Emmanuel January 2019 Messenger - Beresford Emmanuel Lutheran ...

Page created by Stacy Saunders
Emmanuel January 2019 Messenger - Beresford Emmanuel Lutheran ...
                January 2019 Messenger
   Church Annual Meeting/Potluck Sunday January 27th at 12:00 noon.
   Music and worship will meet on February 24th @ 9:30 am in the room behind
    the balcony.
   Delta Dental will be here on January 13th
   Thank you! A special thanks to Diane Hofer, Chris Doeden and all of the
    awesome Sunday School teachers for this years Christmas program!
   Opportunities – Are you a mom looking for Christ centered companionship, a
    readon to get out of the house, a place for your kids to meet other kids in the
    community? Then come to JUST AS YOU ARE Moms Group! For up to date
    meeting dates, times and locations, like us on Facebook, Just as you are
    -Mom's Group or contact Candace Zweifel – candacezweifel@gmail.com
    or Heather Hoffman Hhoffman2007@gmail.com We can't wait to meet you
    and your littles!
Church Staff/Contacts
Office: 763-2831
Email: emmanuel@bmtc.net
Pastor: Greg Myrmoe
  Email: elcpastor@bmtc.net
  Home: 763-2196
  Cell Phone: 605-214-4472
Secretary: Kristi Meltzer
     Office : 763-2831
     Email : emmanuel@bmtc.net
Education: Rachelle Borah
  Email: emmanuel57004@gmail.com
  Cell Phone: 605-940-4496
Parish Nurse: Andrea Engbarth
  Email: Engbarth@hotmail.com
  Cell Phone: 605-751-9070
  Keith & Ann Kropuenske
  Lisa & Rachel Watkins
Music Staff:
  Shelley Jensen – Bell Choir
  Sandy DeSaix – Organist
  Susan Jensen – Choir Director
  Anita Kostboth- Organist
Church Council:
  Kate Andal – President
  Mark Bidne – Vice President
  Valerie Anderson – Secretary
  Amanda Hyronimus – Treasurer
  Diane Hofer – Properties
  Marilyn Aronson – Music & Worship
  Carolyn DeRaad – Christian Education
Education News

    The JLYO group meets every 3rd Wednesday or whenever pastor
    is not here. We have such a large group of Jr. High students we
    need an extra adult to help guide the lesson with Alisa Turner. If
    you are willing to help please get in touch with Rachelle Borah
 Sunday School will resume on 1/6/19. FROG & Confirmation will
  resume on 1/9/19.
   There will be a presentation on Human Trafficking in the
    Sanctuary on January 2nd 6pm-9pm. This is a presentation for High
    School/College age kids and adults. Please feel free to join us. We
    will need a few volunteers if you are interested in helping in any
    way, or have questions, please contact Rachelle Borah.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church Unapproved Council Minutes

                                                  December 19, 2018

Council members present: Kate Andal, Amanda Hyronimus, Mark Bidne, Marilyn Carlson Aronson, Carolyn DeRaad,
Valerie Anderson. Wes Oines and Pastor Greg Myrmoe were also present.

Kate Andal called the meeting to order

Pastor Myrmoe led in devotions from the chapter of Luke.

November secretary minutes were reviewed. Marilyn made a motion to approve the minutes and Carolyn seconded.
The motion was carried.

November Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Fees for the 2011 missing IRS forms were paid. Mark made a motion to
approve the treasurer’s report and Carolyn seconded. The motion was carried.

Committee Reports

Christian Education - The Sunday School Christmas program was performed. A human trafficking program for SLYO will
be January 2, 2019.

Music and Worship – The committee met on December 9, 2018. Organ repairs will be made for new leathers and
upgrades. The grand piano and the piano in the upstairs balcony will be tuned in the spring. Christmas candles were put
up. Four verses of most hymns will be sung during worship services. Hymns have been selected to March 3, 2019. The
next meeting will be February 24 at 9:30am.

Properties Committee - A rack will be mounted on a wall in the balcony for hanging wedding dresses. The storage shed
has been cleaned; unneeded items will be donated to Habitat for Humanity. Marilyn made a motion for roof repairs to
be made, as recommended by Tecta Tracker ‘s roof audit. Carolyn seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
Funds from the current roof repair fund will be used

Pastor’s Report – Pastor will contact SYNOD regarding re-defining committee roles. Christmas Eve worship services will
be at 4pm and 6pm. Reports for the annual meeting should be submitted by January 18. The annual meeting will be
January 27, 2019 with a potluck at noon and the meeting to follow. A properties committee member will walk through
the parsonage for a yearly inspection.

The meeting was adjourned and closed with The Lord’s Prayer.

The next council meeting will be January 16, 2019 at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Valerie Anderson
*=SS has music               1               2                     3           4
=SS Sings @ 10:45                                                  Mens
   = Senior Choir                            5:30 Senior Choir     Breakfast   First Friday
sings                                        6-9 Human             7:30        Fellowship
   = Bell Choir plays                        Trafficking                       6:30 am

6*                      7    8               9                     10          11
                                             5:30 Senior Choir     Mens
8:30 Worship                                 6:30 Bell Choir       Breakfast
9:30 Sunday School                           6:30-7:30 FROG        7:30 am
10:45 Worship                                6:30-7:30 Conf.
                                             7:30-8:30 SLYO

13*                     14   15              16                    17          18
                                             9:30 Naomi Circle     Mens
8:30 Worship                 9:00 Quilters   2:00 Faith Circle     Breakfast
9:30 Sunday School                           6:15 Bell Choir       7:30 am
10:45 Worship                                6:30-7:30 FROG
Senior Choir Sings                           6:30-7:30 JLYO
Delta Dental                                 7:30-8:30 SLYO
                                             7:30 Church Council

20                      21   22              23                    24          25
8:30 Worship                                 5:30 Senior Choir     Breakfast
9:30 Sunday School                           6:30-7:30 FROG        7:30 am
10:45 Worship                                6:30-7:30 Conf.
Bell Choir Plays                             7:30-8:30 SLYO

27*                     28   29              30                    31
                                             5:30 Senior Choir
8:30 Worship                                 6:15 Bell Choir       Mens
9:30 Sunday School                                                 Breakfast
10:45 Worship                                                      7:30 am
12:00 Potluck/Annual
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