Hataitai Happenings June 2021

Hataitai Happenings June 2021
Hataitai Happenings                                       June 2021
A Meaningful Meeting of Minds:
   Menopause Over Martinis
For 15 years, Sarah Connor has called
Hataitai home. "It's a real luxury, living
here with the town belt as my backyard,
with stunning views of the harbour
and mountains. I love how caring the
Hataitai community is. One of my
favourite things to do is exploring the
many zig zags that connect our suburbs'
streets," Sarah shares. Her favourite
restaurant in the Village is Green Chilli.

About two and a half years ago,
however, something changed for Sarah.
She started experiencing a dizzying
array of unusual and unpredictable
symptoms, including anxiety, panic
attacks, insomnia, a depressed mood,
nausea, faintness, achy hip joints, itchy/
crawly skin, and irregular periods. She
was randomly tearful, lost her appetite,     fun," laughs Sarah. " And then someone       workplaces, to help erase the myths and
and felt relentlessly tired.                 asked, when was the next dinner? And the     taboos around the subject.
                                             next? And I realised this was something
After a difficult time, Sarah at             everyone could do.” Menopause Over           “Menopause is mostly invisible, and it
last learned that she had entered            Martinis* was born. So far, Sarah knows of   shouldn’t be. It should be normalised,
perimenopause – the years leading up         dinners that have been held in Eastbourne    celebrated, and talked about as a positive
to a woman’s periods coming to an end.       and New Plymouth, with others being          part of life, just like puberty or pregnancy.
"I had zero idea about what                  planned in Auckland, Dunedin, Sydney,        Women need to be informed, understood,
perimenopause was," Sarah recalls. "It       and the UK.                                  and given the right support.” Sarah dreams
was a bit of a shock. It was confusing                                                    that one day, we all grow up learning and
and challenging. I was lucky to get the      On Saturday 31 July, Menopause Over          knowing about menopause. “I’m sure we
care and support I needed."                  Martinis* will be adapted for the first      can achieve this – one dinner at a time, one
                                             time to become a community dinner            conversation at a time.”
Sarah realised, however, that many of        at the Hataitai Centre, which will also
her friends and family also had no idea      raise funding for the redevelopment of       Save the Date: Menopause Over Martinis*,
what perimenopause and menopause             the former Hataitai Bowling Club. “My        Hataitai Centre (former Bowling Club),
could be like. So, she organised a           hope is to help roll out these dinners for   Saturday 31 July, more information and
potluck dinner at her house for people       communities across Wellington,” says         tickets available from hataitai.org.nz/mom
to talk about menopause, share their         Sarah. She is also starting to facilitate    For more information:
stories, and ask questions. "It was really   conversations about menopause in             www.menopauseovermartinis.org

                                                                                             Bowling Club Redevelopment
                                                    Autumn Street Clean-up
                                                                                           Plans for the redevelopment of the
                                              On Sunday 16 May a team of 51                former Hataitai Bowling Club have
                                              volunteers helped to clean up the            evolved in response to community
                                              rubbish in the streets of Hataitai. They     feedback. Subscribe to our mailing list
                                              filled approximately 30 bags of rubbish      to ensure you’re notified when the new
                                              and recycling, and cleaned 34 streets        plans are on our website;
                                              - along with a few zig zags and a lot of     www.hataitai.org.nz/contact
                                              drains. That’s about 70% of Hataitai!
                                              Sausies on the bar-b and ice blocks were
                                              enjoyed after the hard work.
                                              Thanks to everyone involved for the
                                              mahi. Keep an eye out for the next
                                              street clean up in spring.
Hataitai Happenings June 2021
                                  AT HATAITAI CENTRE,                                                AT COMMUNITY HOUSE,
                                   157 HATAITAI ROAD                                                   112 WAIPAPA ROAD
Seniors Morning Tea                                   Hataitai Village Market                 Community Playgroup
First Monday of the month, 10-11.30am                                                         Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9am-12pm,
(If on a Public Holiday, it’s the following   Saturday 5 June                                 email hataitai.pg@gmail.com
Monday) For details contact Frances Le        (Queens Birthday Weekend)
Fort at francelefort@gmail.com or on          10am-2pm                                        Matairangi Community Kindergarten
027 835 4374                                  Hataitai Centre (former Bowling Club)           Monday- Friday, 8.30am-2.30pm
                                              157 Hataitai Road
Hataitai Residents Association Meeting                                                        Plunket
First Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm            Come along and browse our stalls selling        Phone 027 275 2849 for an appointment
                                              lots of NZ made products - crafts, artwork,
Hataitai Community Market                     plants, jewellery, skincare, books, kids        Fruit and Vege Co-op
First Saturday of each month, 10am-2pm        crafts, pet gifts, candles, soaps, preserves,   Pickup Thursday, 12.30-2.30pm and
                                              pickles… And check out the delicious food       5.30-6pm. For more information go to
Dinner Group                                  from the Pop-up Coolsville Cartel Bowling       www.hataitai.org.nz/fruit-and-vege-co-op
Come along if you’re looking to meet new      Club Café. Bring cash.                          or email hchcoordinator@xtra.co.nz
people or get out of the house. Various
meet up locations. For details contact                                                        Hataitai Craft Group
                                              For more details about any events
Frances Le Fort at francelefort@gmail.com                                                     Mondays from 7pm. Contact Glenna for
                                              contact Nikki on 020 486 2821,
or on 027 835 4374.                                                                           more information at
                                              04 386 2821 or hchcoordinator@xtra.co.nz

                                                Hataitai Community Recreation
                                                      Trust (HCRT) AGM

                                               HCRT is the trust that looks after the
                                               former Hataitai Bowling Club (now
                                               Hataitai Centre). They’re holding their
                                               annual general meeting on Thursday 8
                                               July from 7.30pm at the Hataitai Centre,
                                               157 Hataitai Road. All welcome.                 Lawnmowing Volunteers Needed
         Mothers’ Day Market
          - a Great Success                              Hataitai Residents’                   The Village Green at the former Bowling
                                                          Association AGM                      Club is a community space for all
 Our increased social media activity                                                           residents to come and enjoy when the
 over the previous few weeks, and the          The Hataitai Residents’ Association             venue is not hired out. The Green is
 arrival of Coolsville’s new pop-up café,      (HRA) is holding their Annual General           mown by volunteers and we need more
 attracted regulars and a lot of new faces     Meeting on Tuesday 3 August from                people to keep the Green looking tip
 to our May Mother’s Day Village Market.       7.30pm at the Hataitai Centre, 157              top. Two hours every now and then is
 To keep up-to-date with our market            Hataitai Road. All welcome. If you want         all it takes. Mowing lawns is great time
 dates and stallholder profiles you can        to find out more about the HRA visit our        out from a busy life and is wonderful
 follow the Market on Instagram or             Hataitai website –                              therapy. Want to jump on board the
 Facebook @hataitaivillagemarket               www.hataitai.org.nz/hra                         team? Email roy.glass.nz@gmail.com

Thank you to Wellington City Council, for the annual grant that keeps the Hataitai Community House and Hataitai Centre running.
Hataitai Happenings June 2021
Helping People Keep Moving:                                                               - they can often move and do things that
        ARC Physio Pilates                                                                   they couldn't do before."
         and Pilates Flow
                                                                                             ARC's clients come for rehabilitation,
 Eleven years ago, Janna started a Pilates                                                   but stay for the preventative and
 studio in a flat above Hells Pizza in                                                       strengthening benefits of Pilates. "We
 Hataitai Village. "We taught classes in                                                     do physio differently to what people
 the lounge. We just hoped that clients                                                      are often used to. We offer hour-long
 didn't notice there were two tiny kids                                                      appointments so there's lots of room
 playing in the room next door!" Janna                                                       for education, hands on treatment
 laughs.                                                                                     and exercises both with the Pilates
                                                                                             equipment and at home," Nina explains.
 Pilates Flow Studio has now moved to                                                        "Our techniques are easy to modify and
                                               physiotherapy sessions available
 its current location in Hataitai at 27D                                                     adapted for individual needs, this lets
                                               at Freyberg Pool. Currently the two
 Waitoa Road. The team of experienced                                                        us work with anyone at any level - from
                                               companies employ 12 staff, including
 Pilates teachers offer small classes for                                                    beginners to athletes, all ages, and a
                                               business owners Nina and Janna.
 groups of four that are individualised                                                      wide range of conditions," adds Janna.
 to suit clients' needs, as well as private
                                               Both Janna and Nina can't believe
 Pilates sessions.                                                                           Both Janna and Nina are big fans of
                                               they get paid to do something they
                                                                                             Hataitai. "I love the people. And it's so
                                               both love. "I became a physiotherapist
 In 2019, Nina and Janna opened a sister                                                     nice to walk to the kindergarten, to
                                               because I wanted to work with people.
 company to Pilates Flow to focus on                                                         work, to the beach, to the town belt.
                                               Pilates opens up a whole new world
 the rehabilitation benefits of Pilates.                                                     Hataitai Village is great as well," Nina
                                               of functional exercise, and I love how
 ARC Physio Pilates is located three                                                         shares. 'I love the outdoor spaces, and
                                               it encourages clients to take charge
 doors down from Pilates Flow at 25A                                                         how close it is to both the water and
                                               of their own recovery," shares Nina.
 Waitoa Road. The team of registered                                                         into town. The community is amazing."
                                               For Janna, "I love working with people
 physiotherapists with a passion for                                                         says Janna.
                                               and supporting them through their
 Pilates rehabilitation.
                                               rehabilitation. We enjoy making a
                                                                                             To learn more about ARC Physio Pilates
                                               difference in people's lives. For someone
 ARC and Pilates Flow have recently                                                          and Pilates Flow, visit:
                                               who experiences chronic issues, Pilates
 expanded with a new location                                                                www.arcphysiopilates.co.nz and
                                               and physiotherapy can change their life
 in Kelburn Village, along with                                                              www.pilatesflow.co.nz

        Composting Workshop

 Food waste isn't only an issue for our
 wallets - it's also an environmental
 issue. Every year New Zealanders waste
 $1.17 billion on food - that breaks down
 to $250 per person! Now imagine what
 that looks like in a landfill.

 Many people think that it's OK to chuck
 food scraps in the bin because it will
 break down. Well, that isn't entirely
 true. Composting and rotting are two          Composting recycles food scraps into          If you're not sure which one is right for
 very different things. When food scraps       beautiful healthy soil to grow food           you check out the options at
 are sent to a landfill, that food will rot.   in. There are lots of different options       www.shop.sustaintrust.org.nz, or if you'd
 When organic matter rots, it produces         for composting on the market. At              like to learn about composting - join
 methane. Methane from landfill waste          Sustainability Trust we recommend             us for our family-friendly composting
 contributes to 12% of our methane             bokashi buckets, compost tumblers,            workshop and Q & A session at the
 emissions. We need to drastically reduce      worm farms and the standard compost           Hataitai Centre, 157 Hataitai Road,
 this in order to combat climate change.       bin (retrofitted with rat-proof wire).        Sunday 20 June from 2-3pm.

Thank you to Tommy’s Real Estate for sponsoring the Hataitai Happenings, and SmithPrint for their ongoing support of this newsletter.
Hataitai Happenings June 2021
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                                 top Hataitai salespeople
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 Nicki Cruickshank                  Sam Newble
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                Bee Aware – Prepare now

FACT: Humans NEED bees to survive.
FACT: Bees (and pollinators) are on the decline.

Spend a couple of hours this winter to prepare for our
essential little friends. Winter is a great time to plant bee/
pollinator friendly plants on your berm, in your garden or in a
few pots on your deck/balcony.

Bees love yellow, blue and purple flowers. Great pollinator
plants such as Lavender, Thyme, Nettles (tucked away if you
have children), Echinacea and Rosemary are fantastic to use
in your home or food. Calendula, Poppies and Delphinium are
also great. Native plants are important too.

Bees, like us, get thirsty so place pebbles in a saucer of water
so they have something to stand on and won’t fall in. Then
they can stay hydrated whilst working, as we do.

Keep an eye out for more information about supporting
bees and Bee Awareness Month in our September Hataitai
Hataitai Happenings June 2021 Hataitai Happenings June 2021 Hataitai Happenings June 2021 Hataitai Happenings June 2021 Hataitai Happenings June 2021 Hataitai Happenings June 2021
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