TMOM MEDIA KIT - Updated 1-5-2021 no rate sheet

Page created by Andy Adkins
TMOM MEDIA KIT - Updated 1-5-2021 no rate sheet

Triad Moms on Main
is an all-inclusive resource for parents.

                  Our website features a local events calendar,
            daily blogs, directories, newsletters, and giveaways.

                We explore new topics daily through our blog
           as we focus on interests of parents raising babies,
                    children, and teens in the Triad, NC area.
    Triad Moms on Main website readership includes the entire
    Triad, NC area and spans from Yadkinville to Burlington (east to
    west) and Eden to Lexington (north to south).

     60,000+                               22,000
     Average page views per month          Newsletter subscribers

             19,400+                               3,400+
             Facebook followers                    Twitter followers

             6,000+                                850+
             Instagram followers                   Pinterest followers

Our typical reader is a mom who is 35 years old, has two children, is married,
owns their own home, and has an average household income of $100K.

An equal number of our readers work full time and stay at home.
JAN˚FEB˚MAR                                   APR˚ MAY˚JUN
• Fitness and Nutrition Goals                 • Day Trips
• Spring Consignment Sales and Fashion        • Parent/Community Groups
• Finding Summer Camps                        • Mother’s Day & Father’s Day
• Valentine's Day, Date Nights, Marriage      • Parks & Playgrounds
• School searches (Preschool - High School)   • Graduation
• Child Care                                  • Focus on Children with Special Needs
• Easter Activities and Events                • Swim Clubs & Pools
• Sports and Extra-curricular Activities      • Summer Bucket List
                                              • Summer Vacations & Beaches
                                              • Farmers Markets

• Celebrating Independence Day                • Halloween Events and Fall Celebrations
• Summer Travel Ideas                         • Events to Celebrate Christmas,
• Raising Teens and Tweens                     Kwanzaa, and Hanukkah
• Fall Consignment Sales and Fashion          • Holiday Decorations, Crafts and Recipes
• Before/After School Care                    • Holiday Gift Guides
• Back to School                              • Where to Find Santa
• Birthday Parties                            • Volunteering/Non-Profits
• Favorite Restaurants                        • Local Photographers
• Fall Festivals                              • Self Care, plus Counselors, Therapists,
• Apple Picking                                and Psychologists

JUL˚ AUG ˚ SEP                                OCT˚ NOV˚ DEC
                          WEEKLY NEWSLETTER
                        Reach our most engaged audience
                        with a 75 word/one image ad in our
                        newsletter that is email blasted every
                        Wednesday to nearly 20k subscribers.
                        We offer four ad placements in order
                        of visibility and price.

  SPONSORED BLOGS                               SUNDAY SPOTLIGHT
 Share your story in a dedicated blog        Give your brand a shout-out with a 150
 (400 – 700 words) to promote your           word/one image ad that appears with
 business or products. A dedicated blog      up to four other similar ads in a blog
 can include your logo, author’s name,       called “The Sunday Spotlight.” Each ad
 and up to five images. It will be           is situated in the blog in the order by
 archived on TMoM indefinitely and           which it was sold. The Sunday Spotlight
 linked on our weekly newsletter.            is archived on TMoM indefinitely and
                                             linked on our weekly newsletter.
 Engage our readers with your product or
 service by hosting a two-week
                                                  FEATURED EVENT
 giveaway, and capture a list of opt-in      Promote your special event at the top
 email addresses that you can use for        of our most visited page, the Event
 future marketing efforts. Every giveaway    Calendar page, for two weeks. This
 includes a write up of your prize and       thumbnail ad will feature your event’s
 business and up to two images.              name, date and one image. When
 A mention about the giveaway will be        clicked, your ad will open to a full
 included in our weekly newsletter and       write-up of your event, plus a second
 also in our Sunday Spotlight on the day     image if requested.
 your giveaway begins.

     *Every ad purchased includes promotions on our social media channels.

               728 x 90
                top of page
     PREMIUM SIDE BAR BANNER         240 x 120

                                 right side of page

               728 x 90
              center of page

            SIDE BAR STANDARD BANNER      125 x 125

                                     right side of page
           BLOG FOOTER
               728 x 90
          at the end of every blog       * banner sizes on this
                                           page are not to scale

The following promotion is available for purchase with
a required minimum ad buy on TMoM:
                  FACEBOOK VIDEO
         You may submit a two minute video
         that we will post on our Facebook
         page, tag your business, and we will
         boost it to help increase results.

                    SPONSORSHIP PERKS
Purchase a combination of advertisements at $500 or more, and
you'll qualify to receive special sponsorship perks when you reach
different price points! Perks include:

~ Free Sunday Spotlight
~ Free four month small square banner run
~ Free sponsored blog
~ Free three month blog footer banner
  “As a mom and as a director of a preschool, I        “Working with Triad Moms on Main has been a
  love Triad Moms on Main. I use this site for so      great advertising avenue for my business. The
  much wonderful information personally for all       TMoM team is so helpful & responsive and their
areas such as family events/ activities to do with    readers are my target market. TMoM is always a
your kids/discussion chats about life issues with     great source of lead generation whenever I run
   children etc. I recommend it to everyone. At             banner ads, or sponsor a newsletter, or
   Starmount, we use Triad Moms on Main as a              participate in any other paid promotions or
 source of advertisement and it’s been huge for           giveaways. Additionally, TMoM has a great
our program. We have been a part of TMoM for         reputation for trusted & genuine local advice, so I
  many years and look forward to many more!”            love having my brand associated with theirs!”

            ~ Cindy Lee, Director,                           ~ Heather McGinnis Photography
      Starmount Presbyterian Preschool,
                 Greensboro                            “TMoM is a tremendous resource to both Triad
                                                         area moms and local businesses alike. They

                                                      really helped us get our message out to our key
“                                                       target audience, and continue to be excellent
                                                        partners. I know I can count on them to be an
                                                           important component in our marketing
                                                            strategy both now and in the future.”
     is THE source of information
     for parents in the Triad”                         ~ Angela with AR Workshop Winston-Salem

 “We, at Brenner Children’s, have been working         “Triad Moms on Main (TMoM) is the perfect
 with Triad Moms on Main for 10 years. TMoM is          marketing partner for The Greensboro Ice
   the source of information for parents in the           House because their readership is our
Triad and has provided a very targeted platform         target audience! Add to the mix, the great
 to our organization to reach families and drive         partnering relationship that TMoM’s has
   awareness and engagement with the many              cultivated with the Ice House over the years!
services offered at Brenner Children’s. We really       TMoM's creativity and suggestions for how
appreciate our partnership with TMOM and the            we can best promote our business is a vital
  results we’ve gotten from our involvement on         component of our online presence and the
 the website. It has allowed us to communicate             successful ongoing exposure of The
  to a large audience of parents through blogs,         Greensboro Ice House as a destination for
   giveaways and advertising with the help of a         families across the Triad. We are excited to
   team who is incredibly informed on the local           continue our partnership and are very
      market, responsive and flexible. We look             enthusiastic about future marketing
     forward to many more years working with                          opportunities.”
               Triad Moms on Main.”
                                                            ~ Nicole Gaboury, Skating Director,
         ~ Karen Bush, Senior Manager,                            Greensboro Ice House
    Integrated Marketing Communications,
          Wake Forest Baptist Health
~ Current advertisers may request additional Facebook “shout out” posts every other month in
addition to social media posts included with paid ads. Please email us with sales, events, or any-
thing else you would like to promote. We also add your special events to our Events Calendar.

~ We accept photos and banner ads in JPG, GIF (if animated) or PNG formats. Please do not
submit photos or banners in PDF format or embedded within a Word document. We have a
graphic coordinator on our team who we can refer to you, invoiced separately, for $45/hour.

~ Editorial content may be written by a TMoM team member for an additional $50.

~ All rates subject to change without prior notice. All said runs must be paid in advance to receive
the rate quoted at time of purchase.

~ The TMoM Editorial Calendar runs Monday-Sunday. Your completed ad and payment must be
submitted to us by 9am the Friday prior to the week your ad is scheduled to run. If items are not
received by this time, we will bump your ad to a new date.

~ Once the signed contract is received, the ad run date will be reserved. Run dates and edits to
your ad may be modified prior to the purchased ad run, but all sales are final.

~ All advertisements on Triad Moms on Main are independent from editorial decisions. TMoM does
not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by TMoM. Editorial
content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any specific arrangements
with advertising clients or sponsors.

~ TMoM reserves the right to decline any type of advertising that is damaging to the brand of
TMoM or is inappropriate to the content held on the TMoM site, newsletter or social media pages.

~ TMoM will not accept advertising for products or services known to be harmful to health (e.g.
tobacco and alcohol products).

~ Advertisements may not be deceptive or misleading, and must be verifiable. Advertisements
should clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered. Exaggerated or
extravagantly worded copy will not be allowed. Advertisements will not be accepted if they appear
to be indecent, offensive or political as they relate to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious

~ Advertisements and editorial content must be clearly distinguishable. TMoM will not publish
“advertorial” content, and sponsored editorial will be clearly indicated as such.

~ Editorial decisions will not be influenced by current or potential sponsors and advertisers, and
will not be influenced by marketing decisions. Advertisers and sponsors have no control or influ-
ence over the results of searches a user may conduct on the website by keyword or search topic.
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