KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church

Page created by Amber Rhodes
KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church
KUM YAN methodist church
                                         english service

                                             03 July
Sunday Service, 9am

Rev James Chan

Recognizing the Enemy of Our Destiny -
1 Sam 15:12-30 (NLV)
KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church
from the pastor’s heart                                                                REV PHILIP LIM
“And you are to love those who are foreigners,         community. Also, the group from Hong Kong has
for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.”          chosen to worship with us primarily because of
Deuteronomy 10:19                                      our Cantonese Worship Service. Hence, familiar
Deuteronomy contains a series of discourse on          language is something we can offer. As a church
how God’s people ought to conduct themselves           we can also offer spiritual comfort to these new
as they enter the promised land. One of the            immigrants. Such small steps of kindness will go
instructions was the treatment of foreigners.          a long way to make a difference for them in a
                                                       foreign land.
Singapore is a multicultural nation and we
can easily find foreigners in our midst. They          Like the Israelites in the Old Testament, we
are with us in our schools, workplaces and             know how it feels like to be foreigners who
neighborhood. In the past 2 years, our church          are thousands of miles away from home. In
has seen an increasing number of foreigners            fact, some of us have had the opportunity
worshipping with us. Hence, it is timely to be         to spend extended time in a foreign land for
reminded of Moses’s instruction – to love those        work or studies, and we had the experience
who are foreigners.                                    of being helped. The call now is for us to help
                                                       our new friends, who will in turn help others.
Last Sunday, the church hosted a get-together          Their positive experience of love, friendship
session for more than 10 new families who had          and acceptance here serve as a spring board for
started coming to our church. All of them are          them to help others later. What goes around,
from Hong Kong and quite a few of them had             comes around! To God be the Glory!
only been in Singapore for less than a year.
They have all left their home country and are
in Singapore for various reasons. Being new,
                                                       family news
they have to undergo a period of adjustments. I        WELCOME TO CHURCH!
imagine it must be with a heavy heart that they        We are so glad you have come to join us today
have to be separated from their aged parents at        to worship God and be encouraged by His Word.
home. They also have to give up familiar way           We would love to connect with you! If you would
of doing things and learn new things as well           like some prayer, or to find out more about God
as culture. They have to make new friends and          or Church, Services and Cell Groups, please
rebuild their lives.                                   get in touch with any of our Hospitality Team,
To start afresh is not easy. I urge all of you to      Pastors or Leaders.
extend your warm welcome to these newcomers.
Please take the first step to befriend them and        BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT
make them feel part of KY community. One               Congratulations to Brian and Candice Wong on
suggestion is when you go for your lunch after         the birth of their daughter, Edith, on 21 June.
Service, invite them to join you.                      Rejoicing with the family and may the Lord add
                                                       strength and wisdom to them!
Many of them are attending the Cantonese
Worship Service, and their children are in JYdZ        FAREWELL TO THE LIEBI FAMILY
or JYC, where the leaders there are already
                                                       We bid a fond farewell to Joel, Andrea and their
reaching out to them. A few of them will drop by
                                                       children Colette, Louis, Xavier and Nico as they
the English and Mandarin Worship Services too.
                                                       return to Switzerland to settle down for work
Let us take the opportunity to get to know them.
                                                       and school. They will certainly be missed and we
What does it mean to “love the foreigners”?            bless them all to always abide in the love of our
As a church we can do so by being their friend.        Heavenly Father, the joy in Christ Jesus and the
After all, one part of our mission is to be a caring   peace of the Holy Spirit.
KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church
                                                    Dig deeper into God’s Word by studying entire
                                                    books of the Bible using the Inductive Bible Study
                                                    method. While PUP studies require the student
                                                    to spend 5 hours per week on the homework
                                                    assignments, it will be time well-spent in the
                                                    Word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
                                                    PUP Inductive Bible Study - 2022 Discipleship
Link to online prayer guide:
                                                    • Philippians - How to Have Joy (9) - Completed!
Prayer entries are available one day at a time
                                                    • 1 Thessalonians - You: Blameless at His Coming
from 12.01 am.
                                                      (7) - Starts August
Paul’s letter to the Philippians is the subject     • 2 Thessalonians - So You Won’t Be Deceived
matter for this year’s 40.day prayer.                 About His Coming (4) - Starts October
Philippians is both a timeless and a timely word    1 Thessalonians - You: Blameless at His Coming
for the post-pandemic Church in the city-state
                                                    “Go … and make disciples …” (Matthew 28:19).
of Singapore. Use the prayer guide for personal
                                                    That is our Lord’s command. None who know and
meditation and prayer as well as join others over
                                                    love God can avoid it! Here is a book that will
Zoom to pray for our little Red Dot.
                                                    give the “how” to those who would obey. First
Corporate prayer is also happening daily from       Thessalonians: evangelism and discipleship in
Monday to Friday, 12pm–1pm during this 40.day       action! This is just the book for such a time as this
season. To join please use -                        – the return of our Lord Jesus Christ is near!
Zoom ID: 859 9870 5300 • PW: PraySG                 1st timers to PUP are most welcome! You will
                                                    need to attend the introductory class (on Zoom)
upcoming classes                                    on Saturday 23 July, 2.30–4.00pm to prepare
                                                    yourself for the homework and lessons.
                                                    Saturday Class, 2.30-5.00 pm
Date & Time: 17, 24, 31 July 2022, 11am to 1pm      2022 Aug 6, 13, 20, 27; Sep 10, 17, 24
Venue: KYdZhaven (L5)                               Thursday Class, 9.30 am-12.00 pm
                                                    2022 Aug 11, 18, 25; Sep 1, 15, 22, 29
Title: The Life Of Christ: The 33 years that
changed time and eternity.                          • Lessons 1 & 7: On-site
                                                    • Lessons 2-6: On Zoom
Teacher: Dr Koh Siang Kiang (Christian Education
Professor, Singapore Bible College)                 Registration: Open 3 to 20 July. To register, email
                                                    joanna@kumyan.org.sg your Name, Contact No.
Session 1: Background, Birth and Beginning of
                                                    and Choice of class.
                                                    Cost of materials: $15 (incl cross references)
Session 2: Galilean, Judean, Perean Ministry to
Final Week of Christ ministry on earth;             Payment by internet banking to Kum Yan
                                                    Methodist Church indicating “Your name (1
Session 3: Upper Room Discourse, Trial, Death,
Burial, Resurrection, Ascension & Pentecost.
                                                    Materials can be collected after the worship
Registration Period: 12 June to 10 July 2022
                                                    service on July 10,17 & 24* between 10.30-11am
To register, please email Joanna at joanna@         in the carpark. (*new students will need to collect
kumyan.org.sg                                       their materials before 23 July)
KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church
WEEKLY ON-SITE SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES               kum yan prayer agenda
 TIME      CONGREGATION     VENUE                    Prayer for our Family
           English *        L3 Sanctuary             • Let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to stir our hearts
 9am       KYdZ             L5 KYdZhaven             and prepare our minds to do the work of God,
           Mandarin         L6 The Living Room       to spread the Good News, and bring the gift of
 10am      JYC              L7 The Upper Room        Jesus Christ to all people around us.
                                                     Prayer for the church
 11am      Cantonese        L3 Sanctuary
                                                     • Let’s pray for the unity of the church, to be
 1.30pm    YC               L6 The Living Room       united in One Mission, united in Christ, even
                                                     when we take different paths, with different
*Online service (livestream) will continue for the   culture and different emphasis.
sake of those who are unable to come on-site         Prayer for Singapore
due to illness, mobility issues (senior members),
                                                     • Let’s pray for our government as they battle
caregivers who are homebound and attendees
                                                     against high inflation and potential economic
who may be overseas. The worship service will
                                                     recession to give our people a dignified and
not be available for viewing at another time
                                                     sustainable life.
beyond the actual service timing.
                                                     • Let’s pray for Singapore as we prepare for the
NOTES ON ONSITE WORSHIP SERVICES                     fifth covid-19 infection wave. May the Lord have
                                                     mercy on us.
• As of 26 April 2022, Vaccination-Differentiated
                                                     Prayer for the World
  SMMs (VDS) was removed from congregational
  worship services and other mask-on religious       •Let’s continue to pray for the people in Ukraine,
  activities (eg Sunday School; Cell, Ministry       Russia, Myanmar etc. who are still living in great
  and Prayer meetings CY except for activities       suffering in times of war and conflict. May the
  involving more than 500 pax at any one time.       Lord grant mercy on them and give them peace.
                                                     •Let’s pray for families in the world as we
• Worshippers are required to wear their masks
                                                     are again affected and impacted by the loud
  at all times while in Church.
                                                     Media which has been pushing its agenda
• Singing is allowed with masks on.                  especially with the release of the new movie
                                                     “Lightyear” which is for children but promotes
• Safe distancing between individuals is no
                                                     homosexuality again. May the Lord have mercy
  longer required.
                                                     on all of us and guide us to the model of life that
NOTES ON CHURCH PREMISES                             He has prescribed for us.
• The centre wooden door and carpark gate will
  be unlocked on Tuesdays to Sundays, 9am-           kum yan prayer meetings
  6pm.                                               All are welcome to join in our weekly prayer
                                                     meetings conducted on Zoom. Do contact the
• Eating is allowed in KY at designated areas eg.
                                                     church office or the respective contact person
  Fellowship Room, Carpark Dining area, with
                                                     for the Zoom link.
  specific guidelines*.
                                                     • PRAY! SINGAPORE (MORNING PRAYER)
• Only water is allowed in carpeted worship          Sundays, 6.30am-7.30am, Zoom (contact Cell
  halls.                                             Leaders)
*Kindly contact the Church office for further info   • KY MISSIONS PRAYER MEETING
or if you require any further clarification on the   Tuesdays, 8pm-930pm, Zoom (contact Li Cheng)
above.                                               • KY WATCH & PRAY
                                                     Wednesdays, 8pm-9pm, Zoom (contact Queenie)
KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church
接纳成为会友                                                      接纳成为会友
                   Reception into Membership                                   Reception into Membership
                          10 / 07 / 2022                                              10 / 07 / 2022
粤语崇拜 CANTONESE CONGREGATION                                   英语崇拜 ENGLISH CONGREGATION

 Chan Lai Sheung       Chong Chew Moy     Hew Fang Chung        Chong Hwei Sing         Lau Yew Wen        Soh Jia Jie
     陈丽嫦                   张九妹               丘宏聪                    Jesslyn                Edwin            蘇家杰
                                                                    张慧芯                    刘友文

  Leong Lai Yen          Kwok Lai Ngor         Pang Lai Yin      Tan Shixuan           Teoh Ling Hui
     梁丽燕                   郭丽娥                   彭礼贤               Isabelle               张灵慧

  Yip Ka Wing
KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church
接纳成为会友                                        接纳成为会友
                 Reception into Membership                     Reception into Membership
                        10 / 07 / 2022                                10 / 07 / 2022

    Cao Bin            Goh Gok Siang    Oon Boon Wee    Yoon Yeok Chin     Zheng Jia Lin
     曹斌                   吴国祥             Brandon          熊玉珍               郑佳琳

 Peng Xiangda            Peng Yan        See Hong Onn
     Kris                  彭艳               史冯安

  Teo Heng Wan          Yang Yang      Yoon Yeok Choo
     张兴望                  Krystal          Shirley
                           杨洋             熊玉珠
KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church
CONTACT US                                      OUR VISION
TELEPHONE        6337 6196                     To be a caring community, a lighthouse
WEB              www.kumyan.org.sg             and home in the city; bringing hope
EMAIL            enquiry@kumyan.org.sg         and purpose through a life-changing
                                               relationship with Jesus Christ to
ADDRESS          1 Queen Street (S) 188534
                                               all peoples of all ages.
OFFICE HOURS     9am - 6pm (Mon - Sat)

                                                      ENGLISH CONGREGATION
            PASTORS & STAFF                    CELL GROUPS
PASTOR-IN-CHARGE                               10:25                       Orchard
Rev Philip Lim                   ext 113 113   ABCD                        Queen Street
                                               Commonwealth                River Valley
Rev Herman Kan                   ext 109       East Coast                  Stamford
                                               Full House                  Sunset Way
                                               Haven                       Toa Payoh
Pastor Simon Say                 ext 119       Hazel                       Victoria
PASTORS                                        Hougang                     West Coast
Pastor Ian Wong                  ext 124       New Creation                WIP
Pastor Joseph Chen               ext 110
Pastor Lam Siong Yeng            ext 123       MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE
Pastor Law Poh Ing               ext 112       Cheryl Leong               Gerald Ng
Pastor Rebecca Kwok              ext 111       Grace Tan                  Jason Wong
                                               Jimson Low                 Nicole Wee
Phua Huey Ming                   ext 118       Rebecca Chung              Steven Loo
Kan Bick Yee                     ext 101

                                                              GIVING ONLINE
Lee Ee Hoong                     ext 108       Detailed instructions and important information
                                               on giving online can be found on our website:
Bernard Chan                  ext 104
Lee Guan Hock (Church Keeper)
                                               ACCOUNT: Kum Yan Methodist Church
Ang Chien Yun (AVL)           ext 106
                                               A/C TYPE: DBS Bank Current / Autosave Account
MINISTRY STAFF                                 A/C NO:   033-002463-0
Joanna Foo (English)             ext 105       PAYNOW
Kerin Goh (Youth)                ext 122       UEN:        S87CC0539B
Queenie Seah (Youth)             ext 122       Please provide the following information for all online
Kevin Chan (Children)            ext 117       gifts (in-transaction / email eehoong@kumyan.org.sg)
Tan Li Cheng (Missions)          ext 103       • Pseudonym • Congregation • Type & Amount
KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church KUM YAN 03 July 2022 - Kum Yan Methodist Church
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