HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS

HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS
           Ages 5-7s
           Book Now:

We’ve planned an action packed and out of this world holiday programme with most activities taking place
on-site for health and safety reasons. Heaps of never been done activities await such as: 3D Alien spaceship
designs, Alien sculptures, 3D Solar Space Craft, Monster Cookies, Giant Team Lego Day, Cosmos Quests,
Asteroid Pops, Sonic 2 Blockbuster, Inflatable World and so much more. Get booking now before it’s too late!
Covid-19 Ministry Regulations                              Bringing money on trip days is optional and we’ll
We are following all Ministry health and safety            assist with buying, however we can’t take
guidelines regarding Covid-19 and changes to our           responsibility for any lost money. The last day for
programme may occur and you’ll be the first to             cancellations or changes for our April holiday
know. All parents, caregivers and authorised pick          programme is Thursday, 14th April 2022 and
                                                           thereafter a 48 hour cancellation policy will apply to
ups will not be permitted in the hall at this stage.
                                                           ensure we have adequate staffing and resources
We also encourage using the Covid Tracer App or
                                                           and days can’t be swapped.
completing a Covid-19 manual register. Our friendly
staff will be present to assist and we appreciate          IMPORTANT VENUE LOCATION CHANGE
your cooperation, kindness and understanding.              Owing to Ormiston Primary School’s hall not being
Children Y4 and older are required to wear a mask          available in week 2, we have arranged the following
while indoors and if your child is younger and you         alternative venue:
would like them to wear a mask, please supply              WEEK 1 - Tuesday 19/04 to Friday 22/04 Venue is at
one.                                                       Ormiston Primary School, 291 Ormiston Road.
                                                           WEEK 2 - Tuesday 26/04 to Friday 29/04 Venue is
Early Bird Discounts & Coming Prepared                     at Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School, 221 Flat Bush
Book and pay before Monday the 11th of April 2022          School Road.
to receive a hearty 10% early bird discount, with WINZ
subsidies also available. Each day and trip is carefully
                                                           Warm Regards,
planned so please check the day’s activity
                                                           Mission Kids Management
beforehand and send your child well prepared.
                                CALL US NOW: 0204 555 015
HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS
* Our holiday programme is subject to the Covid-19 Ministry of Health and
                                                  Social Development guidelines and changes may occur.

        MON 18th APRIL                      TUE 19th APRIL                     WED 20th APRIL                      THUR 21st APRIL                     FRI 22nd APRIL

                                       Huge Inflatable &                   Sonic 2                              Alien Canvas Art                  Galaxy Matter &
                                       Alien Sculptures                    Blockbuster                          & Asteroid Pops                   Supernova Sports
                                       Make, bake and take                 Join us as we zoom off to            Design, draw, colour              Mix, make and take
                                       home wacky martian                  Hoyts to watch Sonic 2               and paint the funkiest            home the wildest Galaxy
                                       polymer clay creatures,             on the big screen. Bring             alien creature canvas             play dough, then get
                                       then explore and get                some pocket money for                art, then make and                active and laughing as
                                       explosive on our                    snacks (optional).                   munch marshmallow                 we play sports like we
                                       enormous inflatable.                                                     asteroid pops.                    are on the moon.
                                            7am–8:30am $8                      7am–8:30am $8                       7am–8:30am $8                      7am–8:30am $8
         No Programme                        No Programme
                                            8:30am–3pm $39                     8:30am–3pm $45                      8:30am–3pm $39                     8:30am–3pm $39
           Available                            Available
                                            8:30am–6pm $49                     8:30am–6pm $55                      8:30am–6pm $49                     8:30am–6pm $49

        MON 25th APRIL                       TUE 26th APRIL                    WED 27th APRIL                      THUR 28th APRIL                      FRI 29th APRIL

                                       Team Lego Universe                  Inflatable World                    3D Space Craft &                    Alien Spaceships
                                       & Cupcake Day                       Come hop aboard our                 Invader Games                       & Cosmos Quest
                                                                           bus as we rocket off to
                                       Over 20kg of Lego is                another inflatable planet           Here is your chance to              Design and take home
                                       landing and you’ll create           and jump like you are on            make a 3D space craft               a custom Alien
                                       mega sculptures with                the moon. Bring some                that will leave your                spaceship craft to
                                       prizes up for grabs. Also           pocket money for snacks             friends amazed, then get            bedazzle your room,
                                       decorate and munch a                (optional).                         laughing as you battle              then get exploring in our
                                       yummy cupcake.                                                          some wacky games.                   out of this world Quest.

                                            7am–8:30am $8                      7am–8:30am $8                       7am–8:30am $8                      7am–8:30am $8
         No Programme
                                            8:30am–3pm $39                     8:30am–3pm $45                      8:30am–3pm $39                     8:30am–3pm $39
                                            8:30am–6pm $49                     8:30am–6pm $55                      8:30am–6pm $49                     8:30am–6pm $49

Note: WINZ Subsidies available, phone 0204 555 015 for details. Please pack morning tea and lunch for your child, incl. refillable drink bottle. Breakfast for children attending
our Breakfast Session from 7am to 8:30am and afternoon tea for children attending our Full Day Session from 8:30am to 6pm is provided. Children dropped off before
8:15am will automatically be charged for the Breakfast Session as breakfast will be offered and care is provided. Children collected after 3:15pm will automatically be offered
afternoon tea and be charged for Full Day Session.
HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS
           Ages 5-7s
           Book Now:

We’ve planned an action packed and out of this world holiday programme with most activities taking place
on-site for health and safety reasons. Heaps of never been done activities await such as: 3D Alien spaceship
designs, Alien sculptures, 3D Solar Space Craft, Monster Cookies, Giant Team Lego Day, Cosmos Quests,
Asteroid Pops, Sonic 2 Blockbuster, Inflatable World and so much more. Get booking now before it’s too late!
Covid-19 Ministry Regulations                              Bringing money on trip days is optional and we’ll
We are following all Ministry health and safety            assist with buying, however we can’t take
guidelines regarding Covid-19 and changes to our           responsibility for any lost money. The last day for
programme may occur and you’ll be the first to             cancellations or changes for our April holiday
know. All parents, caregivers and authorised pick          programme is Thursday, 14th April 2022 and
                                                           thereafter a 48 hour cancellation policy will apply to
ups will not be permitted in the hall at this stage.
                                                           ensure we have adequate staffing and resources
We also encourage using the Covid Tracer App or
                                                           and days can’t be swapped.
completing a Covid-19 manual register. Our friendly
staff will be present to assist and we appreciate          IMPORTANT VENUE LOCATION CHANGE
your cooperation, kindness and understanding.              Owing to Ormiston Primary School’s hall not being
Children Y4 and older are required to wear a mask          available in week 2, we have arranged the following
while indoors and if your child is younger and you         alternative venue:
would like them to wear a mask, please supply              WEEK 1 - Tuesday 19/04 to Friday 22/04 Venue is at
one.                                                       Ormiston Primary School, 291 Ormiston Road.
                                                           WEEK 2 - Tuesday 26/04 to Friday 29/04 Venue is
Early Bird Discounts & Coming Prepared                     at Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School, 221 Flat Bush
Book and pay before Monday the 11th of April 2022          School Road.
to receive a hearty 10% early bird discount, with WINZ
subsidies also available. Each day and trip is carefully
                                                           Warm Regards,
planned so please check the day’s activity
                                                           Mission Kids Management
beforehand and send your child well prepared.
                                CALL US NOW: 0204 555 015
HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Ages 5-7s Book Now Amazon AWS
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