St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 9 Monday 29th March 2021

Page created by Corey Rice
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 9 Monday 29th March 2021
St Joseph's School, Fairlie

                                                     Week 9

                                         Monday 29th March 2021

Tena Koutou, Malo e lelei, Kumusta,
This week is Holy Week. Holy Week embraces the last days of Lent (until Holy
Thursday) and the Easter Triduum.
Pope Francis says:
"Just as God told Joseph: "Son of David, do not be afraid!" (Mt 1:20), so he seems to
tell us: "Do not be afraid!" We need to set aside all anger and disappointment, and to
embrace the way things are, even when they do not turn out as we wish. Not with
mere resignation but with hope and courage. In this way, we become open to a
deeper meaning. Our lives can be miraculously reborn if we find the courage to live
them in accordance with the Gospel."
That is our challenge, to read Scripture and live the message that touches our heart.
Spend time reading the Bible, connecting with loved ones and facing our challenges.

                   Urgent update from the Caritas Lent appeal

                  Thank you for your support of the work of Caritas.

 We have seen a number of challenges this year, including a lockdown before and
during Lent and the continued Covid restrictions. We are so grateful that despite all
the challenges, you have continued to support us and our work. However, we have
  fallen far short of our Lenten appeal target which in turn has a knock-on effect to
  what work we can do. As you will be aware, the Lent Appeal supports Caritas in
 working with poor and vulnerable communities around the world, our engagement
with Catholic schools in New Zealand, and our social justice work here in Aotearoa
                                    New Zealand.

 We want to remind you that we continue to take donations towards this appeal and
that if you give a donation before 31 March, you can apply for 33% of your donation
back in the form of a tax rebate.   Thank you for your support! You can give through
              our website, or by clicking on
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 9 Monday 29th March 2021
Have a wonderful week.
​Mā te Atua koe e manaaki, e tiaki
May God bless you and protect you

   E tū kahikatea | Hei whakapae                 Stand like the kahikatea | Spreading across
                 ururoa                                           the horizon
 Awhi mai, awhi atu | Tātou, tātou ē               Embrace one another | We are as one
  E tū kahikatea | Karekau e hinga                Stand like the kahikatea | That will not fall
 Awhi mai, awhi atu | Tātou, tātou ē               Embrace one another | We are as one
     E tū pūriri | Toha rā o peka                Stand like the pūriri | Spread your branches
 Awhi mai, awhi atu | Tātou, tātou ē               Embrace one another | We are as one

                               Calendar of Events
 Wednesday 31st - South Canterbury Swimming Sports
 Friday 2nd - Good Friday
 Monday 5th - Easter Monday
 Tuesday 6th - Tuesday Easter Holiday
 Thursday 8th - Catholic Review
 Friday 9th - Official Opening and Blessing of our School | Catholic Review
 Wednesday 14th - Dental Van Visit
 Thursday 15th - Dental Van Visit
 Friday 16th - Last Day of Term 1
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 9 Monday 29th March 2021
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 9 Monday 29th March 2021
Please have any Sushi orders in by Wednesday for Thursday.

                                      School Office Hours
     Corrine will be in the office on Monday 8:30am to 1:00pm, Tuesday to Thursday
                   8:30am to 12:00pm. She will not be there on Fridays.  
   If you need to send messages outside these hours please text the school cellphone
           027 685 8659. Emails will not be checked until the next working day.
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 9 Monday 29th March 2021
Mass Times during Holy Week | Easter

           1 April - Maundy Thursday
             6PM Last Supper Mass
Renewal of Commitment of Readers and EOMHC

            2 April – Good Friday
        2:15PM Stations of the Cross
         3PM Adoration of the Cross

           3 April - Holy Saturday

          4 April – Easter Sunday
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 9 Monday 29th March 2021
Mackenzie Parish Notices

Mass Sunday 4th April - Easter Sunday
Readers - Leonie Guiney
Prayers - Tony Hill
Ex'ord Minister - Mercedes Abella
Collectors - Abella Family
Greeter - Mary Calder
Cleaners - Claire Guiney and Kelly Cassie

Mass Sunday 11th April - Divine Mercy Sunday
Reader - Frances Hill
Prayers - Rosemary Moran
Ex'ord Minister - Mary Calder
Collectors -Tony Hill
Greeter - Michele Helean
Cleaners - Rosie Clarke and Tessa Gallagher
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 9 Monday 29th March 2021
Maths Tutoring

Is your child struggling with maths? Help is available here in Fairlie.

         Please phone Christine 0210654041 or 6858280.
Term Dates 2021
Term 1       Monday 1st February to Friday 16th April (102 half days)
Term 2       Monday 3rd May to Friday 9th July (98 half days)
Term 3       Monday 26th July to Friday 1st October (100 half days)
Term 4       Monday 18th October to Monday 13th December (80 half days)

Public Holidays in Term Time:      
Waitangi Day Monday 8th February 2021
Easter Good Friday 2nd April 2021
Easter Monday 5th April 2021
Easter Tuesday 6th April 2021
Anzac Day Monday 25th April 2021 (School Holidays)
Queen’s Birthday Monday 7th June 2021
SC Anniversary Monday 25th September 2021
Labour Day Monday 25th October 2021
* School has to be open for instruction for 380 half-days in 2021
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                    St Joseph's School Fairlie
                            3 Gall Street
                     Fairlie, Canterbury 7925
                           New Zealand

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