September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church

Page created by Don Scott
September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
September 5, 2021

                     Message Text: Psalm 118
    8:30 am Worship                           10:30 am Worship
Call to Worship: Hebrews 12:1–3            Call to Worship: Hebrews 12:1–3
        Opening Prayer                             Opening Prayer
“Crown Him With Many Crowns,”                     “Love Has a Name”
       #62 Red Hymnal
                                          “Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me”
       Life in the Church
                                                  Life in the Church
          Prayer Focus
                                                     Prayer Focus
“O, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus,”
                                            Message: Pastor Brian Quade
        #61 Red Hymnal
                                           “Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)”
  Message: Pastor Brian Quade
“The Solid Rock,” #272 Red Hymnal

           We are a church family eagerly responding to Jesus
                      as He transforms our world.

              Bethesda Lutheran Brethren Church
                123 W. Hamilton Avenue • Eau Claire WI 54701
                       (715) 835-5073 •
September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
PSALM 118                                             Summer
                                                             I N   T H E

September 5, 2021

Give _________________ to the _________________, for he is
_________________. His _________________ endures _________________.

 	We give _________________ as an exercise in our _________________.
    The LORD is our helper and our salvation.

		 • We take _________________ in the LORD; we don’t trust in
         _________________ or _________________

 	Jesus is the _________________, who holds us _________________.








September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
Prayer Focuses for this Week
Across the Street
THIS WEEK: Pray for the many families who will gather over the long holiday weekend
in our congregation. May gospel conversations take place that are filled with grace and
Around the World
THIS WEEK: Pray for farmers in Chad, and especially the Fulbe, our adopted people group.
The weather in September and October will determine whether or not they have a good
harvest. Their livelihood depends upon a sufficient amount of rain during these months.
Can you imagine if you were so dependent upon proper rainfall?

Other things to pray for: ___________________________________________






                                                                                                  Daily Prayer
                                                                                Lutheran Brethr
                                                                                                en Internationa
                                                                                P.O. Box 655                    l Mission
                                                                               Fergus Falls,                                                                          September
                                                                               lbim@clba.o MN 56538-0655                                                                          2021
                                                                                                                                                               Daniel Venber
                                                                                                                                             Gaylan & Joy                   g, Directo
                                                                                  1 st TAIWAN                                                                Mathiesen, Editorsr
                                                                                                     John 2
                                                                                      Mike and                                        5 th E. ASIA
                                                                                 return to Taiwa Delores Kittelson                                     John 6
                                                                                family in the n today after visiting                      Pray for an
                                                                                                                                                          opening for
                                                                                for 2 weeks US and will quarantine                  receive a work                       Liz to
                                                                                                 . Current govern                   place of minist visa to return to their

September Daily Prayer Notes from LBIM
                                                                               guidelines only                      ment
                                                                               in designated allow for quarantine                   COVID restricry in E. Asia. Due to
                                                                              facilities. Prayhotels or government                 visa services               most norma
                                                                                                                                                     have been suspen         l
                                                                              that will allow for policy changes                                                         ded.
                                                                             their home. them to quarantine in                     6 th N. AMER
                                                                                                                                                      ICA John 7
                                                                                                                                       Pray for Matt
                                                                             2 FRANCE
                                                                                                                                  Smith as they             and Christina
                                                                                                   John 3
                                                                                  Dan and                                        MN so Matt move to Fergus Falls,
                                                                            Cèdres FrenchClaire Rose start Les                  this month can start LB seminary
                                                                            School today. Christian Language                    adjustment . Pray for this new
                                                                           their childre Pray for them, and for                 Continue to                their family

Daily Prayer Notes from Lutheran Brethren Internation
                                                                          French public       n who are
                                                                                                              starting         therapy and pray for Matt’s physical
                                                                          Cathy Barlow school. Pray for
                                                                          Roses to help who is with the                        7 th TAIWAN
                                                                                                                                                    John 8
                                                                         France and startas they transition to                     Over the
                                                                                                language learnin
                                                                                                                  g.          Sandy Christsummer, Ethan and
                                                                         3 rd N. AMER                                        discipling three     offerson have

Mission. Download: LBIM Sept Daily Prayer Notes
                                                                                             ICA John 4                                                              been
                                                                             John and Carist                                 Pray for these college students.
                                                                                                     y Olson have           head back to           young   men as they
                                                                        recently relocat
                                                                       Taiwan. We ed to the U.S. from                       be proactive college, that they will
                                                                                                                                               about joining
                                                                       decade of thank them for their                       church and growin                    a good
                                                                      Victory Englis     faithful minist                                             g in their faith.
                                                                                                          ry with          8 th CHAD John
                                                                      pray for a goodh Fellowship and                                             9
                                                                      new season of            transition                      Jeremy
                                                                                           ministry in theto their       the WelcomeStanton asks prayer for
                                                                     4 th N. AMER                                        as many are Center neighborhood,

  If you’d like a printed copy of this month’s Daily Prayer
                                                                                          ICA John 5                                          withou   t daily power
                                                                         Pray for                                        The power grid                                .
                                                                                                                                                 is in great need
                                                                    Narvesen and Dave and Sonja                         repair.                                     of
                                                                    travel out west children as they
                                                                   their work             to share the                  9 th N. AMER
                                                                                      in Chad. Pray vision of                                ICA John 10
                                                                   travels, good                        for                 Pray for
                                                                   connections             health, and safe            Smith as Matt and Christina

Notes, please e-mail the office, and we’ll send one out to
                                                                                      with churches.       good
                                                                                                                       homeschooli they explore good
                                                                                                                       Falls for theirng options in Fergus
                                                                                                                      year. Happy th       childre n in the comin
                                                                                                                      to Verity. 13 birthday tomorrow
                                                                             Internet Note:

you. (
                                                                                              You can access
                                                                                                               the Daily Prayer
                                                                                                                                  Notes online

Sept./Oct. Missionary Prayer Requests
The bimonthly prayer requests for Bethesda’s international
missionaries are available for download. We invite you to
join us in prayer and praise for Bethesda’s family around the
world. Download these prayer requests at:
September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
Sunday Gathering Notes
Name: __________________________ Date of Worship Service: _________

                                          What grade are you in: _________

Are you prepared to be with God and community today? I feel . . .
    Great! I’m ready to be here!
    Neutral. I’m here, and that’s fine.
    Distracted. I have a lot of things on my mind.
    Like I’d rather be someplace else. I’m not in the mood.

Who is giving the sermon today? ___________________________________

What is the sermon text for the message? ____________________________

List the main points of the message or attach the fill-in-the-blank statements
from the bulletin.




One part of the service that made a special impact on me today was:
    Music or Song
    Prayer Time
    Scripture Reading
    The Sermon
    Other _____________________________________________________

Why? (Describe how this part of the service impacted you) ______________


September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
How is God inviting you to trust him from the worship service? __________




How have you been encouraged in your relationship with God today?




How is God inviting you to apply something you heard today to your life?




What verse could you re-read, memorize, or carry with you this next week?




How can we pray for you this week? ________________________________



September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
Kids’ Sermon Note Sheet
           September 5, 2021
      The Scripture passages for the sermon today
      is Psalm 118. Can you find them in the Bible?

Make a tally mark every time you hear
Pastor Brian say the word “thanks.”

Circle any of the words below that you hear. Underline ones
that you would like to know more about or find out what
they mean:

      Good        Love         Endure      Forever

      Faith       Refuge       Power       Cornerstone

Draw or list some things you are thankful for:

What is something from the sermon that you have a
question about? Who could you ask?
September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
Our 2021–22 ministry year starts up on Sunday, September 12th. Our full slate of
LIFEgroups will be kicking off that day, along with the Children’s Ministry program
“The Family Journey.” Other programs will have later start dates. We’re planning to
have food trucks on hand as we gather outside for food and fellowship! We’ll also
have information tables for each LIFEgroup on Sept. 12 so that you can learn more
about them!
                        Make plans to be here, Sept. 12th!

Join our Hospitality Team!
Help us give people a warm, Bethes-
da welcome! Community is core to
our church family. We’re looking for
people who can help prepare and
serve coffee and snacks on our Brew
Crew. We’re also looking for Greeters
who will be stationed throughout the
building to welcome people and help
them find what they’re looking for.
You can also help as an Usher during
our worship services. And even if you worship online, you can help us welcome
people as Online Hosts for our services!
We’re looking for women and men who can serve one Sunday a month, as well as
people who can help as subs occasionally. There are opportunities for families to
serve together, too. If you’re interested, please email us at info@bethesdalutheran.
org. We hope to have teams in place by September 8th, so contact us soon.
September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
Children’s Ministry Programs 2021–22
Sunday Mornings, starting September 12:
THE FAMILY JOURNEY: Discovering the Great I AM in the Gospel of John
 — Designed for kids, parents, grandparents and friends to discover,
 explore, share, and respond to what God is teaching us. (During the Com-
 munity Life time, 9:40–10:20)

Sunday Mornings, start date to be determined:
KIDS CONNECT— Classes for kids 2 years old to 3rd grade, using the Jesus
  Storybook Bible curriculum. (During both worship services, 8:30 and 10:30)

Wednesday Evenings, starting September 29:
KALEIDOSCOPE KIDS — Large group worship & teaching in the sanctuary
 (families invited to join us) followed by age-specific classroom activities
 for pre-K through 5th grade (6:15–7:45 pm)

Wednesday Evenings, starting October 6:
PARENTS & LITTLES TOGETHER — An interactive time of music and play
  for parents, infants and toddlers. Come early to participate in Kaleido-
  scope Kids large group time, then stay longer to hang out together (think
  “play group”) (6:45–7:05 pm)
Register for all the above programs at:
trations/events. Even if you don’t plan to attend for several weeks, register-
ing now will help us to plan well.

If you have any questions about these programs or are interested in helping
out with these programs, please contact Dorie Fink:

Infant and Toddler Nurseries
 Beginning this weekend, we will have the nurseries staffed for both the
8:30 and 10:30 services. We are asking that you please register your chil-
dren before arriving on Sunday mornings. Registrations open every Sat-
urday morning. Registration link:
We are also looking for volunteers to help staff our nurseries. If you are
interested in serving our church family spending part of your Sunday
mornings hanging out with infants and toddlers, please contact Liz Rico
September 5, 2021 - Bethesda Lutheran Church
Kairos Intensive
Sundays: August 15th–September 19th
9:40 am – 10:20 am in the Student Ministry Room
Focus: A hands on Bible Study with emphasis on how to
study the Bible
High school students are invited to join on Sunday morn-
ings between services. Feel free to pick up breakfast food
in the lobby area on your way to the Student Ministry
Room. This Bible Study will be led by Todd Lenz. This is one
of many options during Community Time that we are ex-
cited to have available to our high school students.

New College LIFEgroup
Sunday mornings during Community Time
Beginning August 1st, 9:40 am – 10:20 am, in room 313
All college students (or college-age) are invited to join on Sunday mornings be-
tween services. Grab coffee and some breakfast food in the lobby area on your way
to room 313. We will have engaging community and a relevant Bible study/discus-
sion. Led by Greg and Vidie Munson and Eric Johnson.

Gather will meet Thursday,
September 9 at 7:00 pm in the
Sanctuary. Featured will be a
panel of three Bethesda women
discussing the subject of Hospi-
tality. There are so many types of
hospitality and opportunities to
practice in each of our lives. Join-
ing us on this panel will be Janet
Amundson, Faye Rose and Melissa Matthews. Come join us too! (Just a
note: we will not be live-streaming unless you hear otherwise!)
Check out our Gather ‘Round newsletter at the welcome center and you’ll
learn more about Gather.
Gather is part of Bethesda’s Women Ministry and meets the second Thurs-
day evening of every month. Our Mission Statement: Women from every
age and stage in their spiritual journey gathering to intentionally grow in
their love, knowledge and relationship with God and each other, encour-
aging one another in faith in Christ through the redemptive work of the
Holy Spirit.
Opportunities to Care for Each Other Through Meals
If you would be interested in helping, we have several options. You may let us know
through the e-mail address if you are interested in help-
ing with any of the following:
Preparing and delivering a meal
• Preparing or purchasing a freezer meal (such as lasagna) to store at church
• Providing a pantry meal (such as pasta and sauce) to store at church
• Delivering a meal
• Providing a financial gift to purchase meals
If you are in need of a meal, please be sure to reach out to us through that same e-mail

 Online giving is available through our website and through Bethesda’s app. If you
 don’t have the app, yet, you can text “BETHESDALBC” TO (833) 656-0077 to get a
 link to download it, or give from our website at
Online Study Resources
As we continue to discover routines again, it’s important that we’re anchored in God’s
Word. Maybe you need resources that will help you study God’s Word on your own, or
maybe you can use these tools to create a shared experience with someone else.
    Here are some resources that we think can help you grow in your relationship with

RightNow Media: The cost is covered. It’s like a Netflix of Bible Studies with content
for kids, students, and adults. Create your account with this link: www.rightnowmedia.
org/Account/Invite/bethesdalutheran — YouVersion — lots of versions of
Scripture, lots of reading plans — Another website with lots of versions
of Scripture, study helps, and reading plans

Daily Quiet Time from IVP: — A daily
Bible study resource from InterVarsity

Devotional Life: —
Devotional resources from The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel One Chapter at a Time: — A
resource from Paul Tripp Ministries.

The Bible Project: — Great teaching videos and study ideas
to help you learn more about what the Bible says.
(Links in this PDF are live. Click on them to open a URL.)

Our Weekly E-mail: — One of our main ways of commu-
nicating with you. E-mails go out on Wednesday afternoons, but during this time when
we’re unable to meet together in person, we may be using it more often.

Our Website: — You will typically find a link to our YouTube channel as
well as sermon notes and kids’ sermon notes at the top of our main page.

Bethesda App: Download at the App Store for iOS or at Google Play for Android
devices — Find sermon notes, weekly connection card, submit prayer requests, and do
online giving. Previous sermons are also available on the app.

Streaming Services: — This is our website for live-streaming all
our worship services. You can access bulletins, resources, participate in live chat or live
prayer, and view previous services here.

Facebook: — Announcements, updates, and other
ministry resources.

Instagram: — Music and encouragement,
mostly from Aaron!

YouVersion Bible App: — A popular Bible appli-
cation offering dozens of translations as well as devotionals and reading plans. You can
also connect with others through the app.
You can also read