Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021 - Frankston City Council

Page created by Adam Hardy
Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

Tourism Event Attraction 2020-2021 overview
* indicates a required field


Thank you for your interest in the 2020-2021 Tourism Event Attraction Program.
Before you start your application please ensure you have read the 2020-2021
Program Guidelines available at
The 2020-2021 Program offers two grants of $12,000 to support event management
companies wishing to create a new event or relocate an existing tourism event to Frankston
In addition to the cash funding, Council may provide in-kind support ranging from marketing
support, reduced or waived site fees and event management advice.
Before commencing the application process, please review the following to determine if your
event is eligible for the Program.
The event must:
  • Include strategies to partner and/or collaborate with local businesses and community
    to support economic and social outcomes
  • Demonstrate a link to the City’s visitor and lifestyle strengths
  • Showcase the region's visitor experiences
  • Be accessible to all members of the public
  • Be a new event to be staged within the municipal boundaries of Frankston City
Assessment criteria
The Selection Panel will be looking for applications which clearly demonstrate the intent to
achieve Council’s Program objectives and address the following Assessment Criteria.
  • The event concept reflects the lifestyle and culture of Frankston City.
  • The event plan includes proactive strategies to partner with local businesses to support
   broader economic outcomes including increased local spending through dispersal and
   packaging programs.
  • The event concept and program supports increased visitation and extended stays
   within Frankston City.
  • The event plan includes proactive strategies to measure visitation and the visitor
  • The event timing and location does not conflict with existing events and community
  • The event marketing plan includes strategies to promote to intrastate and interstate
  • The event includes opportunities for community participation and volunteering
  • The Event Management Company has proven experience in the delivery of similar
  • The Event Management Company can has demonstrable financial management skills
   and the application can show the viability of the event beyond funding from the Program

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Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

   • The event plan includes proactive program to secure external endorsements and

I have read and understood the 2020-2021 Tourism Event Attraction Program
Guidelines *
○ Yes

* indicates a required field

Event Overview

Please provide an overview of your event concept and proposal

Event Name: *

Please list the 'Working title' for your event if confirmed name is unknown

Summary description of the event (500 words or less) *

Word count:
Please consider the event's objectives and primary purpose in this overview (i.e. why the event exists,
what it hopes to achieve, who it is aimed at and if it has been successful in the past in achieving its
primary objectives.) This should give the Assessment Panel enough detail to understand what the
event is, who it will appeal to and what the key components will be.

Why do you believe your event will succeed in Frankston City? *

What is the primary category your event falls under *
☐ Sporting ☐ Art ☐ Music ☐ Lifestyle ☐ Food and wine ☐ History ☐ Culture ☐

Event start date *

Must be a date, prior to 30 June 2021

Event end date *

Must be a date.
Must be a date.

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Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

How many days in total will your event be open to the public? *

Must be a whole number (no decimal place) and at least 1.

Please indicate at which venue/site you are proposing to stage your event


If your event is planned to be staged on private property Have you discussed this
with the owners? *
○ Yes
○ No
○ Not applicable

Pending the success your event in Frankston City, how frequently do you plan on
running the event? *
○ Once off
○ Annual event
○ Bi-annual event

Is there a cost to attend this event *
○ Yes
○ No
○ Other:

Please note: events proposed on Frankston Waterfront and McCombs Reserve must not charge an
entry fee.

Please outline your pricing structure

Economic and Tourism Impact

How many attendees do you anticipate will attend the event? *
○ Under 1,000                         ○ 15,001 - 20,000
○ 1,001 - 3,000                       ○ 20,001 - 40,000
○ 3,001 - 5,000                       ○ 40,000+
○ 5,001 - 10,000                      ○ Other:

○ 10,001 - 15,000
This should be a well-informed estimation of attendance numbers - the information provided will be
used to calculate the economic impact of the event and assess the success of the event

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Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

What percentage (if any) of your event attendees, do you anticipate will be from
Frankston City *

Must be a whole number (no decimal place) and between 0 and 100.

What percentage (if any) of your event attendees, do you anticipate will be from
the Mornington Peninsula (excluding Frankston City)? *

a whole number (no decimal place) and between 0 and 100

What percentage (if any) of your event attendees, do you anticipate will be
from Metropolitan Melbourne (excluding Frankston City and the Mornington
Peninsula)? *

Must be a whole number (no decimal place) and between 0 and 100.

What percentage (if any) of your event attendees, do you anticipate will be
visitors from other areas? *

Must be a whole number (no decimal place) and between 0 and 100.

Please outline any initiatives or programs you have in place to support the
attraction of the above event attendees *

Word count:
Must be at least 1 character.

How many attendees do you anticipate will stay overnight in Frankston City for
the event? *
○ None                                ○ 50-100
○ Under 20                            ○ 100+
○ 20-50                               ○ Other:

This should be a well-informed estimation - the information provided will be used to calculate the
economic impact of the event and assess the success of the event

On average, how many nights will attendees stay in Frankston City? *
○ 1 night
○ 2 nights
○ 3 nights
○ 4 nights
○ 5 + nights
○ Other:

This should be a well-informed estimation - the information provided will be used to calculate the
economic impact of the event and assess the success of the event

Please outline any initiatives you plan to implement to encourage overnight stays

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Form Preview

Which are the primary age group/s your event will appeal to? *
☐ Under 18 years
☐ 18 - 24 years
☐ 25 - 34 years
☐ 35 - 44 years
☐ 45 - 54 years
☐ 55 - 64 years
☐ 65+ years

Please list the key interests of your target market *

eg. food, wine, music


Please provide an overview of your planned marketing and communications
programs to promote the event *

Publications, website, social media avenues, influencers. Your Marketing and Communications Plan can
be uploaded at the end of your application.

Please outline how the event will include Frankston City in its planned marketing
and communications *

What promotional opportunities will be made available to Council or Council's
aligned entities? *
☐ Logo and link to Frankston ☐ Opportunities to             ☐ Invitation/tickets to attend
City Council website on event communicate with event        any VIP function
website                       attendees before and/or after
                              the event
☐ Logo inclusion on event     ☐ Feature in an electronic    ☐ Opportunity to display
promotional material          mail out                      signage at the event
☐ Logo inclusion on social    ☐ Onsite opportunities at the ☐ Presentation partner
media                         event                         opportunities
☐ Mention in press/media      ☐ Opportunity for the Mayor ☐ Other:
releases                      to speak

Please outline any industry recognition, ambassadors or commercial alignments
the event has or will apply for (i.e Visit Victoria, Mornington Peninsula Regional
Tourism etc.) *

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Form Preview

Describe any industry recognition (awards), commercial alignments (brand partners) or ambassadors
(personalities) for the event.

Application Continued
* indicates a required field

Business and Community Engagement

Please describe how the event will engage the local community and enhance the
experience of Frankston City? *

Please outline how the Event will directly engage with businesses and/or retailers
within Frankston City? *

How will you disperse your event attendees throughout the municipality prior to
and post event? *
☐ Create overnight event packages             ☐ Create travel-on itineraries
☐ Create experience packages with nearby ☐ Provide general location information
☐ Create experience packages with             ☐ Other:
businesses throughout the municipallity
☐ Promote/list other attractions, businesses,
experiences on the website and marketing

Please outline how the Event will directly engage volunteers and/or students? *

Please outline how you intend to measure visitation and your customer
experience *

Must be at least 1 character.

Application Continued
* indicates a required field

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Form Preview

Event Management

Who owns the commercial and media rights to the Event? *

Have you read and do you understand your obligations as they relate to Council's
Waste Wise Event Policy? *
○ Yes
○ Not applicable

In light of the current COVID-19 Pandemic, additional measures will be required
to ensure the safety of patrons. Please outline what measures you plan to
implement to

Will you be creating a waste management plan for the Event? *
○ Yes                      ○ No                      ○ Not applicable

Will you be creating a site plan for your Event? *
○ Yes                        ○ No                                   ○ Not applicable

Will there be rides and amusements at the Event? *
○ Yes                      ○ No                                     ○ Not applicable

Will you be creating an inclement weather plan for the Event? *
○ Yes                       ○ No                       ○ Not applicable

Will you be creating a risk assessment for the Event? *
○ Yes                                    ○ No
An up-to-date risk assessment for the event or similar event must be uploaded prior to submitting your
application to demonstrate your skills and understanding.

Please identify the top three risks associated the Event *

Will you be providing accessible services including access, toilets and parking at
the Event? *
○ Yes                      ○ No                        ○ Not applicable

Have you read and do you understand your obligations as they relate to Council's
Healthy Choices Policy?
○ Yes
○ Not applicable

Will there be food vendors/ organisations selling food at the Event? *
○ Yes                       ○ No                        ○ Not applicable

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Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

Will you have an alcohol management plan for the Event? *
○ Yes                      ○ No                     ○ Not applicable

Will you be erecting any temporary structures at this Event? (This includes
stages, marquees, toilets etc.) *
○ Yes                      ○ No                        ○ Not applicable

Will there be fireworks at the Event? *
○ Yes                      ○ No                                       ○

Will you be requesting any temporary road or car park closures for the Event? *
○ Yes                      ○ No                       ○ Not applicable

Please detail any proposed road or car park closures

Please include address of car park and duration of closure

Have you considered patron parking for the Event? *
○ Yes                     ○ No                                        ○ Not applicable

Please outline where event attendees will park (if applicable) *

Event Support

Does the Event currently or has it in the past received funding from Council? *
○ Yes - current funding
○ Yes - previous funding
○ No
Please note: events which are currently receiving funding from Council are not eligible for further
support through this Program

Have you run this Event in the past? *
○ Yes
○ No

How many years has this Event been running for? *

Please provide detail about your event, including attendee numbers, outcomes,
successes and learnings. *

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Form Preview

Please provide a link to the previous event's website *

Must be a URL.

If this is an existing event which is moving locations, please tell us where the
event was previoulsy held, why you are leaving this location and why you have
chosen Frankston City *

Did the event successfully meet its objectives and key performance indicators in
the past? *
○ Yes
○ No
○ Not applicable

Please tell us why. *

Have you previously applied for and/or been offered funding through the Tourism
Event Attration Program? *
○ Yes
○ No

Did you deliver the event? *
○ Yes
○ No
○ Other:

Please tell us what has changed since your previous application *

Are you receiving any other Government funding for the Event? *
○ Yes
○ No

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Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

* indicates a required field

Funding disbursement model

Council has developed the Program to provide assistance to event management companies
wishing to create or relocate their tourism event to Frankston City.
There will be no lump sum payments issued; funding will be disbursed via a reimbursement
model against approved expenses.
Any funding provided is an incentive only and is not a fee for service.
Approved expenses include:
  • Marketing activities
  • Equipment hire
  • Programming
Funding cannot be spent on general operating expenses such as:
  • Labour costs
  • Utilities
  • Administration costs
  • Insurance
The final 25% of the funding will be paid against receipts after the successful delivery of the
event as described in the submission, and upon completion of the final report demonstrating
the successful achievement of the agreed key performance indicators.
Please note: funding requests should only make up a portion of your overall event budget,
it is not viable to rely on Council to fully fund your event.
Please outline all expenses including compliance and safety regulations that apply to your
It is a requirement that you highlight the expenses this grant will cover.
As funding is an incentive only and not a fee for service, please include detail which
demonstrates your organisation's financial investment to delivering the event.

What support are you seeking from Council *
○ Cash support only
○ In-kind support only
○ Mixture of cash and in-kind support
○ Other:

Please outline what you intend to use the funding for *

In addition, do you require any of the below support from Council *
☐ Marketing and Communications support

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Form Preview

☐    Site fees waived
☐    Loss of revenue waived (e.g. car parking fees)
☐    Event management advice and guidance
☐    None
☐   Other:

At least 1 choice must be selected.
Fees associated with external permits (for example POPEs, Parks Victoria Permit, Liquor Licences) are
the responsibility of the event organiser and will not be paid or applied for by Council.

Is the event financially viable without any financial contribution from Council? *
○ Yes
○ No

Event budget

Please provide an overview of your event budget including both income and expenditure
(e.g. marketing budget, logistics, site fees, ticket sales, sponsorship income, other funding
sources etc.). Please upload a copy of your event budget at the end of your application.

Expenditure              $                         Income Streams           $
                         $                                                   $

Funding model

Please confirm you understand and agree to the above funding disbursement
model *
○ I/we understand and agree to the described funding disbursement model

Supporting Documentation
* indicates a required field

Supporting Documentation

This section of the application form is seeking documents to support your application.
These documents must be submitted for your application to be considered by the Selection
Please note that if you are successful you will be required to submit an emergency
management plan and risk assessment for your event.

Please attach your Event Management/ Business Plan *

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Form Preview

Attach a file:

Providing an event plan will allow the Assessment Panel to get a better understanding of your event
and what it aims to achieve.

Please attach a copy of your Marketing and Communications plan.
Attach a file:

Please ensure this supports the information provided in the application, details your target markets
and outlines your marketing and communications activities to support the event's promotion.

Please attach your Event Budget
Attach a file:

This should include expected income and expenditure (including how the grant funding will be

Please indicate the level of Public Liability Insurance you hold *
○ $10 million
○ $20 million
○ Other:

Please note: Council will require a copy of your valid/appropriate insurance policy if your application is

Additional Documentation

OPTIONAL: Please upload any additional documents which may support your application
(e.g. images, creative concepts)

Additional Supporting Document 1
Attach a file:

Additional Supporting Document 2
Attach a file:

Additional Supporting Document 3
Attach a file:

Additional Supporting Document 4
Attach a file:

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Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

* indicates a required field


Please provide the contact details of at least two referees who can provide feedback on the
event (if it has been held previously) and your event management capabilities.
If you have not held this event before, but have delivered other events/projects, these
referees need to be able to speak to your ability to deliver a project on-time, within budget,
according to contract requirements; as well as your ability to engage communities and

Referee 1 *
○ Individual            ○ Organisation
Organisation Name

Title      First Name          Last Name

Referee 1 Position

Referee 1 Primary Address

Suburb    State     Postcode

Must be an Australian post code.

Referee 1 Primary Phone Number *

Must be an Australian phone number.
Please include your area code.

Referee 1 Primary Email *

Must be an email address.

Why have you nominated this person as a referee?

Referee 2 *
○ Individual            ○ Organisation
Organisation Name

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Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

Title      First Name           Last Name

Referee 2 Position

Referee 2 Primary Address

Suburb    State      Postcode

Must be an Australian post code.

Referee 2 Primary Phone Number *

Must be an Australian phone number.
Please include your area code.

Referee 2 Primary Email *

Must be an email address.

Why have you nominated this person as a referee?

Applicant details
* indicates a required field

Applicant Details

Applicant Contact Details *
○ Individual       ○ Organisation
Organisation Name

First Name               Last Name

Please complete the details of the main contact for this application. The individual listed will be
Council's primary contact for further information and may be required to present the proposal formally
to the selection panel.

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Form Preview


Position of the person making the application, if applicable

Office Address *

Suburb     State     Postcode

Must be an Australian post code.

Postal Address *

Suburb     State     Postcode

Must be an Australian post code.

Primary Phone Number *

Must be an Australian phone number.
Please include your area code.

Email Address *

Must be an email address.


Must be a URL.
If applicable


Applicant Project Contact ABN

The ABN provided will be used to look up the following information. Click Lookup above to
check that you have entered the ABN correctly.
Information from the Australian Business Register
Entity name

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Tourism Event Attraction Program 2020-2021
Form Preview

ABN status
Entity type
Goods & Services Tax (GST)
DGR Endorsed
ATO Charity Type                  More information
ACNC Registration
Tax Concessions
Main business location

Must be an ABN.

* indicates a required field


Have you completed all sections of the application?
Please remember applications that are incomplete will be deemed ineligible.
Please ensure you carefully check your application before submitting. Once your application
has been submitted you will not be able to make changes.
Privacy and confidentiality
The personal information requested on this application is being collected by Frankston City
Council for the purpose of the Tourism Event Attraction Program .
Information supplied including event concepts and intellectual property will be treated as
commercial in confidence and not distributed or discussed beyond the Selection Panel and
as required for decision-making.
This information will be used solely by Council and the Selection Panel for the primary
purpose or directly related purposes and will not otherwise be disclosed without your
consent or as required or permitted by law.
You may apply to Council for access and/or amendment of the information by calling Ph.
1300 322 322

Declaration: *
☐ I/We confirm all of the information contained in this application is true and correct at the
time of submission.
☐ I/We understand once lodged, I/we must not withdraw our application for a period of 60
☐ I/We understand Council is not bound to accept any submission and that the level of
funding and/or support requested in this application is not guaranteed.
☐ I/We are aware of and accept I/we will be liable for any costs incurred if the event is
withdrawn from the Program after the offer has been accepted, contract has been signed
and any marketing, promotion or public relations has taken place for the event
☐ I/We understand that I/we are responsible for gaining and paying for all licences required
to safely and successfully deliver the event

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Form Preview

☐ I/We understand that Frankston City Council are not bound to accept any application
received and Council will not pay any expenses incurred by preparing and submitting this
☐ I/We are eligible to submit this application on behalf of the organisation listed
At least 7 choices must be selected.

If you have a conflict of interest (or any potential for a conflict of interest)
concerning this application, please detail the conflict or potential conflict below:

Organisation Name *

Name *
Title      First Name          Last Name

Position *

Date *

Must be a date.

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