Queen Margaret College Centenary Weekend 6 - 9 June 2019 - QMC Centenary ...

Page created by Rafael Aguilar
Queen Margaret College Centenary Weekend 6 - 9 June 2019 - QMC Centenary ...
Queen Margaret College
Centenary Weekend
6 - 9 June 2019
Queen Margaret College Centenary Weekend 6 - 9 June 2019 - QMC Centenary ...
Thank you everyone for your      We are excited to share further details about the

interest in the QMC Centenary,   QMC Centenary Weekend,
                                 Thursday 6 June–Sunday 9 June.
we are absolutely delighted
                                 Mark your diaries! Here is the choice of events we
at the positive response to      have planned for you with times and locations. Further
                                 information will be available at registration.
our requests to update your
                                 Online registrations for these events will open soon, so
information and emails about     keep an eye out for the announcement on our website
what’s coming up this year to    www.qmc100.co.nz. We will also keep you updated on
                                 our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.
celebrate our 100 years
in education.
Queen Margaret College Centenary Weekend 6 - 9 June 2019 - QMC Centenary ...
Thursday 6 June 2019

4.00pm                 Old Girls’ AGM                                      QMC - Hobson

Friday 7 June 2019

10.00am - 1.00pm       School Tours                                        QMC Grounds

11.30am - 1.00pm       Old Girls’ Honours Assembly and Badge               QMC Hall

1.00pm - 2.30pm        Old Girls’ Luncheon                                 QMC Boarding House

2.30pm - 4.00pm        Old Girls’ Netball Tournament                       QMC Netball Courts

4.00pm - 6.00pm        School Photos - specific times for each year        QMC Grounds
                       group/decade will be announced closer to
                       the time

5.30pm - 7.00pm        Centenary Cocktail Function                         QMC Atrium

7.30pm - 10.30pm       Dinner by the Year/Decades – groups will be split   Various locations in the
                       into either year groups or decades and will be      central city
                       determined by numbers of people registering
                       for this event

Saturday 8 June 2019

10.00am - 1.00pm       School Tours                                        QMC Grounds

11.00am - 2.00pm       Let's Do Brunch                                     QMC Atrium & Hall

                       Wellington Adventures - a range of optional
                       activities to select from if you’re looking for
                       something extra to do during your time
                       in Wellington

7.30pm - 11.30pm       Centenary Gala Dinner                               QMC Atrium & Hall

Sunday 9 June 2019

10.30am - 11.30am      Church Service                                      St Andrews on The Terrace

                                                           Hotel Intercontinental Wellington
Lock in these dates, start                                 room rates from NZ$230 - $450 per night
planning your weekend                                      The Thorndon Hotel
and get ready to register!                                 room rates from NZ$113 - $203 per night

                                                           The Rydges Wellington
Those of you visiting Wellington will be planning travel
                                                           room rates from NZ$191 - $329 per night
and accommodation. There are a number of exceptional
accommodation facilities in the city, however, we
                                                           The QT Museum Art Hotel
recommend you book now to avoid disappointment.
                                                           room rates from NZ$215 - $440 per night
There is a range of accommodation options that may fit
                                                           The Bolton Hotel
your requirements. If you require any assistance,
                                                           room rates from NZ$220 - $440 per night
please do not hesitate to contact us at
centenary@qmc.school.nz or call our Centenary
                                                           Air BnB Wellington
Manager on 027 269 3939.
                                                           room rates and types vary

                                                           Quest Apartments
                                                           room rates and types vary
Old Girls’ Honours QMC100                                     Arts, Culture, Heritage, and the Environment
                                                              An Old Girl who has promoted awareness of and
Honours Board                                                 enhancement of the arts, culture and environmental issues
                                                              in the public arena.

                                Business and Public Service
Many of you will be looking     An Old Girl who has been a role model to other young
forward to the Old Girls’       women through their role in business or the public sector.

Honours Assembly on Friday      Nomination Process:
7 June. Honouring Old Girls is
an important part of College    Nominations of Old Girls are invited for each of the above
                                categories by responding, in writing, to the following:
history and a long - standing   1. Please detail name, school years (if and Old Girl
tradition of the Queen Margaret     yourself ), email address and phone number for:

College Old Girls Association.      a. Yourself and,
                                                                   b.   Your nominee.
In celebration of the 100th year of Queen Margaret
College, the Queen Margaret College Old Girls Association          Please include the category you are nominating
(QMCOGA) invites nominations for 2019 Honours                      them in.
Board inductees.
                                                              2.   Please describe and provide evidence of the nominee’s
2019 Honours Board inductees will be celebrated during             involvement in, commitment to, and achievement
our Centenary Weekend of 6 – 9 June 2019.                          within their category.

2019 Honours Board Nomination                                 3.   Please describe how your nominee exemplifies ‘Luce
                                                                   Veritatis: By The Light Of Truth’. Please also include any
Categories:                                                        information about your nominee’s involvement with
                                                                   the College or QMCOGA since leaving school.

Our Honours Board seeks to reflect and acknowledge Old
Girls who have promoted and advanced the Associations’
                                                              Submission and Decision -
objectives consistently, often unseen. In addition, in this   Making Process:
centenary year, we would like to recognise three additional
areas, being “Health and Community Wellbeing”, “Arts,
Culture, Heritage and the Environment”, and “Business and     The QMCOGA Committee will receive and assess all
Public Service”.                                              applications received. Assessment criteria will be equally
                                                              weighted and are as follows:
QMCOGA proposes to induct one Old Girl from each of the
following categories:                                         •    Involvement, commitment, and achievement within
                                                                   their nominated category.
School and Education
An Old Girl who has promoted and advanced education           •    Commitment to and demonstration of Queen
at the College and in the broader community; as well as            Margaret College’s school motto ‘Luce Veritatis : By The
making Alumni aware of the activities and achievements of          Light Of Truth’.
the College, and to foster among them an active interest in
the welfare of the College.                                   Please Send Nominations by 1 May 2019 to:

Health and Community Wellbeing                                Odette Frost – Kruse - Odette.frost@krusenet.com or
An Old Girl who has enhanced health and wellbeing in          73 Park Road, Miramar, Wellington 6022
their community.
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