pre-K

Plaid jumper, white blouse, red or gray knee socks, red or gray Zghts, red sweater with school name
embroidered – or – Red pants with white blouse and red sweater with school name embroidered, red or gray
knee socks. Red printed, SsJA School Polo Shirts, short sleeve/long sleeve may be worn in place of a white
school blouse. Nursery/Pre-K students are to wear shoes and sneakers with Velcro straps.

Grades 1 - 4

Plaid jumper, white blouse, red or gray knee socks, red or gray Zghts, red sweater with school name

Grades 5 – 8

Plaid kilt style skirt, white blouse, red sweater with school name embroidery, red or gray knee socks, red or
gray Zghts. No Zes may be worn. Skirts must be worn to the knee, not above. No stockings only Zghts.

Grades 7 – 8 ONLY

DRESS UNIFORM - Girls School Skirt, white blouse, and red school sweater with embroidery – This uniform
MUST be purchased and worn for assemblies and events.

CASUAL UNIFORM – Girls Gray School Pants with emblem, red polo shirt with school embroidery.

Shoes are to be of a solid color, black or gray. The heel may be no larger than 1”.

Pladorm, sandals, sneaker-like shoes are not permiKed. No boots, high-heeled shoes or flip-flops.

A detenEon will be given and the parent will be called to bring up the proper shoes.

Gym Uniform – All girls will wear their gym uniform to school on gym days. Sneakers may be worn on gym
days ONLY. Parents will be called to bring school shoes to replace sneakers if their child wears sneakers on
non-gym days. If your child is out of uniform, they will not be allowed to parZcipate in Gym without a note
from their parent. If their gym uniform is not available, they must come to school in their regular school
uniform and school shoes – jeans and sneakers are NOT permiKed.

Grades Nursery/Pre-K through Grade 8 - Gym T-Shirt – Gray printed; Sweat Suit         - Gray printed. Students in
Nursery, Pre-K and 1st Grade should wear sneakers with Velcro straps.

Grades Nursery/Pre-K-6

Boys Gray pants, white short or long sleeve shirts, uniform plaid Ze, red school cardigan or red school v-neck
slip over (sleeveless or long sleeve). Students in grades PreK-3, are to wear shoes with Velcro straps.

Grades 7-8

Gray dress trousers, white oxford (preferably long sleeve), red stripped Ze, red cardigan or red v-neck
sleeveless or long sleeve pull over. (All shirts and sweaters are embroidered with SsJA school name.) All boys
must wear a belt on their pants fashioned at their waist.

Shoes are to be a solid color, black or gray. Sneaker-like shoes are not permiKed. Boots are not permiKed. A
detenEon will be given and the parent will be called to bring up the proper shoes.

Polo Shirts – Red printed short/long sleeve embroidered with school emblem may be worn in place of shirt and
Ze on regular school days. On special occasions boys are to wear shirt/Ze and the girls are to wear the school

              Each child must own a dress uniform for assemblies and events.

Boys – Gray Dress Trousers / White Dress Shirt/ School Tie/ Red School Sweater

Gym Uniform – All boys will wear their gym uniform to school on gym days. Sneakers may be worn on gym
days ONLY. Parents will be called to bring school shoes to replace sneakers if their child wears sneakers on
non-gym days. If your child is out of uniform, they will not be allowed to parZcipate in Gym without a note
from their parent. If their gym uniform is not available, they must come to school in their regular school
uniform and school shoes – jeans and sneakers are NOT permiKed.

Grades Nursery/Pre-K through Grade 8 - Gym T-Shirt – Gray printed; Sweat Suit - Gray printed.

* Dress Up or Dress Down Days – Children must dress up appropriately on these celebratory days. No shirts
with inappropriate wriZng, no torn jeans, no sensual dressing, no bathing suits, no short dresses or skirts.
Leggings may only be worn with dresses. Shorts to the knee are permi[ed when the principal gives
permission. Principal/faculty will have the final decisions on the proper code of adre.

All students’ hair should be neat and clean. Parents/Guardians Please Note: No carving or designs. Eyebrows
are NOT to have any carvings and/or designs cut into them and no body piercing.

Make-up and elaborate jewelry are not part of the school uniform. One pair of small earrings (for girls) are to
be worn ONLY in their ears – not on any other part of the body while in school.

                      *Girls may wear either pink or white nail polish only.

*Boys may wear only one small post earring in one ear (not both ears), no hoops of any
No scarves, kerchiefs, bandannas, doo-rags, or the like may be worn on the head or neck or hanging out of
                             pockets, during school hours or to and from school.

Please note – Uniform regulaZons will be strictly enforced. A detenZon will be given to those not adhering to
the regulaZons and their parents will be noZfied. Body piercing and taKoos are prohibited.

Children must have a note from their parents when they are not in complete uniform and must obtain the
Principal’s permission to aKend class.
6.1a Dress Down Days
There may be occasions in which students are allowed to wear non-uniform adre. Students are reminded to
dress with modesty. Students should adhere to the following adre:
    • Appropriate length skirt, shorts or dress – no shorter than 3” above the knees
      •   No torn or Zght jeans or pants
      •   No spaghed strap tanks, midriffs, tube tops, etc.
      •   No logo type T-shirts
      •   No hats (unless specifically designated)
      •   No loose/baggy pants or shorts
      •   No make-up or nail polish (including gels/French manicures)
      •   No hoop earrings or excessive jewelry
      •   No jeggings, leggings or skinny jeans
6.1b      Grooming Code

Hair must be its natural color, clean, neatly combed, not totally covering the ears or eyes, or falling below the
shirt collar.

      •   Facial hair is not permi[ed
      •   Hair must be a natural color. Streaking, highlighZng, lowlights, glints, etc. are not permi[ed.
Students are not allowed to wear make-up at any Zme. This includes eye make-up, nail polish, and acrylic nails.
Only appropriate jewelry is allowed. Two bracelets may be worn at a Zme. One pair of small earrings may be
worn by girls only. Necklaces must be tucked into the shirt. Ta[oos and body piercings are not allowed.
6.2       AKendance Policy

Ss. Joachim and Anne Parish School has developed our a[endance policy in accordance with New York State
EducaZon Law SecZon 3205 to be implemented on July 1, 2020. This comprehensive a[endance policy will
help to uphold the philosophy and mission statement of Ss. Joachim and Anne Parish School, as stated in our

EducaZon Law of the State of New York mandates school a[endance for all children between the ages of 6 and
16, but the responsibility for compliance rests with the parents/legal guardians. The school is required to keep
an accurate record of daily a[endance, absence and tardiness in the register of a[endance in a manner
approved by the Commissioner of EducaZon.
    • When a child has been absent, a wri[en excuse is required from his or her parents/legal guardians. If
         a student is absent without an excuse, or if the school has reason to suspect the validity of the excuse,
         the principal will invesZgate the situaZon.
    • When a student has been absent for five days without a saZsfactory explanaZon, a report will be made
         to the a[endance officer of the local public school district.
    • ConZnuing illegal absences, totaling five or more days, will also be reported to the a[endance officer
         at the local public school district office.
    • Although each case is different, it should be noted that at 40 truancy days, retenZon is a strong
         possibility and principals will contact the local district office to alert the truancy officer.

6.2a Lateness
A student who arrives a_er the Zme set by the academy or the parish school for the beginning of the day will
be marked late.

6.3       School Calendar
New York State Law currently requires a school calendar to provide 176 days of instrucZon with 4 professional
days and cites the following holidays when schools may not be in session:
New Year's Day                          First Day in January
Dr. MarZn Luther King, Jr. Day          Third Monday in January
Memorial Day                            Last Monday in May
Columbus Day                            Second Monday in October
Veterans Day                            Eleventh Day in November
Thanksgiving Day                        Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day                           Twenty-fi_h day in December

On the Feast of the Immaculate ConcepZon, the feast of the patroness of the Diocese of Brooklyn, the
academy or parish school will be closed. Academies and parish schools may also choose to observe other Holy
Days. All advanced school closings will be indicated in the school calendar.

6.3a) School Hours - Nursery/Pre-K through Grade 6 – 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM / Grades 7 and 8 – 7:50 AM to
3:00 PM

                            HOWEVER, in COVID – Hours are staggered

6.3b)   Before Care – 7:15AM-8:00AM / Aier Care – 3:15PM-6:00 PM

6.3c)   School Office Hours – 7:30AM – 4:00PM

6.4     Releasing of Students

Students are expected to be in a[endance for the complete session each school day. If for any reason a
student must leave the academy or parish school before the regular dismissal hour, a parent/legal guardian or
a person authorized by the parent/legal guardian must come to the academy or parish school office to pick the
student up and escort the student out of the building. Parents/ legal guardians must provide authorizaZon for
their child to be released to an individual other than a parent/ legal guardian.

6.4a    Custody, Guardianship Orders

Parents must provide accurate custodial informaZon to be kept on file at the academy or parish school. Non-
custodial parents do have rights. The law protects non-custodial parents and maintains that parents do not
cease to be parents when they no longer have custody of their children. The Diocese of Brooklyn abides by the
provisions of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In the absence of a
court order to the contrary, a school or parish academy will provide the non-custodial parents with access to
academic records and other school informaZon regarding his or her child. If there is a court order specifying
that there is to be no informa#on given, it is the custodial parent’s responsibility to provide the school with a
court cer#fied copy of the court order.

6.5     Field Trips

Wri[en permission must be obtained from parents/legal guardians of students who wish to go on scheduled
trips. InformaZon to the parents/legal guardians will include the date, purpose and desZnaZon of the trip, the
expense, the means of transportaZon, and probable Zme of return.

Adults who wish to chaperone must complete Virtus training and background checks prior to accompanying
students. Please see secZon 9.4 for further informaZon about this process.
6.6     Birthday Policy

Only cupcakes are allowed when we are Covid-19 Free. No balloons, no lit candles and you may not distribute
invitaZons to any outside parZes through the students in class.

Due to COVID-19, students may not bring food into the classroom to be shared with other students. To
promote health and safety, students should consume only the foods that they have brought to school or have
been provided by the school.

6.7      Responsibility for Valuables
The academies and parish schools within the Diocese of Brooklyn are not responsible for valuables that are
lost or damaged. It is strongly advised that students do not bring valuables into the school building including
electronic devices such as tablets, phones, etc.

SecEon 7- TransportaEon
7.1      Bus procedures
While students are being transporZng to and from their academy/ parish school, it is expected that they will
uphold the behavior expectaZons of the academy/ parish school as well as rules set forth by the bus driver or
bus company. Students who conZnuously disregard bus procedures and rules are at risk of losing their access
to bus transportaZon.
Each bus company must hold an evacuaZon drill at least once a year. Students are expected to follow all
instrucZons as given by the bus driver or other adult facilitaZng the drill. Students from Ss. Joachim and Anne
Parish School must be respecrul and follow the rules of the bus. Students who do not conZnually follow the
rules, may be asked not to ride on the bus for the safety of all who are transported on the bus.

7.2     Use of Other Vehicles

Only a licensed public carrier that is fully insured should be used to transport students. Teachers or
administrators should not transport students in their personal vehicles.

Parents/ legal guardians must provide authorizaZon for their child to be transported by someone else. This
includes transportaZon for dismissal as well as extracurricular acZviZes.

SecEon 8- Student Records
8.1     Change of Address/Phone Number

For student safety, it is imperaZve that parents/ legal guardians alert the academy or parish school to any
changes in address or phone number. Parents/ legal guardians must also provide the academy or parish school
with an adequate number of emergency contacts (with up to date informaZon).

8.2     EducaEonal Records Requests

In the event of a student transferring to a different academy, parish school, or public school, the school will
provide student records to the school of transfer. Requests can be made in wriZng by the parent/ legal
guardian or by the school that the student will be transferring to. The school office is responsible for sending
student records directly to the school of transfer. If records are not provided in a Zmely fashion, parents or
legal guardians may contact the Office of the Superintendent to receive further assistance in this ma[er.
8.3       AuthorizaEon to Release Records

Academies and parish schools may not release the records of students without the wri[en consent of the
parents/legal guardians to any individual, agency or organizaZon other than the following:
    • Other academy or parish school officials who have legiZmate educaZonal interests.
    • Officials of other academies or parish schools in which the student intends to enroll.

      •   Officials of the courts with lawfully issued judicial process, i.e., subpoena, court order, etc.

      •   Please note health records are the property of the Department of Health.

8.4       Review of a Child’s Official Records

Parents/legal guardians have the right to inspect any and all material which is part of their child’s permanent
record. Academies and parish schools require parents/legal guardians to provide a wri[en request prior to
when they wish to examine their child’s permanent record. At the Zme of inspecZon, the academy or parish
school administrator, or qualified delegate, will be present.

SecEon 9- Health and NutriEon
9.1      Medical Requirements
The New York City Department of Health requires that all new students entering nursery through grade 12
show proof of having received a complete medical evaluaZon. Children who transfer from one school to
another in New York City are not considered new students. These requirements may change from year to year.

New York State Law states that all students in Grades Nursery through 12 must be immunized as directed by
the New York State and New York City Departments of Health. New students may enter school provisionally
with documentaZon of an iniEal series of immunizaEons. Once admi[ed provisionally, a student has a certain
amount of Zme to conZnue and complete the medical requirements. Students who fail to complete the
necessary requirements within the appropriate Zme frame must be excluded from school. Parents must
provide records of immunizaZon to be kept on file at the Academy or parish school. Any exempZons to the
immunizaZon requirements must be approved by the Academy or parish school with documentaZon being
kept in the student’s health records. Only medical exempZons are permi[ed per New York State Law. Religious
exempZons are no longer permissible.
    • For nursery, pre-k, and UPK Programs--Between July 1 and December 31 of each year, all children
         between the ages of 6 months and 59 months and a[ending a group child care or school-based child
         care program must receive one dose of influenza vaccine.

9.2     Administering MedicaEons at School
School nurses may administer over-the counter-prescripZon drugs to students with wri[en consent and
medical authorizaZon from a parent or legal guardian. School nurses may administer prescripZon medicaZon
that has been prescribed by a physician but must be provided with
    • Medical authorizaZon from the parent or legal guardian consenZng to administering the medicaZon

      •   A medical plan developed by the child’s parents and health care provider detailing the proper
          administraZon of the medicaZon, details regarding the child’s medical concerns, and other perZnent

9.2a Administering Epinephrine
Parents or guardians will supply their own epinephrine auto-injector and must provide wri[en consent and
medical authorizaZon for its use. The academy or parish school must have an up-to-date medical statement on
file for each child in care. For a child with idenZfied allergies or with special health care needs, the academy or
parish school must have a copy of an individual health care plan developed by the child’s parents and health
care provider. Parents must make program staff aware of the individual health care plan on their child’s first
day at the program.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian of the student who is at risk of anaphylaxis:
       • to noZfy the school that the child/student is at risk of anaphylaxis and is in need of the presence of
          epinephrine on school premises
       • to indicate to the school if the child/student is capable of self-administraZon of the epinephrine device
       • to supply the school with the epinephrine device* in its original packaging as received from the
       • to replace the epinephrine device when it expires, discolors or has been used
*It is recommended that two epinephrine devices be supplied, the second funcZoning as a back-up in case of
malfuncZon or if an extra dose is necessary in accordance with medical documentaZon.

9.2b     Administering Epinephrine on Field Trips
In the event of a school trip or school event conducted outside of the school premises, it is the responsibility of
the parent (or a designated person who appears on the child’s emergency contact list) to a[end with the child/
student for the purpose of epinephrine administraZon, if necessary.

9.3     City & State Health Services

The EducaZon Law of New York State mandates that students a[ending nonpublic schools receive the same
health services provided to students a[ending public schools

SecEon 10 Parental ObligaEons
10.1    Parental Involvement

Home is the first place where a child learns love and respect for God and neighbor. Parents/legal guardians, in
choosing a Catholic school to conZnue the educaZon begun at home; have responsibiliZes as well as
opportuniZes to share in the conZnuance of their children’s educaZon.

Parental involvement consists of parents/legal guardians and staff meeZng together because of common
interest in the child. It is expressed in many ways such as sharing in student supervision in the lunchroom or
playground or serving as library or teacher aide. In some instances, parents/legal guardians may be asked to
assist in advocacy in all areas that would benefit the schools, including programs that request government
assistance, in consultaZon with the Office of the Superintendent. The involvement of the total family is also a
means of communicaZng the academy’s and parish school’s performance to the total parish community.

Parental support for the educaZon of their children is of the upmost importance. Parents and legal guardians
are also expected to uphold the behavioral expectaZons set forth for students and staff within the academy or
parish school community. Failure of parents to act in a manner compaZble with the values of the academy or
parish school may result in student dismissal.

10.2    Fundraising

Fall Sale and Walk-A-Thon, and Giving Tuesday are mandatory for every student

10.3    Parent Teacher AssociaEon (PTA) - Home Academy AssociaEon (HAA)

Every academy or parish school is encouraged to establish a Home School AssociaZon. Its purpose is the
educaZonal enrichment of parents/legal guardians and teachers. The goal of the Home School AssociaZon is to
foster a clearer understanding of the mutual responsibiliZes of parents/legal guardians and teachers regarding
the educaZon of the students.

An added responsibility of the Home School AssociaZon will be to assist in the fundraising efforts of the
academy or parish school. In the school, this is done in coordinaZon with the administraZon. In an academy, it
is done in coordinaZon with the board of directors of the academy. No organizaZon may hold Ztle to accounts
nor have access to funds raised for the academy or parish school. All financial transacZons must be approved
by the pastor/academy board of directors.

10.4     Volunteering, Chaperoning & Virtus Training

Parent volunteers and chaperones are an integral part of the school community. All parents/ legal guardians/
other adults, must complete VIRTUS training, sign a Code of Conduct, and complete a background check.
    • The VIRTUS program for adults is a three-hour live awareness session that instructs adults of the
        Church that to protect children you must have conZnuous awareness and vigilance. This awareness
        session helps trainees understand signs of child sexual abuse, the methods and means by which
        offenders commit abuse, and five empowerment steps to prevent child sexual abuse.
    • The Code of Conduct is a document that acknowledges the importance of legal, professional and
        responsible conduct of all who work with children and young people. All clergy, employees and
        volunteers are required to read the Code of Conduct and to sign a Statement of Acknowledgement
        Form. The Code of Conduct is distributed at all VIRTUS sessions.
    • All employees and volunteers are also required to have a criminal background screening completed
        before they start their employment or service. These forms are also distributed at all VIRTUS sessions.
        As of May 2010, all background screenings (employees and volunteers) will be done through the Safe
        Environment Office. The searches are done through LexisNexis (volunteers) or HireRight (employees).
        All informaZon is kept confidenZal and if a posiZve result is returned, the pastor/administrator will be
        noZfied and appropriate steps will be taken. Background searches will be rerun every 3 years for
        employees and 5 years for volunteers

SecEon 11- Safety
11.1 Emergency Drills
Per New York State laws, academies and parish schools are required to conduct twelve emergency drills over
the course of the school year. Four of these drills must be lockdown drills. Students are expected to follow all
direcZves provided to them by school teachers and staff. Failure to comply or act appropriately during
emergency drills will result in disciplinary acZon.

11.2    School Closings

The Diocese of Brooklyn will base their closings on the New York City Public School System. If the New York
City school system closes due to inclement weather, the schools within the Diocese of Brooklyn are closed.
Local academies and parish schools may also make decisions to close their individual schools based on
inclement weather or other hazardous condiZons (infrastructure issues, flooding, property damage, etc.).
Parents will be noZfied as soon as possible. In the event of a closure during the school day, proper provisions
will be made for students to return home or to be cared for in other premises unZl usual dismissal Zme.

11.3    Procedures for Visitors

All visitors must be admi[ed to the building by school staff. Visitors should proceed to the main office to sign in
and receive a visitor designaZon (lanyard, sZcker, etc.) if available. Visitors to the school are asked to remain in
the office unZl they have confirmed their desZnaZon within the school. For the safety of staff and students,
visitors should not walk about the school but should travel to their intended desZnaZon within the school.
Prior to leaving the school, visitors should return to the main office, sign out, and leave through the main
doors. Visitors should not exit through side doors to ensure that building security is maintained.

During COVID-19, we ask all parents and legal guardians to visit the academy or parish school only when
necessary as well as to keep any visits as brief as possible.

11.4    Video Surveillance Cameras

Academies and parish schools within the Diocese of Brooklyn are authorized to use video camera surveillance
on academy/ parish school property to monitor the health, welfare, and safety of all staff, students, and
visitors to the property, and to safeguard faciliZes and equipment. Video cameras may be placed in locaZons as
deemed appropriate by the designated school administrators.

ViolaZons of Diocesan policies, administraZve regulaZons, building rules, or laws that images, video and audio
capture through surveillance may be used as evidence that may subject students, staff, and visitors to
appropriate disciplinary and legal acZon, including, but not limited to, disclosure to law enforcement.

Data from video surveillance is typically retained for a year. Data related to a known incident which involves
injury to students, staff or members of the public or property, or which involves any potenZal violaZon of the
law or Diocesan policies will be kept with reports of the incident unZl the incident has been appropriately

SecEon 12 InstrucEon
Academic ExpectaEons

Saints Joachim and Anne School expects students to perform to the best of their ability. Teachers are expected
to evaluate student progress on a regular basis. Students will be given quizzes or tests regularly. A_er the test
is graded, it will be sent home for the parent to review. If a parent does not receive quizzes or tests to review,
the parent/guardian should contact the teacher.

12.1    Grading Policy

Honors Program – Parents/Guardians Please Note:

Honor Roll – Grades 6, 7, 8

First Honors with DisZncZon – 95% average. No mark less than 90%

First Honors – 90% average. No mark less than 85%.

Second Honors – 85% average. No mark less than 80%.

*****Good conduct is a requirement to receive First or Second Honors. Therefore, a student must receive a
4 (meets Standard with DisEncEon) or 3 (meets Standards) in conduct in each department area to be eligible
for honors.
A student who does not receive a 4 or 3 in Conduct, will not receive First or Second Honors even though
marks might warrant it.

Report Card DistribuEon

Report cards are distributed three Zmes a year for Grades Nursery to 8. (PreK for All does not receive Report

Report cards are distributed to the parents/guardians in December and March. June Report Cards are
distributed to the students on the last day of school.

Report cards will be withheld if financial obligaEons have not been met and fees are outstanding.


PromoZon is granted to students who follow and meet the school’s regular program of sequenZal learning
objecZves. If the student successfully achieves the year’s objecZves, the student progresses to the next grade.
Summer School may be required for those students who do not meet standards during the regular school year.


TesZng, diagnosis, and actual performance, however, may indicate that some students cannot follow the
school’s complete course of study. Therefore, the decision to retain a student indicates that although the
school has done everything to help the student achieve success, the student has not made saZsfactory
progress. Students, who through idenZficaZon and assessment indicate difficulty in compleZng required
program objecZves, are to be considered potenZal holdovers.

The retenZon of a student is a most serious step. Students failing to achieve required program objecZves in
any or all basic areas of learning can be held over for another year. The purpose of retenZon is to ensure that
students who are retained are provided opportuniZes for success. Parents may be noZfied of possible
retenZon at the Eme of the second report card. The final decision is made by the principal in conjuncZon with
the teacher.

A general class meeZng is held on Back to School Night early in the school year for the teacher to explain class
procedures and expectaZons. Parents may call the school office or contact the teacher directly to set-up
conferences at any Zme during the school year.

                        Report Card conferences are mandatory in December and March.

     No Report Card will be given to a student in December or March, only to a parent or guardian during the
                                             Report Card Conference.

ConsultaZon with our principal, Mrs. Freebes, is available upon request. Please feel free to make an
appointment with Mrs. Bolan, our school secretary, for these consultaZons.


Saints Joachim and Anne’s evaluaZon is based upon the achievement of objecZves support, NYS Next
GeneraZon Standards and the Diocesan Curriculum Guidelines. EvaluaZon is neither a numerical nor le[er
grade raZng. Rather, it is a comprehensive assessment of a student’s achievement arrived at a_er using a
variety of measurement tools.

The following serves as a guide in determining a student’s trimester grade:

      1.   Daily class work – Class ParEcipaEon
      2.   Homework assignments
      3.   Independent work or projects
      4.   CooperaEve work or projects
      5.   Student pordolios and profiles
      6.   WriKen tests and quizzes
      7.   MulE-media presentaEons – PowerPoint
      8.   Oral PresentaEons

Academic Code


1.         Not Demonstrated
2.         Beginning
3.         Developing
4.         Secure
X          Not Introduced

Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 – Le[er Grades for major subject areas

Grades 5 through 8 – Numerical Grades for major subject areas.

Grades 1 – 8
A+      97 – 100

A       93-96

B+      89-92

B       85-88

C+      81-84

C       77-80

D+      74-76

D       70-73

F       Below 70

Progress Codes – Grade 1 – 8

Progress Codes are used to complete the sub-division under each of the major subject areas and the Personal
Progress secZon on the report cards, which includes Conduct, Classwork, and Homework.

1       Does Not Meet Standards

2       Approaching Standards

3       Meets Standards

4       Meets Standards with DisZncZon

X       Not Assessed this Trimester


In addiZon to class and school exams your child will also take part in Diocesan and State Tests.

Terra Nova Exams are given in the Fall of each Academic Year for Grades 3 – 8.

The results of the Terra Nova Exams are used as a diagnosZc tool to guide instrucZon.

New York State TesEng are as follows:

     ❖ Grade 4 -        English Language Arts, MathemaZcs and Science
     ❖ Grade 6 -        English Language Arts and Math
     ❖ Grade 7 -        English Language Arts and MathemaZcs
❖ Grade 8 -         Science

The faculty of SsJA review these test results and they have one Professional Day called Data Day to provide
differenZated instrucZon for the needs of all students in accordance with NYS Learning Standards.

Academic IntervenEon Services

A_er the results of Grades 4, 6, and 7 State Tests are given, students who score below level in Math, ELA or
Science will be given remediaZon. These services are addiZonal instrucZon that supplement regular
instrucZon. Children who receive 1’s will be retested in the Spring. Children who receive a low level 2 will be
retested according to the Principal’s discreZon.

12.2      Homework Policy

Homework is an essenZal part of the instrucZonal program and reinforces learning. It serves as a means for
clarifying and reviewing material learned in class, for providing moZvaZon and opportunity for individual
growth, and for creaZng experiences of in-depth study and supplementary reading. Projects are o_en required
in all grades as a beneficial component using kinestheZc as learning techniques to enhance and differenZate

The Zme allotments for daily homework (wri[en and study) are as follows:

Grade K          -      approximately 20 minutes

Grades 1 & 2     -      approximately 30-40 minutes

Grades 3 & 4     -      approximately 45-60 minutes

Grades 5 & 6     -      approximately 90-120 minutes

Grades 7 & 8     -      approximately 120 or more minutes

Students are required to complete all homework and it is expected that parents/guardians sign the completed
homework. Many teachers, in grades Kindergarten to Third, do not assign homework on the weekends.

12.3      ProtecEng InstrucEonal Time

Maintaining school schedule and structure is of the upmost importance during the school year. As academies
and parish schools make their calendar and schedules, their goal is to protect instrucZonal Zme as much as
possible. In protecZng instrucZonal Zme, parents are asked to refrain from removing their child during the
school day for unnecessary acZviZes. Appointments should be scheduled, when possible, before or a_er the
school day in order to avoid disrupZng student learning. VacaZons and family trips should also be planned,
when possible, for exisZng school vacaZon weeks. In the event of a necessary absence, parents should alert
the school and classroom teacher as soon as possible. If an extended absence is known, parents should
communicate with their child’s teacher to create a plan for making up missed work.

12.4      ReporEng Student Progress
You can also read