Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...

Page created by Louise Robinson
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...
Welcome back Elves!

 Remember to send in your
race across the world totals!
    Today is our weekly
  Times Tables Rockstars
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...
Are you ready to Battle?
 Back by popular demand – The Battles will begin 8.30am to 2pm on
    Tuesday 16th June and every Tuesday until the end of term.
Therefore, practise your tables to build up your timetable strength
          and become the Times Tables Legends you are!

This battle is for the whole school. This is an optional activity and
 Year One children are just beginning to learn about multiplication
and division. If your child is beginning to practise, they may like to
                       give it a go. Good luck!
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...
Green group
Maths Answers

                5   1       8

                    1   6
                9           15
                2           1
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...
It’s Tuesday!

  Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Here’s your work for today…
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...
Farnborough Dance Routine
Mrs Humphries has created our very own Farnborough Dance Routine!

It has five parts and every day this week we are going to start the
day by being active and joining in.

Click on the link below:
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...

Let’s listen to the Snail and the Whale by Julia
You tube - the snail and the whale

Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...

We are learning to write similes.
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...

‘A rock is described as black as soot’.

This is called a simile. It is a way of
describing something i.e as brave as a lion.
There are some similes on the next page.
Have a go at reading them with an adult.
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...
Welcome back Elves! Remember to send in your race across the world totals! Today is our weekly Times Tables Rockstars Battle - Farnborough ...
Select your favourite similes from the list
and write them in your book.

Can you make up some similes of your own?
Find an object at home or a favourite book
i.e. the Gruffalo and try and think of some
Similes to describe them.
Carnival of the Animals
                              An Art festival

For the next few weeks we are        Good luck, have fun and we want you
going to run a series of art lessons to be creative, so if you have your own
based around animals.                    ideas we would love to see your
 So whether you are working at
home or in school you can create
some great pictures. We would like
to fill the Farnborough Art Gallery
with your work to create a
“Carnival of the Animals.”
If you are home learning, you can
scan your work and send it in to
your teacher.

You can try just the
  face or get your
  giraffe dancing!
1. Fold the paper   2. Draw the
so have 8 folds.    mouth.
Start the nose.
3. Draw the sides of the   4. Add the 2 horns.   5. Draw 2 ears.
6. Add the eyes and   7. Add the neck.   8.Colour in pastels,
eyelashes.                               paint, felt pens or
                                         pencils. Giraffes are
                                         tall so you could just
                                         have the sky in the
                                         background or the
                                         tree canopy. It’s your
You might enjoy this:
You want your giraffe to dance? Or sway,
gyrate or hip-hop………………..
Big circle for the            Skinny rectangles for legs!

                                           Colour your
                                          giraffes using
                                        yellow or orange
                                         pens or pencils.
                                         Then add spots
                                          and markings
                                        using a brown or
  You could try cutting out and
                                          black felt pen.
  sticking it on your
  background, it’s up to you!
If you are painting the
moonlit sky……
• Use a plastic cup to trace
  a big circle for the moon.
• Mix blue and purple
  paint directly onto the
  paper, and use big
  sweeping brush strokes
  to paint the sky.
• Start from the bottom
  (about a third of the way
  up) and paint towards
  the moon, being careful
  not to paint inside the
  circle shape.
If you are painting
the moonlit sky……

• Next, paint the white moon,
  painting in a circular motion,
  starting in the centre and
  moving outwards until you
  touch the blue paint.
• Go into the blue sky a bit, so
  the white and blue paints
• Finally, paint the grass
  yellow, wait a minute, then
  paint over the yellow with
  green paint. Using the ends
  of the brushes, scratch grass
  like strokes into the paint.     Remember to send your pictures
  Once dry stick the giraffes      in! We want a disco of giraffes in
  onto your background and           the Farnborough Art gallery!
  enjoy the lovely art!
Reading online
        I’m so impressed with your reading Elves.
         You should be very proud of yourselves!

                Please log on to Bug Club
              Read for at least 15 minutes.

  Please read the key words inside the front cover first.
When you find the bug questions, click and complete them.

  Please note down the books you’ve read in your reading
                      record book.

              Your personal login details are on the
              inside of your reading record book.
Well done for
     your super work today!
Let me know how you are getting
Maths Bingo
• We will have another zoom session tomorrow where you will be
  taking part in Maths Bingo.
• In preparation for this I would like you to draw a grid like the
  one below.

• Then choose six numbers between 0 and 15 to put in the grid.
• Tomorrow I will be calling out numbers. If your answer is a
  number in your grid, then you cross out the number.
• The first person to cross out all six of the numbers wins the
  game! Call out House when you have all six numbers.
You can also read