The MAGAZIN DER ECOLE D'HUMANITÉ - Ausgabe 06/2018 - Ecole d'Humanité

Page created by Barbara Berry

                               Ausgabe 06/2018

 Im Fokus:
The Ecolianer | Magazin der Ecole d’Humanité   Ausgabe 06/2018

               Im Fokus                                                                                SOLIDARITÄT – EIN MENSCHHEITSIDEAL
               Solidarität | Solidarity
                                                                                                       ODER TRAUMTÄNZEREI? / «SOLIDARITY»
 Inhalt        Editorial | Editorial 
               Peace & Justice | Peace & Justice 
                                                                                                       – A HUMAN IDEAL OR A PIPE DREAM?
Content            Die Andacht                                                                   02
                                                                                                       KATJA BRAUN, Schulleiterin seit 2017 | School Director since 2017
                   Coming to life                                                                03
                   Peace and Culture Evening                                                     04
                   Geld sammeln für wichtige Projekte in der Welt                                04   Auf den Bühnen der nationalen und auch der Weltpolitik ist          Globally as well as nationally, solidarity is seriously on the
                                                                                                       die Solidarität vor lauter Streit und Ringen um ökonomische,        decline as a result of economic, ideological, political, and
                   Verbunden mit der Welt                                                        05                                                                       military struggles between countries and coalitions. And
                                                                                                       weltanschauliche, politische, militärische Fragen einzel­
                   Mit unserem Essverhalten Einfluss nehmen                                      05   ner Staaten, Bündnisse, Politiker im Hintertreffen. Und wie         how does that relate to us, the Ecole d’Humanité, whose
               Not a flat earth                                                             06–07     passt das zu uns, der Ecole d’Humanité mit ihrem Selbstver­         day-to-day reality is made of up people from over 20 diffe­
                                                                                                       ständnis, den Menschen vor Ort aus über 20 verschiedenen            rent countries, many of whom have more than one nationa­
               Pura Vida! – Es geht uns gut! Wir sind gesund und glücklich!                 08–09
                                                                                                       Ländern und mit weit mehr als einer Nationalität?                   lity?
               Wake up!                                                                       10–11
                                                                                                       Das Wort Solidarität leitet sich vom Lateinischen «solidus»         The word «solidarity» comes from the Latin word «solidus»
                                                                                                       ab und bedeutet so viel wie fest, echt und gediegen. Das            meaning solid, authentic, and of sterling quality. At least two
                                                                                                       passt zumindest zu zwei Dritteln gut zu unserem Selbstver­          of the three apply to our understanding of who we are –
                                                                                                       ständnis – auch wenn «gediegen» jetzt nicht zu den häufig­          even if «sterling» may not be the most common word heard
                                                                                                       sten Vokabeln gehört, wenn ich in Gesprächen mit Interes­           when I talk about the Ecole to students who are interested
                                                                                                       sierten von der Ecole berichte.                                     in our school.

                                                                                                       Aber echt und fest ist vieles hier: Echt sind die Begegnungen       However, there is so much about the Ecole that is solid and
                                                                                                       auf Augenhöhe und das Interesse am anderen Menschen,                authentic: our encounters with one another are on level­
                                                                                                       der mir gegenüber steht; fest ist das Beziehungsnetz und            ground, and the interest in meeting others is authentic.
                                                                                                       der Halt, den Kinder und Jugendliche hier verspüren können.         Students­come to find themselves on the solid ground of
          06                                     08                                          14        Fester Bestandteil ist die Ecole in der Region mit ihrem kul­       strong relationships and support developed here. As well,
                                                                                                       turellen Angebot und dem nachbarschaftlichen Austausch.             the Ecole is firmly established in the regional community
                                                                                                       Und ja: Sie ist auch offen für neue Impulse und im steten           through its breadth of cultural offers and neighbourly con­
                                                                                                       echten Austausch mit der Welt jenseits des Haslibergs über          tact. And yes, the Ecole is also open to new impulses and in
                                                                                                       Bedarf und Wunsch nach Wandel.                                      regular contact with the world beyond Hasliberg, in regards
               Neues aus unserem Schuldorf | News from our Community                                                                                                       to appropriate and desired changes.
                                                                                                       Deshalb eröffnen wir ab nächstem Herbst eine 5./6. Primar­
               One year, new perspective                                                         12
                                                                                                       klasse als Antwort auf die wachsende Nachfrage. Auch dies           Hence, we are pleased to announce that beginning next fall,
               Die beiden Monde                                                                  13   ist ein Akt der «Solidarität» mit den verschiedenen Men­            we will reopen a Grade 5/6 primary class in the Swiss system
               Progressive Education – A Template for 21st century skills                     14–15   schen, die dieses Bedürfnis an uns herantrugen. Wir freuen          in response to the growing demand. This is also an act of
                                                                                                       uns sehr auf diesen Neustart im Primarschulbereich.                 «solidarity» with the various students and their families who
               Tips for artistic students                                                        16
                                                                                                                                                                           have come to us with this need. We very much look forward
               Ecole d'Humanité à la radio                                                       17   Nun wünsche ich Ihnen und Euch echte Freude beim Lesen              to this «reboot» in primary education.
               Circle of Life                                                                    17   und freue mich ganz fest auf viele Begegnungen und gedie­
                                                                                                       genen Austausch.                                                    In closing, let me wish you real delight in reading the
               Sound of «Stöckli»                                                                18
                                                                                                                                                                           Ecolianer­! I truly look forward to many authentic exchanges
                                                                                                                                                                           with the members of our sterling Ecole network!
               Stiftung zur Förderung der Ecole d’Humanité

               Wie zu Cassirers Zeiten                                                           19   Katja Braun
               Ich packe meinen Koffer: Vom Hasliberg über Olomouc nach Glasgow                  20
               Interview mit einem Gründer der Stiftung Ecole                                    21

                                                                                                         NEU! Alle Übersetzungen dieser Ausgabe sind auf zu finden!
               MA – MitarbeiterIn | staff                                                                NEW! All translations for this edition can be found at!
               KA – KameradIn | student
               H – HelferIn | Helper

SOLIDARITY                                                                   The Ecolianer | Magazin der Ecole d’Humanité         Ausgabe 06/2018

PEACE & JUSTICE                                                                                                                   COMING TO LIFE
                                                                                                                                  SONIA BENENSON-HACKINGER, MA since 1999
                                                                                                                                  In the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the Uni­
LUCA JACOBS, KA since 2017 & LAURENCE BUNANI, KA since 2014                                                                       ted States, Ecolianers, like so many others, needed a place
                                                                                                                                  to comfort one another and to try to make sense of how
                                                                                                                                  those­events irrevocably changed the world they had known.
                                                               This year this Andacht was held in the Grossen Saal, which         Some students feared for missing friends or relatives, and
  Peace and Justice is one of our many community­
                                                               we prepared by lighting candles and lanterns throughout            everyone­seemed to know someone who was personally
  service groups at the Ecole. We meet once a                  the room. Students and staff were invited to enter the space       affected. The first discussion circle met in the Ruth Cohn
  week to plan projects that raise money for                   quietly and respectfully and stand in a circle, filling the en­    Library­during B-break the next day. It was open to anyone
  various­charities and raise awareness on cam-                tire space. An introduction was read explaining the aim of         who wanted to share or listen, to cry, to hug, or just to be
  pus about global issues.                                     this Andacht and explaining the rules. We informed people          together. At the end, everyone agreed to meet again the fol­
                                                               that a set of questions or statements would be read aloud,         lowing week. And again the week after that. The discussions
                                                               first in English and then in German. Each person was invi­         continued throughout the fall term, and the regular atten­
One example is Peace & Culture evenings which are an           ted to decide if this question or statement applied to him or      dees soon realized they wanted the group to live on past the
opportunity­for students and staff alike to share music,       her. If yes, they were asked to step further into the circle. If   urgency of the crisis that had first brought them together.
literature­and poetry from various cultures.                   not, then they were asked to step back from the main circle.       From this, the Peace and Justice Group was born.
                                                               If they chose not to answer the question, then they stayed
Once in a while we host an Andacht. Andachts help inform       standing, without moving further in or further out. The aim        Later that same term, an Intensive Week project made and              Einer der Peace & Justice Flohmärkte
fellow students about subjects that are important to us.       of such an Andacht is for each individual to get to know the       sent patchwork quilts to refugees in Afghanistan, via Méde­                                                  zum Sommerfest
However there is one special Andacht we do that we call the    community better and come to understand that perhaps               cins sans Frontières (MsF). Although they were grateful for
Peace and Justice Andacht. We as a group prepare a number      others in the community have struggled with similar issues         the gesture, MsF explained that they could not easily use the    The fruit of our first fundraising campaign went to Indo­
of ‹yes› or ‹no› questions or statements. Examples we chose    as they have. This particular Andacht is very popular with         blankets. So, the brand new Peace and Justice Group invited      nesia. Peace and Justice student leader Lucky Schild
this year are «I have been bullied or have bullied someone»,   students each year and seems to be appreciated because it          MsF to the Ecole to help the community understand what           (KA 2001–2002), took money we had raised home to Jakarta,
«My parents are separated» and «It was my choice to come       helps individuals open up without feeling exposed and lets         it was like to be on the frontlines of a crisis zone and what    Indonesia. Our small contribution paid the full educational
to the Ecole».                                                 us get to know one another.                                        materials would aid them in their work. In a field tent set up   expenses – school fees, clothing, equipment, bed and board
                                                                                                                                  on campus, they taught students how to assess malnutri­          – for two children for two years. Lucky shared letters and
                                                                                                                                  tion and let them sample the meals they served to starving       photos from the children in Schulgemeinde, allowing the
                                                                                                                                  people­. Students soon realized that the Afghani refugees        whole school see the impact of their donation.
                                                                                                                                  needed medical supplies and clean water more than they
                             7/2018                                                                                               needed quilts and hamburgers.                                    Over the years students have brought other projects to the
Peace & Justice Gruppe 201
                                                                                                                                                                                                   group’s attention. We gave to a school in Tibet where one of
                                                                                                                                  After the MsF workshop, the scope and goal of Peace and          our students had spent a summer, a school in Tanzania near
                                                                                                                                  Justice’s work began to shift. Rather than focusing on dona­     another student’s hometown, and a health clinic in Haiti run
                                                                                                                                  ting materials or raising large sums of money – a big chal­      by a student’s grandfather. Our donations have gone to or­
                                                                                                                                  lenge in a small school and community like ours – the group      ganizations around the world, strengthening and tightening
                                                                                                                                  began to focus more on raising awareness about important         the web of Ecole connections that has its nexus in our small
                                                                                                                                  events and issues in the world. Arranging events like the        village on the Hasliberg.
                                                                                                                                  MsF workshop allowed students to better understand the
                                                                                                                                  complexity of medical care in underdeveloped nations. Since      At the end of each year, I ask the students of the Peace and
                                                                                                                                  that first event, we have continued to bring guests to campus­   Justice Group if they want to continue – if they feel that their
                                                                                                                                  who can share their knowledge and experiences with us at         work is important and valuable for the school. Each time the
                                                                                                                                  Andacht on themes such as effects of globalization in the        answer has been a clear yes. The answer is yes for me, too. I
                                                                                                                                  developing world, work with street children in Latin Ame­        am grateful that this group continues to bring vital global is­
                                                                                                                                  rica, the Peace Walls initiative, modern day slavery, the life   sues to our campus, and that we, in turn, can give something
                                                                                                                                  of migrants in the migrant camp at Calais, and themes in         back. Whether it is our time, our donations, or the work we
                                                                                                                                  feminism and environmental justice. Once during an Alumni        do in nurturing global citizenship in our students, I hope we
                                                                                                                                  Reunion, the group hosted a coffee break discussion where        can continue to have a positive impact at the Ecole and in
                                                                                                                                  current students could meet and talk with alumni now doing       the world.
                                                                                                                                  humanitarian work.

                                                                                                                                  While events on campus have become a major focus of Peace        Buchempfehlung
                                                                                                                                  and Justice, raising money is still a big part of our work.      Reise in Schwarz-Weiss, Schweizer Ortstermine in Sachen
                                                                                                                                  Rather than donating to large-scale charities, we instead        Sklaverei, Hans Fässler, Rotpunktverlag, 2005
                                                                                                                                  contribute where we have a personal connection and where
                                                                                                                                  our limited funds can be used for maximum impact.

SOLIDARITÄT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SOLIDARITÄT
  SOLIDARITY                                                                               The Ecolianer | Magazin der Ecole d’Humanité   Ausgabe 06/2018                                                                                              SOLIDARITY

  PEACE & JUSTICE                                                                                                                         We all just enjoy one another’s contribut

  PEACE AND CULTURE EVENING                                             GELD SAMMELN FÜR WICHTIGE
                                                                        PROJEKTE IN DER WELT

  Our Peace and Justice community service group organizes               ILYOUK LIECHTI, KA seit 2013
  one evening per year where every Ecole member has the
  possibility of sharing something they like. This can be a             Eine der Hauptaktivitäten der Peace & Justice Gruppe­
  song, poem, quote or whatever they feel like presenting and           ist es, Geld zu sammeln und dieses dann humanitären
  sharing with the community. There is no stage, just a small           Organi­sationen zu spenden. Wir versuchen dabei solche
  space dedicated to the people presenting, and we sit around           Organisati­onen zu finden und zu wählen, zu denen von der
  this space. No one has to come to a Peace and Culture eve­            Ecole her ein Kontakt besteht. Dieses Jahr haben wir 400
  ning, it’s voluntary.                                                 Franken an eine Schule in Nepal gespendet. Der Schulleiter,
                                                                        Semduk Lama, war neulich Gast an der Ecole und hat in ei­
  What fascinated me the most was to see how many people                ner Andacht über die Tapriza School berichtet. (Siehe auch:
  were willing to share something because of this supportive            «Mit unserem Essverhalten Einfluss nehmen», S. 05)
  and trusting vibe. Some examples of such sharing were Nora                                                                                                                                                        Supportive and trusting vib
  reading a poem she had written, Sonia singing a song she              Letztes Jahr haben wir über 1'000 Franken an ein Flücht­                                                                                                                  e
  had composed, Macquarie playing a beautiful Swiss instru­             lingslager in Frankreich (Calais) gespendet, womit dort
  ment called ‹Hang›, and Sayam, Arthur and Cornelia perfor­            mehrere Mahlzeiten finanziert werden konnten. Dieses Geld
  ming Dutch ‹street talk›. The evening is not about competi­           verdienen wir, indem wir regelmässig Flohmärkte mit Klei­
  tion or judgment at all. We all just enjoy the evening and one        dern von Ecole-Schülerinnen und -Schülern machen, welche
  another’s contributions.                                              die Kleider nicht mehr gebrauchen. Meistens hinterlassen
                                                                        Schülerinnen und Schüler, wenn sie von der Ecole gehen,           VERBUNDEN MIT DER WELT                                         MIT UNSEREM ESSVERHALTEN
                                                                        viele Kleider. An grösseren Anlässen wie dem Sommerfest
                                                                        und dem Elterntag verkaufen wir auch selbstgedruckte              IRINA STÖCKER, KA seit 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                         EINFLUSS NEHMEN
                                                                        T-Shirts­und andere nützliche Utensilien aus recycelten Sa­
                                                                        chen. In Planung sind z.B. selbstgemachte Portemonnaies           Peace & Justice ist eine unserer vielen Community Service      FRÄNZI BÄCHTOLD-BARTH, MA seit 1975
                                                                        aus Getränkekartons. Die Flohmärkte finden meistens im            Gruppen. Vor kurzem haben sich uns zwei Mitglieder der
                                                                        Esssaal statt. Wir legen alle Kleider auf den Tisch und rund­     ehemaligen «Spectrum»-Gruppe angeschlossen. «Spec­             Seit über 30 Jahren gibt es den so genannten Suppentag an
                                                                        herum stehen viele Schülerinnen und Schüler und schauen           trum» brachte der Ecole Themen rund um die LGBT+­-             der Ecole d’Humanité. Die Idee dazu stammte vom damali­
                                                                        sich alles genau an. Die Mehrheit mag die Flohmärkte, wir         Community näher. Diese Gemeinschaft will die Akzeptanz         gen Koch Erwin Ramseier und wurde in der Schulgemeinde
                                                                        verdienen etwas Geld damit, und jedes Mal verkaufen wir           der «lesbian-gay-bisexual-und transgender-Menschen» för­       begeistert aufgenommen.
                                                                        sämtliche Kleider! Das nützt uns allen und zudem werden           dern. Da auch Peace & Justice sich Themen rund um Gerech­
                                                                        die Kleider nicht weggeschmissen sondern recycelt, das ist        tigkeit in der Welt zuwendet, war es passend, unsere Kolleg­   Von jedem dieser Tage wanderten 340 Franken an ein Pro­
                                                                        uns auch wichtig.                                                 innen von Spectrum bei uns aufzunehmen.                        jekt im Norden Malis, das der damalige Mitarbeiter Lars
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Childs ins Leben gerufen hatte. Im Laufe der Jahre kamen
                                                                                                                                          Vielleicht auch dank der Internationalität unsere Ecole-       über 100'000 Franken zusammen. Eindrücklich, was wir mit
                                                                                                                                          Gemeinschaft sind wir von Peace & Justice sensibel für The­    unserem Essverhalten in anderen Regionen der Welt bewe­
                                                                                                                                          men, die in der Welt besprochen werden. So diskutierten wir    gen können!
                                                                                                                                          in unserer Gruppe Bewegungen wie die #metoo-Kampagne
                                                                                                                                          oder den #marchforourlives sowie #timesup und #womens-         Was war der Suppentag? Zehnmal im Jahr gab es ein nor­
                                                                                                                                          march und natürlich auch das Thema «Gun control». Das          males Frühstück, bei beiden anderen Mahlzeiten Suppe und
                                                                                                                                          sind ein paar sehr wichtige Diskussionen, die in der Welt      Brot, abends stets frisch gebackenes. Als Isabelle Philipp an
                                                                                                                                          stattfinden und die wir als Peace & Justice-Gruppe aufneh­     die Ecole d’Humanité kam, wandelte sie auf Anfrage vieler
                                                                                                                                          men. Denn Bildung ist wichtig.                                 Jugendlicher und Erwachsener diesen Tag leicht ab: Heute
                                                                                                                                                                                                         nun gibt es zehnmal im Jahr an einem Abend Suppe und Brot
                                                                                                                                                                                                         und am folgenden Mittag ein einfaches Pasta-Gericht.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Seit September 2017 fliesst das ersparte Geld an ein neues
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Projekt, an den Tapriza Verein in der Schweiz. Damit wird die
                                                                                                                                                                                                         nepalesische Schule Tapriza School unterstützt (www.tapriza.
Playing the ‹Hang› – a musical instrume                                                                                                                                                                  org).
         in Bern – durin g Peac e and Cult ure
                                                 It is not about competition or judgmen
                                                                                          t at all

 04                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 05
SOLIDARITÄT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SOLIDARITÄT
SOLIDARITY                                                                           The Ecolianer | Magazin der Ecole d’Humanité      Ausgabe 06/2018                                                                                                SOLIDARITY

NOT A FLAT                                                           One of the great ideas that came into the workshop as a
                                                                     dream and exited as reality was a collection of metal fire           DIALOG OF CULTURES                         Metal-design-course, 2017
EARTH                                                                cylinders with many different designs on them, still visible
                                                                     today at the Ecole on some occasions. The workshop had
                                                                                                                                          We create a sculpture of metal with a diameter of two meters, in which
FRANCESCO RIZZINI BISINELLI,                                         just recently got the plasma cutter, a highly sophisticated,
KA since 2014                                                        metal-cutting apparatus – or, in more humane terms, a very           branched human chains support the continents of our earth and hold
                                                                     fun toy. This machine could cut straight through sheets of           them together.
                                                                     metal­, which was extremely handy for the task at hand:
                                                                     cutting­various designs into the cylinders which then light          The connection and the solidarity of people let the world become a whole
The metal workshop at the Ecole has produced numerous                up with the fire.
                                                                                                                                          unit, no matter how different they are, from which culture they come or
great ideas. Throughout the years, different people have
made all kinds of things in this workshop – from a barbeque          At the time, people in the workshop were coming up with              which religion they belong to. A thought which has a long tradition here
grill to the canopy in front of the workshop itself. I am proud      aesthetically pleasing ideas where the new toy – the plasma          at the Ecole and which nowadays has an increasing significance.
to say I helped with its construction by sawing­some pie­            cutter – could be put to work. I remembered a drawing of
ces and putting in a couple of screws. (At the time I was very       which the memory was not more specific than «it had so­
young, and such a division of labor greatly­improved my chan-        mething to do with the Ecole, or maybe LPC, I am not sure».
ces of survival!)                                                    The drawing was one of the world, with a lot of people
                                                                     holding­hands around it. I had no idea of where I had seen
                                                                     this picture, nor did Dany, nor did the office, nor did anybody
                                                                     we asked. Only recently, I realized I could have seen that pic­
                                                                     ture on somebody’s shirt when I went to LPC six years ago,
                                                                     and remembered that detail only three years later; I know
                                                                     this because when I was talking to someone about writing
                                                                     this piece, she said «Oh, that drawing. I’ve had a shirt with
                                                                     that design for ten years – I bring it to every camp I go to!».
                                                                     Needless to say, we were at camp together, and needless to
                                                                     say, I forgot everything else about her. Now, we are in the
                                                                     same Ecole family. The world is smaller than you think.

                                                                     Not small enough, though, to fit on a fire cylinder – espe­
                                                                     cially not with a whole lot of people dancing around it.
                                                                     There­fore, we had to drop the idea. The fire cylinders tur­
                                                                     ned out great anyway, and we used some of them for Sum­
                                                                     merfest. I consequently forgot about the whole idea of the
                                                                     people dancing around the globe, and shifted my focus to
                                                                     other, more (or less) important subjects; but the Idea (yes,
                                                                     now it deserves a capital letter) had stuck with Dany, which is
                                                                     why, last year, he told me and others about it. The idea did
                                                                     not involve merely cutting a drawing of the world, with peo­      The process itself was this: the continents drawn on the          This was particularly hard because, as it isn’t easy to deal
                                                                     ple dancing around it. It involved building a two-meter-tall,     shells were then divided into pieces, each piece was num­         with a two-meter-tall round metal thing, it’s even more dif­
                                                                     tridimentional­version of it.                                     bered, cut out on cardboard, and then re-copied onto me­          ficult to get it round in the first place. Once the world was
                                                                                                                                       tal. The metal pieces were then welded together into con­         finally together, we had to decide on the support, and design
                                                                     Of course, it was a complicated process: it involved lots         tinents again. Some small adjustments were needed every           it (which is when our little mathematical adventure happened).
                                                                     of thinking, drawing, and even some high-level math. This         so often­, such as grinding small portions of the pieces to
                                                                     is why we made shells of the continents using newspaper,          make them fit together, or having to destroy Africa and re-       The result is a world held in place by lots of different peo­
                                                                     glue, and an inflatable ball, onto which we also copied the       weld it completely, as it was welded inside-out. We thought       ple. This, in a nutshell, was the Idea. It’s not a bad idea, in
                                                                     continents’ shapes. Oh, and in designing the support sys­         about hiding the mistake by claiming «artistic choice», but       my opinion. The idea that the people are the ones holding
                                                                     tem, my colleague and friend Wyn and I managed to mess            we realized nobody would have believed us, so we started          the world together, and that only one faulty connection can
                                                                     up basic trigonometry. Actually, we were both right, but we       sawing the pieces. Then, we cut the figures. We made hund­        offset its balance, should make us think hard. This is what
                                                                     got the first number (on which every single other calculation     reds of them, all different, all beautiful (some were beautiful   the sculpture represents. It also represents an extremely fun
                                                                     was based) wrong.                                                 in their very own way). The child inside us all made us create    process. At the end, it’s a story to tell: the tale of a group
                                                                                                                                       all kinds of figures inspired by real-world characters, as well   of people, with an ambitious project, and all the (sometimes
                                                                                                                                       as by imaginary ones. It is up to you to find them. Then, it      absurd) moments in between.
                                                                                                                                       was time to weld the entire thing together.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         And – spoiler alert! – They finished the job!
                                                                  Closeup of the sculpture

06                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    07
SOLIDARITÄT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SOLIDARITÄT
SOLIDARITY                                                                              The Ecolianer | Magazin der Ecole d’Humanité      Ausgabe 06/2018                                                                                                          SOLIDARITY

RONA LIECHTI, Leiterin Kommunikation, MA seit 2014

                                                                         Dafür hatte der Stiftungsrat kurz nach der Gründung meh­
  Die Ecole ist bekanntlich ein Dorf. Ein Dorf im
                                                                         rere Projekte ausgearbeitet und sogar die passende Liegen­
  Dorf. Ein Schul-, Lern- und Lebensdorf. Ein inter-                     schaft zum Kauf in Aussicht. Und obschon ein solches An­
  nationales, multikulturelles Mehrgenerationen-                         gebot als fehlend und wichtig erkannt wurde, lehnte der          Impressionen von «Haus Blatti» und «Haus Alessia» – den beiden Häusern, die die Ecole d'Humanité dank «Pura Vida» nun besitzt
  dorf. Und dieses einzigartige Dorf wurde erneut                        Kanton Zürich nach langjährigen Verhandlungen eine Zu­
  und unerwartet reich beschenkt. Oben auf dem                           sammenarbeit mit Pura Vida aus Spargründen ab.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   «Die Ecole sehe ich deshalb auch als Präventionseinrichtung,
  Berg sind wir dem Himmel einfach näher …
                                                                         Das Gute daran: Die Ecole d’Humanité darf die Stiftung           «ICH BIN ÜBERZEUGT, JEMAND,                                              denn Vorbeugen ist wichtig und kann Krisen verhindern. Es
                                                                         Pura Vida übernehmen. Die beiden Häuser Blatti und Ales­                                                                                  ist nicht nötig, in eine solche zu geraten, wenn man gut auf­
                                                                         sia wurden nämlich schon vor Längerem von der Stiftung           DER ZWEI BIS DREI JAHRE AN DER                                           gefangen wird. Krisen bei Jugendlichen entstehen unter an­
Viele Menschen unterstützen die Ecole ganz ohne laute­                   gekauft­und der Ecole, mit einem symbolischen Mietvertrag,       ECOLE WAR, HAT EINEN ANDEREN                                             derem, weil das Aufwachsen, die Pubertät und Adoleszenz
Töne, seit Jahren und bescheiden im Hintergrund. Dort                    zur Verfügung­gestellt. Nun erweitern sie offiziell das Ecole-                                                                            an sich schon Herausforderungen im Entwicklungsprozess
möchten sie auch sein, denn es geht ihnen um die Sache –                 Dorf.                                                            BLICK AUFS LEBEN.»                                                       darstellen. Gleichzeitig fehlt oft die elterliche Unterstüt­
die Ecole – und nicht um die Darstellung ihrer Person.                                                                                                                                                             zung oder eine andere adäquate Begleitung.
                                                                         Doch warum die Ecole? Wie kam es zu diesem grossen und
So auch François Chappuis, der Gründer der Stiftung                      grossartigen Geschenk? Welche Beweggründe hat der Stif­          Ein Blick, der von eigenem Erfahren geprägt ist und nicht                Heute ist das Risiko für Jugendliche, in eine Krise zu kom­
Pura Vida. Er ist seit über drei Jahrzehnten als Kinder- und             tungsgründer François Chappuis, die Ecole zu unterstützen?       von Gehörtem.                                                            men, tatsächlich grösser geworden. Die Erwachsenen sind
Jugend­ psychologe tätig, zuerst in der Zürcher Universi­                                                                                                                                                          selber nicht mehr in der Lage, Jugendliche angemessen
tätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, heute in einer             «Ich bin ein überzeugter Fan der Ecole d’Humanité»               Unser heutiger Lebensstil wird von der Wirtschaft ge­steuert.            zu begleiten. Sie kommen oft mit ihrer eigenen Lebensbe­
Gemeinschafts­praxis. François Chappuis schenkte in eben                 – Auszüge aus einem angeregten Gespräch                          Sie will Beliebigkeit, Austauschbarkeit, Flexibilität. Deshalb           wältigung an den Anschlag. Die heutige Beschleunigung
dieser stillen Art und Weise seine im Jahre 2002 gegrün­                 «Die Ecole d’Humanité», führt François Chappuis aus, «über­      sind die Menschen nicht mehr verwurzelt, sondern führen                  bringt mehr Stressbelastung für alle und gleichzeitig pro­
dete Stiftung Pura Vida der Ecole d’Humanité. Auf dass sie               zeugt mich mit ihrem einzigartigen Familienkonzept, bei          ein unstetes Leben, auch was die Persönlichkeit betrifft.                pagiert unsere Wohlstandsgesellschaft permanent höhere
diesem­Schuldorf die Unterstützung geben möge, die der                   dem die Lehrpersonen auch die Betreuerinnen und Betreuer         Dies führt zwangsläufig zu Persönlichkeitsstörungen, also                Lebensstandards. Die Menschen sind allgemein weniger mit
Kanton Zürich damals nicht annehmen wollte.                              sind. Gleichzeitig wird den Jugendlichen ein hohes Mass an       Störungen in der Entwicklung der Person. Allerdings werden               Verzicht, Warten und Verarbeiten konfrontiert.
                                                                         Eigenverantwortung übergetragen, beispielsweise indem sie        heutzutage gewisse Störungen als normal betrachtet – weil
Das Gute einer bitteren Geschichte                                       die Schulgemeinde selber leiten, Kurse wählen und eigene         sie inzwischen so viele Menschen haben. Und das ist auch                 Viele Eltern versuchen im falschen Verständnis von Erzie­
Das Ziel von Pura Vida war es, ein Angebot für junge Men­                Kurse anbieten können. Aus diesem sozialen Zusammen­             erwünscht so.                                                            hen, dem Kind alles zu ermöglichen, was es will. Das hilft
schen nach deren Psychiatrieaufenthalt schaffen: Eine Reha­              leben wachsen gefestigte Menschen heran, die anders den­                                                                                  den Kindern und Jugendlichen nicht. Auch das kommt von
bilitationsstätte mit Wohneinheit, Schule und, wenn nötig,               ken. Ich bin überzeugt, jemand, der zwei bis drei Jahre an der   Im Moment hat eben die Wirtschaft mit ihrem Geldsystem                   der Wirtschaft mit ihren Label-Diktaten und dem daraus
weiterführender Behandlung.                                              Ecole war, hat einen anderen Blick aufs Leben.                   das Sagen. Ihr Hauptziel ist der Gewinn und die Maximie­                 wachsenden (Gruppen-)Druck. Deshalb ist es umso wichti­
                                                                                                                                          rung des Gewinns – möglichst schnell, nicht langfristig.                 ger, dass Eltern und Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen Grenzen
                                                                                                                                          Diese­Forderungen nach schnellem Geld fordern grosse                     setzen. Frustrationstoleranz zu erzeugen und zu üben, in Be­
Geschäftsführer der Ecole d'Humanité Enrico Simen mit François Chappuis, Gründer der Stiftung «Pura Vida»                                 Opfer­: Ethos, Moral, Kultur und Bildung – all das kostet Geld           gleitung, ist nötig.
                                                                                                                                          und bringt keinen Gewinn. Deshalb wird immer weniger
                                                                                                                                          dafür­ausgegeben. Dieser Trend führt genau in die ent­                   Hier ist die Ecole stark: Klare Regeln und ab und zu ein deut­
                                                                                                                                          gegengesetzte Richtung, welche die Ecole d’Humanité mit                  liches «Nein» tun gut. Und auch die Jugendlichen unterein­
                                                                                                                                          ihren pädagogischen und menschlichen Zielen anstrebt.                    ander «erziehen» und stützen sich gegenseitig. Zudem er­
                                                                                                                                          Hier geht es um reflektierende­, autonom denkende und                    möglichen die Interkulturalität der Gemeinschaft sowie das
                                                                                                                                          entscheidende Individuen. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit hat                Kursangebot in den musischen Bereichen wie Handwerk,
                                                                                                                                          deshalb die Ecole d’Humanité eine enorme Wichtigkeit.                    Theater, Tanz und Musik Lernfelder, die in anderen Institu­
                                                                                                                                          Entgegen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und Maxime der                 tionen und auch sonst in der Schweiz nicht in diesem Aus­
                                                                                                                                          Beschleunigung vermittelt sie grundlegende Werte.»                       mass gelebt werden.

                                                                                                                                          Krisen können vermieden werden                                           Und schliesslich ist der Effekt vom «Abseitssein», vom Sein
                                                                                                                                          In seiner Arbeit als Kinder- und Jugendpsychologe beob­                  in und mit der Natur, nicht zu unterschätzen. Er heisst:
                                                                                                                                          achtet François Chappuis seit Langem die Entwicklung von                 Weniger­Konsum. Viele Kinder und Jugendliche machen an
                                                                                                                                          jungen Menschen und deren Umfeld. «Jugendliche kommen                    der Ecole einen regelrechten Konsumentzug durch. Und ent­
                                                                                                                                          schnell in eine Krise, wenn niemand da ist, der sie unter­               spannen sich. Das führt zu glücklichen, gesunden Menschen:
                                                                                                                                          stützt», reflektiert er.                                                 Pura Vida!»

SOLIDARITÄT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SOLIDARITÄT
SOLIDARITY                                                                       The Ecolianer | Magazin der Ecole d’Humanité        Ausgabe 06/2018                                                                                                  SOLIDARITY

WAKE UP!                     JOE SESERMAN, H 2015–2016                                                                               On March 20th, 2016 following the EU-Turkey agreement, re­          Creating Light Together
                                                                                                                                     fugees deemed «not in need of asylum» began to be depor­            One truly inspirational evening, a renowned chef prepared a
                                                                                                                                     ted to Turkey. Europe provided Turkey with approximately­           meal for the unaccompanied minors. Mahmoud and Hussien
Nesting                                                                                                                              3 billion Euros to accept Syrians deemed «not in need of            played songs they had learned on the guitar, while people
Nearly three years ago I was warmly welcomed into the                                                                                asylum». Since this agreement took effect, the situation has        danced, sang along and ate. Possibly this was their first fresh
Ecole Community as a Helper. It had always been my dream                                                                             changed dramatically. Refugees fleeing the dangers of war,          meal since they had separated from their families. Profound­
to visit Europe. My imagination ran wild with the seeming­                                                                           famine, and disease have been forced to live in overcrowded         ly touched by this experience, I along with other volunteers,
ly ludicrous idea of a society revolving around chocolate,                                                                           holding containers for months on end, with the uncertainty          arranged for another such occasion. A kind lady from the
cheese and punctuality. Upon arrival, the train ride unveiled                                                                        of repatriation or being separated from their family mem­           camp was eager to cook, some kids showed up to help set
the immensity of the Swiss Alps and the Hasliberg greeted                                                                            bers if they are to be deported back to Turkey.                     up, while others went to pick fresh fruit and vegetables.
me with its indescribable tranquility. A thriving ecosystem                                                                                                                                              Since the fund created for such events has already received
of plants, animals and fungi rules these mountains where                                                                             The Reality of European Refuge                                      additional donations, it may become a monthly event.
Paul Geheeb and Edith Geheeb-Cassirer, in their wisdom,                                                                              I traveled to Samos, a beautiful Greek island 2 km off the
founded the Ecole d’Humanité.                                                                                                        coast of Turkey. The island is scattered with caves, countless      The World is in ‹our› Hands
                                                                                                                                     rocky beaches with volcanic mountains towering from them.
Early on, news of the Syrian and Iraqi migrants fleeing war-                                                                         The refugee camp is situated above the main town of Vathy.
torn­countries in search of safety reached us. I remember                                                                            Conditions in the camp are rough: it is dirty, smelly, over­        «WORKING WITH THESE
clearly a feeling of frustration and guilt as I was living, com­                                                                     crowded and uncomfortable. The camp was designed to hold
fortably, far away, reading stories of their struggle for survi­                                                                     700 people but there were nearly 1900, with an additional           WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL, RESILI-
val and basic human rights. After numerous conversations at                                                                          300 people living off site. Tents were placed wherever there        ENT, CREATIVE, AND LOVING PEOPLE
the Ecole, I realized I was not alone with such feelings.                                                                            was space, the sun heating them like saunas. People at risk
                                                                                                                                     (mothers, children traveling alone, families and the sick and       HAS HELPED ME TO REALIZE HOW
Travel                                                                                                                               elderly) should receive humane accommodation but under              DEEPLY CONNECTED WE ALL ARE.»
In the spring break, I travelled to Romania to visit a good                                                                          such conditions of overcrowding, just having a canvas tent
friend. During an overnight transfer in Athens, I met a young                                                                        shared by many becomes acceptable.
man travelling to the Greek island of Samos. With a distant                                                                                                                                              If we want to live in a better world it is our responsibility to
look in his eyes, he described distaste for the world we live                                                                        Imagine you have worked all your life to have a home, a             make it happen – together!
in. His emotional life and future had recently collapsed due       Action                                                            family­, a life. Then war breaks out. You are forced to flee to
to a relationship break up. His mother was working for a           During the spring trimester 2016 at the Ecole, spirits were       stay alive. On arrival, seemingly safe, you are thrown into a
refugee­support group in Samos where he was going to help.         high as we prepared for the Ecole’s reunion «R-evolution»:        holding container and forced to sit dormant to wait, wait and       Joe Seserman – ein ehemaliger Helfer – berichtet von sei­
«These people mean nothing to me, but I don’t know what            Suddenly I had an idea. A fundraiser for the refugees: A          wait. Many would introduce themselves to me to say that             nen Erfahrungen mit Fundraising für Flüchtlinge in Samos
else to do» he uttered.                                            spark of inspiration through art: a silent auction during         they were lawyers, doctors… desperate to prove their human          während­seiner Ecole-Zeit sowie von seinen Einblicken
                                                                   the reunion.                                                      worth. Many of the young boys cut themselves repeatedly­            vor Ort. Eine vollständige Übersetzung des Artikels ist auf
A few weeks later, after experiencing the suffering and pain                                                                         to prove they are strong men.                              zu finden.
of the community of refugees, there was a tangible purpose
in his thoughts and ideas. Inspired by his experience, I con­      «SUDDENLY I HAD AN IDEA:                                          Samos volunteers are working to help refugees prepare
tacted his mother to ask how I might help; she described                                                                             themselves for a life in Europe. English, French, German,
what was needed: medical supplies, clothes for men, toys for       A FUNDRAISER FOR THE REFUGEES!»                                   and Greek classes are offered daily along with music, dance,                                            Refugee community in Samos
children... the list went on.                                                                                                        swimming and yoga/meditation. Tea is served twice a day
                                                                                                                                     and a small assortment of books in Arabic, Farsi, French,
                                                                   We arranged open-art room times for all to create art for the     and English is available. There is chess and backgammon
Community spirit in the refugee camp                               silent auction. It was immensely chaotic and also a success!      everyday under the olive trees outside the camp, and daily
                                                                   Not only did we raise a substantial amount for the refugees       «kids’ activities». The kids are so full of life and love that at
                                                                   on Samos, but it was exciting for our artists to be part of       first I was intimidated: imagine 60 small children all eager
                                                                   something like this. This would not have been possible with­      and fighting for your attention. Despite this overwhelming
                                                                   out community support: On behalf of the refugee community         reality it soon became the highlight my day: Kids’ playtime
                                                                   in Samos, I would like to thank you for donating your beauti­     cleansed me of all of the horror stories.
                                                                   ful artwork. I am so grateful to all of you and particularly to
                                                                   Nina, Clemens, Sophia, Rahel and Maria. Finally, I would like     All the classes take place in a rented building made possib­
                                                                   to thank all who supported the refugees by purchasing art­        le by donations. It has become a refuge for adults to learn,
                                                                   work. Your support has been deeply appreciated.                   read, relax with a tea or coffee or practice the guitar. On
                                                                                                                                     a separate plot of land nearby, which was also donated,
                                                                   Active Exclusion                                                  refugees and volunteers have created a vegetable garden.
                                                                   At this point in time, the EU borders were «open» and             The fresh produce are left in the «Alpha Center» for anyone
                                                                   there was a consistent stream of refugees flowing through         to take.
                                                                   the Greek islands and other EU entry hubs.

NEUES AUS UNSEREM SCHULDORF                                                                                                                                                                                                 NEUES AUS UNSEREM SCHULDORF
NEWS FROM OUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                 Ausgabe 06/2018                                                                        NEWS FROM OUR COMMUNITY

ONE YEAR, NEW PERSPECTIVE                                                                                                               DIE BEIDEN MONDE
MARIE MARTIN (KRESSMANN), MA since 2016                                                                                                 ELISABETH WÄSCHENFELDER, MA seit 2010

     We asked some of the actual helpers what they                 KATHLEEN                                                             Es ist schon beinahe Tradition, dass Prof. em. Dr. Dr. Ulrich       Wagenschein habe versucht, eine Brücke zwischen den Kul­
                                                                                                                                        Aeschlimann, ein Experte für Wagenschein-Didaktik, ein              turen zu schlagen und auch er, Aeschlimann, kritisiere diese
     learned during their year at the Ecole and what               The Ecole definitely rocked my world. I wasn’t looking to take       Mal im Jahr die Ecole besucht und ein Fortbildungsseminar           Spaltung und rege an, verschiedene Aspekte zuzulassen, als
     they will take away from their experience.                    a break from my psychology school but I found out about the          für uns LehrerInnen abhält. Am 26. Januar 2018 kamen wir            ebenbürtig zu würdigen und wenn immer möglich die eige­
                                                                   Ecole and it became one of those opportunities you don’t say         wieder­in diesen Genuss!                                            ne Betrachtungsweise Anderen durch möglichst einfach zu
                                                                   no to. And now the course of my life is completely changed­!                                                                             verstehende Erklärungen zugänglich zu machen.
                      EMMA                                                                                                              Diesmal war das Thema ein 1976 von Martin Wagenschein
                                                                   A big cultural shock when I came here was not seeing people          veröffentlichter Text: «Die zwei Monde»1. In einem hoch­            Prof. Aeschlimann­zitierte Wagenschein2: «Niemals sollte ein
                      I realize I’d rather solve an issue than     on their phone. Now I often forget that there are phones             interessanten Vortrag stellte Prof. Aeschlimann den Text            Schulkind auch nur im geringsten, und sei es auch unbewusst,
                      walk away. I can look at a problem           because I am so in the moment. Outside the Ecole, kids are           und die sich daraus ergebenden Fragen vor, was zu ange­             eine Art schlechten Gewissens spüren, wenn es den Mond ‹noch
                      differently now and think about how          sitting at the table with a tablet in their face but here, Yuma      regten Diskussionen führte. Was Wagenschein in seinem               immer› als den Freund der Wolken und seiner selbst über das
                      I can try to fix a situation rather than     played with a rock for 30 minutes! I actually love being dis­        Text über die zwei Monde meinte, so Aeschlimann, sei                Himmelszelt gehen sieht: verwirrt von dem gelernten Gerede,
                      ignoring it. When I heard about hikes I      connected from the social media and choosing who I am                einer­seits der Mond der Dichter, andererseits der Mond             dies alles sei ‹nur Schein›. Niemals sollte es sich gespalten füh-
thought to myself «I don’t hike» and hiking turned out to be       going­to engage with. The community life is the biggest thing        der Naturwissen­schaftler. Die Frage, welcher der «beiden»          len, wenn es einmal astronomischen Schlüssen und astronau-
the most amazing experience ever. I even told myself: you’re       for me here. I love Family Meetings, and Family Evenings­. I         Monde nun der «wirkliche» Mond sei, war gemäss Wagen­               tischen Demonstrationen nachgeht und es doch – zum Glück
not going to hike anywhere or be anywhere as beautiful as          always come back to my room filled with joy. I love being            schein sinnlos, da je nach Perspektive immer nur einzelne           – nicht lassen kann, ein andermal Erfahrungen, Ahnungen,
this place where you’re at right now. On our hike we saw a         with people in that environment and feeling the closeness            Aspekte des betrachteten Gegenstandes deutlich würden.              Gedichten sich zu öffnen, in denen der Mond keineswegs als
glacier that’s going to be gone; we’re the last generation to      of an actual family. Thanks to our tight community, I’ve noti­       Die Physik­behandle nur die wiederholbaren, objektiv mess­          Kugel von der Masse m und die Erde nicht als Ball empfunden
see this glacier. I cannot believe that I am here experien­        ced over the past year that there is an entire language to           baren Aspekte­  , während sich die Dichtung mit anderen             wird.»
cing all of this! Being here made me appreciate everything         communicate with someone in a polite and caring way. I’ve            Aspekten beschäftige.
more. Relationships with people, the food that I eat and that      definitely learned a lot about how to set up that kind of con­                                                                           Wir danken für dieses anregende Seminar und freuen uns
is given to me every single day, the experiences I have, the       versation, by asking: are your needs being met? Or: Can you          Im weiteren Verlauf seines Vortrages beschäftigte sich Prof.        schon auf das nächste Mal!
learning… I have never appreciated so much as I have this          live with this decision­? Also, I learned that when we are in a      Aeschlimann mit der Frage, inwieweit es gerechtfertigt sei,
year. I am so grateful.                                            conflict with someone, we need to drop the ego and figure            die unterschiedlichen Betrachtungsweisen von Phänome­               1 in: M. Wagenschein: Erinnerungen für morgen, S. 154 ff
                                                                   out why they are feeling what they are feeling rather than           nen damit zu erklären, dass es eben verschiedene Kulturen           2 M. Wagenschein: Die beiden Monde.
                                                                   stressing our own point.                                             gäbe: Die Kultur der Geisteswissenschaften und die Kultur              in: Erinnerungen für morgen, S. 163
                      FRANCESCA                                                                                                         der Naturwissenschaften (eventuell noch die Kultur der
                                                                   I have also been astonished by the way people hold you ac­           Gesellschaftswissenschaften) und zwischen ihnen eine fast
                      I know I tend to complain a lot. And         countable for your actions and cultivate responsibility. For         unüberbrückbare Kluft des Nichtverstehens und der Diffa­
                      spen­ding time with little kids made me      example, everyone’s carbon footprint here is being redu­             mierung.
                      realize that kids are happy with very        ced because of all the composting we do. In Ben’s environ­
                      little things: today I made spaghettis       mental class we watched a movie about climate change.
                      out of a cucumber with Emilie and she        Looking­at Rell who will be seriously affected by this, it
was having the time of her life. The simplicity of this place      breaks my heart. But it’s also pretty empowering to me be­
is amazing. It helps me realize I really don’t need that much      cause I realized­all the little every day actions that we can
to be happy.                                                       do to reduce our carbon­footprint. Looking back at this year,
                                                                   I have done things that are really challenging. For instance,
                                                                   rock climbing­. It is so terrifying! But I love the fact that I am
                      SARAH                                        able to do it and feel proud of myself. To get in the habits of
                                                                   pushing and challenging yourself to do things that you know
                      The school got me very excited about         are good for you but are really scary: that’s something that is
                      learning new languages. Here I hear          going to be really important for the rest of my life.
                      German being spoken everywhere, and
                      I can practice with my roommate if I         I am now transferring to a school that is the polar opposite
                      want to. I will definitely pursue Ger­       to where I spent the last two years at and a lot more similar
man. I remember a quote from Tom Bodett that Sonia read            to the Ecole in terms of values. There is no way I can’t be in
to us at the Esssaal: «They say a person needs just three things   nature after spending a year here. I will go back to studying
to be happy in this world: someone to love, something to do,       psychology and add a minor in environmental studies. There
and something to hope for.» And for me it’s exactly that at the    is a lot of development going on in psychology, especially in
Ecole, I have the people I love, I am busy all the time with       outdoor therapy, which would be the ultimate dream: imple­           Vollmond über dem Hasliberg                              Elisabeth Wäschenfelder mit Prof. Aeschlimann
kids and I do things I am interested in, and I hope to keep        menting a lot of things I did this year outside and sharing
these connections and ideas when I leave the Ecole.                with the kids I will eventually be working with in therapy.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
NEWS FROM OUR COMMUNITY                                                          The Ecolianer | Magazin der Ecole d’Humanité

JUNE VINHATEIRO, Director of Admissions, MA 2004–2006 and since 2009

Emerging more than a century ago from the overarching              These vital proficiencies, relatively recently acknowledged in
ideals of social responsibility and democracy – radical ideals­    mainstream educational theory, align precisely with the cen­
indeed in education at the turn of the 20th century – the          tury-old tenets of progressive education on which the Ecole
principles of progressive education are today as relevant          was founded, and with the lived experience of our students.
as ever. Progressive ideals and practices now serve as a           Merging the historic principles of the Geheebs’ progressive
template­for developing «21st Century Skills» – those attri­       practices with 21st century thought and tools, the Ecole is
butes and competencies considered essential for students           ideally suited to provide a firmly-rooted learning environ­
preparing for jobs and life in the Information Age.                ment in which to prepare students for the rapidly changing
                                                                   landscape of career opportunities and personal fulfillment
Shaped by the theories of educational philosophers such            in the 21st century. The resultant essential skills unfold not
as John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, and Paul          only in our small, discussion-based academic classes, but re­
Geheeb (who, with his wife Edith Geheeb Cassirer, founded          markably so in our afternoon courses, which – unique to the
the Ecole) progressive education features such concepts as         Ecole – comprise a well-warranted half of our school day.
supporting students’ active participation in the educational
process; cultivating a deep relationship with nature; deve­        Experience in the outdoors is fundamental to environmen­
loping critical thinking and problem-solving skills; encou­        tal literacy and to personal well-being. At the Ecole, we are
raging collaboration among peers; integrating arts into the        surrounded by spectacular mountain vistas and the sounds
curriculum; fostering intrinsic motivation (curiosity and the      of alpine streams and valley winds; they are as much a part
drive to learn) over extrinsic motivation (getting an «A»);        of our school experience as homework, library books, and
nurturing community mindedness; and assessing student              the Gong. Collaboration, problem-solving, and perseverance
work via narrative evaluation rather than with grades.             are central elements of the innovative work environments
                                                                   of the 21st century; these same skills are cultivated in our
Since the turn of this century, educators, social scientists,      multi-day hikes into the Swiss and Italian Alps, which require   Experience in the outdoors is fundamental to personal well-being
and business leaders have recognized that knowledge ab­            making on-the-spot adjustments for unexpected conditions,
sent of skill is no longer an adequate measure in preparing        collaborating on meal preparation in the wild, ensuring that
students for success in university and in the workplace.           individuals support the group and the group supports indi­
Students today must be able to not only master content,            viduals, and persisting in moving forward when muscles and
but also to create it. The requisite «21st Century Skills»,        inner fatigue begin to suggest otherwise.                        Daring to commit to a creative or intellectual process – art,      At the Ecole, our days and weeks are punctuated by activi­
distilled by the National Educational Association to the Four                                                                       theater, music, an idea – fortifies confidence, and being sup­     ties and responsibilities that keep us grounded in the here
Cs – critical­thinking and problem-solving, communication,                                                                          ported in that process as it unfolds and aligns with or con­       and now – tending the goats, taking care of our space with
collaboration, and creativity and innovation – also encom­                                                                          tradicts an initial vision allows Ecole students to take crea­     Putzpause, mastering the neurological adeptness required
pass perseverance and self-direction, research skills, social                                                                       tive risks. The Ecole’s Intensive Week further supports this       for the complexities of a traditional folkdance, or taking a
justice awareness, and environmental literacy.                                                                                      exploration process by giving our students the gift of time        few moments of reflection at Andacht.
                                                                                                                                    – an entire week in which to pursue a single idea, question,
                                                                                                                                    or project.                                                        The tenets around which the Geheebs built the Ecole – self-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       reliance, community-mindedness, a profound relationship
                                                                                                                                    At the Ecole, we embrace the notion that self-directedness         with nature, the intimacy of the Ecole Family structure, a
                                                                                                                                    may take the occasional brief foray into boredom – itself a        deep commitment to creative expression and intellectual
                                                                                                                                    catalyst for innovation. We encourage challenging questions        rigor – are emblematic of progressive education’s historical
                                                                                                                                    and celebrate mistakes, knowing that they enhance the de­          import as well as its unqualified relevance in the 21st centu­
                                                                                                                                    velopment of critical thinking and problem-solving. Student-       ry. As the Ecole prepares young people for a future that we
                                                                                                                                    centered education may be a bit untidy at times, but the           and they can’t possibly know, we appreciate that Paul and
                                                                                                                                    outcome is worth the effort!                                       Edith were clearly on to something – timeless ideals.

                                                                                                                                    Nurturing 21st century skills does not require full immer­
                                                                                                                                    sion into the clutter of 21st century trappings. Rather, the
                                                                                                                                    solidness of being rooted in physical work, artistic expres­
                                                                                                                                    sion, authentic relationships, and the creativity demanded
                                                                                                                                    by self-reliance – rather than persistent reliance on passive
                                                                                                                                    consumption – enhances the readiness to acquire new skills.

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NEUES AUS UNSEREM SCHULDORF                                                                                                                                                                                               NEUES AUS UNSEREM SCHULDORF
NEWS FROM OUR COMMUNITY                                                             The Ecolianer | Magazin der Ecole d’Humanité             Ausgabe 06/2018                                                                 NEWS FROM OUR COMMUNITY

                      TIPS FOR THE ARTISTIC STUDENTS                                                                                         ECOLE D’HUMANITÉ À LA RADIO                                                  MARIE MARTIN (KRESSMANN), MA seit 2016

                      MILICA DUKIC, Artist-in-Residence 2017–2018
                                                                                                                                             Im letzten Februar hatte die Ecole d’Humanité die Mög-
                                                                                                                                             lichkeit, eine Radiosendung in Frankreich und auf Fran-
                                                                                                                                             zösisch auszustrahlen. Drei Schülerinnen und zwei Schüler
                                                                    I also achieved a long hoped for goal – the realization of a             nahmen aktiv mit berührenden Aussagen teil, wovon wir
     Milica Dukic (1989, Kraljevo, Serbia) Graduated
                                                                    new painting I named «The Mirror». Somehow, it waited for                hier ein paar Auszüge ab­drucken. Die komplette Sendung
     from the Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad with                 me to develop my own technique, which includes combining                 auf Französisch ist online verfügbar:
     a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in painting and               photography and embroidery, and for good working condi­                  Remerciements à Pascal Fleury et Marie-Christine Kressmann.
     a Master’s degree in drawing. In 2014, she beca-               tions. «The Mirror» will be presented as a part of the exhibi­
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sophia, Wanida, Laurie, Sayam and Morgan (from the left)
     me a member of SULUV (The Association of Fine                  tion «Heads and Tails», at the Ruth Cohn center, in the s
                                                                    econd part of June from the 16th to the 30th.
     Artists of Vojvodina), as well as the member of
     the Shock cooperative collective. She has had                                                                                                                       Laurie                                                       Wanida
                                                                    And, there is one more dream which I’ve had, and it has
     11 solo exhibitions and she has participated in                pretty­frequently come true – meeting interesting people                       «The Ecole is an amazing place to learn because             «Vor der Ecole d’Humanité hatte ich keine Schule
                                                                                                                                                                we learn on every level:                     gefunden, welche die drei Sachen vereinigt, die mir am
     more than 60 group projects. She was several                   from many parts of the world :-)!
                                                                                                                                              • In terms of academics, we learn maths, vocabulary, etc.      wichtigsten sind: Familienleben, Freunde und Arbeit.»
     times awarded.The Ecole d’Humanité is honou-                                                                                                        • Practically speaking, I’ve learned to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                «Die Bindung zu Lehrpersonen ist hier anders als
     red to have Milica as Artist in Residence for the                                                                                                       milk goats, do yoga, and paint.
                                                                    Milica's Blog:                                                                                                    in anderen Schulen. Natürlich handelt es sich um
     school year 2017–2018. This has been made pos-                                                                                             • Emotionally speaking, I’ve learned to respect others;
                                                                                                                                                                                                             'Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehungen. Aber sie sind menschlich.
     sible through the European Voluntary Service.                                                                                                   I’ve learned to say no, and to solve conflicts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Die Lehrpersonen sind für uns sehr präsent.»
                                                                                                                                                   When we all live together conflicts are inevitable,
                                                                                                                                                 but here we learn to have constructive talks and find             «Ich lerne mit anderen zu leben und mich
                                                                                                                                                                  solutions together.»                          zusammenzureissen. Vielleicht ist das Toleranz?»
At this moment, I’m living a few of my dreams. The first one
and the oldest one is of when I dreamt of becoming a pain­                                                                                                                                                       «Für mich ist die Ecole d’Humanité eine richtige
ter. And, I now would describe painting as a very adventu­                                                                                                                                                                        Lebensschule.»
rous way of life. You never know what your next year will
bring, and what will inspire you. So, if you are someone who                                                                                   «Dank der verschiedenen Nationalitäten, Kulturen und
is flexible, self-disciplined, ready for creative brainstorming                                                                                Religionen mit denen ich hier in engen Kontakt komme,                                  Morgan
in the middle of the night… then, I would like to share some                                                                                    habe ich entdeckt, dass wir uns alle sehr ähnlich sind       «I’ve discovered that life is not only about working, but
tips that might be useful to you.                                                                                                              und dass es tatsächlich möglich ist zusammen zu leben.                   also about opening up to people.»
                                                                                                                                                Die Stereotypen, von denen wir zu oft lesen, entspre­
                                                                                                                                                               chen nicht der Realität.»                      «I’ve learned to be responsible: I used to always count
My tips:                                                                                                                                                                                                       on someone else. Now, I do things by myself. For in­
1. 	Such a creative process can be a very lonely path. You                                                                                                                                                  stance, during Family Evening, I often do dishes or help
     need to know how to spend time by yourself, for hours, in                                                                                                           Sayam                                  to clean up. I’ve learned that I have a role to play.»
     a good mood. So, your passion for art is the key, because
                                                                                                                                                       «Ich mag es, in den Alpen zu wandern! »
     it helps you not to feel lonely.
2. 	Everything starts from an idea, so write down all your                                                                                     «Ich lerne gemeinsam Entscheidungen zu treffen. Oft        The Ecole d’Humanité had the opportunity to prepare a ra­
     ideas. We live in the «instant» world, but art take time.                                                                                   haben wir verschiedene Meinungen. Es gelingt uns          dio episode in French, which was broadcasted in France last
     Sometimes it can take years (as it waits to ripen).                                                                                      jedoch stets Lösungen zu finden: Wir diskutieren und wir     February. Five students actively took part, and some of their
3. 	Be patient.                                                                                                                                              schließen Kompromisse».                      moving contributions are included here. The complete broad­
4.	Find an additional activity – become a member of a sport                                                                                                                                               cast in French is accessible online:
     club, youth or voluntary organization. It’s good to create
     a little distance from your own projects and studies, and
     it is a nice way to make new contacts.                                                                                                  CIRCLE OF LIFE
5. 	Don’t hesitate to accept «less artistic» jobs. Look at tho­
     se situations as transitory and helpful. These can become
     a new source of the inspiration.                                                                                                           Geburten | Births                                          Todesfälle | Deaths
6. 	Make a habit of searching for open calls for artists, and      «The Mirror», from both sides. Original size: 127×184 cm                    * Nils Olof Svante Nordlander (29.12.2017),               † Peter Götz (January 5, 1958 – January 1, 2018)
     apply to many... and, never give up :)                         Here is presented a Gypsy man, who is trying to survive by                     son of Sanna Nordlander, former H 2001–2002                KA 1970–1974
                                                                    collecting and selling the trash. In this case the mirror is a part of         and MA 2002–2003                                        † Ilse Wyler-Weil (May 21, 1930 – March 25, 2018)
The good thing about reality is that it can actually be bet­        his day collection. It is a very common situation in Serbia, and            * Myles David Sampson (26.04.2018), son of Melanie           KA 1944–1946
ter than a dream. My hope was to experience living ab­              we are very used to close our eyes in front of these scenes. With              Jones and Tom Sampson, MA since 2014 and 2015
road. At first, I didn’t think of wonderful Switzerland.            this painting I want to raise awareness of the existence of marginal
                                                                                                                                                * Maya Arela Maria (03.06.2018), daughter of
Being an Artist in Residence for one school year at the Ecole       people, living not so far from us, that are truly struggling in the
                                                                                                                                                   Annette Ruef, MA since 2017 and Guido Aosdana
is giving me a really special and very unique experience.           21st century.

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