STRATEGIC PLAN : 2019 2021 - Reviewed: February 2021 - TISBURY SCHOOL
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Page: 1 STRATEGIC PLAN : 2019 - 2021 Reviewed: February 2021 PRINCIPAL’S ENDORSEMENT: ANDREA JOYCE BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ ENDORSEMENT: EMMA TODD SUBMISSION DATE TO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION; FEBRUARY 2021 (130 Years of Tisbury School 1891 – 2021) (This document was written after consultation with the school’s community in 2018. Community consultation is due 2021 to help reset the school’s direction.)
Page: 2 In honouring the Treaty of Waitangi obligations and principals (partnership, participation, protection), and in embracing the shared beliefs of Mahi Tahi, Ako, Whanaungatanga and Manaakitanga Tisbury School is on a learning journey to establish a school culture that embodies the ethos of Mauri Ora. Where Kaiako, Tamariki and Whānau work in partnership to develop confident, resourceful life-long learners; Ki Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawaunui. The school’s principles, values and key competencies form the foundation upon which the strategic goals are actioned.
Page: 3 Strategic Goals 2019 - 2021 After consultation with the community during 2018, the follow goals were identified and have been organised under the Mauri Ora aspects of: 1. Adaptive Expertise professional curriculum and pedagogy: Develop and foster a culturally responsive curriculum that will enhance the educational outcomes for ALL, but in particular our Māori students by ensuring that the curriculum delivers equity and excellence. 2. Home School Community Collaborations: a) Optimizing the physical environment to meet the learning needs for students now and in the future b) Links with the Parent-Teacher Association for additional fundraising to support students at school. c) Consultation with family/whānau around future directions for the school. 3. Cultural Relationships for a responsive pedagogy: Celebrate and grow the school’s positive behaviour for learning (PB4L) culture and foster student well-being.
Page: 4 Strategic Intentions over 2019 to 2021: 1. Adaptive Expertise professional curriculum and pedagogy: Develop and foster a culturally responsive curriculum that will enhance the educational outcomes for ALL, but in particular our Māori, students by ensuring that the curriculum delivers equity and excellence. Being a member of the Invercargill Kāhui Ako - Community of Learning develop: a) Rongohia Te Hau : Criteria for a culturally responsive √ Using the Kāhu Ako Rongohia Te Hau maxtrix and pedagogy. anaylsis of kiaiako, tamariki and whānau voice (through Waikato University annual survey) monitor the progress of developing a culturally responsive pedagogy and environment. b) Core Curriculum Subjects √ 80-85% of students at the end of year working at the middle to end of expected curriculum level, as per the school’s expectations. c) Local Curriculum Design and the implementation of digital √ Through local curriculum design the following will be developed: fluency. - Key Competencies where students self monitoring their development growing as a member of Tisbury School’s and the wider community. - Grow teacher knowledge and understanding of the digital technologies progressions.
Page: 5 2. Home School Community Collaborations: a) Optimizing the physical environment to meet Over time explore the options of: the learning needs of students now and in √ From the 10YPP plan for remodelling learning environments 21/22. the future. √ Implement plan to upgrade school veranda 2021. b) Board links to the PTA for fundraising. √ Provide direction to the PTA on what funds are required to be raised to support the students at Tisbury School in learning and play. 2021 focus is to raise money ensure the veranda can be completed. c) Consultation is determined during the year. √ Focus from ERO ‘s next steps – extending reporting to whānau and iwi Māori on the school’s actions and plans to support Māori student success. 3. Cultural Relationships for a responsive pedagogy: a) Celebrate and grow the school’s positive √ Continue to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of PB4L and the Second behaviour for learning (PB4L) culture and Steps Programme in developing our students wellbeing. This is being monitored develop students well-being. through Rongohia Te Hau cultural responsive survey (which includes tamariki, whānau and kaiako perspectives around relationships). √ With Chat Bus underway Term 1 2021 – monitor the impact this will have on our students well-being.
Page: 6 Annual Plan: 2021 Intention Foci What Update over year: February June November 1a Rongohia Te Hau: Criteria for Using the matrix and anaylsis of culturally responsive pedagogy surveys staff to identify next step to continue to develop progress in developing a culturally responsive curriculum. This will also include shadow coaching through a writing focus. 1b Core Curriculum where, by the Strong focus on writing through: end of the year, 80-85% of -shadow coaching around pedagogical our students are working practice. within the middle to end of - PGC sessions focused on “lighting the expected curriculum level. fire to write” 1c Local curriculum design develop: In-School Focus: Key Competencies where students are self-monitoring their development. Kahui Ako Focus: Grow teacher knowledge and understanding of the digital technologies progressions and develop local curriculum design. Group of School’s Focus: Local curriculum design connected to the local Marae/Social Studies History Curriculum.
Page: 7 Intention Foci What Update over year: March August November 2a Physical Environment Commence the redevelopment of the special needs toilet block and upgrade the veranda along the front of the school. Explore modernization of classrooms 21/22. 2b Board / PTA links for Fundraise for the gap in the veranda fundraising. costings for 21. 2c Consultation with school Extending reporting to whānau and iwi community. Māori on the school’s actions and plans to support Māori student success. Connecting to 1c. 3a Positive Behaviour for PB4L / Attendance Report provided second BOT meeting of each term. Learning/Student Well-being Annual Student / Staff Surveys: -Rongohia Te Hau : Survey - T3 2021 Chat Bus – monitor impact of this service
Page: 8 Development Plan 2022 / 2023 Intention Foci 2022 2023 1a Rongohia Te Hau : culturally Developing the next identified aspect from the Developing the next identified aspect from the responsive pedagogy. survey results. survey results. 1b Core Curriculum where by the Monitoring student progress more critically to Monitoring student progress more critically to end of the year 80-85% of ensure learning steps are identified and ensure learning steps are identified and our students are to be programmes of support / extension can be programmes of support / extension can be working within the middle to implemented to ensure continued progress for implemented to ensure continued progress for end of expected curriculum students. students. level. 1c Local Curriculum Design / Continue to implement and build teachers Continue to implement and build teachers implementation of digital knowledge and understandings around: knowledge and understandings around: fluency. Local Curriculum Design Local Curriculum Design Digital technologies fluency Digital technologies fluency 2a Physical Environment Plan for the next two classrooms to be Explore modern learning environments for future modernised. development. (5YP) 2b Board / PTA liaison Board/Staff Representatives work with PTA to Board/Staff Representatives work with PTA to help raise funds to support students learning and help raise funds to support students learning and play. play. 2c Consultation with school Strategic planning consultation for the next three Focus consultation to needs of school community. community years. 3a Positive Behaviour for PB4L/Attendance PB4L/Attendance Learning/Student Well-being Annual Student / Staff Surveys: Annual Student Surveys: - Rongohia Te Hau relationships aspect - Rongohia Te Hau relationships aspect Chat Bus on going monitoring for impact Chat Bus on going monitoring for impact
Page: 9 Annual Variance Target 2021 Strategic Goal Target: To scaffold students who are At Risk of not progressing over time. Target: Raise outcomes for all Show progress with a group of students to accelerate them from the “Within/At-Risk” to the “At/Ahead” expectation for their year level. This students to ensure 80 - will require a movement of 2+ increments over the school year. 85% are achieving At or Baseline Data: Above expectations in At the end of 2019/20, the writing data showed that there was a group of students across the school that made no or 1 step of progress within math, reading and writing. writing and were in the “At Risk” level of the curriculum. There were 13 Boys and 7 Girls. Ethnicity: 14 NZE; 2 NZM; 1 Dutch/NZM 1; 1 MID. Staff agreed that with some support these students would make accelerated progress to be in the “At” level of the curriculum expectations with focused support a What: Who/Cost: Term 1/2/3 • Students surveyed about their attitude towards writing. Classroom teachers with their peer. • Analysis of writing, using teacher judgement and PaCT for moderation to Lead Teacher of English identify aspects of writing that need to be worked on for students to make accelerated progress. • Classroom observations and discussions to identify required teacher support so that appropriate PD can be sourced. • Review current practice and identify areas of need. Term 4 Final analysis of writing, using teacher judgement and PaCT for moderation and Teacher in charge to work with Principal to present a graph of progress. identify next steps to ensure students maintain the accelerated progress they have gained over the year. Monitoring: Introduce peer/teacher moderation for target students where they meet twice per term to help support each other on identifying the students next learning step to make progress. Use PaCT Writing Tool as a norm reference for curriculum stage. Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 4 Resourcing: School Funding PD Budget: $1,500 for support. REPORTING TO THE BOARD: November / March / June / November
Page: 10 Our Community Believes: Give it a go school. Tisbury School is:
Page: 11 Annual Report Incorporated in the Annual Accounts. Procedural Information Planning year: will become: November to November Date for lodging copy of updated Charter/Annual Plan: 1 March each year. Date for lodging copy of Annual Report: 31 May each year. All documentation is to be sent electronically to the Ministry of Education School Data Portal With the Ministry of Education’s School Planning and Reporting Checklist.
Page: 12 Supporting Documentation The following documentation will support Tisbury School in improving student achievement and developing a quality learning environment. Documentation Current Status School Policies – School Doc’s On a self-review cycle – advised yearly Curriculum Plans T1-4 Assessment Plan Developed on a three cycle Reporting Plans As per Annual/Self Review plan Professional Growth Cycle - Plan Developed Yearly to meet strategic plan In-service programme Developed Yearly – centred around major CD Teachers’ programmes of work Reviewed annually as per PGC Cycle School Performance Management Plan Developed in line with strategic plan for ensuring year EEO Plan Refer School Doc’s Policy Student Management System Student Records eTap – in use since 2013 The following documentation will, when reviewed and/or developed, support us in developing good management practices and effective school systems: Documentation Current Status School Policies/Procedures as per School Doc’s and appropriate On a self-review cycle internal school procedures: School Self-Review Plan On a self-review cycle Annual Budget Ratified by BOT at their first meeting of the new year Ten Year Maintenance Plan Developed By School Support Five year Property Plan Developed By School Support
Page: 13 Consultation Process (Undertaken: over the school year, an aspect of the school’s curricula or issue required) Activity Date 1 The board discusses the process. Commitment is sought. Team is identified as the process driver and is to include key Maori personnel to facilitate consultation with the Maori community. The delegations of this team are clarified. 2 Notification of consultation is provided to the community explaining that they will be asked at the next 3 Ways or via a text, through the school’s bulletin. The question(s) are provided in at least 3 school bulletins so that the community are aware and have time to work through their response. The Board will review the above process to ensure that they are getting sufficient community feedback and change approach as appropriate. 3 Consultation with Maori/ Pasificka Communities: As above. Other forms of consultations are carried out: - Morning teas held: Dates - Kindergartens Visited: Dates - Hui held at Marae: Dates - Staff consulted: Dates - Students consulted: Dates - Community Consultation Meeting: Dates 4 Environmental information sought, e.g. achievement data, demographics 5 Responses collated 6 Facilitate a Board planning session Examine the environment (political, economic, social etc.) and consultation results. Determine/confirm the School and Community description, vision and values and beliefs. Share Goals – develop strategic development plan 7 Publish charter, implement it and report on progress to the community and the Ministry of Education. This consultation process takes time.
Page: 14 Annual Variance Target 2020 Strategic Goal Target: To scaffold students who are At Risk of not progressing over time. Target: Raise outcomes for all students to ensure 80 - 85% are achieving Show progress with a group of students to accelerate them from the “Within/At-Risk” to the “At/Ahead” At or Above expectations in math, reading and writing. expectation for their year level. This will require a movement of 2+ increments over the school year. Baseline Data: At the end of 2019, the writing data showed that there was a group of students across the school that made no or 1 step of progress within writing and were in the “within/at-risk” level of the curriculum. There were 13 Boys and 3 Girls. Ethnicity: 12 NZE; 2 NZM; 2 Dutch/NZM. Staff agreed that with some support these students would make accelerated progress to be in the “At/Ahead” level of the curriculum expectations. a What: Who/Cost: Term 1 • Students surveyed about their attitude towards writing. Classroom teachers with their peer. • Analysis of writing, using teacher judgement and PaCT for Lead Teacher of English moderation to identify aspects of writing that need to be worked PD Budget: $1,500 for support. on for students to make accelerated progress. • Classroom observations and discussions to identify required teacher support so that appropriate PD can be sourced. • Work with the Kahu Ako TLIF workgroup where senior high school students respond to the writing of our targeted seniors. The aim is to provide a meaningful context and purpose for writing through a buddy response approach. Term 1/2/3 Target students with additional teacher support. Where the teacher will Board to support through staffing - 3 hours per week for a teacher. work with groups or one on one to support student learning around one or more of the learning identified. Analysis of writing, using teacher judgement and PaCT for moderation to identify the next learning steps within writing to ensure students are making accelerated progress. Term 4 Final analysis of writing, using teacher judgement and PaCT for Teacher in charge to work with Principal to present progress. moderation and identifying next steps to ensure students maintain the accelerated progress they have gained over the year. Monitoring: Introduce peer/teacher moderation for target students where they meet twice per term to help support each other on identifying the students next learning step to make progress. Use PaCT Writing Tool as a norm reference for curriculum stage. Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 4 Resourcing: School Funding: $1,500 – in addition, allocate 3 hours per week a teacher provide additional support to groups of students. REPORTING TO THE BOARD: November / June / November
Page: 15 Variance Group 2020 Curriculum Curriculum Progress Report level Curriculum Level Increment Shifts Reset after COVID19 end of year (ie steps) Student 1 1M 1E 2 Student 2 1M 1E 2 Student 3 1M 1MM 1 Student 4 1M 2B 3 Student 5 1B 1M 1 Student 6 1B 1M 1 Student 7 1B 1M 1 Student 8 1B 1M 1 Student 9 1M 1MM 1 Student 10 1MM 1E 1 Student 11 2M 2MM 1 Student 12 2MM 2MM 0 Student 13 2MM 2MM 0
Page: 16 Student 14 2M 2M 0 Student 15 2MM 2E 1 Student 16 2M 2E 1 November 2019: At the end of 2019 when the English information was analysed by the staff there was a significant drop in achievement within writing particularly with boys across the school. It was agreed that there was a group of 13 boys 3 girls and who, with additional support, could be accelerated to the “at/ahead” expectation for their year level in 2020. March 2020: Teachers, with a buddy, to analyse students writing using the school’s writing indicators and PaCT tool to identify what aspects of writing that the students need to be working on to make accelerated progress (+2 steps) to be in the At/Ahead level of the curriculum for their age and stage. From these analyses, support programmes will be developed. Initial aspects of writing requiring attention were: For the juniors: Letter formation, direction, spacing, hearing and recording sounds and writing compound sentences. For the seniors: Use of vocabulary, punctuation to enhance writing. The results of the attitude survey showed: For the juniors: 43% liked to write : 57% didn’t like writing. For the seniors: 50% liked to write : 50% didn't like writing. June 2020: As things were just getting underway, COVID19 occurred and on our return the whole programme had to be relooked at. The reset button was established, all the students in the school had their writing reassessed and needs for progress re-identified. • The results from the reset highlighted: 12 had dropped one or two levels; 3 stayed at the same level; 1 improved by one level. To monitor progress staff are going to use the reset curriculum level established after the return to school at Alert level 1. • Major Focus - Spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Page: 17 • The TLIF programme for the seniors, and in particular boys, was discontinued and will not be reintroduced until 2021. This was due to the High School’s concentrating on their senior students NECA attainment. This was to be the motivation for encouraging boys to write for a purpose. In the first two weeks the students involved were excited to receive the written responsive feedback from their buddy writers and when we returned they asked when it would start again. They were quite disappointed that it had ceased. During the remainder of term 2, staff have reviewed how their writing programme operates, compared it to what an effective writing programme is like using “Effective Writing” by Alison Davis. The Literacy Lead has undertaken PD sessions around effective practice and will support all teachers in their programme implementation. Students will have their writing reviewed using the PaCT tool at the end of Week 7 which will be half way through the acceleration time frame of 15 weeks. November 2020: 2020 has been the most unusual year. Acceleration of progress occurred for one student. Good progress was made by two students. 10 Students made progress and three students, although making progress within the level it was insufficient to move up one step. Staff have reflected on this outcome and believe that the students have worked hard, however, with the disruptions to having a 40 week school year of learning has been the biggest challenge and effect on students not making accelerated progress. Moving Forward 2021: Staff have agreed to continue their focus and personal growth in developing good pedagogy around writing. Writing will sit under the school’s review of curriculum design for which we have applied for national PDL to support this growth. Sustainability of progress made: Staff have already identified the next learning steps for those variance children who will be still at Tisbury School, teachers will use these as the starting point in 2021. These will be a teacher only day at the start of 2021 to establish teacher focus around writing.
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