MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club

Page created by Charles Baker
MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club
MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club
3      Board of Directors
3      Staff
3      Telephone Directory
4      Hours of Operation
5      Historical Notes

6     Info & Hours of Operation
7     Swim Lessons

8     Available Summer Sessions

10    Dress Code
10    Smoking Policy

11    Care for the Course
11    Pace of Play
11    Golf Carts
12    Local Rules & Regulations

13    Golf Course & Practice Facility Availability
14    Guest Procedures and Fees
15    Golf Club Storage
15    Golf Equipment & Rentals
15    Golf Cart Seasonal Pass
16    Handicapping Service
16    Reciprocity Agreements
17    Golf Instruction & Fitting
17    Professional Club Fitting

18    Golf Schedule
22    Scorecard

MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club
                     Dean Shuda, President
                   Jeff Martin, Vice President
                   Eric Kundinger, Secretary
                    Dean Johnson, Treasurer
                 Jason Allen, Grounds & Greens
                   Kris Henning, Membership
               John Herder, Long-Range Planning
                Melissa Blenker, Golf Committee
                         Brian Haferman
                         Gretchen Beyer
                         Lori Schneider

              Jesse Malsom, General Manager

          Andrew Krugler, Head Golf Professional

                Andy Dassow, Executive Chef
        Jeremy Moss, Director of Food & Beverage
        Jenny Bellmer, Sales & Events Coordinator
                 Nicole Schilling, Accounting
                 Cindy Ballinger, Accounting
           Matt Shafer, Grounds Superintendent
          Charlie Beyer, Assistant Superintendent

715-345-8900                      Clubhouse
Extension 1                       Golf
Extension 2                       Dining Lounge/Reservations
Extension 3                       Special Events
Extension 4                       Accounting
Extension 5                       General Manager
Extension 6                       Tee Room
Extension 7                       Food & Beverage
Extension 8                       Pool
715-345-8905                      Golf Shop
715-345-8906                      Grounds Maintenance
715-345-8907                      Pool Bar

MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club
                                            *Subject to change

Dining Lounge
January - September    Friday Only             5 pm - 10 pm

Tee Room Bar           Tuesday - Friday        11 am - 8 pm
October - March        Saturday - Sunday       11 am - 6 pm
Tee Room Kitchen
                       Tuesday - Sunday        11 am - 8 pm
April - September
October - March        Tuesday - Friday        11 am - 8 pm

May 23 - September 7   Monday - Sunday         7 am - 11 am (Lap Swim)
                       Monday - Sunday         11 am - Sunset

Eagle's Nest
May - September        Monday (closed)
                       Tuesday - Thursday
Golf Shop
March                  Tuesday – Saturday      10 am - 4 pm         Sunday & Monday       Closed
April                  Tuesday – Sunday        10 am - 5 pm         Monday                Closed
May                    Tuesday – Sunday        8 am - 6 pm          Monday                Closed
June                   Tuesday – Sunday        7 am - 7 pm          Monday                11 am – 7 pm
July                   Tuesday – Sunday        7 am - 7 pm          Monday                11 am – 7 pm
August                 Tuesday – Sunday        7 am - 7 pm          Monday                11 am – 7 pm
September              Tuesday – Sunday        8 am - 6 pm          Monday                Closed
October                Tuesday – Sunday        9 am - 5 pm           Monday               Closed
November               Tuesday – Saturday      10 am - 4 pm         Sunday & Monday       Closed
December - February    By appointment only

Bag Room               ** Bags must be removed by October 31st unless storing for the winter.
April                  Tuesday – Sunday       9 am - Close       Monday               Closed
May                    Tuesday – Sunday       8 am - Close       Monday               11 am - Close
June- August           Tuesday – Sunday       7am - Close        Monday               Closed
September              Tuesday – Sunday        8 am - Close         Monday                Closed
October                                        9 am - Close

Practice Facility      **Closed on Mondays in April, May, September, and October.
Course Opening         Tuesday – Saturday 9 am - Sunset       Sunday 9 am - 6 pm       Monday      Closed
May                    Tuesday – Saturday 8 am - Sunset       Sunday 8 am - 6 pm       Monday      Closed
June - August          Tuesday – Saturday 7 am - Sunset       Sunday 7 am - 7 pm       Monday      11 am - Sunset
September              Tuesday – Saturday 8 am - Sunset       Sunday   8 am - 6 pm     Monday      Closed
October - Close        Tuesday – Saturday 9 am - Sunset       Sunday   9 am - 5 pm     Monday      Closed
                                                              *Please note that the Practice Facility will
                                                              close early on some Sundays for clean pick.

MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club

The Stevens Point Country Club received its state              Golf prospered at the Stevens Point Country Club
charter in 1925 and the first meeting of pledge                because of the foresight to have a resident Golf
singers or stockholders was held on October 16,                Professional to run the golf business. Frank “Bobby”
1925.                                                          DeGuire was the first Golf Professional at the club
                                                               hired for the first full year of golf in 1928. Bobby had
In November 1925, the Club picked up land options              been a caddy in Appleton and had won the State
for the Loss and Denelski properties of                        Caddy Championship. Still, in his teens, he was hired
approximately 115 acres, together with another 25              as the Golf Professional at Bull’s Eye Country Club in
acres adjoining old highway 18 (This was most of               Wisconsin Rapids. Bobby served after the 1952 golf
the present real estate). Later, another adjacent 45           year when he became a sales representative for the
acres was acquired to make up the current 185                  Copps Corporation. He continued to serve at the
acres.                                                         Club as a director and president in 1957.

The preliminary layout of the course was made by               The first clubhouse was a converted farmhouse with
Mr. Jackson, who, for a fee of $350 staked out the             living quarters for the golf professional on the 2nd
green positions, marked trees to be removed, and               floor. The 1st floor was augmented with a large
prepared a map of locations. The actual                        porch, which served as a dining and bridge playing
construction management of the course was by                   area. After the repeal of prohibition in 1933, liquor
Professor G.E. Culver, a retired professor of geology          was served. There was a crowded room for golf
at the old Stevens Point Normal School. For his                supplies, storage, and club repair, etc. This
work, he was given a lifetime membership at the                makeshift club house was located where the
Club.                                                          present clubhouse is located.

Construction of the original course (9-holes) was
                                                               The cornerstone for the second Clubhouse was laid
done in 1926 and early 1927. In 1926, Margaret
                                                               in 1953. We know it as the old golf shop. The present
Clifford, Vice President, secured a $5000 stock
                                                               Clubhouse was built and dedicated in December of
subscription from the Whiting-Plover Paper
Company. This was the beginning of many years of
backing the Club by Whiting Plover and its
                                                               The original 1927 course was a 9-hole course. The
executives. That company was the corporate
                                                               score card showed 18 holes with the “second 9-
“angel” of yesteryear as Sentry was in the 70’s and
                                                               holes” a repeat of the first nine. In 1938, the first and
                                                               only major change in the original 9 was made. In
                                                               1965, construction of the new 18-hole course began.
The club corporation was the Stevens Point Country
                                                               With some changes in distances and tee
Club (same as today) but the operating company
                                                               placements, the first 18-hole course was very similar
was known as The Whiting Country Club. Dues the
                                                               to the course we now play.
first of the year (1928) were $40 for a single and $50
for a family with $125 stock share prerequisite.
                                                               A lot of strokes have been taken - golf, tennis,
                                                               swimming - since those early days at Stevens Point
At one board meeting, 2.5 acres were allotted for
golf practice plus tennis and archery. A putting               Country Club. We have a great history in which we
green was authorized because “half of the strokes              can take pride, and a very promising future which is
of this difficult art of golf are made with the putter”.       sure to bring more changes as we work toward
The influence of Whiting Plover and Professor                  making the club better for you each day. We look
Charles Evans of the Normal School led to the                  forward to a wonderful 2021 season.
decision to plant tree seedlings on the property.
About 50,000 Norway and White Pine trees were
planted. Most of the seedlings were set by the Club
members with some professional guidance. They
were planted as a windbreak and to hold the sandy

MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club

Gates open at 7 am | Food available 11 am - 8 pm

Memorial Day - Labor Day        Monday - Thursday      7 am - 8:45 am (Lap Swim, not staffed)
                                Monday - Thursday      11 am - Sunset
                                Friday - Sunday        7 am - 11 am (Lap Swim, not staffed)
                                Friday - Sunday        11 am - Sunset

To enforce the pool rules, we need the support and cooperation of all parents, as
well as their children. Pool privileges may be revoked when violations occur.
Please observe the following rules:

1. NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. The pool will operate daily between the hours of 11 am
and 9 pm (dependent on daylight), conditions permitting. If the weather is
questionable, please call the Pool at 715-345-8907 for updated hours. No swimming
will be permitted at any other times except for specially arranged parties. With the
exception of organized swimming classes, no children should be left unattended in
or around the pool at any time.
2. Every swimmer (child, teen, adult) must bring his/her own towel from home.
Stevens Point Country Club towels are not to be removed from the Clubhouse /
Pool Area.
3. Frayed or cut-off jeans are not allowed in the pool at any time. Bottles and glass
of any kind are not permitted in the pool areas.
4. All members and guests must register before swimming.
5. Members are allowed to bring guests to the pool at a cost of $5.00 per guest.
Please register with the Personnel in the Pool House by signing the sign-up sheet.
Members will be billed thru the administrative office. Individuals living in Portage
County, who are not members of the Club, shall be allowed the privileges of the
pool, as a guest, not more than two times each year. Immediate family of members
outside of Portage County are not subject to pool guest fees.
6. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult/attendant at all times.
7. Absolutely no food or beverages can be brought onto the Club premises. Please
purchase all food and beverage items in the Pool House.
8. SPCC is not responsible for clothing or valuables left at the pool or in the pool
locker rooms. Lock these items for safekeeping.
9. The pool will close in the event of storms, lightning, or inclement weather.

MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club

MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club
                        Hello all and welcome to SPCC Tennis 2021!

 We're gearing up for another year and excited to be adding a Spring session and pickleball
     this year along with some spring Saturday single-session events! Register today!

                                       SPRING SESSION
                                         April 12- May 21

                                           TENNIS 101

                            A beginners/refresher class for adults.
                            Mondays, April 12- May 17 5:30-6:30pm
                                          Class fee $60

                                     ADULT DRILL GROUP
    Challenge- based activities to teach and offer practice for a variety of skills. Drills are
    designed to accommodate a variety of skill levels and modified so that activities are
                             commensurate with ability levels.

                           Tuesdays April 13- May 18 11:30-12:30pm

                                 Wednesdays April 14- May 19


                                $60/six classes* or $15 drop-in

  Pickle ball is the fastest growing sport in the US! A paddle sport played with a whiffle ball
 and short paddle on a badminton-sized court with a tennis-style net. Check it out and you'll
                              be hooked! Thursdays April 15- May 20

                                $60/six classes* or $15 drop-in

                               SOCIAL MIXED DOUBLES TENNIS

Join us for King and Queen of the Court format to accommodate a variety of skill levels. Bring
 your favorite partner or come and meet new friends on your own- a great way to get back
                                       into the game!
                                  Thursdays April 15- May 20

                                 $60/six weeks* or $15 drop-in

MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club

                                  SPRINGTIME SATURDAYS!
Single-session events- sign up for one or all three to brush up on your game and get in some
                                        extra swings!
                                         April 10, 17, 22

                                 10-AND-UNDER KIDS CAMP

 Using modified equipment and smaller playing areas 10-U Tennis offers a child-centered
coaching environment to help kids love tennis! Students gain confidence learning new skills
               with lots of positive feedback, fun games, and new friends!
                                         April 10, 17, 24

                            $60 for all three or $25/single session

                                     ADULT DRILL GROUP


                            $30 for all three* or $15/single session

                          11-17 JUNIORS HIGH SCHOOL PREP CAMP

 SPCC Juniors program is for students looking to play middle school or high school tennis.
Students will continue building athletic skills while learning or refining the skills necessary to
serve, rally and keep score. Players will learn to demonstrate proper technique during point
                                       and match play.
                            $60 for all three or $25/single session

   *Drill group packages can be used for any time slot and may be used in future summer

    Private and semi private lessons are also available. Please contact Deena Gordon at
                  920.733.1309 for additional information or to register!

MEMBER PLAYBOOK 2021 - Stevens Point Country Club

Dining Room: No cut offs, short shorts, jogging shorts or sweats. Acceptable golf attire is permitted.

All other areas of the Clubhouse: Golf and tennis attire are permitted. Jeans are permitted. Everyone age 13 and
over will be expected to observe adult rules of dress at all times.

Golf Course and Practice Facilities: Proper golf attire is to be worn at all times. Apparel such as short shorts,
jogging shorts, sweat pants, halter tops, and T-shirts are inappropriate. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
Shorts or skorts must be of reasonable length. Please inform guests of this dress code and the non-metal spike

All Stevens Point Country Club facilities including the main Clubhouse, Deck and the Pool, are smoke free
facilities. Smoking must take place at least 16 feet from any entrance and all non-smoking venues.

   The board of directors and golf professional of the club have developed the following guidelines and
  regulations to ensure that all members and their guests have the opportunity for the utmost enjoyment
                                          during their golf rounds.

Before leaving a bunker, players should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints
made by them and any nearby made by others. If rakes are provided they should be used for this
purpose. After you complete raking, place the rake inside the bunker with the handle on the grass
and the rake portion inside the bunker. Please exit the bunker on the low side. Also, tap your shoes
to remove sand before stepping on to the putting green.
Repair Divots, Ball Marks, and Damage by Shoes
Players should carefully repair any divot holes made by them. Divots may be replaced if they have
a substantial amount of dirt attached to the grass, otherwise, fill the divot with sand provided on
your golf cart. Any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball (whether or not made
by the player himself) should be repaired. On completion of the hole by all players in the group,
damage to the putting green caused by golf shoes should be repaired.

Play at a Good Pace
Golfers should play at a pace to complete 9 holes in 2 hours and 18 holes in 4 hours. Please stay
on pace with the group ahead of you. If there is an open hole in front of you, please invite faster
players to play through. Similarly, if you have not found your ball after 3 minutes, please allow the
group behind you to play through. Single players and twosomes while permitted on the course
have no special privileges in playing through foursomes. They may play through only when invited
to do so. In the interest of speeding up play do not leave a golf bag or cart in front of the green
while putting. Instead, leave them at the side of the green nearest to the next tee. After putting
out, leave the green promptly and score the hole on the next tee.

Persons utilizing power carts must be at least 16 years
of age and have a valid driver’s license. Absolutely no
more than 2 riders on a cart are allowed at any time
unless authorized by Golf Shop Staff. Posted
directional signs must be observed and followed.
Please keep carts on designated paths where they are
provided and stay out of fescue at all times. Near tees
and greens golf carts must be parked with all tires on
the path. Motorized carts must stay a reasonable
distance from damp or wet areas to prevent damage
to the golf course. Start and stop motorized carts
slowly to prevent turf damage due to spinning or
skidding wheels. Do not push stalled carts with other
carts as this may cause external damage to the cart
and internal damage to the motor and gears. The
operator of any cart will be responsible for damages
incurred to the cart, golf course, injuries to persons, or
the property of others. Damage of any type must be
reported immediately to the golf shop. Golf carts may
be restricted by the Golf Course Superintendent or the
Golf Professionals if deemed necessary.

       The SPCC Management Team shall have full authority for conduct on the golf
          course. The rules of play and conduct have been determined by the golf
     committee an approved by the board of directors. Any member who disregards the
       instructions from the Management Team or a member of staff, while they are
         enforcing the rules of the club, shall be subject to censure by the board.

                                                     1. All players must register in the golf shop
                                                     before starting play.

                                                     2. Absolutely no person may start other than
                                                     on the 1st tee at any time without permission
                                                     from the Golf Shop.

                                                     3. USGA rules shall govern all play except
                                                     where modified by local rules.

                                                     4. Each player must have a set of clubs and a
                                                     bag. More than one player playing from a
                                                     single bag is not permitted.

                                                     5. No more than 4 players will be permitted to
                                                     play in any one group. However, in certain
                                                     instances, at the discretion of the
                                                     Management Team, five-some’s may be
                                                     allowed as the pace of play and players

                                                     6. Golfers stopping after completion of #9 for
                                                     lunch, etc. lose their priority on #10 tee it
                                                     must wait for a clear opening to proceed,
                                                     subject to the Golf Shops approval.

7. Pets are not allowed on the golf course from open to course close unless granted permission by
the Golf Professional and Superintendent.

8. Only food and beverage purchased at Stevens Point Country Club are allowed on the course.

9. All golfers must adhere to the outlined dress code.

10. Small children accompanying parents on the golf course must be supervised at all times in
accordance with the rules and etiquette for their safety and consideration of others. Strollers are
not allowed on the course for safety reasons.

11. If an emergency occurs on the golf course (health or otherwise) please call 911 first and then
notify the golf shop if possible.

12. The SPCC Management Team and Board of Directors reserves the right to change any rules as
the need arises.


       MONDAY               TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY                       THURSDAY

                                                                         Course Closed for Men's
                                                                     League Participants Course
    Course Closed
                                            Course Closed for                 (must be 18+)
                                              Ladies' League             Closed 11:45 am - 5 pm
  Walking Available
  Course Open - May        Open Play
                                            11:45 am - 4:30 pm            Practice Area Closed
  September - Close
                                                                           11:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                              Practice Area
    *Check outside
                                                   Closed            *Non-league members may
    outing calendar
                                            11:45 am - 2:30 pm      play as a guest, twice per year
                                                                            (if space permits)

        FRIDAY                         SATURDAY                                 SUNDAY

                                       Open Play

      Open Play                                                                Open Play
                         Juniors under 16 must be accompanied
                                by an adult prior to 10 am

*Availability of golf course is dependent upon outside event schedule.

*Juniors (under age 13) must be accompanied by an adult unless they have been advised differently
by the SPCC Management Team.

* Keep in mind the schedule of play is merely a guideline. The SPCC board of directors, golf
committee, and Golf Professional have the right to deviate from this schedule based on scheduled
play. Member inconvenience will be kept to a minimum at all times. The Golf Shop, Bag Room, and
Practice Facility will be closed on Mondays in April, May, September, and October; however, the
golf course is available for the membership to walk. Please check the tournament schedule at
SPCC for an updated calendar.


1. Golfing guest, resident or nonresident, must meet one of the following requirements:
  A. Invited or playing with a member
  B. Member of another private club with a recognized PGA Golf Professional will need verification
     of club membership prior to playing.
  C. Golf group approved by SPCC Management Team.

2. Guest restrictions provided above do not apply to members of other NEWGA golf clubs located
within the twenty-five-mile radius or to any other Golf Club which is governed by a reciprocity

3. Guest golf fee rates are established by SPCC Board of Directors.

4. Tee times may be made no sooner than one week in advance. Exceptions may be made for outings
and large member sponsored groups. These items must be made through the Golf Professionals.

5. Members introducing guests will be held responsible for their conduct and the payment of any
indebtedness incurred by them. All guests are required to pay fees set by the board of directors prior
to the use of the club.

6. Resident guest is a person residing in Portage County and shall not be able to play the golf course
more than 2 times in any fiscal year. Small Business / Outing exception: Smaller outings paid for by
the business having at least 2 groups (8 players) will fall under the small business outing program and
would allow resident guests additional opportunities to play at the club. All small business outings
must be approved by the SPCC Management Team.

7. Nonresident guests (not residing in Portage County) have no limit on the number of times they may
play the golf course.

                               MEMBER     JUNIOR GUEST    FAMILY    UNACCOMPANIED   5 PRE-PAID GUEST
                                GUEST                      GUEST        GUEST         FEES W/CART

    18 Holes w/ Cart             $65          $55          $55           $99             $250

    18 Holes Walking             $40          $30          $30           $99

     9 Holes w/ Cart             $45          $35          $35           $65

     9 Holes Walking            $30           $20          $20           $65

     *Family Guest includes immediate family.

 Golf club and push cart storage is available for the convenience of the membership. Club storage
 space has a seasonal charge of $150 for an adult and $75 for children under the age of 18. This
 includes winter storage if you are a simulator member.

 Winter Bag Storage is $30 for non-bag storage members

 Please contact the General Manager at (715) 345-8900 x 5 to reserve your space.

Lockers are available to all members on a first come first serve basis ($75 per year) in the men's
and women's locker rooms located in the main clubhouse. Lockers are to be used for the storage
of clothing and shower items only. Golf bags and pull carts are not allowed to be cleaned or
stored in the locker room. If you're interested in the use of a locker, please contact the General
Manager at (715) 345-8900 x 5.

Your golf shop offers you a wide selection of the finest in equipment and apparel within a
competitive pricing structure to keep your business at the Club. Golf Shop staff will help you with
all your merchandise needs. The sky is the limit for what we can provide for you, so don't hesitate
to ask for any merchandise you may or may not find in the golf shop.

All credit accumulated throughout the course of the season (gift certificates, etc.) must be used
before October 31st of the current year. Credit may not be used to cover green fees, lesson fees,
club repair, club service, or cart rental. Credit may be used to purchase golf shop merchandise.

 Available at the club are the most recent models from Tour Edge as our rental sets. You may use
 these clubs for your guests for $35/rental.

                                SEASONAL                       SEASONAL                DAILY CART FEE
                                 SINGLE                         COUPLE                 (TAX INCLUDED)

  18 Hole Pass                    $650                          $875                        $25
  9 Hole Pass                     $350                          $475                        $15

             *Children under 16 years of age may ride with a paying adult at no extra charge.
             *Must be at least 16 years of age to operate a golf cart.

 The Wisconsin State Golf Association will compute handicaps of Stevens Point
 Country Club members ($35 charge / member per season) under the World
 Handicap System. Members must enter their scores immediately following
 play. Handicaps are based on the lowest 8 scores of the last 20 rounds of golf
 played at any course. Entries of scores are transmitted electronically to the
 central WSGA facility, which updates and publishes the handicaps daily. If you
 have questions about the World Handicap System, please contact the golf
 shop at 715-345-8905.

CLUB NAME                     GREEN FEE     CART FEE      CLUB NAME                   GREEN FEE        CART FEE
Bullseye Golf Club                 $25       I ncluded
                                                          Eau Claire Country Club        I ncluded       Extra
Ridgeway Country Club           I ncluded      Extra
                                                          Wausau Country Club            I ncluded       Extra
Waupaca Country Club               $25       I ncluded
                                                          La Crosse Country Club           $25         I ncluded
Greenwood Hi lls Country Club      $25       I ncluded
                                                          Oshkosh Country Club             $30         I ncluded
The Golf Courses of Lawsonia*      $35       I ncluded
                                                          Butte des Morts Country Club     $50         I ncluded
Fox Valley, Kaukana                $40       I ncluded
                                                          Rhi nelander Country Club        $25           Extra
South Hills Golf & Country Club $30          I ncluded
                                                          Hawk' s Landing                  $26         I ncluded

            *Please note that tee ti mes from Fri day-Sunday need to be made 24 hours i n advance at
                                          The Golf Courses of Lawsoni a.

                                                              *Please contact the SPCC Golf Shop to
                                                              make all reciprocal arrangements. Be
  Wisconsin Club (Milwaukee, WI)                              prepared to show your SPCC membership
  Milwaukee Athletic Club (Milwaukee, WI)                     card with a driver’s license.
  The Madison Club (Madison, WI)


                           ANDREW KRUGLER

                   HEAD GOLF PROFESSIONAL

         Andrew is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
       with a degree in Athletic Training. He is currently finishing up his PGA
            Certification in Professional Golf Management. Through his
        understanding of the golf swing and the mechanics and function of
        the body, he works with the player to personalize a swing that will
        work for them. Andrew enjoys working with players and individuals
           that are passionate about the game and want to get better.

         Andrew is also fluent in current technology trends within the golf
       industry. This allows him to effectively work through club fittings of
       the game’s top brands including TaylorMade, Titleist, Callaway, and
         Tour Edge. With help from modern launch monitor technology to
       optimize quantifiable distance numbers, club fitting has never been
         more beneficial to help a player score lower and enjoy the game
      more. If you would like to set up a lesson or club fitting please contact
                          the Golf Shop or email Andrew at

                       MEMBERS         GUESTS            JUNIORS
                                                     (Age 16 & Under)         GUESTS
H o u r Le ss on           $65            $ 75              $4 5                  $ 55

H a l f H ou r Le ss o n   $4 0           $60               $40                $5 0

C lub F itting s           $4 5           $ 50              $35                   $45













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