WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Westminster Presbyterian Church ...

Page created by Grace Leonard
WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Westminster Presbyterian Church ...
A Warm Welcome to All!
                     We seek to be an inclusive church,
              and to show love and compassion in many ways.
         If you are a visitor, we invite you to worship with us often
                 and to consider joining our congregation.

         If you’d like to become more connected, please contact
             Pastors Scott Paczkowski or Jan Scott at 274-1534.


                    Children in Worship
                  All children are invited to be in worship.
             Childcare is available for infants and preschoolers
         in the Nursery (Room 204) from 8:45 a.m. until 10:45 a.m.


            Livestream Camera Reminder
    Please know, if you are seated in the pews on the first floor there is
    a possibility that you will be seen by the cameras. If you’d prefer to
                stay off-screen, please sit in the Balcony or the
                        back two pews of the Sanctuary.


                         Internet Access
                Domain: Westminster Presbyterian Church
                        Password: Westminster

Order of Worship
Third Sunday of Advent                                         December 12, 2021

                       Gathering the Community of Faith
PRELUDE                  Awake, Awake and Greet the New Morn     Music: Marty Haugen
                                  Juli Bey - Piano                arr. Rachel Chapin

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                          Scott Paczkowski

                  Please let us know you are worshiping with us!
                 In-Person: Please fill out the pew Attendance Pad
                         and pass it to others in your pew.
                 On-line: Please complete the “Attendance Form,”
                              on the livestream page.

                            Celebrating God’s Presence
CALL TO WORSHIP (Zeph. 3, Isa. 12, Phil. 4)                           Evie Gauthier
 One: Let all who love God rejoice.
  All: Let all who thirst for justice draw water from the well of God’s
 One: Let all who long for Christ sing for joy.
  All: Let all who hunger for righteousness return home to the living God.
 One: Let all who seek the Spirit shout aloud.
  All: Let all who yearn for mercy fall on their knees before the throne of grace.

*OPENING HYMN #15                Rejoice! Rejoice, Believers   Music: Welsh Folk Melody
(Music on pg. 7 of worship bulletin.)                           Text: Laurentius Laurenti

LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLE                             Regennitter Family
  One: In this season of Advent, we celebrate God’s joy.
   All: Knowing that Christ is coming, to bring healing and wholeness
		 to the world, is a source of genuine delight!
  One: When we gather for worship it is a celebration, an opportunity to
		 rejoice in all that God is doing among us and beyond us.
   All: Our lives are marked by laughter and friendship, as we love our
		 neighbors with wide smiles and open arms.
  One: Even when we face difficulty and trouble, we sing a song of faith,
		 confident that Jesus is able to redeem our suffering world.
   All: Together, we are a sign of God’s joy for the world.
           (Please observe a moment of silence as the candles are lit.)

One: Let us pray:
 All: God of transformation, we rejoice that you lift up the lowly and
		 fill the hungry with good things. We marvel at your power to
      change hearts and lives. Fill us with your Spirit this season so that
		 our voices declare your goodness and our lives proclaim your
		 mercy in Jesus Christ. Amen.

*PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Zeph. 3, Isa. 12, Phil. 4)
    Source of compassion and grace, we struggle to embody the joy of
your salvation, but we are easily distracted by the demands of the season;
we long to taste the wellspring of your mercy, but we are caught up in the
frenzy of the holidays. Be our quiet center, that we may find your joy deep
within. Be our secret heart, that we may live lives of love wherever we go.
In your holy name, we pray. Amen.

  One: The one who loves us with a fierce tenderness takes away our guilt and
       leads us in the ways of life.
  All: The one who guides us with justice and mercy restores our
       fortunes and leads us home.

  One: The joy of this season is found in simple moments of warmth and caring.
   All: Let us demonstrate the joy we have discovered in this church
        by passing the peace of Christ with one another.
            Greet one another with the good news of peace in Jesus Christ.

*SUNG RESPONSE #24 (vs.3)               Away in a Manger Music: William James Kirkpatrick
(Music on pg. 8 of worship bulletin.)		               Text: Gabriel’s Vineyard Songs, 1892

When the pastor says, “God of Mercy,” please respond with, “Hear our prayer.”

                       Dedicating Our Lives and Offerings

OFFERTORY                          Savior of the Nations, Come              arr. Joshua Kramer
                                  Westminster Handbell Choir

*OFFERTORY RESPONSE                     What Child Is This                      Doxology
(Music on pg. 9 of worship bulletin.)                   Music: 16th Century English Melody
                                                                          Text: Thomas Ken

Proclaiming God’s Word
NEW TESTAMENT LESSON:               Philippians 4:4-7                     Evie Gauthier

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be
known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in
everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be
made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
ANTHEM                          Fantasy on Kingsfold                 arr. Dean Wagner
                            Westminster Ringing Ensemble

OLD TESTAMENT LESSON:             Isaiah 12:2-6                    Scott Paczkowski
Surely God is my salvation;
   I will trust, and will not be afraid,
for the Lord God is my strength and my might;
   he has become my salvation.
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. And you will say in that day:
Give thanks to the Lord,
  call on his name;
make known his deeds among the nations;
  proclaim that his name is exalted.
Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously;
   let this be known in all the earth.
Shout aloud and sing for joy, O royal Zion,
   for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.

SERMON                “There Will Be Joy in the Morning”          Scott Paczkowski

                  The Sacrament of Holy Communion
   The Invitation
   The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving/The Lord’s Prayer
   Sharing the Bread and the Cup:
		   Please partake of the bread when you are ready.
		 When you receive the cup, please hold it so that all may partake together.
   Communion Music Meditation
		          Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming                         arr. Mark Hayes
                   Juli Bey - Piano
   Prayer after Communion

Sending the Faithful into God’s World
*CLOSING HYMN #16             The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came         Music: Basque Carol
(Music on pg. 10 of worship bulletin.)                       Text: Para. Sabine Baring-Gould

  One: Go with the joy of the Lord on your lips.
   All: Go with the peace of Christ in your hearts.
  One: Go with the strength of the Holy Spirit in every step you take.
   All: We go with God.

POSTLUDE                            Rejoice, Rejoice Believers     Music: Swedish folk tune
                                         Juli Bey - Organ          arr. Emily Maxson Porter

* All who are able, please stand.

Participating in Worship this morning…
Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski, Senior Pastor                         Scott@westpres.org
Rev. Jan Scott, Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care                 JScott@westpres.org
Aaron Schultz, Director of Music and Art                      ASchultz@westpres.org
Juli Bey, Organist and Pianist                                     Juli@westpres.org
Drew Robertson, Youth Director - Media Engineer            DRobertson@westpres.org
Austin Shane, Greg Shane, Bret Voorhees, Liam Ekhardt- Media Engineers
Evie Gauthier- Liturgist
Regennitter Family - Candlelighters
Westminster Handbell Choir - Westminster Ringing Ensemble
Church Music/Streaming Licenses
CCLI: #11161622
CCS: #12829

What Child Is This
                                     For Advent or Christmas

        
E Minor:       Em     D      G                D                         B7    Em         Am/C
                                                                      
                                                                                         
        Praise God, from whom all bless - ings             flow.    Praise God, all crea - tures

                                              
         B                  Em                D       G             D                                B7

                                                                    
                                                                                     
        here   be - low. Praise God           a - bove,        ye heaven - ly          host.    Praise

        Em          Am        B                   Em                         Bm        G

                                                                                 
                                                    
         Fa    -    ther,     Son,       and      Ho - ly Ghost.             This,     this      is

         D                         B7    Em               Am/C                  B
                                                                      
                                                        
    Christ the King,              whom shep - herds guard             and      an - gels sing;

     
        Bm      G             D                    B7     Em       Am B                Em (or E Major)
                    
                                                                              
     haste, haste      to bring him laud,          the    babe, the son             of Ma - ry.

Words: Thomas Ken, 1674                                                               GREENSLEEVES
Music: 16th Century English Melody                                                   87.87 with Refrain

Text and tune adapted by Dean McIntyre, The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship, PO Box 340003,
Nashville TN 37203-0003. Telephone 615-340-7073. Website http://www.umcworship.org. Email address:
music@gbod.org. Text and tune are public domain.

Westminster Announcements
Purchase a Poinsettia - Today is the last day to purchase a poinsettia to help
decorate the Sanctuary. Each poinsettia is $10. You may pick up your poinsettia
after worship, on Christmas Eve or Sunday morning, December 26. Order forms
can be found in the church office.

Adopt a Family - This year the Adopt-a-Family program will support three
families from Family Promise and two families from Monroe Elementary School.
All wish lists are now in The Commons, so please stop in and check out the
additional gift items. If you need any help in picking our a gift, please contact
Susan Denton at sdenton@westpres.org or call the office at 515-274-1534. Please
return your gifts by December 19th or sooner!

Winter-Advent-Christmas art now in the Gallery - The Visual Arts Committee
announces a new exhibit now on display in the Westminster Gallery. The art – a
collection of works by Westminster artists – expresses the theme of “Winter,
Advent and Christmas.” Stop by the Gallery on the lower level of the church to
view the exhibit, which will continue through early January.

Anchor Coffee House - Matt Culp will be selling Anchor Coffee House tickets
this Sunday in the Commons after Service. This season’s line up features artists
Patresa Hartman (Jan 2022), Dan Trilk (Feb 2022), Ducharme-Jones (March 2022).
To find more information about Anchor Coffee House or to purchase tickets, visit
westpres.org/anchor-coffee-house or call the office at 515-274-1534.

Hat & Mitten Tree to Benefit Monroe Elementary - Please join the Church &
Community Committee in collaboration with the Des Moines Knitting Guild to
decorate our mitten tree to benefit Monroe Elementary. Bring your hats, gloves
& mittens to decorate the tree. It will be at the top of the stairs by the Franklin
entrance. All items will go to Monroe Elementary to be distributed.

Deacon Caroling - The congregation is invited to go caroling with the Deacons
on after worship today to bring holiday cheer to our homebound friends. Enjoy
pizza and fellowship after worship before going caroling at 11:30 a.m. The bus
and carpooling will be available, and we will be caroloing outside.

Prayer Requests - If you have a prayer request that you’d like to share with
your church family, please select the Prayer Request button on the website’s
livestream worship page, or contact Susan Denton at sdenton@westpres.org.

How Can I Contribute My Offering or Pay My Pledge When Not at Church?
   ● Online - At https://www.westpres.org/howtogive
   ● Mail - Westminster Church, 4114 Allison Ave., Des Moines, IA 50310-3398
   ● Text - WPCDSM to 73256
		 ● Call the Church Office - 515-274-1534 for credit card or ACH contribution 11
Christmas Eve  at    Westminster
           Each of our Christmas Eve Services will include candles, carols,
                         and a message from Pastor Scott.

                                 5:00 p.m.
The first service of the evening is our “family service.” A special children’s message
                          will be delivered from Pastor Scott.

                                 7:00 p.m.
            This service is a traditional Christmas worship experience.
                   It includes the sharing of Holy Communion.
            Join us as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper and Christ’s birth.

                                  9:00 p.m.
            Music from the Westminster Chorale will help tell the story
             of Christ’s birth through traditional Christmas Carols,
                   special music from the Westminster Chorale.

After the 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. services, we will have a special Christmas Eve Reception
                     in The Commons to welcome one and all.
             A photo booth will also be located in the tower entrance.

                                    PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
  4114 Allison Ave • Des Moines, Iowa 50310 • www.westpres.org • 515-274-1534
            Please Follow Westminster on Social Media!
                       WestPres                         WestPresDM
                       WE ARE WESTMINSTER...
         We Worship with Tradition ٠ We Connect as a Church Family
          We Engage in Mission ٠ We Raise 21st Century Disciples
                       INCLUSIVITY STATEMENT
  We welcome all persons as participants in our congregation, regardless of age,
race, gender, marital status, physical condition, gender identity, sexual orientation,
        ethnic background,economic status, or any other human condition.
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