Program-targeted land reclamation In Samara Oblast (Russia) - IOPscience

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Program-targeted land reclamation In Samara Oblast (Russia)
To cite this article: A A Sidorov et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 818 012051

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Environmental Problems of Large River Basins -7                                                                IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 818 (2021) 012051                        doi:10.1088/1755-1315/818/1/012051

Program-targeted land reclamation In Samara Oblast

                     A A Sidorov1, G E Kudinova2, N V Kostina2 and A K Kudinov3
                       Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
                       Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, Institute of Ecology of Volga River
                     Basin RAS, Togliatti, Russia
                       Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia


                     Abstract. In the article, the authors consider the current state and a number of measures aimed
                     at solving the problems of land reclamation of agricultural lands in Samara Oblast. A feature of
                     the implementation of the land reclamation program on a regional scale is the use of the
                     program-targeted method and issues of state stimulation of its development, as well as the
                     possibility of attracting extrabudgetary funds for the implementation of investment projects.
                     Such a program is ultimately aimed at increasing the volume of crop and livestock production,
                     as well as preserving existing and creating new jobs. In the article, the authors assess the
                     objectives, tactical indicators, resource support and the course of implementation of state
                     programs for land reclamation support in Samara Oblast. The authors note that during the study
                     period in Samara Region, modernization of existing reclamation systems was carried out, new
                     irrigation systems were built, and previously abandoned agricultural land was restored. As part
                     of targeted funding, the state provides grants for the development of design estimates for the
                     implementation of investment projects in the field of land reclamation. The authors believe
                     that, in general, the progress of the implementation of the state program of land reclamation
                     should be considered very effective.

1. Introduction
Land reclamation is widespread in the world, especially in agriculture. This is a basic measure for the
efficient and rational use of land resources to increase the productivity of agricultural land. Such
measure acts as necessary infrastructure projects to ensure sustainable development of a region. Land
reclamation is an effective means of overcoming negative processes prevalent in large areas.
    At present, the regularities and mechanisms of increasing the use of reclaimed lands are being
actively studied. In view of the fact that they are undergoing significant changes, important
determinants are taken into account when choosing the most suitable reclamation zones [1, 2], the
adaptive properties of lands are evaluated [3]. A fundamental shift towards service delivery as the
main focus of institutional reform of large-scale irrigation, recognition and support of irrigation
development at the systemic level is proposed [4], and a multi-criteria assessment of the
implementation of irrigation systems is carried out [5].
    State support for land reclamation, in view of its high efficiency, is widespread in developed
countries [6]. In China, the share of reclaimed land reaches 44.4%, in the USA - 13.2%, in India -
35.9%. [7]. Land reclamation is an element of structural policy; in the EU countries it accounts for up
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Environmental Problems of Large River Basins -7                                           IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 818 (2021) 012051   doi:10.1088/1755-1315/818/1/012051

to half of the funds allocated to support the agricultural sector [8, 9]. This area belongs to the WTO
green box [10].
    We suppose that land reclamation should be included in the list of priority infrastructure projects,
along with the construction of roads, bridges, etc. Land reclamation must be addressed not only as an
efficient agricultural sector, as a field of rational land management, but also from the standpoint of a
favorable and vital important habitat, as well as means to ensure the sustainable development of a
    In Russia, with its significant variety of natural and climatic conditions, large areas of excess and
lack of soil moisture, repeated dry winds, bringing significant material losses on agricultural land,
even at the best of times of reclamation development, the share of such lands did not exceed 10%.
Currently, the area of reclaimed land is 7.9% of the area of arable land [7].
    State support for land reclamation in the Russian Federation is clearly insufficient, and its
comprehensive and systemic adjustment, proposed by some authors [11, 12], is hardly feasible in the
medium term in the country as a whole and in the regions in particular.
    The program-targeted method forms a specific planning and management scheme for state
programs to stimulate economic activity with appropriate goals and objectives, justification and choice
of development options, a list of activities, a mechanism for implementation and monitoring, etc.

2. Materials and Methods
The brief theoretical foundations formulated in the introductory part reveal the prevalence,
development trends and the importance of land reclamation.
    The aim of the study is to analyze development of agricultural land reclamation in Samara Oblast.
    The general normative process of this scientific research is from hypothesis to analysis and
interpretation of facts. To carry out this research work, we propose to use an interdisciplinary
approach. The main methodological principles of research are the following: the principle of the
diversity of research forms and complex assessments, the principle of taking into account regional
specifics, the principle of information security of the research and the completeness of the data used,
the principle of practical feasibility.

3. Results and discussion
At the end of the 80s of the last century, more than 190 thousand hectares of irrigated land or 6.3% of
the total (3 million hectares) of arable land were used in Samara Oblast. At the beginning of the 2010s
a little more than 140 thousand hectares remained. Moreover, 97.5 thousand hectares are included in
the state irrigation system, represented by large objects: Togliatti, Zhigulevskaya, Spasskaya,
Bezenchukskaya, Olginskaya, Severo-Chagrinskaya, Yuzhno-Chagrinskaya and other irrigation
    In Samara Oblast in 2014, a regional state program "Development of reclamation of agricultural
land in Samara Oblast for the period up to 2020" was adopted, approved by Samara Oblast
Government decree of 13.11.2013 No. 613 [13]. There was also a federal target program
"Development of land reclamation of agricultural lands in Russia for 2014-2020", adopted by the
Government of the Russian Federation on October 12, 2013, No. 922 [14]. The adoption of the
regional program was due to the fact that in 2009 - 2010 in the territory of the region, an emergency
situation (ES) was in effect because of an acute lack of precipitation, extremely high temperature and
dry wind phenomena resulting in 33% crop failure in 2009 and 45% in 2010.
    The most reclaimed municipal areas by the beginning of the 2010s were: Privolzhsky (42504
hectares), Stavropolsky (24148 hectares) and Bezenchuksky (20626 hectares) districts. That is, these
three districts together had 87278 hectares, or 63% of all regional irrigated land. At the same time, in
2013 only 8303 hectares of land in Privolzhsky district did not require the reconstruction of irrigation
systems. And in the rest of the sub-regions, restoration work was necessary on all irrigated areas due
to the almost complete depreciation of irrigation and drainage systems and a decrease in the culture of
agriculture. The deterioration of the federal irrigation system reached over 70%.

Environmental Problems of Large River Basins -7                                               IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 818 (2021) 012051       doi:10.1088/1755-1315/818/1/012051

    For the seven-year (2014-2020) period, according to the state reclamation program in Samara
Oblast, it was planned to reconstruct, technically re-equip and build new reclamation systems for
general and individual use. These works were planned to be carried out on an area of 15,616 hectares,
which would be only 12% of the required area (131,700 hectares) for restoration, or 0.4% of the total
area of agricultural land. That is, if we follow the set rates, then it would take almost 60 (58.34) years
to fully restore the entire reclamation fund in the region. Over the years, the regional state program has
been repeatedly adjusted and changed: in 2014 - 3 times, in 2015 - 6 times, in 2016 - 4 times, in 2017 -
2 times.
    The implementation of the reclamation program for the entire period, it was envisaged to allocate
budgetary funds 642.63 million rubles. Regional budget was supposed to be the main source of the
income - 521.13 million rubles (81% of expenditure obligations). The proposed form of investment are
cost-recovery subsidies. Еhe federal budget would allocate funding of 121.50 million rubles. The
number of subsidies should not have exceeded 50% of the costs incurred. The cost rates were
determined by the responsible executor of the state program, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of
Samara Oblast. Subsequently, it was envisaged to compensate 20% of the cost of services for the
supply of water for irrigation.
    The reclamation program had high hopes for outside investment from agricultural producers in the
region. In total, for the period of the program, outside investment were calculated in the amount of
2,182.92 million rubles or 78% of project costs. Large amounts of financing for this source were
expected in 2014 (558.00 million rubles) and in the final years: in 2019 (400.65 million rubles) and
2020 (421.10 million rubles).
    In total, planned budgetary and non-budgetary funds for the reclamation program amounted to
2,947.05 million rubles. However, the complete renewal of the reclaimed land would require 24 billion
854 million rubles, based on the calculation of average costs excluding inflation. Thus, the regional
land reclamation program did not provide for the restoration of the entire previously existing
reclamation fund, and did not have the character of a large-scale project.
    This program was supposed to play a stimulating role to attract agricultural producers in the region
to invest and restore the potential reclamation fund. Fulfillment of the economic task on agricultural
land by 2020 - an increase in the volume of crop production by 128% and a social task - the
preservation of existing and creation of new 882 jobs, which is about 1% of the number of people
employed (about 88 thousand) in the agricultural sector subject of the Russian Federation.
    The progress in the implementation of the state program of land reclamation was recognized as
effective (table) [15].
  Table. Implementation of state programs for the development of land reclamation in Samara Oblast in 2015-
   Years        Commissioning of       Disbursement of funds        Funds invested by         Performance
               reclaimed land (ha)     of the regional budget     agricultural producers        indicator
                                           (million rubles)          (million rubles)
                target      actual      target         actual             target

   State Program "Development of land reclamation of agricultural land in Samara Oblast for the period up to
    2015        2010      3162        109.80        109.80               230.34                  effective
    2016        1532      1560         76.28         76.28               192.77                  effective
    2017        1249      1209         75.77         75.77               150.05                  effective
  State Program "Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials
  and food in Samara Oblast" for 2014-2025, subprogram "Development of reclamation of agricultural land in
                                  Samara Oblast for the period up to 2021"
    2018       2311      2300         55.80         55.80                230.01                  effective
    2019       3122      3650         55.80         55.80                400.65                  effective

Environmental Problems of Large River Basins -7                                           IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 818 (2021) 012051   doi:10.1088/1755-1315/818/1/012051

    According to 2015 data, instead of the planned 2010 hectares, 3162 hectares were actually
commissioned, or almost 1.6 times more. Performance indicator of the state program can be
considered high due to the full utilization of regional budget funds. The solution of the other two tasks
of the state program is not mentioned in the reports: an increase in the volume of production of the
main types of crop production and the creation of new jobs. The regional state program for land
reclamation has ceased to be effective since 01.01.2018. At that time a similar federal target program
was terminated.
    However, Samara Oblast continues to operate the state program "Development of agriculture and
regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food in Samara Oblast" for 2014-2025, approved
by Samara Oblast Government decree of November 14, 2013 No. 624 (as amended by Samara Oblast
Government decree from 13.05.2020 No. 316), which includes the subprogram "Development of
reclamation of agricultural land in Samara Oblast for the period until 2021". The purpose of the
subprogram is "to increase the productivity and sustainability of agricultural production and soil
fertility through the use of integrated land reclamation in the face of climate change and natural
anomalies, increasing the productive potential of ameliorated lands and the efficient use of natural
resources." The task of the subprogram is aimed at restoring the reclamation fund, including projects
for reclamation lands and reclamation systems, irrigation activities. The subprogram provides for the
implementation of three tactical indicators: commissioning of reclaimed lands through reconstruction,
technical re-equipment and construction of new reclamation systems for general and individual use;
involvement in turnover of retired agricultural land due to cultural and technical activities; the area of
agricultural land, on which it is planned to create amelioration facilities, for the development of design
estimates for which state support funds were provided.
    In 2018-2019, 2.3 thousand hectares of reclaimed land were commissioned in the region with an
investment size of 380 million rubles. Construction of new irrigation systems of LLC "Sev-07" (1,650
ha) and LLC "VAPK" (223 ha) was carried out. peasant farm E.P. Tsiruleva and agricultural
production cooperative "Novoe Zavolzhye" modernized the existing reclamation. In 2019, 3.65
thousand hectares of reclaimed land were commissioned with an investment size of 246.6 million
rubles, of which 1.55 thousand hectares were commissioned as part of the activities of the regional
component of the federal project "Export of agricultural products" [16]. The modernization of the
existing amelioration systems (2035.9 hectares) has been carried out, new irrigation systems have been
built (1615.7 hectares), the previously retired agricultural lands (5756 hectares) have been returned to
circulation. The degree of achievement of tactical indicators ranged from 109 to 130%, which
indicates the effective implementation of the subprogram. In 2019, previously unused measures of
state support were introduced, such as the provision of grants for the development of design estimates
for the implementation of investment projects in the field of land reclamation, which will contribute to
the introduction of 7,527.2 hectares of land to be reclaimed.

4. Conclusions
The program-targeted method is an effective tool for the development of regional land reclamation,
and the worked-out state support measures require their preservation and transformation into other
tools for stimulating an important and effective agricultural sector.

This work was carried out within the framework of the Program of Fundamental Research of the State
Academies of Sciences in 2013-2020 (projects nos. AAAA-A17-117112040040-3 and AAAA-A17-

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