St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 March 28, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
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St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 March 28, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar Office: 602.867.9171 Fax: 602.482.7930 email: SJA PRESCHOOL 602.867.9179 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 602.867.2288 OFFICE HOURS Monday/Thursday: 9:00am/5:00pm Closed Noon til 1:00pm Friday: 9:00am/Noon MASS SCHEDULE DAILY/DIARIO: (Church/Iglesia) 8:30 am (English) Monday/Saturday 6:00 pm (English) Monday 6:00 pm (Español) Wednesday WEEKEND MASSES SATURDAY/SÁBADO 4:30 pm (English) SUNDAY/DOMINGO 8:30 am (English) 10:30 am (English) 12:30 pm (Español) HOLY DAYS See bulletin week prior to Holy Day. CONFESSION/CONFESIÓN Monday/Saturday 8:00/8:25am(Eng/Esp) Monday: 5:30pm-5:55 pm (Eng/Esp) Wednesday 5:30pm-5:55 pm (Eng/Esp) Saturday: 9:00am-10:30am (Eng/Esp) or by appointment on above listed days. ANOINTING OF THE SICK & LAST RITES-24 HOURS/ Uncion a los Enfermos y Ultimos Ritos, 24-horas (602) 867-9171. We seek to glorify Jesus Christ by: Communion for the KNOWING OUR FAITH, Hospitalized and Homebound LIVING OUR FAITH, Comunión para los que estan en SHARING OUR FAITH. Hospital o Imposibilitados para salir de Casa 602.867.9171. MISSION STATEMENT @stjoanofarcphoenix Courageously following Christ by serving the community through Catholic liturgy, gospel values, charity and education.
PALM SUNDAT MARCH 28, 2021 The Pastor’s Corner FROM\ FR. CONNEALY Happy Palm Sunday! This weekend we commemorate Our Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week. One of the great gifts I’ve had is to spend time in Jerusalem; this was probably about 6 six years ago at Christmas time. The old city of Jerusalem has narrow streets and is very crowded and noisy. I can only imagine the same was the case in the time of Jesus. His entrance of great joy, causing everyone to sing, “Hosanna!”, would have been quite remarkable. And yet, we know what will happen. Those who welcome Jesus with joy will have their voices drowned out by the Jewish leaders in a matter of days. The Lord freely submits himself to all of those for our good. He submits himself to what might seem to be the great hypocrisy of the crowd for love of us. As we begin this Holy Week we are invited to walk with Jesus each day. I would very much encourage you to read the daily gospel each day and enter into the scenes with Jesus. If you are able to join us for the liturgies of the Triduum please do! This is the holiest time of the year when we celebrate these important liturgies with great solemnity. Please keep in prayer those who will be baptized and receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. We are grateful to witness to their faith as they come into the Church. Tomorrow, Monday, myself and Fr. Vietor will join the rest of the priests of the diocese for the Chrism Mass. At this Mass, celebrated by Bishop Olmsted, oils will be blessed which we will use at the Easter Vigil and throughout the year for those to be baptized, confirmed, and for the sick. We will also renew our priestly promises as a presbyterate. Please keep us in prayer! Know of my prayers for each of you for a very blessed and prayerful Holy Week. In Christ, Fr. Connealy WELCOME VISITORS We are happy to have you join us today and every Sunday. You enrich our Masses by your presence and your participation. We hope that you find our liturgies here to be an inspiring celebration of our faith. Please come back again…and often.
DOMINGO DE PALMA 28 DE MARZO 2021 LA ESQUINA DEL PASTOR DE P. CONNEALY ¡Feliz Domingo de Ramos! Este fin de semana conmemoramos la entrada de Nuestro Señor a Jerusalén y el comienzo de la Semana Santa. Uno de los grandes regalos que he tenido en mi vida es pasar tiempo en Jerusalén; esto fue probablemente hace unos 6 años en Navidad. The old city of Jerusalem has narrow streets and is very crowded and noisy. I can only imagine the same was the case in the time of Jesus. His entrance of great joy, causing everyone to sing “Hosanna!” would have been quite remarkable. And, yet, we know what will happen. Aquellos que reciben a Jesús con alegría verán sus voces ahogadas por los líderes judíos en cuestión de días. El Señor se somete libremente a todos ellos para nuestro bien. Se somete a lo que podría parecer la gran hipocresía de la multitud por amor a nosotros. Al comenzar esta Semana Santa, se nos invita a caminar con Jesús todos los días. Te animo mucho a que leas el evangelio diario todos los días y entres en las escenas con Jesús. Si puede unirse a nosotros para las liturgias del Triduo, ¡hágalo! Esta es la época más santa del año cuando celebramos estas importantes liturgias con gran solemnidad. Por favor mantenga en oración a los que serán bautizados y recibirán los sacramentos de iniciación en la Vigilia Pascual. Estamos agradecidos de ser testigos de su fe cuando ingresan a la Iglesia. Mañana, el lunes por la noche, yo y el P. Vietor se unirá al resto de los sacerdotes de la diócesis para la Misa Crismal. En esta Misa, celebrada por el Obispo Olmsted, se bendecirán los aceites que usaremos en la Vigilia Pascual y durante todo el año para los bautizados, confirmados y para los enfermos. También renovaremos nuestras promesas sacerdotales como presbiterio. ¡Por favor manténganos en oración! Conozca mis oraciones para cada uno de ustedes por una Semana Santa muy bendecida y llena de oración. En Cristo, P. Connealy Reciben a los visitants Estamos encantados de que te unas a nosotros hoy y todos los domingos. A enriquecer nuestras misas por su presencia y su anticipación. Esperamos que encuentre nuestras liturgias aquí para ser una celebración inspiradora de nuestra fe. Por favor, vuelve otra vez ... y con frecuencia.
PALM SUNDAY MARCH 28, 2021 MASS 101... HOLY WEEK/EASTER WEEK OFFICE "O Lord, we cannot go to the pool of Siloe to which HOURS… you sent the blind man. But we have the chalice of Please note the office hours for Holy Week/ Your Precious Blood, filled with life and light. The Easter week 2021: purer we are, the more we receive." MON/TUES/WED: NO CHANGE St. Ephraem HOLY THURSDAY: 9:00A-Noon GOOD FRIDAY: CLOSED EUCHARISTIC ADORATION… EASTER MONDAY: CLOSED ADORERS NEEDED: EASTER TUESDAY: CLOSED MONDAY—10:00AM & 5:00PM WEDNESDAY—12:00AM Parish Office will reopen on Wednesday, FRIDAY—7:00AM April 7, at 9:00am SATURDAY—3:00AM Please contact to sign The Legion of Mary will begin the Divine Mercy up or for more information. Novena on Good Friday, April 2 -10 (nine days) for our parishioners’ intentions. Each day’s intention is as shown below plus your own intentions. 3. Peter. 1. ALL MANKIND, ESPECIALLY ALL SINNERS 2. THE SOULS OF PRIESTS AND RELIGIOUS 3. ALL DEVOUT AND FAITHFUL SOULS 4. THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD AND THOSE WHO DO NOT YET KNOW ME 5. THE SOULS OF THOSE WHO HAVE SEPARATED THEMSELVES FROM MY VOCATIONS… CHURCH 6. THE MEEK AND HUMBLE SOULS AND THE “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the SOULS OF LITTLE CHILDREN Lord.” Docility in prayer is essential to vocation 7. THE SOULS WHO ESPECIALLY VENERATE 1. Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost discernment. Are you open to a vocation to the AND GLORIFY MY MERCY priesthood, diaconate or the consecrated life? Contact 8. THE SOULS WHO ARE DETAINED IN the Vocation Office at 602-354-2005 or email: PURGATORY 9. SOULS WHO HAVE BECOME LUKEWARM The prayers will precede the 8:30 Mass, at 8 am. Thank you TV MASS 9:00am Every Sunday on CHANNEL 7- KAZT-TV. Weekly Readings for the week March 28, 2021 Please Monday: Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14/Jn 12:1-11 pray Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15 and 17/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31 and 33-34/Mt 26:14-25 for our Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9/Ps 89:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6/ men & Rv 1:5-8/Lk 4:16-21 women in Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/ Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 the armed forces Friday: Is 52:13—53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25/ and also Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1—19:42 for their families. Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1: Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23/Col 3:1-4
DOMINGO DE PALMA 28 DE MARZO 2021 MISA 101 … ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA … "Oh Señor, no podemos ir al estanque de Siloé al ADORADORES NECESARIOS: LUNES—10:00AM & 5:00PM que enviaste al ciego. Pero tenemos el cáliz de Tu MIERCOLES—12:00AM Preciosa Sangre, lleno de vida y luz. Cuanto más VIERNES—7:00AM puros somos, más recibimos". SABADO—3:00AM San Efrén Por favor VOCACIONES… “Cada mañana el despierta mi oído para escuchar SEMANA SANTA / SEMANA SANTA como un discípulo” Escucha diariamente en tu HORARIO DE OFICINA … oración las inspiraciones del Espíritu Santo a fin de conocer tu vocación. Si Dios te está invitando a Tenga en cuenta el horario de oficina para Sema- considerar el sacerdocio o la vida consagrada, llama na Santa / Semana Santa 2021: a la Oficina de Vocaciones al 602-354-2005 o escribe a: LUN / MAR / MIÉ: SIN CAMBIOS JUEVES SANTO: 9: 00A-Mediodía BAUTISMO INFANTIL… VIERNES SANTO: CERRADO Póngase en contacto con Maria Diaz para LUNES DE PASCUA: CERRADO programar una reunión. La información también MARTES PASCUA: CERRADO está disponible en el sitio web y en la oficina principal. La oficina parroquial reabrirá el miércoles a las Teléfono: 480-612-2924. 9:00 am Informacion para Quinceaneras y Bodas ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA … Contacte con Luz E Mendoza-Gomez ¿POR QUÉ DEBO SER ADORADOR? 9 meses antes al 480-208-2369 o ¡Hay muchas razones! Lo más impovrtante es visitar y pasar tiempo con Nuestro Señor Jesucristo que es siempre. Presente en la Sagrada Eucaristía Si necesita información acerca de la Anulación de un (también llamado Santísimo Sacramento). Como cualquier relación, lo que ponemos en es lo que Matrimonio, por favor contacte a Jean Green al vamos a volver y nuestro Señor no está superado en 602-867-9171 ext.308.o la generosidad! Como un adorador comprometido también tiene la increíble responsabilidad de mantener al Señor no sólo compañía sino también seguro en la Capilla de la Adoración. Los feligreses Por Favor, oremos y otros generalmente se comprometen a una hora (o más) por semana. Venir a la adoración es una por nuestros manera perfecta de acercarse cada vez más a Jesús hombres & mujeres en las e intensificar nuestra vida espiritual. ¡Que Cristo sea fuerzas armadas y tambien siempre Rey de nuestros corazones! por sus familias. Para más información, llame a Norma Ciani al Mire la Santa Misa en el Las lecturas de la 28 de marzo 2021: canal de YouTube de Lunes: Is 42, 1-7/Sal 26, 1. 2. 3. 13-14/Jn 12, 1-11 nuestro Martes: Is 49, 1-6/Sal 70, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 15 y 17/Jn 13, 21-33. 36-38 Miércoles: Is 50, 4-9/Sal 68, 8-10. 21-22. 31 y 33-34/Mt 26, 14-25 PhoenixDiocese Jueves: Misa Crismal: Is 61, 1-3. 6. 8-9/Sal 88, 1. 2-3. 3-4. 5-6/ Ap 1, 5-8/Lc 4, 16-21 Misa Vespertina de la Cena del Señor: Ex 12, 1-8. 11-14/ RADIO CATOLICA Sal 115, 12-13. 15-16. 17-18/1 Cor 11, 23-26/Jn 13, 1-15 EnFamlia Radio sintonícela en el Viernes: Is 52, 13—53, 12/Sal 30, 2. 6. 12-13. 15-16. 17. 25/ 740 AM Heb 4, 14-16; 5, 7-9/Jn 18, 1—19, 42 de su radio o también por Sábado: Vigilia: Gn 1, 1—2, 2 internet en www.enfae Domingo: Hch 10, 34. 37-43/Sal 117, 1-2. 16-17. 22-23/Col 3, 1-4
PALM SUNDAY MARCH 28, 2021 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 14357 MARCH 29, 2021 TO APRIL 4, 2021 March Challenge by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William MONDAY/LUNES E. Lori: 8:30am—Barbara McLeod† “This month, I challenge you to spend ten additional 6:00pm—Therese Watkins minutes each Sunday before Mass TUESDAY/MARTES preparing to receive the Eucharist and 10 minutes after 8:30am—Lynda Matthews† Mass in thanksgiving for this gift. Second, I challenge WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES you to assist your brother Knights in the Faith in Action Sacramental Gifts program to help your fellow 8:30am—Alfonso Diaz† parishioners understand the great gifts of the 6:00pm—Evan Lenchner sacraments.” THURSDAY/JUEVES 8:30am—NO MASS Our next Council meeting will be on Thursday, April, 8 FRIDAY/VIERNES @ 7:30 PM – The meeting will be provided virtually as well as in-person at Weidner Hall. 8:30am—NO MASS SATURDAY/SABADO **Be on the lookout for your annual dues notice. Please 8:30am—NO MASS return those to the Financial Secretary as soon as 7:30pm—EASTER VIGIL possible.** SUNDAY/DOMINGO We are looking for Catholic men with a passion for 6:30am—For SJA Parishioners service and supporting our Parish and community. 8:30am—For SJA Parishioners Please contact Grand Knight 10:30am—For SJA Parishioners Terry Garrison at 480-848-2499 12:30pm—For SJA Parishioners or for more information. \ADORATION CHAPEL The Catholic Schools Office is now accepting applications CANDLE SPONSORS for the Diocesan School Board. All registered practicing Catholics are eligible. You do not need to have children currently enrolled in Catholic schools to qualify, though MAXINE BASKERVILLE familiarity with the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Schools is preferred. For information and an application, please e- In Memory of mail Jennifer Shumway at or call (602) 354-2137. Application deadline is May 22, 2021. CHARLES KEATING ***************************************** REST IN PEACE BARBARA MATTHEWS MICHAEL BUTERA In Memory of DECEASED VICTIMS OF THE CORONAVIRUS DICK SCHLOTT ***************************************** AGNES DECKER “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever In Honor of lives and believes in me will not die.” LAVERNE STARK ***************************************** Week of March 28, 2021 HOLY CATHOLIC MARRIAGE MENTORING WWW.HOLYCATHOLICMARRIAGE.COM By Alberta & Gary Pizzitola, PhD 602-743-4303
PALM SUNDAY MARCH 28, 2021 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL… SJA GIFT SHOP January Statistics · Number of families provided food boxes = 53 · Number of people in all families provided Coming soon…new crucifixes, rosaries, food = 227 books, and so much more! · Number of food boxes provided = 161 · Number of families provided rent and utility Gift Shop CLOSED...but assistance = 4 2021 St. Joseph Sunday Missals If you remember, please purchase one box of Hamburger Helper when you go grocery Lenten & Holy Week Magnificat shopping next week. Magnificat Just a reminder that we are currently providing Easter Items food to all people living in our church boundaries Children’s Books who drive their car to our pantry entrance. You Rosaries do not have to get out of your car to get this food. We are giving out food during the following Bibles times. Prayer Cards ---Mondays - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Adoration Pins ---Wednesdays – 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM Crucifixes ---Saturdays – 9:00 AM – 11:00 A Lourdes Lotions & Soap Thank you and God bless… Statues, Books Tote Bags, Veils, Returning Catholics: And much more…. No matter how long you’ve been away, you can come home again. Check out are available in the Parish Office Mon thru Thurs 9:00a-12:00p,—1:00p-5:00p BECOMING CHRISTIAN Fri 9:00a-12:00p. Initiation for Adults—What is it? For Christians, initiation means falling in love with See a statue you like in the Jesus and living as His disciples. Through the Gift Shop window, please contact the process of becoming Catholic we try to help people Parish Office at 602-867-9171. learn how to respond to God’s call for their everyday lives. CATHOLIC TRIVIA… The way we learn to do this is by hanging out with Catholics and actually doing what Catholics do. The 1, Name 3 of the 4 seasons of the process of becoming Catholic is about entering into a liturgical year. way of life as an apprentice learns from a Master and 2. In the 2nd century what holiday did that Master’s community. the East and West fight bitterly over in determining when it Jesus is our Master and becoming Catholic is a lot should fall? like being His apprentices. The process for this apprenticeship into the Christian way of life is called 3. To who was Christ speaking when He said: the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (often called “Upon this rock, I will build my Church.” RCIA). It involves encountering the Word of God in the Christian community, worship and prayer The answers to these trivia qyestons are in this and serving others. bulletin. GO FIND THEM!!! If you are interested in becoming Catholic and responding to God, call or contact PLEASE EMAIL YOUR BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS TO Brian Hanson at 10 DAYS PRIOR FOR THE (602) 867-9171 ext. 311 or UPCOMNG SUNDAY BULLETIN.
PALM SUNDAY MARCH 28, 2021 STEWARDSHIP END OF YEAR DONATIONS STATEMENTS WEEK-END/MARCH 20/21, 2021 FIN DE SEMANA 13/120/21DE MARZO 2021 NOT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. For those of you who need a copy NO DISPONIBLE AL MOMENTO DE IMPRESION. of your 2020 tithing contributions Thank you/Gracias *********************************************** for tax purposes, please call the ONLINE GIVING By WeShare Questions: Contact Andy Lambros parish office at 602-867-9171. 602-867-9171x307 *************************************************** You have a choice of having it Support St. Joan of Arc when you shop on mailed to your inbox, mailed to by choosing "St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Parish Phoenix". your home or you can pick it up in When you do this, St. Joan of Arc receives a portion of the proceeds directly. Thank you for supporting us! the office. 2. Easter
5th SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 21, 2021 HOLY WEEK: March 28—April 4 SEMANA SANTA: 28 de Marzo—4 de Abril Palm Sunday/Domingo De Ramos—March 28 Regular Sunday Schedule/Horario Regular De Domingo English 4:30pm (Saturday Vigil) 8:30am, 10:30am, Español 12:30pm Holy Thursday/Jueves Santo—April 1 CONFESSIONS—9am-10:30am. Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual) 6:00pm Followed by Adoration in the Ramada till Midnight. Good Friday/Viernes Santo—April 2 Fast & Abstinence (Ayuno & Abstinencia) CONFESSIONS—9:00am—10:30am Live Stations of the Cross at 1:00pm The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord—3pm English La celebración de la pasión del señor—7pm Español Holy Saturday/Sabado de Gloria—April 3 No Confessions or 4:30pm Mass Blessing of Easter food—9:30am Saturday, April 3—7:30pm “By most ancient tradition, this is the night of keeping vigil for the Lord (Ex. 12:42), in which, following the Gospel admonition (Lk 12:35-37), the faithful, carrying lighted lamps in their hands, should be like those looking for the Lord when he returns, so that at his coming he may find them awake and have them sit at his table.”- From the instruction of the Roman Missal Easter Sunday Masses Misas del Domingo de Pascua Sunday, April 4 6:30am English 8:30am English 10:30am English 12:30pm Español NO morning Mass April 1, 2 & 3. NO Habra Misaen la mañana 1, 2, 3 de Abril.
Staff at St. Joan of Arc— ST. JOAN OF ARC MINISTRIES Parish Office: 602.867.9171 ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY: Coordinator Tracy Stofflet, Office Hours: Mon/Thurs: 9:00a/5:00p at Closed Noon-1:00p ESTO VIR: SJA Mens’ Fellowship. For information, go to Friday: 9:00a/Noon www, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/USHERS: Jean Green at Rev. Dan Connealy, Pastor 602.867.9171x308 or FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION: Every First Friday of each Rev. Oliver Vietor, Parochial Vicar Month after the 8:30a daily Mass until 6:00p ending with Ext.302 Benediction. Dcn. Andy Lambros, HEALING PRAYER AND DELIVERANCE MINISTRY; Coordinator of Stewardship Ext. 307 This Ministry is on hold until further notice. For Dcn. Mark Salvato more info, please call Mary Jo Orkild at Ext. 300 602.956.6107. Julie Flanigan, Finance Manager HOSPITALITY; Arleen Clark/Barbara Matthews. Ext. 314 Please call the church office at 602.867.9171. Christine Johnson, Finance Assistant INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP: Mary Jo Orkild at Ext. 314 602.956.6107. Meets 2nd/4th Thursday after 8:30 Lakin Fuentes, Receptionist Ext. 300 Mass in the Church. Jeffrey Morse, Director of Sacred Music KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: or Ext. 326 480-848-2499. Betsy Donovan, Coordinator of Music LECTORS: Brian Foley at or Ext. 326 862.246.5116. Brian Hanson, Coord/Evangelization/Catechists LEGION OF MARY: Rosemary Rosenberger at Ext. 311 602-690-7702 or Mary Lynch, Coord/RE & Youth Evangelization MUSIC MINISTRY: Parish musical opportunities, please Ext. 309 contact Jeffrey Morse at Jean Green PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP: Please contact Josie Savino at 602-996-3887. Coordinator/Liturgy PASTORAL CARE: Jean Green at Marriage Coordinator Nullity Minister PERPETUAL ADORATION: Desiree Schlangen(English) at Funeral Coordinator or Norma Ciani Ext. 308 (Spanish) at Luz Mendoza ST. DAMIEN’S HELPERS: email SJA PRAYER LINE: Marriage Coordinator/Espanol SENIOR MINISTRY: Barbara Matthews at Quinceaneras/Espanol 602.867.9171x312 or Ext. 340 UNION WITH CHRIST: Please call 602.312.3246. Debbie Hilliard. Preschool Director ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Please call 602.867.2288. 602.867.9179 SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES (SCC): We have adult Jessica Espinoza prayer meetings on Wednesdays at 9:30am in the Senior Preschool Administrative Asst. Lounge at which we prepare for the next Sunday's Mass 602.867.9179 Scripture readings and homily. We welcome new Ron Hartmann members. Ext.333 INFANT BAPTISM If you are interested in having your child baptized or simply have questions about the process, please call 602-867-9171, ext. 115 or email us at FINANCE COMMITTEE" Grant Getman, Chair Leanne Krush Mark McGaffin PERPETUAL ADORATION/PRO-LIFE CANDLES Carter Smitherman Our Adoration Chapel/Pro-Life Shrine Candle program Rob Stofflet allows parishioners to honor/memorialize family/friends with lighted candles on the altar in the Adoration Chapel or at the shrine. Names of the sponsors and those being HALL USAGE… remembered will be in the weekly bulletin. Please come St. Joan of Arc Parish has two halls available. to the parish office to set up your sponsorship of a $10/ For more information, please contact Andy in candle. Each sponsorship is for one week. the Parish Office at 602.867.9171x307. (Sunday/Saturday).
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