VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau

Page created by Leo Jacobs
VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau

VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau
        At the Greensboro Visitors Center, you’ll find friendly faces, maps, brochures,
         schedules for upcoming events and directions to anywhere you’d like to go.
          Our representatives will answer your questions about our city and region.

        The Visitors Center is located
        right next to the Greensboro
            Coliseum Complex at
          2411 W. GATE CITY BLVD.

   Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
        Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
         Sunday, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
       For more information, call
    800-344-2282 or 336-274-2282

As President and CEO of the Greensboro Convention and Visitors
Bureau (CVB) and on behalf of our Board of Directors, staff and
industry partners, I’d like to welcome you to our city – Greensboro,

Greensboro is the perfect place to relax, rejuvenate, and re-energize
after a long and difficult 2020. Here you’ll find the ideal balance
of rich history and future thinking, dynamic sports and peaceful
greenways, small-town comfort and worldly influences.

Welcome to our city and enjoy your stay! We know you will find
what you’re looking for in Greensboro.

Henri Fourrier, CDME
President & CEO
Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau
VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau
The Rotary Club of Greensboro Carousel

                                                                    TABLE OF                        CONTENTS
Welcome to the Gate City                                    1                 Sports                                                        36

Greensboro By The Numbers                                   4                 Parks & Outdoors                                              38

Dining                                                      5                 Murals                                                        40

Nightlife                                                  16                 Golf                                                          43

Beers & Cheers                                             18                 Colleges & Universities                                       44

History                                                    21                 Accommodations                                                46

Arts                                                       25                 Maps                                     52
                                                                              Attractions, Accommodations & Downtown Maps
Shopping                                                   29
                                                                              Transportation & Visitor Info                                 60
Family Fun                                                 32                 Contacts & Featured Itineraries

                                                                              Events                                                        62

      VISITOR                     The Greensboro Area Convention & Visitors Bureau and the
                                  Greensboro Visitors Center offer free guides, maps and information
                                  on attractions, accommodations, restaurants, golf, special events
   SEVEN DAYS                     and more. We can also assist with accommodations and restaurant
      A WEEK:                     recommendations.

The information in this brochure was compiled by the Greensboro Area Convention & Visitors
Bureau in the fall of 2020. Inclusion should not be construed as a recommendation, but merely as
a guide. Visitors are encouraged to confirm all information. The Greensboro Area CVB will not be
                                                                                                                      Please recycle this guide.
held responsible for any discrepancies contained herein.
VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau

* This illustration is not to scale

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VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau

   With a great selection of 135 attractions, the fun never ends in Greensboro!
 Centrally located in North Carolina’s picturesque heartland, Greensboro is the perfect place to
relax and be immersed in entertainment. Play in the center of it all! Dine with a selection of more
    than 500 restaurants. Feel at home with more than 90 accommodations to choose from.

                                                  As you explore our beautiful city,
                                                     share your pictures with us
                                                     on social media by tagging

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VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau
FACTS & FIGURES                                                        ABOUT GREENSBORO

               1                               2                              3                                 4
        NICKNAMES                      The 22,000+ seat                   In 2019,
         • Jeansboro               GREENSBORO COLISEUM                 SUNSET HILLS
         • Gate City                built in 1959 used to be          in Greensboro was
    • Tournament Town                the largest single-seat        chosen Nicest Place in
                                      arena in the nation.       the state by Reader's Digest         According to Waze
   Learn more about the                                                                           in 2018, Greensboro is the
        nicknames at                Now it’s the 2nd largest           in the nation and the 6th                                           BEST PLACE TO
         nick-names                   largest in the world.                                           DRIVE IN THE U.S.

               5                               6                              7                                 8
     THE GREENSBORO                                                PLAY ON NEPTUNE XXL          Proximity Hotel and its restaurant
       BOG GARDEN                                                       CLIMBERS                   Print Works Bistro are the
   is one of the most used                                       at the Greensboro Children’s      FIRST "GREEN" HOTEL
Instagram locations in the city.                                 Museum. These two 30-foot and restaurant to be awarded
                                   JOYMONGERS BREWERY             Neptune XXL Climbers are      Platinum LEED Certification
                                   assisted in making it legal     the only ones in the world  in the U.S. They use 34.2% less
                                   to have dogs in breweries      that are connected by a net energy and 35.5% less water than
                                          in the state.             tunnel near their peaks.  comparable hotels/restaurants.

              9                               10                             11                                12
    Animal Planet TV Show             THE GREENSBORO                                                    Greensboro has
  ‘Tanked’ made a custom                 CAROUSEL                                                        500 miles of
 10,000 gallon tank for the          is the largest carousel                                          WALKING TRAILS.
       WISEMAN                             in the state.
  AQUARIUM'S OCTOPUS.                                                We’re home of the
  This custom-built tank is                                             1ST CAT CAFÉ
on display featuring an active                                       in North Carolina –
   and growing octopus.                                               Crooked Tail Café.

             13                               14                             15                                16
   POPULATION 296,710                 Greensboro has an              YUM YUMS BETTER
     in 2020. We’re the                INTERNATIONAL              ICE CREAM AND HOTDOGS
      third largest city              RESTAURANT ROW.                  has been serving
         in the state.              Along three miles there        Greensboro since 1906 -
                                                                                                     Greensboro is ranked
                                    are 70 plus restaurants           that's 115 years.
                                                                                                  in the top 15 cities for the
                                     featuring more than
                                      10 diverse cultures                                         LOWEST COST OF LIVING
                                         and cuisines.                                                    by

              17                              18                             19                                20
        WET 'N WILD                                                   SEVEN COLLEGES
        WATER PARK                                                   AND UNIVERSITIES
  is a top rated Water Park                                           are located inside
        in the country.
                                      HOPS BURGER BAR                   our city limits.        THE DOWNTOWN GREENWAY,
                                                                                                 a 4-mile walking and biking
                                         is nationally
                                                                                                     greenway that loops
                                     acclaimed for having
                                                                                                    the downtown, will be
                                       the best burgers.
                                                                                                      complete in 2021.

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VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau
Stamey's Barbecue

Tex and Shirley's

                                    ENJOY SOME GOOD

                                    COOKIN’    Dame's Chicken and Waffle


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                      Chez Genèse
VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau

                                                                         1618 West
                                                                                           A Special Blend
You’ll find something to satisfy any craving with Greensboro's selection of restaurants.
From Southern specialties to ethnic cuisine there is something for everyone. The
guide is listed in alphabetical order. A key with an explanation of the symbols used in
the guide is included. All locations are in Greensboro unless otherwise noted. Please        DINING LOCATION GUIDE
note that hours, capacity and operations may change. Carryout and delivery options
are available at most locations. Please call ahead for direct updates and information.

1618                                      B. CHRISTOPHER’S
• Downtown                                201 N. Elm St. 27401
  312 S. Elm St. 27401                    336-274-5900
  336-312-4143                            Tues-Sat: D
  Tues-Sat: L D                                          R B 30+ $$$
• West
  1618 W. Friendly Ave. 27403             BAD DADDY’S BURGER BAR
  336-235-0898                            4522 W. Wendover Ave. Ste. 101
  Mon-Sat: D Sun: B D                     27409, 336-323-2666
• Midtown                                 Mon-Sun: L D
  1724 Battleground Ave., Ste 105                                                                 Downtown
  27408 336-285-9410                                                                              Airport
  Mon-Sat: D                              BANH MI SAIGON SANDWICHES &
              R B $$-$$$                                                                          Market St. / Gate City Blvd./
                                          BAKERY                                                  Wendover Ave.
                                          3808 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407
ACROPOLIS RESTAURANT                      336-85+-7667                                            South Greensboro
416 N. Eugene St. 27401                   Mon-Sun: B L D                                          North Greensboro
336-273-3306                                         30+ $
Mon-Sun: L D                                                                                                 KEY
                 O B 30+ $$
                                          BAKED DOWNTOWN
                                                                                              $   Less than $20
AGNI INDIAN                               227 S. Elm St. 27401                                    for two people
6511 S. Regional Rd. 27409                336-370-6439
                                          Thurs-Sun: B L D                                   $$ Between $21-$40
336-886-1044                                                                                      for two people
Mon-Sun: L D                                         O$
                 O B 30+ $$                                                                 $$$   More than $40
                                          BANDITO BODEGA                                          for two people
ARIGATO JAPANESE STEAK                    1609 W. Friendly Ave 27403                              Credit Cards Accepted
& SEAFOOD HOUSE                           336-897-7878
1200 S. Holden Rd. 27407                  Mon-Sun: L D                                            Handicapped Accessible
336-299-1003                                         $O                                           Kid’s Menu Available
Mon-Sun: D
                 R $$-$$$                 BANGKOK CAFÉ                                            Open Late Night
                                          1203 S. Holden Rd. 27407                                Serves Beer/Wine
ASAHI JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE                 336-855-9370
4520 W. Market St. 27407                  Mon-Sun: L D                                            Serves Spirits/Cocktails
336-855-8883                                         $                                            Coffee/Tea Shop
Tues-Sun: D
                 R $$-$$$                 BAYSIDE SEAFOOD                                         Bakery/Desserts
                                          3512 D, Wendover Ave. E, 27405                          Located in a Hotel
A SPECIAL BLEND                           336-954-8006
3900C W. Market St. 27407                 Sun-Sat: B L D                                      R   Reservations Suggested
336-763-0205                                                 R 30+ $$$
                                                                                              O Outdoor Dining
Mon-Sat: B L D Sun: B L
          $                               BEST DINER                                          B   Banquet Room
                                          5339 W. Market St. 27409
                                                                                             30+ Large Groups 30+
A SWEET SUCCESS! BAKERY                   336-632-4400
315 N. Spring St. 27401                   24-hour diner Mon-Sun: B L D                        B Breakfast/Brunch
336-215-8239                                             $
                                                                                              L Lunch
Mon-Fri: B L
                                                                                              D Dinner

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VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau

BILL’S PIZZA PUB                 THE BOX SEAT                     CHEESECAKE FACTORY
• 1431-A Hwy. 68 N,              5006 -E High Point Rd. 27407     3124 W. Friendly Ave. 27408
  Oak Ridge 27310                336-297-0073                     336-323-1211
  336-644-1540                   Mon-Sun: L D                     Mon-Fri: L D Sat-Sun: Br L D
  Mon-Sun: L D                                O 30+ $                                    O $$
• 5200 Randleman Rd.
  27406, 336-674-0114            BRAVO! CUCINA ITALIANA           CHEZ GENÈSE
  Mon-Sat: L D Sun: D            3324 W. Friendly Ave. 27410      616 S. Elm St. 27406
              B 30+ $            336-834-0084                     336-663-7399
                                 Mon-Fri: L D Sat-Sun: Br L D     Mon-Sun: B L
BINH MINH                                          R O B 30+ $$            O$
5211-C W. Market St. 27409
336-851-1527                     BRIXX WOOD FIRED PIZZA           CHERRY PIT CAFE & PIE SHOP
Mon-Sun: L D                     1424 Westover Ter. 27408         411B Pisgah Church Rd. 27455
           30+ $$                336-235-2749                     336-617-3294
                                 Mon-Sun: L D                     Mon-Sun: B L D
BLACK GINGER                                          O 30+ $                   $
435-J Dolley Madison Rd. 27410                                    CHEESECAKES BY ALEX
336-897-1135                     BROWN-GARDINER FOUNTAIN
                                 2101 N. Elm St. 27408            315 S. Elm St. 27401
Mon-Sun: L D                                                      336-273-0970
                    B 30+ $      336-275-3267
                                 Mon-Sat: B L                     Mon-Sun: B L D
BLAZE PIZZA                            $
4522 W. Wendover Ave. 27409                                       CHURCH STREET CAFE
336-738-3331                     CAFÉ @ REVOLUTION
                                 1250 Revolution Mill Dr. 27405   1040 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403
Mon-Sun: L D                                                      336-272-7505
              30+ $              336-587-8876
                                 Mon-Fri: B L                     Mon-Sat: L D
BLUE AGAVE MEXICAN BAR                     O $
& GRILL                                                           CHICKEN SALAD CHICK
3900 Battleground Ave. 27410     CAFÉ PASTA & GRILLÉ
                                 305 State St. 27408              1310 Westover Ter., Ste. 107 27408
336-282-4800                                                      336-663-8588
Mon-Sun: L D                     336-272-1308
                                 Tues-Fri: L D Sat: D             Mon-Sat: L D
                    O 30+ $$
                                                   R O B 30+ $$
BLUE DENIM                                                        CINCY’S DOWNTOWN
217 S. Elm St. 27401             CAPTAIN BILL’S SEAFOOD
                                 & STEAK                          115 E. February One Pl. 27401
336-676-5689                                                      336-378-9774
Tues-Fri: L D Sat: D             6108 W. Market St. 27409
                                 336-852-5162                     Mon-Fri: L
                    O R 30+ $$
                                 Mon-Sat: L D
BOBA HOUSE                                 B $$
                                                                  CLUTCH COFFEE BAR
VEGETARIAN & TEA HOUSE                                            1405 Sunset Dr. 27408
332 Tate St. 27403               CAROLINA’S DINER
                                 • 520 S. Regional Rd. 27409      Mon-Fri: B L
336-379-7444                                                               $
Mon-Sat: L D                       336-931-0811
           O $-$$                • 5605 W. Friendly Ave. 27410
                                   336-297-9363                   COFFEEOLOGY
                                 24-hour diner Mon-Sun: B L D     423-A Tate St. 27403
BON-BON WINGS & GRILL                                             336-274-7282
3605 Groometown Rd. 27407                     $
                                                                  Mon-Sun: B L D
336-617-7241                                                                    O$
Mon-Sun: L D                     CASA VALLARTA MEXICAN &
                    $$           SEAFOOD GRILLE                   COLISEUM COUNTRY CAFE
                                 3915 Battleground Ave. 27410     1904 Coliseum Blvd. 27403
BONCHON                          336-282-7070                     336-299-1809
607-A S. Elm St. 27406           Mon-Sun: L D                     Mon-Fri: B L D
336-265-8008                                       O B 30+ $                $
Mon-Sun: L D
                    $$           CEDAR’S RESTAURANT               COMMON GROUNDS
                                 & PIZZERIA                       602 S. Elam Ave. 27403
BONEFISH GRILL                   6104 W. Market St. 27409         336-698-3888
2100 Koury Blvd. 27407           336-299-5272                     Mon-Sun: B L D
336-851-8900                     Mon-Sun: L D                                       $
Mon-Fri: D Sat-Sun: B L D                  30+ $
                    R $$$                                         COOPER’S ALE HOUSE
                                 CENTER GROVE GRILL               415 S. Swing Rd. 27409
BOSS HOG BBQ                     & SODA SHOP                      336-855-7505
2314 E. Bessemer Ave. 27405      998-B Hwy. 150 W. 27455          Mon-Sun: L D
336-3709-1414                    336-643-8089                                             B O 30+ $$
Mon-Sat: L D                     Mon-Fri: L D Sat: B L D
       $                                   O$

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VISITORS GUIDE - #VISITGSO - Greensboro Convention and Visitors Bureau

THE CORNER SLICE                 DA REGGAE CAFÉ                            EL CAMINO REAL
600 N. Elm St. 27401             2528 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403             4131 Spring Garden St. 27407
336-333-3077                     336-333-3788                              336-632-0003
Mon-Sun: L D                     Mon-Sat: L D                              Mon-Sun: L D
             O$                               30+ $                                    O B 30+ $

1430 Westover Ter. 27408         301 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. 27406      • 1218-G Bridford Pkwy. 27410
336-355-3460                     336-275-7333                                336-292-2425
Mon-Sun: L D                     Mon-Thur: L D Fri-Sat: Br L D Sun: Br L   • 3607 Groometown Rd. 27407
             O$                                RO$                           336-316-1111
                                                                           • 2116 Lawndale Dr. 27408
COUNTRY BARBEQUE                 DARRYL’S WOOD FIRED GRILL                   336-370-0800
4012 W. Wendover Ave. 27407      3300 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407             • 3927 Battleground Ave. 27410
336-292-3557                     336-294-1781                                336-288-1515
Mon-Sat: B L D                   Mon-Sun: L D                              • 5607-A W. Friendly Ave. 27410
      $                                           O B 30+ $$                 336-299-1772
                                                                           • 918 Summit Ave. 27405
COUNTRY KITCHEN                  DI VALLETTA                                 336-274-3638
4634 Hicone Rd. 27405            1000 Club Rd. 27407                       Hours vary with each location
336-621-3577                     336-834-4877                              Mon-Sun: L D                30+ $
Mon-Fri: B L D Sat-Sun: B L      Mon-Sun: BL D
          30+ $
                                                                           @ ELM STREET GRILL
                                                      R O B $$$            3606 N. Elm St. 27455
CRAB DU JOUR CAJUN                                                         336-286-4880
                                 DOBROS PIZZA & GRILL                      Mon: D Tues-Sat: L D Sun: Br L D
1315A Bridford Pkwy 27407        6004-F Landmark Center Blvd. 27407                          O$
336-273-0030                     336-851-1100
Tues-Sat: L D
                                 Mon-Sun: L D                              EMBUR FIRE FUSION
                                       $                                   107 Smyres Pl. 27403
CRAFTED -                                                                  336-541-8442
THE ART OF THE TACO              DOLCE & AMARO                             Mon-Sun: L D
220 S. Elm St. 27401             1310 Westover Terr. #110, 27408                       O$
336-273-0030                     336-763-4349
Tues-Sat: L D                    Mon-Sun: B L D                            EUROPA BAR & CAFÉ
             $$                               $                            Greensboro Cultural Arts Center
                                                                           200 N. Davie St. 27401
CRAZY CRAB SEAFOOD & GRILL       DON ISHIYAKI & RAMEN                      336-389-1010
• 4312 Big Tree Way 27407        423 Tate St. 27403                        Mon-Sat: L D Sun: B L D
                                 336-370-9677                                             O $-$$
• 1653 New Garden Rd. 27410      Mon-Sat: L D
Mon-Sun: L D                               R 30+ $$                        FAT DOG’S GRILLE & PUB
                  B 30+ $$
                                                                           3021 Spring Garden St. 27403
                                 DUE SOUTH SOUTHERN KITCHEN &              336-856-1364
CUGINO FORNO                     BAR                                       Mon-Sun: L D
                                 1 Marriott Dr. 27409                                        $
1160 Revolution Mill Dr. 27405
336-897-7920                     336-370-9677
Mon-Sun: L D                     Mon-Sat: L D                              FIRST CAROLINA DELI
                  O B 30+ $$                  R 30+ $$                     1635 Spring Garden St. 27403
                                 1616-J Battleground Ave. 27408                     O$
604 S. Elm St. 27406
336-550-4024                     336-306-2827
Tues-Sat L D Sun L               Mon-Fri: Br L D Sat: B Br L D             FIRST WATCH
          R $$                                $                            4520 W. Wendover Ave. Ste 101
                                                                           27407, 336-3331-9955
                                                                           Mon-Sun: B L

  Crafted: The Art of the Taco                             Dolce & Amaro                      Europa Bar & Cafe
                                                                                            by @FoodieVisionNC

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FISHBONES                                      GHASSAN’S
2119 Walker Ave. 27403                         • 1605 Battleground Ave. 27408
336-686-6780                                     336-272-8400
Mon-Sun: L D                                   • 400 E. Cornwallis Dr. 27405
                   O$                            336-378-1000
                                               • 210 N. Davie St. 27401*
FISHERS GRILLE                                   336-279-7045
608 N. Elm St. 27401                           Mon-Sat: L D *Hours vary
336-275-8300                                                  $
Mon-Sun: L D
                        O$                     GIA : DRINK. EAT. LISTEN.
                                               1941 New Garden Rd., Ste. 208, 27410
FLEMING’S PRIME STEAKHOUSE &                   336-907-7536
WINE BAR                                       Mon-Sat: D Sun: Br D
3342 W. Friendly Ave. 27410                                        O B 30+ $$-$$$                   Green Valley Grill
Mon-Sun: D                                     GIACAMO'S ITALIAN MARKET                           HEAVENLY BUFFALOES
                   R O B 30+ $$$               2109 New Garden Rd., E , 27410                     356 S. Elm St. 27401
                                               336-282-2855                                       336-617-0995
FOX PIZZA & SUBS                               Tues-Sun: L D                                      Mon-Sun: L D
• 1700 E. Bessemer Ave. 27405                                      O B 30+ $-$$                              O$
• 2832 Randleman Rd. 27406                    GILLESPIE GRILL                                    HERBIE’S PLACE
  336-378-1510                                 306 E. Florida St. 27406                           3136 Battleground Ave. 27408
Mon-Sun: L D                                   336-279-6793                                       336-288-8896
   $                                           Tues-Sat: L D                                      Mon-Sun: B L D
                                                           R B $                                                 $
4836 Summit Ave. 27405                         GIOVANNI’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT                      HOMESLICE PIZZA & SUBS
336-375-4089                                   5831 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407                      • 5803-B Hunt Club Rd. 27410
Mon-Fri: B L D                                 336-852-8890                                         336-851-5455
   $                                           Tues-Sun: D                                        • 1101 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403
                                                                   R O B 30+ $$                     336-897-0909
FUJI SUSHI HIBACHI RESTAURANT                                                                     • 2223 Fleming Rd. 27410
433 Pisgah Church Rd. 27455                    GREEN BEAN                                           336-500-8781
336-282-2281                                   341 S. Elm St. 27401                               Mon-Sun: L D
Mon-Sun: L D                                   336-691-9990                                                 $
               R $$                            Mon-Sun: B L D
                                                              O$                                  ICHIBAN GRILL SUPREME BUFFET
FUNDERBURK’S RESTAURANT                                                                           3020 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403
• 500 Americhase Dr. Ste. G & H 27409          GREEN JOE’S COFFEE CO.                             336-854-7887
  336-807-1301                                 2915-A Battleground Ave. 27408                     Mon-Sun: L D
• 2714-D N Church St. 27405                    336-763-5319                                       Sun: Br                  O $$
  336-676-5917                                 Mon-Sun: B L D
Wed-Sun: L D                                                  $                                   IMPERIAL KOI ASIAN BISTRO & SUSHI
         $$                                                                                       1941 New Garden Rd. Ste. 200, 27410
                                               GREENFIELD'S DELI & BAGELS                         336-286-3000
GATE CITY SPORTS GRILLE                                                                           Mon-Sun: L D
                                               2160 G New Garden Rd. 27410
3030 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403                                                                                         R O B 30+ $$
Mon-Sun: B Br L D                              Mon-Sun: B L
                                                                                                  IRON HEN CAFÉ
                      R O B 30+ $$                                                                908 Cridland Rd. 27408
                                               GREEN VALLEY GRILL                                 336-617-7105
                                               622 Green Valley Rd. 27408                         Mon-Fri: B L D Sat: Br L D Sun: Br
                                                                                                                      O $$
                                               Mon-Fri: L D Sat-Sun: Br L D
                                    Grill                             R O B 30+ $$ - $$$
                                                                                                  JAKE’S DINER
                                                                                                  • 2505 Battleground Ave. 27408
                                               HARPER’S RESTAURANT                                  336-907-3563
                                               601 Friendly Center Rd. 27408                      • 4220 W. Wendover Ave. 27407
                                               336-299-8850                                         336-297-4141
                                               Mon-Sun: L D Sun: Br L D                           • 2206 S. Holden Rd. 27407
                                                                      R O 30+ $$
                                                                                                  • 3512 Drawbridge Pkwy. 27410
                                                                                                  24-hour diner Mon-Sun: B Br L D

 $ Less than $20 for two people $$ Between $21-$40 for two people $$$ More than $40 for two people   Credit Cards Accepted
    Handicapped Accessible     Kid’s Menu   Open Late Night   Beer/Wine     Spirits/Cocktails Coffee/Tea Shop     Bakery/Dessert
    Located in a Hotel R Reservation O Outdoor Dining B Banquet Room 30+ Large Groups B Breakfast/Brunch L Lunch D Dinner
 LOCATIONS:   • Downtown • Airport • Market St. / Gate City Blvd. / Wendover Ave. • South Greensboro • North Greensboro
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                                                                          LIBBY HILL SEAFOOD RESTAURANTS
                                                                          • 3920 Cotswold Ave. 27410
                                                                            Mon-Sun: L D
                                                                          • 3011 Randleman Rd. 27406
                                                                            Mon-Sun: L D
                                                                                   B 30+ $

                                                                          LIBERTY OAK RESTAURANT & BAR
                                                                          100-D W. Washington St. 27401
                                                                          Mon-Sat: L D
                                                                                         R O B 30+ $$$

                                                                          LINDLEY PARK FILLING STATION
                                                                          2201 Walker Ave. 27403
                                                       Mac's Speed Shop   336-274-2144
                                                                          Mon-Sat: L D Sun.: Br
                                                                                R O 30+ $$
JAMS DELI                            KICKBACK JACK’S
5707 W. Friendly Ave. 27410          • 1600 Battleground Ave.             LOS CHICOS
336-547-0771                           27408, 336-274-4937                200 S. Elm St. 27401
Mon-Sat: L D                         • 1605 Highwoods Blvd.               336-763-0944
              $                        27410, 336-292-0226                Mon-Sat: L D
                                     Mon-Sun: L D                               R O 30+ $$
JASON’S DELI                                           O$
3326 W. Friendly Ave. 27410
                                                                          LOX, STOCK AND BAGEL
336-297-9195                         KIOSCO MEXICAN GRILL                 2439 Battleground Ave. 27408
Mon-Sun: B L D                       3011 Spring Garden St. 27403         336-288-2894
      $                              336-617-0350                         Mon-Sat: B L D
                                     Mon-Sun: L D                                  $
JAY’S DELI                                          R O B 30+ $$
630 Friendly Center Rd. 27408                                             LUCKY 32 SOUTHERN KITCHEN
336-292-0741                         LA BAMBA MEXICAN                     1421 Westover Ter. 27408
Mon-Sun: B L D                       • 601 State St. 27405                336-370-0707
              $                        336-275-4655                       Mon-Fri: L D Sat-Sun: B L D
                                     • 2702 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403                          R O B $$-$$$
JESSE DINER                            336-856-8888
2606 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403        Mon-Sun: L D                         MAC'S SPEED SHOP
336-299-1787                                       $                      1218 Battleground Ave. 27408
Mon-Sun: B L                                                              336-544-8370
          $                          LA FIESTA MEXICAN                    Mon-Sun: L D
                                     • 1312 Bridford Pkwy., Ste. 103-A                       O$
JOSEPH’S RESTAURANT                    27407, 336-855-6705
3121 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407        Mon-Sun: L D                         MACHETE
336-292-9161                                        30+ $                 600 C Battleground Ave. 27401
Mon-Sun: B L D                                                            336-265-8859
                        R B 30+ $$   LA HACIENDA MEXICAN                  Tues-Sat: D
                                     1218 Bridford Pkwy. Ste. E 27407                        O$
KAU RESTAURANT & BUTCHER BAR         336-547-8500
2003 Yanceyville St. 27405           Mon-Sun: L D                         MCALISTER’S DELI
336-656-2410                                        30+ $                 1603-A Highwoods Blvd. Ste. B 27410
Mon-Sat: L D Sun: Br D                                                    336-252-1000
                  O 30+ $$           LAO RESTAURANT & BAR                 Mon-Sun: L D
                                     219-A S. Elm St. 27401                       O 30+ $
K&W CAFETERIA                        336-763-6493
• 3200 Northline Ave. 27408          Tues-Sat: L D Sun: D                 M’COUL’S PUBLIC HOUSE
  336-292-2864                                      30+ $                 110 W. McGee St. 27401
• 3710 S. Holden Rd. 27406                                                336-378-0204
  336-852-1661                       LEBLON CHURRASCARIA BRAZILIAN        Mon-Fri: L D Sat-Sun: B L D
Mon-Sun: L D                         STEAKHOUSE                                               O $$
      30+ $                          106 S. Holden Rd. 27407
SUSHI BAR                                        R B 30+ $$$                  SHARE YOUR FOOD
1617 Stanley Rd. 27407
336-852-5550                         LEE’S BRASS TAP BAR & GRILL                             (PICS)
Sun-Fri: L D Sat: D                  2506-B Battleground Ave. 27408           Use #VisitGSO on Social Media
                  R O B 30+ $$       336-676-5240
                                     Mon-Sun: L D
                                                                               to share pictures of your favorite
                                                 R B 30+ $$$                 food & drinks in Greensboro. Who
                                                                                knows, it could be featured in
                                                                                      next year's guide.

    1 0 |
321 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. 27406
Mon-Sat: B L

• 1575 New Garden Rd. 27410
• 4215-A W. Wendover Ave. 27407
Mon-Sun: L D
               O 30+ $

MARISOL                                                                                                                             Old Town
5834 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407                                                                                                  Draught House
Tues-Sat: D                                        MEXICO RESTAURANT                                MYTHOS GRILL
               R B $$$                             • 2307 Fleming Rd. 27410                         • 3900 W. Market St. 27407
                                                     336-665-5170                                     336-218-1113
MARK’S RESTAURANT                                  • 4800 W. Market St. 27407                       • 2412 Battleground Ave. 27408
616 Dolley Madison Rd. 27410                         336-292-6044                                     336-288-2440
336-387-0410                                       Mon-Sun: L D                                     Mon-Sat: L D
Mon-Fri: L D Sat: D                                                   O$                                           $
                      R O B30+ $$-$$$
                                                   MIKHAEL’S CAFÉ & CATERING                        NATTY GREENE’S DOWNTOWN
MASTER TEA CAFE & BITES                            4214 Beechwood Dr., Ste. 109 27410               345 S. Elm St. 27401
5103 W. Market St. 27409                           336-297-0090                                     336-274-1373
336-579-8363                                       Mon-Fri: B L                                     Mon-Sun: L D
Mon-Sun: L D                                               O$                                                             O B 30+ $
                                                   MIMI’S CAFE                                      NAZARETH BREAD COMPANY
MAYBERRY ICE CREAM                                 3322 W. Friendly Ave. 27410                      4507 W. Market St. 27407
946 Summit Ave. 27405                              336-852-7811                                     336-285-6096
336-333-2800                                       Mon-Sun: B L D                                   Mon-Sat: L D
Mon-Sun: L D                                                          O 30+ B $$
                                                   MIZUMI HIBACHI AND SUSHI                         NEW GARDEN BAGEL
MAXIE B’S BAKERY &                                 309 State St. 27408                              1577D New Garden Rd. 27410
DESSERT CAFE                                       336-230-2266                                     336-763-0380
2403-7 Battleground Ave. 27408                     Mon-Suni: L D                                    Mon-Sun: B L
336-288-9811                                                      R $$
Mon-Sat: B Br L D Sun: Br L D
                                                   MJ’S RESTAURANT AND CATERING
                O$                                                                                  NEW YORK PIZZA
                                                   620 Dolley Madison Rd. 27410                     337 Tate St. 27403
MAY WAY DUMPLINGS                                  336-852-4889                                     336-763-1217
948 Walker Ave. 27403                              Mon-Fri: L D Sat: D                              Mon-Sun: L D
336-291-8481                                                      R O B 30+ $$
Mon-Sun: L D
                                                   MONTERREY MEXICAN
       $                                                                                            NEW YORK PIZZA BAR & GRILL
                                                   3724-L Battleground Ave. 27410                   2704 Battleground Ave. 27408
MEDITERRANEO                                       336-282-5588                                     336-286-7667
309-A Pisgah Church Rd. 27455                      Mon-Sat: L D Sun: D                              Mon-Sun: L D
336-288-2848                                                          $
Mon-Sun: L D
                                                   MOOSE CAFÉ
           O $-$$                                                                                   OAKCREST FAMILY
                                                   2914 Sandy Ridge Rd. 27235                       RESTAURANT
MELLOW MUSHROOM                                    336-668-1125                                     2435 Battleground Ave. 27408
609 S. Elm St. 27406                               Mon-Sun: B L D                                   336-288-7585
336-235-2840                                               B 30+ $
                                                                                                    Mon-Sat: B Br L D
Mon-Sun: L D                                                                                        Sun: B L
                      O 30+ $$                     MOTHER TUCKER’S EATERY                                      R 30+ $
                                                   1642 Spring Garden St. 27403
MELT KITCHEN & BAR                                 336-274-1000                                     OLD TOWN DRAUGHT HOUSE
609 S. Elm St. 27406                               Mon-Sun: L D                                     1205 Spring Garden St. 27403
336-235-2840                                                      $
Mon-Sun: L D                                                                                        Mon-Sun: L D
                      O 30+ $$                                                                                            O$

 $ Less than $20 for two people $$ Between $21-$40 for two people $$$ More than $40 for two people   Credit Cards Accepted
    Handicapped Accessible     Kid’s Menu   Open Late Night   Beer/Wine     Spirits/Cocktails Coffee/Tea Shop     Bakery/Dessert
    Located in a Hotel R Reservation O Outdoor Dining B Banquet Room 30+ Large Groups B Breakfast/Brunch L Lunch D Dinner
 LOCATIONS:   • Downtown • Airport • Market St. / Gate City Blvd. / Wendover Ave. • South Greensboro • North Greensboro
                                                                                                            8 0 0 -3 4 4 -2 2 8 2 | 11

1310 Westover Ter. 27408
Mon-Sat: L D
                   O $$$

1726 Battleground Ave. 27408
Mon-Sat: L D

2010 W. Vandalia Rd. 27407
Mon-Fri: L D Sat: D

RESTAURANT                                                                                             The Sage Mule
4109 Spring Garden St. 27407
Mon-Sun: L D
          R B 30+ $$                    POLLO PIZZA PASTA                        ROZA MAYFLOWER SEAFOOD
                                        602 Hickory Ridge Rd., Ste. 100, 27409   2631 Randleman Rd. 27406
PHOENIX ASIAN CUISINE                   336-841-1700                             336-379-7009
1641 New Garden Rd. 27410               Mon-Sat: L D                             Mon-Sun: L D
                                                    O 30+ $$                              B 30+ $
Mon-Sun: L D
                   O 30+ $$             POUND BY LEGACY CAKES                    RUTH’S CHRIS STEAK HOUSE
                                        3008 Spring Garden St. 27403             800 Green Valley Rd., Ste. 100 27408
PIEOLOGY PIZZERIA                       336-355-1371                             336-574-1515
3316 W. Friendly Ave., Ste. 101         Tues-Sun: L D $                          Mon-Sun: D
                                                                                                 R B 30+ $$$
27408, 336-203-8676
Mon-Sun: L D
               $                        PRINT WORKS BISTRO                       SAFFRON INDIAN CUISINE
                                        702 Green Valley Rd. 27408               1500 Mill St., Ste. 104 27408
PIER OYSTER BAR & GRILL                 336-379-0699                             336-574-3300
214 S. Elm St. 27401                    Mon-Fri: B L D Sat-Sun: B L D            Mon-Sun: L D Sat-Sun: Br
                                                                                       R B 30+$$
336-763-0768                                                 R O B 30+ $$$
Tues-Sat: L D
          R O $$-$$$                    REARN THAI RESTAURANT                    THE SAGE MULE
                                        5120 W. Market St. 27409                 608 Battleground Ave. 27401
PITA DELITE                             336-292-5901                             336-501-0193
• 500-E E. Cornwallis Dr. 27405*        Mon-Sat: L D Sun: D                      Mon-Sun: Br B L
  336-378-8880                                      O B $$
• 1101 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403
  336-663-8886                          RED CRAB JUICY SEAFOOD                   SAIGON CUISINE RESTAURANT
• 3383 Battleground Ave. 27410          3017 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403            4205 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407
  336-288-9797                          336-632-4570                             336-294-9286
• 617 Friendly Center Rd. 27408         Mon-Sun: L D                             Mon-Sun: L D
  336-547-8003                                      O B $$
*E. Cornwallis Dr. location closed on
Sun. Mon-Sun: L D                       REEL SEAFOOD GRILL                       SAINT JACQUES
          30+ $                         2002 New Garden Rd., Ste 208, 27410      303 Burke St. Gibsonville 27249
                                        336-617-4200                             336-449-6266
POBLANO’S MEXICAN GRILL                 Mon-Sun: D                               Thurs-Sat: D
                                                                                          R O B 30+ $$$
• 5710 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407                        R O $$$
  336-316-1212                                                                   SAKURA ICHIBAN JAPANESE & THAI
• 808 Friendly Center Rd. 27408         RIO GRANDE                               3015 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407
  336-299-9898                          • 1853 Downwind Rd.                      336-316-0629
Mon-Sun: L D                              27409, 336-393-0524                    Tues-Sun: L D
                   30+ $                • 1635 New Garden Rd.                                  B 30+ $
                                          27410, 336-856-7467
POKE BOWL                               Mon-Sun: L D                             SALVINO CUCINA ITALIANA
116 N. Elm St. 27401                                         O 30+ $             2917-D Battleground Ave. 27408
336-907-7021                                                                     336-540-8663
Mon-Fri: L D Sat: D                     RODY’S TAVERN                            Tues-Sat: D
          $$                            5105 Michaux Rd. 27410                                 R $$$
                                        Mon-Sun: L D

    1 2 |

SAN LUIS RESTAURANT I & II                        SEAFOOD DESTINY                                    STAMEY’S BARBECUE
• 1503 W. Gate City Blvd.                         • 106 Barnhardt St. 27406                          • 2812 Battleground Ave. 27408
  27403 336-851-2158                              • 4705 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407                      336-288-9275
• 4207 W. Gate City Blvd.                           336-283-7291                                     • 2206 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403
  27407 336-617-5508                              Wed-Sun: L D                                         336-299-9888
Mon-Sun: L D                                             $$                                          Mon-Sat: L D
                   O 30+ $                                                                                  $
                                                  SEOUL GARDEN RESTAURANT
SANTA FE MEXICAN GRILL                            5318 W. Market St. 27409                           STEPHANIE’S RESTAURANT
• 423 Pisgah Church Rd. 27455                     336-297-0001                                       • 2507 Randleman Rd. 27406
  336-288-3663                                    Mon-Sun: L D                                         336-389-1008
• 3035 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403                               30+ $                                  • 2347 Randleman Rd. 27406
  336-617-4899                                                                                         336-574-3458
Mon-Sun: L D                                      SMOHK'D                                            Tues-Sun: L D
                   $                              403 N Elm St. 27401                                            R B 30+ $$
SAPPORO FANTASY JAPANESE                          Mon-Sun: L D Sat-Sun: B D                          STICKS & STONES CLAY OVEN
STEAK HOUSE                                                   R B 30+ $$                             PIZZA
2939-C Battleground Ave. 27408                                                                       2200 Walker Ave. 27403
336-282-5345                                      SMITHFIELD’S CHICKEN AND                           336-275-0220
Mon-Fri: L D Sat: D Sun: L D                      BAR-B-Q                                            Mon-Sun: L D Sat: B L D
                   B 30+ $$                       4101 Fernhurst Way 27406                                          O $$
SARAH’S KABOB SHOP                                Mon-Sun: L D                                       SUMMIT CAFE
5340 W. Market St. 27409                                      R B 30+ $$                             1050 Summit Ave. 27405
336-335-9260                                                                                         336-676-6677
Tues-Sat B L D                                    THE SOCIAL ON FRIENDLY                             Mon-Sun: L D Sat: B L D
                   $                              201 Smyres Pl. 27403                                              O $$
SAVOUR THE MOMENT BAKERY                          Mon-Fri: L D Sat: B L D Sun: B L                   SUSHI REPUBLIC
1117 Coliseum Blvd. 27403                                                  O 30+ $                   329 Tate St. 27403
336-688-5094                                                                                         336-274-6684
Mon-Sat: B L D Sun: B L                           SPEAKEASY TAVERN                                   Mon-Fri: L D Sat: D
               $                                  1706 Battleground Ave. 27408                                  R O $$
SCRAMBLED SOUTHERN DINER                          Mon-Sun: L D                                       TAAZ INDIAN KITCHEN
2417 Spring Garden St. 27403                                     O$                                  427 Tate St. 27403
336-285-6590                                                                                         336-763-0102
Mon-Sun: B L                                      SPRING GARDEN BAKERY &                             Mon-Sun: L D
                   O $$                           COFFEE                                                        R O 30+ $$
                                                  1932 Spring Garden St. 27403
SCRATCH FRIED CHICKEN                             336-272-8199                                       TAAZA BISTRO
1220 Battleground Ave. 27408                      Mon-Sun: B L D                                     1216-M Bridford Pkwy. 27407
336-617-6850                                                          O$                             336-285-7878
Tues-Sun: L D                                                                                        Mon-Sun: L D
      O$                                                                                                                      R O 30+ $$

                                                                                                     TACO MAMA’S
                                                                                                     2168 Lawndale Dr. 27408
                                                                           Seafood Destiny
                                                                                                     Mon-Sun: L D

                                                                                                     TAMPOPO RAMEN & HIBACHI
                                                                                                     4929 W. Market St. 27407
                                                                                                     Mon-Sun: L D

                                                                                                     TANDOOR INDIAN RESTAURANT
                                                                                                     4612 W. Market St. 27407
                                                                                                     Tues-Sun: L D
                                                                                                            R $$

 $ Less than $20 for two people $$ Between $21-$40 for two people $$$ More than $40 for two people   Credit Cards Accepted
    Handicapped Accessible     Kid’s Menu   Open Late Night   Beer/Wine     Spirits/Cocktails Coffee/Tea Shop     Bakery/Dessert
    Located in a Hotel R Reservation O Outdoor Dining B Banquet Room 30+ Large Groups B Breakfast/Brunch L Lunch D Dinner
 LOCATIONS:   • Downtown • Airport • Market St. / Gate City Blvd. / Wendover Ave. • South Greensboro • North Greensboro
                                                                                                            8 0 0 -3 4 4 -2 2 8 2 | 13

                                                                                    VITALITY BOWLS
                                                                                    3343 Battleground Ave. 27410
                                                                                    Mon-Sat: L D
                                                                                           R $$

                                                                                    VITO’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT
                                                                                    2258 Golden Gate Dr. 27405
                                                                                    Mon-Sat: L D
                                                                                           R $$
    Village Tavern
                                                                                    WALL STREET DELI & CATERING
                                                                                    7327-A W. Friendly Ave. 27410
TASTE OF ETHIOPIA                     US SUSHI
                                                                                    Mon-Fri: L
106 N. Westgate Dr. 27407             619 Friendly Center Rd. 27408
336-299-6443                          336-854-7854
Mon-Sun: L D Closed Tue               Mon-Sun: L D
                                                                                    WHITE & WOOD
               R O B 30+ $$                        R 30+ $$
                                                                                    215 S. Elm St. 27401
TAQUERIA EL AZTECA                                                                  336-638-1216
                                      UNDERCURRENT RESTAURANT
5605 W. Friendly Ave. 27410                                                         Mon-Fri: L
                                      327 Battleground Ave. 27401
                                                                                                   R $$
336-292-4008                          336-370-1266
Mon-Sun: L D                          Mon-Fri: L D Sat: D Sun: B L
                                                                                    WORLD OF BEER
                                                   R O B 30+ $$$
                                                                                    1310 Westover Ter. 27408
TATE STREET COFFEE HOUSE                                                            336-897-0031
334 Tate St. 27403                    UNION STREET COFFEE CO.
                                                                                    Mon-Sun: L D
336-275-2754                          216 W Friendly Ave 27401
                                                                                                      O $-$$
Mon-Sun: B L D                        336-676-6222
                                      Mon-Sat: B L D
        $O                                                                          YUM YUM BETTER ICE CREAM
                                                                                    1219 Spring Garden St. 27403
TAVERN PIZZERIA                                                                     336-272-8284
5211 E. W. Market St. 27409           VAN LOI II
                                                                                    Mon: L Tues-Fri: L D Sat: L
336-763-7009                          3829-D W. Gate City Blvd. 27407
Mon-Sun: B L D                        336-855-5688
     $O                               Mon: L D Wed-Sun: L D
                                                                                    ZC HAWAIIAN BBQ
                                                R 30+ $
                                                                                    2224 Golden Gate Dr. 27405
THAI CHIANG MAI                                                                     336-332-0066
500-C Americhase Dr. 27409            VIDA POUR TEA
                                                                                    Tues-Sat: L D
336-869-0908                          412 State St. 27405
Mon-Fri: L D Sat: D                   336-609-4207
        R O B 30+ $$                  Tue-Sat: B L D Sun: L D
1720 Battleground Ave. 27408          VAQUERO’S DINER MEXICAN GRILL
336-897-0100                          3738 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407
Mon-Sun: B L                          336-315-5345
           $                          Mon-Sun: Br L D
                                                       30+ $
3741-B Battleground Ave. 27410        VILLAGE TAVERN
336-291-8555                          1903 Westridge Rd. 27410
Mon-Sun: L D                          336-282-3063
                  $                   Mon-Sat: L D Sun: Br D
                                                       O $$
3808 W. Gate City Blvd. 27407         VILLA ITALIAN
336-285-8975                          3712-A Lawndale Dr. 27455
Mon-Sun: L D                          336-282-8171
     O $                              Mon-Sun: L D
                                                   O $$
• 5535 W. Market St. 27409
  336-294-5050                        VILLA ROSA ITALIAN
• 2631 Lawndale Dr. 27408             6010 Landmark Center Blvd. 27407
  336-286-2184                        336-294-8688
  Mon-Sun: L D                                                                                                     US Sushi
                                      Mon-Sun: L D
           $                                      R O B 30+ $$

                              CAN’T FIND WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR?
       Visit our website for a complete listing of restaurants in the Greensboro area. If you would like suggestions
          we would love to help! Give us a call or stop by the visitors center next to the Greensboro Coliseum.

   1 4 |
Nothing is more American than a burger, and Greensboro
offers the ultimate variety. From award-winning to the hole
in the wall, these burgers are for everyone. Take a bite and
see why Greensboro is known for burgers.
2419 Spring Garden St. 27403 • 336-235-2178
2138 Lawndale Dr. 27408 • 336-663-0537
 Mon-Sun: L D •                         $$ O
 Hops Burger Bar topped TripAdvisor's list of best burger spots
 in the nation in 2015 and they continue serving burgers and
 craft beer that are worthy of a visit. Serving premium Angus
 burgers on buttery brioche buns, this popular eatery pairs each
 patty with a side of crispy fries salted to perfection. Try a weekly
 special burger alongside favorites like the Spicy Goat (goat
 cheese,applewood smoked bacon, pepper jelly and lettuce)
                                                                                                                        Burger Warfare
 and the diablo (pepper jack cheese, lettuce, sauted onions, &
 jalapenos on a sriracha bun).

2206 Walker Ave. 27403 •336-285-9429
Mon-Sat: L D •            $O
Emma Key’s offers old fashioned burgers, hot dogs and
                                                                        BIG BURGER SPOT
sandwiches grilled on a classic flat top, complete with toppings        2812 Battleground Ave. 27408 • 336-288-9275
of your choice. 100% beef burgers are topped with the freshest          510 Nicholas Rd. 27409 • 336-541-8861
trimmings and ingredients. The menu includes delicious                  Mon-Sat: L D •              $O
sandwiches, regular and sweet potato fries, salads, and hand-           Take a bite of a brioche bun burger at Big Burger Spot, home
dipped ice cream shakes. Be sure to try the fresh-from-the-grill        to the sizes “Almost Big”, “Big” and “Colossal Burger.” They
breakfast. Indoor and outdoor seating are available in the              have 13 signature burgers plus a build-your-own option (Steve
restored 1950s barbershop.                                              Harvey made a burger here - ask for it on your visit). Don’t
                                                                        forget to try their signature fries and dipping sauces. Our
                                                                        recommendation is Backyard BBQ - American Cheese, BBQ
PORTERHOUSE BURGER CO.                                                  Sauce, Applewood Smoked Bacon, and Crispy Onion with
4608 W. Market. St. 27407 • 336-617-7145                                Fries. Their spacious patios are dog and family friendly.
Mon-Sun: L D •                   O B 30+ $$
Local, family-owned restaurant and food truck with cooked-to-           BURGER WARFARE
order burgers, sandwiches, salads and delicious desserts. Their         1209 Battleground Ave. 27408 • 336-500-0654
build-your-own burgers offer non-traditional items like peanut          Mon-Sat: L D •             $O
butter, pineapple and fried egg.                                        Join the revolution at this military-industrial theme craft burger
                                                                        bar. From the dishes to the atmosphere, it is one-of-a-kind.
BEEF BURGER                                                             The menu features flat-top burgers, and house-made custards
                                                                        fused to make over-the-top shakes, available with or without
1040 W. Gate City Blvd. 27403 • 336-272-7505                            booze. The staples offer fun names that get you engrossed
Mon-Sat: L D •                                                          in the experience: Try the Peacekeeper (Swiss cheese, pesto
Retro-style burgers are what Beef Burger is all about. You’ll see       mayo, lettuce, tomato, and button mushrooms) or Old Glory
it before you enter, with a 60-foot neon sign that welcomes you         (Warfare sauce, pickles, iceberg lettuce, red onions, tomatoes,
on Gate City Boulevard. It's a former Biff-Burger, and they still       and American cheese). Spiked milkshakes include Sgt.
use the same "Roto-Red" Roto Broiler to make broiled burgers.           Shortcake (strawberry shake topped with angel food cake) and
Other menu items include shakes, fries, and BBQ sandwiches.             Hellcat (cinnamon swirl shake topped with a cinnamon roll).
This year will mark the 60th anniversary of this staple that is
considered the oldest burger joint in Greensboro. Be sure to
bring cash as this is a cash-only establishment.

                          Big Burger Spot                               Hops Burger Bar                      Emma Key's Flat Top Grill

                                                                                                       8 0 0 -3 4 4 -2 2 8 2 | 15
WET YOUR                             WHISTLE
DIFFERENT KIND OF                   WINE AND BOTTLE                   BARS
BAR:                                SHOPS:                            AND NIGHTLIFE:
DOGGOS DOG PARK & PUB               BEER CO.                          1808 BAR
1214 Battleground Ave. 27408        121-D W. McGee St. 27401          1000 Club Rd. 27407
336-285-8700                        336-763-2004                      336-294-1800
Tues-Sun $                          Mon-Sun $                         Mon-Sun $$

BOXCAR BAR + ARCADE                 CRAFT CITY SIP-IN                 19 & TIMBER
120 W. Lewis St. 27406              2130 A New Garden Rd. 27410       1000 Club Rd. 27407
336-298-8386                        336-897-7222                      336-294-1800
Mon-Sun $                           Mon-Sun: D $$                     Mon-Sun $

FAT TUESDAY                         HOUSE DIVIDED BOTTLES &           ARIZONA PETE’S
120 Barnhardt St. 27406             TAPS                              2900 Patterson St. A 27407
336-763-6707                        5545 W. Market St. 27409          336-632-9889
Mon-Sun $                           336-324-1913                      Tues-Sat $$
                                    Tues-Sat $
KRAVE KAVA BAR                                                        BEARDED GOAT
202 Exchange Pl. 27401              GATE CITY GROWLERS                 • 116 E. Lewis St. 27406
919-408-9596                        1724 Battleground Ave. 27408      336-279-7550
Mon-Sun $                           336-763-9746                       • 2001 Yanceyville St. 27405
                                    Mon-Sun $                         336-541-8158
SUDS & DUDS                                                           Tues-Sun $
2114 Walker Ave. 27403              NEXTDOOR                          BOO RADLEY’S TAVERN
336-273-6244                        BEER & BOTTLE SHOP                2132 Lawndale Dr. 27408
Mon-Sat $                           505 N. Greene St. 27401           336-285-9101
                                    336-274-2699                      Mon-Sun $
                                    Tues-Sun $$
COMEDY CLUBS:                                                         BOSTON’S HOUSE OF JAZZ
                                    THE LOADED GRAPE                  1011 Arnold St. 27405
COMEDY ZONE                         2915 Battleground Ave. Ste. F
1126 S. Holden Rd. 27407                                              336-907-4549
                                    27408                             Wed-Sun $
336-333-1034                        336-681-3094
Mon-Sun $$                          Tues-Sun $$                       CHEMISTRY
                                                                      2901 Spring Garden St. 27403
IDIOT BOX                           RIOJA! A WINE BAR                 336-617-8571
503 N. Greene St. 27401             1603-D Battleground Ave. 27408    Tues-Sun $
336-274-2699                        336-412-0011
Mon-Sun $                           Mon-Sat $$                        COLLEGE HILL SUNDRIES
                                                                      900 Spring Garden St. 27403
NIGHTLIFE LOCATION GUIDE            WINESTYLES                        336-370-1372
                                    3326 W. Friendly Ave., Ste. 141   Mon-Sun $
                                    336-299-4505                      THE CORNER BAR
                                    Mon-Sun $$                        1700 Spring Garden St. 27403
                                    ZETO WINES                        Mon-Sun $
                                    335 Battleground Ave. 27401
                                    Mon-Sat $$

    Market St. / Gate City Blvd./
    Wendover Ave.
    South Greensboro
    North Greensboro

                                                                               Doggos Dog Park & Pub
   1 6 |

BARS                                                                                BARS WITH GREAT BITES:
AND NIGHTLIFE:                                                                      913 WHISKEY BAR
                                                                                    913 S. Chapman St. 27403 • 336-617-4291
DRAM & DRAUGHT                                                                      Tues-Fri: D Sat: Br L D Sun: B •       O $$
300 W. Gate City Blvd. 27406
Mon-Sun $$
                                                                                    BENDERS TAVERN
                                                                                    4517-A W. Market St. 27407 • 336-333-3399
115 S. Elm St. 27401
336-906-7211                                                                        Mon-Sun: L D Sat-Sun: Br •        O $$
Wed-Sun $$
                                                                                    BITES & PINTS
FLAT IRON                                          913 Whiskey Bar
221 Summit Ave. 27401                                                               2503 Spring Garden St. 27403 • 336-617-5185
336-370-6561                                                                        Mon-Sun: L D Sa •             O $$
Mon-Sun $
GREEN BURRO                                                                         CHARBAR NO. 7
106 W. McGee St. 27401                                                              3724 Lawndale Dr. 27455 • 336-545-5555
336-275-9111                                                                        Mon-Sun: L D •                  $$
Fri-Sat $$
LAWNDALE DRIVE-IN                                                                   FREEMAN’S GRUB & PUB
106 W. McGee St. 27401
336-379-0222                                                                        1820 Spring Garden St. 27403 • 336-333-3399
Mon-Sun $                                                                           Mon-Sun: L D Sat-Sun: Br •         $$

LEWIS & ELM                                                                         GARAGE TAVERN
600 S. Elm St. 27406
Mon-Sun $                                             19 & Timber                   5211A. West Market St. 27403 • 336-763-2020
                                                                                    Mon-Sun: L D Sat-Sun: Br •        O $$
106 W. McGee St. 27401                                                              GATE CITY TAVERN
Mon-Sun $                                                                           822 S. Josephine Boyd St. Ste. B • 336-897-7955
                                                                                    Mon-Sun: L D Sat-Sun: Br •           O $$
113 S. Elm St. 27401                                                                GREY'S TAVERN
Thurs-Sun $$                                                                        343 S. Elm St. 27401 • 336-617-5341
                                                                                    Mon-Sun: L D •             O$
113 W. McGee St. 27401                                                              JAKE'S BILLIARDS
336-790-8300                                                                        1712 Spring Garden St. 27403 • 336-373-1303
Mon-Sun $                                            Jake's Billiards               Mon-Sun: L D •           O 30+ $$
2116 Walker Ave. 27403                                                              LUXE SOULFOOD & COCKTAILS
Mon-Sun $                                                                           403 N Elm St. 27401 • 336-617-4041
                                                                                    Tues-Sun: L D •        O $$
YACHT CLUB                                                                          RASCALS TAVERN
290 Edwardia Dr. 27409
336-294-3116                                                                        2270 Golden Gate Dr. 27405 • 336-944-5527
Mon-Sun $                                                                           Mon-Sun: L D Sat-Sun: Br •              O B $$
508 Guilford Ave. 27401                                                             STUMBLE STILSKINS
Mon-Sun $                                                                           202 W. Market St. 27401 • 336-691-1222
                                                   Stumble Stilskins                Mon-Sun: L D •               O $$

                                                                                    TAP ROOM
                                                                                    1740 Battleground Ave. 27408 • 336-412-2803
                                                                                    Mon-Sun: L D •             $

 $ Less than $20 for two people $$ Between $21-$40 for two people $$$ More than $40 for two people   Credit Cards Accepted
    Handicapped Accessible     Kid’s Menu   Open Late Night    Beer/Wine    Spirits/Cocktails  Located in a Hotel
 O Outdoor Dining B Banquet Room 30+ Large Groups B Breakfast/Brunch L Lunch D Dinner
 LOCATIONS:   • Downtown • Airport • Market St. / Gate City Blvd. / Wendover Ave. • South Greensboro • North Greensboro
                                                                                                            8 0 0 -3 4 4 -2 2 8 2 | 17

                                                               RED OAK BREWERY & LAGER HAUS
BREWERIES, WINERIES &                                          North Carolina’s second oldest and the nation’s
DISTILLERIES                                                   largest lager-only craft brewery. All lagers are brewed
                                                               according to the Reinheitsgebot, [1516 Bavarian
JOYMONGERS BREWING CO.*                                        Law of Purity], meaning these real beers contain
Owned and operated by Greensboro natives, it is all            only Bavarian Malted barley, noble hops and lager
about small batch brewing, enabling them to always             yeast. Fresh, pure and preservative-free beers are
offer up to 17 of their finely crafted brews. They only        unfiltered and unpasteurized for a rich, smooth taste.
want to provide the community with the freshest, most          Check out the new Lager Haus and BierGarten. Open
interesting variety of beers every day. They're also           Wednesday-Friday 4pm-10pm, Saturday 1pm-10pm,
creating spiked seltzers. They are the neighborhood            Sunday 1pm-7pm. Tours on Fridays at 4:30pm; $15;
gathering spot with food trucks and live music weekly.         receive a complimentary pint glass. Conveniently
So, come as you are, bring your dog and kick back with         located at Exit 138 on Interstate 40/85 East of
them as they begin their own 500-year journey!                 Greensboro 6901 Konica Dr., Whitsett.
576 N. Eugene St.                                              336-447-2055.
                                                               SOUTHEND BREWING CO.*
LEVENELEVEN BREWING*                                           One of Greensboro's newest breweries, featuring
Started by two nationally celebrated, award-winning            colorful murals, tasty bites and unique brews. Patio
brewers. For them it’s all about the beer—really good          space and weekly live music. Located in the South End
beer. This 3-barrel nanobrewery offers a variety of brews      of Downtown Greensboro. 117B W. Lewis St.
from porters to IPAs to Belgiums and so much more.             336-285-6406.
Visit the taproom for live music, community meetings or
just a place to relax with friends. 1111 Coliseum Blvd.

A quaint brewery and taproom located in a charming
open-air historic storefront within the heart of
downtown Greensboro. An eclectic rotation of
award-winning beers paired with a vibrant, welcoming
atmosphere showcasing frequent live music and
community-oriented events.
348 S. Elm St. 336-510-9678.

A family-owned brewery and taproom, housed in a
historic bottling plant. Oden Brewing Company offers
13 rotating taps and homemade kombucha. Oden offers                                           Oden Brewing Company
pale ales, IPAs, brown ales, porters and seasonal saisons.
Stop by for food trucks, local art and more.
804 W. Gate City Blvd. 336-285-8439.

A local brewery focused on producing outstanding
beer. Styles range from dark stouts to bright IPAs and
dozens in between including classic styles and crazy
innovations. Pig Pounder Pavilion is situated right in the
heart of midtown Greensboro. World famous street-art
murals dress the walls and crystal chandeliers cast a
sparkle on the space. 1107 Grecade St. 336-553-1290.

                                                                                             Joymongers Brewing Co.

                                                                             *HOURS VARY
                                                                        Check with each location for hours,
                                      Little Brother Brewing
                                                                       what’s on tap, food trucks and events.

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WINERIES                                                        CIDERY
GROVE WINERY & VINEYARDS                                        BULL CITY CIDER WORKS
Seven miles northeast of Greensboro. Grove’s award-             Founded in Durham, NC in 2013, Bull City Ciderworks "BCC"
winning estate vineyards and small, artisan winery are          is the newest addition to the craft scene in the Gate City.
nestled in the northern Piedmont region of the Haw River        BCC is one of the largest dedicated cideries in the southeast
Valley AVA. Italian, French and Spanish grapes thrive on        and produces a lineup of national and international award-
the 44-acre Guilford County farm’s sloping and mineral-         winning ciders. The Greensboro location will be the site of
rich land. Open daily, noon - 6pm. Tasting fee includes         the cidery's barrel-aging facility and features a family- and
souvenir logo glass. 7360 Brooks Bridge Rd., Gibsonville.       pet-friendly taproom with indoor and outdoor seating. Open
336-584-4060.                                   daily, 504 State St.

An award-winning winery that offers the complete wine           DISTILLERY
experience in an accessible and beautiful setting just north    FAINTING GOAT SPIRITS
of Greensboro. On-site tasting room, tours, wine, and           Fainting Goat Spirits is a family-owned and operated
gifts. In addition, off-site wine tasting and sales available   small-batch craft spirits distillery producing the Gate City’s
for groups of 30 or more. Hours: Thurs.- Sat., 12pm-6pm;        first legal spirits since 1908. Their hands-on grain-to-glass
Sun., 1-6pm; or by appointment. 8220 NC Hwy. 68 N.,             distilling process and use of only North Carolina-sourced
Stokesdale. 336-644-9908.                 grains makes them stand out from the crowd. Taste the
                                                                difference in their international award-winning spirits. Tours
                                                                and tastings are Fri. 3-7pm, Sat. 1-6pm and Sun. 1-5pm.
                                                                115 W. Lewis St. 336-273-6221.

                                                                    Fainting Goat Spirits

                                           Red Oak Brewery       Fainting Goat Spirits

                                           Stonefield Winery     Pig Pounder Brewery

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                                                                                                           42 -222 8| 2 19
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                                                                SUMMERTIME BREWS FESTIVAL
                                                                Save the date for the Annual Summertime Brews Festival
                                                                happening this Summer in Greensboro. Experience over
                                                                500 beers from all over the world, all under one roof! See
                                                                why this event has been a staple in Greensboro since 2005.
                                                                VIP tickets available. For participating breweries, date, and
                                                                ticket information visit

                                                                TASTE CAROLINA WINE FESTIVAL
                                                                Nothing could be finer than a fall day filled with wine tasting,
                                                                art, crafts and music. You won’t want to miss the Annual Taste
                                                                Carolina Wine Festival presented by the Greensboro Jaycees!
                                          Tap Hopper Tours      VIP tickets available. For date, participating wineries, and
                                                                ticket information visit

EXPLORE                                                         Greensboro may be 4,500 miles from Germany, but that
                                                                doesn’t mean we do not celebrate with annual events for
TAP HOPPER TOURS                                                Oktoberfest. Look out for events at local breweries and from
This Greensboro Craft Brewery Tour will showcase the            the Triad German Club. Events include beer, live music, and
Gate City’s amazing craft brewery scene, local inspiration,     food. Visit
and diverse culture. Greensboro is a growing hot spot for
craft breweries and distilleries. Each outing includes a tour   NC WINE MONTH
of 3 local breweries or distilleries, tasting 2-4 samples, 1    September is Wine
“taster's choice (5-7oz pour),” a souvenir cup, and learning    and Grape Month
how the craft beer culture has evolved in Greensboro,           in North Carolina.
directly from the people who have made it happen!               It’s a month full of
Visit or call 336-850-1477.                  activities such as
                                                                tastings and festivals. The Greensboro area celebrates in style,
BREW PEDDLERS                                                   with events including grape stomping and live music. For an
Greensboro’s first pedal-trolley pub/brewery tour.              up-to-date listing of special events visit
Listen to music and peddle your way through downtown
Greensboro while visiting area breweries, bars and shops.
Book a tour by visiting or

Brewed Clues is North Carolina’s premier beer detective
agency! Tour downtown Greensboro while solving a
mystery and trying local brews. On your beer investigation,
you’ll visit three top-secret bars and blindly sample local
beers while unraveling a mystery. All missions are private
and self-guided. The tour is .7 miles and typically takes 1-2
hours. Groups are free to go at their own pace. Tours begin
at Beer Co. in downtown Greensboro. 21+ only.
Visit or call 919-590-0925.                                                    NC Winery Grove Winery

                                               Brew Peddlers                                     Summertime Brews Festival
   Brew Peddlers

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              Saura and Keyauwee Indians call
        Piedmont region home until about 1710
                                                             NC Society of Friends authorizes
                                                             Quaker monthly meeting at
                                                1767         New Garden in Guilford County
           Presbyterian missionary David Caldwell
                         starts classical academy            1781
                                                             General Nathanael Greene leads rebel troops against
                                                             Lord Charles Cornwallis and British forces at Battle
                                               1808          of Guilford Courthouse on March 15
             General Assembly passes act naming
                         town of Greensborough               1819
                                                             Earliest documented Underground Railroad activity
                                                             in Guilford County, with the escape of John Dimery
                             First train arrives in city
                                                             Greensboro serves as seat of the Confederate
                                               1892          government for a few days beginning April 11
                NC A&M College (today’s A&T)
      and the State Normal & Industrial College
                    (today’s UNCG) established
                                                             Elm Street pharmacist
                                                             Lunsford Richardson introduces
                                                1937         Vicks VapoRub
         White Oak Mill (part of Cone Industries)
                   is world’s largest denim mill             1943
                                                             World War II training camp opens, later known as
                                                             Overseas Replacement Depot; more than 330,000
                                                1957         service personnel will be processed there through 1946
     Josephine Boyd, the first African American
student to integrate a NC high school, enrolls at
      Greensboro High School on September 4                  1960
                                                             NC A&T students launch
                                                             sit-in movement at
                                               1980          F.W. Woolworth's lunch
           College Hill neighborhood designated              counter on February 1
                as city’s first local historic district

                                                  Greensboro continues to grow with new hotels, restaurants,
                                                  and businesses projected to open in 2021. The first
                                                  performances at the Steven Tanger Center for the Performing
                                                  Arts are scheduled. Public Art continues to flourish around
                                                  the city with goals to complete 500 pieces by 2025.

   Greensboro Mural, Photo by Tracy Anderson
                                                       The story of Greensboro is a long, compelling tale filled with courage,
                                                       ingenuity, and diversity. Come and uncover centuries of historic
                                                       treasures that may surprise even the most seasoned history buffs.

                                                       From the Revolutionary War on, Greensboro has served a part in all
                                                       of the major wars our country has fought. Whether you’re a lifelong
                                                       student of military history or looking to pay respect to the sacrifices
                                                       members of the United States Armed Forces paid to preserve our
                                                       nation, Greensboro offers a variety of educational and peaceful places
                                                       to visit. While freedom may not be free, these attractions are.

                                                                                       Guilford Courthouse National Military Park

MILITARY PARK                                                      The Carolina Field of Honor at Triad Park is a permanent
A National Park commemorating the Revolutionary War                reminder of the sacrifice of our service members, a
Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Visitors Center offers a            place to reflect on the freedoms they have secured and
museum, battle map program, and a 30-minute-live-action            a community’s collective way of showing its heartfelt
film. Tour the battlefield by vehicle or foot for monuments        gratitude. The park conducts special ceremonies to
and exhibits. Junior Ranger program for kids. Hoskins              commemorate Memorial and Veterans’ Day every year.
Farmstead Site opens for special events. Battlefield tours         Funding for the memorial was made possible by The War
available in summer. Park hours: 8:30am-5pm daily.                 Memorial Foundation. 9652 W. Market St,
Free. School and group tours require reservation.                  Kernersville, NC 27284. 336-703-2500.
2332 New Garden Rd. 336-288-1776.
                                                                   GUILFORD COUNTY VETERANS MEMORIAL
ANNUAL VETERANS DAY PARADE                                         A tribute to Guilford County residents who served in the
The Annual Greensboro Veterans Parade takes place in               military in the 20th century and beyond. Text and maps tell
downtown Greensboro in November. The parade honors                 the tales of major conflicts. Memorial bricks and benches
all veterans, as well as active duty personnel and Gold Star       provide some history of participants. Open daily during park
families of Guilford County.                                       hours. Free. Located in Country Park off Lawndale Dr.

                                To learn more about Greensboro’s role in wars and civil rights,
                                    head downtown to The Greensboro History Museum.

    S AV E
                                             ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF GUILFORD COURTHOUSE
                                            The 240th anniversary commemoration of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse
                                            is March 2021. Evening lecture series Wednesday-Friday, and weekend living
                                             history encampment on Tour Road and Hoskins Farmstead Site. Check their
         THE DATE                               Facebook page for schedule and date of events @GuilfordNPS. FREE.

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                                                                                             The Historic Magnolia House

Known as the birthplace of the sit-in movement, Greensboro’s place in African American — and U.S. — history is well-
known. But, African American history in Greensboro goes back to the Revolutionary War and continues to shape the Gate
City today. The New Garden Woods, now known as the Guilford College Woods, were a known meeting place on the
Underground Railroad where Levi and Vestal Coffin assisted runaways going to Indiana from 1819 to 1826. Within these
woods remains a champion tulip poplar tree, over 300 years old, known as the Underground Railroad Tree. Today, you can
navigate the trail as a simulation of how fugitives seeking freedom navigated the same woods. The trail leads to the tree
standing as a silent witness to Underground Railroad activities on the land that served as a crossroad to freedom.

The Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum interprets the life         One of the Top Ten sites on the U.S. Civil Rights Trail
and work of Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, a prominent           and an International Site of Conscience, the Civil Rights
educator and advocate for social justice, and her school,      Museum reflects on one of America's most pivotal
Palmer Memorial Institute. Visitors can explore the school’s   moments of transformation. The year 2021 marks the
campus and uncover connections between Dr. Brown and           61st Anniversary of the Sit-In Movement. Visit the
the Civil Rights Movement. Rental spaces available for         original lunch counter and explore the site through
special events. Year-round hours: Tues. - Sat. 9 am to 5 pm.   guided tours and self-guided experiences. Call or visit
Free. 6136 Burlington Rd. Gibsonville. 336-449-3310.           website for hours and virtual experiences. Admission                                        Fee. 336-274-9199.

During America’s period of segregation, the Magnolia           A monument dedicated to the four NC A&T freshman
House Motel accommodated traveling African Ameri-              who launched the lunch counter sit-in on Feb. 1, 1960
cans who were not allowed to share the same facilities         and all those who helped to support the movement. The
as Caucasians. The property was recognized as a highly         sculptor of the monument, James Barnhill, was inspired
recommended place to stay in six editions of The Green         by their courage to challenge the social injustice of Jim
Book. The Magnolia House hosted many famous guests             Crow laws and how the movement took hold and pre-
over the years including Ray Charles, Jackie Robinson,         vailed. Located in front of the historic Dudley Building on
Ike and Tina Turner, Louis Armstrong, James Brown, and         the North Carolina A&T State University campus. Free.
James Baldwin. Today, the Magnolia House, listed on            1601 E. Market St. 336-334-7500.
the National Register of Historic Places, is one of very
few Green Book sites to continue to operate within their       WALKWAY OF HISTORY
historic context. Events and dining happen regularly.          Sidewalk markers chronicle six chapters in local African
Call for availability; groups welcome. 442 Gorrell St.         American history ranging from the first fugitive slave on
336-617-3382.                     the Underground Railroad to the first African American
                                                               North Carolina State Supreme Court Justice. Free.
                                                               Located on S. Elm St. at February One Place.

                                                                                             8 0 0 -3 4 4 -2 2 8 2 | 23

                                                               GREENSBORO HISTORY MUSEUM
MORE HISTORICAL LANDMARKS                                      This Smithsonian Affiliate museum shares Greensboro's
                                                               compelling history through diverse collections, engaging
BLANDWOOD MANSION                                              exhibits, educational programs and community dialogue.
A National Historic Landmark originally constructed in         17,000 square feet of award-winning exhibitions, many with
1795, Blandwood later served as N.C. Governor John             hands-on interactives, highlight stories from precolonial
Motley Morehead’s home. In 1844, A.J. Davis designed           cultures to today’s Gate City. Discover Greensboro’s part
an addition, transforming the farmhouse into an Italianate     in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and its connection to
wonder. Visit today to see the original architecture and       U.S. history through transportation, textiles, education,
family furnishings. Hours: Tues.-Sat. 11am-4pm and             civil rights and much more. This year, in every part of the
Sun. 2-5pm. Closed the first week of January. Admission        museum, “Project Democracy 20/20” explores the history of
                                                               our nation’s ongoing project, American democracy, and its
charged. Advance reservations required for groups of
                                                               best tool, the vote. Free. Hours: Tues. - Sat. 10 am-5 pm,
10 or more. 447 W. Washington St. 336-272-5003.
                                                               Sun. 2-5 pm. 130 Summit Ave. 336-373-2043.                           

A walking ghost and history tour through the streets of        Some places in Greensboro are historically significant,
downtown Greensboro. In their 90-minute tour, you will         but do not meet the criteria for listing in the National
hear stories of local hauntings and see where some of          Register of Historic Places or local Historic District
Greensboro’s departed inhabitants still linger. If seeing      designation. Neighborhoods include Warnersville
is believing, come and see for yourself. Reservations are      and Guilford College/New Garden. Learn More at
required and can be made via the company’s website or
by phone. Call ahead for availability and for private tours.   PRESERVATION GREENSBORO
Admission fee. 336-905-4060.                                   Preserving historic buildings and sites, building tangible                                   links to our past. Preservation Greensboro contributes
                                                               to diverse initiatives such as Architectural Salvage of
DAVID AND RACHEL CALDWELL HISTORICAL CENTER                    Greensboro, the Blandwood Museum, Love-a-Landmark,
David and Rachel Caldwell moved to Guilford County in          Neighborhood tours, the Preservation Greensboro
1765, 43 years before Greensboro’s founding in 1808.           Development Funds, informative seminars, and special
David Caldwell served the community as a minister              events.
of Buffalo and Alamance Presbyterian churches, as a
physician and as a popular political leader. The couple        MILLENNIUM GATE
also founded an elite preparatory school for young men.        Jim Gallucci and a team of 17 artisans created the 106 icons
The Center, located on former Caldwell property, shares        that comprise this sculpture’s surface. Icons representing
the couple’s story and displays archaeological finds from      great ideas, inventions, events and people that have made
the site. Adjacent to Tanger Family Bicentennial Gardens.      a significant difference in the past thousand years complete
Hours: Tues. & Sat. 10am-5pm. Free. 3211 W. Cornwallis Dr.     this interactive and most magnificent sculpture. Free.
336-373-3681.                                                  Phill G. McDonald Plaza, 220 S. Greene St.

                                                               9/11 MEMORIAL SCULPTURE
                                                               Local sculptor Jim Gallucci created this memorial with two
                                                               of those pieces — steel beams — from the rubble of the Twin
                                                               Towers. The sculpture serves as a reminder of the terrorists’
                                                               attacks on New York and Washington. Located on the corner
                                                               of S. Elm St. and Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Free.

                                 The Blandwood Mansion                                                     Millennium Gate

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