Siempre en movimiento el futuro está

Page created by Harvey Reyes
Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
“Siempre en movimiento
     el futuro está”
Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
Nuevas oportunidades terapéuticas
    en la Enfermedad Renal Diabética

             Juan F. Navarro González
 Unidad de Investigación – Servicio de Nefrología
Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Candelaria
              Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
Nefroprotección en la Diabetes Mellitus



Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
• 2002: El euro entra en España

• 2003: Se completa el PGH


• 2010: España gana mundial fútbol   Sulodexide


• 2014: Cuba        EEUU

Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
Nefroprotección en la DM → Una travesía en el desierto
Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
Steven Nissen, M.D.
Cardiologist, Cleveland Clinic, OH (USA)
Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
Siempre en movimiento el futuro está
Cardiovascular outcomes trials for new antidiabetic agents

            Prospective, randomized, doble‐blind, placebo controlled

                                 PRIMARY OUTCOME
    3P‐MACE: Cardiovascular death, non‐fatal myocardial infarction, non‐fatal stroke
               4P‐MACE: 3P‐MACE + hospitalization for unstable angina

                               SECONDARY OUTCOMES
                       Microvascular endpoints  Renal events
CVOTs en DM2
                                                                     ACE                         EXSCEL                       REWIND
                                                                (Acarbose, AGI)           (Exenatide
                                                                                          (Exenatide ER,
                                                                                                      ER, OW
                                                                                                          OW GLP‐
                                                                                                             GLP‐      (Dulaglutide,
                                                                                                                       (Dulaglutide, OW
                                                                                                                                     OW GLP‐1RA)
                                                              n=6522; duration ~8                   1RA)
                                                                                                    1RA)                n=9622;
                                                                                                                                  duration~6.5 yrs
                                                                                                                                           ~7 yrs
                                                                      yrs                n=14,752;
                                                                                         n=14,752; follow‐up
                                                                                                   follow‐up ~3
                                                                                                             ~3 yrs
                                                                                                                yrs       Q4
                                                                                                                          Q4 2018
                                                                                                                              2018 –– TOP‐LINE
                                                              Q4 2017 – RESULTS             Q3
                                                                                             Q3 2017
                                                                                                2017 –– RESULTS
                                                                                                        RESULTS                 RESULTS

  ALECARDIO                          TECOS                                                                                                             AMPLITUDE‐O                              SELECT
  (Aleglitazar, PPAR‐αγ)          (Sitagliptin, DPP‐4i)
                                                               DEVOTE                     CARMELINA                           PIONEER 6
                                                                                                                                                          (Efpeglenatide, OW GLP‐
                                                                                                                                                                                        (Semaglutide, OW GLP‐1RA)
                                                           (Insulin degludec, insulin)     (Linagliptin, DPP‐4i)      (Oral
                                                                                                                       (Oral semaglutide,
                                                                                                                             semaglutide, GLP‐1RA)
                                                                                                                                           GLP‐1RA)                                             n=17,500*;
n=7226; follow‐up at least       n=14,671; duration ~3                                                                  n=3183;                                     1RA)
                                                            n=7637; duration ~3 yrs      n=6991; duration ~4.5 yrs      n=3183; duration
                                                                                                                                  duration ~1.5
                                                                                                                                           ~1.5 yrs
                                                                                                                                                yrs                                     Duration: event driven, 1225
           2 yrs                           yrs                                                                        Q4                                   n=4076; duration ~3 yrs
                                                              Q3 2017 – RESULTS            Q1 2019 – RESULTS          Q4 2018
                                                                                                                          2018 –– TOP‐LINE
                                                                                                                                  TOP‐LINE RESULTS
                                                                                                                                            RESULTS                                                MACE
   Q2 2014 – RESULTS              Q3 2015 – RESULTS                                                                                                         Completion Q2 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                           Completion Q3 2023

                         ELIXA                     SUSTAIN 6                     CANVAS‐R                      HARMONY
                                                                                                               HARMONY                  VERTIS CV                            SCORED                               SOUL
                   (Lixisenatide, GLP‐1RA)
                                   GLP‐1RA)      (Semaglutide,
                                                 (Semaglutide, OW
                                                               OW GLP‐
                                                                   GLP‐        (Canagliflozin, SGLT‐2i)        OUTCOMES                 (Ertugliflozin, SGLT‐2i)     (Sotagliflozin, SGLT‐1i & SGLT‐
                                                                                                          (Albiglutide, OW GLP‐1RA)                                                                    (Oral semaglutide, OD GLP‐1RA)
                    n=6068; follow‐up
                              follow‐up ~2
                                        ~2               1RA)
                                                          1RA)                  n=5812; duration ~3       (Albiglutide, OW GLP‐1RA)      n=8000; duration ~6                        2i)
                                                                                                           n=9463; duration ~3.5 yrs                                                                       n=9642; duration ~5 yrs
                               yrs              n=3297; duration ~2.8 yrs
                                                 n=3297; duration ~3 yrs                 yrs               n=9574; duration ~4 yrs                 yrs                n=10,500*; duration ~4.5 yrs
                                                                                                              Q4 2018 ‐ RESULTS                                                                              Completion Q2 2024
                      Q4 2015
                          2015 –– RESULTS
                                  RESULTS          Q3
                                                   Q4 2016
                                                      2016 –– RESULTS
                                                              RESULTS            Q3 2017 – RESULTS            Q3 2018 ‐ RESULTS          Completion Q4 2019               Completion Q1 2022

           SAVOR                                                           CANVAS                   CREDENCE                     CAROLINA
                                         FREEDOM                      (Canagliflozin, SGLT‐2i)     (Canagliflozin, SGLT‐2i)     (Linagliptin, DPP‐4i vs
       (Saxagliptin, DPP‐4i)       (ITCA
                                   (ITCA 650,
                                         650, GLP‐1RA
                                               GLP‐1RA in
                                                        in DUROS)
                                                           DUROS)      n=4330; duration 4+        n=4464; duration ~5.5 yrs               SU)                                              SGLT‐2i
     n=16,492; follow‐up ~2           n=4000;
                                       n=4000; duration
                                                duration ~2
                                                         ~2 yrs
               yrs                 Q2
                                                                                 yrs               Q3 2018 – CANCELLED         n=6103; duration ~8 yrs                     PPAR‐αγ
                                    Q2 2016
                                       2016 –– TOP‐LINE
                                               TOP‐LINE RESULTS
                                                          RESULTS       Q2 2017 – RESULTS              (+ve efficacy)            Completion Q3 2018
      Q4 2013 – RESULTS                                                                                                                                                                    Insulin
  EXAMINE                      EMPA‐REG                        LEADER                            TOSCA IT                 DECLARE
  (Alogliptin, DPP‐4i)        (Empagliflozin, SGLT‐2i)
                                                            (Liraglutide, GLP‐1RA)                                                                                         GLP‐1RA
                                                            (Liraglutide,  GLP‐1RA)         (Pioglitazone, TZD)        (Dapagliflozin, SGLT‐2i)
        n=5380;              n=7064; duration up to 5      n=9340;   duration 3.5–5       n=3371; duration ~10 yrs                                                                           AGI
                                                            n=9341; duration   5 yrs                                  n=17,160; duration ~5 yrs
   follow‐up ~3.5 yrs                   yrs                            yrs                  Q4 2018 – RESULTS
                                                              Q4 2016
                                                                  2015 –– RESULTS
                                                                          RESULTS                                        Q4 2018 – RESULTS
  Q2 2013 – RESULTS             Q2 2015 – RESULTS            Q2

   2013                  2014                 2015                  2016                 2017               2018                2019                  2020                 2021                 2022               2023                 2024


Agonistas receptor GLP1 / Inhibidores SGLT2
Heloderma Suspectum (Monstruo de Gila)


N = 4346 / Randomized = 3297
                    Mediana de seguimiento: 2.1 años

                       Perfil de riesgo cardiovascular
        • 83% ECV establecida, incluyendo ERC estadio 3 o superior
        • 58.5% ECV establecida sin ERC

                           ≈ 28% eGFR < 60 ml/min

                              PRIMARY OUTCOME
3P‐MACE: Cardiovascular death, non‐fatal myocardial infarction, non‐fatal stroke

                                                                  Marso et al. New Engl J Med 2016
Marso et al. New Engl J Med 2016

Macroalbuminuria persistente, duplicación de Cr sérica con FGe < 45 ml/min o necesidad de TSR

                                         HR 0.54 (0.37‐0.77) P
N = 12076 / Randomized = 9340
                    Mediana de seguimiento: 3.8 años

   ≈ 23% eGFR < 60 ml/min                 ≈ 11.5% micro/macroalbuminuria

                              PRIMARY OUTCOME
3P‐MACE: Cardiovascular death, non‐fatal myocardial infarction, non‐fatal stroke
Objetivo 2º microvascular pre‐especificado → Combinado renal y ocular

                                                                                16 %

                                                                                22 %

                     Nuevo comienzo de macroalbuminuria persistente
Obje vo 2º renal →   Duplicar creatinina sérica con FGe ≤ 45 ml/min
                     Necesidad de tratamiento sustitutivo renal
                     Muerte de causa renal

                                                          Mann JFE et al. New Engl J Med 2017
 22 %             26 %

         Mann JFE et al. New Engl J Med 2017
N = 12133 / Randomized = 9901           Perfil de riesgo cardiovascular
         Mediana de seguimiento: 5.4 años         • 31.5% ECV establecida

                 ≈ 22% eGFR < 60 ml/min           ≈ 35% Albuminuria

                                  PRIMARY OUTCOME
    3P‐MACE: Cardiovascular death, non‐fatal myocardial infarction, non‐fatal stroke


                                                                    15 %

                                   RENAL OUTCOME
New development macroalbuminuria, sustained decline ≥ 30% eGFR, new RRT (dialysis/Tx)
                                                                            Gerstein et al. Lancet 2019
Gerstein et al. Lancet 2019
Gerstein et al. Lancet 2019
Non‐inferiority study
Primary efficacy outcome: Change in HbA1c from baseline to week 26
     Secondary efficacy outcome: Change in HbA1c at week 52

                                                       Tuttle et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018
97% de los pacientes con ERC estadios 3‐4 (ERC moderada‐severa)
      Filtrado glomerular estimado entre 15 y 60 ml/min

                                                     Tuttle et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018
Dulaglutida semanal produjo una mejoría significativa del control glucémico con una
    eficacia similar a insulina glargina diaria en términos de descenso de HbA1c

                                                                Tuttle et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018
Dulaglutida semanal produjo una mayor reducción en el cociente
albúmina/creatinina que insulina glargina diaria en pacientes con
      macroalbuminuria, con un efecto dosis‐dependiente

                                                      Tuttle et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018

El tratamiento con dulaglutida semanal se asoció con una menor reducción
       en el filtrado glomerular estimado que insulina glargina diaria

                                                         Tuttle et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018
No incluido el estudio AWARD
                               Kristensen et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019
Kristensen et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019
Reabsorción renal de glucosa
                     Dapagliflozina                                        Canagliflozina
                     Empagliflozina                                        Ertugliflozina

                      Tofogliflozina            Ipragliglozina              Luesogliflozina
                                Glomerulus                                                     Collecting duct

                                                 Proximal tubule               Distal tubule
                                                   S1        S2

Glucose filtration
   180 g/day
                                                              SGLT1   S3
                                                 SGLT2         10%

                                                                        of                       Minimal
                                                                       Henle                      Glucose
        Up to ~90% of glucose             ~10% of glucose
            is reabsorbed                  is reabsorbed
      from the S1/S2 segments          from the S3 segment                                      ≈ 0.5 g/day
Prespecified secondary outcome

•   Progression to macroalbuminuria
•   Doubling of serum Cr accompained by eGFR ≤ 45 ml/min
•   Initiation of renal replacement therapy
•   Death due to renal disease

•   Doubling of serum creatinine
•   Initiation of renal replacement therapy
•   Death due to renal disase

                                                           Wanner et al. NEJM 2016

Wanner et al. NEJM 2016

       Wanner et al. NEJM 2016

       Wanner et al. NEJM 2016
Mahlling et al. Kidney Blood Press Res 2019
Mahlling et al. Kidney Blood Press Res 2019
Strom Halden et al. Diabetes Care 2019
     Neal B et al. New Engl J Med 2017

38   Neal B et al. New Engl J Med 2017
Canagliflozin and “renal outcomes”

                               Perkovic V et al. ASN 2017
Variable compuesta Reno‐Vascular
∙  sostenida del FGe ≥ 40% por debajo de 60 ml/min
∙ Enfermedad renal terminal: FGe < 15 ml/min, Diálisis > 90 días, Tx renal
∙ Muerte de causa renal o cardiovascular

Variable compuesta específica renal
∙  sostenida del FGe ≥ 40% por debajo de 60 ml/min
∙ Enfermedad renal terminal: FGe < 15 ml/min, Diálisis > 90 días, Tx renal
∙ Muerte de causa renal
N = 25698 / Randomized = 17160
         Mediana de seguimiento: 4.2 años

    93.2% patients with eGFR > 60 ml/min
               (47.5% eGFR > 90)


   67.9% pacientes con Normoalbuminuria
   19.4% pacientes con Microalbuminuria


                                            Wiviott et al. NEJM 2018
Variable compuesta Reno‐Vascular
∙  sostenida del FGe ≥ 40% por debajo de 60 ml/min
∙ Enfermedad renal terminal: FGe < 15 mil/min, Diálisis > 90 días, Tx renal
∙ Muerte de causa renal o cardiovascular


                                                   Mosenzon et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019
Variable compuesta específica renal
∙  sostenida del FGe ≥ 40% por debajo de 60 ml/min
∙ Enfermedad renal terminal: FGe < 15 mil/min, Diálisis > 90 días, Tx renal
∙ Muerte de causa renal


                                                   Mosenzon et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019
Riesgo de progresión de ERD
                                       Dapagliflozina                    Placebo
                                                                                                                   Hazard Ratio         Cox
                                 n/N (%)        Tasa eventos      n/N (%)        Tasa eventos                        (IC 95%)          valor p
Deterioro desde nivel basal

Normo/micro a macro           181/7836 (2,3)        2,30%      330/7838 (4,2)          4,2%                        0,54 (0,45; 0,65)
“Riesgo” de regresión de ERD




Riesgo de
regresión   30%



                     Macro a       Micro    Micro/Macro         *P
Why is CREDENCE Important?

                             PerKovic et al. NEJM 2019

People with T2DM, eGFR 30 to 90 ml/min/1.73 m2, and UACR 300 to 5000 mg/g
who are receiving standard of care including a maximum tolerated dose of an ACEi
or ARB, to assess whether canagliflozin compared with placebo reduces
     • Composite outcome of ESKD, doubling of serum creatinine, or renal or
       CV death
           •   CV death or hospitalization for heart failure
           •   Major cardiovascular events (3‐point MACE: CV death, MI, or stroke)
           •   Hospitalization for heart failure
           •   ESKD, doubling of serum creatinine, or renal death
           •   CV death
           •   All‐cause mortality
           •   CV death, MI, stroke, hospitalization for heart failure, or hospitalization
               for unstable angina
                                                                              PerKovic et al. NEJM 2019
Study Timeline

In July 2018, after the planned interim analysis,
the IDMC made the recommendation to stop the                       Interim
CREDENCE trial based on demonstration of                           analysis


2014             2015       2016          2017             2018     2019

   First                                         Last
                        amendment for                             Study
   participant                                   participant
                        lower extremity                           concluded
   enrolled                                      randomized
                        foot care

                                                                  PerKovic et al. NEJM 2019
Baseline Renal Characteristics

                            Canagliflozin    Placebo        Total
                             (n = 2202)     (n = 2199)   (N = 4401)
Mean eGFR, mL/min/1.73 m²        56             56           56
 eGFR ≥90, %                      5              5            5
 eGFR ≥60 to
Primary Outcome

     ESKD, Doubling of Serum Cr, or Renal or CV Death
                                      Participants with an event (%)

                                                                       Hazard ratio,ratio,
                                                                                     0.70 (95%  CI, 0.59–0.82)
Participants with an event (%)

                                                                          Hazard           0.70 (95%   CI, 0.59–0.82)
                                                                       P =P
                                                                            = 0.00001
                                                                                                                                               30%



                                             0                                26 6     52
                                                                                       12       178     2 104  3    130 3   156
                                                                                                                              4             182
                                                                                         Months 8       4      0
                                                                                                since randomization     6     2

                                                                                                                                  PerKovic et al. NEJM 2019
Primary Outcome

                                 ESKD, Doubling of Serum Cr or Renal Death
Participants with an event (%)

                                          Hazard ratio, 0.66 (95% CI, 0.53–0.81)
Primary Outcome

                                                End‐stage Kidney Disease
Participants with an event (%)

                                          Hazard ratio, 0.68 (95% CI, 0.54–0.86)
                                          P = 0.002


                                 10                                                              32%


                                      0        26      52       78     104     130       156   182
                                                            Months since randomization

                                                                                                 PerKovic et al. NEJM 2019
Primary Outcome
            Benefits in eGFR 30 to
       Ertugliflozin Phase 3 Clinical Trial Program

 Add‐on to                                          Add‐on to Dual
  Diet and              Add‐on to MET                Combination
  Exercise                                          of MET and SITA

   MONO           VERTIS SU         VERTIS MET       VERTIS SITA2         VERTIS CV
   ERTU             ERTU vs         ERTU added to
                                                     ERTU vs Placebo   CV Outcomes Trial
Monotherapy       Glimepiride           MET
                                                         N=463             N=~8,000
  N=461            N=1,326             N=621

VERTIS SITA                 VERTIS                                      VERTIS Renal
  ERTU + SITA             FACTORIAL                                     ERTU vs Placebo
(Initial Combo)            ERTU ± SITA                                      N=468
     N=291                Factorial Study

                                                                         VERTIS ASIA
                                                                       ERTU added to MET
VERTIS CV Adults With T2DM and established CVD
               Patients aged ≥40 years with T2DM and established CV disease
        HbA1c 7.0%–10.5% and dose‐stable on other AHA therapies or no background
                                     AHA for ≥8 weeks

                   8,246 patients randomized 1:1:1 treatment assignment

       Placebo                       Ertugliflozin 5 mg                   Ertugliflozin 15 mg

                    8,238 patients received at least 1 dose of study drug
                                Time frame: up to 6.1 years

                          Primary Outcome (Non‐inferiority)
         MACE (3‐point): CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke

                          Secondary Outcomes (Superiority)
                                          CV death
                         CV death or hospitalization for heart failure
        Composite of renal death, dialysis or transplant, doubling of serum creatinine

                                                                         1. https:/
VERTIS CV Adults With T2DM and established CVD
                        History of Cardiovascular Disease

    Coronary artery disease                                                76.3%
   Cerebrovascular disease             23,1%
 Peripheral arterial disease         18.8%

      Myocardial infarction
 Coronary revascularization
Peripheral revascularization
     History of heart failure        N=1.900 N=1.155 with preserved ejection fraction
                                0%   10%     20%   30%   40%   50%   60%       70%       80%       90%       100%

                                                                     1. https:/
VERTIS RENAL Adults With T2DM and Stage 3 CKD

                                               Treatment Period (Ph A)         Treatment Period (Ph B)
Mean Change From Baseline in eGFR

      (mL/min/1.73 m2 ± SE)

                                                                                                                      (Basal, 46.3 mL/min/1.73m2)
                                      0                                                                               ERTU 5 mg
                                    –0.5                                                                              (Basal, 47.7 mL/min/1.73 m2)

                                                                                                                      ERTU 15 mg
                                    –1.5                                                                              (Basal, 46.4 mL/min/1.73 m2)



                                           0      6      12     18        26       34        42          52   54


                                                                                                                   Grunemberg et al. Diabetes Ther 2018
Neuen et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019





Neuen et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019
Mecanismos nefro-protectores de los arGLP1
         Disminución hipertensión Intraglomerular

                                           Muskiet MHA. Nature Reviews Nephrology 2017
 Glucosa y
Na en orina
Heerspink H et al. KI 2018
Renoprotective effects of SGLT2i

                   Intraglomerular hemodynamics

                       Vasodilation / Vasoconstriction
                          of glomerular arterioles

Tubuloglomerular                                         Renin‐angiotensin
    feedback                                                  system
Hemodinámica intraglomerular
                                           Diabetes mellitus
                           VD arteriola aferente       VC arteriola eferente
     No diabetes
AA                 AE

     Presión                            HIPERFILTRACIÓN
      normal       Alteración balance     Presión            Activación SRA
                   túbulo‐glomerular     intraglomerular       sensibilidad AII
Hemodinámica intraglomerular en la DM
                        Abordaje terapéutico
         VD arteriola aferente                    VC arteriola eferente

iSGLT2                                                                Bloqueo SRA


         Alteración balance                        Activación SRA
         túbulo‐glomerular                        sensibilidad AII
SGLT2i constricts afferent arteriole
     mediated by adenosine
 In vivo imaging of AA change     Urinary adenosine
before and after empagliflozin

                                 Adenosine antagonist

                                        Kidokoro et al. Circulation 2019
Proximal tubule cells
 glucose and
in type 2 DM

                                       Increased O2

                                       hypoxic stress
Proximal tubule cells
 glucose and
in type 2 DM

                                        Reduces O2
                                         (up to 30%
                                       renal cortical)

                                       hypoxic stress
Adenosin and hypoxic stress in the kidney

                                            Vallon et al. Physiol Rev 2006
Inflammation in Diabetic Kidney Disease

                              Navarro‐González JF et al. Nat Rev Nephrol 2011
Vallon et al. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2016

Control   Diabetes   Diabetes + iSGLT2

                                   Ali BH et al. Cell Physiol Chem 2019
SGLT2i and GLP1ra
A new avenue to renal protection in type 2 diabetes
Marc Strand
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