Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University"

Page created by Hugh Sanchez
Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University"
Warwick SU
Strategic Plan
“A world-class Students’
Union for a world-class
Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University"
Our Strategic Journey                                                   2020 - Jan-March
Since starting the strategic review progress in late 2018,              New Key Performance
                                                                        Indicators drafted in
the SU has consulted with officers, students, staff,                    consultation with staff
trustees and the University to develop the 2021-25 plan.
Here is a brief summary of the work that’s been done,                   2020 - April-Aug
and the challenges we had along the way...                              Business continuity and
                                                                                                     2021 - Jan
                                                                                                     Work programmes
                                                                        recovery in response to
      2018 - Oct
      Initial Trustee Strategy Day
                                                                        2020 - May                   2021 - Feb
                                          2019 - Jan-March              SU / University Strategic    Revisited KPIs
      2018 - Nov                          Review of student research,   Partnership Review           and targets
      Setup internal Strategic            and consultation with         Group formed
      Review Steering Group              students and SU staff
                                                                        2020 - Sept-Dec              2021 - March
      2018 - Dec                          2019 - April                                               Weekly all staff
                                                                        Significant reorganisation
      Developed a Theory of               Strategy Away Day with                                     discussions on living
                                                                        to align SU structure
      Change model to inform the          Board of Trustees                                          our values
                                                                        with strategy
      strategic planning process

                                          2019 - May
                                          Story of WSU commissioned
                                                                        2020 - Oct
                                                                        New Strategy                 2021 - April
                                          2019 - Summer                 subcommittee formed          Final consultation with
                                          Major changes to senior       with student officers        student members
                                          management team               and trustees
                                                                                                     2021 - June
                                          2019 - Dec                    2020 - Nov                   Launch of 2021–25
                                          Board and Director Away       Draft strategy produced
                                                                                                     Strategic Plan
                                          Day on Strategy               and taken to the Board
                                                                        for consultation
Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University"
Our Values
                                                                                     Student Focused
                                                                                     We put students at the
                                                                                     heart of everything we do,
                                                                                     and stand in solidarity with
                                                           Welcoming                 our liberation communities
                                                           We are supportive,
                                                           helpful, inclusive and
                                                           value diversity

                                                                                     We are representative,
                                                                                     ethical, transparent
                                                                                     and accountable

Our vision                 Our priorities
A world-class Students’    Ensure the student voice
Union for a world-class    is central to university life    Independent
University                                                  We are the independent
                           Improve students’                voice of Warwick
                           welfare                          students

Our mission                Develop a well-led and
The best experience for    values-driven organisation
every student at Warwick

                           Create great networks
                           and communities
Our ambition
To be a dynamic force      Ensure that the SU                                               Enriching
for change where our       is financially, and                                              We nurture students’
members feel a sense       environmentally                                                  aspirations and help
of community               sustainable                                                      them develop
Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University"
Our work programmes

 Advice and support                     Building communities
 Building an excellent advice           Supporting the development of
 service, which offers quality          clubs and societies, improving
 support on key issues and              the university experience for
 improved links to external             marginalised student groups,
 support providers, and                 enabling a great introduction to
 supporting disadvantaged               Warwick through Welcome Week
 students.                              and helping to deliver a modern
                                        commercial offer on campus.

 Student voice
 Academic representation,
 campaigning on the issues that         A sustainable future
 matter to students, decolonising       Providing good financial
 the curriculum, support for            foundations (including an
 liberation groups, a critical friend   effective Covid-19 recovery
 to the University and democratic       plan), setting new environmental
 processes which maximise               targets, maximising use of new
 involvement.                           technologies and delivering a
                                        digital transformation project.

                                           Our charitable objects
 Positive change                           Warwick Students’ Union exists for the advancement of
 Consulting on new organisational          education of students at the University of Warwick by:
 values, a programme of
 reforms to modernise the SU,              1. Promoting their interests and welfare
 implementing the equality,                2. Representing, supporting and advising
 diversity and inclusion review,           3. Being the recognised representative of students
 colleague development and an                 to the University
 innovative leadership programme           4. Providing social, cultural and recreational activities
 for student officers.                     5. Providing forums for discussion, debate and
                                              personal development
Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University"

Our targets
By 2025 we want to achieve…

                                                                         of staff colleagues report
                                                                         the SU lives its values

      of members voting in SU
      elections throughout the year

                    Annual financial
                    goals achieved
                    each year
                                                                        TOP 10
                                                                        Russell Group SU by NSS score


      of Advice Centre users
      feel empowered to make
      informed choices

         20%                                                             3/4
                                                                         of students say they are
         more students actively
                                                                         satisfied with Warwick SU
         engaged with the SU

                                                                    Details of our progress against these targets, as well
                                                                    as information about our other strategically significant
*Baseline figure was an internal measurement. Future                achievements, will be published at the end of every
performance will be based on client feedback.                       academic year in an annual report.
Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University" Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University" Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University" Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University" Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2021-25 - "A world-class Students' Union for a world-class University"
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