Faculty Handbook 2019-2020 - Lakehead University

Page created by Keith Marquez
Faculty Handbook 2019-2020 - Lakehead University
Faculty Handbook

     Revised October 2019

Faculty Handbook 2019-2020 - Lakehead University
Faculty of Education
                             University Orillia

                             Table of Contents

Topic of lnterest                                         Page Number

Faculty of Education Administration Contact Information        4

Faculty Information for 2018/2019                              5

Two-Year BEd Program Academic Calendars                        8

Professional Programs Overview                                10

Two-Year BEd Program Requirements                             10

Faculty of Education Assessment Rubric                        11

Primary/Junior Math Competency Exam                           11

Events & Professional Development                             11

Academic Calendar                                             12

Academic Regulations                                          12

University Regulations                                        12

Incomplete Standing                                           12

Student Code of Conduct - Academic Integrity                  13

Education Professional Program Important Dates                13

Faculty Handbook 2019-2020 - Lakehead University
Course Outline Template: 2-Year Consecutive Program                14

Practice on Recording Student Presentations                        18

Cellular Telephone Use Advisement                                  18

Printing Dollars                                                   19

Room/Class Time Changes                                            19

Booking Rooms at Heritage Place                                    20

Ministry Curriculum Documents                                      20

Courier Services from HP to Simcoe Hall and Thunder Bay Campuses   20

Guests at Heritage Place                                           21

Additional Faculty Information                                     21

Honorarium for Elders                                              21

Field Trip Information                                             23

Useful Program Resource Links                                      23

Faculty of Education Administration Contact Information
(Orillia Campus)

           Dr. Michael Hoechsmann                              Dr. Seth Agbo
  Chair, Education Programs & Associate Professor           Associate Professor
                  Office: OH 1000C                            Office: OH 1001H
           Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2640                Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2642
          Email: mhoechsm@lakeheadu.ca                   Email: sagbo@lakeheadu.ca

                                                              Dr. Ruth Beatty
                Ms. Julie Howell
                                                              Associate Professor
            Education Programs Officer
                                                        High Leverage Practices Advisor
                Office: OH 1000B
                                                               Office: OH 1001F
          Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2013
                                                        Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2619
           Email: jhowell@lakeheadu.ca
                                                         Email: rbeatty@lakeheadu.ca

            Ms. Rosamaria Fabiano
              Administrative Assistant
                                                             Dr. Frances Helyar
                                                            Associate Professor
                                                              Office: OH 1001K
            Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2005
                                                        Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2623
           Email: rfabiano@lakeheadu.ca
                                                         Email: fhelyar@lakeheadu.ca

              Ms. Caroline Narine                       Dr. Meridith Lovell-Johnston
       Professional Experiences Coordinator                  Assistant Professor
                 Office: OH 1000D                              Office: OH 1001L
          Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2624                 Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2636
           Email:cnarine@lakeheadu.ca                    Email: mlovell@lakeheadu.ca

               Ms. Laura Morgan                            Dr. Sonia Mastrangelo
                Placement Officer                             Associate Professor
                Office: OH 1000A                         Orillia MEd Student Advisor
          Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2023                        Office: OH 1001G
          Email: lmorgan@lakeheadu.ca                   Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2635
                                                        Email: smastran@lakeheadu.ca

          Orillia Faculty of Education                         Dr. Gary Pluim
             1 Colborne Street West                          Assistant Professor
                    Orillia, ON                                  Office: OH 16
                     L3V 7X5                            Phone: 705 330 4008 ext. 2626
            T: 705-330-4008 ext. 2005                    Email: gpluim@lakeheadu.ca
                 F: 705-323-9113

Faculty Information for 2019/2020

Last Name     First Name                                 Course Code                                          Work
                           EDUC 4373 Professional Practice
Agbo          Seth                                                                               OH 1001 H     ----
                           EDUC 4375 Democracy and Education

                           EDUC 4032 C&I in Mathematics (Primary-Junior), Part 1
Beatty        Ruth                                                                               OH 1001F      ----
                           EDUC 4073 C&I in Mathematics (Primary-Junior), Part 2
                           EDUC 3519 Mathematics Curriculum for Primary-Junior Teaching
                           EDUC 4032 C&I in Mathematics (Primary-Junior), Part 1
Bowman        Rick                                                                                OH 11         2
                           EDUC 4370 Classroom Management, Part 2
                           EDUC 4498 Student Teaching, Part 2
                           EDUC 4350 Planning & Evaluation, and Classroom Management Part 1
                           EDUC 4398 Student Teaching, Part 1
Bullock       Patrick                                                                             OH 11         5
                           EDUC 3510 Religious Education in Catholic District School Boards in
                           EDUC 4351 Educational Psychology, and Inclusive Education Part 1
Calvert       Denise       EDUC 4370 Classroom Management, Part 2                                 OH 11         6
                           EDUC 4498 Student Teaching, Part 2

                           EDUC 4350 Planning & Evaluation, and Classroom Management Part 1
Clark         Jeff                                                                                OH 11         3
                           EDUC 4398 Student Teaching, Part 1

Clarke        Kyle         EDUC 4071 C&I in Health and Physical Education (Primary-Junior)        OH 18         5

                           EDUC 2050 Introduction to Teaching
Clarysse      Liana                                                                               OH 18         3
                           EDUC 4359 Aboriginal Education

                           EDUC 4350 Planning & Evaluation, and Classroom Management Part 1
Clausen       Jess                                                                                OH 11         1
                           EDUC 4398 Student Teaching, Part 1

Clipperton    Michael      EDUC 4074 C&I in Music, Dance and Drama (Primary-Junior)               OH 18         4
                           EDUC 3519 Mathematics Curriculum for Primary-Junior Teaching
Cooper        Kate         EDUC 4032 C&I in Mathematics (Primary-Junior), Part 1                  OH 18         5
                           EDUC 4073 C&I in Mathematics (Primary-Junior), Part 2
Copeland      Jennifer     EDUC 4035 C&I in Visual Arts (Primary-Junior)                          OH 11         3

                           EDUC 3516 Critical Digital Literacy
DeWaard       Helen                                                                               OH 18         1
                           EDUC 3910 Special Topic - Critical Digital Literacy

                           EDUC 4031 C&I in Language Arts (Primary-Junior), Part 1
Driessens     Sarah                                                                               OH 18         3
                           EDUC 4072 C&I in Language Arts (Primary-Junior), Part 2

Field         Ellen        EDUC 4374 Environmental Education                                      OH 11         8

                           EDUC 4350 Planning & Evaluation, and Classroom Management Part 1
Gogarty       Brian                                                                               OH 11         2
                           EDUC 4398 Student Teaching, Part 1

                           EDUC 4031 C&I in Language Arts (Primary-Junior), Part 1
Goodwin       Kim                                                                                 OH 18         7
                           EDUC 4371 The Practice of Inclusive Education (Primary-Junior)

EDUC 4032 C&I in Mathematics (Primary-Junior), Part 1
Grant         Linda                                                                                OH 11      7
                           EDUC 4033 C&I in Science and Technology (Primary-Junior)

Grant         Rebecca      EDUC 4071 C&I in Health and Physical Education (Primary-Junior)         OH 11      4

                           EDUC 4031 C&I in Language Arts (Primary-Junior), Part 1
Harris        Greg         EDUC 4350 Planning & Evaluation, and Classroom Management Part 1        OH 11      6
                           EDUC 4398 Student Teaching, Part 1

                           EDUC 1050 Introduction to Education
Helyar        Frances      EDUC 3910 Special Topic - History of Education                         OH 1001K   ----
                           EDUC 4373 Professional Practice

Hoechsmann    Michael      EDUC 4034 C&I in Social Studies (Primary-Junior)                       OH 1000C   ----

Hoover        Randy        EDUC 4373 Professional Practice                                         OH 18      9

Hunter        Sarah        EDUC 4351 Educational Psychology, and Inclusive Education Part 1        OH 18      2

                           EDUC 4034 C&I in Social Studies (Primary-Junior)
Ingram        Leigh-Anne                                                                           OH 18      2
                           EDUC 4353 Social Difference in Education

                           EDUC 3910 Special Topic - Promoting Mental Health & Wellness
Jefferies     Kathryn                                                                              OH 18      9
                           EDUC 3910 Special Topic - School Based Health Promotion

                           EDUC 3511 Introduction to Teaching French as a Second Language (FSL)
Kadela        Sonia        EDUC 4370 Classroom Management, Part 2                                  OH 11      5
                           EDUC 4498 Student Teaching, Part 2
              Sherri       EDUC 4079 Teaching Kindergarten                                         OH 18      7
Lovell-                    EDUC 4031 C&I in Language Arts (Primary-Junior), Part 1
              Meridith                                                                            OH 1001L   ----
Johnston                   EDUC 4072 C&I in Language Arts (Primary-Junior), Part 2

                           EDUC 0450 Mathematics Competency Exam (Primary-Junior)
Malyczewsky   Sharon                                                                               OH 18      3
                           EDUC 3519 Mathematics Curriculum for Primary-Junior Teaching

                           EDUC 4351 Educational Psychology, and Inclusive Education Part 1
Mastrangelo   Sonia                                                                               OH 1001G   ----
                           EDUC 4371 The Practice of Inclusive Education (Primary-Junior)

                           EDUC 4350 Planning & Evaluation, and Classroom Management Part 1
McCartney     Nancy                                                                                OH 11      7
                           EDUC 4398 Student Teaching, Part 1

Moran         Marg         EDUC 0498 Enhancing the Practicum                                       OH 11      1

O’Brien                    EDUC 4353 Social Difference in Education
              Doe                                                                                  OH 18      6
Teengs                     EDUC 4359 Aboriginal Education

                           EDUC 3910 Special Topic - Global Citizenship Education
                           EDUC 4034 C&I in Social Studies (Primary-Junior)
Pluim         Gary                                                                                 OH16      ----
                           EDUC 4353 Social Difference in Education
                           EDUC 4375 Democracy and Education

Radebe        Patrick      EDUC 4353 Social Difference in Education                                OH 18      8

                           EDUC 4035 C&I in Visual Arts (Primary-Junior)
Schroeder     Kim                                                                                  OH 18      8
                           EDUC 4351 Educational Psychology, and Inclusive Education Part 1
                           EDUC 4033 C&I in Science and Technology (Primary-Junior)
Secord        Steven       EDUC 4350 Planning & Evaluation, and Classroom Management Part 1        OH 11      4
                           EDUC 4398 Student Teaching, Part 1

Spring    Janet       EDUC 4074 C&I in Music, Dance and Drama (Primary-Junior)   OH 18   4

                      EDUC 2050 Introduction to Teaching
Swift     Charlotte   EDUC 4370 Classroom Management, Part 2                     OH 11   1
                      EDUC 4498 Student Teaching, Part 2

                      EDUC 4034 C&I in Social Studies (Primary-Junior
Thomas    Elizabeth                                                              OH 18   6
                      EDUC 4079 Teaching Kindergarten

                      EDUC 4359 Aboriginal Education
Thomson   Alex                                                                   OH 18   1
                      EDUC 4374 Environmental Education

Professional Programs Overview
The Faculty of Education, Lakehead University is dedicated to the preparation of teachers who are
independent, competent, reflective professionals.

All Bachelor of Education programs at Lakehead University culminate in the Professional Program. The
Professional courses, including 4398 and 4498, Student Teaching 1 and 2, are interrelated components of
the program. Course work provides preparation for the placement and an opportunity to reflect on
placement experiences. Teacher candidates are encouraged to use course assignments as preparation
for student teaching whenever possible. Teacher candidates must have completed all required academic
courses prior to entering the final student teaching placement of their program.

Candidates are responsible for meeting the Professional Year requirements for graduation and
certification as outlined in the Lakehead University 2019-2020 Academic Calendar.

The Concurrent (5 & 6-Year) Program - Orillia Campus
The Concurrent Bachelor of Education (Two-year post-undergraduate degree) is open to
applicants with a high school diploma who began their studies in September 2015 or later. The
Bachelor of Arts & Science/Bachelor of Education Professional Program leads, after five years
of study, to teacher certification by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) at the Primary-Junior
level (JK - Grade 6). The Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science/Bachelor of Education
Professional Program leads, after six years of study, to a similar teacher certification. In the pre-
professional portion of their degree, students complete three required Education courses,
EDUC 1050 Introduction to Education, EDUC 2050 Introduction to Teaching, and 0.5 FCE in
Education electives. In their professional program, concurrent students complete a common
core of subjects in teaching methods across subject disciplines and other core courses such as
Democracy & Education, Aboriginal Education, Environmental Education, Professional Practice,
Social Difference in Education, Educational Psychology, and Planning & Evaluation, &
Classroom Management. In addition to courses, students will complete 105 days of teaching
placements over two academic years. First-year placements are completed in local or adjacent
boards, and second-year placements may take place in one of the many School Boards across
Ontario that are affiliated with Lakehead University's Faculty of Education.

The Consecutive (2-Year) Professional Program - Orillia Campus
The Consecutive Bachelor of Education (Two-year post-undergraduate degree) is open to
applicants with academic backgrounds who have already completed an undergraduate degree.
The Bachelor of Education Professional Program leads, after two years of study, to teacher
certification by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) at the Primary-Junior level (JK - Grade
6). The professional program course requirements and the practicum model are the same as
those for the Concurrent (2-Year) Program.

Two-Year Bachelor of Education (BEd) – Primary/Junior Specialization –
Program Requirements


LU Faculty of Education Assessment Rubric


Primary/Junior Mathematics Competency Exam
P/J candidates must demonstrate mathematics proficiency and pass, to a 75% level of competence, an
examination set at the Ontario Grade 6/7 level. Candidates in Year 1 of the Professional Program who do
not pass the initial sitting of the Mathematics Content Examination in the fall, must enroll in and complete
EDUC 3519 - Mathematics Curriculum for P/J Teaching, and may re-take the test in the following March.
Candidates who do not pass the examination in either of the two sittings in the academic year (September
and March), must then register in EDUC 0450, which will allow them two additional supplemental sittings
in September and March of the following year. If a candidate fails their third attempt in September of their
second year, they will not be permitted to proceed to their November-December practicum. Achieving a
75% level of competence is a requirement for graduation.

For more information about the P/J Mathematics Content Examination, please visit:

Events & Professional Development

Event details for the mandatory Professional Development Days will be communicated throughout the
academic year.

Related Lakehead University and Faculty of Education Policies

Academic Calendar

Lakehead University 2019-2020 Academic Calendar

Academic Regulations

For information about Faculty of Education academic regulations, see the Department of Undergraduate
Studies in Education Regulations.

University Regulations


Incomplete Standing (University Regulation, V Standing)

(e) Incomplete Standing An incomplete grade may, at the discretion of the instructor and in consultation
with the student, be assigned to a course when the instructor considers that for a valid reason the
student has not yet completed all the requirements of the course. In such cases, when a percentage
grade would normally be assigned to the course, the instructor must also assign a grade for work
completed to that point, expressed as a portion of the entire course mark. Courses graded on a Pass/Fail
basis will be assigned an INC. Incomplete grades will not be included in the calculation of the student's

(f) The instructor is obliged to set the due date for the additional work in order to permit submission of the
revised grade to the Registrar's Office by the dates listed below:

                        Undergraduate Courses              Graduate Courses

                                                           June 1st (or May 1st if student plans to convocate
Fall term grades        March 1st                          in Spring)

Winter/Full year        July 1st                           September 1st

Spring                  September 1st                      N/A

                                                           January 1st (or October 1st if student plans to
Summer                  November 1st                       convocate in Fall)

To clear an incomplete grade the student must complete the outstanding work and a Change of Grade
form from the instructor must be received in the Registrar's Office by the appropriate above date. Grades
that are not cleared by the appropriate above date will be converted to the numeric grade assigned and at
that point will be included in the student's average. Pass/Fail courses with an INC will be converted to F.

Student Code of Conduct - Academic Integrity


Education Professional Program Important Dates


                          2-Year Professional Program - Year 1
                                        (Dates subject to change)
 Fall Placement Dates
 MAP (Mentoring Active Participation) Days: Weekly on Wednesdays from October 9th to November 6th,
 4 Week Placement Block: Monday, November 11th to Friday, December 6th, 2019
 Winter Placement Dates
 MAP (Mentoring Active Participation) Days: Weekly on Wednesdays from February 5th to March 11th,
 5 Week Placement Block: Monday, March 23rd to Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

                          2-Year Professional Program - Year 2
                                        (Dates subject to change)

 Fall Placement Dates – Monday, November 11th to Friday, December 13th, 2019

 Winter Placement Dates – Monday, March 23rd to Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

Course Outline Template: 2-Year Consecutive Program


  Office Hrs:

Undergraduate and Aboriginal Education course descriptions

A commitment to a clear vision of what it means to be a teacher is at the core of teacher
professionalism. The principles of the Ontario College of Teachers’ (OCT) Professional Standards have
been embedded in the learning expectations for this course. Visit

Learning outcomes for this course are available at


Website(s) (if applicable)
   D2L
   Personal website

COURSE CONTENT/TOPICS (mid term, assignments due, holiday breaks, last day to drop class, final
exam etc)

Date        Topics                                                     Readings
                                                                        (chapter, article, website, other)


 Assignment/Test                                                 Due Date                    Value

Course Policies
      Late assignments –
      Code of Student Behaviour & Disciplinary Procedures
      Attendance –
Course instructors will articulate their attendance and punctuality policy in their course outlines.
      Safety regulations -
Field trips are a required component of this course. Although you are unlikely to suffer injury, loss,
damage, or harm while participating in a visit so long as you conduct yourself prudently, nevertheless
certain risks of injury, loss, damage or harm cannot be totally removed from any activity, including but
not limited to injuries and/or motor vehicle damage in consequence of accidents that take place in
travel to, from, and at field trip site, and illness contracted from students and/or staff at the site. By
registering in this course, you agree to assume all such risks.
      Netiquette -
Students are asked to behave in the discussions and other online interactions in a professional and
civil manner. If you are in doubt, do not post it or do not say it! Instructors reserve the right to remove
any postings deemed inappropriate, unprofessional, or otherwise distracting from the course. Visit

Assignments (rubrics)

Course Fees (if applicable)

Lakehead University is committed to achieving full accessibility for persons with disabilities. Part of
this commitment includes arranging academic accommodations for students with disabilities to
ensure they have an equitable opportunity to participate in all of their academic activities. If you are
a student with a disability and think you may need accommodations, you are strongly encouraged
to contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and register as early as possible. For more information,
please visit https://www.lakeheadu.ca/faculty-and-staff/departments/services/sas



INCOMPLETE STANDING (University Regulation, V Standing)

TIMELY FEEDBACK (University Regulation XII)
     25% feedback for term courses                30% feedback for year courses
      Fall term = October 7, 2019                 Yearlong = January 20, 2020
      Winter term = February 11, 2020

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT (University Regulation, IX Academic Misconduct)


INSTRUCTOR COURSE PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS (e.g. attendance and punctuality) Visit
Undergraduate Academic Regulations, 3. a)




The ability to learn, understand, and retain knowledge has been demonstrated through the
undergraduate degree required for entry into the Professional Program. The focus of the Professional
Program is on building understanding of the issues and complexities of the teaching and learning
process, and on gaining the skills necessary for becoming a successful teacher. To that end:

   1. Attendance is an expectation. Courses are based on reflection, discussion, and interaction,
      much of which take place in class and require full-time attendance. Teacher candidates are
      expected to maintain a professional, responsible approach to both classes and teaching
      placements. Failure to meet course attendance requirements, as outlined in the syllabus, may
      result in a failed grade. Visit Undergraduate Academic Regulations, 3.a)

   2. Requirements on the course syllabus will be used for assessment. The syllabus and assessment
      rubric make expectations and deadlines explicit. Late assignments are accepted only under
      rare, documentable circumstances. A date for late submission of assignment(s) is negotiated
      between the instructor and teacher candidate in writing. Teacher candidates cannot redo
      assignments, rewrite exams, or make additional submissions to boost a mark once a
      summative assessment has taken place.

   3. Assessment is a reflection of academic rigour. Only in instances where there is unusual
      disparity among marks or abnormal inconsistency in outcomes, will an instructor re-examine a
      final assessment.

Practice on Recording Student Presentations
The Faculty of Education has mandated the following “Guidelines for Recording of Student Presentations”
in Education courses:

Faculty of Education courses come with expectations laid out in course outlines; if teacher candidates wish
to take and pass courses, they must meet the stated expectations, including those which make provision
for legitimate use of recorded presentations, regardless of the medium.

The Faculty of Education policy allows for the recording of candidate presentations if certain guidelines
(placed in the relevant course outlines) are adhered to by instructors:

     1) The recording should serve a pedagogical purpose, such as providing feedback
        to candidates regarding their work, facilitating self- or peer-evaluation, or enabling the instructor
        to provide a more accurate evaluation of a candidate’s presentation.
     2) The exact use of the tape or other medium should be made clear to the candidates, and nobody
        outside the class should be able to view the recording without the candidate’s consent.
     3) If the recording is to be "published" or made use of for research in any way – i.e., used as part of
        a research project or as an exemplar for future classes-then candidates’ permission should be
        solicited via a consent form of the type normally used in research studies. If the recording is to be
        used as part of a class research project, the Faculty of Education’s own Ethical Review Board
        Procedures must be followed; all other research must conform to Lakehead University Ethical
        Review Board Guidelines.
     4) In all cases the secure storage of the material should be guaranteed, and the date of disposal
        indicated.                                                                     21 January 2005

Cellular Telephone Use Advisement
Professional Courtesy and the Use of Cell Phones
As more and more school districts establish rules governing the use of cellular (mobile) phones in schools
during hours of instruction, the Faculty of Education cautions candidates, particularly those in Professional
Program, that the use of a cell phone in class for personal communications (whether checking voice-mail,
reading or sending text-messages, or making conventional telephone calls) is professionally unacceptable
in the context of a class or while a formal presentation is in progress. Moreover, since the use of digital
image capturing devices in cameras, cell phones, and personal digital assistants (PDAs) has the potential
to be used in a manner that violates the privacy of instructors and students, the Faculty of Education
requests that such devices be used only with prior permission of the person(s) to be photographed.

The Faculty has a secondary concern, namely, that cellular technology can be used to transmit test
questions in advance if a student has been granted permission to write early, and to acquire answers to
questions while a test or exam is in progress. Personal electronic devices have the potential to be used for
academic dishonesty: OCT Professional Advisory on the Use of Electronic Communications and Social
Media. Accordingly, the Faculty of Education requires that students power off * or mute their cell phones
during classes, presentations, tests, and exams, and that, while on practicum, teacher candidates not use
them in any way that contravenes the school’s or board’s protocols.

Most Canadian schools require that cell phones not be used during hours of instruction. The use of digital
image capturing devices in cameras, cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) has the potential
to be used in a manner that violates the privacy and dignity of others and may not be used without express
awareness and formal consent of the individuals being recorded.

Printing Dollars
Since implementing our card-based copy and print system in May of 2012, we have successfully reduced
our overall printing demand by half, resulting in a lower environmental footprint as well as significant cost
savings to our department.

All copy/print credit allocations are limited to a maximum of $300 per year for full-time employees. At the
beginning of each fiscal year (May 1st) this amount is reset to $300.

All copy/print credit allocations are limited to a maximum of $50 per year for contract lecturers. At the
beginning of each fiscal year (May 1st) this amount is reset to $50.

Requests for allocations above these levels require a written request to the Chair of Orillia Education for
approval, citing the rationale for the request. Individual users should monitor their allocation balances and
notify the Chair should their balance fall below 10% of the total. Please note that all requests for a change
to a person's allocation may take up to 5 business days to complete from the day a ticket is submitted.
We can also further reduce our copy and print expenditures by adopting scan-to-email (a free service),
and routing large copy or print jobs to Georgian Bay Printers.

Any large copy or print jobs should be re-directed to Georgian Bay Printers, with a 5 – 7 business day
lead-time. All instructors have been allocated a credit for printing in the amount of $10/0.25 FCEs, which
should be cited along with the full course code and document title(s) each time an order is placed. Again,
any requests for changes in allocation will take at least 5 business days to complete.

Informed consent, health and safety, accident report and emergency contact forms should be
submitted to the Education Office for printing with a lead-time of at least 5 business days.

Room/Class Time Changes
From time to time the Education Office receives requests from instructors and cohorts to change times
and rooms of classes on an ad-hoc basis, for accommodation of planned events, guest speakers or one-
time moves. While we would like to approve every request, unfortunately the allocation of rooms and the
timing of classes are part of a complicated web of activities in our building, and one change cannot help
but impact another, often unintentionally, but negatively. With that in mind, we will adhere to the following
protocol in making decisions about room or class time changes.
If you wish to change the time and/or of a class, submit a request in writing to the Chair, along with the
signature of every member of the class indicating their agreement to the change. The request must be
unanimous, or it will not be considered.

                                        CRITERIA FOR CHANGES

●      Enrolment increases beyond the capacity of the classroom assigned and a larger classroom is
       needed; the assigned classroom does not have all or some of the room facilities (technical or
       other) requested and a classroom;
●      The number of students enrolled in a course can be accommodated in a smaller classroom,
       allowing another course with more students to use the larger classroom;
●      The potential impact on program delivery or impacts the ability of a student to complete his/her
       degree program;

●       The need to accommodate Health & Safety Issues (including disability) of an instructor or a
        student; or
●       In cases of emergencies (evacuations causing disruption to normal services).

All requests must be made in writing first to the Chair (mhoechsm@lakeheadu.ca), and kindly
copy Julie Howell (jhowell@lakeheadu.ca).

Requests should contain the following information:
   1. Name of requestor, contact info (email extension)
   2. Course
   3. Student Capacity
   4. Date/time/room location of the course as currently scheduled
   5. Detailed rationale for the change based on the criteria listed above
   6. Detailed class roster, and signature of every member of the class indicating their agreement to the

Booking Rooms at Heritage Place

If you would like to book a room/space for a particular occasion, such as break-out space, please send an
email to Rosa Fabiano (rfabiano@lakeheadu.ca). Emails must include the requested booking date, time,
room number and reason for the request. All room booking requests must be submitted with
advance notice of at least 4 business days. Due to space restrictions, we cannot guarantee your
request will be approved. Approved requests will be confirmed via email.

Ministry Curriculum Documents
A class set of all curriculum documents (approx. 40 copies) will be retained in OH18 for in-class use, and
must be returned after each use.

Courier Services from HP to Simcoe Hall and Thunder Bay Campuses
In an effort to reduce shipping costs, we will only initiate a request for delivery to either campus once we
have enough mail to substantiate a pick-up.

If your delivery is time-sensitive, please advise the Administrative Assistant. Although we will do our best
to get your mail shipped in a timely fashion, we cannot guarantee the arrival date. To ensure submission
deadlines are met, we recommend submitting your mail to the Education Office at least 2 weeks in

Please Note: Only mail associated with the Faculty of Education will be accepted and shipped. Personal
mailing requests will be rejected.

Guests at Heritage Place
If you intend to invite a guest to your class and require a guest parking pass, please send your request,
with advance notice of at least 4 business days, to Rosa Fabiano (rfabiano@lakeheadu.ca). Be sure to
include your guest’s name, and the date of their visit. Once the pass is prepared, you will then receive a
confirmation email containing the pass and parking instructions, to forward to your guest.

If your guest requires WIFI access during their visit, please indicate that when you are requesting the
parking pass, as the WIFI login credentials are generated by TSC, and it cannot be done on the same day
of the event. The login information will be included in the confirmation email.

Please Note: At this time, we do not have any Lakehead University gifts to present to guest speakers.
We do have Lakehead University branded thank you cards, which are available in the Education Office.
Please see Julie Howell or Rosa Fabiano.

Additional Faculty Information
       Classroom Supplies
                 Please advise the Education Office when supplies are low, to ensure enough time
                   before the next class to replenish the stock. We want to avoid leaving the next
                   Instructor without any supplies

       Mail Folders
                   Please check your mail folder frequently
                   Mail folders are located in the top drawer of the filing cabinet in the Education
                    Office, behind the Administrative Assistant’s desk

       Student Work
                 The Education Office does not accept student work
                 Please do not advise Students to submit their work to the Education Office, and/or
                    request to have their work put in your mail folder

Honorarium for Elders

Please fully complete the form below.

A separate form must be submitted for each proposed Elder Visit to each section of any Education
course. The request will be reviewed by the Chair and the approval decision will be communicated to the
instructor who submitted the request.

Gift Certificate Honorarium
If the Elder does not wish to provide their DOB or SIN, the second option is to purchase a gift card. In this
instance, the Instructor is responsible for purchasing the gift card and submitting the receipt (not greater
than $75.00) and event details to the Education Office. Julie or Rosa will then complete a cheque
requisition for reimbursement to the Instructor. Please Note: The gift card must be a purchase that is
ACADEMIC or FOR LIVING in nature - not LCBO or any other ENTERTAINMENT type purchase.

Field Trip Information
If you are considering including field trips in your courses, you are required to prepare a record of such
events so that the Education Office can document them for liability purposes. The goal is to be proactive
and ensure that our students and faculty are provided with every protection possible when they are
engaged in learning opportunities off campus. Please visit Risk Management - Field Trip Planning for
detailed procedures, along with the waiver and informed consent forms.

Faculty of Education Lakehead University - Orillia Campus: Useful Program
Resource Links

Orillia Education Blog: http://everythingeduorillia.blogspot.ca/

Orillia Education Twitter Address: @LakeheadU_BEd

Orillia Education Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LakeheadB.EdProgramsOrillia/

Orillia Education Alumni/Professional Programs Facebook Page:

Practicum Guide, Academic Program & General Policies Guide:

Math Competency Exam in Professional Year for Primary/Junior Students:

Orillia Teaching Practicums:

Practicum Resources:

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