Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town

Page created by Hector Schroeder
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town
Presenting Partner

                     sponsorship pack
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town
What do you get if you cross a camel        This imaginative art trail is sure to be
with a leopard? That’s right, our new       a fantastic sight on the streets of the
hilltop residents at Edinburgh Zoo – a      Capital. It will offer family-friendly
bachelor herd of giraffes. Or as I should   fun (and exercise!) and can help us
say, Giraffa camelopardalis! Early          all reconnect with the city, while
scientists described these unusual          promoting climate conversations and
creatures as camel-shaped with              supporting the arts – a sector which
leopard colouring and we’ve known           has been hugely impacted by the
them as giraffes ever since...              pandemic.

We now want to share these majestic         This is an excellent way to get involved
giants with the people of Edinburgh and     with a city-wide project that will support
visitors from around the UK and across      the zoo, the vital conservation work of
the world through a stunning city-wide      the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
sculpture trail.                            and, in turn, protect endangered species
                                            around the world.
In partnership with Wild in Art, our
Giraffe About Town trail will connect       As we look to the future, I’m sure the
people with giraffes, nature and            colourful giraffes will bring some fun and
threatened species around the world,        creativity to our streets and they will be
all while getting the public to fall back   a great incentive for Edinburgh citizens
in love with their city post-lockdown.      to discover and rediscover what’s on our
With your support, we can bring the         doorsteps right across our city. As part of
trail to life! Wander through Edinburgh     our ForeverEdinburgh – The Story Never
and spot eight-foot giraffe sculptures      Ends campaign, in partnership with
standing tall in iconic locations           ETAG and VisitScotland, we’re looking
throughout the capital.                     bring the capital’s dynamic stories to life.
                                            We’re sharing the unique experiences
Covid-19 forced the closure of Edinburgh    that can be had around every corner in
Zoo and Highland Wildlife Park, costing     the city, while helping to support our
our charity significant income.             local economy by encouraging everyone
                                            to seek out old favourites and discover
Raising funds to continue our               new ones – creating memories that will
conservation work is incredibly             last a lifetime.
important and we have been touched
by the support we have received.            I’m already looking forward to next year
Giraffe About Town is one way we            when we can all join in by getting out
can say ‘thank you’ and bring a feel-       and about and finding as many giraffes
good factor back to Edinburgh with          around the city as we can, creating a
something truly special.                    new chapter in our own Edinburgh story
                                            and supporting our much-loved zoo.
David Field
Chief Executive, Royal Zoological Society   Frank Ross
of Scotland (RZSS)                          Lord Provost, City of Edinburgh Council
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town

Get ready to look up! Edinburgh Zoo is working
with creative producers Wild in Art to present
Giraffe About Town – a large-scale public art
event in Edinburgh in the summer of 2022.
The event will feature more than 40 sculptures
that will form a free trail of discovery for local
people and visitors of all ages to explore
                                                     Each sculpture will be sponsored by
and enjoy.                                           local businesses, community groups
                                                     and education organisations. They will
                                                     also be decorated by local artists and
                                                     communities – all designed to celebrate
                                                     Edinburgh’s extraordinary heritage and
                                                     cultural diversity.

                                                     The sculptures will be displayed in
                                                     locations across Edinburgh – creating
                                                     a trail highlighting hidden gems and
                                                     engaging with communities from
                                                     Edinburgh Airport to Leith.

                                                     Following a fabulous farewell weekend
                                                     at Edinburgh Zoo where they will be
                                                     shown together, the giraffe sculptures
                                                     will be auctioned at a special event
                                                     to raise funds that will support our
                                                     conservation projects in Scotland and
                                                     across the world. Our sculptures will find
                                                     new homes across the city, ensuring

                                                     a fitting legacy for the people and
                                                     communities of Edinburgh.

                                                     Be part of this fun flagship event that will
                                                     support the recovery of our city and our
                                                     wildlife conservation charity after the
                                                     immense challenges we have all faced
                                                     over the last year.
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town

       The Royal Zoological Society of          The wild experts based in our zoos
       Scotland (RZSS) has protected            support an incredible range of projects
       threatened species in Scotland and       and direct conservation action, from the
       around the world for over 100 years.     Highlands of Scotland to the wetlands
       As a leading conservation charity,       of Brazil and rainforests of Uganda.
       we connect people to nature and
       safeguard wildlife across the globe.     As our natural environment faces

                                                a biodiversity crisis, at RZSS we are
       At Edinburgh Zoo and Highland Wildlife   inspiring and empowering communities
       Park, our diverse and dedicated teams    to help save animals from extinction.
       care for almost 3,000 amazing animals
       and carry out cutting-edge science and   Together we can restore the Scottish
       research.                                wildcat, ensure giraffes stay standing
                                                tall and so much more.
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town
how the                                                                                 Trailing
                                                                                        about town

trail works                                                                             Your giraffe will be
                                                                                        displayed in one of more
                                                                                        than 40 locations around
Giraffe About Town offers a unique                                                      the city from 1 July – 29
opportunity for to get involved with                                                    August 2022, standing
                                                                                        tall at peak Fringe Festival
a city-wide initiative that will in turn                                                footfall times with your
protect threatened species around                                                       company logo appearing
                                                                                        proudly beneath your
the world. Make new connections,                                                        chosen design.
reward staff and engage with
the local community, all while
supporting RZSS and our charity’s
global conservation work.
                                                         Schools can get involved
Sponsorship                                              with our little giraffe                                       Farewell event
Businesses, community                                    calves. Standing at just                                      Say farewell in style, as
groups and education                                     four feet tall, the smaller                                   the whole herd of more
organisations can sponsor                                sculptures will be part                                       than 40 giraffe sculptures
a giraffe sculpture and                                  of a once-in-a-lifetime                                       will be brought together
automatically become                                     discovery and learning                                        in one location for a
a corporate partner of                                   programme. Get in touch                                       final extravaganza in
RZSS! We have a range of                                 for more details on how                                       September 2022!
sponsorship opportunities                                to get involved with the
available including our                                  education side of the trail.
tall, taller and tallest    Calling                                                                                                                 Auction
                            all artists                                                                                                             After two months in the
                                                                                                                                                    limelight, the sculptures
                            Artists are invited to                                                                                                  will raise vital funds for
                            submit their unique                                                                                                     RZSS and endangered
                            designs for the giraffes.                                                                                               species around the world
                            We will then whittle it                                                                                                 at an auction to find their
                            down to the designs                                                                                                     forever homes.
                            which stand head and
                            shoulders above the rest!
                            As a sponsor, we will help
                            you choose which design
                            is the best fit for your
                            individual sculpture
                            from our shortlist.
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town

      June 2021
    Project launch
      launch                                                    February
                                                                  2022                                   1 July –
                                                                                                        29 August
                                                                 Sponsor                                   2022
                     July 2021                                  workshop
                                                                and design                               Trail live
                                                                 selection                               Special
                                 September 2021
                                  Schools and                                            July 2022
                                  community                                   March –   VIP and press
                                    launch                                   May 2022      preview
                                                  November                    Artists
                                                    2021                     painting
                                                   for artist

Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town
Sponsorship is a fantastic                    We have a range of bespoke partnerships
                                              that can be tailored to your needs and all
way to support RZSS                           Giraffe About Town sponsors will receive
                                              the following:
and Edinburgh Zoo
                                              • Logo and description on your sponsored
whilst boosting your                             sculpture, trail website
brand awareness and                              and app
reputation amongst                            • Chance to choose from a selection
                                                of shortlisted designs
customers, stakeholders

                                              • Logo and company information
and supporters.                                  on our Giraffe About Town website
                                              • Social media coverage on Edinburgh
After the immense challenges we have             Zoo channels
all faced over the last year, Giraffe About
Town will support the recovery of our city    • Impact reports and engaging content
and our wildlife conservation charity by        to share
encouraging local people and returning        • Logo on the trail map and on our trail
tourists to explore and fall in love with

                                                information point at the Edinburgh
Edinburgh all over again.                       Zoo giraffe house

The pandemic forced the closures of           • Rights to use event title, branding and
Edinburgh Zoo and Highland Wildlife              logo for PR and advertising use (with
Park for five months, costing RZSS               approval)
over £1.5 million. We know many other         • Logo in auction catalogue and
businesses and individuals have also             invitation to various trail events
been struggling, so we want to do
something really special for the city         • Sculpture adoption certificate and
while also raising vital funds to help           photo
protect wildlife around the world.
                                              • Exclusive opportunities to network
                                                 (VIP events with other local businesses,
                                                 organisations and supporters, when
                                                 restrictions allow)
                                              • Dedicated sponsorship support and
                                                 online digital toolkit

                                                                                             Official Supporters can also
                                                                                             support the trail in a variety
                                                                                             of different ways and can
                                                                                             contribute budget relieving,
                                                                                             value-in-kind support.
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town

   As well as being involved in one of
   Edinburgh’s most exciting events in 2022,
   Giraffe About Town sponsors will also be
   able to reward colleagues and partners
   right away with visits to the zoo, all while
                                                                                                                                           Tallest £12k +VAT
   making it possible for RZSS to continue                                                                                                 Guide price: £12k +VAT
   protecting animals from extinction in
   Scotland and around the world.                                                                                                          1 x sculpture
   After the immense challenges we have all                                                                                                1 x platinum corporate partnership
   faced over the last year, bringing this trail                                                                                           which includes:
   to life will support the recovery of our city
   and our wildlife conservation charity by                                                                                                 • 200 admission tickets to Edinburgh Zoo
   encouraging local people and returning
   tourists to explore and fall in love with
                                                                                                                                            • 30% discount on Edinburgh Zoo
   Edinburgh all over again.
                                                                                              Taller£9.5k +VAT
                                                                                              Taller                                         events

                                                                                              Guide price: £9.5k +VAT                       • 10% off corporate hospitality
                                                                                                                                           Edinburgh Zoo giraffe adoption
                                                                                              1 x sculpture
                                                                                                                                           App integration and rewards
                                                                                              1 x gold corporate partnership, which        opportunities
                                                                                                                                           Brand visibility at Edinburgh Zoo
                                                                                               • 150 admission tickets to Edinburgh Zoo
Our Tall, Taller and                                                                                                                       Behind the scenes tour of Edinburgh Zoo
                                                                                               • 20% discount on Edinburgh Zoo
Tallest packages                                                                                events                                     Exclusive volunteering day at Edinburgh
provide an overview of                             Tall                                        • 10% off corporate hospitality             Two patron memberships for senior staff
what we can offer but                              Guide price: £8k +VAT                      Edinburgh Zoo giraffe adoption
we are happy to discuss                                                                       App integration and rewards
                                                   1 x sculpture                              opportunities
a bespoke combination
                                                   1 x silver corporate partnership, which    Brand visibility at Edinburgh Zoo
of benefits to meet                                includes:
your budget!                                        • 75 admission tickets to Edinburgh Zoo
                                                    • 10% discount on Edinburgh Zoo events
                                                   Edinburgh Zoo giraffe adoption
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town
7        Wild in Art is the leading producer
         of spectacular public art events that
         entertain, enrich, inform and leave
         a lasting legacy. It brings together
         businesses and creative sectors with
         schools and local communities through
         the creation of uniquely painted
         Since 2008 Wild in Art has animated
         cities across the world including
         Manchester, Sydney, Auckland, Cape
         Town and São Paulo, and created trails
         for the London 2012 Olympics, the 2014
         Commonwealth Games in Glasgow,
         Historic Royal Palaces and Penguin
         Random House.
         Most recently in 2019, Wild in Art
         brought Oor Wullie’s Big Bucket Trail
         to cities across Scotland.
         Wild in Art events have:


         Enabled over £16m to be
         raised for charitable causes

         Injected £2.4m into local

         creative communities

         Engaged over 850,000 young
         people in Learning Programmes

in art   Helped millions of people of
         all ages to experience art in
         non-traditional settings
         For more information visit
         wildinart.co.uk / @wildinart
Sponsorship pack - Giraffe About Town
our Wullie’s

big bucket trail                                         542,169                                                                  66%
                                                                                                                          spent more time in the local
Summer 2019                                                          visitors                                               area because of the trail
Wild in Art’s first
multi-city trail
Aberdeen, Dundee,
Edinburgh, Glasgow                            308                                     59%                                         43%
                                                                                                                             spent six days or more
and Inverness                                wee Oor Wullies                     visited more than one trail                     visiting a trail

“Amazing Oor Wullie sculptures!

A great summer event getting
everyone out and about in the
fresh air and a fantastic reason
                                         said the trail encouraged
                                                                                    downloaded the app
                                                                                                                             total economic impact
                                        them to get outdoors more
to exercise and walk round some
beautiful sights and cities that we

have on our doorstep which we

sometimes take for granted.

Also a great and wonderful
contribution to help the various      said the trail helped them spend
                                                                                                              raised at auction
charities raising money for such        more time with their family
worthy causes.”

                                      said the trail encouraged them
                                                                                  visitors stayed overnight
                                                                                                                            visited a new attraction
                                         to walk more than usual                Their average expenditure was £98.26           because of the trail

After this most recent trail,

there’s clearly an appetite in
Edinburgh for a similar event
and Giraffe About Town is
                                                                                                                            visited a new attraction
poised for similar success.                        rated their trip as either good or excellent
                                                                                                                               because of the trail

                                                              “The Big Hoot became one of the most
                                                                memorable public art and charity
                                                                projects Birmingham had ever seen,
“It’s a great fit for our                                      bringing thousands of additional visitors
  brand... We are Brighton                                      to the city centre to follow the owl trail
  and we want to help as                                        and enjoy our great shopping, dining
  much as we can.”                                              and cultural attractions.”
Steve Box                                                     Steve Hewlett
Executive Director,                                           Retail BID Manager, Retail Birmingham
British Airways i360

                       “Bee in the City has been
                         one of the finest things I
                         have been involved with
                         over the years... such an
                         inclusive project that has
                         brought the city together
                         and created an amazing
                         piece of public art across
                         the city.”
                       Neil MacInnes OBE
                       Strategic Lead Libraries, Galleries
                       and Culture, Manchester City Council
Liam Robertson                  Official supporter    Official supporter
Sponsorship and Sales Manager
07563 024 122

                                Print media partner   Creative partner

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