Seventh & James Baptist Church October 17, 2021 11:00 a.m. The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost -

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Seventh & James Baptist Church October 17, 2021 11:00 a.m. The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost -
Seventh & James Baptist Church
     October 17, 2021 · 11:00 a.m.
The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
Seventh & James Baptist Church
                     October 17, 2021 · 11:00 a.m.
                The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
Chiming of the Hour

Meditation                   “All Things Bright and Beautiful”                    (Royal Oak)
                                                                                Albert L. Travis

Welcome and Call to Worship                                                   Erin Conaway
    Life offers us the possibility of claiming these three life-changing gifts: the
experience of love and friendship; recurring experiences of beauty and order; and a few
undeniable experiences of transcendence in our search for our elusive God, if we are
prepared to give attention to the one who is the source of our lives, and discern his
presence both in people and in his creation.
                                                         — Michael Mayne, The Enduring Melody

Musical Summons                  “Song For Beginnings”                          Kevin R. Riehle
                                 Paula Hoover, director
                                  Jim Williams, piano
                        Lorie Crowder and Pat Hynan, hand chimes
               Come, my children, I will teach you of the goodness of the Lord.
             God, your guardian, never sleeping, never slumb’ring, gives the Word:
                    “I will keep you, I will keep you as the apple of my eye.
                    I will keep you, I will keep you as the apple of my eye.”
                From your birth you were protected by the watermark of grace;
                God is here from life’s beginning speaking love into this place.
                  “I will hide you, I will hide you in the shadow of my wings.
                  I will hide you, I will hide you in the shadow of my wings.”
                    “I will keep you, I will keep you as the apple of my eye.
                    I will keep you, I will keep you as the apple of my eye.”

Litany of Presence                                                    Kent McKeever
One: God, through our fragmentary prayers and our silent, heart-hidden sighs,
   Many: Wordlessly, your Spirit bears our profoundest needs.
One: Deeper than the pulse’s beat is your Spirit’s speech
Many: Making our human prayers complete through prayer that is your own.
One: Let our jabberings give way to the wordless hummings in our souls as we offer
our lives to you,
    Many: Our God, whose presence makes us whole.
                                                                          — Sharlande Sledge

Prayer of Thanksgiving                                                      Kent McKeever

Old Testament Reading                 Isaiah 53:4-12                    Naymond Keathley

Epistle Reading                      Hebrews 5:1-10                       Carolyn Keathley

Gospel Reading                      Mark 10:35-45                        Leslie Rosencrans
                           One: This is the Word of the Lord.
                              Many: Thanks be to God.

Prayers of God’s People                                                  Leslie Rosencrans

Offertory                            “Beach Spring”                     arr. Louise Eddington
                                 Paula Hoover, director
                                Lorie Crowder, recorder
    Offering plates are available at the doors of the sanctuary as you leave worship.

Children’s Sermon                                                    Leslie Rosencrans
         All children are invited to come forward for the Children’s Sermon.
        Preschoolers [ages 4-kindergarten] may then go to Extended Session.

Responsive Reading of Psalm 91:9-16                                      Scott Turner
One: Because you have made the Lord your refuge, the Most High your dwelling place,
   Many: No evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent.
One: For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
   Many: On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your
   foot against a stone.
One: You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will
trample under foot.
    Many: Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my
One: When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will
rescue them and honor them.
    Many: With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation.

Anthem                               “Come Unto Me”                             Mark Blankenship
                             Come unto me, all ye that labor,
                      And I will give you rest, I will give you rest,
             Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                       Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
                           For I am meek and lowly of heart,
                         And ye shall find rest unto your souls.
                             Come unto me, all ye that labor,
                                 And I will give you rest.

Sermon                                 “With You…”                               Erin Conaway
                                      (Psalm 91:9-16)

Silent Reflection
    In the transfigured face of Christ, God’s light shines in our lives as well. Through
grief and fear, doubt and cynicism, violence and war, suffering and death, our way is
illumined by the holy light of God’s presence and love. We first see it on the
mountaintop, and we carry it down to the flatlands and even into the valley of the
shadow of death. The light from above then glows within and gradually dissolves all
                                                           — Patricia Farris, The Christian Century

Hymn of Commitment, No. 306                                 “Come, Christians, Join to Sing”
                                                        Choristers Hymn-of-the-Month for October
             If you would like to make a public profession of your faith in Christ
                  or request membership in this congregation, our ministers
                         will greet you at the front of the sanctuary.
Congregational Response
                In response to your decision, we pledge ourselves to be the
            family of God for you in this place; we offer you our love, our care,
            our kinship, and our hopes; we hope to learn from you, give to you,
                       and receive from you, by God’s grace. Amen.

Pastoral Blessing                                                              Erin Conaway

Choral Benediction                  “A Benediction”                           Shirley W. McRae
                                 Paula Hoover, director
                                  Jim Williams, piano
                              Lorie Crowder, hand chimes
                                Go in peace, go in love,
                             Go with blessings from above,
                               Help a friend, say a prayer,
                             For God’s children everywhere

Postlude                      “For the Beauty of the Earth”                              (Dix)
                                                                               Anna Laura Page

                                Today at Seventh
       Ben Coker                     Eri Hatakeyama                   Orion Moore
       Charlie Coker                 Audrey Ludwig
       Taylynn Cross                 Mathis McKeever

Our Pianist today is Tommy Edds.

The Sanctuary Flowers are given in memory of Thelma Cooper and Sylvia Stockton
who lovingly shared their musical gifts with the children of Seventh & James for many
Seventh & James Announcements
To find out more about what is happening in the life of Seventh & James, scan the
QR code with the camera on your smart phone or follow this link. The prayer list
and church directory are included in weekly church emails.

                Giving to Seventh & James
                Your faithful giving ensures we can continue to live out our ministry and mission
                in this place. Offering plates are available at the doors of the sanctuary. You can
                mail your gift to the church or give online by scanning the QR code with the
                camera on your smart phone or by clicking on this link.

Visiting with Us?
We are delighted that you have joined us for worship today. In order to get to
know you, please take a moment to fill out our Guest form. You can scan the QR
code with the camera on your smart phone or click this link to complete the form.

                              Seventh & James Baptist Church
                                602 James Avenue • Waco, Texas 76706
                                 254-753-6425 •

Lydia Bratcher                      Paula Hoover                     Matt Rosencrans
Organist                            Coordinator, Children’s Choirs   Associate Pastor 
Erin Conaway                        Drew Jackson                     Scott Turner
Pastor                              Director, Youth Choir            Minister of Youth  
Lorie Crowder                       Hannah Kucera                    Valerie Willis
Director, Handbell Choirs           Financial Manager                Executive Administrative Assistant 
Stephen Gusukuma                    Leslie Rosencrans
Minister of Music                   Associate Pastor
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