Weekend Outings January - June 2020 - Nowra Outlet 24 Trim Street South Nowra NSW 2541 - Shoalhaven ...

Page created by Ruby Marshall
Weekend Outings January - June 2020 - Nowra Outlet 24 Trim Street South Nowra NSW 2541 - Shoalhaven ...
Our new office address is:

       24 Trim Street
 South Nowra NSW 2541
                                      Weekend Outings
Our phone number remains the same:
                                     January - June 2020
        (02) 4423 6044
                                        Nowra Outlet
                                             Version 1
Weekend Outings January - June 2020 - Nowra Outlet 24 Trim Street South Nowra NSW 2541 - Shoalhaven ...
Access Rating                                   NOTE TO CLIENTS, Continued
The rating system has been designed to assist              ATTENTION—NOTES HAVE CHANGED PLEASE READ
     clients in choosing the most suitable              Our social weekend outings are for people who may
destination for their personal level of mobility.        become socially isolated because they cannot travel
                                                         independently. Geographical location determines our
What do the numbers mean?                                route and order of pick-up, and for this reason, we are
                                                         often unable to accommodate requests for those people
1. Not suitable for clients using wheelchairs
                                                         who only wish to travel on the same vehicle as their
2. Generally accessible, but caution advised             friend/s. We thank you for your understanding and hope
   for more frail clients due to walking                 you will make many new friends while travelling with us.
   distance (over 30 metres) and/or uneven              Your bus fare does not include meals and/or entry into
   terrain                                               venues (unless specified). You are responsible for
                                                         purchasing your own meals on the day. The cost of some
3. Fully accessible                                      meals are set before the date, e.g. set menu, and will be
                                                         listed on the outing schedule for that particular month.
Note: Please check with the office if you have          Weekend outings are booked well in advance, but
any concerns about your particular accessibility.        occasionally destinations, venues or dates may change at
                                                         short notice, due to unforeseen circumstances.
                                                        We appreciate and welcome your feedback! If you have
  Please note that all prices for the bus fare apply     any suggestions, complaints or compliments please
    to Commonwealth Home Support Program                 contact the office.
                eligible clients only.                  Please advise us if your details or circumstances have
                                                         changed, to ensure we can provide the right service to
 Clients in receipt of Aged Care or NDIS packages        you.
   and their Carers will incur an additional fee.       All prices/outings are correct at time of printing, but are
                                                         subject to change.
             Please speak to one of our
                                                             PLEASE BOOK EARLY AS SEATS ARE LIMITED
        friendly booking officers for details.
Weekend Outings January - June 2020 - Nowra Outlet 24 Trim Street South Nowra NSW 2541 - Shoalhaven ...
NOTE TO CLIENTS                                                    JANUARY
                                                                                         Moss Vale
 Please ring the office during our business hours 8:00 a.m.
  to 3:30 p.m. to book your seat for an outing.                                            Bus: $12
 We will only take bookings up to one month in advance,                          Morning Tea: Kangaroo Valley
  so please book early as numbers are limited. You may                           Lunch: Moss Vale Services Club
  start confirming your next outing on the day following the
  current outing, unless a booking date has been specified
  on the outing schedule for that particular month.
 Our automated phone service will confirm your upcoming
  trip and advise your approximate pick-up time the Friday
  prior to an outing. If you have made a booking for a
  weekend outing and DO NOT receive an automated call,
  please phone the office.
 Please phone the office prior to the day if you are unable
  to attend. Last-minute cancellations may be left on our
  answering machine.
    When booking for a weekend outing please consider
     carefully your interest in the outing:
       venue, destination and all activities planned (clients
         are not permitted to remain in the vehicle);
       potential exposure to the weather and other
                                                                                    Mobility Access Rating: 3
         your mobility; and                                         Please bring the exact amount of money for the bus fare.
         whether you require a carer to accompany you on the          Eastern Villages, Nowra and Bomaderry: 5th January
          trip – our drivers and assistants are there to provide
          transport to the destinations, not fulfil a carers role.
                                                                       Bay & Basin, Berry and Shoalhaven Heads: 12th January
Weekend Outings January - June 2020 - Nowra Outlet 24 Trim Street South Nowra NSW 2541 - Shoalhaven ...
FEBRUARY                                                Did you know that
                                                                  Shoalhaven Community Transport Service…
                          Bus: $12
                                                                   Has a fleet of twenty four vehicles
Outing and Morning Tea: Little Tree Café - Yatte Yattah Nursery
                                                                   Has over one hundred dedicated volunteers who
                 Lunch: Mollymook Golf Club                         generously donate their time
                                                                   Has two depots: Nowra and Ulladulla
                                                                   Has been in operation since 1986
                                                                   Has over 3,500 registered clients
                                                                   Provides transport for
                                                                        Medical and specialist appointments
                                                                        Other appointments in the community
                                                                        Social and shopping outings
                                                                        Visiting friends and family
                                                                   Travels as far afield as Sydney and Canberra
                                                                   Has taxi vouchers available for eligible clients
                                                                   Has a mission to provide the best quality transport,
                                                                    to assist clients to remain living independently in
                                                                    their own homes for as long as possible

                  Mobility Access Rating: 2
  Please bring the exact amount of money for the bus fare.                        Nowra     4423 6044
  Eastern Villages, Nowra and Bomaderry: 9th February                             Ulladulla 4454 0840

Bay & Basin, Berry and Shoalhaven Heads: 16th February
Weekend Outings January - June 2020 - Nowra Outlet 24 Trim Street South Nowra NSW 2541 - Shoalhaven ...
JUNE                                                      MARCH
                       Figtree                                          Dapto Shopping Centre
                       Bus: $12                                                    Bus: $12
                  Morning tea: Kiama                       Morning Tea and Lunch: within the shopping complex at your
                                                                                  own leisure
              Lunch: Figtree Bowling Club

               Mobility Access Rating: 3                                    Mobility Access Rating: 3

Please bring the exact amount of money for the bus fare.     Please bring the exact amount of money for the bus fare.

  Eastern Villages, Nowra and Bomaderry: 14th June          Eastern Villages, Nowra and Bomaderry: 15th March

 Bay & Basin, Berry and Shoalhaven Heads: 21st June         Bay & Basin, Berry and Shoalhaven Heads: 22nd March
Weekend Outings January - June 2020 - Nowra Outlet 24 Trim Street South Nowra NSW 2541 - Shoalhaven ...
APRIL                                                         MAY
                     Ulladulla                                                 Helensburgh
                      Bus: $12                                                        Bus: $15
             Morning Tea: Cupitt’s Winery                  Outing and Morning tea: Morning tea along the way before a
     Lunch: Milton/Ulladulla Ex-Servicemans Club                      leisurely drive along the Seacliff bridge
                                                                             Lunch: Helensburgh Club
                                                             *Please note: this trip will be for an extended duration -
                                                                please consider this when booking for this outing*

               Mobility Access Rating: 2                                    Mobility Access Rating: 3

Please bring the exact amount of money for the bus fare.     Please bring the exact amount of money for the bus fare.
  Eastern Villages, Nowra and Bomaderry: 5th April          Eastern Villages, Nowra and Bomaderry: 10th May

 Bay & Basin, Berry and Shoalhaven Heads: 19th April        Bay & Basin, Berry and Shoalhaven Heads: 17th May
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