Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys

Page created by Alberto Fletcher
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in
   personal care products with pubertal :ming
                 in girls and boys
                      Kim Harley, PhD
              University of California, Berkeley

         Collabora:ve on Health and the Environment
                Genera:on Chemical Webinar
                        Jan 28, 2021
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
Personal Care Products: What’s the Concern?
                  • The average woman uses 12 personal care products a day
                  • The average teenage girl uses 17
                  • More than 12,500 chemicals are used in cosme:cs and personal care products

          Cosme:cs                     Fragrance


                                      Soap & Shampoo   Deodorant


Source: Environmental Working Group
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
These Chemicals Can Enter our Bodies


                                         Dermal Absorp:on
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
Suspected Endocrine Disruptors in
                    Personal Care Products
• Diethyl phthalate (DEP)
• Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP)                     Parabens
• Di-isobutyl phthalate (DiBP)                   • Methyl Paraben (MP)
                                                 • Propyl Paraben (PP)

     • Triclosan (TCS)
                                 • Benzophenone-3 (BP-3)
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
Personal Care Products are the Main
                                                               Source of Exposure
                                                    Urinary BP-3                                                                     Urinary Propyl Paraben
                                              500                                                              50

                                                                       Geometric Mean Propyl Paraben (ng/ml)
                                                      P-value < 0.01                                                P-value < 0.01           P-value = 0.05
          Geometric Mean BP3 Levels (ng/ml)

                                                                                                                                                               P-value < 0.01
                                              400                                                              40

                                              300                                                              30

                                              200                                                              20


                                                      No    Yes
                                                                                                                         No    Yes          No    Yes           No    Yes
                                                     Used Sunscreen                                                    FoundaIon              Blush              Mascara
                                                     Past 24 hours?                                                   Past 24 hours?      Past 24 hours?      Past 24 hours?
Berger et al, 2018
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
Timing of Puberty in Girls is Ge_ng Earlier
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
Evidence Suggests this is a Global Phenomenon

           Age of First Breast Development

                                                         Age at onset of breast
                      p-value = 0.02
                                                       development has decreased
                                                        by one year over past 40

                                             Eckert-Lind et al, JAMA Pediatrics, 2020
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
How Do We Measure Pubertal Timing?
                                        • Breast development (thelarche)
                                        • Pubic hair development (pubarche)
                                        • Menarche

                                        • Tes:cular volume >3 ml
                                        • Genital development
                                        • Pubic hair development

                                      Trend towards earlier puberty in girls is quite well-established.
                                      Trend in boys is less clear.
Edvard Munch, Na:onal Gallery, Oslo
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
Associa:ons with Puberty: Animal Studies

      • LMW phthalates:
         • Earlier puberty in female rats
         • Later puberty in male rats

      • Parabens:
         • Earlier puberty in female rats
         • Later puberty in male rats
                                                                                      Mean age of onset of vaginal opening following an oral exposure

      • Triclosan:                                                                    to triclosan from PND 21 to 42 in the female pubertal assay
                                                                                      (From: Stoker et al, Tox Sci, 2010)

         • Earlier puberty in female rats

Hu 2013, Sallenfait 2008, Vo 2010, Kang 2001, Zhang 2014, Stoker 2012, Zorilla 2009
Associa:on of phthalates, parabens and phenols in personal care products with pubertal :ming in girls and boys
Research Ques:on

Is :ming of puberty in children associated with personal care product
chemical exposure at two cri:cal :me points:
 • In utero (biomarkers in maternal urine during pregnancy)
 • Pre-puberty (biomarkers child urine at age 9)
                                Longitudinal Birth Cohort
                                                    N = 338 Study

          Birth          1 yr          3 ½ yr          7 yr          10 ½ yr         14 yr           18 yr
                                                                          11 ¼
       N = 538                                                       N = 338
                                                                     9¾            12 ¾
Pregnancy         6 mo          2 yr            5 yr          9 yr             12 yr         16 yr
(two visits)
Associa:ons with Timing of Puberty
Associa:on of Prenatal Urinary Metabolites (con:nuous)
                         and Puberty in Girls
                                            Breast Development                                                                                Pubic Hair Development
                                3                                                                                               3
           Mean Shio (months)

                                2                                                                                               2

                                                                                                           Mean Shio (months)
                                1                                                                                               1
                                0                                                                                               0
                                -1                                                                                              -1
                                -2                                                                                              -2
                                -3                                                                                              -3
                                     MEP   MBP   MiBP     TCS                     BP3   MP    PP                                       MEP    MBP        MiBP   TCS   BP3    MP     PP

                                                                             3                                                                                  Adjus:ng for:
                                                                                                                                                                • Family income
                                                        Mean Shio (months)

                                                                             1                                                                                  • Mother’s educa:on
                                                                                                                                                                • Mother’s years of residence in US
                                                                                                                                                                • Mother’s pre-pregnancy BMI
Harley et al, Human Repro, 2019                                                   MEP   MBP   MiBP   TCS                         BP3     MP         PP
Quar:les of Prenatal MEP and Puberty in Girls

                                                       Prenatal MEP and thelarche                              Prenatal MEP and pubarche
                                                 10                                                      10

                                                  5                                                       5
                            Mean Shio (months)

                                                                                    Mean Shio (months)
   MEP = metabolite of                            0                                                       0
   diethyl phthalate
                                                  -5                                                      -5
                                                                                                                                           Adjus:ng for:
                                                 -10                                                     -10                               •   Family income
                                                                                                                                           •   Mother’s educa:on
                                                                                                                                           •   Mother’s years of
                                                                                                                                               residence in US
                                                 -15                                                     -15                               •   Mother’s pre-
                                                         Q1    Q2   Q3     Q4                                    Q1    Q2   Q3    Q4           pregnancy BMI
                                                       (Ref)                                                   (Ref)

    • Highest quar:le of prenatal MEP associated with 5-6 months earlier pubertal onset
Harley et al, Human Repro, 2019
Quar:les of Prenatal Triclosan and Menarche in Girls

                                                              Prenatal Triclosan and menarche


                                   Mean Shio (months)
      Triclosan =
      An:bacterial agent                                 -5
                                                                                                Adjus:ng for:
                                                                                                •   Family income
                                                        -10                                     •   Mother’s educa:on
                                                                                                •   Mother’s years of
                                                                                                    residence in US
                                                        -15                                     •   Mother’s pre-
                                                                   Q1    Q2      Q3     Q4          pregnancy BMI


      • Highest quar:le of prenatal Triclosan associated with 4 months earlier menarche
Harley et al, Human Repro, 2019
Associa:on of Childhood (age 9) Urinary Metabolites
                   (con:nuous) and Puberty in Girls
                                                      Breast Development                                                                                                     Pubic Hair Development
                               3                                                                                                                           3

                               2                                                                                                                           2
          Mean ShiP (months)

                                                                                                                                      Mean ShiP (months)
                               1                                                                                                                           1

                               0                                                                                                                           0
                                          Phthalates not                                                                                                         Phthalates not
                               -1                                                                                                                          -1
                                            measured                                                                                                               measured
                               -2                                                                                                                          -2

                               -3                                                                                                                          -3
                                    MEP        MiBP        MnBP                        TCS     BP3         MP         PP                                        MEP      MiBP     MnBP   TCS     BP3   MP    PP

                                                                                       3                                                                                                 Adjus:ng for:
                                                                                       2                                                                                                 • Family income
                                                                  Mean ShiP (months)

                                                                                       1                                                                                                 • Mother’s educa:on
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Mother’s years of residence in US
                                                                                                   Phthalates not
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Mother’s pre-pregnancy BMI
                                                                                             MEP        MiBP        MnBP      TCS                BP3             MP        PP
Harley et al, Human Repro, 2019
Quar:les of Childhood (age 9) Methyl Paraben and
                 Pubertal Milestones in Girls
Methyl paraben =
                                     Childhood MP and thelarche                              Childhood MP and pubarche                              Childhood MP and menarche
                               10                                                      10                                                     10

                                5                                                       5                                                      5
          Mean Shio (months)

                                                                                                                         Mean Shio (months)
                                                                  Mean Shio (months)
                                0                                                       0                                                      0

                                -5                                                      -5                                                     -5

                               -10                                                     -10                                                    -10

                               -15                                                     -15                                                    -15
                                        Q1    Q2     Q3     Q4                                 Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4                                 Q1     Q2    Q3    Q4
                                      (Ref)                                                   (Ref)                                                   (Ref)

                               • Highest quar:le of childhood methyl paraben concentra:ons associated
                                 with 6 months earlier pubarche and menarche
Associa:on of Urinary Metabolites (con:nuous) and
                               Puberty in Boys
                                                Genital Development                                                     Pubic Hair Development
  Prenatal                          4                                                                         4
              Mean Shio (Months)

                                                                                        Mean Shio (Months)
                                    2                                                                         2

                                    0                                                                         0

                                   -2                                                                        -2

                                   -4                                                                        -4
                                        MEP     MBP        MiBP   TCS   BP3   MP   PP                             MEP      MBP      MiBP   TCS   BP3   MP   PP

                                                Genital Development                                                          Pubic Hair Development
 Childhood                         4                                                                         4
              Mean Shio (Months)


                                                                                        Mean Shio (Months)
                                   2      Phthalates not                                                     2
                                                                                                                    Adjus:ng for:
                                                                                                                   Phthalates not
 (9 years)                                  measured                                                                • Family income
                                   0                                                                         0      • Mother’s educa:on
                                   -2                                                                        -2     • Mother’s years of residence in US
                                   -4                                                                               • Mother’s pre-pregnancy BMI
                                        MEP     MBP        MiBP   TCS   BP3   MP   PP                             MEP     MBP       MiBP   TCS   BP3   MP   PP

Harley et al, Human Repro, 2019
In Summary…

• Several chemicals in personal care products were associated with earlier puberty in
  girls … but not boys

• Associa:ons with both prenatal and peripubertal exposures

   • Highest maternal exposure to diethyl phthalate à 6 months earlier pubarche
   • Highest maternal exposure to triclosan à 4 months earlier menarche

   • Highest childhood exposure to methyl and propyl parabens à 6 months earlier
Reasons for Cau:on

• First study to examine prenatal exposures to some of these
  personal care product chemicals
• Very specific popula:on (low-income, rural La:nas in California)
• Urinary biomarkers reflect short-term exposures (24-48 hours)
• Associa:ons with childhood exposures might reflect reverse
Policy Implica:ons

• We know that the chemicals in personal care products are ge_ng
  into our bodies.
• Evidence that endocrine disrup:ng chemicals may be impac:ng
  pubertal :ming
• The FDA has very limited authority over the cosme:cs and
  personal care products industry
• Regula:on of cosme:cs is slowing star:ng to change (e.g.
  California Toxic-Free Cosme:cs Act)
Switching your Products can Reduce Exposure!
                  •   Enrolled 100 teen girls
                  •   Collected pre-interven:on urine sample
                  •   Stop using regular personal care products for 3
                      days. Low chemical products instead.
                  •   Collected post-interven:on urine sample
Chemicals in the body decreased in 3 days

                                                   28%         35%                        36%   44%
    SG-Corrected Urinary Concentra1on (ng/ml)

Harley et al, EHP, 2016                                              All p-values
Thanks to:
                                                     Our Research Team
   Our Funders
                                                    UC Berkeley
                                                    Brenda Eskenazi
                                                    Kimberly P. Berger
                                                    Katherine Kogut
Grants: R21 ES024909, P01 ES009605, R01 ES017054,   Kimberly Parra
RC2 ES018792, R01 ES021369, R24 ES028529
                                                    UC San Francisco
                                                    Robert H. Lus:g
      Grants: R82670901, RD83171001,
      RD83451301                                    Kaiser Permanente
                                                    Louise C. Greenspan

                          Grant: 18BB-1800
                                                    Center for Disease Control and Preven:on
                                                    Antonia M. Calafat, Xiaoyun Ye
And a very special
thanks to the
CHAMACOS families!

                     CHAMACOS Study Photo
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