Medical School Based Career and Leadership Development Programs

Page created by Lauren Tran
Medical School Based Career Leadership Development Programs

Medical School Based Career and
Leadership Development Programs

For updates to this document, please email:

Last updated: October 2010

© 2010 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs

Medical School Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
Medical schools increasingly view professional development programs as a way to increase faculty vitality and to nurture faculty skills, knowledge, and growth
in an academic setting. Medical school based professional development offices for these programs offer career and leadership programs, which vary in type and
range from new faculty orientation programs for junior faculty to leadership programs for Chairs.

This catalog presents a listing of career and leadership development programs that were provided to us from over thirty different schools to assist other medical
schools in developing effective programs for a variety of faculty. Faculty and staff of medical schools that are interested in developing similar programs for their
academic leaders may wish to consult with these institutions. If you have programs that you would like to include or need to update information in this catalog,
please email:

The following medical school based programs are cited in this catalog:

    •    Career Development Programs
    •    Executive Education/Leadership Programs
    •    Educational Fellowship Programs
    •    Faculty Orientation Programs
    •    Teaching Skills/Educational Scholarship Programs

AAMC does not endorse any of these programs.

Additional information is available on the Organizational Leadership Development homepage at

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                         2
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
ASSOCIATION & MEDICAL SCHOOL LISTINGS                               University of Arizona College of Medicine
                                                                    University of Arkansas School of Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine                                          University of California, Davis
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Affiliate w/ Harvard Medical School    University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine                                University of California, San Francisco
Brown Medical School                                                University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Children’s Hospital Boston                                          University of Colorado
Columbia University Medical Center                                  University of Illinois - Chicago
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA                             University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine                                  University of Massachusetts Medical School
Einstein College of Medicine                                        University of Michigan
Emory University School of Medicine                                 University of Missouri
Harvard Medical System                                              University of Missouri – Kansas City
Indiana University School of Medicine                               University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jefferson Medical College                                           University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine                         University of Ottawa
McGill University in Montreal, Quebec                               University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Medical College of Wisconsin                                        University of South Alabama
Morehouse School of Medicine                                        University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Mount Sinai School of Medicine                                      University of Toronto
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine                  University of Utah School of Medicine
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine                   University of Washington
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science                University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Southern Illinois University SOM in collaboration with UI Urbana-   Vanderbilt School of Medicine
Champaign                                                           Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Stanford University School of Medicine                              West Virginia University
Stony Brook University                                              Yale University School of Medicine
Tufts University School of Medicine

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Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs

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 Sponsor                  Program                    Program Description & Website                                Target Audience                          Contact Information

                                                                                                                                                           Nancy S. Searle, EdD
                                                     One hundred hours per year (on a two-year rotating cycle)
                                                                                                                                                           Program Director,
                                                     of educational faculty development workshops are offered.
                                                                                                                                                           Faculty Development & Ambulatory
                                                     All sessions are taught by members of either the Baylor or
                                                     UT-Houston faculty. Topics include teaching, evaluation,
 Baylor College of        Initiatives for Educator                                                                Full or part-time faculty; fellows and   Office of Curriculum
                                                     educational leadership, research, peer mentoring,
 Medicine                 Development                                                                             staff when space permits                 One Baylor Plaza, M301
                                                     educational scholarship, and technology in medical
                                                                                                                                                           Houston, Texas 77030-3498

                                                     The Center for Faculty Development & Diversity offers a
                                                     Professional Development Seminar Series for faculty and
                                                     trainees at BWH. Offerings include topics such                                                        Elena Muench
                                                     as presentation strategies, improving negotiations skills,                                            Program Manager
                                                     team-building, networking, and career pathways. The                                                   Center for Faculty Development &
                          Center for Faculty         Center also focuses on the academic advancement of our                                                Diversity
 Brigham and Women's
                          Development &              faculty at Harvard Medical School, organizing an annual      All Faculty and Fellows                  Brigham and Women's Hospital
                          Diversity                  Demystifying Promotions Series and offering personal                                                  1620 Tremont Street, 3-014
                                                     consultations on the promotions process. Programs are                                                 Boston, MA 02120
                                                     continuously evolving in response to the needs of our                                                 617-525-7646
                                                     faculty and CME credit is often available.                                                  


                                                                                                                                                           Elizabeth Boynton
                                                                                                                                                           BioMed Faculty Affairs
                                                     How to write and fund a medical research grant.                                                       Brown Medical School
                          Grant Writing                                                                                                                    97 Waterman Street
 Brown Medical School                                                                                             Brown academic and clinical faculty
                          Workshop                                                                                     Providence, RI 02912
                                                                                                                                                           Fax: 401-863-3378

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                2
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program               Program Description & Website                                    Target Audience                            Contact Information

                                                                                                                                                            Anne L. Taylor M.D.
                                                                                                                                                            John Lindenbaum Professor of
                                                                                                                                                            Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
                                                                                                                                                            Columbia University
                                                                                                                                                            College of Physicians & Surgeons
                                                The program includes an ongoing career development                                                          630 W 168 ST, PH 1-132
                                                series, new faculty orientation programs, a                                                                 New York, NY 10032
 Columbia University      Faculty Development   leadership/management institute for chairs, and a wide                                                      Ph 212-305-4993
                                                                                                                 All faculty at CUMC
 Medical Center           Program               range of other programs that provide support and guidance                                                   Fax 212-304-5528
                                                to the CUMC faculty as they create purposive, productive
                                                and fulfilling careers.                                                                                     Robert E. Tillman, PhD
                                                                                                                                                            Director, Professional Development
                                                                                                                                                            Professional Development

                                                The Office for Faculty Development provides services and
                                                resources to promote faculty success at all ranks. We offer
                                                a professional development seminar series on research,
                                                education and career development topics. We conduct                                                         Ann Brown, MD, MHS
                                                institutional research, maintain online career support                                                      Associate Vice Dean for Faculty
                                                                                                                 Regular rank faculty. In addition, the
 Duke University                                resources, and offer networking events such as the annual                                                   Development
                          Faculty Development                                                                    majority of our events are open to post-
 School of Medicine                             Spring Faculty Meeting, New Faculty Orientation, and                                                        (919) 684-4139
                                                                                                                 docs, students, fellows, and staff
                                                New Faculty Receptions. Our office also manages annual
                                                faculty awards.                                                                                    


                                                This series is a year long program which features monthly
                                                presentations by senior faculty on pragmatic topics related                                                 Sharon Weiss, M.D.
                                                to faculty development. Topics include promotion                                                            Assistant Dean for Faculty
                                                guidelines, funding opportunities, elements of manuscript                                                   Development
                                                writing, conflict of interest guidelines, presentation skills,                                              Emory University SOM
 Emory University         Faculty Development
                                                assembling a CV and teaching portfolio, and negotiating          All faculty                                1440 Clifton Rd.
 School of Medicine       Lecture Series
                                                with your chair. Sessions are simulcast to several Emory                                                    Atlanta, GA 30322
                                                sites.                                                                                                      404 727 7395

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                  3
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program                  Program Description & Website                                    Target Audience                             Contact Information
                                                   Jointly offered with the Harvard Graduate School of
                                                   Education, the goal of this program is to enhance the
                                                   professional development of healthcare faculty as educators                                                  Teresa Cushing, M.Ed. Program
                                                   and facilitators of reform. There are 5 major themes:            The Harvard Macy Institute offers           Manager, Harvard Macy Institute,
                                                   learning & teaching, educational technology, curriculum          internationally recognized professional     131 Dartmouth St., 5th Floor,
                                                   evaluation, and leadership. This program is designed to be       development programs for all faculty        Boston, MA 02116
                          Harvard Macy Institute   an intensive learning experience spread across two sessions      with teaching & leadership                  617- 535- 6409
                          Program for Educators    in residence at Harvard: 11 day winter session and a 6 day       responsibilities through the continuum of
 Harvard Medical
                          in the Health            spring session. Participants use a self designed institutional   health care education. Because of the
                          Professions              project to enhance and support their learning throughout         interdisplinary focus of modern             Elizabeth G. Armstrong, Ph.D.,
                                                   the program. Learning formats include whole group                healthcare, the Institute encourages        Director of the Harvard Macy
                                                   presentation, interactive exercises, problem-based learning,     faculty from the various healthcare         Institute, 131 Dartmouth St., 5th
                                                   observations, reflective use of journals, and discussion in      disciplines to apply.                       Floor, Boston, MA 02116
                                                   large and small groups.                                                                                      617 535-6409

                                                                                                                                                                Stephen P. Bogdewic, PhD
                                                                                                                                                                Executive Associate Dean for
                                                   The vision of OFAPD is to develop a vibrant, diverse                                                         Faculty Affairs and Professional
                          Office of Faculty        community where each faculty member has the optimal                                                          Development
                          Affairs and              capability to make meaningful contributions to their career                                                  Indiana University School of
 Indiana University
                          Professional             goals and the institution’s mission.                             All IUSM faculty                            Medicine
 School of Medicine
                          Development                                                                                                                           340 West 10th Street
                          (OFAPD)                  The OFAPD Strategic Plan is available online at:                                                             Fairbanks Hall, 6200
                                                                                                                           Indianapolis, IN 46202

                                                                                                                                                                Randy R. Brutkiewicz, PhD
                                                                                                                                                                Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
                                                   The Research Faculty Development Seminar Series are                                                          and Professional Development and
                                                   faculty development offerings delivered as short                                                             Professor, Microbiology and
                          Research Faculty         presentations. The speakers are usually one or two senior                                                    Immunology
 Indiana University                                                                                                 Research tenure-track, scientist-level
                          Development              faculty members from the IU School of Medicine. These                                                        Indiana University School of
 School of Medicine                                                                                                 junior faculty, and research associates
                          Seminars                 sessions provide personal perspectives on topics such as                                                     Medicine
                                                   recruiting lab personnel, balancing grants and kids, and                                                     950 W. Walnut St., R2-302
                                                   patenting intellectual property and inventions.                                                              Indianapolis, IN 46202-5181

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                       4
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program                Program Description & Website                                Target Audience                          Contact Information
                                                                                                                                                       Megan Palmer, PhD
                                                                                                                                                       Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
                                                 FEED is a quarterly series offering key topics in clinical                                            and Professional Development
                                                 teaching designed to provide an opportunity for department                                            Indiana University School of
                          Faculty Enrichment
 Indiana University                              faculty to improve their teaching skills in a collegial                                               Medicine
                          and Education                                                                       All IUSM faculty
 School of Medicine                              environment. Recent topics have included the Art of                                                   340 West 10th Street
                          Development (FEED)
                                                 Collaboration, Emerging Technologies in Education, and                                                Fairbanks Hall, 6200
                                                 Rejuvenation: Bringing Energy and Passion to Your Work                                                Indianapolis, IN 46202

                                                                                                                                                       Mary E. Dankoski, PhD
                                                                                                                                                       Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
                                                                                                                                                       and Professional Development,
                                                                                                                                                       Assistant Chair for Academic Affairs
                                                 The Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional                                                        in the Department of Family
                          Annual Women in        Development sponsors national scholars to speak on                                                    Medicine, Lester D. Bibler Scholar
 Indiana University
                          Medicine and Science   women’s issues and provides break-out sessions designed      All IUSM faculty and students            and Associate Professor of Clinical
 School of Medicine
                          Conference             to address issues relevant to women in medicine and                                                   Family Medicine
                                                 science.                                                                                              340 West 10th Street
                                                                                                                                                       Fairbanks Hall, 6200
                                                                                                                                                       Indianapolis, IN 46202

                                                 Comprehensive program for faculty development including                                               Karen D. Novielli, M.D.
                                                 instruction in instructional technology, information                                                  Senior Associate Dean for Faculty
                                                 management, basic grant writing and management,                                                       Affairs and Professional
                          Jefferson Medical
                                                 teaching skills, and career management. Also available are                                            Development
 Jefferson Medical        College Annual                                                                      Full-time and volunteer medical school
                                                 web-based faculty development modules to enhance                                                      Jefferson Medical College
 College                  Program for Faculty                                                                 faculty
                                                 teaching skills.                                                                                      1025 Walnut St., Suite 104
                                                                                                                                                       Philadelphia, PA 19107

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                             5
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program               Program Description & Website                                  Target Audience                            Contact Information
                                                Established faculty in a variety of career pathways describe
                                                their career development and offer advice and support to                                                  Lisa Heiser
                                                junior faculty. Programs are offered about the clinician                                                  Assistant Dean for Faculty
                                                educator, program builder, clinical investigator and basic                                                Development
                                                scientist career pathways. Faculty discuss topics such as                                                 Office of Faculty Development
                                                deciding on a research focus, identifying career mentors,                                                 Johns Hopkins University School of
 Johns Hopkins                                  establishing a grant portfolio, meeting the criteria for
                          Career Pathways                                                                      Early career faculty interested in         Medicine
 University School of                           promotion, demonstrating scholarship in the career path,
                          Programs                                                                             clarifying their career path.              2024 E. Monument Street, Suite 1-
 Medicine                                       building a team, developing a national reputation,                                                        1400
                                                becoming a national leader, and balancing work and home                                                   Baltimore, MD 21205
                                                life. Previous programs have been videotaped and are                                                      410-502-5521 (office)
                                                available in an online library.                                                                           Fax: 410-502-5522
                                                Programs are offered each year to support faculty with their
                                                promotion and provide greater transparency about the
                                                promotions process. The Office of Faculty Development
                                                partners with the Office of Women in Science and                                                          Lisa Heiser
                                                Medicine, the promotions, reappointment and review                                                        Assistant Dean for Faculty
                                                committee chairs in the design and delivery of programs.                                                  Development
                                                Speakers outline the criteria for promotion, provide                                                      Office of Faculty Development
                                                examples of achievements by career pathway, and offer                                                     Johns Hopkins University School of
 Johns Hopkins                                                                                                 Early and mid-career faculty seeking
                                                profiles of recently promoted faculty. Recent programs                                                    Medicine
 University School of     Promotions Programs                                                                  information about promotion to associate
                                                have included Preparing Your CV for Promotion, The                                                        2024 E. Monument Street, Suite 1-
 Medicine                                                                                                      and full professor
                                                Promotions and Reappointment Process for Early Career                                                     1400
                                                Faculty: What You Need to Know and the Promotions and                                                     Baltimore, MD 21205
                                                Reappointment Process for Mid-Career Faculty: What You                                                    410-502-5521 (office)
                                                Need to Know. Previous programs have been videotaped                                                      Fax: 410-502-5522
                                                and are available in an online library.                                                         


2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                               6
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program              Program Description & Website                                  Target Audience                             Contact Information
                                               The Office of Faculty Development was created to support
                                               the professional development needs of the junior, mid-
                                               career, and senior faculty in the JHU School of Medicine.
                                               The office provides and promotes an extensive faculty
                                               development curriculum of over 125 skill development
                                               offerings annually in areas that include research skills,
                                               teaching skills, clinical practice skills, career and
                                               professional development, leadership development and                                                       Lisa Heiser
                                               worklife balance. The office also maintains an online                                                      Assistant Dean for Faculty
                                               library of web-based resources for development. The office                                                 Development
                                               supports department directors and other senior leaders in                                                  Office of Faculty Development
                                               providing mentoring, leadership development, and                                                           Johns Hopkins University School of
 Johns Hopkins                                 succession planning programs. Exit Interviews and surveys      Junior, mid-career and senior faculty and   Medicine
                          Office of Faculty
 University School of                          are conducted to determine the factors that cause faculty to   leaders within the JHU School of            2024 E. Monument Street, Suite 1-
 Medicine                                      leave the School of Medicine, and the office recommends        Medicine                                    1400
                                               and implements strategies to improve the recruitment,                                                      Baltimore, MD 21205
                                               orientation, development, valuing and retention of faculty.                                                410-502-5521 (office)
                                               The office partners with the Office of Women in Science                                                    Fax: 410-502-5522
                                               and Medicine and Office of Diversity and Cultural                                                
                                               Competence to achieve a more equitable and inclusive
                                               environment and collaborates in the design and delivery of
                                               harassment prevention, professionalism and diversity


                                               The Professional Development Office works to provide                                                       Donna L. Vogel, MD, PhD
                                               students, fellows and early faculty with the professional                                                  Director, Professional Development
                                               skills and knowledge to succeed in an independent                                                          Office
                                               scientific career. The office offers courses, workshops and,                                               Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
 Johns Hopkins                                                                                                Junior faculty, postdoctoral/clinical
                          Professional         and individual consultations on career issues. Courses for                                                 1830 E. Monument St. Suite 2-107
 University School of                                                                                         fellows, residents and
                          Development Office   faculty include Grantcraft, Writing for Publication, and                                                   Baltimore MD 21205
 Medicine                                                                                                     professional/graduate students
                                               Scientific Presentations.                                                                                  410-502-2804

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                               7
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program                  Program Description & Website                                   Target Audience                       Contact Information
                                                   IMEX is a collaboration between five medical education
                                                   institutions, to promote faculty development for
                                                   educational leaders by enabling site visits to the
                                                   collaborating locations. The site locations are as follows:
                                                   University Medical Centre Utrecht (Utrecht, Netherlands);
                                                   McGill University Faculty of Medicine (Montreal,
                                                   Canada); Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine                                                     Faculty Development Office &
                                                   (Halifax, Canada); Karolinska Institutet Faculty of                                                   Centre for Medical Education
                                                   Medicine (Stockholm, Sweden); and St. George’s Hospital                                               Faculty of Medicine, McGill
                                                   Medical School (London, United Kingdom).                                                              University
                                                                                                                                                         Lady Meredith House, 1110 Pine
                          IMEX (International
 McGill University in                              Participants in the IMEX programme are experienced              Faculty of Medicine of McGill         Avenue West, Rm 103
                          Medical Educators
 Montreal, Quebec                                  medical educators from these institutions. They are             University                            Montreal, QC H3A 1A3
                                                   required to commit to at least 3 site visits within 2.5 years                                         Tel: (514) 398-3346 Fax: (514)
                                                   time. The primary aim of the IMEX site visits is to acquire                                           398-6649
                                                   knowledge about the practice of medical education in other                                   &
                                                   schools from the inside, not just by talking to colleagues at                               
                                                   conferences and reading from websites and journals, but by
                                                   being on site, talking to professors and students, observing
                                                   and discussing education, and engaging in as many
                                                   activities as possible.


                                                   The Program draws heavily on evidence-based practices
                                                   that emerged from education focused faculty development
                                                   • Project-and product-oriented instruction with between-                                              Deborah Simpson, PhD
                                                   session assignments sequenced to match stages of project                                              Office of Educational Services
                                                                                                                   Open and flexible enrollment that
                                                   development                                                                                           Medical College of Wisconsin
 Medical College of       Excellence in Clinical                                                                   averages 12 primary care faculty
                                                   • Blended learning combining face-to-face interaction with                                            8701 W Watertown Plank
 Wisconsin                Education and                                                                            members per module, and ranges from
                                                   email, phone and online instruction                                                                   Milwaukee, WI 53226
                          Leadership (ExCEL)                                                                       10-15
                                                   • Continuous program evaluation to formatively guide                                                  (414) 456-4332
                                                   program revision                                                                            


2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                               8
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program               Program Description & Website                                  Target Audience                          Contact Information

                                                                                                                                                        Ann Ouyang, M.D.
                                                                                                                                                        Associate Dean for Faculty and
                                                The Junior Faculty Development Program is designed to                                                   Professional Development
                                                address the development needs of junior faculty and                                                     Email:
                                                provide a foundation for their success. The curriculum
 Pennsylvania State                             covers topics in research, education, clinical, and                                                     Office of Professional Development
                          Junior Faculty
 University College of                          academic/career development. A project completed under         Basic Scientists and Clinicians          Penn State College of Medicine
                          Development Program
 Medicine                                       the guidance of a senior faculty mentor is required.                                                    500 University Drive, H117
                                                                                                                                                        P.O. Box 850
                                                                                        Hershey, PA 17033
                                                junior                                                                                                  717-531-1101

                                                                                                                                                        Jianming Hu, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                The series consists of monthly two-hour sessions on topics                                              Director
                                                essential for the career development of postdoctoral                                                    Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
                                                trainees, including goal setting, grant writing, manuscript                                             Email:
 Pennsylvania State       Postdoctoral          preparation, oral and poster presentation skills, mentoring,   Postdoctoral fellows and scholars,
 University College of    Professional          and job search and interviewing skills.                        including medical residents engaged in   Penn State College of Medicine
 Medicine                 Development Series                                                                   research                                 500 University Drive, MC-H117
                                                                                         PO Box 850
                                                                                                                                                        Hershey, PA 17033

                                                A yearlong series of two hour workshops designed to                                                     Nicole Roberts, PhD
                          Academy for           ensure new faculty success in teaching and career                                                       Directory, Academy for Scholarship
 Southern Illinois                                                                                             All new SIU faculty with 10% or more
                          Scholarship in        development.                                                                                            in Education
 University                                                                                                    responsibility for teaching
                          Education                                                                                                                     217-545-2103
                                                The purpose of the proposed faculty development program
                                                is to foster growth of our faculty in order to reach their
                                                maximum potential in aspects of scholarship and leadership                                              Elza Mylona, PhD
                                                while achieving the vision and mission of the institution.                                              Associate Dean of Curriculum
                                                Special effort will also be made to help faculty                                                        Affairs
 Stony Brook                                    development skills to thrive                                                                            and Faculty Development
                          Leaders in Medical
 University                                     and succeed in a constantly changing environment.              Open to all Faculty                      Associate Professor of Preventive
                                                Participants will have an opportunity to exchanged ideas                                                and
                                                about teaching, learning and leadership, directly implement                                             Internal Medicine
                                                what they have learned, and serve as role models for others.                                            (631) 444-9397
                                                                                                                                                        (631) 444-8919 fax

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                               9
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program               Program Description & Website                                      Target Audience                         Contact Information
                                                The program is based on a curriculum that seeks teaching
                                                excellence, educational scholarship and the development of                                                 Maria Alejandra Blanco, Ed.D.
                                                a scholarly curriculum through the pursuit of the program                                                  Assistant Dean for Faculty
                                                goals and the development of faculty educational                                                           Development
                                                competencies. The program is delivered through                                                             Assistant Professor, Department of
                                                centralized efforts at TUSM and outreach efforts at                                                        Psychiatry
                                                TUSM’s clinical affiliates. An online, intramural TUSM                                                     Tufts University School of Medicine
                                                Faculty Development Course repository has been created to                                                  Office of Educational Affairs
                                                meet the needs of faculty located at geographically distant                                                145 Harrison Ave., Sackler 321
                                                sites. Resident-As-Teachers programs have been                                                             Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                                                   Basic Scientists, clinicians, and the
                                                coordinated with program directors from different core                                                     (617) 636-6588
 Tufts University         TUSM Faculty                                                                             fourth-year medical students who are
                                                clinical disciplines, and are delivered at the major affiliates.                                 
 School of Medicine       Development Program                                                                      involved in Medical Student-As-
                                                A TUSM Chief Residents Conference is held annually to
                                                                                                                   Teachers Program
                                                assist rising chief residents from all teaching affiliates and                                             Sharon E. Freeman
                                                disciplines with their role as teachers and leaders. The                                                   Program Manager
                                                faculty development program also includes Medical                                                          Office of Educational Affairs
                                                Students-As-Teacher initiatives. An outcome-logic model                                                    Tufts University School of Medicine
                                                approach is being used to evaluate the effectiveness of the                                                145 Harrison Avenue, Sackler 321
                                                program.                                                                                                   Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                                                                                           (617) 636-6934

                                                The Office of Medical Student Education provides
                                                workshops and instructional resources to assist faculty in
                                                enhancing their teaching skills and knowledge base of
                                                current curricula. The Office of Medical Student Education
                                                works collaboratively with faculty to design and implement
                                                                                                                                                           Susan Ellis
                                                innovative teaching methods as well as instructional design
                                                                                                                                                           University of Arizona College of
                                                and curriculum development. Additionally, we provide
 University of Arizona    Career Development                                                                                                               Medicine
                                                instruction that will assist faculty in enhancing their            All Teaching Faculty
 College of Medicine      Series for Faculty                                                                                                               Office of Medical Student Education
                                                understanding of technological advancements (imaging
                                                software, virtual slides and Audience Response System)
                                                fundamental to teaching.


2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                10
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program              Program Description & Website                                  Target Audience                             Contact Information
                                               Numerous career development workshops are offered
                                               annually through the Office of Faculty Affairs. Sessions,
                                                                                                                                                          Anne Wright, PhD
                                               which are selected based on responses to a faculty survey
                                                                                                                                                          Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
                                               and input from faculty, include: three Promotion and
                                                                                                                                                          University of Arizona College of
                                               Tenure workshops a session on getting started in research;
                                               a panel discussion on how to succeed on the clinical tracks;
 University of Arizona    Career Development                                                                                                              P.O. Box 245017
                                               how to document teaching for promotion; and building and       All Faculty
 College of Medicine      Series for Faculty                                                                                                              1501 No. Campbell Ave
                                               leading a team. All sessions are video-conferenced with
                                                                                                                                                          Tuscon, AZ 85724
                                               the Phoenix campus.
                                                                                                                                                          520-626-6604 (Fax)

                                                                                                                                                          Program Directors:
                                               This two-part program is designed to equip junior faculty
                                                                                                                                                          Vivian Reznik, M.D., M.P.H.
                                               participants with the knowledge, skills, and resources
                                                                                                                                                          Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
                                               necessary to succeed in academic medicine. NCLAM
                                                                                                                                                          Professor of Pediatrics and
                                               begins with sixteen half-day workshops focused on
                          National Center of                                                                                                              Family and Preventive Medicine
 University of                                 leadership development and skill-building. During the
                          Leadership in                                                                       UCSD Health Sciences Junior Faculty         858 822-3255
 California, San Diego                         second part of the program, each class member chooses an
                          Academic Medicine                                                                   Members                           
 School of Medicine                            individual professional development project and works
                                               with a specially matched senior mentor.
                                                                                                                                                          Deborah Wingard, Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                                          Professor of Family and Preventive

                                               The Academy of Medical Educators and the Office of
                                               Faculty Affairs seek to provide all members of the campus
                                               community with a comprehensive faculty development
                                               program designed to train interested individuals in teaching                                               Eva Aagaard, MD
                                               skills, mentoring, curriculum development, programmatic                                                    Vice Chair Education, Department of
                                               evaluation and leadership through an ongoing workshop                                                      Medicine
                                               series as well as several online modules which are hosted                                                  Assistant Chief of Medicine,
                                               on a shared online registration page                                                                       University Hospital
                                               ( and                                                  Director, Academy of Medical
                                                                                                              All faculty, Fellows and Residents of the
                          Ongoing Workshop     free to all faculty and housestaff. Recent workshops                                                       Educators
 University of Colorado                                                                                       University of Colorado Health Science
                          Series               included topics such as feedback, teaching in the clinical                                                 Mail Stop B166
                                                                                                              Campus and its affiliate organization
                                               setting, small group teaching, lecturing and public                                                        12631 E. 17th Ave, Rm. 8601
                                               speaking, Powerpoint skills, bedside teaching, teaching                                                    Aurora, CO 80045
                                               procedures and developing an effective mentoring                                                           (303) 724-1789
                                               relationship. Additional information is available at the
                                               Academy of Medical Educators Website:                                                            


2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                11
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program               Program Description & Website                                    Target Audience                            Contact Information
                                                                                                                                                            Robert J. Milner, PhD
                                                The Junior Faculty Development Program is designed to
                                                                                                                                                            Associate Vice Provost for
                                                address the development needs of junior faculty and
                                                                                                                                                            Professional Development
                                                provide a foundation for their success. The curriculum
 University of                                                                                                                                              UMass Medical School
                          Junior Faculty        covers topics in research, education, clinical, and              Assistant Professors within 1-3 years of
 Massachusetts Medical                                                                                                                                      55 Lake Avenue North
                          Development Program   academic/career development. A project completed under           appointment
 School                                                                                                                                                     Worcester, MA 01655
                                                the guidance of a senior faculty mentor is required.
                                                                                                                                                            Phone: 508-856-1301
                                                                                                                                                            Fax: 508-856-2129

                                                The University of Nebraska Medical Center has a
                                                comprehensive faculty development program. In the fall of
                                                each year, a day-long program is offered for faculty new to
                                                the campus called, “The Essential Guide for New Faculty
                                                Success.” Another annual event is “Strategies for Teaching
                                                Excellence.” This is designed to enhance faculty teaching
                                                skills in the classroom, clinic and the simulation laboratory.                                              Myrna C. Newland, MD Director,
                                                From September through June we offer monthly focused                                                        Equity Office, UNMC
                                                lectures on a variety of topics. Longer programs include a                                        
 University of Nebraska   Faculty Development
                                                year-long “Administrative Colloquium” which consists of          All faculty at the medical center
 Medical Center           Program
                                                workshops, case studies, online exercises and a research                                                    Contact: Linda M. Love, MA, CPP
                                                project. The “Technology in Educational Scholarship                                                         Faculty Development Coordinator
                                                Program” is another 1.5 year long experience in which                                             
                                                faculty participates in several workshops, a journal club,
                                                and completes a technology-related project. In addition, we
                                                have several half-day programs devoted to the development
                                                of leadership skills. There is no charge to faculty to attend
                                                these programs.

                                                                                                                                                            Denham S. Ward, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                The Faculty Development Workshops target those who
                                                                                                                                                            Associate Dean, Faculty
                                                have an interest in expanding their knowledge in the area of
                                                                                                                                                            Development-Medical Education
                                                teaching and leadership, etc. These workshops are designed
                                                                                                                                                            Chair, Department of
                                                so that each one can be attended without the need to
 University of                                  commit to the whole series. We offer 17 two-hour
                                                                                                                                                            University of Rochester School of
 Rochester School of      Faculty Development   workshops, each with a maximum of twenty-five                    Faculty, staff, residents, fellows and
                                                                                                                                                            Medicine & Dentistry
 Medicine and             Workshop Series       participants. The small-group setting encourages highly          medical students
                                                                                                                                                            601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 604
 Dentistry                                      interactive participation and valuable discussion and
                                                                                                                                                            Rochester, NY 14642
                                                networking among the participants.

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                  12
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program               Program Description & Website                                   Target Audience                            Contact Information
                                                A small grants program to support faculty development in
                                                medical education. The $4,000 grants are given to junior-
                                                midlevel faculty who aim to develop and implement
                                                projects improving their medical education teaching,
                                                scholarship, or enable them to gain knowledge or skills
                                                beyond the normal growth expected of faculty. Grant                                                        Denham S. Ward, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                proposals are rated based on: contribution to the applicant’s                                              Associate Dean, Faculty
                                                career development; contribution to fellow faculty                                                         Development-Medical Education
                                                development; and Departmental/Institutional impact and                                                     Chair, Department of
                                                implementation after the grant’s termination.                   All University of Rochester School of      Anesthesiology
 University of
                                                                                                                Medicine & Dentistry faculty at the        University of Rochester School of
 Rochester School of      Faculty Development
                                                As well as personal and professional development,               Senior Instructor through Associate        Medicine & Dentistry
 Medicine and             Grant Program
                                                applicants are expected to share their knowledge with           Professor level, who have teaching         601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 604
                                                URSMD colleagues via a poster presentation or workshop          responsibilities                           Rochester, NY 14642
                                                at the annual Faculty Development Colloquium. They are                                                     585-273-5380
                                                also required to present a workshop/lecture at the
                                                Departmental and/or Institutional level (e.g., Faculty                                           
                                                Development Workshop/Lecture, Grand Rounds).


                                                                                                                                                           Denham S. Ward, M.D., Ph.D.
                                                The Annual Faculty Development Colloquium takes place
                                                                                                                                                           Associate Dean, Faculty
                                                at the end of each academic year. The program includes
                                                                                                                                                           Development-Medical Education
                                                invited plenary session speakers, interactive workshops,
                                                                                                                                                           Chair, Department of
 University of                                  and posters presented by the faculty. The colloquium’s
 Rochester School of                            intent is to integrate new ideas about teaching and learning,
                          Faculty Development                                                                   Faculty, staff, residents, fellows and     University of Rochester School of
 Medicine and                                   from the lecture hall to the bedside. In addition, workshops
                          Colloquium                                                                            medical students                           Medicine & Dentistry
 Dentistry                                      are provided that allow faculty to develop strategies for
                                                                                                                                                           601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 604
                                                mentoring and academic career planning.
                                                                                                                                                           Rochester, NY 14642

                                                Workshops are offered to assist junior faculty and
                                                                                                                                                           Dr. Mary Townsley
                                                postdoctoral fellows with various facets of career
                                                                                                                                                           College of Medicine
                                                development: promotion and tenure, grantsmanship, peer          The audience is primarily junior faculty
                                                                                                                                                           University of South Alabama
 University of South                            review, scientific writing, and responsible conduct of          and postdoctoral fellows. Some
                          Faculty Development                                                                                                              307 University Blvd.
 Alabama                                        research.                                                       workshops invite participation of pre-
                                                                                                                                                           Mobile, AL 36688
                                                                                                                doctoral students as well.

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                 13
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor                  Program                 Program Description & Website                                   Target Audience                             Contact Information

                                                  This “first-of-its-kind” conference will address the field of
                                                  faculty development (fd) specifically for academic health
                                                  science centres world-wide. The program will draw upon                                                      Amy Dionne
                                                  international expertise in the area and include plenaries,                                                  Manager
                          1st International       paper and facilitated poster sessions, workshops, and social                                                Centre for Faculty Development
 University of Toronto
                          Conference on Faculty   events. It will be held in conjunction the Canadian             Health Professional Teacher and
 And McGill University
                          Development in the      Conference on Medical Education in May 2011 and the             Educators                                   Facultydevelopment@smh.toronto.o
 in Montreal, Quebec
                          Health Professions      grand opening of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at                                           
                                                  St. Michael’s Hospital – an international education and
                                                  research centre.


                                                  This series provides programs approximately twice a                                                         Kathleen Kreutzer, M.Ed. or
                                                  month from August thru May featuring seminar/workshop                                                       Deborah Stewart
                                                  presentations by faculty on topics related to faculty roles                                                 Office of Faculty Affairs
 Virginia                                         and responsibilities, teaching and career development.                                                      VCU School of Medicine
 Commonwealth             Professional            Topics include policies guiding and governing faculty,          All faculty and those interested in the     P.O. Box 980565
 University School of     Development Series      communicating healthcare issues, getting started in             topics are welcome to attend                Richmond, VA 23298-0565
 Medicine                                         research at VCU, professionalism, basic teaching skills,                                                    804-828-6591
                                                  career & family planning, mentoring, getting scholarly                                                      Fax: 804-828-4048
                                                  work published, and other topics.                                                                 

                                                  Noon Hour Presentations held during the Fall,                                                               Gwendolyn Marshall
                                                  Winter/Spring Semesters. Topics vary; currently we are                                                      Faculty Development Program
                                                  offering a session entitled: 'Enhancing Research &                                                          West Virginia University Health
                                                  Scholarship.' Some previous topics have included:               Faculty from all disciplines; we offer an   Sciences Center
 West Virginia            Noon Hour
                                                        •     Use of Large Databases for Research                 inter-disciplinary approach in all of our   PO Box 9170
 University               Presentations
                                                        •     Meta-Analysis: Overview and Application             programs                                    Morgantown, WV 26506
                                                        •     A Broadened view of Scholarship                                                                 304-293-5266

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                    14
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs

(back to top)
 Sponsor                  Program                 Program Description & Website                                   Audience                                      Contact Information
                                                  The Brigham Leadership Program is a rigorous leadership
                                                  development program developed in collaboration with
                                                  Harvard Business School and delivered over 8 months, 4 -                                                      Audrey Haas
                                                  2.5 day modules and 6 interim sessions. The curriculum                                                        Executive Director
                                                  includes personal leadership styles and effectiveness,          Mid-career physicians and scientists and      Center for Faculty Development &
                                                  fundamentals of healthcare finance, accounting and service      nursing, clinical and administrative          Diversity
 Brigham and Women's      Brigham Leadership
                                                  operations, leading teams and projects, managing                directors in a leadership role, and           Brigham and Women's Hospital
 Hospital                 Program
                                                  organizational change, negotiation and feedback skills,         currently leading teams, projects,            1620 Tremont Street, 3-014
                                                  strategic planning and decisions-making.                        divisions, centers, clinics or laboratories   Boston, MA 02120

                                                  Course designed to prepare basic, translational, and clinical
                                                  researchers for the challenges of establishing a research
                                                  program. Two Brigham and Women's Hospital
                                                  (BWH) research faculty co-facilitate each session and invite
                                                                                                                                                                Caroline Rotondi
                                                  individuals with expertise to discuss relevant management
                          Research Leadership                                                                                                                   Administrative Director
                                                  issues and how to navigate the BWH and Harvard Medical
 Brigham and Women's      Program: Establishing                                                                                                                 Office for Research Careers
                                                  School (HMS) landscape. New P.I’s have the chance to            Early career research faculty
 Hospital                 Your Research                                                                                                               
                                                  learn from some of BWH’s scientific and clinical leaders,
                          Program at BWH                                                                                                                        617-525-9323
                                                  while building rapport with a cohort of their research
                                                  colleagues from a range of disciplines.


                                                                                                                                                                Elizabeth Boynton
                                                  Information on promotions at Brown for medical school                                                         BioMed Faculty Affairs
                                                  faculty.                                                                                                      Brown Medical School
                          Faculty Promotions
 Brown Medical School                                                                                             Brown faculty                                 97 Waterman Street
                                                                                                                            Providence, RI 02912
                                                                                                                                                                Fax: 401-863-3378
                                                  This 3-day interactive workshop provides insight into                                                         Ann J. Brown MD MHS
                                                  leadership and team building as well as direction on how to                                                   Associate Professor of
                                                  develop and manage a scientific laboratory or research                                                        Medicine/Endocrinology
                                                  program, how to improve productivity, and how to harness        Junior faculty in the School of Medicine      Associate Vice Dean for Faculty
                          Course in Scientific    creativity and innovation. The course provides faculty tools    who are beginning to lead a research          Development
 Duke University
                          Management &            for navigating conflict with confidence and offers a unique     group or laboratory. Preference given to      Duke University School of Medicine
 School of Medicine
                          Leadership (CSML)       opportunity to work with a diverse and multidisciplinary        tenure track faculty who have identified      DUMC Box 3611
                                                  group of senior faculty and to network with other researchers   research as their primary focus               Durham, NC 27710
                                                  from across the school.                                                                                       Phone: 919-684-4139
                                                                                               Fax: 919-681-7796

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                     15
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor          Program         Program Description & Website                                                    Audience                                      Contact Information
                                                                                                                                                                 Augustus O. Grant, MD, PhD,
                                                   This 6-day program is held over the course of 4 months. The                                                   FACC
                                                   purpose of C-CHAMP is to 1) increase the successes of                                                         Professor of Medicine
                                                                                                                   25 clinical faculty at the following
                          Chancellor's Clinical    program participants and strengthen the pipeline for Duke                                                     Vice Dean for Faculty Enrichment
                                                                                                                   levels: division chief, director (clinical,
 Duke University          Leadership in            Medicine's next round of senior leaders; 2) provide faculty                                                   Duke University School of Medicine
                                                                                                                   program, medical), associate vice chair,
 Health System            Academic Medicine        participants with a management toolkit that allows them to                                                    Box 3504
                                                                                                                   faculty/division head, and interim vice
                          Program (C-CHAMP)        lead and grow their groups with increased efficiency; and                                                     Durham, NC 27710
                                                   3)strengthen the institution through engagement and                                                           Phone: (919) 684-5948
                                                   innovation and to eventually improve its culture.                                                             Fax: (919) 681-8978

                                                                                                                                                                 Claudia R. Adkison, JD, PhD
 Emory University                                  Provides information that will enhance leadership ability in    New Emory SOM department chairs and           Executive Associate Dean
                          Chair School
 School of Medicine                                the medical school and its affiliated clinical entities.        selected division chiefs only                 404-727-5673

                                                   Woodruff Leadership Academy is a yearlong program for
                                                   faculty and staff throughout the Woodruff Health Sciences
                                                   Center, the entity which encompasses components of Emory
                                                   University responsible for clinical care and research and
                                                   education of all health care professionals. The goal is to                                                    Michael M.E. Johns, MD
                                                                                                                   Nomination and competitive selection of
 Emory University         Woodruff Leadership      develop and strengthen leadership potential across this wide                                                  Chancellor, Emory University
                                                                                                                   senior faculty, managers, and
 School of Medicine       Academy                  constituency. The course features classroom sessions in                                             
                                                                                                                   professionals only
                                                   areas such as organizational structure, strategic planning,
                                                   finance, and leadership skills coupled with off site team
                                                   projects and weekend retreats.

                                                   Jointly offered with the Harvard Business School, this course                                                 Teresa Cushing, M.Ed.
                                                   is designed to assist educational leaders in developing their                                                 Program Manager,
                                                   own strategies for leading change within a rapidly evolving                                                   Harvard Macy Institute,
                                                                                                                   The Harvard Macy Institute offers
                                                   healthcare delivery system. Using classic management                                                          131 Dartmouth St., 5th Floor,
                                                                                                                   internationally recognized professional
                                                   studies and case studies of education reform, participants                                                    Boston, MA 02116
                                                                                                                   development programs for all faculty
                                                   analyze the interlocking elements of change strategies &                                                      617- 535-6409
                          Harvard Macy Institute                                                                   with teaching & leadership
                                                   develop guiding principles drawn from organizational                                                
 Harvard Medical          Program for Leading                                                                      responsibilities through the continuum of
                                                   research to help them reach their goals. The program uses
 School                   Innovations in Health                                                                    health care education. Because of the
                                                   case studies with small and full group discussions,                                                           Elizabeth G. Armstrong, Ph.D.,
                          Care & Education                                                                         interdisplinary focus of modern
                                                   interactive presentation, and panel discussions. The                                                          Director of the Harvard Macy
                                                                                                                   healthcare, the Institute encourages
                                                   informal exchange of insights and experiences among                                                           Institute,
                                                                                                                   faculty from the various healthcare
                                                   international participants and faculty drawn from multiple                                                    131 Dartmouth St., 5th Floor,
                                                                                                                   disciplines to apply.
                                                   professional disciplines is a vital part of the experience.                                                   Boston, MA 02116,
                                                                                                                                                                 617 535-6409

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                      16
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor          Program         Program Description & Website                                                     Audience                                   Contact Information
                                                                                                                                                               Teresa Cushing, M.Ed.
                                                   Lead by renown faculty in the field of educational                                                          Program Manager,
                                                   assessment, this 5 day intensive program addresses multiple                                                 Harvard Macy Institute,
                                                                                                                    The Harvard Macy Institute offers
                                                   aspects of academic assessment: learning and acquisition of                                                 131 Dartmouth St., 5th Floor,
                                                                                                                    internationally recognized professional
                                                   competencies, alignment of resources, teaching, educational                                                 Boston, MA 02116
                                                                                                                    development programs for faculty
                                                   effort and scholarship, and program efficacy, all of which are                                              617- 535-6409
                                                                                                                    teaching in health science education.
                          Harvard Macy Institute   viewed through the structured lens of systems thinking.                                           
                                                                                                                    This program is designed for a diverse
 Harvard Medical          A Systems Approach       There are a variety of learning formats used: topic
                                                                                                                    group of academic faculty, health care
 School                   to Assessment in the     presentations, large-group case discussions, small-group                                                    Elizabeth G. Armstrong, Ph.D.,
                                                                                                                    educators, and administrators from all
                          Health Professions       literature analysis, and collaborative work groups. In                                                      Director of the Harvard Macy
                                                                                                                    the interdisciplinary health care fields
                                                   addition, one on one consultations with leaders in the                                                      Institute,
                                                                                                                    who are actively engaged in the
                                                   assessment field have been especially valued by prior                                                       131 Dartmouth St., 5th Floor,
                                                                                                                    assessment of students and residents,
                                                   participants.                                                                                               Boston, MA 02116
                                                                                                                    faculty, and education programs.

                                                   The Indiana Healthcare leadership Academy (IHLA) is a
                                                                                                                                                               Stephen P. Bogdewic, PhD
                                                   cohort of faculty who participate in a series of monthly
                                                                                                                                                               Executive Associate Dean for
                                                   workshops for mid-career and senior faculty and healthcare
                                                                                                                                                               Faculty Affairs and Professional
                                                   executives. The program is a collaboration between the IU
                                                   School of Medicine, Clarian Health Partners, Indiana
                          Indiana Healthcare                                                                                                                   Indiana University School of
 Indiana University                                University Medical Group-Primary care, and Methodist             Mid-career and senior faculty and
                          Leadership Academy                                                                                                                   Medicine
 School of Medicine                                Medical group. The aim of this program is to provide             healthcare executives
                          (IHLA)                                                                                                                               340 West 10th Street
                                                   participants with a comprehensive understanding of the core
                                                                                                                                                               Fairbanks Hall, 6200
                                                   competencies for healthcare leaders. Combining academic
                                                                                                                                                               Indianapolis, IN 46202
                                                   leaders with hospital executives broadens the perspective of

                                                   The Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a year-long
                                                   Johns Hopkins Medicine sponsored leadership development
                                                   initiative. Program goals are to develop an understanding of
                                                   and effectiveness in the organizational culture, strengthen
                                                   bonds and communication among faculty and administrators,
                                                   and advance leaders in the organization. The program
                                                   includes participants from various roles, departments,                                                      Steven J. Thompson
                                                   organizations and backgrounds in an effort to foster                                                        Senior Vice President
                                                   inclusiveness. The program includes a 2.5 day off-site                                                      Johns Hopkins Medicine
 Johns Hopkins                                     experiential component focused on building a personal
                          Johns Hopkins                                                                                                                        BRB #100
 University School of                              leadership model and developing awareness and skills in          Established and emerging senior faculty
                          Medicine Leadership                                                                                                                  733 N. Broadway
 Medicine                                          team leadership and strategic communication. Leaders are         and administrative leaders.
                          Development Program                                                                                                                  Baltimore, MD 21205
                                                   provided leadership skills and personality assessments                                                      410-614-6486
                                                   including the Profilor, FIRO-B, and MBTI. The program                                                       Fax: 410-955-0889
                                                   provides skill-building opportunities on topics including the                                     
                                                   Mechanics of Leadership, Crucial Conversations, FLEX
                                                   Talk, Performance Management, and Mission Balancing.
                                                   Opportunities for leadership shadowing, advising and
                                                   informal round table discussions round out the program’s
                                                   leadership development events.

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                    17
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor          Program         Program Description & Website                                                   Audience                                     Contact Information
                                                  Department directors and division chiefs may request
                                                  customizable leadership development programs for their
                                                                                                                                                               Lisa Heiser
                                                  faculty leaders. Programs are developed according to
                                                                                                                                                               Assistant Dean for Faculty
                                                  participants’ identified leadership needs or based on
                                                  leadership skill assessment data. Opportunities are provided
                                                                                                                                                               Office of Faculty Development
                                                  for leaders to complete the Profilor, a 360 degree leadership
 Johns Hopkins                                                                                                                                                 Johns Hopkins University School of
                          Departmental and        skills assessment instrument. Skill building opportunities
 University School of                                                                                             Faculty leaders within departments and       Medicine
                          Divisional Leadership   are then provided based upon group data regarding
 Medicine                                                                                                         divisions.                                   2024 E. Monument Street, Suite 1-
                          Programs                developmental needs. Customized courses are offered on a
                                                  number of leadership skills topics such as influencing,
                                                                                                                                                               Baltimore, MD 21205
                                                  motivation, negotiation, difficult conversations, performance
                                                                                                                                                               410-502-5521 (office)
                                                  management and conflict resolution.
                                                                                                                                                               Fax: 410-502-5522

                                                  Faculty are welcome to participate in a variety of leadership
                                                  skills offerings that are provided for the School of Medicine
                                                                                                                                                               Lisa Heiser
                                                  faculty only. Faculty are able to learn in a confidential
                                                                                                                                                               Assistant Dean for Faculty
                                                  environment and discuss common leadership problems and
                                                  cases with their peers and colleagues. Typical courses
                                                                                                                                                               Office of Faculty Development
                                                  include the following: Effective Meetings in Half the Time,
 Johns Hopkins                                                                                                                                                 Johns Hopkins University School of
                                                  Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader, Speak Like A Pro,
 University School of     Individual Leadership                                                                   Early and mid-career faculty interested in   Medicine
                                                  Focus on Underlying Motives: The Key to More Productive
 Medicine                 Development                                                                             developing their leadership skills.          2024 E. Monument Street, Suite 1-
                                                  Conflict, Crucial Conversations, Negotiation Skills: Creating
                                                  Agreement and Managing Conflict, and Flex Talk:
                                                                                                                                                               Baltimore, MD 21205
                                                  Understanding Yourself and Others Better Through MBTI
                                                                                                                                                               410-502-5521 (office)
                                                  Personality Theory.
                                                                                                                                                               Fax: 410-502-5522

                                                  By the end of this Program, participants will be able to:
                                                  identify their goals as leaders in the health professions and                                                Faculty Development Office
                                                  discuss ways of achieving these goals; analyze their own                                                     Faculty of Medicine, McGill
                                                                                                                  The Program is geared towards those for
                                                  leadership styles and consider how style influences practice,                                                University
                                                                                                                  whom leadership forms part of their
                                                  using different models of leadership and change; apply a                                                     Lady Meredith House, Room 103
                                                                                                                  current or future career trajectory.
                                                  framework for analyzing change to specific situations in                                                     1110 Pine Avenue West
                          Leadership                                                                              Participants will have an opportunity to
 McGill University                                their own professional contexts; identify different conflict                                                 Montreal, QC H3A 1A3
                          Development Program                                                                     work on their own leadership challenges
                                                  management styles and negotiation strategies; describe an                                                    Tel: (514) 398-2698 Fax: (514) 398-
                                                                                                                  and should be in a position to implement
                                                  approach to establishing and leading effective teams; discuss                                                2231
                                                                                                                  their new skills in the workplace upon
                                                  key issues related to organizational development and
                                                                                                                  completion of the Program.
                                                  strategic planning that apply to the McGill context.                                               


2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                   18
Medical Schools Based Career and Leadership Development Programs
 Sponsor          Program         Program Description & Website                                                   Audience                                   Contact Information
                                                                                                                  Primary Health Care Professionals
                                                                                                                  interested in:
                                                 The goal of the Faculty Development Program is to increase       •     Academic medicine career option
                          Executive Faculty      the nation’s supply of minority teachers in Primary Care.        •     Teaching medical students and
                                                                                                                                                             Josylen Huston
 Morehouse School of      Development            Topics covered include teaching metods, computer skills,               residents
 Medicine                 Program: Doctor’s      grant writing, primary care research and writing for the         •     Writing for the medical literature
                          Teaching Doctors       medical literature. The executive program is for participants    •     Issues unique to minority health
                                                 who live outside of Atlanta.                                           professionals
                                                                                                                  •     Serving healthcare needs to the
                                                 An annual, full-day, faculty development retreat for faculty
                                                                                                                                                             Lisa Coplit, MD
                                                 in leadership roles in education. The conference provides a
                                                                                                                                                             Director, Institute for Medical
                                                 forum to address the most challenging aspects of their roles
                                                 and exchange ideas with their colleagues. It also enhances
                                                                                                                                                             Mount Sinai School of Medicine
                                                 communication among those who play key instructional             Course directors, clerkship directors,
 Mount Sinai School of    Education Leadership                                                                                                               1 Gustave L. Levy Place
                                                 roles in the undergraduate and graduate programs at MSSM,        deans and other educational leaders at
 Medicine                 Conference                                                                                                                         Box 1255
                                                 inspires and encourages our teachers, links colleagues and       the MSSM and its affiliate institutions
                                                                                                                                                             New York, NY 10029
                                                 resources, and introduces new topics and ideas.
                                                 This all day retreat covers basic skills necessary for
                                                 department chairs at the institution. Topics presented
                                                 include: how to determine an appropriate budget to operate
                                                 the department, recruit and retain faculty; recruitment of new
                                                 faculty to fulfill the mission of the department; fostering                                                 Dr. Marjorie A. Ariano
                                                 faculty growth using annual 360-assessments and developing                                                  Director, Faculty Development
                                                 appropriate workloads; legal minefields; conflict resolution;                                               RFUMS, 3333 Green Bay Rd. North
                                                 team building. Resources and helpful links to external and                                                  Chicago, IL 60064
 Rosalind Franklin
                                                 internal sources are provided through a web-based course,                                                   847-578-8496
 University of Medicine                                                                                           Chairs from the four schools and the
                          Chair School           focused for the chair cohort (and password restricted), using                                               Fax: 847-775-6537
 and Science                                                                                                      primary clinical affiliates
                                                 our learning management system. Follow up sessions on the                                                   marjorie.ariano@rosalindfranklin.ed
                                                 legal ramifications of performance evaluations; collaborative                                               u
                                                 leadership and engaging in “difficult conversations” have
                                                 been given.                                                                                                 Kathi Leonard

2010 AAMC. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                 19
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