St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -

Page created by Brett Sharp
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 15 , 2022

                      St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory
Parish Administrative Center                                  St. Alexander School
7025 W. 126th St. Palos Heights, IL 60463                     126th St. and 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463
Phone: 708-448-4861                                           Phone: 708-448-0408 Fax: 708-448-5947
Fax: 708-448-0039                                             Principal: …………………………………….…... Sharon O’Toole
Pastor: ………………...….. Rev. Martin Michniewicz ext. 227         Assistant Principal: …………………...……… Mary Dombrowski
Deacons: ……..…. Jim Horton, Tim Keating, Michael Ciciura      Administrative Assistants: Mary Ann Pellicore & Renee Chavez
Director Parish Home & Health Ministry: Jim Horton ext. 232   School Web: ………………….......
Operations Manager: ……………….. Paula Somers ext. 233            School E-Mail: ……………...........
Director of Music: …………………. Matthew Berardi ext. 224          Religious Education Office
Youth Minister: ………………...……… Tyler Ried - 448-6624            126th St. and 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463
Athletic Director ………………………...….. Michael Kennedy
                                                              Phone: 708-448-6624
Counseling Center: …………………...…… 448-4861 ext.310
                                                              Coordinator of Religious Education: ………...……… Tyler Ried
Director: .…………. Sr. Claire Marie Czerwiec, SSND, LCPC        Religious Ed. E-Mail: …………….……..
Parish E-Mail: ……………………….               Knights of Columbus: ………………………... 448-4861 ext. 400
St. Alexander on the Web: ..…….      Knight of Columbus on the Web: ...…….
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -
Page Two                                           Fifth Sunday of Easter                                         May 15, 2022

                                          Spreading the Holy Fire
                 Celebrating Christ Risen from the Dead through the 7 Sacraments
                                            S                       I
                         BAPTISM                                                     CONFIRMATION
      Celebration of Entrance into Christ’s Church                        Celebration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
 You should be a registered parishioner of St. Alexander, or       This Sacrament is normally celebrated in 8th Grade and is
 willing to register and join our Faith Community. Relatives of     a 2 year program of preparation.
 St. Alexander parishioners are also welcome.                      Confirmation Contacts:
 At least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic. The         Tyler Ried - Religious Education 448-6624
 other must be a Christian. Parents must register for a class      Sharon O’Toole - School 448-0408
 on Baptism BEFORE your baby is baptized. Archdiocesan             The Archdiocese also offers classes for adults wishing to
 required classes are held once a month, usually on the first      receive Confirmation. Adult Confirmation Contact -
 Tuesday of the month, and facilitated by trained parishioners.
                                                                   Deacon Tim Keating or Deacon Jim Horton 448-4861
 Baptism contact Joan DeVito 448-4861 ext. 237

                               RCIA Celebration of the Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults
  This process is for adults who would like to join the Roman Catholic Church and have never been Baptized, or were Baptized
                in another Christian denomination. There is also a process for children (RCIC) and teens (RCIT).
                      RCIA/RCIC/RCIT contact - Deacon Tim Keating or Deacon Jim Horton 448-4861

       Celebration of Sharing Fully at Christ’s Altar of Sacrifice & Communion with Jesus and His Church
                Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass)                                    Eucharistic Adoration
                 Sunday Vigil: 5:00 PM (Saturday)
            Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM, & 6:00 PM
                                                                        Evening of Prayer and Adoration
                 Monday through Friday: 8:30 AM
                    Saturday Morning: 8:00 AM                                     On the 1st Saturday
           First Saturday Devotions after 8:00 AM Mass                             4:30 PM - Rosary
                      Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 PM                                       5:00 PM - Mass
                  Holy Day: 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM                                6:00 PM - Prayers for Healing

                                            S                         H
             ANOINTING OF THE SICK                                                 RECONCILIATION
  Celebration of God’s Restorative Love & Forgiveness                         Celebration of God’s Forgiveness
 Sacrament offers strength to the living. If someone becomes                   through Personal Confession
 seriously ill, please call the Parish Administrative Center.           Saturday Morning: 8:30 AM (until all are heard)
 Ministers of Care are available to bring Holy Communion and/
                                                                           Saturday Evening: after the 5:00 PM Mass
 or visit with the sick and homebound.
 Also every 1st Saturday after the 5:00 PM Mass                                  Other Times by Appointment

                                        S                         C
                      MATRIMONY                                                      HOLY ORDERS
              Celebration of God’s Blessings on the                       Celebration of Ordained Service to the Church
            Loving Union between Man and Woman                    The three offices of the Sacrament of Holy Orders are bishop,
Please call the Parish Administration Center at least 4 months    priest and deacon. All three are conferred by the sacramental
in advance of your wedding. Pre-Cana for engaged couples          act called “ordination.”
is required by the Archdiocese.                                   Priesthood Contact - Fr. Michniewicz 448-4861 ext 227
Matrimony Contact:                                                Archdiocese of Chicago Vocation Director:
Fr. Martin Michniewicz 708-448-4861                               Rev. Timothy Monahan 312-534-8298
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -
Page Three                                 Fifth Sunday of Easter                                  May 15, 2022

             FROM OUR PASTOR
   Dear Parishioners,
       Congratulations to those who completed our Religious Education Program, and all parishioners who
   have graduated, or will soon graduate, this year from grammar school, high school, or college. I pray
   that all of our graduates will go on to do many wonderful things in their lives. Please know that my
   prayers go with you and that you are still, and will always be, a part of our parish family.
       Please mark your calendars for Sunday, June 26th, the date of this year’s Parish Picnic. As you know
   we haven't had one for several years due to the pandemic. The picnic is always a great opportunity for
   parishioners to sit back, grab a bite to eat, participate in games, and enjoy each other's company. More
   details will be forthcoming in future bulletins.
       If you recall in last week’s homily I stated that we refer to our Lord Jesus Christ as the Bread of
   Life, Christ the King, The Prince of Peace, Christ Our Savior, Lamb of God, and many other titles. One
   of the beautiful terms we use when we refer to Jesus is The Good Shepherd. What a loving, caring, and
   nurturing term for Jesus as we realize He is always watching and protecting we His sheep. We are nev-
   er lost when we follow The Good Shepherd. Jesus shepherds us out of love, and not out of duty, like a
   hired hand.
       The difference between The Good Shepherd and the hired hand is the difference between life and
   death. Unlike a hired hand who only works for pay and would run away at the first sign of difficulty,
   Jesus is a Good Shepherd who willingly lays down his life for his sheep. The Good Shepherd draws the
   sheep near to him. They belong to him—not as a possession that can be discarded, but as precious ones
   who are assured that they can rely on His care and protection. The sheep owe their very lives to the
   Shepherd. Without him, they will be scattered and left on their own in what is often a dangerous world.
       No sheep with any sense would wander off and leave the fold. The Shepherd provides food and
   safety. Away from the fold, the sheep risks death in the jaws of wolves or starvation in the desert. Jesus
   is The Good Shepherd and invites us to be good sheep. Jesus has experienced the best and the worst of
   all that life has in store. He has known the simple joys and deep disappointments of life; he has known
   temptation, anxiety, and fatigue. Jesus walks ahead of us, leading the way. We may be tempted to wan-
   der away, lured by the temporary pleasures and tempted by the illusion of something better over the
   horizon. In the noise of daily life, surrounded by messages that compete with God and God’s ways, it is
   easy to become distracted from what is important and lasting. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, invites us to
   be good sheep who are so close to him that we hear and recognize his voice. As good sheep, we are
   called to follow the voice of the Shepherd, trusting that he will guide us to the best pasture, where we
   can thrive.
                                                                                         God Bless,
                                                                                         Father Marty

                                        Do you attend Mass regularly, but crave something more?
                                       Using the new Pilgrimage app, you can journey through Scripture with
                                       friends, and your group. Your group will have access to a message
                                       board, which enables you to ask questions, start discussions, share
                                       content and connect with fellow group members, all from within the
                                       app. Learn more:
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -
Page Four                                       Fifth Sunday of Easter                                     May 15, 2022

                                         Fr. Marty
                                       May 24, 1986                       SCRIPTURE
                                         (36 Years)                       REFLECTION
                                    Deacon Tim Kea ng
                                       April 27, 1991          Although we are five full weeks into the celebration
                                                               of Easter, today’s readings focus on newness. Our
                                         (31 years)            Easter food leftovers may be long gone, but the read-
                                    Deacon Jim Horton          ings insist on every moment’s freshness in the risen
                                       May 27,2007             Jesus. The Acts of the Apostles depicts Paul and Bar-
                                         (15 years)            nabas reflecting on all the innovative work that God
                                                               has done with them. They have traveled hundreds of
                                    Deacon Mike Ciciura        miles, introducing faith in Jesus Christ to all who lis-
                                       May 15, 2011            ten, even Gentiles. For the dutiful Jewish scholar
                                         (11 years)            Paul, preaching to Gentiles is a completely unique
                                       Deacon Fran             development. Jesus calls Paul, and us, not to be afraid
                                                               of new challenges: as John the Evangelist reports in
                                        Pendergast             Revelation, Jesus promises to “make all things new.”
                                       May 14, 2022            In the Gospel reading, Jesus even gives us a new
                                           (1 day)             commandment. The Hebrew Scriptures overflow
                                                               with commandments, but Jesus knows we need one
                                                               more, perfect mission: “love one another.”
                                                                                         Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

                                                                     Today’s Readings: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13;
                 WORD OF LIFE                                                     Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
“Everyone is in need of reassurance, and if we,
who have touched ‘the Word of life’ (1 Jn 1:1) do
not give it, who will? How beautiful it is to be
Christians who offer consolation, who bear the
burdens of others and who offer encouragement:
messengers of life in a time of death!”                                  Home Bound or Ill?
        —Pope Francis, 2020 Easter Vigil Homily               If you, or someone you know, are
              © 2020 Libreria Editricea Vaticana.             unable to attend Mass and would
                                                              like to receive communion in their
                                                              home, please call Deacon Jim Horton
                                                              at 708-448-4861, ext. 232.

                     Prayers of the Faithful
                          for the Sick
               As the faith family of St. Alexander, we                         READINGS FOR THE WEEK
               unite with one another to pray for those
               who need healing of their body, mind or                              May 16-22, 2022
spirit. Confident that God hears the voices of those who      Monday:    Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16;
trust in the Lord Jesus, we join in prayer for:                          Jn 14:21-26
       Tatiana Ranftl           Dale Yukich                   Tuesday:   Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;
       Maggie Campbell          Charlie Boyle                            Jn 14:27-31a
       Genevieve Atkenson       David Burkhart                Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
       Steve Paar                                             Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11
If you or anyone in your family would like to be added        Friday:    Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17
to our Prayers of the Faithful for the Sick please contact    Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21
the Parish Administrative Office by noon on Friday at         Sunday:    Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8;
708-448-4861.                                                            Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -
Page Five                                     Fifth Sunday of Easter                                    May 15, 2022

                           Thank you for suppor ng           EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS
                           Catholic Chari es in last         Saturday, May 21st
                           week’s second collec on.           5:00 PM— Sharon Mundo, Rosemary Dziuba
 Because of your generosity, vulnerable mothers of           Sunday, May 22nd
 all ages across the Chicago metropolitan area will           7:30 AM— Betty Chwierut, Ed & Pat Sobczak
                                                              9:30 AM— Dave Heide, Mary Foskett, Wendy Loftus
 find the resources and assistance they desperately           11:30 AM— Jeff & Ofelia Foreman, Paul Sullivan
 need to help them recover and build on their resil-          6:00 PM— Sharon Ayres, Michael Collins
 ience. Thank you for joining Catholic Chari es in
 helping mothers through every season their lives.
                                                             Saturday, May 21st
 You s ll have un l May 31stto help Catholic Chari-
                                                              5:00 PM— Linda Horton, Joan DeVito
   es reach its goal!
                                                             Sunday, May 22nd
                  Dona ons can be made online at              7:30 AM— Paula Somers
                 www.catholicchari, or text            9:30 AM— Rich Cruz, Debbie Myron
                  HOPE to (206) 677-9862, or scan            11:30 AM— Mary Ann Klimek, Carol Miller
                   the QR code with your phone.               6:00 PM— Bob Ayres

                                                       Our Members in the Military
                                              Scott Golich - U.S. Navy              Robert Brennan - U.S. Army
                                              Stephen LaPiana - U.S. Army           Scott Milcarek - U.S. Army
                                              Matthew Brennan - U.S. Air Force      Charles Berglund - U.S. Marines
                                              Andrew Nissen - U.S. Marines          Lawrence J. Prete - U.S. Marines
                                              Shannon Lungaro - U.S. Navy           Andrew Cleland - U.S. Army
                                              Alan Filipiak - U.S. Navy             John Hoban III - U.S. Army
                                              A. Amanda Cleland - U.S. Air Force    Mark Filipiak - U.S. Marines
 St. Alexander Parish lists the names of      Joshua Bramlett U.S. Navy             Nick Albergo - U.S. Army
 active military personnel of parishion-      Amanda Brennan - U.S. Army            Matthew Bramlett - U.S. Navy
 ers and their family members in our          Kyle Hite - U.S. Army                 David Lindstrom - National Guard
 weekly bulletin. We keep them in our         Roger Benda - U.S. Marines            Daniel Weakley - U.S. Navy
 thoughts and prayers as they protect         James M. Bilder - U.S. Army           Stephen Vossler - U.S. Navy
 our country and freedom.                     Nicholas Wineman - U.S. Marines       Vito Barraco - U.S. Army
 If you have a relative who is an active      David Below - U.S. Marines            Ryan Grant - U.S. Army
 member in the United States Military         Kevin Lewis - U.S. Navy               Nicholas Crot - U.S. Marines
 and would like them listed in the bulle-     Michael Lindstrom - U.S. Army         Steven Lungaro - U.S. Navy
 tin, contact Nancy at the Parish Office,     Jared Maechetle - U.S. Marines        Thomas Gregory - U.S. Marines
 448-4861. Please inform us if the service    Mary Kate Wetzel - U.S. Marines       Paul Gregory - U.S. Marines
 person listed is no longer active in the     Ben St. Aubin - U. S. Navy            Kate Risden - U.S. Navy
 military at home or abroad.                  Chloe Van Witzenburg - U.S. Army      Ryan Graeber - U.S. Marines
                                              Isaac Baines - U.S. Navy              Cameron Smentek - U.S. Army
 Our Knights of Columbus Council              Gino Albergo - U.S. Army              Judith Hite - U.S. Army
 #14057 would like to offer military fami-    Hanna Van Witzenburg - U.S. Army      Nolan Smith - U.S. Navy
 lies Blue Star Banners. If you would like    Anthony Baudo - U.S. Army             Cody Goldman - National Guard
 to receive a Blue Star Banner, please call   Michael D. Faloona - National Guard   Jake Soukup - U.S. Army
 the Parish Office at 708-448-4861.           Hunter Leschman - U.S. Navy           Jose Sanchez - U.S. Army
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -
Page Six                                    Fifth Sunday of Easter                                   May 15, 2022

                                                                      On May 2nd, St. Alexander 5th grade boys
                                                                     won the championship defeating St. Cajetan
                                                                        in the SCC 5th Grade North division!
                                                                        Roster: Brendan Stroner, Bryan Lech,
                                                                       Conor Weldon, Emmett Hughes, Harrison
                                                                       Schultz, Jimmy Hughes, Jake Maslowski
                                                                     Luke Pricone, Matthew Kent, Marty Navarrete,
                                                                           Shane Devine, Thomas Doulas.
                                                                            Head Coach: Therese Devine,
                                                                             Assistant Coach: Nick Doulas

                        On May 4th, St. Alexander 6th grade boys won the championship
                              defeating St. Christina in the 6th Grade Blue division!
       Roster: Anthony Adducci, Brian Mentius, Connor Augustyn, Cooper Vysocky, Kade Smith, Joe Burzycki
 Liam Weldon, Nicholas Paolicchi, Oliver Odeh, PJ White Head Coach: Colleen White, Assistant Coach: Mike Vysocky
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -
Page Seven                             Fifth Sunday of Easter                                   May 15, 2022

                First graders are participating in an A to Z countdown
                  to the end of the year with fun activities. Each day
                has a different letter and an activity that corresponds
                to that letter sound. On “B” day, first graders brought
                       in books from home to read for Book Day.

                                                                          Second grade went on a "field
                                                                            trip" to the Math Resource
                                                                          Room to use manipulatives to
                                                                          practice their regrouping skills

                First grade led the school in prayer before we left for Easter vacation
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Page Eight   Fifth Sunday of Easter   May 15, 2022
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Page Nine   Fifth Sunday of Easter   May 15, 2022
St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory -
Page Ten                                        Fifth Sunday of Easter                                  May 15, 2022

           Contact the parish office if you would like                          SUNDAY 10:15-11:30AM
           to have a Mass intention for 2022 and 2023.
           Please note that Mass intentions are not just                     SAVE orders may also be brought to
           for the deceased but for anyone you would                         the Parish Administrative Center.
           like to include in prayer.                           Orders dropped off by 5:00PM on Wednesday are
                                                                available for pick-up Thursday after Noon at the
                                                                PAC. They may also be picked up during sale
                                                                hours in the SAVE room on Sunday.

                 Services for individuals,
                     couples & families                                                 E-Giving Made Easy
                 For more information, call                                           If you would like to make a
                     448-4861 ext. 310                                                one-time electronic donation,
          Sr. Claire M. Czerwiec, SSND, LCPC                                          please scan
        Pastoral Counselor & Spiritual Director                                       this bar code.

                                                               Scroll down to “One –Time Gifts”
                                                               and enter the amount and type of
                                                               payment. It’s that simple!

                         Are You A Candidate For
                           Spiritual Direction?
   1. Is your experience of faith in transition?
   ∗ Exploring new ideas about your faith
   ∗ Picture of God is changing
   ∗ Physical place of faith has changed                        Many of you may take advantage of the conven-
   ∗ Spiritual practices need a review                          ience of electronic giving to our parish and we are
                                                                grateful for that. For those of you who have yet to
   2. Have you experienced a personal loss?                     join us in giving online, we strongly encourage
   ∗ Physical loss of a relative, friend, or loved one.         you to do so. Here’s why:
   ∗ Loss of material possessions or income
                                                                Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your
   ∗ Loss of special relationship                               Church contributions through either direct debit
   3. Has your self-perception changed?                         from your checking/savings account or through
   ∗ Transition from single to married life
                                                                your credit/debit card. No more writing checks or
                                                                searching for envelopes on the way out the door.
   ∗ Beginning a new job or career
                                                                Now you can apply the convenience of direct debit
   ∗ Forced change of career/loss of job                        to your parish offerings in much the same way as
   ∗ Desire to become more healthy—physically                   you may now use it to make your mortgage, car or
      or spiritually                                            tuition payments.
   4. Do you feel a yearning for God?                           Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory
   ∗ Asking where is God in your life experiences               cards to replace your envelopes for the collection
   ∗ Desire to pay more attention to your relationship
                                                                basket. To cancel your monthly envelopes,
                                                                please notify the parish office at 708-448-4861.
      with God                                                  This is not done automatically when signing up
   ∗ Desire to pay closer attention to your prayer life         for electronic giving.
   If you are interested learning more about Spiritual          Please visit to enroll secure-
   Direction, contact Deacon Mike at 630-243-9342               ly online. Or, download the Faith Direct app onto
   or                                  your smartphone. Our parish code is IL910.
Page Eleven                                   Fifth Sunday of Easter   May 15, 2022

                NANNY NEEDED
 Hello, my name is Annie Hurley Eisses and I live
 in Ishnala. I am looking for a nanny to start in July
 for my daughter who will be 3 months. We are
 looking for someone five days a week. If you’re
 interested, please contact me at (708)207-9156 or
 email me at Thanks!

 The Mother McAuley Recruitment & Admissions
 team would like to extend an invitation to your
 parish community to join us at our Open House
 on Tuesday, May 17 from 6:00-8:00 ! This is
 a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our
 academic programs, athletic programs, electives,
 clubs and organizations.
Page Twelve                              Fifth Sunday of Easter                                May 15, 2022

                                                      Friday, May 20th (St. Bernardine of Siena)
                                                        8:30 AM— Baby Charlotte Siena Bax (1st Anniv.)
                                                                    Eva Ritz
                                                                    Colleen J. Nix
                                                                    George Madaras
                                                      Saturday, May 21st (St. Christopher Magallanes and
                                                        8:00 AM— Colleen J. Nix              Companions)
FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER                                              Patrick Vasil—Special Intention
MAY 15, 2022
                                                      SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
Saturday, May 14th                                    MAY 22, 2022
  5:00 PM— Sophie Myslinski
             Piotr Gawlowski                          Saturday, May 21st
             Cindy Prendergast                          5:00 PM— For the Parishioners
Sunday, May 15th                                                   Dora Sill
  7:30 AM— Aggie Palmer                                            Eva Ritz
             Catherine Hoban                                       Robert Cruz
             Colleen J. Nix                           Sunday, May 22nd
             Souls of Purgatory—Special Intention       7:30 AM— Aggie Palmer
  9:30 AM— Larry Yakutis                                           Nancy Somers
             Ed Beaulieu                                           Bill Somers
             Chris Stepuczek                                       Mary Somers
             Jim & Pat Serio                                       Johanna Hoban
             Jeanette Strunk                                       Colleen J. Nix
             Joseph L. Filippo                          9:30 AM— Brian Cadore
             Helen Bilina                                          Jack & Lorie Hartig
             Donna & Joseph Feldner, SGM                           Tom & Kathleen Walsh
             Waller & Sophia Feiling                               William E. Lewandowski Jr.
 11:30 AM— James Grisolano                                         Donna & Joseph Feldner, SGM
             Marian Bruss                                          Dr. Loren Feldner
             Tom Skelly—Graduation Blessings                       Robert M. Pikula
             Marilyn Stecker                                       Mary C. McCartin
             Fran Pendergast—Special Intention                     Kellina Watts—Special Intention
             Edward Makina                                         Mary Morrissey
             Chester Marczak                           11:30 AM— Marilyn Duhig
             Brandon Hamel—Graduation Blessing                     Wittenborn Family
             Rich Lopez—Graduation Blessing                        Donald Clark
             Chase LaCoursiere—Graduation Blessing      6:00 PM— Maria Budinger
  6:00 PM— For the Parishioners
             Maria Budinger
Monday, May 16th
  8:30 AM— Blessings for Mary Yocum Family
             Colleen J. Nix
             Thomas McGrath                                       MERCY HOME SUNDAY MASS
             Brian Hallagan—Birthday Blessing
             Nicholas D’Orio                                      9:30AM on WGN-TV Channel 9
             Antoinette Ferraro
             Eric—Birthday Blessing
Tuesday, May 17th
  8:30 AM— Anne Biskoski—Special Intention
             Collen J. Nix
             James F. Mikulski
             Pamela Pusateri (2nd Anniversary)           ALTAR SERVERS
Wednesday, May 18th (St. John I)                         Saturday, May 21st
  8:30 AM— Liam Hanley
             Collen J. Nix                                5:00 PM— Connor Augustyn
             Christopher Pajak                           Sunday, May 22nd
Thursday, May 19th                                        7:30 AM—
  8:30 AM— Agnes Blaney                                   9:30 AM— Bryan Lech, Kelly Kane
             Maciasz Family                              11:30 AM—
             Colleen J. Nix                               6:00 PM— Liam & Conor Weldon
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