Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7

Page created by Ernest Quinn
Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7
Marlborough St Mary’s
News 7 - March 2019
 Last term finished on a high with a fantastic Harry Potter themed lunch. Thanks to all the parents for
making the effort to send the children in costume, and to all the staff for
dressing up, preparing the food, decorating the hall and helping to serve
on the day. The children sat in their house teams and everyone
thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

 Our next big event is World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. Various events have been organised in
school and once again children and staff will dress for the occasion. We realise that the two events are
quite close together and children are very welcome to wear their enchanted costumes for World Book
Day. The author, Bill Egginton, will be coming in to talk to the children about being an author and read
extracts from his R.E.S.C.U.E. series of books about endangered animals. (

Many of you will have noticed that the school garden has been developed over
half term. Due to the poor quality of the soil and large numbers of flints this
has proved to be more of a challenge than first expected but I’m sure you are
all as delighted with the results as we are. Thanks to Stuart Saunders who
esigned and prepared the garden and Lucy Pash for her amazing organisation
of the project. Also thanks to Stella Maxwell, Rachel Herring and last year’s Eco
Warriors for all their help in the early stages of the project.

SPORTS NEWS                                            THIS TERM’S VALUE
Our swimming team took part in the local gala           Our collective worship this half term is giving
just before half term. Everyone swam brilliantly       children the opportunity to reflect on our core
and the team had a special mention for their           value of Love. We will be moving on from last
passion and commitment.                                term’s theme of Friendship, when we looked at
HOCKEY                                                 the way we interact with each other, to a wider
                                                       theme of Love and the message that we should
Children from across KS2 took part in the Hockey
                                                       treat everyone in the way we would like to be
Festival this week. They were all amazing and the
                                                       treated, whether they are friends or not.
play improved game on game throughout the
event. The first team impressed us all by coming                      OUR SCHOOL VALUES
second in their pool, only losing to Ramsbury.                 Fairness, Respect, Friendship, Love,
                                                                   Perseverance and Courage
Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7
HOUSE NEWS                                                                   HEADTEACHER’S AWARD

Weekly house point totals are collected by the House Captains            Congratulations to the following
and Vice Captains. Each term the house point challenge starts             children, who have received a
anew and points are tallied to see who will win the termly               Headteacher’s Award this term.
house treat. The annual total will run on until July 2019.                             KS1
                                                                        Natalia Kornak, Georgina Herring
                                                                           Bethia Prest, Amelie Haines
                      ANNUAL TOTALS                                     DEPUTY HEADTEACHER’S AWARD
          Phoenix Gryphon Pegasus Dragon                                        Ophelia Hounslow
          8015         7835         7873         8119
                                                                             Congratulations to all


There have been recent reports that some seemingly innocent videos on YouTube and YouTube Kids
have been edited by unknown sources to include violence provoking and/or other inappropriate content.
Even though YouTube monitor and remove videos that include inappropriate content, clips can be
uploaded and viewed thousands of times before they get reported and removed. As a parent, it’s
difficult to spot these videos as the harmful content doesn’t appear until partway through the video.
YouTube carries lots of unsuitable content for children so please be vigilant if you allow your children
access to the site.
A separate email has been sent out with more information and we are planning to hold an e-safety event
to provide parents with information about keeping their children safe on-line. The email contains a link
to a questionnaire asking parents what they would like us to cover in an e-safety event and what time of
day would be the most useful.

For helpful information on e-safety visit

Following a request for parents not to send children in with sweets or cakes to
be given out in class on birthdays, we have had an enquiry about children
bringing in fruit as an alternative. The restrictions on sweets and cakes are part
of our Healthy Food Policy so fruit would be fine as an alternative.
Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7
As I’m sure you all know, traffic on Ducks Meadow and Van Diemens Close is an ongoing concern.
Hundreds of children and families from Marlborough St Mary’s and St John’s Schools walk past the
school gates every day and even though we have been allocated free parking in the George Lane car park
at the beginning and end of the day people insist on driving up Ducks Meadow to drop of their children.
We have recently had a complaint from a parent about a car mounting the pavement outside the school
gates because the driver was too impatient to wait until the road was clear!
Our Site Manager, Mog, is usually outside the school gates trying to keep the
children safe but if drivers behave irresponsibly there is an accident waiting to
happen, despite anything the school puts in place.

CROSSING                                                  FUNDRAISING
Parents have asked about supporting                       We are still looking for funding opportunities.
the school in our request for a                           Our latest projects involve funding new play
second crossing point on George                           equipment for KS2 and finalising the
Lane.                                                     development of the school garden. The Friends
You can use My Wiltshire to contact the council           of Marlborough St Mary’s have been doing an
about issues in your area. If you register for an         amazing job raising funds for the playground and
account you will receive updates on your reports          we have almost enough money to start.
                                                          If you work for a company that supports local
                                                          fundraising efforts we would be delighted to
                                                          hear from you.
FRIENDS OF MSM                                                                      The picture shows the
                                                                                    equipment that we are
Please donate your green tokens in Waitrose this
                                                                                    planning to install. The
month to the Friends of Marlborough St Mary's.
                                                                                    layout may be slightly
The money raised will go towards the outdoor play
      The next meeting of the Friends of
       Marlborough St Mary’s is on Wednesday 6th          Coffee and Chat
       March at 8pm at the Royal Oak.                     On Friday 22nd March
      Sponsored Swim - Saturday 27th April               Mrs Holford-Wright is again inviting
There is an official Friends of Marlborough St Mary’s     parents and carers to pop into school
Facebook page where you can find out more.                for coffee and chat in the studio hall.

We have children in school who are allergic to nuts so please ensure children do not bring nuts or foods
that contain nuts into school.
This includes products which contain nuts such as peanut butter and chocolate spreads
in sandwiches.
Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7
When our school is notified of an Ofsted inspection, parents will be invited to give their views about the
school to inspectors using the Parent View online facility, as this has replaced Ofsted’s paper

Please register with an email address and a password at Once your
login has been activated, it only takes a few minutes to complete answers to 12 short questions about
the school, such as the quality of teaching, whether the level of homework given to your child is
appropriate, and whether you would recommend the school to other parents.

Inspectors will consider parents’ views alongside other evidence when making a judgement
about a school. It is also useful for us because it gives valuable information about what you
think of the school and helps us to improve

Of course, if there is something you would like to speak to us about, please make an appointment to
speak to Mrs Schwodler.

There is also a link to Parent View on the school website. If you
do not have a computer or an email address or if you would
like help to use Parent View, please come into school and ask
at the school office.

Thank you to parents who have already completed the on-line

                                              Diary Dates


This term we have a history theme - Years 5 and 6 will be studying the Mayan Civilisation, Year 3 and 4
will be looking at Britain’s settlement by Anglo Saxons and Scots and Reception and KS1 will be following
the theme of Pirates.

Monday 4th Year 6 Choir to St Frances for Singing Workshop
Monday 4th Netball Tournament
Monday 4th Nic Allott, Marlborough College Science Teacher, working with Year 3 on Magnets
Tuesday 5th Gymnastics Festival
Wednesday 6th SEN Cricket Festival
Thursday 7th World Book Day—dress up as a book character
Friday 22nd Coffee and Chat Studio Hall
Friday 29th Annual reports for years 1 to 6 to parents

Thursday 4th KS2 Easter Service 9.30 St Mary’s Church
Friday 5th Last day of term (finish 1.15)
Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7 Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7 Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7 Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7 Marlborough St Mary's News 7 - March 2019 - Marlborough St Mary's News 7
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