January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April

Page created by Phillip Manning
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
2021 | February - April

Leisure Ledger

                                                                              Online Registration Starts
                                                                              January 11, 2021

   A guide to Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department’s programs, special events, and facilities
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
General Information                         Together we connect and enrich our
   Administration 5                         community through exceptional experiences.
   Capital Area Greenway 65                 Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
   Directory 70-71                          Department boasts over 200 parks including features
   Registration Options 3                   likeamusements, art centers, athletic facilities, community
   Registration Form 68-69                  centers, lakes, nature preserves, off-leash dog parks,
   Special Events 7                         playgrounds, swimming pools, historic homes, and open
   Volunteer Opportunities 67               spaces. With innovative programs offered throughout the
Facilities                                  year, there are endless opportunities to learn something
   Amusements 65                            new, refine skills, or meet new friends. Whether you play
   Arts Centers 13                          tennis on one of our 108 courts, dive into one of 9 pools,
   Historic Homes 65                        explore over 100 miles of paved greenway, or simply enjoy
   Lakes 65                                 a picnic in the park, we hope you take time to discover
   Museums 66                               YOUR Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
   Additional Facilities                    Department!
   and Programs 65-67

   Tennis Center 66

Program Areas                              Start Exploring With Park Locator!
   Adult Program 66
                                           The Park Locator mapping tool makes it even easier to
   Adventure 8-9
                                           find the closest parks to your home, search for parks
   Aquatics 10-12
                                           byamenities, get directions and explore program offerings.
   Arts Program 13-26
                                           It is responsive to different devices and is supported by all
   Athletic Teams/Leagues 27-29
                                           major, current browsers. Access Park Locator:
   City of Oaks Foundation 52
   Cultural Outreach
   and Enrichment Program 66               * You may also access Park Locator at parks.raleighnc.gov
   Educational Programs 30-37

   Fitness 38-47

   Gallery Program 13

   Greenways 65

   Nature Education 48-51

   Social Program 53-58

   Specialized Recreation
   and Inclusion Services 59-60

   Sports Program 61-64

   Tennis 66

   Teen Program 67

 2  Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
           Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department

                                               3 WAYS TO REGISTER
Registration Status: Check the status of your registration at any time by going to RecLink at parks.raleighnc.gov

           Browse or Register
      online with RecLink                                        mail- in                                       walk- in
          Visit parks.raleighnc.gov
                                                        Raleigh Parks, Recreation and                 Bring your completed registration
   RecLink allows you to search for classes,
   programs, and events by age, location,
                                                        Cultural Resources Department                 form and payment to one of our
   or keyword. With your Login ID and                   Attn: Recreation Business Office              staffed Recreation sites during
   password you can then complete your                        2401 Wade Avenue                        regular business hours.
   registration and payment online.                           Raleigh, NC 27607

  For more information about online registration, visit parks.raleighnc.gov or call 919-996-2153 (RecLink).
  Program information is accurate at time of printing, but may be subject to change.

                        My Raleigh Subscriptions
                        Sign up at www.raleighnc.gov to receive emails or text messages
                        about a variety of City of Raleigh topics including Parks and Recreation.

                                                            BE SOCIAL

           Instagram.com/                 YouTube.com/            @raleighparks            pinterest.com/           facebook.com/
             raleighparks              raleighparksandrec                                   raleighparks              raleighparks

                                                                 Leisure Ledger February-April 2021 | parks.raleighnc.gov  3  
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
                                                 Social Distancing Best Practices
     The health and safety of the
     community and our staff remain              •    Always keep at least 6 feet between you and others.
     our top priorities. While we                •    Walk, jog, hike, and bike in a single file on the trail.
     are hopeful that the programs
                                                 •    When crossing a bridge on the trail, allow one group or
     included will give you an
                                                      trail user to pass at a time to maintain 6 feet of distance.
     opportunity to stay active and
     healthy, all offerings are subject to       •    Avoid gathering in groups at trailheads or other areas.
     modification or cancellation based          •    To improve social distancing, consider visiting less busy
     upon state and local guidelines.                 trails or parks. Use our Park Locator http://maps.
     Visit parks.raleighnc.gov to view                raleighnc.gov/parklocator/ to find the park closest
     the status of park facilities,                   to you.
     amenities, and programs.
                                                 •    If you are exhibiting symptoms, do not visit the park or
                                                      trails. However, people with COVID-19 may not exhibit
                                                      symptoms, so it is important to practice the above
                                                      guidelines even when feeling well.

                                                 Thank you for staying safe, Raleigh!

4  Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
Raleigh City Council*
Mayor: Mary-Ann Baldwin
                                Management Team                               Financial Assistance
Corey Branch                    Oscar Carmona                                 The City of Raleigh Parks,
Patrick Buffkin                 Assistant Director:
David Cox                       Scott Payne
                                                                              Recreation and Cultural
Stormie D. Forte
David Knight
                                Assistant Director:                           Resources Department
                                Ken Hisler
Jonathan Melton                                                               strives to provide programs
Nicole Stewart                  Assistant Director:
                                Stephen Bentley                               to all. Thanks to generous
Parks, Recreation and
Greenway Advisory
                                Assistant Director:                           donations and support, we
Board Members*                  Sally Thigpen
Chair: Jennifer Wagner          Administration                                are able to provide financial
Vice Chair: Beverley Clark      Superintendent:
                                                                              assistance to those in need.
Carol Ashcraft                  Helene McCullough
Christopher Dillon                                                            Financial assistance is provided
                                Historic Resources
Lex Janes
                                and Museum Program                            on a sliding scale based on
Brad Johnson                    Advisory Board
Christina Jones
                                Clare Bass
                                                                              income and other financial
Rashawn King
Kendall Harris
                                Fred Belledin                                 circumstances. All patrons who
                                Jannette Coleridge-Taylor
Dexter Hebert
                                Sally Greaser                                 wish to register for programs
Carol Love
                                Esther Hall
Marsha Presnell Jennette                                                      provided by the City of Raleigh
                                Holmes Harden
Lindsay Saunders
Dave Toms
                                Matt Hobbs                                    Parks, Recreation and Cultural
                                Alicia McGill
Charles Townsend
                                Joe Mobley                                    Resources Department are
* at time of printing           Sam Mordecai                                  eligible to apply for financial
Parks, Recreation and           Edna Rich-Ballentine
Greenway Advisory               Stephen Rabin                                 assistance. Please note that
                                Jennifer Wagner, PRGAB
Board Meetings are
                                                                              financial assistance is not
held on the 3rd Thursday
at 5:30pm of each month.
                                City of Raleigh                               available for: specialty camps,
Please check the City website   Historic Cemetery
for location. The public is     Advisory Board
                                                                              organizations, adult teams,
invited to attend.              David Brown                                   special events, trips, or
Arts Commission                 Danny Coleman
Members                         Barden Culbreth
                                                                              rentals. For more information
Chair: Moses T.                 Joe Dillon                                    on eligibility or to request
  Alexander Greene              Ruby Greene
Vice Chair: Jamie Dawson        Jenny Harper                                  the financial assistance
                                Terry Harper
David Clegg                                                                   application, please call
Courtney Greer                  Amy Howard
Pam Hartley                     Jane Thurman                                  919-996-4839 or email
Bain Jones                      Public Art and                                Fee.Assistance@raleighnc.gov
Judy Payne                      Design Board
Angela Salamanca                Chair: Scott Hazard
Shelley Smith                   Vice Chair: Linda Dallas
Isabel Villa-Garcia             Adam Cave
Billy Warden                    Susan Cannon
Patty Williams                  Lincoln Hancock
                                Angela Lombardi
                                Phillip Jefferson

                                                           Leisure Ledger February-April 2021 | parks.raleighnc.gov  5  
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
Donate to Financial Assistance Fund
             Together we connect and enrich our community through exceptional experiences.

                            Play It Forward Financial Assistance Fund
Throughout the past 25 years the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural                           To make a tax-deductible donation,
Resources Department has provided assistance to families and individuals                   please mail a completed form to:
who desire to participate in departmental programs but for financial
reasons cannot always afford to. From 1993, when the department held                       City Of Raleigh
its first employee auction to help raise funds for this purpose, to today,                 Financial Assistance Program – 6107
the fund has helped over 7,500 individuals in Raleigh and the surrounding                  P.O. Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602
communities to participate in recreation programs that encourage healthy                   City of Raleigh tax ID number: 56-6000236

lifestyles, promote self-confidence and teach life-long lessons. Assistance
is awarded based on financial need and is offered to support all who wish
to participate in our programs.

Play It Forward Scholarship Fund
BY CHECK                                                                                   ONLINE
 Yes, we/I would like to help by donating to the Financial Assistance Scholarship Fund.   To make a tax-deductible donation online, visit
Please accept my gift of:  $10  $20  $50  Other                                        parks.raleighnc.gov and search "Play It Forward".
 My check is enclosed (Payable to the City of Raleigh and Tax Deductible)




City:                                        State:             Zip:
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
Special Events
Raleigh Trolley Celebrates
Black History Month
All ages. Celebrate Black History Month on this
special trolley tour around Raleigh highlighting the
downtown area's African American heritage. Tour
route includes historic homes, schools, churches,
and business areas important to Raleigh's African
American heritage. The trolley departs from Mordecai
Historic Park and lasts approximately one hour. Call
919-996-4364 for tickets and information.
Mordecai Historic Park – $10
#266469 Feb 27             Sa      1:00-2:00pm
#266470 Feb 27             Sa      2:00-3:00pm
#266471 Feb 27             Sa     3:00- 4:00pm

Pullen Park Carousel Centennial
All ages. Did you know in 2021 the Historic Dentzel
Carousel is celebrating its 100th anniversary
at Pullen Park? Join us for a celebration of this
centennial milestone with different themed programs
and experiences. Follow @raleighparks for more
details as the date draws near!
Pullen Amusements
#267059 Mar 22-28         Daily 10:00am-7:00pm

Egg Hunt
Age: Up to 10 yrs. Come to your local community
center for a fun-filled morning! Check with the center
closest to you to find out what exciting pre-hunt
events are planned and for the inclement weather
policy. Hunts start promptly at 11 a.m. This is a free
activity, and preregistration is not required.
Mar 27 Sa                  11am
Abbotts Creek Community Center
Anderson Point Park
Brier Creek Community Center
Carolina Pines Community Center
John Chavis Memorial Park
Laurel Hills Community Center
Lions Park Community Center
Mordecai Historic Park
Pullen Amusements
Roberts Park Community Center

                                                         Leisure Ledger February-April 2021 | parks.raleighnc.gov  7  
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April

                        Adventure                                                                                       Bike Maintenance Clinic
                                                                                                                        Age: 14yrs. and up. Stop paying for costly

                                                                                                                        bike repairs that can be done on your own!
                                                                                                                        Participants will learn how to change flat tires,
                        Outdoor Recreation Director:                                                                    adjust gears and brakes, as well as perform
                                                                                                                        general upkeep on their bikes. We will also
                        Seth Yearout                                                                                    go over signs and symptoms of bicycles in
                        Seth.Yearout@raleighnc.gov                                                                      need of maintenance. Bring your own bike
                                                                                                                        and helmet, and wear clothes that can get
                        For more information about facilities, hours of operation, and
                                                                                                                        dirty! Sign up today for quality instruction and
                        available services please visit: http://www.raleighnc.gov/parks and                             hands-on experience.
                        search the term “Outdoor Recreation.”                                                           Forest Ridge Park – Course Fee: $10
                                                                                                                        #263460 Mar 27              Sa      1:00-3:00pm
                        Outdoor Recreation:                                                                             Kayak Pool Sessions
                        Our mission is to enrich the lives of our patrons through programs,                             Age: 8yrs. and up. Pool sessions are open
                        services and park facilities that connect them with the natural                                 paddling times for all levels of boaters,
                                                                                                                        whether you’re working on your roll,
                        environment. Outdoor Recreation seeks to foster a personal
                                                                                                                        practicing new skills, or just wanting to try out
                        connection to resources through firsthand experience and                                        the sport. Formal instruction is not provided,
                        evaluation of one’s relationship with the natural environment.                                  but a brief, basic boat orientation is available
                                                                                                                        for beginners. Take advantage of the warm
                        Our goal is to provide a variety of exceptional programs, services
                                                                                                                        water, grab your boat and come join us at the
                        and park facilities that reach all members of the community.                                    pool! No preregistration required. Participants
                        Programs, services and park facilities are designed to assist                                   under 14 are welcome when accompanied
                        the balance of our participants’ physical, mental or social needs                               by an adult (over 16). Entrance fees: resident
                        through the use of the outdoor environment.                                                     - $4, nonresident - $6, 5-punch pass, $15.
                                                                                                                        Don’t have your own boat? Kayaks are
                                                                                                                        available to rent for $4. Bring clothes that can
                        Facilities:                                                                                     get wet, towel and a change of dry clothes.
                           Lake Johnson                               Lake Wheeler                                      Questions? Contact the Outdoor Recreation
                           4601 Avent Ferry Rd.                       6404 Lake Wheeler Rd.                             Programs at adventure.program@raleighnc.
                           Raleigh, NC 27606                          Raleigh, NC 27603                                 gov or 919-996-6855.
                           Phone: 919-233-2121                        Phone: 919-662-5704                               Optimist Pool
                                                                                                                        #266971 Feb 5             F        5:00-8:00pm
                           Outdoor Recreation Program                 Forest Ridge Park                                 #266972 Feb 12            F        5:00-8:00pm
                           2401 Wade Avenue                           2100 Old NC 98 Hwy.                               #266973 Feb 19            F        5:00-8:00pm
                           Raleigh, NC 27607                          Wake Forest, NC 27587                             #266974 Feb 26            F        5:00-8:00pm
                           Phone: 919-996-6855                        Phone: 919-996-5800                               #266975 Mar 5             F        5:00-8:00pm
                                                                                                                        #266976 Mar 12            F        5:00-8:00pm
                                                                                                                        #266977 Mar 19            F        5:00-8:00pm
                        River Access and Disc Golf Courses:                                                             #266978 Mar 26            F        5:00-8:00pm
                        Visit our Website for more information

                   Youth                                             Teen
                   Fishing on the Banks
                                                                     Mountain Bike Basics
                   Age: 10-12 yrs. Have fun and learn to fish        Age: 14yrs. and up.Hit the trails with this
                   from the banks of Falls Lake! Join our            multi-sessioned approach to mountain biking.
                   experienced instructors as they lead the group    If you’re interested in mountain biking but
                   through fishing techniques and etiquette before   don’t have equipment or don’t know where to
                   heading down to the water to test out your        ride, this course is for you. Utilize our bikes
                   skills. This program is designed to introduce     and learn to ride on some of the newest single
                   fishing terms and basic casting skills in a       track trail in the area. Each session will be
                   fun environment. All equipment and bait is        led by one of our experienced instructors
                   provided, but bring your pole if you’d like.      that will get you set up to ride and guide you
                   Spots are limited so register soon to catch the   through fundamentals that can prepare you for
                   big one!                                          a lifetime of enjoyment. All equipment will be
                   Forest Ridge Park – Course Fee: $4                provided. Pre-registration is required so sign
                   #263462 Mar 31              W      4:00-6:00pm
                                                                     up today!
                                                                     Forest Ridge Park – Course Fee: $10
                                                                     #263456 Apr 24              Sa      9:00-11:00am

            8  Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
Family                                           Navigating the Wilderness
                                                 Age: 12yrs. and up. How would you get
Compass Basics                                   around the wilderness if your phone and

Age: 10yrs. and up. Have you ever been           GPS lost power or broke altogether? This
lost in the woods? This course is designed       course will take you on a journey off the
to teach you the skills needed to navigate       trails inside Lake Johnson Park. You will
using a compass through a fun, hands-on          learn how to how to take bearings, read
experience. Adult(s) must accompany              a topographic map, read a compass,
participants under the age of 16. Adult(s) and   understand triangulation, and much more. No
child(ren) must register and pay the program     prior experience is necessary. Adult(s) must
fee. Advance registration is required for this   accompany participants under the age of 16.
program.                                         Adult(s) and child(ren) must register and
Lake Johnson – Course Fee: $4                    pay the program fee. Advance registration is
#263978 Mar 6              Sa      1:00-3:00pm   required for this program.
                                                 Thomas G Crowder Woodland Center – Course Fee: $4
                                                 #263979 Mar 13           Sa       1:00-3:00pm

                                                                   Leisure Ledger February-April 2021 | parks.raleighnc.gov  9  
January 11, 2021 Online Registration Starts - 2021 | February - April
Course Fee: $56

                                                                                                                         #264372 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 10:10-10:40am
                                                                                                                         #264373 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 4:30-5:00pm
                                                                                                                         #264374 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 10:10-10:40am
                                                                                                                         #264375 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 4:30-5:00pm
                                                                                                                         Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41
                                                                                                                         #264790 Feb 6-27            Sa      10:10-10:40am
                        For information about dates of operations, hours of operation,                                   #264801 Mar 6-27            Sa      10:10-10:40am
                        and amenities please visit www.raleighnc.gov/aquatics.                                           #264806 Apr 17-May 8 Sa             10:10-10:40am
                                                                                                                         Course Fee: $56
                                                                                                                         #264795 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W 10:50-11:20am
                        Admission Fees                                                                                   #264805 Apr 12-28           M, W 10:10-10:40am
                        To ensure everyone’s safety, all visitors passing the front desk                                 Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41

                        must pay! Children 12 years old or younger must be accompanied                                   #265652 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa            10:50-11:20am
                                                                                                                         #265653 Apr 10-May 1 Sa             10:50-11:20am
                        by paying adult. All passes are not transferable and become                                      Pullen Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $56
                        property of the City of Raleigh upon expiration date. Replacement                                #266332 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm
                        passes are available for $10. Private lessons are also available                                 Preschool Aquatics Level 1
                        for individuals wanting one on one instruction. Swim lessons for                                 Age: 3-5 yrs. Participants learn to enjoy and
                        individuals with disabilities are available following the inclusion                              feel comfortable in the water. Participants
                        model. (For more information, contact Specialized Recreation and                                 gain elementary aquatic skills such as
                                                                                                                         underwater exploration while opening eyes,
                        Inclusion Services at 919-996-2147.)
                                                                                                                         blowing bubbles and floating with assistance.
                                                                                                                         Participants start developing good attitudes
                        All Pools                                     All Pools                                          and safe practices around the water. This
                                                                                                                         course has no prerequisites.
                        (with the exception of                        Photo I.D. Pass
                                                                                                                         Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41
                        Buffaloe Road Aquatic Center)                 may be purchased at all pools.
                                                                                                                         #264397 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            10:50-11:20am
                        At The Door Resident Non-Res                  Punch Passes                                       Course Fee: $56
                        1-12 years     $2      $3                     Purchased at each pool for 15 swims.               #264391 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 10:50-11:20am
                        13-54 years    $4      $7                     (valid two years-to-date)                          #264392 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm
                        55 and older   $3      $5                                      Resident   Non-Res                #264394 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 10:50-11:20am
                                                                      1-12 years         $24         $36                 #264395 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm
                        Buffaloe Road Aquatic Center                  13-54 years        $48         $84                 Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41
                        At The Door Resident Non-Res                  55 and older       $36         $60                 #264823 Feb 6-27            Sa       9:30-10:00am
                        1-12 years     $4      $7                                                                        #264824 Feb 6-27            Sa     10:10-10:40am
                        13-54 years    $8      $15                    Monthly Pass       Resident        Non-Res         #264827 Mar 6-27            Sa       9:30-10:00am
                        55 and older   $6      $11                    1-12 years           $18             $27           #264828 Mar 6-27            Sa     10:10-10:40am
                                                                      13-54 years          $36             $63           #264834 Apr 17-May 8 Sa              9:30-10:00am
                        The Aquatics Division offers the              55 and older         $27             $45           Course Fee: $56
                        following certification courses:                                                                 #264825 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W 11:30am-12:00pm
                        Lifeguarding, Lifeguarding                    Annual Pass      Resident          Non-Res
                                                                      (valid one year-to-date)                           #264826 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W             5:10-5:40pm
                        Instructor, and Water Safety                                                                     #264829 Mar 8-24            M, W 10:10-10:40am
                        Instructor. Please check www.                 1-12 years         $120             $180
                                                                                                                         #264830 Mar 8-24            M, W      5:10-5:40pm
                        raleighnc.gov/aquatics for course             13-54 years        $240             $420
                                                                                                                         #264831 Apr 12-28           M, W 10:50-11:20am
                        requirements and schedules.                   55 and older       $180             $300
                                                                                                                         #264832 Apr 12-28           M, W      5:10-5:40pm
                                                                                                                         #264833 Apr 12-28           M, W      5:50-6:20pm
                                                                                                                         Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41
                                                                                                                         #265660 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa           10:10-10:40am
                                                                                                                         #265661 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm
                  Preschool                                                                                              #265662 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            10:10-10:40am
                  Parent & Child Aquatics Level 1                     Course Fee: $56                                    #265663 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            11:30-12:00pm
                  Age: 6 mths - 3 yrs. This class introduces          #264771 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W          10:10-10:40am   Course Fee: $56
                                                                      #264775 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W            5:10-5:40pm   #265659 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm
                  basic skills to parents and children. Parents
                                                                      #264778 Mar 8-24            M, W     5:10-5:40pm   #265664 Apr 13-29           Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm
                  are taught to safely and appropriately hold
                  their children in the water while preparing and     #264779 Apr 12-28           M, W   10:10-10:40pm   Preschool Aquatics Level 2
                                                                      #264780 Apr 12-28           M, W     5:10-5:40pm
                  encouraging their children to participate fully                                                        Age: 3-5 yrs. Participants must be able to
                                                                      Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41
                  and try the skills. These basic skills will lay     #265649 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa           10:10-10:40am   perform the exit skills for Level 1 preschool
                  the foundation to help children learn to swim       #265650 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            10:10-10:40am   swim lessons. In Level 2, participants go
                  in the future. The class also introduces water                                                         completely under water while blowing bubbles
                  safety topics for parents.                          Parent & Child Aquatics Level 2                    from their mouths and noses. Participants
                  Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41        Age: 6 mths - 3 yrs. Participants improve          learn to float without support and to recover
                  #264369 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            10:10-10:40am    on skills from Level 1 parent and child swim       to a vertical position. This level marks the
                  Course Fee: $56                                     lessons and learn more advanced skills to          beginning of true locomotor skills while
                  #264365 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 10:10-10:40am    prepare for Level 1 preschool swim lessons.        building on the skills learned in Level 1.
                  #264366 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 4:30- 5:00pm
                                                                      Three-year-olds ready to learn without a parent    Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41
                  #264367 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 10:10-10:40am
                                                                      or caregiver should enroll in Level 1 preschool    #264404 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            10:50-11:20am
                  #264368 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 4:30-5:00pm
                                                                      swim lessons.                                      Course Fee: $56
                  Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41
                                                                      Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41       #264400 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 10:50-11:20am
                  #264769 Feb 6-27            Sa       9:30-10:00am
                  #264777 Mar 6-27            Sa       9:30-10:00am   #264376 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            10:10-10:40am
                  #264781 Apr 17-May 8 Sa              9:30-10:00am

           10  Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
#264401 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm       Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41                   Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $64
#264402 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 10:50-11:20am     #264950 Feb 6-27            Sa    10:50-11:20am    Group Swim and Play Beginner
#264403 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm       #264953 Mar 6-27            Sa    10:50-11:20am    #265509 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W          12:15-1:30pm
Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41                     #264962 Apr 17-May 8 Sa           10:50-11:20am    #265513 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W          1:30- 2:15pm
#264937 Feb 6-27            Sa      10:10-10:40am    Course Fee: $56                                    #265514 Mar 8-24            M, W   12:15-1:30pm
#264939 Mar 6-27            Sa      10:10-10:40am    #264952 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W            5:50-6:20pm   #265515 Mar 8-24            M, W    1:30-2:15pm
#264945 Apr 17-May 8 Sa             10:10-10:40am    #264956 Mar 8-24            M, W 11:30am-12:00pm
Course Fee: $56                                      #264957 Mar 8-24            M, W     5:50-6:20pm   Swim Lesson - Level 1
#264938 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W             5:10-5:40pm    #264960 Apr 12-28           M, W 11:30am-12:00pm   Intro Water Skills
#264940 Mar 8-24            M, W 10:50-11:20am       #264961 Apr 12-28           M, W     5:50-6:20pm   Age: 6-13 yrs. School-age participants learn
#264941 Mar 8-24            M, W      5:10-5:40pm    Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41                    elementary aquatic skills. This class helps

#264942 Apr 12-28           M, W 10:50-11:20am       #265691 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa          10:50-11:20am    participants enjoy and feel comfortable in
#264943 Apr 12-28           M, W 11:30am-12:00pm     #265692 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm           the water, learn underwater exploration while
#264944 Apr 12-28           M, W      5:10-5:40pm    #265693 Apr 10-May 1 Sa           10:50-11:20am    opening eyes, blow bubbles and float with
Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41                      #265694 Apr 10-May 1 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm
                                                                                                        assistance. Participants start developing good
#265676 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa            10:10-10:40am    Course Fee: $56
#265677 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm             #265684 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm            attitudes and safe practices around the water.
#265678 Apr 10-May 1 Sa             10:10-10:40am    #265695 Apr 13-29           Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm     Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41
#265679 Apr 10-May 1 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm                                                                 #264416 Apr 10-May 1 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm
                                                                                                        Course Fee: $56
Course Fee: $56                                      Youth                                              #264414 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm
#265672 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm
#265680 Apr 13-29           Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm                                                          #264415 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm
Pullen Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $56
                                                     Aquatic Junior Lifeguard                           Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41
#266336 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm              Age: 11-14 yrs. The City of Raleigh Junior         #265051 Feb 6-27            Sa       9:30-10:00am
                                                     Lifeguard Program provides youth ages              #265052 Feb 6-27            Sa     10:50-11:20am
Preschool Aquatics Level 3                           11-14 an introduction into the role of a           #265054 Mar 6-27            Sa       9:30-10:00am
Age: 3-5 yrs. Participants must have                 professional lifeguard. The program helps          #265055 Mar 6-27            Sa     10:50-11:20am
completed exit skills in Level 2 preschool                                                              #265058 Apr 17-May 8 Sa              9:30-10:00am
                                                     participants build a foundation of knowledge,
                                                                                                        #265059 Apr 17-May 8 Sa            10:50-11:20am
swim lessons. While building on skills               attitudes and skills that they will need to be     Course Fee: $56
learned in Level 2, participants learn to            responsible future lifeguards. Lessons are         #265053 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W             5:50-6:20pm
coordinate simultaneous and alternating arm          grouped into four main areas: prevention,          #265056 Mar 8-24            M, W      5:50-6:20pm
and leg actions. Level 3 lets participants           response, leadership and professionalism.          #265057 Apr 12-28           M, W      5:50-6:20pm
master skills without assistance.                    Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $135                  Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41
Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41         #265508 Mar 29-Apr 2 M-F 9:00am-4:00pm             #265700 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa           10:10-10:40am
#264411 Apr 10-May 1 Sa             10:50-11:20am                                                       #265701 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            10:10-10:40am
Course Fee: $56                                      Group Swim and Play                                Course Fee: $56
#264407 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 11:30am-12:00pm   Age: 3-5 yrs. This program combines a 30           #265699 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm
#264408 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm       minute swim lesson for varying skill levels        #265702 Apr 13-29           Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm
#264409 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 11:30am-12:00pm   with 45 minutes of self directed recreational
#264410 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 5:10-5:40pm       swimming scheduled during the day for                                         continued on page 12 —
                                                     children that are home schooled, tracked out
                                                     or on a non-traditional calendar.

                                                                      Leisure Ledger February-April 2021 | parks.raleighnc.gov  11  
continued from page 11 —

                                                                      Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41        Swim Team – Intra-City Swim
                                                                      #264426 Apr 10-May 1 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm             Association
                                                                      Course Fee: $56                                     Age: 3-18 yrs. Experience competitive
                                                                      #264424 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm      swimming in a fun, enjoyable and relaxed
                                                                      #264425 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm      environment. Prerequisite: Participants must be
                                                                      Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41
                                                                                                                          able to swim 25 yards unassisted.
                                                                      #265141 Feb 6-27            Sa 11:30am-12:00pm
                                                                                                                          Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $50
                                                                      #265143 Mar 6-27            Sa 11:30am-12:00pm
                                                                                                                          11-18 Yrs Buffaloe Road Blue Whales
                                                                      #265184 Apr 17-May 8 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm
                                                                                                                          #268349 Mar 8-Apr 26 M, W 4:00-4:45pm
                                                                      Course Fee: $56
                                                                                                                          3-10 Yrs Buffaloe Road Blue Whales
                                                                      #265142 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W             6:30-7:00pm
                                                                                                                          #268350 Mar 8-Apr 26 M, W 5:00-5:45pm
                                                                      #265144 Mar 8-24            M, W      6:30-7:00pm
                                                                                                                          3-18 Yrs Buffaloe Road Blue Whales

                                                                      #265145 Apr 12-28           M, W      6:30-7:00pm
                                                                                                                          #268351 Mar 8-Apr 26 M, W 6:00-6:45pm
                                                                      Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41
                                                                                                                          Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $78
                                                                      #265719 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa           10:50-11:20am
                                                                                                                          3-10 Yrs Millbrook Marlins
                                                                      #265720 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            10:50-11:20am
                                                                                                                          #268352 Feb 16-Apr 27 T, Th 6:00-6:45pm
                                                                      Course Fee: $56
                                                                                                                          11-18 Yrs Millbrook Marlins
                                                                      #265718 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm
                                                                                                                          #268353 Feb 16-Apr 27 T, Th 7-7:45pm
                                                                      #265721 Apr 13-29           Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm
                                                                                                                          Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $78
                                                                      Swim Lesson - Level 4                               3-10 Yrs Optimist Otters
                                                                      Stroke Improvement                                  #268393 Feb 15-Apr 26 M, W 6:00-6:45pm
                                                                      Age: 6-13 yrs. Participants must have               11-18 Yrs Optimist Otters
                                                                                                                          #268394 Feb 15-Apr 26 M, W 7:00-7:45pm
                                                                      completed exit skills in Level 3. In Level
                  Swim Lesson - Level 2                               4 swim lessons, the back crawl and
                  Fundamental Skills                                  breaststroke are introduced. Endurance is           Adult
                  Age: 6-13 yrs. Participants must have               also a key factor for this course. Participants
                  completed exit skills in Level 1. In Level          continue to build upon the scissor kick and         Adult Learning the Basics Swim Class
                  2, participants go underwater completely            dolphin kick by adding the arms for sidestroke      Age: 13yrs. and up. This class helps teens
                  while blowing bubbles from their noses and          and butterfly.                                      and adults overcome their fear of the water and
                  mouths. Participants learn to float without         Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41        learn the basic skills for a minimum level of
                  support and to recover to a vertical position.      #264431 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            12:10-12:40pm    water competency. Participants strive for skill
                  This level marks the beginning of true              Course Fee: $56                                     and stroke performance, to be able to jump
                  locomotor skills while building on the skills       #264429 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm      into deep water from the side, swim front crawl
                  learned in Level 1.                                 #264430 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm      for 15 yards, maintain position by treading or
                  Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41        Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41                    floating for 30 seconds and swim elementary
                  #264421 Apr 10-May 1 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm             #265276 Feb 6-27            Sa 11:30am-12:00pm      backstroke for 15 yards.
                  Course Fee: $56                                     #265278 Mar 6-27            Sa 11:30am-12:00pm      Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $47
                  #264419 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm      #265281 Apr 17-May 8 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm             #264441 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            12:10-12:50pm
                  #264420 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 5:50-6:20pm      Course Fee: $56                                     Course Fee: $62
                  Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41                    #265277 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W             6:30-7:00pm   #264439 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 6:30-7:10pm
                  #265128 Feb 6-27            Sa      10:50-11:20am   #265279 Mar 8-24            M, W      6:30-7:00pm   #264440 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 6:30-7:10pm
                  #265131 Mar 6-27            Sa      10:50-11:20am   #265280 Apr 12-28           M, W      6:30-7:00pm   Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $47
                  #265136 Apr 17-May 8 Sa             10:10-10:40am   Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41                     #265287 Feb 6-27            Sa        8:40-9:20am
                  #265137 Apr 17-May 8 Sa             10:50-11:20am   #265725 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa             9:30-10:00am   #265288 Mar 6-27            Sa        8:40-9:20am
                  Course Fee: $56                                     #265726 Apr 10-May 1 Sa              9:30-10:00am   #265290 Apr 17-May 8 Sa               8:40-9:20am
                  #265129 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W             5:50-6:20pm   Course Fee: $56                                     Course Fee: $62
                  #265130 Feb 15-Mar 3 M, W             6:30-7:00pm   #265724 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 7:10-7:40pm             #265289 Apr 12-28           M, W      7:10-7:50pm
                  #265132 Mar 8-24            M, W      5:50-6:20pm   #265727 Apr 13-29           Tu, Th 7:10-7:40pm      Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $47
                  #265133 Mar 8-24            M, W      6:30-7:00pm                                                       #265735 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa             9:20-10:00am
                  #265134 Apr 12-28           M, W      6:30-7:00pm   Swim Lesson - Level 5
                                                                                                                          #265736 Apr 10-May 1 Sa              9:20-10:00am
                  #265135 Apr 12-28           M, W      7:10-7:40pm   Stroke Refinement
                  Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41                     Age: 6-13 yrs. Participants must have               Adult Refining Swim Strokes Class
                  #265710 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa            10:50-11:20am   completed exit skills in Level 4 swim lessons.      Age: 13yrs. and up. This class is for teens or
                  #265711 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm            In Level 5 swim lessons, participants               adults who want to improve their foundational
                  #265712 Apr 10-May 1 Sa             10:50-11:20am   coordinate and refine all strokes. Flip turns       skills and swimming strokes to gain an overall
                  #265713 Apr 10-May 1 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm             on both front and back are introduced in this       level of comfort in the water.
                  Course Fee: $56                                     course. Endurance and distance are important        Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $47
                  #265709 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm             in this course.                                     #264446 Apr 10-May 1 Sa             12:10-12:50pm
                  #265714 Apr 13-29           Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm      Buffaloe Rd Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $41        Course Fee: $62
                  Pullen Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $56             #264436 Apr 10-May 1 Sa            12:10-12:40pm    #264444 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 6:30-7:10pm
                  #266339 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm             Course Fee: $56                                     #264445 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 6:30-7:10pm
                                                                      #264434 Mar 9-25            Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm      Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $47
                  Swim Lesson - Level 3
                                                                      #264435 Apr 6-22            Tu, Th 6:30-7:00pm      #265293 Feb 6-27            Sa        8:40-9:20am
                  Stroke Development
                                                                      Millbrook Pool – Course Fee: $41                    #265294 Mar 6-27            Sa        8:40-9:20am
                  Age: 6-13 yrs. Participants must have               #265282 Feb 6-27            Sa 11:30am-12:00pm      #265296 Apr 17-May 8 Sa               8:40-9:20am
                  completed exit skills in Level 2. They will learn   #265283 Mar 6-27            Sa 11:30am-12:00pm      Course Fee: $62
                  to coordinate alternating and simultaneous          #265284 Apr 17-May 8 Sa 11:30am-12:00pm             #265295 Apr 12-28           M, W      7:10-7:50pm
                  arm and leg actions of several strokes. Level       Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $41                     Optimist Pool – Course Fee: $47
                  3 lets participants perform skills without          #265731 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa             9:30-10:00am   #265738 Feb 20-Mar 13 Sa             9:20-10:00am
                  assistance and learn survival float, elementary     #265732 Apr 10-May 1 Sa              9:30-10:00am   #265739 Apr 10-May 1 Sa              9:20-10:00am
                  backstroke, dolphin and scissor kicks and           Course Fee: $56                                     Pullen Aquatic Center – Course Fee: $62
                  coordination of the front crawl.                    #265730 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 7:10-7:40pm             #266341 Feb 16-Mar 4 Tu, Th 7:10-7:50pm
                                                                      #265733 Apr 13-29           Tu, Th 7:10-7:40pm

           12  Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Pullen Arts Center
                                                                        105 Pullen Road Raleigh, NC 27607
                                                                        Director: Eliza Kiser

                                                                                    Pullen Arts Center Reopening
                                                                        Following a complete renovation and expansion
                                                                        made possible by the 2014 Parks Bond, Pullen
                                                                        Arts Center will be reopening in Winter/Spring
                                                                        2021. Visit www.raleighnc.gov/arts for specific
                                                                        reopening dates and plans.
                                                                        Pullen Arts Center is a community arts
The City of Raleigh believes that arts, culture, and creativity         education facility focused on serving beginning
enhance our quality of life, boost the economy, and help connect        to advanced visual artists of all ages by
our communities. With the help of two volunteer advisory                providing quality instruction by professional
                                                                        teaching artists, gallery exhibition opportunities,
groups, the Arts Commission and the Public Art and Design
                                                                        and studio access. Programming is focused in

Board, Raleigh Arts oversees a portfolio of programs, funding           five studio areas - pottery, glass, bookmaking
opportunities and creative placemaking initiatives including:           & printmaking, painting & drawing, and jewelry.
                                                                        In addition to the art classes, studio
  • Artist Opportunities, resources, and capacity building              memberships, and Art4Fun summer camps
  • Arts Grants that provide $1.9 million to non-profit                 that Pullen Arts Center has been known for,
                                                                        Pullen Arts Center now also offers a Teen Art
    organizations each year
                                                                        Pass, Monday Creative Aging memberships,
  •   Exhibitions and the Municipal Art Collection                      Studio Assistantships, kiln rentals, and facility
                                                                        rentals. Learn more at www.raleighnc.gov/arts.
  •   Medal of Arts and Gifts of Gold Awards                            Questions? Email Pullen.Arts@raleighnc.gov.
  • Neighborhood Art Funds
                                                                                  Pullen Arts Center’s Gallery Exhibits
  • Piedmont Laureate Program                                           March - April:
                                                                                 Ann Roth & Mary Kircher
  •   Public Art including the Percent for Art program
                                                                                 Sarah West
      and Citizen-Initiated Projects                                             Nancy Carty
                                                                                 Brenda Pokorny
  • Pullen and Sertoma Arts Centers
                                                                                 Robyn Scott
  • Universal Access and the Arts Initiatives                                    Group Exhibition - Who are we?
                                                                                 Raleigh's People in Postcards
                                                                        Exhibitions are free, open to the public, and on display
To learn more visit www.raleighnc.gov/arts and follow us                during normal operating hours.
on social media.
                                                                        Sertoma Arts Center
  Facebook: @OfficeofRaleighArts
                                                                        1400 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27612
  Instagram: @Raleigh_Arts                                              (919)996-2329
  Twitter: @RaleighArts                                                 Director: Julia Meder
                                                                        Sertoma offers classes in painting, drawing,
                                                                        fiber arts, printmaking, jewelry, kids’ art classes
                                                                        and pottery. Programs in music, dance, and
                                                                        fitness allow participants to improve their health
                                                                        and vitality while engaged in the arts.
                                                                        Gallery Hours – Exhibits are on display in the lobby and
                                                                        hall gallery during normal operating hours. For exhibits in
                                                                        the Raleigh Room please call Sertoma for viewing hours.
                                                                        Raleigh Room, Display Case and Hall Gallery:
                                                                                  M-Th            9am-10pm
                                                                                  F               9am-1pm
                                                                                  Sa              10am-5pm
                                                                                  Su              12-5pm
                                                                                 Sertoma Arts Center’s Gallery Exhibits
                                                                            Raleigh Room: Joe O'Shaughnessy + Corneille Little
                                                                            Hall Gallery: John Johnson
                                                                            Display Cases: Meg O'Connor + Randy Hinson
                                                                            All Gallery Spaces: ArtQuake
                                                                            All Gallery Spaces: Sertoma Park Artists' Annual Show

                                                 Leisure Ledger February-April 2021 | parks.raleighnc.gov  13  
continued from page 13 —

                                                                                 Raleigh Little Theatre                         Theatre In The Park
              Art - Krafty Kids
                                                                                 Website: http://raleighlittletheatre.org/      Website: www.theatreinthepark.com
              Age: 3-5 yrs. Get your creative juices flowing                     Email: info@raleighlittletheatre.org           Email: info@theatreinthepark.com
              in this class focused on creating! Join us for a                   Box Office: 919-821-3111                       Box Office 919-831-6058
              different and creative arts-and-crafts project or                                                                 Business Office: 919-831-6936
              edible creation. A new project is introduced with                  Since 1936, Raleigh Little Theatre is a
              each themed class. Staff provides supplies; you                    welcoming community using theatre to           Theatre In The Park, located in the
              provide the fun! Preregistration is required, and                  enrich, educate, entertain and engage          northern end of Raleigh’s Pullen Park,
              the fee is per class.                                              volunteers, students, and audiences of         provides a quality theatre experience to
              Optimist Community Center – Course Fee: $7                         all ages. Programs include plays for           a diverse audience base in Raleigh and
              Valentine’s For Everyone                                           adult and family audiences, classes            the surrounding areas. We also offer
              #267244 Feb 13             Sa      12:30-1:30pm                    and camps for all ages, and volunteer          the public an opportunity to become
              #267245 Mar 12             F       12:30-1:30pm                    opportunities.                                 involved and participate in the creation
              #267246 Apr 10             Sa      12:30-1:30pm                                                                   and development of live theatre through
              #267247 Feb 12             F       12:30-1:30pm                    UPCOMING PERFORMANCES AND EVENTS               classes, productions and volunteer
              #267248 Apr 9              F       12:30-1:30pm                                                                   opportunities in order to nurture a general
              #267249 Mar 13             Sa      12:30-1:30pm                    Please check RaleighLittleTheatre.org
                                                                                 for events in Winter/Spring 2021 that          appreciation and respect for the arts.
              Art - Storyland Adventures with Mr.

                                                                                 may have been rescheduled from the
              Moo Monet                                                                                                         UPCOMING PERFORMANCES AND EVENTS
                                                                                 2019-2020 season due to COVID-19.
              Age: 18 mths - 3 yrs. Join our adventure                                                                          February 12-28, 2021
              through Storyland with Mr. Moo Monet. We                           For tickets, visit raleighlittletheatre.org       The Complete History of Comedy (Abridged)
              start by waking up Mr. Moo Monet and sharing                       or call 919-821-3111                           April 9-25, 2021
              a story that goes with the theme for that day.
                                                                                                                                    Buyer & Cellar
              Children will participate in storytime and make
              arts and crafts projects at each adventure.                                                                       For tickets, visit www.theatreinthepark.com
              Parent participation is required. Class length is                                                                 or call 919-831-6058.
              four weeks, with a makeup class, if needed,
              added the week following the scheduled end of
              the session. Instructor: Maureen Seltzer.
              Optimist Community Center – Course Fee: $36                    Ballet Basics at Greystone                         Dance - Creative Dance for 2s and 3s
              #267326 Feb 10-Mar 3 W            10:30-11:15am                Age: 3-5 yrs. Enroll your budding ballet           Age: 2-3 yrs. Come, little dancers, and do
              #267327 Mar 17-Apr 7 W            10:30-11:15am
                                                                             dancers in Ballet Basics! Steps, combinations      your thing! Dancers will also perform top hat
              Art - Storytime Art                                            and technical training will enhance your           moves and use floating ribbon streamers,
              Age: 3-5 yrs. Children will bring storybook                    young dancer’s coordination, vocabulary and        scarves and other memorable props to
              characters alive by making themed art with a                   knowledge of music. Dancers will refine their      enhance their artistic dance experience. This
              story! Some stories include The Cat in the Hat,                technique in a fun and safe environment with       is a fun, creative class, great for motor skills,
              Brown Bear, Rainbow Fish and many more.                        Ms. Judy.                                          fitness and social skills.
              Marsh Creek Park – Course Fee: $36                             Greystone Community Center – Course Fee: $40       Laurel Hills Community Center – Course Fee: $36
              #264191 Feb 10-Mar 3 W             9:30-10:15am                #267629 Feb 4-25         Th      10:00-10:45am     #266179 Feb 6-27           Sa     10:15a10:45am
                                                                             #267630 Mar 4-25         Th      10:00-10:45am     #266182 Mar 6-27           Sa     10:15-10:45am
              Art Adventures                                                 #267631 Apr 8-29         Th      10:00-10:45am
              Age: 2-5 yrs. Preschoolers and Families,                                                                          Dance- Tap and Twirl
              come join us for Art Adventures as we explore
                                                                             Ballet/ Tap Duo - Beginner Basics                  Age: 4-5 yrs. Your little dancer will have
                                                                             Age: 3-5 yrs. Participants will explore the        tons of fun learning the basics of ballet and
              the world. Little minds will wander, soar, and
                                                                             fundamentals, including body alignment,            tap. The class will help develop balance,
              develop as they create projects to take home
                                                                             basic ballet and tap terminology and               coordination and self-confidence. Students
              and put on the shelf!
              Laurel Hills Community Center – Course Fee: $36                principles of postures. Participants will learn    will learn basic technique, body position and
              #266171 Mar 6-27           Sa     10:00-11:00am                basic tap steps and to follow instructions         steps.
              #266172 Feb 6-27           Sa     10:00-11:00am                while having fun. All students will need           Hill Street Center – Course Fee: $35
              #266173 Apr 10-May 1 Sa           10:00-11:00am                ballet and tap shoes.Prior experience is not       #264308 Feb 2-23             Tu      5:30-6:30pm
                                                                             necessary. Instructor: Tanesha Patrick             #264311 Mar 2-23             Tu      5:30-6:30pm
              Ballet and Tap for Preschoolers                                Green Road Community Center – Course Fee: $70      #264314 Apr 6-27             Tu      5:30-6:30pm
              Age: 2-3 yrs. Your preschooler will learn technique            #263137 Mar 6-Apr 24 Sa           9:15-10:00am
              and grow as a dancer in this class. Half of the class is       #263138 Mar 6-Apr 24 Sa          10:15-11:00am
              devoted to ballet and the other half is devoted to tap.
              White or pink tights, pink or black leotard, ballet slippers   Ballet/ Tap Duo - Intermediate
              and tap shoes are preferred but not required.                  Age: 6-8 yrs. First half of class is ballet
              Millbrook Exchange Community Center – Course Fee: $36          and 2nd half is tap. Students will work on
              Ages 2-3                                                       flexibility and learn foundational ballet skills
              #266388 Feb 3-24               W        10:15-11:00am
                                                                             and positions. They will build upon the
              #266389 Mar 3-24               W        10:15-11:00am
              #266390 Apr 7-28               W        10:15-11:00am          skills that are taught in the 3 year old class.
              #266392 Feb 2-23               Tu       10:15-11:00am          Students will learn beginners tap steps and
              #266393 Mar 2-23               Tu       10:15-11:00am          work on rhythm and synchrony. Students will
              #266394 Apr 6-27               Tu       10:15-11:00am          learn a short ballet dance and tap dance. All
                                                                             students will need ballet shoes and tap shoes.
                                                                             Instructor Tanesha Patrick
                                                                             Green Road Community Center – Course Fee: $70
                                                                             #263141 Mar 6-Apr 24 Sa 11:15am-12:00pm

       14  Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Dancin’ Dynamos                                   Little Fancy Feet Dance                           Pullen Arts Center – Course Fee: $20
Age: 3-5 yrs. Does your little one love to        Age: 18 - 36 mths. Share the joy of dancing       #267302 Apr 17              Sa     10:00-11:00am
dance, spin and bust a move? Dancin’              together with your child. Dancers will choose     #267303 Apr 17              Sa 11:00am-12:00pm
Dynamos is a perfect class to introduce           their own props, including instruments, teddy     Preschool - Mini Monets
your little mover and shaker to basic dance       bears, dolls and scarves to dance with in         Age: 18 mths - 2 yrs This class introduces
techniques, including tap, ballet and jazz to     this fun and interactive class. Join Ms. Judy     little ones to a variety of art materials through
name a few. Ms. Judy will teach beginning         as we transform those little feet into fancy,     hands-on learning. Discovery and creative
steps to encourage a love of dance and            happy, dancing feet.                              play encourage the development of motor
inspire movement; while building a foundation     Greystone Community Center – Course Fee: $40
                                                                                                    skills and group social skills. A parent or
for artistic expression.                          #267667 Feb 5-26          F      11:00-11:45am
                                                  #267668 Mar 5-26          F      11:00-11:45am    caregiver attends with child; only child should
Greystone Community Center – Course Fee: $40
#267641 Feb 1-22         M          4:15-5:00pm   #267669 Apr 9-30          F      11:00-11:45am    be registered for class. Supplies included.
#267642 Feb 3-24         W       10:45-11:30am                                                      Instructor: Michelle Davis Petelinz.
#267643 Feb 3-24         W          4:30-5:15pm   Lucky Leprechauns                                 Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $65
#267646 Mar 1-22         M          4:15-5:00pm   Age: 2-5 yrs. Is there gold at the end of the     #265533 Mar 12-Apr 16 F             9:30-10:15am
#267648 Mar 3-24         W       10:45-11:30am    rainbow? Can you help us find A four-leaf
#267650 Mar 3-24         W          4:30-5:15pm
                                                                                                    Preschool - Petite Picassos
                                                  clover? Follow the rainbow to Abbotts
#267647 Apr 5-26         M          4:15-5:00pm                                                     Age: 3-4 yrs. Classes will encourage children
                                                  Creek for a fun morning of crafts and fun.
#267649 Apr 7-28         W       10:45-11:30am                                                      to create unique works of art as we explore

                                                  Pre-registration required.
#267651 Apr 7-28         W          4:30-5:15pm   Abbotts Creek Community Center – Course Fee: $5   different painting and craft techniques. Each
                                                  #265746 Mar 12             F     10:00-10:45am    week, we’ll read a new book that will inspire
Eastgate Art Cart                                                                                   our projects. The classes provide preschool
Age: Up to 5 yrs. Calling all future artists in   Music - Silly Sounds                              prep with a focus on student independence.
the Eastgate area. Join us for open-ended art     Age: 3-5 yrs. Guardian and child explore the      No parent/guardian participation. Supplies
each Wednesday morning. Staff will provide        exciting world of sound with sing-a-longs,        included. Instructor: Michelle Davis Petelinz.
supplies, and you provide the fun. This is a      child safe instruments, movement, and             Sertoma Arts Centerm– Course Fee: $75
great way to explore with new art materials       props to promote social and educational           #265497 Mar 11-Apr 15 Th          10:30-11:30am
and to meet other budding artists in your         development.
neighborhood. Wear clothes that can get           Marsh Creek Park – Course Fee: $36                Preschool - What Can You See Under
messy!                                            #264207 Mar 2-23           Tu      2:30-3:15pm    the Sea?
Eastgate Park                                                                                       Age: 3-5 yrs. Each week we’ll explore books
#266402 Jan 6-Apr 28 W            9:30-11:00am    Pottery - Little Potters                          about the wonders of the undersea world and
                                                  Age: 4-5 yrs. Bring your little potter for an     create sea-themed art. Projects include salt
Happy Hearts                                      hour of fun with you in the clay studio! We       painting, sand painting, watercolors, and
Age: 2-5 yrs. Love is in the air! Would you       will guide you and your child in a clay project   torn paper seascapes. Supplies included.
like to give your Valentine a handmade gift?      designed with young artists’ skills, abilities    Instructor: Michelle Davis Petelinz.
Join us at Abbotts Creek for an exciting          and attention span in mind. Explore textures,     Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $75
morning of cards and other fun crafts.            form and function and enjoy the creative          #265502 Mar 11-Apr 15 Th            12:00-1:00pm
Pre-registration required.                        process together. Pieces will be glazed and
Abbotts Creek Community Center – Course Fee: $5   fired after class for pickup at a later date.                                continued on page 16 —
#265745 Feb 12             F     10:00-10:45am    Please register child only; one caregiver must
                                                  attend with each child. (1 session)

                                                                  Leisure Ledger February-April 2021 | parks.raleighnc.gov  15  
continued from page 15 —
              Preschool - Wild Animal Art                           Afterschool Art - Drawing to Painting              Ballet/ Tap Duo - Advanced
              Age: 3-5 yrs. We’ll read about wild animals           Age: 11-14 yrs. In this class you will learn       Age: 9-12 yrs. Allow your dreams to come
              and create wild art projects! Projects include        basic drawing skills, composition and              alive and express yourself through dance!
              painted masks, clay sculptures, watercolor            painting. Discover what you can do with            Participants will enjoy learning two dance
              habitats, recycled object sculptures, salt            color! Learn the color wheel, mix colors and       styles within one class. Students will build their
              painting and more. Supplies included.                 then apply the paint. Students can bring           ballet technique and skills during the first half
              Instructor: Michelle Davis Petelinz.                  in pictures or objects to work on, use their       of class. The second half we’ll kick it up with
              Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $75                 imagination to create their own subject, or        tap rhythm and style. Dancing is a healthy
              #265485 Mar 9-Apr 13 Tu              1:00-2:00pm      work on items brought in by the instructor.        form of self-expression and a effective way to
                                                                    Students will work with pencils, water color       increase self-esteem in people of ages. Don’t
              Suzuki Music for Babies
                                                                    and/or acrylics. Registration is due 3 days        miss out on this opportunity to experience this
              Age: Up to 3 yrs. In this interactive music class
                                                                    prior to class start date.                         fun class. Prior experience is required for this
              for parent and child (birth to age 3), parents
                                                                    Halifax Community Center – Course Fee: $60         course. Instructor: Tanesha Patrick
              enjoy watching their babies develop rhythm,           #265920 Feb 4-25           Th       4:00-5:30pm    Green Road Community Center – Course Fee: $70
              melodic awareness, memory and movement.               #265921 Mar 4-25           Th       4:00-5:30pm    #263143 Mar 6-Apr 24 Sa            12:15-1:00pm
              Through activities such as singing, dancing           #265922 Apr 1-29           Th       4:00-5:30pm
              and story time, children learn self-control,                                                             Dance -Ballet
              sharing, independence and listening skills. A         Art - Fantastic Beasts and How                     Age: 4-6 yrs. This class will introduce your
              home CD and booklet (one-time purchase from           to Make Them                                       child to the wonderful world of ballet. Your
                                                                    Age: 6-11 yrs. We’ll create fantastic creatures,

              instructor) reinforce class songs and activities.                                                        tiny dancer will build confidence and nurture a
              For the most rewarding experience, start early        letting our imaginations run wild! We’ll build     love of movemen and music. .
              (age 1 or younger) and repeat as often as you         them out of recycled materials, polymer clay,      Laurel Hills Community Center – Course Fee: $40
              wish. Caregiver does not enroll.                      paper, paint, oil pastel, wood, rocks, leaves,     #266180 Feb 6-27           Sa     11:00-11:45am
              Greystone Community Center – Course Fee: $55          fabric, yarn and more. What will you create?       #266181 Mar 6-27           Sa     11:00-11:45am
              #267679 Mar 10-Apr 14 W            9:30-10:20am       A dinodogbat? A flying cathopper with webbed
                                                                    feet? A blue tortoise with spiky hair? Come        Dance- Modern Dance
              Toe Tappin’ Toddlers                                  create with us! Supplies included. Instructor:     Age: 8-13 yrs. Fundamentals of
              Age: 1-2 yrs. Though it seems like yesterday          Michelle Davis Petelinz.                           Contemporary/Modern Dance class is
              since your little one took his/her first steps,       Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $100             designed for the beginner/intermediate dancer
              these little movers and shakers are capable of        #265489 Mar 9-Apr 13 Tu              4:00-6:00pm   with a curiosity for modern/contemporary
              (fairly) complex choreography by 18 months                                                               dance, this class builds on basic movement
              of age. Toddler dance classes are a great             Art - Game Creators                                for a foundation to better prepare you for
              source of exercise, help children adjust to           Age: 7-10 yrs. If you’ve ever wanted to design     more advanced techniques in modern dance.
              group situations and tap into children’s love         your own game for which you make up the            It also develops strong creative dancers that
              for music. Let’s start them early, while having       rules, the board and all the game pieces,          allows beginners/intermediate to experience
              fun! Your little shakers will be exposed to ballet,   here’s your chance! Become a toy maker, and        the sheer joy of dance and introduces integral
              tap, hip-hop, jazz and ballroom while learning        create an entire game, including the logo,         concepts like body awareness, alignment,
              simple steps, listening to fun music and joining      box, board, playing pieces and book of rules.      strength, flexibility, and endurance through
              imaginative play with children their own age.         Then we’ll play everyone’s game on the last        the study of technique and improvisation with
              Barefoot is always fun; no special shoes              day of class. Supplies included. Instructor:       a focus on musicality, dynamics, footwork
              needed!                                               Michelle Davis Petelinz.                           and artistic expression. The class is Rooted
              Greystone Community Center – Course Fee: $40          Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $100             in Graham technique, which explores
              #267693 Feb 3-24          W         3:45-4:30pm       #265493 Mar 10-Apr 14 W              4:00-6:00pm   principles like contraction, release, and spiral.
              #267694 Mar 3-24          W         3:45-4:30pm                                                          Skill and self-confidence are developed in a
                                                                    Art Adventures for Kids
              #267695 Apr 7-28          W         3:45-4:30pm                                                          fun, and open environment.
                                                                    Age: 6-12 yrs. Your artist will explore the
                                                                    world of art and create masterpieces each          Barwell Road Community Center – Course Fee: $43
              Youth                                                 week. Watch as imaginations soar and we
                                                                                                                       #267801 Feb 6-27            Sa      1:00-1:45pm
                                                                                                                       #267802 Mar 6-27            Sa      1:00-1:45pm
                                                                    get dirty in the process!                          #267803 Apr 3-24            Sa      1:00-1:45pm
              African Dance for Youth                               Laurel Hills Community Center – Course Fee: $36
              Age: 5-10 yrs. Participants will learn the            #266176 Mar 6-27           Sa 11:15am-12:15pm      Drawing - Drawing Fundamentals
              fundamentals of African dance, starting               #266177 Feb 6-27           Sa 11:15am-12:15pm      Age: 8-12 yrs. In this class students will learn
              with basic movements and progressing to               #266178 Apr 10-May 1 Sa 11:15am-12:15pm            the basics of drawing using techniques that
              choreographed dance steps. Emphasis is on
                                                                    Ballet I                                           will help them draw the objects in front of
              technique, dance steps and understanding
                                                                    Age: 3-7 yrs. This is a continual program          them. We will do practice and final drawings
              how dance and drum rhythms are closely
                                                                    to allow children to build their skills. New       using a variety of materials including
              intertwined. This is a high-spirited,
                                                                    students are welcome each month. Students          marker, charcoal, pastel and pencil. Supplies
              high-powered rhythmic dance experience for
                                                                    will be introduced to the structure of a ballet    included. Amy Veatch instructs
              anyone who loves to dance. Clothing should                                                               Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $90
              be loose.                                             class, basic ballet vocabulary, alignment
                                                                                                                       #265715 Mar 25-Apr 29 Th             4:30-6:00pm
              Barwell Road Community Center – Course Fee: $43       and posture and the five positions of ballet,
              #267788 Feb 6-27          Sa      11:00-11:45am       stressing the importance of proper posture.
              #267789 Mar 6-27          Sa      11:00-11:45am       Traditional barre work, center work and
              #267790 Apr 3-24          Sa      11:00-11:45am       combinations are included in all classes.
                                                                    Students focus on building balance, strength,
                                                                    coordination and poise. Instructor Ms. E is the
                                                                    owner of Ethlyn Lassiter’s Dance Ensemble.
                                                                    Barwell Road Community Center – Course Fee: $43
                                                                    #267784 Feb 6-27          Sa     10:00-10:45am
                                                                    #267785 Mar 6-27          Sa     10:00-10:45am
                                                                    #267786 Apr 3-24          Sa      10:00-10:45am

       16  Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Hip Hop Hooray                                     and a effective way to increase self-esteem       provide their own instruments, music stands
Age: 5-10 yrs. This fun, high-energy class         in people of ages. Don’t miss out on this         and three-ring binders. Director: Ilse Mann.
uses the latest pop music to teach students        opportunity to experience this fun class          Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $85
hip-hop dance moves. Emphasis will be on           Instructor: Tanesha Patrick                       Half session
                                                   Green Road Community Center – Course Fee: $70     #264387 Mar 4-Apr 29 Th              6:15-7:30pm
coordination, rhythm, timing and confidence.
Class will include time to freestyle, which        #265378 Mar 6-Apr 24 Sa            1:15-2:00pm
                                                                                                     Pottery - Funky Fungi
develops an individual sense of style and          Jazz/Hip-Hop                                      Age: 6-11 yrs. Children will create splendidly
promotes artistic expression, movement and         Age: 7-14 yrs. Jazz/Hip-hop is a fusion           speckled and spotted toadstools using textures
teamwork in a fun, musical environment.            of jazz, hip-hop and contemporary. The            and handbuilding techniques during the first
Hip-hop is always age appropriate and              dancers will develop strength, flexibility and    class. During the second class, young potters
always a blast for both boys and girls! Let’s      body control. Skills such as isolations,          will decorate with vibrant glazes. Pottery will be
get dancing!                                       extensions, leaps and turns are incorporated      ready for pick-up two weeks after class is over.
Greystone Community Center – Course Fee: $40                                                         Supplies included. Instructor: Patty Merrell.
                                                   into upbeat fast and fun combinations to
#267664 Feb 1-22          M         5:00-5:55pm                                                      Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $40
#267665 Mar 1-22          M         5:00-5:55pm    challenge the dancers. The dances will also
                                                   step outside of the box by bringing their         #265559 Apr 15-22          Th        4:15-5:30pm
#267666 Apr 5-26          M         5:00-5:55pm
                                                   own individual style and personality to the       Pottery - Snails and Bugs
Homeschool & Afterschool Art Time                  movements. Instructor is Ms. E of Ethlyn          Age: 6-11 yrs. If you like slimy or squirmy

Age: 7-12 yrs. Come join us for this               Lassiter Dance Studio.                            creatures then this is the class for you! We will
four-week class. We will explore art elements      Barwell Road Community Center – Course Fee: $43
                                                                                                     form, texture, incise, and join clay during the
such as line and color composition. We             #267798 Feb 6-27         Sa      12:00-12:45pm
                                                   #267799 Mar 6-27         Sa       12:0-12:45pm    first class. During the second class we will
will use many kinds of media, such as
                                                   #267800 Apr 3-24         Sa      12:00-12:45pm    decorate the pottery with glazes. Pottery will be
watercolor, tempera, chalk and acrylic paint.
                                                                                                     ready for pick-up two weeks after class is over.
This class will at times get a little messy, so
                                                   Music - Raleigh Children’s Orchestra              Supplies included. Instructor: Patty Merrell.
it is advisable to wear old clothes or bring an                                                      Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $40
                                                   Age: 6-13 yrs. The Raleigh Children’s
old T-shirt. Class length is four weeks, with                                                        #265558 Mar 10-17          W         4:15-5:30pm
                                                   Orchestra is a multilevel string orchestra for
a makeup class, if needed, added the week
                                                   students in grades 1-7 who have played for
following the scheduled end of the session.                                                          Pottery - The Circus
                                                   six months or more. The orchestra provides a
Instructor: Maureen Seltzer.                                                                         Age: 6-11 yrs. In the first class students will
                                                   rare opportunity for young players to rehearse
Optimist Community Center – Course Fee: $47                                                          create a big top circus tent. In the second class
#267808 Feb 10-Mar 3 W               1:30-3:00pm   and perform in an ensemble setting. For
                                                                                                     we will create clowns and circus animals. In
#267809 Feb 10-Mar 3 W               4:30-6:00pm   those who are not yet proficient in reading
                                                                                                     the last class we will glaze these with bright
#267810 Mar 17-Apr 7 W               1:30-3:00pm   music, parts are available with string names
                                                                                                     colors. Pottery will be ready 2 weeks after the
#267811 Mar 17-Apr 7 W               4:30-6:00pm   and finger numbers. More experienced
                                                                                                     last class. Supplies included. Instructor: Patty
                                                   players have more difficult parts and
Homeschool Art Time (ages 4 - 6)                                                                     Merrell.
                                                   leadership opportunities. All will gain fluency   Sertoma Arts Center – Course Fee: $60
Age: 4-6 yrs. Join us for this four-week art       in playing and ensemble skills. The semester      #265557 Feb 4-18           Th        4:15-5:30pm
class. We will explore art elements such as        ends with a free public concert. Students
line and color composition and use many
kinds of media, such as watercolor, tempera,                                                                                    continued on page 18 —
chalk and acrylic paint. This class will at
times get a little messy, so it is advisable
to wear old clothes or bring an old T-shirt.
Class length is four weeks with a makeup
class, if needed, added the week following
the scheduled end of the session. Instructor:
Maureen Seltzer.
Optimist Community Center – Course Fee: $40
#267341 Feb 10-Mar 3 W 11:45am-12:45pm
#267342 Mar 17-Apr 7 W 11:45am-12:45pm

Introduction to Guitar
Age: 9-13 yrs. Have you ever wanted to
learn how to play the guitar? Now is the
time! In this class you will learn the parts of
a guitar, basic chords, notes, fundamental
skills such as tuning and restringing a guitar.
Please bring your own guitar or can rent
one from instructor for $40 for all 4 classes.
Instructor: Ross Osborn, BA Elementary
Brier Creek Community Center – Course Fee: $80
#266817 Feb 1-22          M         4:45-5:15pm
#266818 Mar 1-22          M         4:45-5:15pm

Jazz/Hip Hop Duo
Age: 6-11 yrs. Get moving and shaking
in this engaging, fun-filled dance class!
Participants will enjoy learning fundamental
jazz and hip hop skills and dance moves.
Dancing is a healthy form of self-expression

                                                                   Leisure Ledger February-April 2021 | parks.raleighnc.gov  17  
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