Page created by Leslie Mills
Fall 2016

Hike instructions are given on the early bus at the start of the 2016 Bruce Trail Niagara End-to-End. There were 240 registrants,
and 145 completion badges awarded. The three days of hikes brought many from away : New York State, Sudbury, Kincardine,
Pickering, Owen Sound, Petrolia, London, and many other parts of the province. | Photo: John Lucente

CORRIE KELLESTINE                                                Recent health research has suggested that 'forest bathing'
PRESIDENT                                                        or 'green exercise' has tangible mental and physical
                                                                 benefits, available to anyone who takes to the outdoors to
Today, we live in a very chaotic world ... terrorism, war,       walk or hike. In cooperation with Niagara Public Health,
mass migration, political unrest, economic instability, just     our club has begun to lead 'Mood Walks' and extend that
to name a few. As individuals, there is very little we can do    benefit to some of our more vulnerable neighbours.
to make an impact. For some of us, this uncertainty may
make us very uneasy.                                             We are fortunate that we have so many different hikes to
                                                                 choose from – our summer schedule had over 100 hikes,
One way to escape from the unsettling daily news is to           and the fall schedule has an equal bounty. We are
hike, as many of us already do. For one, we enjoy it, we get     fortunate, also, to continue to enjoy the trust and respect
exercise, and we have social contact with like-minded            of the many landowners in Niagara who give us
people. In addition, we enjoy fresh air, beautiful and           permission to cross their property. We will have an
varying views throughout the four seasons (spring and            occasion to show our thanks at the Landowners
summer flowers, vivid autumn colours, and pristine               Appreciation Dinner on the 4th of November. I urge every
forests after a fresh snowfall).                                 member to participate in the event -- and to bring
                                                                 something delicious to the table.

| 1 The Grapevine FALL 2016
Several of the girls had never hiked
   HIKES                                 before and most had never hiked as           TRAILS
                                         far as the 17km trek through Jordan
MARGARET NORTHFIELD                      and Ball's Falls on their second day      RICK WATERS
HIKE CO-ORDINATOR                        here. Their final day was a shorter       TRAIL DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE

Have you ever not been in the mood       hike in Grimsby. All participants         Our newest Trail Captain Rhys Beak
for a hike but went anyway and found     agreed that they were tired at the end    recently moved to St Davids from Oak
that your state of mind has changed      of the hike but felt good and enjoyed     Ridges (near Toronto) retiring from
considerably for the better by the end   seeing turtles, birds, and snakes. They   Bell Canada after 38 years.
of the hike? Being in nature or just     even learned to identify some plants
outdoors for a walk can enhance our      along the way. Good luck on earning
dispositions.                            this prestigious badge!
This summer enthusiastic leaders
have led a series of Mood Walks for
                                         Fall Hike Schedule
                                         The Fall Hike Schedule has a
clients of Niagara Mental Health.
                                         plethora of hikes to keep you
People who struggle with everyday
                                         interested in trekking. We
living, perhaps even struggle to get
                                         start the schedule with the
out of bed, have found their spirits
                                         Official Opening of a new
lifted by walking around the beautiful
parks and woods we have in the           side trail in Firemen’s Park,
Niagara Peninsula. In fact, the first    Niagara Falls on Saturday, September
walk was so successful that Health       3rd. The side trail used to be part of
Niagara asked to extend our club-lead    the main trail and has been reclaimed
hikes into September.                    as a wonderful addition, complete
                                         with a pond, rolling hills, and lots of
 So the next time you hear the demon     shade trees. It is the site for several   Rhys was active with Oak Ridges
say that you can’t be bothered to go     NBTC donors. We will be unveiling a       Friends of the Environment and
on a hike, challenge the voice and go    plaque on the same day in recognition     volunteered on the Oak Ridges Trail
anyway. You may come home with           of the generous donations of the St.      doing maintenance. Rhys likes to stay
renewed energy.                          Catharines Roadrunners & Walkers          active with hiking, biking, golf and
                                         club. Two hikes (3hr and 2hr) will be     snowshoeing. Rhys is a gardener and
Girl Guides challenged                   led that morning. Make sure you           he and his wife are looking forward to
The Duke of Edinburgh’s                  register for this event to be included    all the activities that the Niagara
International Award -                    in the ceremony and lunch.                Region has to offer.
Canada is presented
to young Canadians                       If you would like to explore other        Rhys has the section of trail to
who have achieved a                      areas, there will be plenty of            maintain and audit between Mewburn
set standard in                          opportunity. You can join Ruth            Rd and Warner Rd.
community service                        Moffatt in the Iroquoia section.
                                                                                   Thanks for being a volunteer, Rhys.
and self-improvement. It is a program    Follow Keith Laushway in Toronto or
                                         Tom Friesen on the Thames Valley
of activities designed to challenge
                                         Trail. Find a friend and carpool to
                                                                                   New Trails
Canadian youth to become involved in                                               This Fall we will start work on our
worthwhile extracurricular activities,   your closest hike right in your own
                                                                                   new trail that moves the main trail off
leading to personal growth,              backyard – DeCew, Short Hills,            Staff Ave and Seventeenth St. and
development and achievement.             Waterfront, Merritt Trail or the          back into the woods. We will need
                                         Niagara Gorge.                            volunteers to help open the trail and
Seven Girl Guides of Canada from                                                   blaze the new trail as well as crews
Oakville, along with their two Guide     The shorter hikes on Saturday and
                                                                                   will be required to help build two
Leaders, came to Niagara for a week      the Wednesday morning hikes will          bridges. Looking at starting this
of camping the first week of August.     change from 9am to 10am start time        project Oct/Nov this year.
The girls were challenged with a         after Thanksgiving Weekend in
number of activities, including two      October. Deer hunting season will be         The Bruce Trail Conservancy
hikes led by Niagara Bruce Trail Hike    returning to Short Hills in November,         Annual General Meeting is
Leaders: Lauren Doig, Diane Marlatt,     so plan your hikes for other areas of       16-18 September. Details at
Margaret Northfield, and Rick Waters.    the peninsula.                       

| 2 The Grapevine FALL 2016

Laura lives!
Saturday, June 18th, the Niagara
Bruce Trail Club hosted the 25th
annual Laura Secord hike. There were
56 registered hikers. Of the 50 who
showed up, 46 hikers completed the
30km in sweltering heat.
These events would not be successful
without the tremendous effort of a        On Saturday, July 9th, Trudy Senesi, Denis Larocque, and Debbie Demizio guided a
                                          large group of youths attending the Presbyterian Church Canada Youth Conference
small army of volunteers, to whom I
                                          at Brock University on a hike of the Bruce Trail and side trails. | Photo: D. Demizio
am truly grateful! Checkpoint
volunteers Sylvia, Terry, Doug, Kathy,
Shannon, Ember (and Spank), Donna,
Gary, Lou, and June -- your treats,
water, smiles and encouragement
kept the hikers going. 'Uber'
chauffeurs: Everett, Martin, Rowan,
Rick. Coordinator Margaret helped
with check-in at 5:30 am, carpooling,
food prep, Tshirt sales. She was the
official photographer as well.
Thanks to The Water Superstore, St.
Catharines, for supplying water at the
Ball St checkpoint.
Hiker Ron Sparrow is presented with the
Laura Secord badge by Laura (Diane
Marlatt) | Photo: D. Demizio

                                          Pelham Annual Summerfest : four days of family fun in Fonthill, Ontario held
                                          annually the third weekend of July. The Niagara Bruce Trail Club was there (Bruce,
                                          Koosje, Doug, and Mary) in the 'Active Zone' to encourage people to get out and
                                          enjoy the trail. | Photo: Norma Riddle

                                                                        Mark your diary (program your Google calendar)
                                                                            FRIDAY, 4 NOVEMBER 2016
                                                                        LANDOWNERS APPRECIATION DINNER
                                                                    Food provided by Bruce Trail Conservancy Niagara Club
                                                                     members. Exotic potluck cuisine. Also, comfort food.
Our wonderful 'Laura,' Diane                                          LANDOWNERS EAT WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS!
prepared lunch, awarded badges, and                                  NBTC Members please bring food, plates, and cutlery.
wore a warm smile with her costume                                           5:00pm Cash bar; 6:00pm Dinner
all day long!                                                        Rockway Community Centre 2021 Pelham Rd, Lincoln

| 3 The Grapevine FALL 2016
E2E ALL IN A DAY                          GO TO BLAZES
   Memberabilia                            Two intrepid members recently
                                           completed the entire 80km Niagara
BRUCE TOEWS 1932-2016                      section in one day. Margaret Corner
Bruce Toews loved the Bruce Trail,         and Ruth Moffatt did the marathon
was a long-time member, and along          trek in just over 19 hours -- one for
with his wife Anna, a hike leader.         the record book of Feats of Strength
Anna and Bruce                             and Endurance. Read the complete
organized many                             story online at
hiking vacations
in Europe – and
took along many
of our members
to experience
hiking in other
countries. I lived just down the street
from Bruce and Anna, and I have
watched them walk everywhere ...
while I was usually in my car. He will
be missed. Happy trails Bruce.
                                                                                     From our European correspondent,
- Corrie Kellestine
                                                                                     Franck Healey, trail signs of a
PARTY HIKE                                                                           different colour in France.
Fred Azzopardi turned 80, and of
course, partied on the trail. Instead of   Ruth (L) and Margaret celebrate at the
candles, members turned up to              Queenston cairn.
decorate and to celebrate with a hike
in Jordan.                                 TO CELEBRATE AND REMEMBER
                                           First person to register, first person
                                           to receive their 2016 Niagara E2E
                                           badge, Gusti Matei from Guelph is
                                           shown at the cairn with Tanya
                                           Fasano, widow of much-appreciated
                                           and -missed Vito Fasano. This year
                                           we set a record: 240 hikers registered,
                                           145 of whom took home a badge.

Starlene and Zorro (aka Fred) Azzopardi.
| Photos: Paul Hutchinson, John Lucente

Seven members of the
Niagara club have
                                                                                      The Grapevine is the newsletter of
recently completed
                                                                                      the Bruce Trail Conservancy Niagara
the entire Bruce Trail:                                                               Club, published four times a year.
Ruth Atkinson, Doug                                                                   Contact
Gillard (for the                                                                      for editorial guidelines and for rates
second and third                                                                      to advertise.
time), Phil
Henderson, Koosje                          Tanya Fasano (L) and Gusti Matei at the         NIAGARABRUCETRAIL.ORG
Stassen, Ruth Moffatt, Angela Burt,        cairn. | Photo: John Lucente       
and Margaret Corner.

| 4 The Grapevine FALL 2016
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