SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -

Page created by Joanne Allen
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm
           SJS Church
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
   New Handbook
   General PTC Meeting               Guidelines
    ◦   Upcoming Events
                                      ◦ Car Line Procedures
    ◦   PTC Board Members
                                      ◦ TCCBED Accreditation
    ◦   Volunteer Opportunities
                                        School Calendar
    ◦   Budget                        ◦ Attendance Policy
         Income & Expenses
                                      ◦ Tardy Policy
                                      ◦ Birthday Celebrations

                                     Meet Our New Families
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
St. Francis De Sales
                                Patron Saint

“What we need is a cup of understanding, a barrel
       of love, and an ocean of patience.”
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
TITLE                           Board Member

Co-Presidents           Jessica Garcia, David Toscano, Sr.
Vice Presidents         Joe Henry Martinez, David Toscano, Jr.
Secretary               Ashley Lomas
Treasurer               Melani Duran
Action Team             JoAnn Hernandez, Lucia Puente
Publicity / Marketing   Nicolette Douglous, Jorge Siller
                        Angelica Montez, Justin and Martha Alvarez,
Hospitality             Esperanza Glen
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
   Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm
    ◦ Parent/Student Handbook

   Thurs., Nov. 18th @ 6 pm
    ◦ Oratory Night

   Thurs., Jan. 27th @ 6 pm
    ◦ Night of the Arts

             Earn 1 Parent Service Hour
      per family for every meeting you attend!
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
   Monetary donations accepted; please send donation with your
    child in a ziploc bag or envelope labeled with event name.
    SignUpGenius link available for additional volunteer
SJS Church Sun., Aug. 8th @ 3 pm -
   Virtual option: October 10th - 24th
   Safe Environment Training
    ◦ Protecting God's Children & Sexual Harassment
   Criminal Background Check

    ◦ To see if your background check and trainings are up
      to date, please contact Ms. Kathy via email at with your full name
      and DOB.
Event                Amount Raised   Dining        Amount
                                     Event         Raised
Sausage Fundraiser   $230.00
Santa Pictures       $801.95         Kona Ice      $150.00
Christmas Play       $554.75         Peter Piper   $327.17
                                     Willies       $56.63
Cowboy Breakfast     $856.12
                                     Willies       $98.46
NIOSJ                $611.83
                                     Peter Piper   $107.03
BBQ Plate Sale       $5,228.63

           Total Profits
        from 2020-2021
   Faculty Appreciation               Community Building
    ◦   Back-to-School lunch            ◦ Back-to-School Community
    ◦   Advent Retreat
                                        ◦ Ice Cream Social
    ◦   Teacher Appreciation Week
                                        ◦ Drive-in Rosary
    ◦   Faculty and Staff shirts
                                       General Operating
   Student Appreciation
                                        ◦ Archdiocesan PTC Fee
    ◦ 8th Grade Scholarships to
      Catholic high schools            Promotional Materials
    ◦ Playground equip. for each        ◦   Teacher of the Year ad.
      class                             ◦   2 Street banners
    ◦ 3 Projectors                      ◦   Fence banner
    ◦ Technology upgrades               ◦   Yard Signs
   Attend an event
   Limit 2 family
    members per event for       Volunteer at an event
    first round volunteer       Serve on a board
    sign-up                     Volunteer as a coach
   5 service hours earned
                                Donate items to an event
    for Coaching a CYO          Donate items to your
    sport per sport              child’s classroom
   5 service hours for
    serving as a CYO
    Board Member
St. James CYO
   Fall Sports
    ◦ Flag Football
    ◦ Soccer
    ◦ Volleyball
   Ages 3 and up

Register In-Person
 Thursday, Aug. 12th
@ 4:30 -6:30
at SJS Back-to-School event
 $125 – Accepting Cash or
  Check ONLY
   President - Mika Martinez
   Vice-President - Lydia Vela
   Secretary - Hailynn Pineda
   Treasurer - Devin San Miguel
   Religious Commissioner - Jocelyn Garcia
   Ecology Commissioner - Nadia Vela
   Commissioner of Sports - Liliana Hernandez
   Student Council Reporter - Kathan Hansen

               Opening Song for the Year
                 “Joyful” by Dante Bowe
   Safety Plan Updates
    ◦ Contingency Plan
    ◦ Accepting COVID Vaccination
      Verification for students

   Car Line Procedures

   TCCBED Accreditation
    ◦ School Calendar

   Attendance Policy
    ◦ Tardy Policy

   Birthday Celebrations
Contingency Plan
   1. Continue to provide in-
    person instruction only       Strong!
   2. Transition to a closed
    campus – no visitors

   3. Transition to car line
    ONLY for drop-off and        #Salesian
SJS COVID Vaccination Form Web Page – Complete Google Form

   Students’ first and last name

   Grade

   First Vaccination Date

   Second Vaccination Date

   Upload copy of student’s vaccination card

                             SJS Web Site
Option 1: Park and Walk
 Park in the church parking lot and walk your
  child into the gym. ALL students must be
  accompanied by an adult when entering the
  gym. Gym doors close at 7:40 a.m. Students
  arriving after 7:40 a.m. enter through the
  cafeteria doors to properly record tardies.

Option 2: Car Line Drop-Off
 All vehicles will follow the path nearest the
  gym. Adults remain in vehicles while a staff
  member accompanies students into the gym.
  Gates close at 7:40 a.m. After 7:40 a.m.,
  adults must park in church parking lot and
  walk their child to the cafeteria to properly
  record tardies.
Car Line
7:00 am –
 7:40 am
During the first week or two of school, parents/guardians will
    be asked to present ID in order to pick up the child/children.

   Option 1: Drive-up Dismissal
     ◦ 3:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. - MUST APPLY

   Option 2: Park and Walk
     ◦ 3:20 p.m. – 3:40 p.m.
   1. APPLY for drive-up dismissal
    ◦ School Updates Web Page – Due Wed., Aug. 11th
Drive-up Dismissal Request Form

   2. MUST have extenuating circumstances

   3. Once approved, RECEIVE a car placard to
    place in the window.
                                            SJS Car
   4. MUST have placard to enter.          Placard
Nunes gate opens            Students escorted to cars
    3:00 pm – 3:10 pm
                                WAIT!
    Gates close at 3:10 pm
                                Exit all at once – follow
   Turn RIGHT into the          the line
    courtyard from Nunes
                                MUST TURN RIGHT on
   Cars park in rows            Nogalitos

   MUST REMAIN in cars at      The exiting gate will
    all times                    close at 3:20 p.m.

          MUST have placard to enter!
   Park in church parking     Early Learning Center
    lot                        Pick-up
    ◦ No parking on Nunes       Enter ELC on cafeteria
    ◦ EXIT ONLY on Theo
    MASK– thank you!
   Office doors open around      Please form a line
    3:20 p.m.
   Enter school grounds          Exit opposite hallway

               Exit Nunes pedestrian gate OR
                     Exit office side gate
   Supervision ends at 3:40 p.m.

    ◦ Extended Care program
      Drop-ins accepted – fees apply

    ◦ Extracurricular Activities may remain on school
      grounds. Unsupervised students will be placed in
      Extended Care and fees will be applied.

           We will always take care of our
                 precious students.
   No student pick-up the last hour of the day
    ◦ Before 2 pm on regular school days
    ◦ Before 11 am on noon dismissal days

   90% attendance rate required

   Please stay home if you are sick and notify
    the office.
    ◦ Please call the school office before 9 am.
   10th Tardy
Gates/Doors close             ◦ Letter from the Principal &
                                Meeting with the
   at 7:40 a.m.                 Counselor

                             16th – 20th tardy
                              ◦ $5.00 charge for EACH
                                TARDY added to FACTS

                             21st tardy +
      Granted                 ◦ $10.00 charge for EACH
 15 no-fault tardies            TARDY added to FACTS
  per school year

  Tardy arrivals will be reported on the student’s
  report card.
Self-Study Year
   Normal year
    ◦ 10 half days
   Self-study year
    ◦ 6 extra half days

    Total this year
    = 16 half days

   Thursday/Friday
    noon dismissal
   School-wide Recognition
    ◦ Free-dress pass - third Wednesday of each month
      Announced at Morning Message on this Wednesday
   Welcome to bring a healthy snack on child’s
    ◦ Must give to teacher BEFORE school
    ◦ Office cannot accept items for birthdays
    ◦ Celebration for classmates only
   No deliveries accepted
    ◦ balloons, flowers, presents, etc.
Pre-Kinder & Kinder         1st - 8th Grade
                       ( $3.50 per meal )       ( $4.00 per meal )

5 Meal Ticket               $17.50                   $20.00
10 Meal Ticket              $35.00                   $40.00

                Lunches served in closed containers.
                     If not purchasing a lunch,
                        please bring a lunch.
                        No visitors for lunch.
                  No fast food allowed. No soda.

 Orders accepted over                         Pay in person
    the phone at                             7 am – 8:15 am
   210-413-5149                             near the cafeteria
Let’s Get Ready!
1. Enjoy the rest of summer!
2. Purchase the following items:
    1. Face Mask or Neck Gaiter – Must be one of the
       following solid school colors: black, navy blue,
       hunter green, gray, or SJS plaid
    2. Personal Water Bottles – All must bring his/her
       own water bottle for personal use
      Clear (opaque) water bottles can be used by students,
       and only water may be inside
      Names should be clearly written on the bottles or
    3. School Supplies from list
    4. School Uniform – ALL BLACK shoes

3. Finish Summer Reading.
4. Schedule a hair appointment.
5. Start waking up early.
Bring your school supplies and
      meet your teacher!
Mission Statement

 St. James the Apostle
     Catholic School
  is a Christ-centered
   community where
 children can grow in
faith, values of service
      and academic
(NO P.E. Uniform) for the first day of school for photos!

  Please arrive by             Morning Message
     7:35 a.m.                begins at 7:40 a.m.
St. Francis De Sales
                                              Patron Saint

                                         “What we need is a cup of
                                              a barrel of love,
                                         and an ocean of patience.”

This presentation will be posted on our School Updates web page.
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