Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2

Page created by Kathryn Rodriguez
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
Shark Bites
                                                                    News from the
                                                     Sorrento F & N Club
                                                          2021 Newsletter #19 - August

Shark Snippets

With the Olympics past us, we reflect on the
Sharks own Olympian - Brad ‘’Hollywood’’ Pitt.
Locally born and bred, Brad played 59 senior
games for the Sharks in the early 90’s, whilst
honing his boxing skills.

Brad gave up footy to concentrate on Boxing,
leading to a Gold Medal at the 2006
Commonwealth Games in the Heavyweight
Division after 3 handy punches sent his opponent
out on his feet. Brad also qualified for the 2008
Olympics in Beijing at the age of 26, where he lost
his opening heavyweight bout.

Brad turned pro in 2011 and won his first 13 bouts
and was the Australian Cruiserweight title holder.
His professional career ended in 2016 after 22
bouts, with 19 Wins and 3 losses.

Brad is the son of dual Premiership Shark
wingman, Terry, who played 166 games inc the
1979 and 80 Premierships.

Season Update

                                                                                           Page 1 of 8
Shark Bites Editor – David Caspar                                David MacFarlan Recreation Reserve
Any news, suggestions, or comments,                                        P.O. Box 144 Sorrento 3943
please email to
                                                            SFC Secretary – Chris Pecora 0433 292 210
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
Shark Bites
                                                                    News from the
                                                     Sorrento F & N Club
                                                          2021 Newsletter #19 - August


Seniors                                                   A Grade

                                                          B Grade


                                                          C Grade


                                                          D Grade

                                                                                           Page 2 of 8
Shark Bites Editor – David Caspar                                David MacFarlan Recreation Reserve
Any news, suggestions, or comments,                                        P.O. Box 144 Sorrento 3943
please email to
                                                            SFC Secretary – Chris Pecora 0433 292 210
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
Shark Bites
                                                                    News from the
                                                     Sorrento F & N Club
                                                          2021 Newsletter #19 - August

Supporter of the Week – Stan Gladman                       Tappy Update

                                                           Obviously, the Sharks took the decision to
                                                           change senior coach mid-season. Tough
                                                           decision for the club, and especially difficult
                                                           for Luke Tapscott, a much-loved Shark both
                                                           on and off the field. As a result, Tappy took
                                                           the opportunity to return to his home club
                                                           Orroroo in Sth Australia to play with his
                                                           brother. After struggling with injury all year,
                                                           the good news is Tappy did manage to get on
                                                           the field for one game in Orroroo (where they
                                                           unfortunately suffered only their 2nd loss for
                                                           the season) …. but then lockdowns have put a
                                                           halt to further appearances.

                                                           The Sharks are continuing to have useful
                                                           discussions with Tappy re playing at the
                                                           Sharks in 2022, and we remain hopeful of
                                                           enticing him back into the Red and White #2
Stan Gladman                                               Guernsey. We would all love to see a fully fit
                                                           Tappy back dominating the comp for the
The Gladmans are not known for their height -              Sharks.
Stan is Grandfather of Sharks Superstar-
Shannon Gladman, and father of former
champ and B&F Winner Chippy Gladman.

Stan loves his footy and his Sharks, and is
down at the club almost every training night
and every match, and has been doing so for
30+ years. Always ready to help out in any
way he can – Stan is a legend.

                                                                                           Page 3 of 8
Shark Bites Editor – David Caspar                                David MacFarlan Recreation Reserve
Any news, suggestions, or comments,                                        P.O. Box 144 Sorrento 3943
please email to
                                                            SFC Secretary – Chris Pecora 0433 292 210
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
Shark Bites
                                                                         News from the
                                                     Sorrento F & N Club
                                                              2021 Newsletter #19 - August

        Upcoming Events …. Subject to covid restrictions …
          •    Sep 10th – SFNC Annual Pre-Grand Final Luncheon

          •    Sep 23rd – SFNC Presentation Night at Portsea Golf Club

                                                                                                Page 4 of 8
Shark Bites Editor – David Caspar                                     David MacFarlan Recreation Reserve
Any news, suggestions, or comments,                                             P.O. Box 144 Sorrento 3943
please email to
                                                                 SFC Secretary – Chris Pecora 0433 292 210
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
Shark Bites
                                                                               News from the
                                                           Sorrento F & N Club
                                                                    2021 Newsletter #18 - August

Player Profile – Liam Frazer

Date of Birth                       13/4/1993
Nickname                            Fraze
Marital Status                      Ball and chained
Occupation                          Osteopath
Previous Football Clubs             Balwyn
Where do you live?                  Mornington
Favorite Local Restaurant           Assagini Mornington
Favorite Pub                        Brown Alley
Favorite Food                       Meat Pies
AFL Team                            Mag Pies
All time favorite AFL player        WC Juddy
Favorite Movie                      Love Actually
Favorite TV Show                    Greys Anatomy
Favourite holiday spot              Nicaragua
Favorite Band/Musician              RHCPs
Your passions or interests outside footy               Cycling, walking Darla
You win $10 million, what’s the firth thing you        Ringer’s block in Portsea
would buy
If you could have any 4 people around for dinner,      Scott Morrison, Dan Andrew’s, Peta Credlin, Allen Jones
who would they be?
Hidden Talent, or the most useless talent you have? Cant grow a beard
What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare        Study
Where is the worst smelling place you’ve been?         San Jose City Bus Stop in Costa Rica
What, or who, are you a “closet” fan of, or who is     Matt Damon
your celebrity crush
What can’t you live without                            The Bourne Triology
If you were to own a racehorse, what would you call Yesugei
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew        Sorrento Sharks midfielder
Game Day rituals (if any)                              2 coffees and plenty of water
All time dream sporting event you’d love to attend     Cricket world cup final
or have already attended
If you had to pick a teammate to kick a goal after     Alex Bird
the siren in a Grand Final who would it be?
Coach’s favourite (or most annoying) saying:           We’ve had another 4th quarter lapse.

      Shark Bites Editor – David Caspar                                                               Page 7 of 8
      Any news, suggestions, or comments,                                   David MacFarlan Recreation Reserve
      please email to                              P.O. Box 144 Sorrento 3943
                                                                       SFC Secretary – Chris Pecora 0433 292 210
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
Shark Bites
                                                                         News from the
                                             Sorrento F & N Club
                                                               2021 Newsletter #18 - August

SFNC Netball Season Wrap-Up

    It a bit hard to work out how to sum up this season.   •    Danni Taylor - Coach Co-ordinator
    Given that we were able to play 11 rounds we are       •    Maddi Gerloff - B, C and D Grade Coach
    1100% better than 2020!                                •    Bec Kelly - A Grade Coach
    It has been tough task to simply make season 2021      •    Alana De Wolde - Specialist and Assistant Coach
    happen at all - coaches, players, committee and
    sponsors have all been critical. However, the              To our 50 players who just went with all the changes
    response and reward has been amazing - from the            and got on with it - thank you for playing in
    players enjoying being back on court, connecting to        whatever position or team was asked of you and
    their club and community, to the spectators able to        doing it with determination and a smile. While we
    watch some community sport.                                may not have made it to finals this year, you all gave
    The first seven rounds were great, fantastic weather       it a red hot go and showed the potential and spirit
    with some super netball games – especially with our        we have. You are an amazing group and we can’t
    A Grade showing they have what it takes. But then          wait to see you all again in 2022 for a fantastic
    injuries and Covid took its toll … and the rest is         season - keep up the fitness and we hope we all get
    history.                                                   a great summer.

    We are truly grateful to our coaching group for            Thank you also to our umpires - Shirely, Justin and
    taking on the task - your positivity and “we will          Jess - with the shortage of people this year you are a
    make this work” attitude through all the injuries,         precious resource and much appreciated. We
    illness and disruption has been amazing. Thank you         especially appreciate the effort of those who
    for all your hard work.                                    manage to play and umpire on the same day, our
David MacFarlan Recreation Reserve                                                             Page 9 of 8
P.O. Box 144 Sorrento 3943
SFC Secretary – Chris Pecora 0433 292 210
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
Shark Bites
                                                                    News from the
                                             Sorrento F & N Club
                                                          2021 Newsletter #18 - August

    club members - Olivia Barrett, Chloe Kremer,          KeKe Wellness, Halo Mornington and other
    Kelsie Young and Holly Clarke.                        donations. Thank you to all who attended for make
                                                          it such a fun afternoon.
    This club has a fabulous group of sponsors who
    demonstrate their support of community sport with     Finally, it is simply is not possible to run a
    their hard-earned dollars. This year, more than       community sporting club without 100’s of hours of
    ever, receiving this support meant a great deal.      volunteer work being put in by a committee. It is
    In particular we would love to thanks these people    really like a small business being run by people who
    for their interest in netball.                        do it for the players and the community. We are so
                                                          lucky to have these dedicated people on board.
        •       Brad Phillips Electrical
                                                          We are however looking for some new people to
        •       Jo & Ges Laycock
                                                          come in and learn the ropes. If you would like to be
        •       Sarah & Rob McKay
                                                          part of this group, we would love to hear from you.
        •       Toni & Martin Armstrong
                                                              •        David Croad
        •       Anne & Peter McNamara
                                                              •        Athena Hallahan
        •       Susy Stuart
                                                              •        Emma Ring
        •       Garry Woodhams
                                                              •        Dani Anderson
        •       Saltwater Trading
                                                              •        Anne-Marie Croad
        •       Jeffrey Browne
                                                              •        Belinda Cade
        •       Heritage Finance
                                                              •        Kerri Wiggs
        •       Peninsula Superior Painters
                                                              •        Katy Watts
        •       Odyssey Financial
        •       Top Shelf Group Int’l
        •       ARE - Anthony Ring Excavations            Keep safe, let us know if you need any help/support.
        •       Bendigo Bank                              You are part of SFNC for 52 weeks, not just a
                                                          season. Keep up your fitness - go for that run or
                                                          walk. Let hope we can get in a longer pre-season
    Through perseverance and determination, Emma          and get back to playing in 2022.
    Ring and Erin Robinson were able to organise the
    SFNC Ladies Day. It was a great success and thank
    you to Coulson Party Hire and Events for making it
    possible, and for the support of our fundraising by

David MacFarlan Recreation Reserve                                                       Page 9 of 8
P.O. Box 144 Sorrento 3943
SFC Secretary – Chris Pecora 0433 292 210
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
Shark Bites
                                                                          News from the
                                               Sorrento F & N Club
                                                               2021 Newsletter #18 - August

New Sponsors …..           We are delighted to welcome 2 new sponsors to the Sharks …

    Truetelco offer residential and commercial business grade services across Australia, providing customised
    solutions to fit customer needs. They access not only NBN, but also all other fibre and super fast wholesale
    networks to deliver the services you need.
    Kustom Timber provide full end to end flooring services, from design advice to project management, product
    supply, specialist installation and maintenance and aftercare, they look after big and small projects across both
    residential and commercial.

Sponsors of the Week

Volvo Cars Melbourne
   With more than 50 years of automotive knowledge behind them, the friendly staff at Volvo Cars Melbourne
   sell and service new and used vehicles in Melbourne, CBD and the surrounding region.
   Just 5 minutes from the CBD, Volvo Melbourne’s state of the art modern showroom allow customers to
   casually browse a great range of Volvo Vehicles. You can browse their line-up and discover the tradition of
   style, safety and innovation built into each and every Volvo. Whether you're looking for a SUV, wagon or
   sedan, experience elegant Scandinavian design with every Volvo Car.

Anderson Construction Project Management
  Anderson Construction Project Management is an established and well recognised building and project
   management company based in Melbourne and on the Mornington Peninsula. They have been building
   quality projects for more than 30 years. We specialise in the construction of high end residential, retail and
   commercial projects, and pride themselves on our unique project management style that delivers a building
   experience for their clients that is transparent and hassle free. Their skilled team of qualified contractors,
   associated professionals and preferred suppliers always impress and often exceed client’s expectations.

David MacFarlan Recreation Reserve                                                              Page 9 of 8
P.O. Box 144 Sorrento 3943
SFC Secretary – Chris Pecora 0433 292 210
Shark Bites News from the - August 2021 v2
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