Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021

Page created by Bernice King
Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021

         Castlemaine Golf Club
               The Fairway - Spring, 2021
Hello members                                                This is not the fault of these members who
We have hit Spring - the course is in great condition        volunteer their time, it is just their personal
but we are still limited in our ability to use the           situation doesn’t facilitate the time required for
facility.                                                    their committee tasks. So, for those people who
                                                             wish to stand for the committee, or offer their time
COVID has knocked us around again this year both             on sub-committees, please evaluate if you have the
on the field and in the clubhouse. A large number of         time to commit to these positions.
events booked for the clubhouse have been
cancelled, but fields (when we can play) have been           Our volunteers continue to help Glenn around the
very good. We are mainly running social stablefords          course cleaning up the rough and some of the
at present until further restrictions are lifted and we      lower hanging branches on the trees lining the
did run a social Ambrose event on AFL Grand Final            fairway. Glenn has also borrowed Dave Gudgeon’s
eve which was well supported.                                sander to dust some of the greens with more sand.
                                                             Lots of other projects are being, or have been
               Sponsorship is steadily growing. We           undertaken in recent months (see page 3). We
               will be looking to increase                   always appreciate helpers - if anyone has any time
               sponsorship to the point we are               that they can contribute to helping Glenn
               able to cover our monthly liabilities         throughout the year, please let us know.
from sponsorship. Trevor Bray has been working
his way around to potential new sponsors and this            As members can see, there is
has been successful, with some new sponsors                  a lot of grass to be cut,
coming on board e.g. Maldon Community Bank,                  especially at this time of year.
Good As Gold Golf Carts; other organisations are             We have purchased another
also interested in taking on sponsorship.                    Gravily mower as we prepare for
                                                             the Power Industry Association (PIA)
The time of the year                                         golf weekend (26, 27 and 28th November). This will
has come for our                                             be a huge event for our club, and we will
Annual General Meeting,                                      be looking for as many helpers as we can get!
which will be held on
Wednesday 27th October at 5.00 pm.                           Another site has been levelled for a cart shed to
                                                             accommodate an increasing demand. We are
This will involve completing nomination forms that           looking at ways to get this project off the ground as
will be available in the clubhouse. In saying that, we       we have limited cart space. This work was carried
have found this year that some committee                     out by Leech Earthmoving who are filling the dam
members are time poor and have found it difficult            on the side of the 15th.
to attend meetings and provide reports.
                                                             Cont’d on page 2

         Castlemaine Golf Club, Inc. Pyrenees Hwy, Muckleford, Vic, 3451 (PO Box 147, Castlemaine, 3450)
          Email: Website:
         President: Martin Cross 0417 635 490. Admin Officer: Dee Sansom 0447 635 223
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Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021

    Cont’d from page 1
    We would also like to find some extra room for
                                                                    Vale Stan Saville
                                                                    Members of the Castlemaine
    machinery, as we are gathering more around us.
                                                                    Golf Club were recently
    It has been suggested that we sell the container
                                                                    saddened to hear that our very
    (Caesar’s Palace) and put the money towards the
                                                                    popular member Stan Saville
    shed, as container prices have increased lately.                was called to an early tee-time
    We still need to complete the concrete in our                   in another place.
    newest cart shed, which we hope to complete over
    the next couple of months; we have sourced the                  Stan was a wonderful supporter,
    reinforcing to complete the task.                               great friend and proud member
                                                                    of Castlemaine Golf Club for
    The dam project is all but completed, Darren Rice               many years.
    has spread the fill and top soil so that the grass will         Besides his enjoyment of playing golf, Stan gave of
    begin to grow. Darren will add to the area and put              his time generously to support the maintenance and
    fill around the edge to give us a bigger surface. We            development of our course.
    need to decide what we will do with the area going
    forward.                                                        Stan was a popular playing partner - encouraging,
                                                                    humorous and always with a story at the nineteenth.
    I have had regular contact with Dale Husted from                Stan, a really good bloke, will be much missed but
    Coliban Water; Dale has been lobbying on behalf                 never forgotten, and wherever he plays may the
    of us with the financial team at Coliban on our                 putts drop. Our sincere condolences to Regina and
    payments and interest. This has been a huge task                family.
    within the COVID restriction period, with many                  When the dust settles from COVID, a special day will
    people working from home. The changes in staff                  be held for Stan.
    have also caused some hiccups.
                                                                    ….. and Kathy Williams
    Martin Cross
    President                                                       Recently we also said
                                                                    goodbye to Kathy Williams,
                                                                    wife of Terry Williams, who
    Fairways have been irregular this year, with so                 is a committee member, and
    many of our events being cancelled, however we                  organiser of our Footy
    have tried to keep in touch through emails, our                 Tipping Competition.
    website and our Facebook page. Readers will see
    that we haven’t been idle - lots has happened on                In recent years prior to her illness, Kathy offered
    the course!                                                     her time to help out in the bar, and we are very
    We look forward to resuming our full golfing                    grateful for her help in this way.
    program very soon - hopefully in November!                      Our sincere condolences go to Terry and family.

                                                                                     29th September 2021
    The complete document has been sent to members by email (it’s also on our website and Facebook page)
    Some key points (aside from the obvious and well-known COVID-safe rules):
    ✦ Hospitality limits in regional Victoria are now increased to 30 patrons outdoors, and 10 indoors.
    ✦ No changes to previous operational advice provided for regional Victoria - ie no competition golf - an
        indicative date of 5 November (Phase C) has been stated when competition golf can be reinstated.
    ✦ The Government Roadmap (Regional) will restrict non-vaccinated golfers from playing when the
        roadmap target is reached.

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Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021

Our band of helpers hasn’t been idle during lockdowns!!
Even though play has been intermittent during the past few months, life has continued around the course
with plenty happening……. a big THANK YOU to everyone who has put in their time - and energy!

Timber cutting, ready for sale for next winter

                                                             The garden bed and sleepers near the 3rd
                                                             tee have been removed - a bit to do yet…

     The spruced-up bbq area - and thank you to
     Cellarbrations for donating the umbrellas!

                                                                  The site has been cleared for the
                                                                  next cart shed

                                                               Weeds have been removed from the garden
                                                               beds on the 1st, and the beds mulched.

                                                               Seats and bins are being progressively
                                                               freshly painted throughout the course.
Rock fill to shore up the eroding pathway from the 9th

The freesias in the garden bed near
the 1st tee were planted by Max
Gale (CGC golf legend), in memory
of his wife, Anne, some years ago.

                                                                             Step one of the next cart shed - clearing th
The freesias are
a welcome sign
of spring each
year, and a time
to remember
Max too…

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Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021

    It’s never too young to play golf!
    Maybe more of our kids would like to have a hit … they may not aspire to become champions, but
    they might enjoy the game just as much as we do!

                                                                          Back in 2017 when Alex
                                                                          Pearson was about 18 months
                                                                          old, his Dad Joel said that
                                                                          Alex’s favourite toy was his golf

                                                                          Now he’s all of 5 years old, he’s
                                                                          looking quite the professional!

                                                                          Dad says, ‘he just loves to have
                                                                          a hit…’

    Angus O’Brien has been a keen golfer and
    enjoyed having a few hits with his Dad,
    James, basically all his life - well at least,
    pretty well ever since he could walk.

    Now 9 years old, he played in his first
    competition last year.

    His old man isn’t bad either…..

     Lucas Herbert as a 5 year old (left), often had a few hits with his Grandfather, Ray, at Castlemaine
     Golf Club.

     In 2016, after taking on the game seriously and travelling extensively, he came back to Castlemaine
     and had a game with his Dad Linden and his Grandfather Ray… and in 2021, he won the Irish Open!

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Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021

    Around the course ….

                                                    Daniel Pollard will
                                                    remember this day
                                                    for ever!

                                                    He hit a Hole in One
                                                    on the 5th - playing
                                                    partner James Collie
                                                    was there to witness
                                                    this amazing feat.

                                                    No-one can recall
                                                    anyone else hitting a
    Is this Darth Vader or Ross Bottomley on the
                                                    Hole in One on this
    fairway mower ….?

                                                    Congratulations Daniel!

                                                   A couple of characters have been spotted around the
                                                   club ….

                                                   One in the clubhouse -
                                                   probably taking a rest
                                                   after doing all that
                                                   extra cleaning that
                                                   has to be done these
Glenn Carroll and Geoff Margary kept an eye
on Blake Prendergast, who spent a week doing
work experience at CGC some time ago.

                                                                               … and another …. this
                                                                              artwork (on display in
                                                                              the Market Building a
                                                                              couple of months ago)
                                                                              bears an uncanny
                                                                              likeness to one of
                                                                              our members - any
                                                                              guesses? … the only
                                                                              thing missing is the

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Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021

                                                                                                    5th August 2020

    Matt’s Petstock is locally-owned    Lauren and Renee say the new                   Need a tow?
    and staffed for all your furry      season stock is in. ‘Have a look!’             Need a dent fixed?
    friends, big and small!             Their new email address is:                    Call Chris at any time!

    Our bar is an essential part of club life.

                                                                    Thank you to everyone who has paid their
                                                                    membership for 2021-2022 - it is reassuring to
                                                                    know that our members support us, especially
                                                                    during these tricky COVID times.
                                                                     Sometimes membership payments slip through
    We have a need for someone, or several people,                  the cracks - perhaps you didn’t receive an invoice
    to manage the bar, especially on Thursdays,                     - so if you haven’t yet paid please do so as soon
    Saturdays and on special event days.                            as possible.

    Do you know of anyone (they don’t have to be                    As we are already almost into October, our
    players) who would be prepared to manage the                    Treasurer, Bev Pike, has a plan that will make it
    bar, serve the drinks and run the till? Setting up              easy for you to pay in instalments if you like. To
    a roster may one way we can spread the load.                    receive your invoice, or learn about a payment
    We’re open for ideas. Please contact Martin                     plan, please contact Bev:
    (M: 0417 635 490).                                              E:, M: 0428 589 986.

    Although it was doubtful we’d make it through this season’s footy tipping this year, we
    managed it. Played in two sections - all the better so winners have two goes at the prize -
    our winner of the first half was Bryan Fitzgerald and runners up Kors Van Eyk and Laurie
    Harding, and for the second half, Terry Williams was our winner (no cheating?!), with
    Martin Cross and Glenn Carroll equal second.Thank you Terry for running this tipping competition again.
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Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021 Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021 Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021 Castlemaine Golf Club - The Fairway - Spring, 2021
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